edX: Courses by Harvard & MIT

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User Reviews for edX: Courses by Harvard & MIT

4.7 out of 5
7K Ratings
3 years ago, Mrbnice
Small business start up
This amazing you all have something like these for all walks of life. Taking advantage of these one by one and has sparked a light in me to live my dream. Here in America great land and love but we have fallen to being selfish and think of ourselves. Professionals become like a Pandora’s box to never be open again until they reach the Almighty. Teaching your brother in to make goals, never let them fall, help them in time of need, give them a skill to lift their own business up and then opening the doors for your mate to make business of their own is a fairytale. That’s what I see if missing on making America great again. Feeling for your neighbor is key. Thank you for this opportunity and I’m flying through the course and taking notes bc believe you me I’m taking advantage and making a whole new world to help out our people!
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6 years ago, Pyurmak64
I was able to download the app, create an account, find and enroll in a course, and watch the introductory video within a matter of minutes. There appears to be a large number of available courses covering a wide range of topics. Each course has a syllabus as well as detailed descriptions of the parting knowledge one will have acquired upon completion. Instructors will grade your submissions through the class, yielding a final grade. There’s even an option to receive an official certificate of completion. I’ll hold off on that prior to more research—it costs $99. Curiously, the few courses I looked at were offered through what one could call “3rd party affiliate universities”. Perhaps I didn’t read the full app description but I was under the impression these would be actual Harvard courses. Nevertheless, so far so good and I am looking forward to enjoying the learning process. Highly recommended.
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5 years ago, shhsjekdje d bdhj
World Class Teachings
As a seasoned professional, I am delighted to find free educational and reputable courses that are endorsed by Professors and Top Institutions across the Globe. I would recommend taking courses if One is either 1) 'testing' out the waters to see if she/he is really wanting to pursue further certifications or degrees 2) to check off your "bucket list" aka-dreams of attending a Top Notch ranked higher institute of learning or simply for personal enrichment. The concept of try before you "buy" is evident in the fee that is optional for the Certificate or Degree. Lastly, the utilization of video instruction along with interesting and engaging Q&A enables a student to keep moving forward to quench Ones love for learning.
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7 years ago, yoyosmo74
Before you spend time adding additional features, u need to make sure the basic features exist for the software u have developed. In this case, the ability to know where you left off in a video lecture. It is crucial. Coursera does a great job of highlighting where u are in the course although their last update was bizarre UX wise. Edx has a much nicer design but is missing some basics which mean people end up using the desktop version. I dont know about everyone else but Im not going to download the videos, so while the latest update is great for those that are, it would be great if the next feature to focus on is letting users know (via bookmark) where they are in the course. Also "last accessed" is not the same thing and should be an additional feature. I would also like to be able to hide or remove archived classes from my course list using some kind of filtering. But def not as important as basic bookmarking.
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3 years ago, loudrockz
Great app, though not free of clunk
This organization had brought great courses to the web. Though not always the top recording abilities, teachers have shared their courses to many. The app is very simple in ui though sometimes clunky and strange. It appears to do everything it needs to do. To be able to learn on the go is amazing. I like that it has a hot key to pick up where you left off, though like many online courses doesn’t always know exactly where you really left off. Like say I didn’t complete the reading or even watch a video, it might just drop you where it thinks you’d start next time. Not a large issue if you are regularly getting to your courses. I had to log out and log back in to get my courses, which might have been a password issue.
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5 years ago, iter8
Content is great, app is terrible
EdX has world class educational content but the app itself is poorly designed and glitchy. I should never have to leave the app to access content. If I leave the app to access content on a browser, I shouldn’t see a link to download the app in the browser window. Radial buttons should just work; I cringe at the idea of my progress getting lost because someone couldn’t design a form effectively. When exploring courses by subject, the default page should be the one that shows all the subjects. I don’t care about featured courses because they’re not personalized. With the recent update I’m supposed to be able to view all content in English because that’s the language in my settings. There’s something wrong and all the courses are showing up in Spanish. Come on people, I don’t do digital UX and even I know this stuff. If it weren’t for the fact that the content is good, this would be a one star review.
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5 years ago, juareza94
Could Be Much Better
Visually, the app could use a lot of work. This app is good at just looking at courses and reviewing materials but when it comes to watching lectures, there’s several issues. On my device, the whole screen is not used for playback and there are horrendous white AND black borders. Also, you can’t watch a video for more than 3 seconds without the play/pause button, scrubbing, and volume buttons popping up blocking content. The site is much better at full screen and I will be sticking with that. Also, the iPad version doesn’t support split screen unless you use the site so again, site wins. A mobile app should have utility and it doesn’t offer anything more than the site does. In fact, it offers way less (besides downloading videos which again, don’t do any good). No need for an app if that’s the case.
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2 years ago, Live. Laugh. Love Music.
EDX is one of two MOOCs that I use most, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn online. However, the app is terrible. It lacks features such as removing a course from the dashboard. The search feature could also be greatly improved. I like that courses can be saved, but there is no tab to see saved courses. Also, when I take quizzes within the app, the app keeps glitching and reloading the quiz question over and over again. Even closing and reopening the app doesn’t help. Videos freeze up. The app crashes. This app needs a ton of improvement. As for the EDX platform itself, it is good overall, but there is room for improvement there as well. For instance, there shouldn’t be a fee for people to be able submit assignments if the course is outdated, discussion forums are deserted, or there is no instructor/staff support. Courses severely lacking in those areas should either be free or removed from the platform.
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5 years ago, José_luis
Offline content and re-logins are a mess
I used to use this app about 2 years ago, but stopped using because the app was almost unusable in places without internet connection, even for offline content. Now, I’ve started using again and the same irritating bugs are still there, showing that this app does not receive any attention. The only time I have to watch courses is when I am in the subway, where internet connection does not exist, so it’s really painful to be in the middle of a video and it simply logs me out and asks to log in again. With no connection, it is not possible. Apart from that, only videos can be downloaded for offline study (when it works offline), all the rest of the content cannot. I have been seeing some courses that I would be interested in paying for the certificate, but studying the whole content offline in the iPhone is impossible, even for watching the videos.
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7 years ago, flybone89
Website is a Better Experience
I tried using the app, but overall it is a worse experience compared to the website. The interface is so sparse and missing so many visuals or features that I can get on the website. But I do like the ability to download video lessons and would at least have tried using the app if it weren’t for... It won’t properly track my course progress! I just completed several lessons and when I came back to the app and checked on the website, it showed I hadn’t moved at all. But when I went back and went through the same lessons on the website, my current position and progress were updated correctly. So appears to be a bug with the app? This is a showstopper obviously - I can’t use the app if it won’t keep track of where I am in the course. So for now, back to the website until this is fixed...
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5 years ago, Itskatieyooo
Great information
This app is fantastic in terms of finding courses, enrolling in them, and having instructors who can adequately relay information, which is key for retaining information. There is a wide variety of subjects and courses available to the public. The app is receiving only 4 stars as opposed to 5 because of user-friendliness. When I click the expand button on a video lecture, the video only turns horizontally and it removes captions. It does not expand the video to fit my phone screen. When I tap the screen to remove the buttons (pause, rewind, etc) to see lecturer and diagrams clearly, they immediately pop up again. Lastly, I can not zoom on to the video to see diagrams up close, which is problematic. For these reasons, I prefer to use the mobile website as opposed to the app.
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9 months ago, Fixen06
A great node for Knowledge of various types
I came onto EDX in search of bettering my “career” in game design, and have been greeted by courses like Harvard’s CS50, and since I started it and learned a bit more about coding, I felt inspired to get into the studio more often and work with stuff. I feel that the spark of inspiration that CS50 gave me brought me from a passion job to being paid, even if only a little bit, (As I’m not actually that old, my parents are surprised I even have a job!) because I am still bettering my career. I also firmly believe that knowledge and education should be available to all, and like EDX does too.
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7 years ago, EDGABA
Website is better in some cases except...
I love EDX, I think is great source of knowledge, with that said the app does need some improving, here are my suggestions. 1. The ability to bookmark your page is a must! If you use safari or chrome on the iPad EDX will allow you to bookmark your page and come back later to where you left off, the app takes you back to the beginning of a module. 2. Another must have is the ability to upload files, which again you are allowed to do if using a browser it not if using the app. One advantage I did notice of the app over a browser is that you can download the videos for later viewing offline so that is something you can’t do with a browser. For now I will be using a browser and only the app to download the videos if I know I’ll be somewhere offline. I think I like the browser experience better, till they add the must have features, ability to bookmark and the ability to upload files. If you think you’re going to be offline for a while and want to keep advancing than the app,is a no brainer.
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4 years ago, AnonymissJess
Great Tool
I love the courses offered on EDX and as someone who is low-income and raises three kids this is an amazing tool for me. I loved academics when I was younger and after a tumultuous adolescence/young adult years I missed out on a lot of opportunities to learn. Now I can do it at my own pace with universities that I could never dream of attending. I am so grateful for this website/app. The interface for the app seems quite user-friendly and easy to use. The course folders/options could probably use some tweaking on display and maybe a few more management options when looking at your courses displayed but all-in-all, I am happy and grateful.
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5 years ago, Admcit
The Challenge
We are programmed to associate with cost with value, yet, in the case of EdX, you have to move past that. The courses are free unless you are looking for a certificate of completion. But being free does not mean it is of little value. These are legit Harvard courses that I am taking, and the investment is made in time, not capital ... but the returns will definitely lead to capital gains is applied. The best feature for anyone who travels for work is the ability to download the classes before being away from data signals. I watch EdX on flights instead of inflight entertainment. Download it, commit to following through, and stay the course.
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4 years ago, DaveLeopold
Great learning tool, but poor app
I find edX is a great way to find amazing courses and to get yourself up to date with technology, further your career by acquiring certificates from well known institutions. My only critic is the app, it is not as flawless as the website. First of all it is imposible to know where you have left off, as it doesn’t show you the course segments that you have already visited on the website with a tick symbol. Also every segment is separated by a different link, making it more confusing compared to the website. I think a little bit of effort should be made to make the app experience as good as the website, then I would give it a 5 stars review. Looking forward to the enhancements of the app and learning experience.
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4 years ago, asdbjbf
Rating for edX
this is a great app. So many amazing courses, many of which had excelled my knowledge and skills. If you think you are too young to take college courses on here, as a former middle schooler, don’t. The courses are for anyone with the ability to stay on track and have a decent work routine. I have but only one problem with the app. Oftentimes, i find myself logged out when i have never even logged out if the app, which can be annoying sometimes. Ps. i definitely recommend taking the harvard cs50 course. When you are done it will be a 380 jump for your brain. Absolutely fantastic. The enthusiastic professor is very engaging and the class work is easy to follow along with. Love it!
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6 years ago, همام زغدودي
A 5 Stars Website, A 3 Stars App
Personally I find Edx as a learning treasure, when I first found it I felt like stumbling in AliBaba’s cave. However the app experience is not that much pleasant, guys you can get inspiration from other learning platforms apps. If you have the chance to read my comment, I suggest 3 simple features that you can start with and make the app more attractive to learn in the go : 1) on the iPad (and it goes the same to the big phones) take advantage of screen real estate and organize courses as tiles that spread on all the screen. Scrolling waaaay down at the moment is not efficient. 2) on these tiles, add a progress bar that show where we are and the possibility to pick up where left off, also you can populate these nice tiles with important information like when course starts, ends, illegibility to certificate, current or archived... 3) add the possibility to fave a course without enrolling keeping the first tab only fir course that I’m taking and a fav tab for all the course that I’m willing to take. Hope you find my comment constructive and hope that I can see at least some of these features in future releases. Thank you, and keep the good courses coming.
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3 years ago, CadeFrost333
Excellent online learning platform.
If you’ve never learned from an online platform it will only take roughly 15 minutes to understand how the course structure is set up. Once you’ve taken a full course all courses are set up in the same way. If you’re intimidated take your time. In comparison to going to a physical campus, and it taking a week to find your way around to each class this is a breeze, besides where else are you going to get a free world-class education, from world-class thought leaders and professors? 5-stars is not enough.
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6 years ago, Frankie Wahl
Improving life with a free education
EdX is lightyears ahead of most of the American education system, by offering free courses that are relevant to the actual job force this app receives my highest educational app rating. By offering optional certifications (with a small fee) that may be used to further your job search and enhance your job skills EdX goes above and beyond my expectations. I look forward to many classes and to broadening my mind a bit more. Thank you EdX and the professors who spend their quality time to deliver a free education to those of us who cannot otherwise afford one. (Insert high five here: _________)
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6 years ago, AspiringIce
Good, but not without error
So far in my experience with edX, I can definitively say that it’s one of the best educational apps on the App Store. Personally, I think that the website looks and feels better than the app because of a minor bug I found with the app. When viewing a video is full screen, the bar at the top that displays time, battery, etc is still visible, except it’s still orientated as if the device were being held vertically as with normal use. Is there any fix for this or will I have to wait for a bug fix or something? Also, I can’t use the offline mode for the app, it just keeps trying to load the online mode.
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5 years ago, Jerdoh
Great content, but the app needs some work
I really enjoy the content offered by EdX, however the app doesn’t seem to offer all the access to the course materials. You can download videos and read some of the information, but things like a syllabus or lecture slides seem to be missing on the courses I’ve looked at. On the video side, the overlay (pause, rewind, settings, etc) doesn’t go away if you tap the video to pause it. Also the video doesn’t fill the screen when my device goes into landscape mode, it seems to sit a bit off the bottom of the screen and appears as if the top edge of the video is off screen.
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4 years ago, BMF Nick the king
The future of learning!
This platform is wonderful. This mode of learning is the future. If you have the hustle, are willing to grind, and want to get ahead in business and life start now. This app/ website is one of the most useful tools to get ahead and fill your personal knowledge gaps. I am a well educated six figure professional working for a multibillion dollar company. My career has been build on sweat equity, not a profound wealthy upbringing. Any person can be any thing if you put in the time! Sign-up for a class, buckle-up, and hold on tight! The sky is the limit with this app.
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4 years ago, JesseLynnFLIP
Education from Home
This is one of the greatest opportunities I have been introduced to. A great way to further my knowledge and education. Lectures are easy to follow, and have the ability to pause whenever necessary. In contrast, the one thing I would change is offering the practice problems/quizzes to those not seeking to pay for credits or certifications. Some are solely seeking to gain personal knowledge, and to better understand a subject. Lectures are wonderful, and practice problems for all would be even better. Overall, a great app with endless opportunities.
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5 years ago, 😎ola
The best learning app so far
The team that developed this app, I honestly don’t know what to call you guys but Geniuses. You guys deserved accolades. There are too many to talk about ranges from the free learning stuff, the simplicities applied in explaining the subjects and using practical examples to make it looks like am practicing the course already. This app has improved my knowledge learning bookkeeping and I’d recommend it for anyone willing to learn any course. I had also recommended it to my siblings and friends, that is to tell you how good this app is. It’s a must have for everyone!!
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4 months ago, TheNicknamesAreAllTakenx100
Love app, hate ai oval that can’t be moved or hidden
I looooove EdX and just downloaded the app to my new phone. There is the MOST ANNOYING oval for ai chat that I can’t move or hide. It literally covers up the sentence and search results I’m trying to read and scroll through. What a terrible idea! It’s so irritating I’m ready to delete the app and seek other options. Please remove the ai chat oval; or make a tab at bottom of screen; or let me slide it out of my reading view. Anything but that stain on my screen that it is now.
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8 months ago, anonymous5739294
Paid college is obselete
the resources here are so much higher quality than anywhere is it’s not even comparable. and it’s all F R E E. the level of education offered per course is incredible. once companies recognize the value of “having the knowledge” rather than “having the degree” then paid college with be completely obsolete and this will take over. don’t even bother taking a computer science program in college unless it’s free because i guarantee this is higher quality. you heard it here first
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8 months ago, why_ga_why
Great for an ongoing learner
If you’re interested in the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge this is a great app! A good number of the courses are free or you have the option to pay for an official certificate at the end. Some of the more specific and advanced courses you have to pay a more hefty fee for. I’ve never done one of those and would still highly recommend this app based on the things you can access for free. Much more cognitively stimulating then shooting ball or color block match phone game.
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3 years ago, Barlosk1
Needs way to see what has been completed
I love edX just not this app. It’s easy to go through the content as long as you don’t have to refer to other external content that must be downloaded, like PDFs. I would give this app a 4 or 5 star rating if it weren’t for these 3 main complaints. First, you can’t see what has been completed when viewing lists of steps, assignments, or questions. On the website they have an awesome green check mark system that easily shows that to you and I’ve been waiting for to show on this app for years. Second, you can’t see all your purchased courses in the courses tab. You can only see the courses that have been already started, which means you have to search for the other courses you own that have not been started yet. Third, a filter is needed to filter out completed courses. While this isn’t as big of a problem as the other 2 issues, it’ll still be really nice to have. With the combination of all these fixes, it’ll let you more easily see what is next in terms of assignments and entire courses.
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4 years ago, mondo1024
This is the best idea ever. Now there are no excuses. This just makes it even easier for anyone, no matter where their from, to achieve greatness. Some people do have it harder than others. We don’t all start in the same place but this platform helps to even the playing field by giving people who ordinarily would not, did not, have a chance to do great things, achieve goals, make dreams come true, and ultimately help change and/or mold the lives of others. Thanks to all the universities that participate with edX.
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2 months ago, ItsReallyReal74
The future is now!
Still astonished!! I can attend Harvard (and other Ivy League schools) lectures and utilize their resources from the comfort of my home (and wallet). I’m confident in being able to pass exams and become certified sooner than ever imagined. I haven’t explored the app in its full capacity but it may help to have a notes section, transcript feature, and print feature for assignments or notes. I’m sure many others would have interest in a trial feature as far as exams go.
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5 years ago, Imogene that
The service being offered is great; there are tons of courses on tons of subjects. But the app lacks functionality for activities like pronunciation practices, drag and drop quizzes, etc. My only way to do these is on my iPhone, which made it downright impossible to do the components which were not supported. It’s disappointing because my motivation to keep up with the courses is fragile at best and hitting walls like this really takes the air out of my tires. The search function could stand to be improved as well. It was easier for me to search the website through Safari then open the one I wanted in the app.
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6 years ago, cheeriegirl
Very little value
Some videos will play in the app, others will not. There’s no way to edit your responses/comments after adding, not to mention, when you’re ready to post, the app defaults to the question tab and you have to remember to manually swipe over to the discussion tab. Instead it would be better, if I could decide (through radial buttons) if my response/comment fits a question or discussion. Also as another reviewer mentioned, tapping on active links takes you to the website where you can then read/download material. And, the app is not fully functional. In the help documentation, EdX recommends taking quizzes and other graded assignments on a computer web browser. Sigh ...
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6 years ago, sweetntart_
...should’ve come with a warning...!
Great app, great service...but: I enrolled in a class with 12 weeks of content that claimed to be self paced on 3/22. I paid to get the certificate and when I entered the classroom I see that I actually only have 9 weeks to complete the certificate bc the course ends 5/31. There should be some sort of warning before people throw away their money. Like “warning, you are enrolling late in this course, you will have to work through 12 weeks of work in 9 weeks, are you sure you can commit to this before you throw away your money?” ...I would’ve audited instead or waited until I could start with the full amount of time.
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4 years ago, Bbian
woot woot learnin (:
Being blessed with a friend who showed me this EDX site whiles back, I've always been fascinated with learning, & learning more at excelled rates. With this application, it kinda saved my mind from going without learning because my financial situation doesn't suit my drive to create & innovate with current means. I feel motivated again, especially with the opportunity to apprentice myself to highly achieved, intellectual angels who together provide education in such available ways. Thanks for another opportunity to grow my knowledge (:
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5 months ago, LabhraínMo
Great app. I’ve been able to audit some great courses that I enjoyed.
This app is wonderful. To have so many different courses from so many international universities has enabled me to dabble in many topics not in my field. I’ve had some great experiences and I would highly recommend for people who just love to learn. Also people who may be considering switching careers but don’t know what they want to do. This can give you a taste of many different fields and disciplines. Love it!
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5 years ago, Dashofhelp
Happy there’s but an app but it needs bug fixes.
I’m so happy theirs an app, which makes my on the go learning much easier but there are a few bug issues. 1. The screen doesn’t fully tilt horizontally. It actually makes the screen size smaller and it won’t go into full screen mode. 2. On the bottom half of the screen is a transcript which is awesome. The issue is every time a new line is reached, the screen for some reason interprets this as if I pressed it this causing the pause button and the scroll bar to show up and it stays there the whole time. This makes watching the video very difficult as I can’t fully see what’s on the screen. 3. Sometimes after restarting the app, the transcripts language choice is Arabic. I think I was able to fix this by changing my main language but not sure yet. Hope these bugs are fixed soon, until then I’m just going to have to use the website for the majority of my studying. Thank you so much!
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5 years ago, Fuzzy Reviews
edX is a scam
edX is a scam. It positions itself as a free education provider which it is not. The site is clearly designed to make it very difficult to find the free content and complete the courses. After you find the free content, known as “audit access,” and sign up you get six weeks to complete coursework that takes much longer to finish. Also, the “audit access” content comes without many of the perks (such as graded assignments, unlimited access, and a course certificate of completion which can be used on a job search or LinkedIn) of paid access which is known as “verified certificate.” And edX makes it abundantly clear that it wants you to pay with frequent prompts to “upgrade to verified certificate.” Try MIT OpenCourseWare if you want truly free top-notch coursework.
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4 years ago, GoldenArcade
EDX is such a helpful app
It is very important that education is accessible to everyone everywhere, and EDX is a fulfillment of that. It was recommended to me by a friend to supplement my learning over the summer, especially with the pandemic interfering with my usual studies. There are so many courses available in full for free, so long as you finish within the course deadlines. The verified track prices are fair, and I’ve purchased it a few times. This app is seriously so good and I thank all the schools and companies that have put their resources into it.
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2 years ago, Picasso 46
Rating edX app.
I have a older iPad Air, with an upgrade from this particular app I would not be able to take the course. And it keeps wanting me to upgrade the to the newer app. But if I upgrade to the newer app I would not be able to take the course due to the fact that I have a older iPad Air. With this edX apps I can take the course of a cell biology. So all upgrades are not good, unless you have a brand new iPad, which at this point I cannot afford.
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6 years ago, Bandills
About the app
Aloha everyone, This app is not perfect for some phones and coverage but I will go to the site instead if education is your priority, this system really adds up your resume, for my field as a cop, security, I took all the courses dealing with security, law, terrorism, human rights, leadership, and justice. Adding this all up in your resume will boost up your status, be competitive, be productive, if that’s your goal then this program is right for you, nothing wrong with riding a machine at the gym while listening or reading. Mahalo!
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3 years ago, Lin4234
Great App
I love how easy it is to use, if you’re a self learner and like teaching yourself new things I highly recommend this app. There are a wide variety of course materials to choose from, it almost feels like being in school without having to sit in the classroom and you can go at your own pace! I absolutely love it! You can also choose to have your work grades too but you’ll have to get the upgrade but nonetheless it’s a great app.
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1 year ago, sajed.sadman
EdX is a blessing
For a college student from a small country of Southeast Asia, this initiative of sharing high quality educational content for free, is truly a blessing. I hope the contents of this app remains free. This platform is changing people’s lives and I hope it will continue to do so by allowing people to access the courses for free. Heartfelt gratitude for all the people who created this incredible platform and also for the professors who are sharing their knowledge for free.
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9 months ago, Te’-te’
Great Resource
I find when learning online it is nice to have an app for your phone because you can access most of the applications besides some assignments that require a computer, like a coding lab. I highly recommend edX. They have helped me receive an education that I would have not been able to have otherwise. I also applied for a scholarship due to financial need and I was awarded the course. Thank you edX.
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3 years ago, Izella Bordeaux
Great Idea But…
This is a wonderful idea. I was so excited to be able to download this app and have the opportunity to learn and take classes on subjects I couldn’t afford to take in college. However, once downloaded, the app wouldn’t let me open any of the videos or some of the assignments. I deleted the app and downloaded it again, just to see if that worked, but it didn’t. I’m sure they’re still developing this app, which is why they get three stars instead of one, but I was really excited and hoping to expand my education.
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2 years ago, Annina Ibrahim
Amazing app!
I have learned so much already from this app! I pick a course in each subject and learn as much as I can. I would recommend this app to everyone I know who just wants to learn. This is way better than scrolling on social media all day. You actually learn new knowledge without the costs of going to school. These courses are from highly acknowledged schools which make it a lot more interesting.
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4 years ago, CaribuStew
So cool
This app has created so many great opportunities to learn subjects I’ve always been interested in. Furthermore, learning is free, with structured classes and accredited professors. Additionally, the fact that you can pay to get a certificate for the classes you’re taking is pretty cool too! The price isn’t bad compared to most university classes either. Honestly, I’m having a hard time believing such an app exists and there isn’t a catch.
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4 years ago, MikeNoLike
Excellent classes, crappy support
They are incapable of solving a dashboard error common to iPad users, and didn’t seem to care that it was an ongoing issue. I also completed a certificate class in January 2019, which listed certificates would be available in July 2019. July 2019 came and went, and the certificate didn’t pop up. I contacted support repeatedly and got one FAQ after another telling me how to find the certificate (I know how, I have a handful of them via edX). Now enough time has passed that my verification has lapsed (I won’t re-verify until they provide the certificates I earned), and now they have fallen back on that as an excuse. So, great classes, but don’t expect help, if anything technological goes wrong.
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2 years ago, Lokoan
Grateful for EdX
I like the selection of courses available. If you’re someone who likes to learn, you have the option of auditing the classes without getting a certificate. There is so much to explore at EdX. There is a multitude of programs available too if you’re looking to advance your career or change your career path entirely. What a marvelous concept and undertaking by all of the schools involved as well as professors and staff.
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4 years ago, Imranq02
Future of learning
Obviously EdX and similar learning platforms are amazing tools for anyone who is curious and wants to learn in a bite sized way. It keeps professors engaged with a wider audience and allows creation of large communities of students. Unlike college, you do have to add your own motivation and set a plan for yourself and know what you want to achieve. As for the EdX app itself, I found it was responsive and was able to play videos and give quiz questions fairly well. There are some defects in sometimes showing the wrong image for a course or crashin bat times, but I’ve found it invaluable for learning on the go. As an aside, I would really recommend MITs physics series on EdX which goes all the way to mastering quantum mechanics. Some additions that would be really cool - live sessions - community recitations - mentorship assignment - proctored exams
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