Join Gumtree, a classified ads platform for buying and selling a variety of everyday items locally. Gumtree has buyers and sellers right in your own community. Trade preowned furniture, clothing & games, or find the right buyer for your used car. The item you’ve been looking for could be just a few streets away! 14 million people a month use Gumtree to browse and buy and sell items in their local community by posting ads and searching locally for deals from a range of different categories***. Find cars for sale, home workout equipment like weights and dumbbells, and furniture for your home & garden. SEARCH ADS IN MINUTES 1. Create a free ad** 2. See detailed descriptions with quality photos 3. Use in-app messaging for easy communication with your buyer or seller GET ITEMS SIMPLY AND SAFELY Trade preowned items from the comfort of your home and get the perfect product delivered right to your doorstep. Please follow all government guidelines for safe trading. Use face masks, gloves, plastic seat covers in your vehicle and alcohol based sanitisers when trading face to face. Gumtree makes it easier than ever to buy second-hand with confidence. From vans, car parts & auto accessories to vintage clothing and games, we’re here to connect you with your local community. Opening up more opportunities to buy and sell. The best part? Posting an ad on our platform won’t cost you a penny.** Millions of people are browsing, buying and selling on Gumtree, so download the app and discover your local classifieds platform today*. --------------- If you’ve got ideas to make our app even better, please leave a review here, tell us at or tweet us @gumtree. * Comscore substantiation ** Ads are free to post for non-professional users or within the For Sale category. *** Comscore MMX Multi-Platform, unique users, monthly average calculated from July 2020 to September 2020 UK across platforms (mobile and desktop)