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User Reviews for FORMED

4.91 out of 5
8.6K Ratings
10 months ago, Stephchildoftheblessedmother
My life is forever changed
I absolutely loved FORMED. I believe it has completely changed my faith to where I am such on fire. I feel like the Holy Spirit is really guided me in this area and FORMED has been the Avenue. I am so grateful to the people who founded the Augustine Institute with the online platform and inspiration. I tell all I can think of about it and I try to get them to sign up and even if they are not Catholic. I feel like it pertains to all Christians in every aspect. And I also believe that The Holy Spirit wants us to all be one. Jesus wants us To be one in the body of Christ. My favorite ones...hard to just pick a few because love so many but I love Timothy Gray, Scott Hahn and you can’t hardly beat so many of the things on here Chris Stephnick is incredible. These people are inspired inspired by the Holy Spirit and I am so thankful for them. If you are trying to decide it it’s worth it to get formed it’s not even a debate I promise you will not regret a moment. The more and more I learn the more and more I want to learn. When my daughters get a little older one is 23 months the other is 2 months I might re-evaluate going back to school with something taking online. I already have my masters in unrelated field in healthcare but I love listening and learning on here cannot get enough.
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3 years ago, linsuswof
I love diving into the contents on the Formed app. There is something for everyone, no matter where you are in your knowledge of your Catholic faith. I am particularly delighted to explore all the content about the gospels. I never realized how much the Old Testament and the Jewish religion used prophets to foretell the coming of Jesus Christ. I also love the music that accompanies a series. In the series about divine mercy - “The Second Greatest Story Ever Told”, the music enhances the dramatic effect and raises your enjoyment to a whole new level. The scholars and professors of the Augustine Institute are always bringing us new content. I feel like they are knowledgeable and the way they interact with each other ( for eg. The Augustine Institute Show) shows a genuine respect for each other and their audience. They clearly enjoy sharing their knowledge with us so we may tell others ( family and friends) about our faith. I love that there is a section for children and the recently how Institute wants to offer more content in Spanish. God’s blessings and good fortune continue to shine on the work that you are doing.
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4 years ago, JennMacD
Easy bridge between me and God
In my busy life I find it hard to sit and read a book on spirituality, or hard to pray set prayers for long stretches at a time. Sometimes, even at Mass, my mind wanders and I miss the message. I feel “occupied” with life and I don’t want to pray. Using FORMED is like finding an oasis in a dry expanse. I can find books on audio for the car or while I get ready in the morning - like the Advent audio “Meditations On the Art of Waiting by Mary Francis” was soooo helpful relieving my stress as I wrapped presents at Christmas. Watching saint movies with my kids, or opening important topics to discuss with my teens through YDisciple, FORMED bridges a gap I’m sometimes at a loss to know how to cross. Even encouragement for my marriage is a result of FORMED. Vastly more important than helping my family relationships, FORMED brings me closer to God. I can feel His presence and hear His leadings after I’ve meditated on the application of something I’ve heard or seen on FORMED. I’m hungry and have the strength, the desire to seek after God once my soul has been touched by one of the shows in FORMED. And at times, I need all the help I can get!!!
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4 years ago, Wapato Wordy
Lectio Bible Studies
Our women’s study group is using the Lectio series for our Bible Study. We started with Mark. The fine art that is included in the workbook is fantastic. The questions are thought provoking and easy to share. Dr. Tim Gray is the most excellent teacher. He is so easy to listen to and challenges us to go deeper in our relationship with God. His explanation of the paintings is amazing as he draws us into the current lesson and helps us to understand Scripture. We also love his sense of humor as well as the connections that are made between the Old and New Testament. Awesome! We are currently going through “Prayer” for the second time. This lecture series is so rich that it takes more than once to begin to catch all the profound lessons that are contained in each half hour talk. We hear something new every time. We have ordered the Study Guides for two more of Tim Gray’s lectures. We hope he continues to offer more. You can’t beat all that Formed has to offer. Every Catholic who is interested in deepening their faith will find something of interest in the fine productions of The Augustine Institute.
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5 years ago, lthsjz
Best Catholic Faith Booster Ever!
I have been a Catholic all my life. My parents raised my siblings and I with the sacraments, the saints, the rosary and a Catholic education. My husband and I raised our children in the same way but sadly, the secular world as seduced them away from the “faith of our fathers”. Since I discovered Formed, I have learned so much about our beautiful faith and I find such comfort in learning more about the sacraments, saints and teachings of the Church. Watching the series “Presence” and “Forgiven” I was brought to tears of love to rediscover the joy of these incredible gifts from Our Loving Father! The audio series about St. Patrick and St. Cecelia were also amazing. My grandchildren enjoyed the Ryan Defrates series. The quality and entertaining potential of the movies about Maria Goretti, Mother Theresa, and St. Barbara have enriched my life and bolstered my faith. Any time I am struggling with an issue, I can get on Formed and find wisdom, grace and peace. Thank you for doing this great work for all of us in the Church Militant. Please pray for my children and grandchildren, siblings and cousins who have lost their way. God bless you all.
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5 years ago, AlexJTodd
Excellent Content!
I'm not even Catholic yet, but there's so much good information here, a person can be well persuaded of the truth of Catholicism. My 9-year-old daughter LOVES Brother Francis episodes, and I do too. They are very well-produced and true to Scripture and (from what I know about Catholic doctrine) the Church's teaching. The computer animation is good, the songs are melodic and memorable for kids. Their Symbolon series was used in the RCIA course I attended. It is good, but to a degree an apologetic for Christianity against unbelief. As an evangelical with some training in theology, some of the defense of theism wasn't necessary for me. That said, as an RCIA series, that is probably good to have in there because the Holy Spirit draws people to Christ's Church from many different levels and types of belief. Brant Pitre's scholarly and Biblical explanation of Catholic doctrine is probably the best thing here. As a former Sola-Scriptura evangelical, I find his knowledge of Scripture and accessible explanations more persuasive than anything else I have encountered in my trip to the Church.
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5 years ago, jcwords
A library of encouraging resources
I have used and enjoyed Formed since our parish signed up a couple of years ago. I’ve read ebooks, watched various bible studies and films, and enjoyed special devotions for Lent and Advent. It has been a blessing. I would like to see more resources on Catholic Social Teaching as I believe it would guide me as I seek to do my part in this broken, beautiful world. I appreciate the very short series with the Brother who draws so effectively (Brother Mickey?), and I would like to those in the parish. But I also need more in-depth resources for my own study. One thing I’ve found frustrating in recent months is that the app logs me out between uses (not every time; just sometimes). To get back in requires an email address, a visit to an email inbox, and a click on a link. It’s obviously doable, but when I have a just a few minutes or am on my phone, it’s a lot of steps and especially on my phone where I can’t see as well, I leave and read something else. I would appreciate a simpler process or just not getting logged out. Overall, though, I enjoy Formed and find it helpful.
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5 days ago, Ann Marie 33+
“The” treasure trove of Faith apps!
Formed has created a category all it’s own! A powerful app offering everything from the latest documentaries, movies, weekly series for events from seasonal devotions, to Bible studies, Saints, Rosaries, kid’s educational and game options, by today’s most respected scholars, theologians, authors, and entertainers. Important programs for parenting, marriage, single, prayer, Calling programs, audiobooks, and so much more. They have even made nightly, and weekly news series options from the daily and weekly current events to the most important Pro Life coverage. I’ve been subscribed for free for four years by my incredible Catholic Church. I’m always amazed at the depth of topics offered in brilliant formats that educate, inform, and entertain. The ability to explore and watch 24/7, all for free, is amazing! God bless all involved with Formed! Ease of use, selection of topics, everything is simply the best of the best. I am so very grateful. THANK YOU! 🙏🙏🙏
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5 years ago, DDVanO
Filling the gaps during the Coronavirus
I have enjoyed the reliable, orthodoxed Catholic resources made available in one place by FORMED for a few years now, but now more than ever, what a blessing FORMED is in helping us bolster our spirits and give us a forum to go deeper in prayer and faith formation while our parishes have closed doors. As we slow down our lives from the hectic pace we have operated undet for so long I see God’s gift ... drawing His children back to Himself. FORMED offers us such a great opportunity to take this time in history to learn something new, find hope and joy in the rich gifts of our Catholic Faith and fill the gap while we wait in great anticipation of the return to our blessed Sacraments of our holy Catholic Church. Until then, I pray those who are struggling will give FORMED a try, so they may allow God this time to grow some of those seeds of faith that have been planted within each of our souls. God bless you and keep you all.
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5 months ago, aemoraes
Life changing
After attending a 3-day silent retreat, I decided to cancel our Netflix, HBO and Disney subscriptions and signed up to Hallow and Formed. This has been the best decision I’ve made. Every time I feel the “need” of relaxing or being entertainment after a long day of work, I tune into Formed or Hallow. As a CEO of a company, I have limited time, but I’ve found myself using these Catholic apps everyday. They are part of my new daily routine. My knowledge of the faith has dramatically improved and I’m much closer to God, Christ our Blessed Mother and the saints. As a result of this I start to see an impact on my children. After canceling Netflix and Disney, my 6yo and 8yo started to love watching Veggietales (on Pureflix) and saints stories on Hallow and on movies on Formed. Highly recommend Formed, Hallow and Pureflix if you want to better prepare for the spiritual battle we’re in and for the journey into eternity in front of our Creator.
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1 year ago, Julie Rosa
Thank you for this gift!
Everything I have had the pleasure of viewing or listening to on this platform has been nourishing and inspiring. I start every day with a reflection from Dr. Tim Gray. His reflections help me understand the scriptures and gives me something to think about during the day. I always look forward to anything that Chris Stefanick puts out. The Search series is incredible and his weekly shows are so rich. I’ve spent time getting to know the saints by watching several movies about their lives or listening to the pod cast about the saints. I really enjoyed the Metanoia series with Fr. David. His love for Christ is so beautiful . As a sponsor for RCIA I have encouraged my candidates to use and explore the treasures in this platform. I have asked the directors of our RCIA program to incorporate some of Fr. David’s videos into the weekly sessions because of his ability to convert hearts. God bless you all!
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2 years ago, vanfulofkids
Benjamin Cello alone is worth the effort!
If you have a toddler, the show Benjamin Cello is excellent. It is a mix of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood (great) with Barney (overdone kid acting-ugh) but the preschool set just laps it up. This is a Grammy winning musical family who wrote original, incredible songs good enough for an adult audience. Also, Brother Joseph in the episode “overcome evil with good” is the equivalent of having Pavarotti on PBS kids. Whoa. Everything else on Formed is hit or miss—some is really hokey quality but has a nice cover image and some is garbage cover and incredible quality. Just hit play on everything, and give it 3 minutes. Some are hidden treasures. Generally pretty good, solid Catholic teaching. The app rarely crashes, and is worth your time (and the hassle of the email signup process). Considering most users aren’t paying for it, but signed up through their church, it’s all you could ask and more.
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5 years ago, mjhappycatholicconvert
My faith journey has been ENRICHED
Thanking God for your apostolate! I have been greatly blessed through the easy, quick ability to access the materials you provide to enrich and encourage my faith journey! Converting to Catholicism has been beautiful, touched by His grace and also marked by trials. It took 7 years of exploring and RCIA classes. I was asked to leave my first RCIA class... thanking God for the rejection of that priest! Humility is key. Now at 25+ years of finding the fulfillment of my faith, I am edified intellectually, strengthened in my journey and still seeking sanctification through your beautiful ministry! I have incorporated a lot of your supportive materials while facilitating Adult Faith Formation at my parish. I know other ministries in our church also take advantage of your materials, as well as many individual parishioners we have encouraged to connect with you. I support FORMED! May the peace, joy and love of Jesus rain down upon you always. Thank you!
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7 months ago, Tired App user
Getting better and better
The content and options available through the Formed app are simply wonderful. I appreciate all the different formats of different types of materials and the huge variety of subjects that are available for child on up to seniors. I’m especially loving the Behold Advent video series with Sister Miriam. Her voice is so soothing and just gives me peace in my heart as she speaks to us of the Holy Family this Advent. So many great options I don’t miss scrolling through social media. I also love the Saint movies and shows available. I don’t have very young kids anymore, but if I would have had this available for them 15 years ago, this is what they would have grown up watching. Start forming your children immediately folks, it makes such a difference. Thank you Formed, for such amazing & professional content!
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4 years ago, child in a candy shop
So many sites, so little time!
We go to Formed for many different programs, and find the Truth and the Story of our Faith so well-presented. Practicing our Faith at home and celebrating the sacraments and devotions and attending enriching discussion groups at Church has been made more meaningful and has brought us closer to Jesus. So thank you, Augustine Institute. Wish there were more time to participate in everything you offer, although the stay-home situation has allowed us to explore more lately. Four stars because it would be helpful to access a table of contents to see a printed list of all the programs that you offer, arranged in categories and be able to click and go right to the one wanted. Some of the video covers are hard to read when searching. That said, thank you for quality programs by wonderful, gifted presenters and excellent unique graphics for each series helping us to locate the one we need and leading us beautifully through the talks.
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2 years ago, Chantal 86
We love Formed
I started using Formed several years ago when our parish started subscribing for us. From podcasts to films to reflections and prayers and all the many features that are too numerous to mention- Formed has truly helped me grow in my faith life and to gain a stronger relationship with God. The informational talks and Bible studies have brought a richness to my prayer life and a greater appreciation and understanding of Scripture as well as a deeper knowledge and understanding of our Church and what it believes. This site has helped me to evangelize more in my everyday life by giving me confidence in sharing what I know about our faith and in passing on the faith from a place of love. I also listen to the daily scripture readings every day on the Amen app. I had already been doing this previously through other sites, but the app is easier to access immediately.
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5 years ago, LJoanMarie
Thankful for Formed!
I am so grateful for this app, paid for by our parish, at no cost to all the parishioners! I tell many people that they should give it a try, and they will love it! It offers a wealth of what I consider “continuing religious education”, never before available to me, that I can now enjoy in the comfort of my own home, even while doing dishes, laundry, or exercising on an elliptical! My favorite topics are the Bible study videos, particularly the Lectio Peter and other Lectio video series. The presenters are wonderfully knowledgeable and enrich my faith, with great presentation skills and a joyful outlook. I love having the opportunity to learn more about the Bible as an adult, which can be tough since local Bible study classes are often at times I have to work. After many years of attending mass, it is great to learn more about some readings that I have heard for years! It is an amazing gift. Thank you!
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3 years ago, 314159........
Wonderful, helpful, and resourceful
This app has helped me grow in my Catholic faith. It’s provides content that I’ve been able to share with my friends, family, and even my young Godchildren. From being able to watch some of the movies based on the Saints by giving me visual insight as to what their lives were like to expanding my faith experience through series such as ‘The Search’. Even if one is more of an audio only type of person, there are great audio books available and talks from various speakers. I recommend this app and I have shared it with various people that I know so that they can have the chance to deepen their faith through resourceful and wonderful Catholic apps such as Formed. I would highly recommend downloading this app and going through everything that it provides!
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3 years ago, codybabcock937
Here is your answer to “Why be Catholic”
I was born in an interfaith family; my mom was a Christian (who later converted to Catholicism) and my dad was a cradle Catholic. Growing up, I was exposed to a variety of services in denominations, and also the Catholic Mass. Even as a kid, I felt like something was missing from the Christian services, and I now know that it was both the Eucharist and the reverence that I felt was lacking. When I was 18, I experienced my first religious crisis as I realized my lifestyle and morals were incongruent. After bouts of anxiety and depression, God brought me back to the Faith. I am now 19, and feel an incredible amount of grace in my life as I continue on my journey home. But as I grew deeper into Catholicism, I longed to learn about my faith. Enter Formed. I have learned so much from this “Catholic Netflix” that has helped me understand and share with others the beauty of Divine Mercy; I listened to a logical argument against abortion; and I’ve been inspired by the conversion stories available on Formed. I simply cannot recommend this platform enough. I feel purpose when I watch or listen to something in Formed. Now if you have read this far, this message might be for you: God loves you so much, he wants you to ask questions, to seek the truth, and to deepen your faith.
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3 years ago, PalmTree67
A True Gift
This Ap was a gift to our congregation for Christmas years ago. I have had it on my phone for a couple of years and had not made time to open it. Well as they say in many of the Formed talks, God looks for us. Early January I started watching and listening and now I listen to the lessons on my work everyday, or pray the Rosary or the Divine Mercy chaplet. I have always loved being catholic but listening to the Lectios, Daily reflections, The Search, saint storiesb, consecration to Mary, Holy Spirit retreat sessions, and even programs for kids. I am so glad that Formed is available to all and it has helped me so much during this Covid-19 pandemic. It is a true gift! Well done Augustine Institute. When God knocks we should open or reopen the door...I’m so happy I did♥️. Everyone could find so much in Formed! Not just Catholics🙏🏼
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5 years ago, banjowarlord
FORMED has so many great talks, podcasts, and videos! Many of which aren’t easily available elsewhere as far as I’ve seen. I have not yet listened to a talk that I haven’t enjoyed, and I have not yet failed to find something when searching for a specific topic. I would highly recommend this app to anyone seeking God who wants to grow in knowledge and understanding of the beautiful truths of the faith. If I have one complaint, it is that you can’t lock your screen when listening to audio because it’s formatted as a video. In the previous version of the app, that feature was available and I’m not quite sure why it was removed. Everything else about the update is awesome, but I do hope they bring that back in the future. It’s a pretty minor thing, but it really helped save battery when listening to longer talks.
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2 weeks ago, Radys S
Amazing 🥰 portal to Heaven 🤗
I recently discovered this incredible app that has truly transformed my understanding of spirituality and enriched my life in ways I never expected. This app offers a diverse range of educational religious videos, books, and materials that cater to viewers of all ages, making it a perfect resource for families and individuals alike. The content is thoughtfully curated, covering various aspects of faith, history, and teachings that resonate deeply. Each video is not only informative but also engaging, making complex concepts easier to grasp. The books available are well-written and provide a wealth of knowledge that has deepened my appreciation for my faith. What I appreciate most is the app's ability to make learning accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior knowledge. The interactive features encourage reflection and discussion, fostering a sense of community among users. Since using this app, I feel like I've taken significant steps toward personal growth and understanding, bringing me closer to my spiritual goals. Whether you're looking to explore your faith more deeply or simply seeking to learn, this app is a remarkable resource that I highly recommend. It has genuinely enriched my life and inspired me on my journey.
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3 months ago, fitinva1969
Something for everyone
I don’t believe that things happen by chance if you were a child of God . I am very thankful to God for leading me to the Hallow app. I was praying for a transformative change in my prayer life and for God to give me a deeper desire to know him and make him known to others then I came across this app. I was blown away at the variety of speakers, educational series, prayers and learnings. There truly is something for everyone in Hallow. I even love the name Hallow which means Holy is Thy Name” I have to give an a special thanks to Father Dave P for walking us daily through who the Holy Spirit is and why we need to pray daily for His gifts. He is truly being used my God to share the gospel and teach us how to draw closer to the three persons of God. This is exactly what I need right now my life. Thanks Hallow and thank you dear Heavenly Father.
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4 years ago, Pkkjbhb
Why didn’t I jump in sooner!
Our parish provided Formed for us and I did very little with it at first. A friend set up a few of us to do the Formed live for Holy Week and I was all in after that. I learned so much. I watched and enjoyed several movies. I am currently in a study using the Peter series. The amount of knowledge and connections made have blown me away. I have just started listening to some of the audio choices for when I walk and have been so pleased and even telling others to check it out. Formed offers a lot of resources and I feel that it could do our youth and young adults a world of good in learning about our catholic faith. I am a cradle Catholic in my early fifties and have grown such a greater appreciation for my faith and the mission of Jesus. I am just very pleased and am trying to carve out more time for Formed.
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2 months ago, ihatethisnicknamefeature
Tim Grey
I have found Tim Grey’s short commentaries on the daily scripture readings to be very insightful and spiritually helpful. Plus his personal goodness is apparent and consoling. Also, when I go to mass, I feel so much more connected to the liturgical calendar. But good as those are, they pale besides his commentary on the Gospel of Mark. (Search for Lectio and Tim Grey). The first talk in the series made me feel like I there in the earliest days of the Church, after the Ascension. It all came alive. When you put together what we know from the letters of Paul and the Acts of the Apostles as well as the Gospels and the Church fathers, we know a lot about Mark and the early Christians. Tim’s commentary on the Gospel of Mark shows how incredibly profound almost every sentence is when read in the light of the Old Testament.
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5 years ago, Thatramseygirl
Formed converted me!
After considering myself Atheist for 13 years, I joined the Catholic church on Easter vigil of 2018 and formed had a MAJOR impact on my decision to do so! It all started with the movie, “Why would anyone ever want to be Catholic” and quickly grew into a full blown love of the faith! The study material that’s available through the app is usually very high quality, informative, and true to the Catholic faith! The only improvement I would suggest is to bring back the categorical browsing. After the recent update, I am not able to browse specificly for audio content, unless I already know what I’m searching for or I scroll down the “Explore” page which sometimes isn’t the most convenient in the car! However I love the app and content and look forward to seeing more!
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3 years ago, RDD2012
Lectivo Series on Formed
The Lectio series have been a very informative and eye opening. The content on this site has changed my life. My walk with God toward eternity is now more of an informed faith which makes it the walk more realistic and desirable. They assist to fan the fire inside me to desire Him more, especially in the Mass. Formed and the Augustine Institute are really changing the lives of many . We received a membership as a gift through our home parish and it’s impact on my family’s life is visible. It makes having a healthy diet of catholic beliefs easier than ever, so we can be strong and change our culture one family at a time. The Videography in some series like in “The Search” series can compete with Hollywood which is also a plus.
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3 years ago, godsgrac
Feeling blessed
Dear Formed, I wish that everyone could have Formed, I have learned so much about all the Saints, Popes, missionary’s and especially our lord and savior. Thank you for putting all this together and making my heart sing with joy because I feel the love and the calling to be a better daughter of god. When I wake in the middle of the night and can’t sleep, Formed is like my mother coming in and reassuring me that everything is going to be okay. Formed puts me at peace knowing how much gods loves me and how special I am to be created by him. How lucky are we to have such a gift. I feel so bad for people that don’t have the knowledge on the true reason we are and created for. It has made me a much better person. Thank you, Lourdes Saenz
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4 years ago, gtvr4me
App is good, needs a couple tweaks and more content
It is a blessing to have an app like this to stream Catholic content wherever. Functionally, would be great to have a more advanced search or search by some type of tagging or categories. As for content, the original content and some of the series are great. I would love to see more content, perhaps working with other organizations like Word on Fire and Catholic Answers to include their content. To have some other great sources of content under one app would be awesome and something I would gladly pay for with a monthly subscription. My family is also utilizing a great program called Our Lady of the Rosary family catechism. It is totally free and the videos are a great walk-through of the Baltimore Catechism. Would be great to have those videos available on the app as well.
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5 years ago, cpl116
Great content, app needs more features
The content here is really terrific, but using the app can be frustrating. It’s a pretty bare bones streaming service which works fine if you sit down to watch/listen to a whole show at once. But heaven help you if you get interrupted and need to find your place again after the app restarts. This really needs a “recently watched” list, a “continue watching” list, and a “to watch” list. Ideally this would be stored in your account so it could be accessed from the browser version too. I’d also like to be able to search within a content type, for instance searching for a keyword and returning only podcast results or only video results. I really like the content but I am spoiled by other streaming services and podcatchers which really put this one to shame in terms of ease of use and keeping track of what you have and haven’t played.
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4 years ago, Benecida!
True blessing.
When I opened the app for the first time,I was speechless for a while, just looking at the screen. I felt like I was given a glimpse of eternal life in heaven. I felt like I want to know more and I want to watch , listen and learn more about this. My heart was pounding fast and loud, I felt this warmth feeling from head to toes that until this day, I can not forget about. Never felt that before. I knew that if I had access to this was not a coincidence. So ever since I have watched so many videos that had make me understand better my faith and religion. I have grown closer to God and understand better the teachings of the Catholic Church. This app has been a blessing to me and to my family. Thank you so much for the work you all do. May god bless you always.
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1 year ago, Auie007
Grow a relationship with The Holy Trinity!
I love being Catholic! This platform fills a void/gap that people might feel exists. We receive our sacraments, then what? How do we grow? How do we build our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit? The Bible, yes. That can require a bit of further guidance and help to understand many times. Formed is a great platform to grow in that relationship, without requiring a great deal of higher education. From audio books to movies, learning of our faith, about our Saints, about Jesus… Amen! We must continue to understand the Bible. Formed does not replace it. Rather, supplements it, and does so quite splendidly! Thank you for this wonderful platform!! May God bless you all and your families!
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1 year ago, I was a mess
Simply Great~~Something for everyone & anyone
So many options, there is something for everyone and anyone, Catholic or not…..The array of Speakers and presentations is the gift…it’s the Holy Spirit providing voice to every generation, no matter where you are on your faith journey & even if your not on a journey @ all. In the world around us today, Formed in an Avenue to provide strong moral teachings, understand forgiveness, provide dignity and be introduced to true Love!!!, in a way any age could grasp. If you know someone struggling there is something here for them to ponder and be invited into the Heart of our Lord. Paco Paco, Chris Stefanick, Sister Miariam…. Invite someone struggling into simply one sitting of something powerfully inspired by the Holy Spirit, and watch Love grow.
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4 years ago, Remilove123
Return to my faith
I am just returning to my faith after a very long time away from the catholic faith. Watching the videos is enlightening my view of the faith as well as dispelling misbeliefs and teaching what i never knew and watching videos and listening to audio books has been extremely helpful in my efforts to make connections with god. The quality of the videos is top notch i am really surprised in comparison with other catholic media outlets the quality of the programming . I am 45 years old and the fresh modern perspectives are really great and its turning me on to a religion i never knew i had thank you do much i will continue to watch and listen to the programming as it educates me and enlightens me as i grow in my new self discovery of my faith .
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2 months ago, Big Family Mom
Great way of learning and answering the questions about the Catholic faith !
I got to use this app through my parish recommendation . Many parishes are giving app access to their parishioners for free and having a great turn out in increasing the knowledge of our rich Catholic faith . There is something for everyone - from small children to seniors . You can access great courses which go deep in many different and gray areas of our spirituality. As a mother of 7 children from 7 years old to young adults, I was looking for something like that to keep up with the challenges of current society , making sure we all keep up with our relationship with God. I strongly recommend Formed! Andrea NC
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5 years ago, Shelley Bell L
Excellent resource!
So grateful to have access to videos and audios that have helped my family and me learn and grow our faith! Growing up, we went to church every Sunday and I went through CCD, but didn’t have a relationship with the Lord until much later in life. There is so much “noise” and information out there but FORMED is definitely a resource I trust. The “Forgiven” series helped me be more comfortable with regular confession; “Presence” helped some of my doubts; practical audios helped me in my marriage and parenting; and the weekly Gospel reflections have helped our family prepare for Mass as we drove to church! Thank you to Augustine Institute for your quality work and ministry, and thank you to our church for providing parishioners access! All glory to God!
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1 year ago, sadanglo
Profoundly impacts my faith
Thank you Formed for this really marvellous and useful tool. Every day your content helps me fulfil my earnest goal of reading the Bible in a year. I’m past the year as I have to play most passages a few times and take notes but I’m still totally committed and near completion. So many Aha! moments Dr Gray, in your daily reflections which are so meaningful and speak to me powerfully. I was a reluctant convert but the Holy Spirit compelled me to attend RCIA which resulted in a beautiful Convalidation ceremony so I am a fairly new Catholic, growing ever more eager to take in God’s word and submit to his will. I realize God certainly has tested me and your reflections help me identify & understand this. God be praised for your mission
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1 year ago, inlovewithmyfaith
Excellent programming. I am learning more about my faith by experts who are dedicated to teach us the truth with love. The programming ranges from many topics and the best part is that I can listen to any show via my cell phone while driving or TV while I am home cooking or cleaning. I can view any show as many times as I want, I love that! I am learning how to read the Bible and understand the New Testament through the Old Testament. We all need to learn more about our faith and how to live it because ultimately we all have to answer to God when we die whether rich or poor whether a believer or not. May God bless all of you abundantly. Thank you to whomever decided to start FORMED.
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4 years ago, Lllllllllllllllllllllllllolllllllolllllllllllllll
Content Delivery Glitches
Love everything but the app glitches. I have deleted and added it back several times but can’t get a daily email for Daily Reflections. Even trying to search for it doesn’t always work. It isn’t going to junk, it just isn’t there. However Dr. Gray’s guidance, background information and explanations are so clear and ring so true it is worth it to persevere. I listen and read Fr. Barron (sometimes over my head and elitist sounding), Fr. Mike, (just a bit more youth oriented) and Matthew Kelly, (Catholic Light). All of these men offer words and thoughts that bring me closer to God, that resonate depending on the day. But Dr. Gray is so authentic and understandable (for me) it is a daily blessing for which I am most grateful. The ability to read and/or listen is also appreciated.
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2 years ago, Mary with Mom
Formed is a wonderful resource for Catholicism. When I am doing mundane tasks such as scrubbing laundry, folding laundry, preserving garden food, and decluttering, Formed is my loyal companion. I can get those dreaded daily chores done while learning more about the saints, or another aspect of my faith. My favorites are the radio dramas. My only complaint is there are not enough of them!😉 I am listening to the St. Patrick audio drama for the fourth time. It is very well done. I rarely have the time to actually sit and watch anything, so audio dramas are both entertaining and spiritually renewing for me. My 9 year old son loves all your children’s series. Formed is a blessing to our whole family. Humble thanks.
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2 years ago, amgcdnvc
I’m learning so much
I love listening to Formed, especially while I’m exercising. It’s such a win - win! I’ve been a active subscriber and listener since Formed first started and have learned so much about our one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Formed makes me want to go even deeper and learn more and more. Thank you Formed for all the adoptive and amazing videos. God bless your work and Ministry! Dr. Tim Gray and his staff are wonderful educators and so inspiring. A group from my parish is studying Lectio-Mary on Formed. Previously we have studied Presence, Forgiven, The Search and The Mass. Formed is a treasure trove of Catholic teaching and will surely enhance your Faith and relationship with our Amazing God! Thank you and God bless the Formed Team!!
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7 months ago, Herry Rockabore
Great App for Faith Content
I really like this app for its theological documentaries and informative videos. I’ve found a lot of stuff to watch and I’ve only had the app for 2 weeks so far. I am actually pretty impressed by how well it works on my phone. A lot of independent apps tend to be a hassle to use but this one is incredibly user-friendly. The part I appreciate is how it has audio only content that they have available that can be played while using other apps and how they have something unique on the front page for holy days or feast days. It’s clear that this is created by people who have reverence and passion for Catholicism.
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11 months ago, Porthos777
Absolutely Awesome!
The Formed app is absolutely awesome! Anyone even Remotely interested in deepening their understanding of God: who He is and what He is, and who and what we are in relation to Him, simply must use this app. Chalked full of videos, movies, books, audio books, and awesome high-production- value programs, this app is the gateway to understanding everything that truly matters. Using Formed has change my life and put me on a trajectory towards the arms of our Lord! I share this app with everyone I meet! You cannot love what you do not know, and it’s time that you got to know God. I beg you to download and use this app! You can thank me later when we meet in Heaven. God bless you!
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2 years ago, SiennaElize
I’m so grateful
I’m so grateful to all whom make this platform possible, including my church, Our Lady of Mercy in Easton, PA, for bringing “Formed” to us, all of our church community. I’m grateful for the opportunity to grow in our faith, learn, and get powerful insights to benefit me, my family, and our Catholic community at large. I’m particularly grateful for Formed and it’s content for facilitating a deeper dive into, a better knowledge of, our beautiful Catholic faith, and for motivating me to keep striving to strengthen my spiritual communion with God. For lent I gave up secular programs, and Formed has been a blessing in being able to learn about Saints and many other topics I had not before taken the time to learn about.
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2 years ago, catholic carol
This is amazing!
I could be a walking commercial for Formed! I love it! I was introduced to this wonderful Catholic app by our daughter Erin. Her parish in Tulsa OK offered it to their parish and her family loved it. On a visit to her home, she showed me it and all that it offers. At the time, I was teaching a class to young mothers in my parish. After reviewing and subscribing to it, I feel in love with it. I wrote a note to each of my moms w a $10 bill in each envelope stating this is a game changer to your Catholic faith! I encouraged them to try it out for 1 month. I felt so strongly of the impact it could have on their family that I would gladly pay for a 1 month subscription to it! I told our parish priest about also,I wanted him to review to get his opinion on it! He also loved and said YES to offering it free to our parish! Which I helped pay for the parishes 1 st year subscription. I have told EVERYONE about this beautifully done, Smithsonian amount of Catholic education and programs. Seriously I could be a walking billboard for this product! Prayerful Carol E
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3 years ago, aaato9
Inflame My Heart
By providing Catholic content for my little parish and all the people of the world, I can’t even start to express gratitude. I thank the Lord Almighty that He made clothes from skins for our first parents and for the incredible tools He has made for us. Genesis 3:20 Did they really think they would stay warm with fig leaves? One of His little living stones: A Swanson Update: I am using media from Formed with my little oratories in Leavenworth Kansas. Our Good Shepherd has led me inside 4 of the 6 prisons in this county. I think prisoners and their families are the poorest of the poor in my neighborhood. Your good work helps keep the fire of faith burning in our hearts! I’m yours in the Lamb, Andrew
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3 months ago, Cyprusdreamer
A grace at our reach ! thanks God and my parish for this gift 🙏🏻
This app has been a source of peace and source of spiritual growth from the date Formed was launched.... Formed is a companion and food for my soul in this challenging times we live in. A vast knowledge of our faith put at our finger tips....information and church treasures explained in a very rational and spiritual way to touch souls. May God bless each of its founders and contributors in a very special way for taking the challenge of spreading God’s word and its spiritual fullness … to increase and help us grow our faith.. THANK YOU, thank you and thank you to all the collaborators team and all behind scenes putting it together! 💕🙏🏻💕
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1 year ago, S S de T
A true blessing!
I cannot be more grateful to having had the privilege to discover Formed. It was a gift to us parents from my daughter’s catholic school and I will forever be grateful. It is simply one of those priceless gifts that land in your hands by God’s grace. What I learn everyday through the extraordinarily prepared brothers and sisters that work at the Augustine institute is so profound that They always leave you with a thirst for more. And that’s what we all want as catholics, to get to know our faith in order to live it as God intended us to and of course share it with those we meet in our paths. God bless you dear friends and thank you from the bottom of my heart! S S de T
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6 months ago, BuchananRGE
Amazed by Kids content on Formed
I have been beyond exited to have found the kids content on Formed. I have been looking for shows that share the beauty of our Catholic faith and Church traditions in an easily accessible format and Formed has delivered! I have been blessed to be able to meet the producer of one of the kid shows and will always be sharing this resource because I want Marcom to make it to Rome in a future season. Thank you for what each production team has done to create this content for young Catholics of all ages. From a prayerful and grateful Catholic mom of two, May God abundantly bless you and May this platform bring forth much fruit!
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2 years ago, asankey13
The Best Religious Explanations I’ve Ever Heard
I started watching “The Search” as a part of the RCIA program I was going through. Coming from a borderline anti-Catholic/anti-organized religion household, I knew answering my questions was going to be a tall order. My jaw dropped when I started the series. Every question I ever had - every misunderstanding - every twinge of discomfort - was addressed in a unique quay that spoke to me. I can’t tell you what it’s meant to me knowing what the real story is vs. what I’d been told second hand from friends, family, and the media. I never thought it would be possible to be where I am now in my spiritual journey…and I am so grateful.
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