Magic Poser - Art Pose Tool

Graphics & Design
3.8 (8.5K)
225.3 MB
Age rating
Current version
Wombat Studio, Inc.
Last update
8 months ago
Version OS
11.2 or later
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User Reviews for Magic Poser - Art Pose Tool

3.76 out of 5
8.5K Ratings
2 years ago, Azallalinaa
Good but too expensive.
This was and is the best thing I have ever used to learn now to draw art in different perspectives. But as a person who makes minimum wage and is living paycheck to paycheck, this is just too much with the new payment things. When I would buy coins to get all the features before, it was easy because I can just over time select added new things I wanted without it feeling like it drained my account. But now just to have access to more that 1 character or anything actually needed for something that’s a bigger project I need which I probably have to do 1-2 times a month, I have to pay $15 basically. I can’t afford $15 to use one thing and sadly have to look for other options. Aside from pricing, I was the most satisfied and amazed and happiest with everything there was. I’d give it a 5 star rating if not the overpricing. Which I get, it’s a team making this. But at this point I feel like the company would genuinely use users because of the pricing rather than make it a consistent larger one time payment for master or have a $3-$5 monthly subscription which I absolutely would do without hesitation. As a person who knows business and used to work with my mother who owned a business as well. This was a bad move pricing it so high every month especially for users like myself who can never keep up thus losing in the end. It makes me actually feel devastated and sad I can’t keep using it because I can’t afford it.
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9 months ago, Wiskers6176
Pretty good, but could use some more features
Technically, there are theoretically limitless possibilities with this app, but after a while the features get boring, leaving you wanting more to do to bring your scene to life. This is why I propose the idea of allowing your users to paint their characters & props, customize facial features, ,add custom 3D objects from other programs such as nomad sculpt for example, and connect props to any joint of the body. A couple of downsides to the app is that the in-app purchases are too expensive; sure, I'm fine with paying the one-time 10 dollar micro transaction, even though it hardly adds anything compared to the subscription, but the subscription is asking too much in terms of pay when people already have taxes to pay, and on top of that, even though I'm personally not out in the world yet, I understand that people have lots of bills to pay already. Even though the “Master” subscription kind of makes up for the price with everything they add to your experience, in reality, a subscription of that price on a puppet posing app is ridiculous, and way over the top. Im not an expert, but the simple change in price, and maybe even adding the features I’ve suggested, will without a doubt change your app rating significantly, and realistically to a high 4.4-5 star range.
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1 year ago, im )7)
Amazing app, but Limited Models, Expressions, and Weight Customization
This app has been a tremendous asset in improving my art perspectives and understanding of anatomy, for which I'm truly grateful. However, I believe there are a few areas that could be enhanced to further elevate its capabilities. Firstly, it would be beneficial to have the option to include multiple models instead of just one, as this limitation hinders the app's versatility, especially when depicting scenes like fights or hugs. Additionally, the ability to modify facial expressions would greatly enhance the app's realism and artistic expressiveness. Lastly, it would be ideal if users could customize the weight size of the models without any additional cost. This would provide greater freedom in creating diverse and inclusive artwork. Despite these areas for improvement, this app has undeniably played a crucial role in my artistic journey. (Note: I do understand that this app need money for the developers to not die but maybe make it so you can have any two genders and models along with their weight. I might sound like im reciting the review again so sorry i think it would be better for plus sized and minus sized users that don't have the preset body types happy like me :) thank you for reading this and i hope you add atleast one of my suggestions)
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Feel Left Out
Recently like many, I have been slowly recovering from the disaster the past few years have been. Having used this app for a long time on my old device I thought it would be great to purchase all the assets for my new device….. but then the pay structure changed. I understand that the developers must survive, however there should be a way to purchase flat out all the assets and 3D exporting feature without a constant subscription. I know many fellow colleagues in my office that think this same way. They will purchase apps and features for $25-$50 one time fee, but will never think about a constant subscription, even to something $3-$5 a month. The old coin pay structure was messy, however permanently owning features of a program is the most important thing for me when looking at apps. I would spend more money on this app, or even consider the subscription if the structure was different. The subscription should give you the full app, 100% of all current, and FUTURE features. Maybe even a dedicated support line. However you should be able to purchase the current “master” features at a higher one time price. This would give someone who cannot spend much the ability to access all features through the monthly plan. And give business professionals the ability to outright purchase for a higher one time price the current features. Please change this! Thank you.
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2 years ago, Canya'llhelpoutalilpls
Give me back the old app version.
Y’all messed up the game because why did y’all make all this “pro” and “master” stuff???? Look, I know every game developer wants to make money as much as the next one does but this right here is not the way. If your an old user don’t come back because now they are making you pay for subscriptions to use models and stuff like that. Y’all got me really messed up cause why I need to pay to duplicate a model…. 💀 In the old app version it had coins that were called “wombat coins” If you logged in each day it would give you five coins and if you came for 7 days in a row those coins would go up by 5, therefore you would ten coins if you logged in each day. If skipped a day you lost your streak and would start off with 5 again. With those coins you could buy models probs hair and even clothes for them. Also if you signed up for the first time in the old app version it gave you 600 or 500 coins to start off with. Y’all don’t download the app because this is just one of those subscription apps and I don’t want no developer response talking about some “Well you could try our 1 week free trial! 😁” ( I gave it 5 stars so the developer could see this.) Y’all stay safe tho.
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2 years ago, clombo99
Good but has some big limitations
I love that this app is so easy to use, and that it has a variety of models and preset poses! The affordable $10 one-time fee version gives me everything I need without paying the expensive monthly subscription. The biggest thing that excited me about it was the body morph function, where you can adjust "muscle," "fat," and "skinny" sliders on the standard model. Being able to use this to account for body size before drawing is a huge asset. However, the sliders don't function well in combination with each other. The most common problem I have is that if I want to increase the muscle mass of a fat model, instead of changing their proportions it just slaps contoured abs on top of their belly😭 I pretty much just use the fat slider and ignore the other two, but I really hoped I could use them all together to achieve a realistic range of unique proportions. I hope the devs work to improve this. The other problem I have is how badly it handles shoulders. There is no way to move the shoulderblade and collarbone, and it really shows in poses with raised arms, even the pre-set ones. It's a pretty important and complex area of the body to render, so it's a little annoying to have an anatomy reference that can't pose it correctly.
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2 years ago, bunbun_b0y
I was a bit dissatisfied with the characters.
Hi, I’m a new user and I just got this app today since I stumbled upon it on TikTok. I thought it would be a great way to create my own poses and such abs not have to try to find a pose in the internet that would take a lot of time. And it is! It’s great for posing, but I was a bit upset at the fact that there is a lack of characters you can access through the free version. Of course though the male model is fine but at least have a female model. I feel like having just at least a female model and male model would be enough for the free version. I wanted to explore the app a bit more abs found out that you could only get the female model if you get the pro which right now I can not purchase. I strongly suggest that the app should at least have a female model for better reference and anatomy as well! Also I’m wondering why there could only be the male model and not have a male and female model for the free version?(I have also read more recent comments about the free version not having a female model, numerous of those reviews) Also I’ve read some reviews saying about the previous version of the app, about rewards or daily rewards and such im just wondering what that was about. But overall the app is pretty nice but I think adding a female model fit the free version can be a good improvement!
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2 years ago, Grumpypug
Eh, it’s still alright
I got a chance to try out the pro-version for a month. I thought I was gonna be upset and join the hate-bandwagon after reading a lot of bad reviews for this, but seeing as the pro-version is a one time fee for my basic needs, I think it’s worth it. I’m not too sure about the master version yet, Especially because ( in this economy) I can’t afford anymore subscription services. The biggest realizations I had while using this app: Work with the limitations provided. I think some people expect too much and rely too heavily on this app for ALL their needs. This shouldn’t be the only source for everything. This is only a study tool to help visualize poses at different angles. At least that’s how I used it. I used this app alongside photo references if a picture I was sketching from had a pose that was too confusing. I know a lot of people are upset about the update changes, it’s extremely infuriating. A lot of things that used to be freely available are now behind a paywall (Example: the option to have more than one model per scene). I agree with others that the female model should be a part of the free version though. Maybe have an option to choose between the two models before opening a new scene.
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2 years ago, gator supreme
🙃 From FREE to $9.99 🙃
I hate leaving negative reviews, but I’m peeved. I’ve been using this app for a year now, and I’ve loved every bit of it! Sure some joints were a little buggy, and maybe the asset store was a little clunky, but these and a lot of other small things got patched over time - all in all, a super useful and well maintained app! However! Many of the main features I was MOST DEFINITELY not alone in finding crucial to the art process, features that were not long ago COMPLETELY free, and not even locked behind a login, are now behind a paywall. The thing is, I don’t mind paying for apps. I don’t mind subscription based pay models for premium access and additional features, within reason. What I DO mind is having things I’ve come to rely on (adding two actors to a scene, being able to pose more than ONE gender and body type, etc) being taken back and locked behind the whole “we need to pay our devs” thing. If you’re really hurting for profit, that’s what adding new content and pay tiers is for; and maybe controversially (but STILL better than what is being pulled here), upping existing prices, going from a one time to a sub model, moving already paid content behind a higher pay tier, just to name a few common monetization approaches. I absolutely understand the desire to milk an app’s popularity in a niche market to heck and back, but I can very confidently say this WAS NOT the way to do it.
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11 months ago, TheDoyles9196
Update Puts Previously Purchased Features Behind Even Bigger Paywall
This app has been very helpful to me when in an artistic pinch. I probably use it a couple times a month, and really had nothing but praise for the program until recently. When I made a one-time purchase for “pro tier” access, all of the pose/hand preset catalogue was made available. Now, they’ve added a new tier to their paid versions, a “master tier”, which is not a one-time payment and is instead a whopping $15 a month. And, instead of focusing on new content exclusive to this master tier, they decided to take away access to a bunch of the old presets one could previously use—presets that much of their user base paid for. It’s just incredibly annoying. Seriously, $15 a month for a feature I already paid for a year ago? I understand if the app is struggling financially, but maybe focus on adding new presets exclusive to the master tier? New assets, new props? Fact is, no matter the financial situation bts of the program, it will always be viewed as unpleasant when something that was paid for is suddenly taken away. I’m still grateful to the app, and will continue to use it when needed. This update has made it much more difficult to use—but not impossible. It’s just the upsetting business practice that troubles me.
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2 years ago, emberwilferyt
I understand the reviews that are upset about the new subscription and the one time fee because I had used this app for quite awhile when I was starting out and it is still one of my favorites because it is one of the rare apps that had the ability to add more than one character out of all the paid and free apps. However running something of this capacity seems expensive and I can understand putting a paywall. It would be nice if there was some variety added to the furniture once it was paywalled though. The controls while still very similar are slightly harder to see (I might just be blind) it would be nice if there was an option to change the joints shape and color back to the original color and shape. I don’t mind the paywall and the new customizations are great I do wish the individual limbs could be more customizable maybe even have some be removable and maybe be able to change the height of the characters. Otherwise it’s a great app and I would and have recommended it to multiple friends 👍. Slight edit: I would like to add that locking the joints would also be a helpful feature. Also the drop feature is cool but the characters phase through objects when it’s clicked
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2 years ago, ComicEnjoyer
Kind of screwed yourself on the update
I’ve been using this for almost a year—it was reliable, and with time, free of charge for props with those generous daily check ins. It has so many more props than almost all other posing apps, decent models, tools, and I’ve used it to reference 50+ drawings and sketches over time. And then, the update. I was thrilled seeing my friends post about the new body morphing function along with far greater detail lovingly put into the models. I raced over to my tablet to update it, opened it, only to find myself locked out of certain poses, props, and more. And the only solution? Money. Not 99 cents for a hundred coins, not check in every couple days for wombat coins, but straight cash. And it gave me the Pro version because I’d already spent some on it, so that means those without Pro or Master are locked out of even more stuff! And, less concerning, but the models still definitely have issues. With the more muscular Arnold one, the Latissimus Doris muscle—the one just beneath the armpit—blows widely out of proportion when you raise the arms. The folds of the bodies are strange and glitchy, and while I do appreciate the new drag-to-move feature, it constantly either barely senses the touch or thinks my finger moved 7 miles away. The rotating function(s) are funky, too.
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2 years ago, Lisaursa123
The app is not as accessible anymore , i am sorry
i really liked this app before the new update … the system with coins and rewards by checking in daily , being able to add multiple characters . With update there is non of such thing as far as i see and it very disappointing to me , because i can’t afford subscription and this app became pretty much useless to me … and the fact that i just lost access to my scenes with multiple characters after trial time has expired, is very very sad because there is quiet a lot . It would be nice if i can download them at least to use somewhere else but this future is available with even higher priced subscription. SUGGESTION: Very disappointing, but it’s understandable because creators need resources to keep this app going and in my opinion ad system would be much better , for example : watch ad to add 1 more character to a scene, watch add to open scene with multiple characters. I hope your business blooms and all …but i had to find something else more assessable for artist who yet don’t have income - to be able to afford using this app. update : i didn’t know that pro version is one time fee , which is much better :)) yet still can’t afford it
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4 months ago, JFLY28
Trepidation at most from reading reviews...
I was getting ready to purchase the app after comparing it to some other ones like poseit and poseme... i can say this one is intuitive and easy to pose faster however the whole pay wall is a nihtmare. i was not here for the free version of full features seems like it was the best days ever, but when i just wanted to do an export or add a model to the scene i'm confused do i get the pro version or master version.? It's not clear and with that is a bad user experience, if you're looking for new customer and scaling your business this is a flaw a kink in the armor. pro should give the benefits of export .obj, also multiple models in a scene. if you had only subscription model lower the price of entry to say 4.99 heck OF ppl make millions with that pricing structure i'm sure you can make do. Here is an idea at least have an ambient occlusion render with hard outlines for reference. Give the people what they want. who did you survey snooty colleagues what kind of sample group is that, if they live in San Fran of course $14 lattes is ok with them, meanwhile rest of America and the world don't have that luxury.
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2 years ago, agsgajhd
Sad :( (updated review)
(Original, see bottom for update, I misunderstood) I love this app and don’t get me wrong the update is great mostly, I don’t need a bunch of fancy add ons and it works a lot more smoothly now… HOWEVER, I am upset with the fact the only free default model is male. This feels very unfair and honestly a little sexist that the default free one is male and male only. Used two there were male and female defaults but I have to pay to get a female model? That doesn’t feel right. I think there should be at least ONE free male AND female model each- otherwise it just rubs me the wrong way. The add ons costing money is one thing, those are just fun additions but to have to pay for what should be a default female model doesn’t feel fair, not everyone wants to draw a dude. Otherwise though I like everything else. Update/edit: I was wrong, my app was wonky when I redownloaded and the female preset had to be redownloaded as well! That is totally my bad and I apologize for the misunderstanding! The preset that popped up next to the male default was one I had to pay for- hence the confusion, but after doing some digging and downloading the original female default all is well!
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2 years ago, GoonNicknamesTaken
After using the app more to try and get poses, I am not changing my mind.
I wrote a review for this after the update, and i got a generic reply, saying “oh, this was the best business model for us and users.” Well, I actually decided to try the app more. Files I was able to access before with the models I paid with wombatcoins? Unable to access them. Literally everything in the community tab? Unable to. I understand wanting to be more profitable and give more quality of life updates, but this is too far. Wouldn’t it have been better to just. Idk, make a new version of the app? And funny thing is, lots of people suggested things like different body types other than just differences in art styles, and those are nowhere to be found. Well, if they were, once again, locked behind a paywall. I’m still super disappointed. I got this app because it didn’t require spending real money in order to have basic features (as a starving artist, this was a game changer), and although it was hard to pose at times, the community provided. We provided for each other, not just those who paid. This was the only app I knew of this kind, desktop or mobile, that didn’t have unreasonable prices for the bare minimum. I am not recommending this to my fellow artist friends anymore. Sorry. Update: I found that I could access some of my files. Most of them, no.
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2 years ago, angelmstang
An amazing full experience app turned into a sample by a greedy update
Like many others in these recent reviews, I too have used this app for my many artist endeavors. The app used to be free, and you had the option to buy some more assets. However, the base app was more than enough for everything you needed. You could add multiple models, they had a pretty great selection of both male and female characters of which you could use for free. Many people that come into this app without having used it in the past will not know just how good the app used to be. I got so excited when I kept getting emails from this company claiming that their best update was coming, that it would make everything so much better. I believed it. You see, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to move up as a company. But don’t take EVERYTHING away from loyal app users in an “update” that claims to make everything better. You could have so easily left everything that was free, and then charge a premium for additional items. I will no longer be using this app, and I hope many other users leave them too, so that they see how much they screwed it up. If you want to take notes from a great 3d company, go take a look at DAZ3D. They give their users so much for free, anything else you can buy, but it doesn’t limit you or take anything away from the best experience.
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2 years ago, murrymooth
Adore it, love it, couldn’t live without it
I absolutely love this program. I’ve been using it for a while, but after the update earlier this year with weight\muscle\lighting options it’s become indispensable for me. I use it for my art and comics and it’s helped speed up my process so much! I’m not sure why people are upset about the update and ‘missing out’ on old features that were standard with the free version. The free version is the exact same as it was, but for a single payment you can do the basic upgrade and that’s a massive bargain for all the additional content! The only thing I hope gets fixed in an update soon isn’t app breaking or anything but can drive me a bit bonkers. The Elle 3 model has a parenting issue with her knee aims I think so when lowering her by the hip or moving her legs by the feet joints her knees will spread wide open instead of staying straight. That means if I want to move the leg just slightly up or down I’m going to have to fix the knee too because it’ll swing out to the side. I can get around it by relying on FK movements instead but it’s just something small I hope get touched up.
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1 year ago, Lexi Brett
Don’t like this purchase idea
Hi! I hate leaving negative reviews, but I am trying to work on an art project on IBSpaint, so I downloaded this app, I needed to add one more person for this project but it wouldn’t let me and told me to go pro, the price is just expensive for me, and I’m just a kid. I recently deleted the app dew to not being able to really do anything without pro, but another reason why the price is ridiculous is because it used to be free, I had this app on a different device I eventually got rid of, and I had access to EVERYTHING. let’s just say that this app was really great before you guys put in the pro, and master stuff. Btw, I don’t want the developers to fully change the game, I am just putting this out there for other people to see if they don’t know if they want this app. Btw, I hope developers will come to on this, because I just don’t get it. But some good things are that you guys did great with the fake people. And also you can add props! That’s great! Just the only thing I need to understand is, what’s the purpose of pro, it’s basically like the old free version? So what’s the point? I know this is a long comment but I hope developers will reach out to me. If you read all of this, thank you! And I hope you all understand why I wrote this! Thank you! :) -your customer
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2 years ago, idkijustGuest
I’ve been using this app for a long time and I’m disappointed
Like I’ve said I’ve been using this app for a very long time and I’ve wasted a lot of money on it i’ve always like this app ever since I got it but I am little disappointed in the update although I love it and I’m proud to see the improvement, but I am upset at how much money I’ve wasted. And i’m disappointed how it offers a boy but not a girl and there’s not really much you can do, you can’t add more characters you’re just stuck with one, it’s kind of like forcing you to buy The the master. I don’t like the price on the one day thing now if it was a week I would understand but a day that’s what I don’t understand now when it comes to the master that’s a very reasonable price for every month I just don’t like the day one I just don’t understand why it’s like that. I’m very happy to see the improvement but just a little disappointed with the update I prefer the old one much better than new one, at least than you had more to choose from when it comes to characters and you weren’t force to have just one character. Overall I really really really love this app and I hope you can improve in some areas that need improvement thank you for listening!!!
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1 year ago, Kirenaa
Sudden monetization of previously free assets
I used to use this app RELIGIOUSLY a year ago I believe and I really like this app. Sure there were in app purchases but you could create any prop you needed with shapes if you were really inclined to spend more time there. It was early in development so it was understandable, I loved the community because many people had made poses that anyone could access and I found that extremely helpful as a young artist. Recently I came back to this app since I couldn’t find the pose I wanted to draw and I was immediately really confused. Everything was locked by subscriptions, even the 5 models that came FREE upon download had gone to THE MOST EXPENSIVE SUBSCRIPTION. Now I’m not crass, I know to run an app like this you need money however completely handicapping your users is not how you do that! If you want to monetize I suggest giving NEW high quality features like the fat measures, maybe more accessories, props and possibly more preset rooms. The female model should NOT be paid locked… a male and female model is bare minimum needed yet apparently to draw women correctly you need to pay? It does not look good. I apologize for my strong message but I feel that the developers are not listening to the will of the consumers. I hope one day you make it clear that most of the advertising is behind a paywall.
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1 year ago, Ziyahsfuture
Don’t get this app, very poor support service……..
I had to wait a couple of days just for Magic poser support to finally “acknowledge” my question about the use of User content posted on the community page. Like when using a scene posted by a user on the community page for an art reference should they be given attribution? Or is no attribution needed? So……….after waiting days for a response, instead of answering my question themselves they just sent me a link to their “Terms of Service “ And basically told me they don’t know and I should talk to a legal team for my case……..I just asked about attribution, commercial, and professional use of community user content. Like, how do you not know the exact use of your company’s User Content? Like the workings of their support system just seems lazy to me. It’s like going to a doctor to see what’s wrong with your body and the doctor just looks at you and says “Hmmm, I don’t know.” And ends up giving you a link to a random google article of what you “might have” . I loved this app, but I am highly disappointed in their support team when it comes to asking about the use of service. Maybe I’ll just avoid using any community scenes as tools or references for my art, but at the same time this just made me want to avoid the whole app altogether just to be safe.
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2 years ago, BlackBirchOwl
Great Update for an ART app.
Y’all 1 starrers need to learn to read and understand this app is programmed for ART BASED designs. This is NOT a game, this is not meant to be a time waster. This is meant to be an easy to use, fully functional art poser program for artist of all kinds. I understand the monthly subscription cost (15$) can be daunting for most but a ONE TIME FEE OF $9.99, you can get loads of options for ideas, styles and references. Procreate is $9.99, a decent meal at McDonalds is about $9.99, 2 gallons of gas is 10 bucks now. So you’re gonna sit here, whining, moaning, and complaining that a team that spent months developing this program to service the artists that need it and will use it for its ACTUAL purpose, are greedy, selfish, and undeserving? Uneffingbelievable. Need I remind you what devices y’all are using this app on? Yeah, I’m sure those cost more than 10 bucks. Think before you lash out, you entitled babies. I hope for more updates and add-ons in the future like more body/ethnic types, facial expressions and even animals and/or anthropomorphic poses in the future.
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4 years ago, TecnoAbbs
I really love this app but,
I really love this app, it’s helped me with so much of my art. I was even able to practice perspective! While I was looking through the app at first I saw that you didn’t have any trees other than tree branches and a Christmas tree. I hope sometime soon you add multiple trees, and maybe rig them so we can pose them how we like. I also saw that you only had one light source and I work on drawings that has more than one light source. It would be really cool if you added a feature to where you can add more than one light source. I also see that you don’t have any animals. It would be really useful to have a wide range of animals from house pets to exotic animals like tigers and snakes. I would also like to see in future updates a wide range of body types like if I want to make drawing with people who are skinnier or fatter. It’s kinda hard to do so when you only have one size. So for example, one character can be tall and lean while another can be short and a bit overweight. Anyway I really do love the app, I just wish it had more features! Would I say it’s the best app for drawing? Why yes, and I hope you can make it even better!
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2 years ago, Mr.Richard Han
Look for alternatives to this app.
I would’ve given this a zero star if I could, because with each update you can feel the devs trying to find a new way to monetize previously FREE features. I remember about two years ago, you were able to put in two models in the same scene and had the option to pick any a variety of different models, ranging from realistically proportions to anime, stylized. and chibi styles. Two years later I found that you were limited to the realistic, anime, and stylized models so 6 figures in total. You could only have one person existing in that one scene too. Limiting and frustrating, but nothing compared to months later where I find that those previously FREE models are behind a 7 day free trial and after that you have to pay. So you’re stuck with the default model for the rest of time, even though you had so much options before hand. I understand people have to make money, however you do that by adding in more features NOT taking away previous features that were free. It’s very disappointing and I would not recommend this app, since it’s limiting in what resources are given to you. Just Google reference photos or take your own photos for yourself if you want pose reference, those are less limiting and free alternatives to this app.
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2 years ago, hsjajdhshdhhd
It’s a good app.
I just wish they would maybe consider lowering the subscription cost. It costs almost as much as Photoshop or Netflix per month, which I and a lot of other artists can’t afford. I liked the one-time purchase but I hope that they will add more models to it in the future because it doesn’t feel exactly worth it for +3 models. I was mad at first but I understand why they would put up a paywall now because it’s expensive to develop and you have to make money somehow. I just hope that they’ll consider lowering the subscription cost. If you’re reading this thank you. Aside from that the new update looks good. It’s satisfying to look at and runs smoothly. I love the new icon/logo and I’m beyond excited to see further development. More feedback regarding the models: The stylized models could use more definition especially in the torso and the realistic male models need bigger arms to fit their bodies more, I feel like they’re too skinny. Also the stylized male model(and maybe female) does this weird thing where the ribcage juts out and it looks kinda funky. You also can’t move the knees up to the chest.
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5 years ago, Crystal Drakon
I absolutely love this app!
I love this app as a free utility for my art and it has helped me grow so much as an artist. As much as I love how many things are offered in the app, I would love to see a few more features! My ideas are models with different weights rather than ones with perfect physiques. I find it difficult to portray skinnier or fatter characters going off of the provided models. Adjustable bust size would also be useful for female characters with flatter chests (I find the standard female body’s chest to get in the way of the arms in certain perspective shots). I also think it would be cool if there was a simple wire skeleton model, which could be more useful for stylized art. I would also love to see some animal models, especially more complex looking animals like horses, which are a pain to draw. Another thing that would be cool is player made models available for downloading, like props and models. I’m not sure how that could be accomplished, but I know that the app has such a strong user base that it might be a possibility. Overall, I really love this app and I can’t wait to see what comes in future updates! 💖
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3 years ago, detective JJthe cat
Great app a couple suggestions 👍🏾☺️
I love using this app and it’s super easy to use our use it because I’m kind of not the best at drawing bodies with good proportions so it’s really easy to do it with this I really appreciate how you can have so many models and shapes what for free and yeah it’s something that I really like about this app and also some thing that is probably my favorite thing is that you can get poses from other people if you can’t make it yourself which I find really helpful since I’m not really the best at moving them sometimes and I usually do simpler ones but when I do harder ones I can find them on the community tab and I kind of really like that you can export images because you know that’s how are usually draw and I can trace over the bodies. When I making characters. Now one suggestion would that be you can get something from somebody else’s seen even if it cost one that coins but you can’t edit it that would be kind of helpful but other than that there’s not really a problem I would say it’s a great app it’s easy to use and I love it would definitely suggest you get
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1 year ago, R+bones
Used to be the best
I loved this app for quick poses, practice, and corrections while working on my iPad, but the free version feels like a punishment now for not being able to afford the paid version. I don’t mind apps having a paid subscription, but it went from some limitations to now only being able to use 2 model types with extremely limited rigging and it’s not worth it anymore. Every time I open it, there’s an original feature that’s been taken away. My old models and poses are now locked, I can’t access anything without a redirect to the paid, it doesn’t feel great. I would have preferred keeping the original and adding the additional features with continuous features being added to temp users to the paid, vs completely stripping the original app itself to be usable. Well aware that apps and hosting are very expensive to keep up with and run, let alone maintenance costs and updates. But personally I would have been more alright with watching full screen take over ads every few minutes of posing, in addition to the option of a paid subscription for long time users of the original app. Not this extremely stripped down version of punishment.
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12 months ago, Oran spellcast
You have to pay to get a female model.
I’m an artist who struggles with posing without a good reference and it can be really hard to find references that match what’s in my head. So this app seemed liked a life saver and over all it seemed great. There is a pay wall for quality a bit but 90% of it you can do yourself like, preset poses, you can just make those yourself even the hands and feet. Hair and clothes are locked behind the pay wall, but I personally don’t have an issue with that as I don’t have issues drawing those, however if you do you will want to look elsewhere. Most of the characters I draw are feminine or have feminine frames. There is only one model that is free and it is male and the adds and pictures do nothing to make this aware. If perhaps most of the advertisement was this one model there would not be a huge problem but it makes it seem like you get at least two models free not just the male. Which is rotten for people who wish to draw more them masculine framed people. If you draw more then that I would look elsewhere, if not this app it very well made. Everything runs very smoothly and the tutorial is very easy to follow and the mechanics and very simple. It is just a shame about a pay wall just to pose a feminine frame.
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2 years ago, Sienna1st
So I am in love with making art, but body’s are just not easy for me. I searched up videos on how to help me make a WEBTOON and one showed you app, and it looked really easy! It would be easy for me if you didn’t charge money for litterlay almost everything. 🤨 I could only access a boy body and when I tried to edit them guess what it said. It said that it was a pro feature. I don’t have any problem with apps that charge money, but when it is almost everything there. My character I want to draw is a female, and I don’t want to pay money that I don’t have for a body. A lot of the things that costed money were stupid as well. I really am upset that you guys didn’t take in a lot of consideration that some people don’t have the money to pay for theese things, and monthly. You might as well make the app cost money so people don’t download it thinking at least there will be two free gender bodies. I was really upset about this too, maybe one day I will be able to pay for it, but it will definitely not be in the near future. I’m not sending this review for mean purposes, just to show my opinion. I’m sure the app is great, just know, a lot of people can’t spend money on this. :) ✋🏻
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2 years ago, Toast -w-
Really? Oh come on.
I came back to this app after a little while solely to model a female to use a screenshot for a drawing. You can’t even use the app. You have to make an account do anything in terms of choosing what model you would want to use. I wanted to model a female so I could do my lineless art and not have to struggle with the pose. There are better ways to make money off of an app, paying to make the app even semi functional in terms of models and having to sign in is what drove me away for now. Almost one year and a few months ago I would have given this 4 stars. Back in 2020 or 2021 this app was ideal. I shouldn’t have uninstalled it so I could have potentially kept the old version. I only uninstalled it so I’d have storage on my device. I’d like to give this at least 3 stars, if I can delete the base male model and use Ellie. But I have to make an account to even use Ellie because you can’t use a different model without an account. In my opinion this app is purely a waste of my time and I’m only leaving a review to give my opinion to possibly help people choose what oc pose app they wanna use. I can kinda tell now that I think you guys at Wombat Studio, Inc. solely added the new features to make money. That’s all for this review for now.
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2 years ago, Someone you could know
Hi. So, I use this game almost every day. And I loved it so much that I bought the Pro version. And I know you guys created the game but just to remind you, it said one time fee. So we bought it, and I was having so much fun! Until right now. I went into the game, tried to open up my most recent file, and it said that I had to upgrade to pro. I was so confused. I went to look at exactly what the pro version said to make sure it wasn’t a subscription and someone canceled it. I triple checked every single thing it said, but when I tried again, it said the same exact thing. I went to the settings on the account button, and I found the restore purchases button. I clicked it, went back to open my file, and it said the same thing. I did the restore purchases button at least 3 times and nothing worked. Now, let me tell you once again that I love this game. Everything was going perfect until this happened. Please let me know what is happening and if I can do something to fix it. Thank you for taking time to read this
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1 year ago, Gabie Allocca
Love this app; couple suggestions..
I love it because I'm finally able to visualize what I've seen in my head for years but have never been able to draw, and now I can finally see it in front of me too. Couple suggestions though, it might be nice to have to touch/select the subject before you can move them, because half the time I'm panning the scene and happen to move my finger across a subject, and it just moves them with my finger when I never wanted to move them.. Another thing, it would be nice if there were an option to make the ground "firm", so that if someone was laying on the ground, this would show you the body "mechanics" of those body parts against the ground, rather than going through the ground like it does now, so it's harder to keep the subjects on the same "level" if that makes sense.. Otherwise, pretty cool app with realistic body figures so I can finally visualize what's always been in my head, and it looks so life-like too-- which is nice compared to the stick figures that don't show muscles, etc...
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3 years ago, Ruffdawg34
Great app, until you try something more complicated.
So as far as the features of the app and the way it works it’s great, but the app pales in comparison to other free resources one could use on a computer. The joints and selection of objects seems very “grabby”. For example I will try to rotate the camera and then move my entire model out of frame despite me having taped on a portion of the screen that is just the background. This is just personal preference but the rotation of the joints should be on a number scale. It won’t look as clean but it provides more precise movement and allows for users to easily understand which way something is moving. It could be put in a separate menu (similar to the scale) so that it’s there for those who want it. The hip moves erratically causing any slight variation done without the rotate feature to mangle the lower back. The movement along an axis single is very difficult and will often take multiple times to get to the desired position as it moves in was you wouldn’t expect. For example if you have your camera on a side profile view then tried to move a joint along the X axis it would often move some on the Z axis as well.
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2 years ago, Lilly Moks
Don’t get me wrong, i love this app, one of the best ones i’ve been able to find, but this new update has been disappointing. As someone who mainly draws women seeing that you have to pay $10 just to have access to female models was quite a shock, having at least one male and one female model for free should be the bare minimum. One of the amazing things about this app is how affordable it is compared to others (it still is cheap but compared to the original price its kind of a shock) and how you got so many models for free, and now you have to pay just to have the female version of one model. I understand the need for apps to make money, and i’d be ok if they switched to only one type of model, but it feels pretty ridiculous that you have to pay just to have a female model. If i didn’t already have this app from before i probably wouldn’t get it, because i’m not in a very good financial situation and can’t afford to spend $10 on an app. It’s still a good app overall, and it has really helped me in the past year or two since i’ve had it, but i am very disappointed with this new update.
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3 years ago, BaileyMottwr
amazing! but i do have a complaint.
I originally downloaded this about a year ago, but I quickly deleted it finding out it was very difficult to use and operate. I download it again today because I was just looking for an alternative to searching up pictures online. I use this app for writing purposes. Mainly to play out little scenes in my head, and seeing if they make sense. And, the app seems a lot easier than it was about a year ago. But I do have a complaint. I think it’s kind of unnecessary to have the whole coin system thing because if you’re just trying to imagine a scene in which you use a prop (let’s take a bed for example), you can’t do that without paying. Of course I understand you need to make money somehow but I believe there should be some type of way to earn coins without purchasing something. Other than that everything in this app is really easy to operate and is very good for creating drawing/writing references. Keep doing what you do <33
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1 year ago, iLikePlaneGames
Incredible app but deserves more
It is really good but deserves a bit more features. I had a blast playing with the models and just being creative in general. I love how there is a P40 Warhawk (fighter plane) a Soviet and German outfit and also guns because I’m a person who likes to make historical films. The app is incredible but it deserves a few features. I think they should add a stop motion feature so the app and hard work is actually worth it. A customization option for the characters would also be pretty reasonable for the time consuming project along with stop motion feature. (Add military helmets while you’re at it) I also found it frustrating that when I place a environment, it’s more difficult to move the camera around. I also feel like the skin colors aren’t really realistic or just not in the right spots (I’m aware that I might be asking for too much but these are just some suggestions that would make me and other users very happy) Thank you for your time
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2 years ago, jboss0509
Don’t Bother Downloading
I still have my old models so I am really glad I have a female model to use. However if you are a new user, you only have access to the male model. I am so, so very disappointed with what’s this app become. I can understand why you would lock things behind a pay wall, but seriously? You can only use ONE model and no female model? And you cannot use several models? This honestly breaks my heart because it was my favorite app to use at one point. I have no issue paying premium apps to use the most features and I have no issue supporting devs but this app is virtually useless when you cannot pay for the subscription. I feel terrible for those who cannot enjoy this app without paying for anything. I have read your responses to other users who share the same concerns, and it is so unhelpful and tone deaf. You provide no solutions or updates, only excuses. I’m not mad at you guys for doing what you have to do to get by, however I am immensely let down. This is NOT the way to do things and I hope you guys change things in the near future. Otherwise, this my last time using this app, and I will tell others to refrain from using it until the subscriptions are fair and reasonable.
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2 years ago, some other artist
What is this scam?
You offer a free app with great features, then update the app, call it an improvement that will benefit all your users, then lock key functions behind a paywall? I used to be able to add multiple models to a scene, now that very basic feature is locked behind a paywall. A little warning about that before I updated would have been nice. Or you know, not doing that at all. I understand devs gotta get paid, but you can’t go around removing features people relied on and expect people to accept that. EDIT: Are you kidding? Did you even read my review? I made one very specific complaint: a formerly free feature, the ability to upload more than one human model to the same scene, is now locked behind a paywall. In your response, you claim “We did not remove any free features.” Yes only 2 sentences later, you say “The only thing we changed is we placed unlimited models with our new Pro version.” Um, hello? That is EXACTLY the thing I complained about. THAT IS REMOVING A FREE FEATURE. I’m not “confused,” as you like to tell people here, I know exactly what I’m mad about, and your response to this has been nothing short of insulting. Give us back the features you took, or at least stop pretending you didn’t do it.
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5 years ago, Nobody 789
Amazing app with some hindering glitches
If it wasn’t for the multiple glitches in the app, I would give it a full five stars. This is by far the best posing app on ios. A variety of models and props to choose from. Posing them is very easy and intuitive. You can download others scenes and save them, you can save your own scenes and poses. You can bring any saved scene into another and combine them. You can bring single character scenes to spice up a crowd in the background. The possibilities are limitless. You can even change lighting! Unfortunately, sometimes things refuse to load such as the online user pose downloads, in app model store, and even your own poses. And this can also affect bringing other poses into your scene. Sometimes it even freezes up when it cannot load another scene within a scene. Thus, forcing you to restart the app. There is no way to fix this, even restarting your iPad doesn’t fix the problem. This may hinder your workflow severely, and can take precious time away from artwork, especially if you’re on a tight deadline of some sort. It’s not a perfect app, but when it wants to work, it’s an absolute Godsend.
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2 years ago, Am Worthless
Rather pay for clip studio/ Can’t even give it a real score. 0
I had bought multiple models, and while I still technically have access to them, the scenes I created are no longer accessible due to this update. I had updates turned off so I didn’t know the criminal actions taking place would require me to pay more money for what I already had. Unacceptable and unprofessional. The “loyalty reward” had an expiration date for June 1st so when I finally updated I was already sitting on an expired token. I’m not contacting support for this con scheme. This app is deleted and never coming back which is sad because I consider myself a whale when it comes to micro transactions, I.e. spending 1,500 usd in a day on a single game or app. The difference between them and this? I wasn’t tricked into it. Nope I won’t be coming back to this and no amount of justification can amount to why you just didn’t make a magic poser 2. It’s obvious you wanted to lock people out and force them with the decision of pay or leave. I recommend this to no one and should blacklist this from their social groups. Anyone who wants to pay for an app like this I recommend clip studio as it’s more anatomical and as a plus you could trace it.
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6 years ago, Asholohan
Best posing app for scene setup!
This has become my go-to app for poses and scenes. It’s so much more convenient than googling in hopes of finding a ref photo that was just right. It’s well worth upgrading to Pro. The ability to lock individual figures and objects, scale things in multiple axies, and to undo movements by joints has made it even more useful! They added preset poses in a recent update, too, which make a great starting point when you want to work from something different than the basic T pose. Right now you can duplicate objects, but you can’t group them, so building out large scenes with geometric shapes is a little tedious, but doable. Developers update the app frequently, so it gets better each time. There are multiple models to pick from now, so you can set up interactions between figures of different body types (basic human, anime, chibi). They added an auto-save feature in some of the latest updates, so you no longer lose a pose if you close the app or go back to your saved pose screen, too.
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2 years ago, matbe this nickname isnt taken
Female free model
I really like this app for references, and it definitely *could* save time instead of taking pictures, but honestly without a female model, i might as well just take my own reference pictures anyway. The lack of a free female model might scare me away from the app mainly because that’s the reason I wanted to download it. I saw in another reply you said that it would scare people from buying the pro version, but lots of people like me don’t have the money to afford a subscription, and it’s very inconvenient. I think if you JUST added the female model to the free version and nothing else that’s pro, you’ll have a lot less complaints, but you will still have lots of people buying pro for the other useful features. Many artists like me like to draw less muscular, more feminine figures, and it’s very much a hassle to manually subtract the muscle mass from your male figure. In the end, I think you’d have more people using the app, which is more potential customers in the future, if you made the female model free to use. I think it would be a really beneficial investment.
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6 years ago, Skyler1090
Fantastic for artists
Best app I’ve ever used for modeling purposes or quick references on body proportions. The developers are consistently putting out new and useful features. The new skin tones are a nice touch, along with the ambient lighting effects. The amount of different sized figures is of great variety. And of course, it’s super simple to use. Click and Drag. Fine tuning the fingers and joints is smooth. The app used to have a stability issue for me, but it’s been cleared up through the updates, and I’m so glad the developers have continued to improve this app. I mostly work in Fine Art, but lately, I’ve taken up manga style illustrations and other digital projects. I am very new to working digitally, but this has been an irreplaceable part of my routine now in drawing chibis and character sketches in general. It’s also spilled into my Traditional painting routine with the lighting system for when I need a general reference on a body part. It won’t replace a real model for a Fine Artist, but it will replace that posing doll.
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2 years ago, Elyarnel
Absolutely Amazing
I’m going to sound like an old lady, but I remember having to struggle through Poser 3D in the early 2000’s on my big grey PC to try to get good references for my drawings. I simply can’t believe even how far this app itself has come just from the past few years that I’ve had it. I’m really glad you all are making something like this available to artists out there. You all probably struggled through complicated computer programs just like I did when I was little, and now you’ve made something so easily available to all of us. I know a lot of people complain about paying for it, and I know times are hard for everyone money wise, but I am very grateful to be paying you all to provide this program to artists everywhere. I’ve realized that the difficulty of learning art can make lots of budding artists lose hope, but with this app, I feel like you will bring hope and encouragement to so many people!
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6 years ago, Emile Nitrate
It’s the easiest one to pose from scratch
Dev is working hard to make this app excellent, it’s not perfect but it’s well worth the price and probably the easiest one to pose from scratch. If you’re like me you have a few of these poser apps and use whichever one suits your current need. If there’s something in another app’s library that’s close to what I want, I use it but if I have to start fresh, this is my go to 3D pose app. I only use the realistic male and female models. Update: Dev has commented that sportswear default will be addressed. My rating updated to 5 stars for good developer response. 2nd Update: I see that hair has been added as an option. It’s not that versatile and is really only a women’s hairstyle selection but it’s not bad for what it is. I’m not going to change my 5 star rating, the developer is definitely trying to improve this app and you do get your money’s worth. 3rd Update: This app isn’t perfect BUT I will say that although I have a number of 3D pose apps I use, this is the easiest and most intuitive one for actually posing from scratch. That’s huge. I wish the sportswear would stay off and there were body type options as well as more hair choices, but the dev does respond to feedback so I’m sticking with 5 stars. 4th Update: The new color thing is fun but I really wish I could toggle that annoying sportswear thing to STAY OFF. My major peeve, besides that it’s my go-to posing app because it’s easy to control.
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2 years ago, CalebP1716
Mostly perfect for what I need
I’ve been using this app for awhile to help me create poses and scenes that I can view at a variety of angles to see whether or not I like the concept much faster than if I were to sketch it out. In many instances I find that I’m able to come up with ideas that would be much harder for me to draw depending on the perspective needed to make the image work, so this takes a lot of the guesswork out. Personally, I like this app quite a lot and does generally everything I need it to do. The only thing I wish that I could do is to be able to morph the characters so I can create a variety between the characters. I generally use the realistic male and female characters since most of my work tends towards the realism, so being able to morph body proportions would be really nice to have as a feature. Also, one other thing that I think would make this app better is the ability to also change the characters facial features to show expressions, that would be an awesome way I believe to make this app even more useful for people trying to plan out a scene when characters are interacting with one another. Aside from that, I really do love this app and I plan to continue using it to help me plan out my scenes. Thank you to the developers for your work on this awesome app, and I look forward to seeing more improvements in the future!
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3 years ago, VexingBitGam3r
Great but needs more diversity
After seeing that the developers are responding I would like to give some recommendations! I don’t know anything about rendering or 3D models but I don’t think it’s easy. I was amazed that y’all have an amazing variety of skin colors like really!!! But where it starts lacking is with hair, now normally I don’t draw my references hair and by that i mean that follow reference accounts and they pin their hair so you can draw whatever style you want but since it is a feature in your app it would be lovely to see some black hairstyles!! I know this app will grow a lot and I am excited to see what y’all will do next! I have some more recommendations but they’re not that important in my opinion Jewelry and piercings Facial expressions (I’m 100% sure this is like super hard for y’all to rig but who knows maybe in the future y’all will be able to add this) Wind feature like movement of clothes and hair, I think I’d be pretty dope to see Like I said above, I’m not expecting you to come out with these in the next update or in the next few updates since it not simple (I’m assuming since idk anything about rigging) but it would be fun to play with and use. Thank you so much for this app, truly! Sometimes the art references I use don’t have what I want and it takes the motivation out of me, plus spending hours looking for references isn’t fun 😭 Again, thank you!
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2 years ago, TheSterlingSituation
Huge upgrade from the previous app however I agree with the majority about the whole pro and master thing. I did buy the pro version for the sake of being able to use the body morphs but I feel the master should also be a one time charge, any small updates of added models could be free or saving a huge pack of models for another one time charge. I don’t know how developers work or the pricing but maybe take it to consideration? Regardless this app is amazing! But I do wish for some things added in the future. Example more models maybe like children of different ages teen, child, toddler, baby. And animals? That would be a huge game changer with the the mechanics of the models! I haven’t found a single pose maker app with good animal models or mechanics to pose them. So if someday y’all did, I’d absolutely pay for that expansion pack. Keep up the great work, can’t wait to see what you bring to the table!
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