Logic Pro for iPad

4.3 (1.7K)
967 MB
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Last update
1 month ago
Version OS
17.4 or later
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User Reviews for Logic Pro for iPad

4.33 out of 5
1.7K Ratings
4 weeks ago, TexaRicanDyce
From someone who spent more than 30,000 hours on Logic!
I too wanted to like Logic for iPad. I bought the M4 iPad the day it came out and spent days trying to record. I give up and going back to my M1 MacBook for Logic (Keeping my iPad for DaVinci Resolve though!) I been on Logic since it was on PC in 2003! And I just simply wanted to record some plain vocals. I watched many tutorials. Read a bunch of stuff on this.. there are many positives but here are my complaints 1. LATENCY when recording vocals is by far the biggest problem! Even when its set on 64 or 128 the latency is impossible to record vocals to a beat with. (PROBLEM FIXED! HAD TO GO TO LOW LATENCY MODE) 2. Create my own shortcuts! Im not even sure if Pressing Command & LEFT (or RIGHT) to zoom in & out tracks is a shortcut that I created but I need that! 3. The COMMAND CLICK TOO & RIGHT CLICK TOOL!. The one I mostly use is the cut tool and that cut tool from GarageBand is not cutting it no pun intended. I use the cut tool like every 3 seconds when mixing and its really the deal breaker for me.. I just can’t with how slow it is and how much time it takes to cut! So many positives though but just can’t currently.. not yet!
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1 year ago, Sibelinof
Where is “score”?!!
Downloaded Logic yesterday and discovered that “score” has been removed from the program! Folks, not everyone is a hip-hop, rap, beats maker (All legit genres that don’t necessarily need a score read out and editor), but those of us who arrange, write for video or film or just prefer a standard notation editor rather than just a piano roll editor, may find this seriously lacking. A piano roll doesn’t give you a quick and easy visual, like notes on a staff do. I use the piano roll extensively when I am fine tuning a feel for a track, but it is horrible for just looking for quick harmonic changes over a broad range of notes. Another thing everyone should be aware of is that Logic is very sensitive to memory overload. I had lots of apps open ( because that hasn’t been an issue with anything else) and I loaded in a project that had nine tracks running each with several plugins on them (no audio, just midi)and I got a system overload warning stating “ The plug-ins in the project are overloading your iPad, or your iPad is low on memory.” I closed all my apps and had no more problems, so beware. I have an iPad Pro with 16gb ram and 1 terabyte of storage, so that really shouldn’t have been an issue. Logic is amazing on most everything else and I have enjoyed using it extensively for at least 7 hours since yesterday (lol). Score editor is a major work flow loss for me, so until that is resolved, my rating will be 3 stars at most.
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1 year ago, iammane
Not that Apple really needs praise here, but they’ve really knocked it out of the park with Logic Pro for iPad - and this is only the first release. It doesn’t have EVERYTHING from the desktop version, but I think for most folks there’s more than enough here. If you’re already a GarageBand on iPad user and you’re starting to hit walls this is where you want to head. I’ve used many iOS/iPadOS and desktop DAWs over many, many years and the feeling I’m getting when using Logic Pro for iPad is the same feeling as when I first started using Reason. It took a good day or two to really wrap my head around the UI (it’s QUITE different from GarageBand on mobile) but once you do it’s like opening this amazing treasure chest of tools. There’s so many ways to string together instruments and effects chains. When I put a drummer track on a Drum Machine Designer instrument channel the first time it kind of blew my mind (maybe this always worked on Logic for Mac? I don’t know, never used it). You really get the best of all worlds here - flexible MidiFX, a time line, great audio editing, full AUv3 instrument and effect automation. It’s got the playfulness of AUM with the familiarity of a DAW with a timeline. And this is just the beginning…
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10 months ago, JJR25
Functionality issues abound
Lots of complaints here about missing features and, ridiculously, the subscription model. The price is the price. The biggest issues concern basic functionality. Moving regions is sometimes very difficult. Moving regions will sometimes create an additional identical region where the original region was. Selecting and then working with multiple regions is often an exercise in utter frustration. The icons for selecting and then working with multiple regions make no sense. The “handles” on regions block visibility, particularly against the black background. The toggle between “trim” and “loop” is un-intuitive. Why would anyone think those two concepts have any relationship to each other? Why even call something “trim” when it involves basic functionality that is much more than “trimming”? Part of Apple’s brilliance over the decades is the relationship between design and functionality. Products typically are designed to relate intimately to how people use the product in the real world. This, though, fails pretty badly on that score. The features, particularly new ones like “beat breaker” and “sample alchemy,” are really great. The experience is marred significantly, however, by weird design choices, odd labeling and impediments to work flow. Hopefully these things can be fixed.
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9 months ago, Rupert Fallstein
Cash grab….
Deleted immediately after opening and being prompted to purchase a subscription package. A one time purchase I could have considered but a subscription?! Are you insane Apple?? Y’all barely support garage band as it is, we’re lucky to see 2 new releases for garage band a year and you think the community is just going to fork over their money every month/year in the hopes that support and updates continue regularly. If I’m paying monthly I expect new content/product improvement monthly as well. Why would I continue to pay money if nothing has changed in the software of the app? I get so tired of companies wanting people to subscribe to products that get very little support/improvement. This app will be the same I’m sure, it’ll get somewhat regular updates until it’s considered stable and have just almost as many features as the Mac version but not ALL the features of course because as apple loves saying “it’s a iPad not a mac” because Apple totally didn’t harp on how powerful the new ipad pros are… so powerful yet Apple won’t let us take full advantage of its hardware… people should realize by now their iPhones and iPads are easily capable of running full fledged pc programs even console games, there’s no excuse for not providing the same functionality as the original computer version.
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11 months ago, Ben Ruppel
Audio and iPad should mix better
I wanted to like this. I love the idea of recording onto iPad. It eliminates the need for a computer and the numerous latency and other complicated issues that come with it. Unfortunately, it didn’t end up working out due to my tc electronic go twin interface seemingly biting the dust after less than a year of use. If you’re listening Apple, forget all the midi implementation and drum sequencing. I just need something that records audio, is multitrack, and outputs a wav file. Equalization and compression are just bonuses that come along for the ride. I don’t need anything else, and I certainly don’t want to use a computer, when it should (and does) work better for iPad. I don’t blame Apple for the interface issue, but it’s time to figure out a usb a to lightning solution that goes beyond just cameras, as I also have a behringer uphoria umc1820, which has its own power supply. Perhaps the usb c iPads handle this better. I don’t know, mine is lightning. I wanted this to work so badly. It just didn’t.
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3 weeks ago, thequin
Excited to see Apple innovate in 2024
Hey guys, the app is not perfect but it’s one heck of a start in the right direction. My suggestion is to start working with plug-in manufacturers so the people who’ve already bought a Mac version of an audio plug-in. Ken request a validation key to a little checkmark in Logic Pro for iPad, which will automatically down from within the app. If we have not purchased the Mac app, we can rent or purchase a plug-in from within the app without needing to close the app or install other apps which add complications and crashes. If anyone can solve this problem, Apple can make away on the iPad pros. Keep that API internal so performance isn’t based on a third-party plugin developer You guys could be the ones to democratize plug-in manufacturers that are so outrageously overpriced, shutting out a lot of potential customers. This could be a new stream, a financial income for the manufacturers of the plug-ins. Like free money left on the table will encourage them to obey your API laws and extra work to make their plug-ins compatible with your strict guidelines to work flawlessly inside of iPad Pro.. I think when you call this logic for iPad, you just have to have plug-ins and external plug-ins. You just gotta have them to be taken seriously. Furthermore, you would dominate tablet sales because there’d be nothing like it on any other platform, another way of customer lock into the ecosystem. Your welcome now please execute 😁
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1 year ago, Wardale Wilson
Very solid start
I’m a recording artist, producer, and engineer who has used logic on desktop for a decade. Overall I am thoroughly impressed with logic on the iPad. I love sliding around audio with my finger or creating eq curves by a touch. The stock sounds are truly impressive. My only two complaints thus far is I wish it had the ability to load a saved chain/template. For someone who records vocals I hate having to re add in all my plugins one by one instead of just loading up a saved channel strip. Also I wish it had the ability to choose parts of different takes like I can on the desktop version. It’s a bit tedious having to slice the audio then pick different takes as opposed to the slider on desktop to merge different takes. Also with my interface I notice a slight delay even on the fastest sample rate when recording with effects. Wish the m1 I’m sure the issues will be resolved in the near future and once they are I can record exclusively on my iPad. Great job
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4 months ago, Kingstonguydude
Over all pretty good
Logic Pro is a great alternative for people who use garage band but want a over all better tools to make music. Although one problem I have is that a lot of the instruments in garage band aren’t in Logic Pro. To name a few jet stream, mechanized bass, fuzz sweep bass, the list goes on. Also I can’t seem to find the LFO rate thing, but that might just be me being dumb. Also I have some ideas for sound packs you can add to logic and garage band. First of all a Brostep and classic dubstep would be nice. Also maybe add a tropical house pack. And please change the sound of the screech bass. It sounds like you mixed the sound of nails on chalkboard and a metal pipe. Search up long bass tutorial and click on the first short you see and you’ll see the type of sound I’m talking about. But over all this is rlly good.
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11 months ago, neekg310
Losers at Apple After Buck Yet Again
Title says it all. I won’t be using this app. That you think Logic is worth any type of subscription is beyond me, Apple. Logic was the first DAW I ever purchased and, at $200, I considered it a steal. I felt confident that, by moving forward with Apple, I would be working with a company that puts the artist first (I know, seems silly now). In retrospect, how could I expect a company so consumed by profit to actually step outside of the corporate norm? Remember, this is an entity so greedy that they intentionally designed their phones and products to fail, leading consumers to re-up, however premature. Any of the Fortune 500 would be just as happy to gouge our wallets. And what better model than ‘pay me endlessly if you want my product.’ Man, f*&^k these people who consistently rob the people that generate their wealth. Sorry Apple, I know you won’t miss my measly $50 a year but hopefully many more take this stance and steer clear of this evident corporate greed (downright robbery, if you ask me). FYI I’d happily pay a flat rate of $150 (this couldn’t be worth as much as desktop version) and be done with it.
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10 months ago, morninggenius
Unintuitive, crashes, tedious to use on iPad. Bloated Garageband.
Like many other logic users, I have been waiting a long time for this app. Really, really wanted to like this. I just can't. I hate using it. It took me three months to be able to open logic files from my Mac on the iPad. Total nightmare compatibility. The user interface is just confusing, and aggravating. It's like the unwanted combination of GarageBand for the iOS and logic. it takes three steps to do the simplest things, that only take one click on logic for the Mac. And what is with that arrangement window always coming back? Why is it so hard to work with plug-ins from the mixer? Why is everything jumbled together in the finder? Where are all the amp simulators? Are they called patches now? I'm so confused. There's basic functions I still can't figure out how to do, it's completely unintuitive to me. And I've been recording since the four track days. I haven't even gotten to the subscription payment model- Just totally aggravating, and totally lame. I will not be continuing my subscription. Boo
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1 year ago, Dr. Feehlgud
Game Changer!
I’m an audio engineer and a Logic Pro lifer. I use Logic Pro everyday and I took the news of this release with a healthy dose of skepticism. I wasn’t immediately sure how the user interface would translate and had my doubts about a DAW in an iPad. Fifteen minutes of poking around the app and those doubts have been put to rest. This thing is amazing! Automation is an absolute breeze ( especially with a stylus). Surgical cuts and leveling can be a bear to do with a mouse or a trackpad. The ability to physically draw your automation curve is a massive time saver and I got some great natural sounding results in short order. This is a legit DAW in an iPad. Meaning we can have access to a studio anywhere you can hold a tablet. This opens up a great many exciting creative avenues and will be a welcomed addition to my toolbox. Thank You!
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3 days ago, MACKSBOOKisintheAIR
I hate GarageBand for 2 reasons and this is just like a more messed up, more noisier, more annoyingly little buttons to touch and screw you up not knowing whats going on with your song... 1st - missing on the actual keyboard semitone transpose option! Its got octave transpose why not add the more needed option and transpose semitones? Apple thinks every one who make music plays % 100 accurately and comfortable in any key? Yes some midi keyboards got that option but why this app its called "professional" if its missing such a simple option? Or this is just a rebadged GarageBand? Which is not bad but at least its free and doesn't pretend to be called "professional". The 2nd thing I hate is even more annoying because apple seems to care for loud noises with their AirPods and loud music in headphones and healthy sleep and making you get up and exercise but when it comes to "dark" "theme" in GarageBand AND THIS APP they totally forget their care of the peoples eye? The app is mostly light gray and dark gray texts on black background then hits you with white options and such white piano keys that you need a couple of minutes to get normal vision. Why????? Why no one gets annoyed by this??? In dark mode there should never be black tex on white background!!!!!! This hurts peoples eye!!!!!! I hate the fact that apple invented the dark theme or night mode and didn't bother to make it good at least in their factory apps the once that comes with their devices ☹️
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1 year ago, ;$&-%#!
A Turning Point for Music Production on iPad
Logic Pro at version 1.0 is a terrific starting point for a real “pro” DAW on iPad, and I think it reflects that the music software market for iPad is ready to go to the next level. One star deduction because there are some noticeable gaps between Logic Pro for iPad and really any desktop-grade DAW. Some of these gaps are down to limitations at the OS level, some due to the inevitable “90% complete” nature of a 1.0 release, and some that are hard to understand. For example, file handling is obtuse and difficult to work with, with no concept of “Save as…” or versioning or template functionality. It’s easy to inadvertently lose or damage existing work. That said I think Apple has a solid foundation here and I’m hopeful we’ll see improvements at a regular cadence.
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1 year ago, iDiegoDesigner
I love it read this developers
I love this app is amazing but there are some things to be improved in order to pay monthly like more sounds presets, I don’t care too much about samples because I can add my samples through files but we need more sounds for alchemy. Please add more sounds presets like those in Spire by Reveal Sound and Serum. Please add a multiband compressor for mastering like Sonible plugins or the multiband like Fabfilter. Also if you can make it more easy to copy and paste, maybe if you can hold with one finger and drop a sample with the other finger so you can clone or copy paste a sample that would be amazing. Other than that the app is great and I love that is doesn’t load CPU that much as my MacBook. But please give us more sounds presets I would even pay more for membership
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1 year ago, camarriott
Love to see it
I think it’s wonderful this app has finally been brought to iPad and I like that it’s not a one-to-one clone of the desktop version but more thought out for a touch interface. The layout isn’t necessarily intuitive but it’s pretty fast to figure out and the included lessons are great. Sure, it’s still missing a few things (please bring Flex Pitch soon 🤞) but for a v1 I’m extremely satisfied and hope that this brings more attention, innovation, and competition to iOS music production from plugin vendors and other DAWs. As for the subscription—I like it. I think the monthly pricing makes some of the more advanced Logic Pro features more accessible to people who want to track ideas and explore their musical side but don’t necessarily have the resources for a large upfront investment. If my kid is serious about wanting to get into music production, I’m a lot more likely to pay $5 for a couple months on the iPad she already has than I am to buy her a MacBook Pro, Logic Pro X, and all the hardware and plugins that she’ll inevitably want for a hobby that might not stick. Bottom line, I think it’s a great value for the initial feature set and I can’t wait to see where we go from here.
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1 year ago, RoryBlyth
You done messed up, Apple.
Update: Plugins working better. Not happy with the lack of a simple MIDI learn (that I could find). In that respect, Cubasis 3 is still cleaner and easier to use. How is Cubasis 3, a third party app in direct competition with Logic's DAW features, able to host inter-app and all my AU plugins while Apple's own product chokes when it tries? I'm sure the Official Response would be that the plugin devs need to fix their wares, but... ahem... myriad other apps work with them perfectly. Maybe your team should get in touch with Steinberg for advice. Thank god Cubasis is fantastic. And NanoStudio. And AudioBus. And every single other music app that works as advertised. How about free subs until LP actually works? I was thrilled like everybody else in the whole entire music-nerd universe when LP finally appeared on iPad. Right now I'd rather use GarageBand. Or Voice Memos. Or an Etch-a-Sketch.
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11 months ago, Manelee Arnbee
What Version, apprehensive?
I’m only reserving my mid score of 3 stars because I am unable to find the version number of Logic Pro for iPad. Albeit I don’t agree with it, I understand the monthly subscription but “I ain’t cool with ya’ll telling us it’s for ongoing future developments without revealing a version number to signify and announce an update! Why?!!” All the other apps on here don’t hide it, why are ya’ll? Other than that, it seems pretty cool and powerful for an iPad app. I am happy with it somewhat but still, I like looking at version numbers to tell exactly what’s been done and how often they are being worked on and released. So far, my only gripe. Will upgrade my score when I see a bit more, starting with that version number.
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12 months ago, BestBeatsDefeats
Logic Mobile is Too Powerful for my device
Although Logic has a lot more settings and instruments than GarageBand, when I loaded less than 30 instruments in my project, a message that said “CPU Overload” kept me from being able to play my song. I have an iPad Air 4th gen. With a decent amount of storage, so I thought I wouldn’t have too many problems, but I think the effects and settings I can add to my instruments were too much for my iPad to handle. This is just what I have been experiencing, and I’m not exactly sure what the issue is. However, if I wonder if anyone else has been experiencing the same thing as me. I think I’m going to reach out to Apple to see if there is any solution for this reoccurring problem. BUT OVERALL LOGIC PRO MOBILE IS AWESOME
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1 year ago, SdonnyG
Great start but many things to do
Thanks for finally get logic to iPad! It’s really great but there is already some things that I personally missed: 1) master volume slider at the top (even GarageBand has it) it’s inconvenient to change device volume with physical buttons 2) adding text notes - simple thing to implement and really helpful so that I should not switch between Notes app and logic 3) missing Score view in midi regions - in desktop it was very helpful 4) Surround and Atmos support((( - almost all of my desktop projects came with atmos and surround and I can’t open them on iPad at all… And I really want to make new songs in atmos on iPad 5) Comping for audio - yes I can manage takes some way but comping will be much MUCH easier 6) For some synths interface is overloaded with too many knobs and sliders that don’t distinct one from another 7) MPE midi parameters editing - now its only simple volume etc but not slide glide after touch and so on Thanks again for great app! Definitely subscribe and hope to see more sounds and functionality in future
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1 year ago, Stew413
Good start, but I’ll wait
I’ve been hoping for something like this for a long time. I know there have been other great DAWs on the app store for a while, but those were mainly B-tier at best. With Logic Pro on the iPad, I was excited to finally see one of the top dogs go mobile. This definitely is a “version 1” though, so there are some things that I want to see updated before I go all in. The main thing is midi integration for external controllers. Yes, I can plug in a keyboard and play right away. However, I bought this keyboard because of the control that it gave me over the DAW on my computer with the knobs, faders, transport controls, etc. Unfortunately, this version of Logic does not make use of those controls yet. The touch controls and Apple Pencil integration are great, but I’m hoping other midi controls will be added soon.
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12 months ago, michaeljjay
There’s better
Out of Logic Pro for iPad and Cubasis 3, I believe you get more value for money with Cubasis. I’ve only had to pay Steinberg once, and I can’t remember ever using it? Did I get my value for money? No, but I don’t mind helping companies like that because it’s only a one time payment and I appreciate what they are trying to do. As for Logic on iPad, well honestly this app isn’t really that outstanding enough to justify a subscription and it’s definitely not game changing enough to justify it value for money when comparing it to other apps that are offered. I understand that a subscription policy is something that Apple pushes on developers, but it’s not something that I’m interested in participating in. Will, I recommend this app to anyone else? Nope, not unless it’s a one time payment. I will actually tell people to stay away from it!
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6 months ago, Mwmusictv
It’s what you make it
I’ve been wanting to switch to IPad music production for a long time, because I love the fluidity of the IPad so much compared to the Mac. I love both products, but I would find myself gravitating towards the IPad for almost everything before I ever went to my MacBook. The only thing holding me back was Logic because it’s my DAW of choice for almost a decade. This changed it all for me!! Just sold my MacBook, and now all I have is this powerful IPad able to do everything i need to continue making music for streaming platforms! Thank you for finally doing this Apple! Can’t wait to see all the future updates :)
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1 year ago, user48763
Disappointing pricing, accessibility problem
I was really excited to see this until I downloaded it. The price is $500 for 10 year usage, which is too much. It should be priced like Logic for Mac, FCP, and Motion, which have reasonable, one-time costs. That is the only reason I got Logic for Mac in the first place — otherwise I would have gone with something like FLStudio which is more expensive than Logic for Mac, but just a one-time expense. Their iPad app is only about $15 and they are a vastly smaller company than Apple. I’m already paying a subscription, because the software only works on Apple devices, so I have to buy more devices to keep using the software. Also, music software in general needs to pay more attention to accessibility. Dark mode can be extremely difficult or impossible to read for people with certain eye conditions, and this one is harder to read than on a Mac. Even though my device is set to light mode, the file browser opens in a dark mode that is more difficult to read than the desktop version. It’s too difficult to type out an explanation on an iPad, but Apple should bring in an accessibility expert and test the UIs with astigmatism. The situation keeps getting worse. A light mode would be ideal (for all apps).
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1 year ago, Stormbending
Home Run
I have wanted this for many years, but was skeptical that it could actually work. The geniuses who implemented the core concepts of how this works must have spent thousands of hours getting it just right. I am no longer a skeptic, this works perfectly, is beautiful, and makes me want to carry my iPad everywhere I go again just like when it first came out. Today I imported a heavy rock song I’d written five years ago, which has just about every trick in the Logic book and 40 plus tracks. Within ten minutes I had figured enough out to begin working and creating in this ingenious interface. Amazing work Logic Team!
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8 months ago, HunterGrayson
I really want to like this app
I don’t know what is happenings, but playback and even exported audio have significant drops in Audio, I have no idea what is happening, but please fix this. Please incorporate Magic Keyboard shortcuts that are correlated to the mac version, and I agree with the other comments that I would be willing to pay $80-$100 one time rather than pay a subscription. I dropped Final Cut Pro for iPad to to DaVinci having more power and free for 80% of functionality or an easy one-time payment for a full video-editor. I hate to say it but as soon as a better daw comes out on iPad I will be switching; especially if I am paying a subscription. Shift the model and fix these bugs. I could not consider this a pro app if I was recording a client and their recorded audio kept dropping.
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1 week ago, Kurt52
One use only
Sorry, the basic reason I keep this subscription is for the mastering suite, everything else pales in comparison to the desktop version I’ve had since 2017. My iMac is too old, or too “Intel,” to do the mastering (except for “clean”), and my 2019 iPad Pro can’t do some of the latest things like Stem Splitter. I get the impression Apple wants me to buy a new M2 version that I certainly can’t afford. Planned obsolescence? Anyway, I have issues with iPad DAWs in general and will stick with my fave, AUM. Live Loops, maybe. Have yet to cross that bridge.
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1 year ago, ArKade110
Seems Alright, but it isn’t ready for prime time
Only accepts iPad AU plugins, which is fine, but it is really frustrating that this can’t scale to full screen when docked with a computer. It would be nice to get a little bit more real estate with a computer screen without and use the full screen. It seems like an unnecessary bottleneck to a creative process. I’d stick with the Mac one if that bugs you, otherwise it is not bad, and is much better than any other iPad DAW as far as I can tell, but still, with the power the iPads have now, I didn’t expect these unnecessary limitations.
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12 months ago, Robert Fisher
The best iPad DAW for me
Last year I switched to making music on the iPad because I found I was more productive on it. For each project, however, I had to choose one of four DAWs depending on what limitations I was willing to live with for that project. But Logic has all the features that are most important to me. Things that would make it better: MIDI export. Export regions. UI for the plug-ins that are currently playback only. Ability to write or import MIDI scripts without needing the Mac version of Logic. Easier management of takes than having to pull up a menu and submenu for each operation.
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1 year ago, jkayvon
Calling This Logic Pro is Illogical
I knew it. I had a feeling that apple would take away the ability to use custom/3rd party soundfonts, AU’s not from the AppStore and they did it. You cannot even export MIDI from this app in the export menu. This app is great if you have a mac but if you don’t you are limited to what apple gives you with the sound library (which is also incomplete). This is a glorified version of garageband that costs you monthly. It’s nice to import existing Logic Pro files from a Mac but it is impossible to do what I do with the program on the iPad. This is from the “Sampler”: “ plug-in provides playback compatibility with Logic Pro for Mac projects. You can load presets for this plug-in, but parameter editing is only available when using Logic Pro for Mac.”
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3 months ago, seljun
I’m dropping my rating!
I’m dropping my rating to a 2 star because the app is simply too buggy for reliable production. It’s either iPad OS or the app itself that is simply too unstable. Any changes to the audio input/device can disable plugins at random. There’s no AUV3 rescanning tool. It may refuse to recognize plugins altogether even after a close and relaunch of the app. Other DAWS on this platform do not do this. Even loading the producer packs can disable the third party AUV3s already on my iPad. Missing features I can forgive because this app is in early development, but not addressing all of these bugs is not accessible. Not when you have my subscription! And then getting awards for this app and not doing updates is wild! Come on Apple!
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6 months ago, jay aka minimack aka girl
Please please respond
I was really liking this app. My MIDI, microphone, and Starrypad were all connecting really well… at first. Then my MIDI keyboard just stopped. It would work for a while then stop working after I selected a different track. I don’t know what’s wrong. It’s not the cable because it’s still sending the MIDI power and when I hit record the notes are there but the sound isn’t. This is very frustrating. I’m a new singer and producer and I’m trying to find the right DAW for the technology I’m using. What am I doing wrong? I’m using a Donned N25 MIDI keyboard if that helps. Please respond. I’m planning on getting my music up and running soon and need to know if this is the DAW for me. Thanks.
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1 year ago, Tweeleaf
I downloaded this fully expecting to be able to link my MacOS version of Logic Pro to this iPad version, but instead it has a money-hungry subscription system which doesn’t even automatically sync my projects on a cloud. Seems like it would be extremely useful, but instead my expectations were compressed into a ball of disappointment. I expected Apple to know what a good workflow is, but clearly I was wrong. If it did work as I described, I can guarantee it would have boosted sales of Logic Pro by a lot (which would make you around as much money as the subscription service would in 4 entire years.) Apple has enough money, might as well make their products actually convenient and not miserably overpriced. Would not recommend.
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1 year ago, lilSillyGuy42069
No compatibility with Atom 2 or Pure Piano
This app has the potential to become to premier DAW on iPad. And I would want to make this my exclusive platform paying my subscription year round while I create music on Logic Pro for iPad. However there is either no compatibility with Pure Piano or Atom 2 or I don’t know how to load them into Logic Pro yet. Atom 2 is the best and most robust piano roll midi-editor on iPad and Pure Piano is the best piano simulator. I want to create a track where Pure Piano is the audio unit and then start another midi track where Atom 2 can be launched and send to Pure Piano. I can do this in other DAWs on iPad and that compatibility would put this DAW over the top. If an update can be made to accommodate my fav AUv3s or I can be shown how to load them I will gladly change my rating to 5 stars.
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1 year ago, The Pagan Rhino
Trying to look at and download the Sound Packs. I get the Not connected to the Internet Error
i was trying to look at the sound packs and it took me to the error screen Logic Pro is not connected to the internet. I’ve been getting this same error with Apple Music on my iPad forever and it makes it unusable. Everything else works just fine on my iPad. My connection is fine. The program itself is working fine. It records, etc. But as soon as I try to look at Sound Packs I get the error. Help would be nice. Since this is not just a Logic Pro error. I have an 2020 iPad Pro 12.9” 1 TB
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4 weeks ago, Jazz Master Fulton
Forced subscription?
You can’t even pay for the app unless you get into some sort of free trial. It seems like a bait and switch because they know you’re going to forget to unsubscribe and they don’t make it easy. They also don’t give you an option to purchase a license. You have to do subscription. Well, it’s terrible business model where you can’t serve all your customers. All of the ones that you can talk into giving monthly subscriptions up. Apple consider that people with autism/neurodivergent do get anxiety from subscriptions. There are scientific research papers on aversion of loss with neurodivergent people when you force time intervals with a financial loss. Do the right thing
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1 year ago, Jameskist87
Lack of External MIDI Device Playback
Logic Pro is hands down the best for Production/Editing/Recording. However, using Logic to run Live Playback is another popular use case. Many bands/artists are already using iOS devices for controlling their Mixers & IEM rigs. The fact that Logic Pro for iPad does not include the support for External MIDI Playback is a hard stop for many artists to use their iPad as their playback Source. Would love to see some updates that add useful features for Playback. The iPad is a wonderful tool in live music production, would love to see software features that support live performance. (An update to MainStage could also be great, add MIDI CC patch change support, DMX Light Programming)
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4 months ago, Jonavin Jackson
Message to developers and feature request
Dear developers of Logic Pro this has totally been a dream come true I have been waiting for this day for a long time thank you guys so much I hope that one day that this app will be a one time purchase (: I’m really digging it. Also could you guys acoustic producer kits feature like the desktop version and also add pop drummers and maybe add a kit in the pack that sounds close to Michael Jackson’s Billie jean drum sounds ?
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8 months ago, ScottFin
Great DAW But Missing MIDI Export
Unless I’m mistaken, and correct me if I am, there is no midi export. This drives me nuts since you can’t in GarageBand as well. Why create an almost full featured DAW in iOS, and then you don’t add midi export? This would make my review a full 5 stars if midi export was added. Also it has a hard time exporting a track without crashing if one has a few audio FX added to tracks. Freezing tracks isn’t the best way to export every time if one wishes to use several FX chains.
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1 year ago, Pnto
You guys did it🔥🔥🔥🔥
It’s a new program, it has its bugs but the functionality and workflow is unrivaled, sound is incredible, loading au3 and custom drum samples is remarkably fluid. Freeze option to save resources and samples match tempo. There’s a few glitches with note repeat viewing and the subscription is less desirable but if library expands to high quality instruments and collaborations with companies like NI and such, it could be worth it. Definitely the best DAW on iPad. Great work 🍾🍸
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1 year ago, WhiteScorpion1
It’s great but….
I think they did a really good job porting Logic to iPad and I find it quite enjoyable to use ,even more so than the Mac version,which I don’t actually use all that much as I mostly use Fl studio. The new plugins Beat breaker and sample alchemy are awesome too. I’ll probably end up subscribing but like others,I don’t like the subscription model, especially since I own it on Mac. I think a perpetual license option would really be nice plus some sort of discount for people who already bought the Mac version. Same with Final Cut
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7 months ago, kaderarnold
looking forward to rolling updates for both logic pro and final cut!!
Both additions are HUGE steps in the right direction, and i am excited to see the direction in continuity! namely, in features like plugins, ports for iphone and ipad mini, AU and VST plugin ports, instrument synthesis vocoder customization, automation tools in logic pro, and other additional tools which may or may not already exist in an under-optimized workflow. Thanks for reading and looking forward to hearing others derivation ideas! 4 stars because of monthly payment model :o
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3 months ago, RM John
Good stuff- could still be better
I have created lots of excellent recordings with Logic Pro and the results are excellent. The learning curve is steep for someone not experienced with the symbols and jargon. The tutorials and help feature make too many assumptions about the computer skills and knowledge of jargon to be very helpful. At best they are challenging to use. How about a manual for dummies with a full and understandable graphic layout of all of the buttons, features, and functions? Somewhat slower paced tutorials?
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7 months ago, Lsd87
Changed My Mind
I initially wasn’t a fan but after I was able to spend some time with the program I came to a different conclusion and love it. I subscribed in order to delve deeper into a complex program. Despite the steep learning curve my creativity has been sparked. I’m spending. Ore time creating now than I have in awhile. The wonderful recent update quelled my suspicions about Apple not doing much to support the program going forward. So I’m a fan!
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1 year ago, Oaktown Wizard
Brilliant! A Dream Come True!!!
For the joy of music. This is truly a dream come true for me. I am all about the experience when it comes to making music. This is tech that intuitively does the job without breaking my groove or taking my focus away from the creative process. I have waited a long time for this and I am very grateful for the good people at Apple that have poured their passion into this creative tool for musicians. Your contribution matters in this world. Keep up the good work!
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1 year ago, Isaac0_o
Please Fix this 😭
I was so excited to use Logic Pro on my iPad, I’ve been waiting for this for a few years now. I plugged in my interface to record some audio and logic is not receiving any audio. My interface is powered and logic recognizes my interface and all of its inputs/outputs, but it will not receive any sound. My interface is receiving sound because I can see the green light on the gain knob. To make matters more confusing, I am able to get sound in other applications like voice memos and n track. I am also able to send audio from my iPad to my interface and out to my speakers. I am so frustrated and confused someone please help fix this issue.
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1 year ago, JeromeLyons
It’s finally here
We’ve all dreamed of the day Logic Pro would come to iPad and it’s finally here. All the features and plugins are included except Flex Pitch unless I’m overlooking it. If you’re a seasoned Logic Pro user then learning the new iPad interface will be a breeze to learn. I had it down in a few hours thanks to all of the included in app tutorials. I’ve already recorded a few songs on my iPad and I’m excited to see what the future holds for this amazing app.
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1 month ago, macpurduethegod
Major bug needs fixing
I randomly lost about 4-5 months of progress and music I’d made for an upcoming album. I thought maybe it had something to do with iCloud storage so I bought more. Needless to say I still do not have the music. If any app developer sees this, if you are able to go into files and recover them from the ether that would be amazing. Other than that, strongly considering upgrading to Mac mini/Mac Studio. Sorry to anyone who wants to use this if this. My heart is broken, I should’ve upgraded a long time ago.
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1 year ago, MikeyCashGames
Super powerful, more pro apps please Apple!
I love how powerful this is and how smoothly it runs on my M1 iPad Pro! I have been using it the last couple days for all my projects and it is integrating rather seamlessly into my process. I like being able to manipulate elements of the UI with touch and the Apple Pencil but Also connect my mouse and keyboard for traditional editing workflows! I haven’t found much I don’t like but if I do Ill update this review.
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11 months ago, Justin032
Why no info on version and updates?
I agree with the other reviewer who mentioned that it seems odd Apple is hiding the version info and update log that literally every other app has listed as standard. How are we supposed to know when updates are added and bugs are fixed? This is especially important for a recurring subscription model. The way the one man development team Loopy Pro handles this is miles ahead in terms of transparency. What is Apple afraid of by hiding this standard info?
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