Meme Challenge: Dank Memes

4.6 (57K)
370.7 MB
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Last update
10 months ago
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12.5 or later
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User Reviews for Meme Challenge: Dank Memes

4.65 out of 5
57K Ratings
7 months ago, ✨Geo_Moonstone✨
It’s a cool concept for a game. It would be amazing if the ads would chill out. Like… seriously what’s the point in playing if all that I’m doing is watching ads. I spend more time watching useless ads than I actually spend “playing” the game. And apparently you can remove ALL ads for the price of $4.99. So they spam u with ads so that you get so annoyed bc you just wanna experience the game, so it compels u to buy their ad remover so they make bank. That’s their intentions. So unless u wanna spend the $5 to enjoy this game, go ahead! But imma keep my $5 bc they could’ve been more creative with their concept of this game. Instead of spamming ads you could include like “buy this pack for .99¢!” Or “special offer! Select packages .37¢ for the next 30 minutes! Get yours now!” Which I can see a person spending more $$ to get actual cards they want, rather than pay to remove ads. I’d just delete the app instead. Like I’m about to do!! Plus most of the “opponents” cards DON’T make sense in any way, But then they still get more ppl liking their hand.
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6 months ago, ollie roo
I WOULD NOT Recommend For People Who Don’t Like Ads
There are so many ads that it makes it not fun anymore. I just barley downloaded it about 2 minutes ago and I already had around 8 ads! The amount of ads that this game gives you is INSANE! Whenever I finish a round I get around 2 ads, and even j sometimes get an ad after I play a card! Whenever you get a new pack of cards they are usually duplicates SK it’s not fun to play after 5 rounds. I am not the most patient person in the world, but I usually can handle ads on games Like this, but there are too many ads for me to play this game and not rage. I really wish that this game did not have as many ads because it would make it so it’s fun to play and then the makers of this game will not get bad reviews. There will be so many more people that play this game if the makers did not put as many ads, like I just don’t get it! Sure, their trying to make it so that other people who make games can have players on their games as well, but they MOST DEFINITELY do not have to do that many ads. If you are fine with ads, then you would love this game! But if you are like me and you are not patient then I would not recommend this game. I’m so sorry if I caused any problems with this review j just hope that the makers of the game will see this, because then they could make a little less ads. It would honestly make it better for everyone!
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1 year ago, gfjshkdkdydkhsifhf
Why the ads and getting The same cards over and over again?😡
Hey y’all what’s up so this game is really fun but like two minutes after the first couple of rounds then you get the same card over and over again about five cards will be a duplicate or like three cards will be a duplicate with what is up with that???😡 and like how your place wherever you do the stuff at like around when you first start the game it’s like so messy and like it looks like I’m going to people who don’t know how to clean they decided “’m not gonna clean if I can and I’m just gonna be in this place” like no it’s just crazy and the people when they laugh too hard they be going through the stools like how is that supposed to happen and like the design of the game is pretty bad I mean like what type of graphics is that if your characters are going through the stools and not actually standing like not actually like falling on the floor like…… OK onto the ads part so you wanna know what happens every time that you actually finish a round…. You’ve guessed it ✨ADS✨ no don’t git me wrong I’m not a Karen but the ads there too much this game is filled with ads and just it’s weird I don’t like it so yeah if you want to this game read this review also happy new year if you’re reading this today byeeeeeee (Jan 25)
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1 year ago, Valleymommy2
Read this before downloading it!
You might be wondering, why did I rate this app 3 stars? I’m about to clarify all the pros and cons about this game. Let’s start with pros. Once you download this game you start by collecting meme cards and playing against someone in a “meme challenge”. I honestly let out a few chuckles by the cards and the memes, so if you would like a funny game that burns time I would recommend this game! Also, you can get epic cards by watching an ad, and if you’re idling meanwhile the ad is playing, it’s a peace of cake. It’s also fun to collect the cards and upgrade your room or basement or whatever it is you’re playing the meme challenge in. Moving on to cons, to begin, it is overloaded with ads. As I said, I’d you idle it’s not so bad, but if you’re looking to actually have fun on this game, it’s a slight chance. After every single match there’s an ad. After whatever mini game there’s an ad. Upgrading cost an ad. If you don’t like ads every second, I don't recommend this game! Also, it gets repetitive after the first 5-10 levels. The graphics are meh, same with the characters. Overall, this game deserves 3 stars. None less, and none more. Happy new year to everyone reading this today! (Jan 1)
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4 months ago, Ciara A Hughes
People complaining about the ads
I love this game but when I go to the reviews I see people saying there’s too much ads and gives it a low rating just because of that and not the whole game you guys need to understand there will always be ads in every single game you play so I don’t get why your still complaining about like they can do stuff about or make a change if y’all don’t want ads turn off your WiFi that’s all..
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11 months ago, Mr_G5926
It’s alright but oh, the adds
This overall is a great game! It’s funny, creative, and a good game to play when you have nothing else to do. The only problem I have is the adds. I understand needing adds for money to develop the game and possibly make new games, but the amount of adds is a bit excessive. You get adds after every “turn” or activity, and it’s the same adds over and over. I also don’t understand why there are so many adds, because I keep seeing adds for this on other games so that’s why I decided to try it out. It seems to be getting a lot of promotions and the game is very good, clear animations, good graphics, and they’re actual meme’s instead of the game developers making up their own adds. I am giving this game 3 stars because overall great game, but a few to many adds. Maybe change up the adds to a wider variety of games, or stop producing so many adds. But yes, I play this game all the time and it’s an awesome game. Thank you for reading -ari
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2 months ago, Nickie van
I made a separate review ajout so many ads but did I mention how long the ads are I’m literally just sitting there for like a good minute minute and a half maybe even two minutes just watching a stupid ad. I don’t mean to be hurtful but like it’s a good game I love this game. It’s so fun but the ads will give us a good five but the ads will give us a four but the ads I’m gonna give it a three but it’s there’s too many ads for me. There’s too many it takes too long the ads take way too long. I put my phone down and walk away to go get water or use the bathroom because of how long the ad take, I love this amazing concept but like I don’t wanna be sitting here watching ad I got this app to play a game not to watch ads but it’s just frustrating to have to watch ads. I feel like every time I finish like around kiss me gives me give me an ad and I finish around in like one minute so like it’s kind of boring and annoying, but I love the concept of the game just not the ads.
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3 months ago, no more haters
It’s OK, but there’s a lot of commercials
Don’t give me wrong. I love the game. It’s so fun but there’s so many commercials it’s after every single game and after you get a new card and even ask for a commercial when you get rewards it, ask you if you want to watch a commercial for that reward and I always hit no thanks because there are plenty of commercials but like why not just hit the button and take the rewards because it’s gonna give you a commercial after it anyways so if there was a little less commercials, I would definitely rate it higher like maybe a 5 1/2 or 4 1/2 but like just all the commercials make it a lot less fun because it’s after everything you do, it’s commercial. Oh, do a trading commercial. Oh, do a meme challenge. Oh commercial oh, pick your packet commercial after everything and it just gets annoying and I love the game. It’s so fun but the commercials just kill me.
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1 year ago, your lovely 43 year old mother
Inappropriate not 9+ and Ads EXPLOSION
I would rate this app a 0 but I can’t so I am giving this a 1 because the amount of ads and inappropriate content is absolutely absurd and ridiculous especially for a 9-12 year old. As a mother of 5 and a 43 year old woman I can’t stand the content including periods,drugs, and sexual content. If I saw my sweet little girl interacting with a screen that has this game on it I would spontaneously combust because my darlings are too precious to be exposed to this ridiculous mess of a game. Next the ads are completely and utterly ridiculous to the core, put a card down,ad, find an opponent, ad, move a nerve, BOOM, ANOHER AD. I swear out of all my years I have never seen so many ads especially on a kids game so if you are looking to play a game for a whole day to only get 2 minutes of play time then go up and download it but if not keep your grubby little toes and flanges away from a iPhone and iPad screen with this app on it. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT DOWNLOAD THIS APP!!!!! -from mom PS:love you sweetheart
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2 years ago, Sximply bubbly tea YT
Fun but bad
Menaal’s review- OK so the first time I downloaded the game was like two hours ago, but I didn’t play that much but now I’m playing it was fun but every single time you trade or put a card down an ad comes. Like, after every single move, you make, and ad comes in. It’s really annoying and all the NPC’s or robots just keep on laughing even though you put a bad card or a good card, they just laugh, and it’s impossible to win. Sometimes the robot that you’re playing with either wins or loses, and that just repeats over and over again so it’s repetitive. Besides, that is pretty fun, but this should not be for 9+ because I am a 12 year old who’s playing this and I can tell that this is very inappropriate for kids. like it talks about sex and masturbating. so I recommend this for at least 12 or 13-year-olds and make the age go up. But besides that it’s a little fun, but you can have some improvements added to the game.
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2 years ago, itsmeceduhbruh
This game says 9+ but they’re are cuss words and sexual things in here. “When your doctor asks if you are sexually active” Really? Y’all definitely payed Pepsi to right a good review just saying. And the ads are terrible, I mean terrible. One after another. I swear the ads never stop. I’ve never had a game with this many ads before, it’s crazy. This game was actually a good idea and was really fun at first but then it was just the same questions and the same cards. And the ads of course. Than the mini games with the card trading and the matching cards, those were annoying. I wanted to play the actually game and you can’t even do that because an ads pops up after every one of them. Also some of those “rare” cards should have been common and some of the common cards should have been rare. This is gen z lol, no one wants to sit and watch a bunch of ad. And they were all the same ads. But this game was a really good idea and could be so much more fun!! xx
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1 year ago, yotfhjitfvbnoigggkmbfdti
Absolutely unplayable
This app would be so fun but, the amount of ads it has is actually crazy. I got this like 30 minutes ago and 26/30 minutes was just ads for me. I can be in a match and all the sudden 3 ads pop up trying to get me to buy more games. Now I get ads can be helpful for games and companies but this amount of ads make these kind of fun, chill games unplayable! And it used to let you play on airplane mode with no ads but now I guess they took that off. And the fact that you can’t even buy yourself out of the ads is absolutely ridiculous. At least make an option for like 1.99 to get rid of ads. This game is so fun for me and it used to be because it let you play without ads but now you need internet which is stupid. I get that you won’t make profits without ads but the amount of them? Stupid. I hate everything about ads and you’re making it worse for everyone here. Devs, please fix your game.
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10 months ago, NMP133
I downloaded this game because I have the real life version and it is so fun to play with my friends. I literally will laugh so hard. Then I found that they have a digital version where I don’t need people. I was so exited and after playing the first round which was as fun as the real life game, and ad pops up. I didn’t think much of it because every game has ads, but then I started playing it daily almost everyday. And the ads wouldn’t stop. I even tried to pay to remove the ads, but it wouldn’t even let me. This is so frustrating and annoying because I enjoy this game so much and it is just a waste of time because it is more ads then playing the actual game. Please think about removing most of them and at least let us be able to pay to remove them. If you want to download this game, it just might be a total waste of time. I’m so bummed.
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10 months ago, Josiah Mitchell
Not a fan
This game is a pretty funny game, but there definitely needs to be a few modifications. First of all, each round you get the same cards over and over again, not giving much variety to choose from, thus making winning much harder. Second, there are WAY too many ads. After each game, AD, after each upgrade, AD, before you start a game, AD. There are just so many ads that it drives me insane. Getting double to money requires an ad, and even though you don’t want to watch an ad to get the double, you still get an ad even if you press skip, which is even worse. Another thing is that it isn’t all too funny. It is a MEME game, so it should actually make someone laugh, not just sit there with a straight face. Finally, the people faces are not only disgusting, but CREEPY. They have this ugly mouth with huge lips and giant eyes, it’s just “EW”. Not a great game to play while you’re bored. Needs more modifications. A lot.
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1 year ago, Your_ localbestiee
The ads?? :/
(Read before downloading) This app is really fun and addicting but every time after a round ends a random ad pops up? It’s really annoying how I cannot enjoy the game with so many ads. I hate having to skip through every ad just to get 100 coins or less. Still the game is fun but also has a lot of ads. If there is a ‘no ads’ sale thing, still I am not wasting money on a game that just includes removing ads for me to play the game. ⚠️spoiler⚠️ this game is practically about getting new card to draw on a table after a sentence is finished, example : “ You see your ex on the other side of the street “ a random player challenge’s you and u have to draw meme cards to make the audience laugh. Still fun but let there be less ads.
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2 weeks ago, Tylerlarice
So many ads
I played maybe 3 rounds of this game total. There are an insane amount of ads in this game! There were three full length ads before I could even play a single round. Money has to come from somewhere, I completely get that but if the game is barely even playable it’s just not worth the effort. Put maybe 5 cards down then you get another round of ads. I especially love the “watch an ad to get xyz” and you press no thank you and you get…to watch an ad anyway. Probably the fastest I’ve ever deleted a game and it may be the only less than perfect rating I’ve ever given. The idea behind it is great though! So, that’s why there’s 2 stars. The potential is there but my willingness to watch 3 minutes of ads for 30 seconds of game play is not.
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3 months ago, Kenya Guffey
DONT get this game
Hey there so there is some pros and cons of this game so let’s go with pros this game and super funny and all and you get great cards but now the cons after every round there is an add and even after a short round like you could look at you book thing with all your cards and when you go to play there is and add I would love this game if it did not have SO MANY ADDS LiKE WHAT?😡 so if you like watching adds more than you do playing flipping game than down load it and if you do t I am here to save you the time DO NOT GET IT and you might think I am a Karen for only putting it as 2 stars but that is all it needs or less soo.. i mean like what is the point in have a game if you are just goin to watch adds the whole time what is the point of it…. 😡😡
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11 months ago, Sky202083
Way toooooooo many ads!!!
I honestly love this game but ads just keep on coming. You don’t think that’s bad? Well hear this! I got an ad right? Then not even a minute later another ad comes. Then when you have to watch an ad to get a certain prize, even if you click “No thanks” you get an ad either way! Please fix the ad problem! I know you guys want money but if you don’t fix it soon then your ratings are going to go down! And your reviews are going to get mad! Please fix this tiny detail! We came to play the game not watch random ads! I’m apologize if this is rude. But almost all your reviews say there is way to many ads. And you still haven’t fixed this problem. Sincerely, a person who played this game.
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1 year ago, Tuvan365
So the game is pretty cool & kinda funny. Definitely for mature audience for sure not no 9-13 year old. But besides that the ads are ridiculous! I just got the game 10 min ago & i promise you 8 min of those was watching ads. It was basically a ad after each thing i did. Play a card , AD. Trade a card , AD. Finish a level, AD. It just got repetitive & Ads are mad annoying already, granted you can skip them after a few seconds it’s still majorly annoying so I’m probably going to get rid of the app BUT it did inspire me to get the board game ‘What Do you Meme’ . Oh ! & it definitely doesn’t play fair with the computer. I won 2 rounds but then it started letting lame cards win against mine even when it was highlighted for best card. But if you just need something to do randomly then i guess.
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8 months ago, Jeff118991
Too many ads
Overall, this game is fun, yet there is still one thing which is the ads. The game updated right in front of me when I had my internet off so when I went back in the game, it told me to turn on the internet so they could spam their lousy ads on them 🙄. They really ruined the game because of the fact that they put too many ads. They also support this scam I saw where it gives “free” Robux. This review isn’t so they would respond, and instead to notify the people who are deciding to get the game. In my opinion, don’t get it. It’s a waste of time and becomes boring after 10 mins of playing (and you don’t even have to play for a straight 10 mins to get bored).
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1 year ago, Julia Vanilla
Too many ads
This game is fun and but it would be so much more if it weren’t for the greedy people who made it. You can do one tiny thing that takes you 2 seconds to complete a level then they give you a 15 second ad. Even if they offer something to be doubled or you’ll get something extra for watching an ad and you click off of it. They’ll still give you an ad anyways, you can be in the middle of a level when they give you and ad then 10 seconds later after the level is actually done they’ll give you another one. This game could have been a great way to kill time, but instead it’s just wasting YOUR time. Don’t bother with this game, is it fun, yes, but it’s overshadowed by the amount of ads being throw at you.
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11 months ago, Daratinyohouse
Love the game buttt…….
Ok do I got this game not to long ago and I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of adds. So one thing is not to many adds every time you do something. 2nd thing is maybe add more activity’s because it really boring doing the same activity. Then add more things to do when your putting the cards down with the opponent because all your doing is putting cards down. And last is depending how good you do is how much you get. All we get in 100 dollars and that’s not a lot. So I love the game but these are the things i would recommend the creators to do. Again great game!
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1 year ago, i farted and she left
Ughh ads!!!
So it’s a great game. I just got it like 1 hour ago idk I’m to lazy to know exactly when. But the ads just keep coming! I’ll be about to pick a card for the joke and a ad comes and I’m like Nooooo UwU. Pls fix the ads so then it will be better. I know that’s how you get money and all but y’all keep sending me the same ad and there’s to much. I’ll get a ad of a game that’s like long as a 12 inch sandwich. Like fr. And it says 9+ maybe make it 13+ cuz haha most of the little ones won’t understand “when you hear your parents bed squeaking”lol. But anyways it’s a good app but pls fix the ads. Thank you.
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2 years ago, Vee0415
The ads tho…!?
This is pretty fun. Yeah, there are some boring mini games that I could REALLY do without (matching, trading, etc), but overall it’s pretty good. But what’s up with all the ads!? I get games need to make money, but where’s the “buy add free” option!? I could see this being a 4 or 5 star game if not for having to watch 4-6 ads PER MINUTE of play. Start the game, one round played and here’s an ad. Finished the 3rd round, here’s another ad. Complete a required mini game (which literally takes 10-15 seconds) here’s yet another ad. And guess what… following that is ANOTHER mini game with, you guessed it, another ad. And some of em you can’t even close out of. The amount of ads killed the enjoyment VERY fast.
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1 year ago, dude bro egiup
The biasses in this games is very irritating. The first few round it was as bad, but after a lil bit it started laughing at everything the other player played and it sometimes didn’t make since and wen I played something that should have been actually funny it wasn’t to the computer generated characters. For example the thing said when there’s no toilet paper in the bathroom, I played the meme card where the little girl was crying or whatever she was doing and it wasn’t funny and I didn’t get points but then the computer played the same old dog meme with the little white dog on it and it was hilarious to to the computer which to me isn’t very fair at all.
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1 year ago, Beanspeer
Not appropriate for “9+”
I wish there was a 0 star. I can’t believe that it was 9+, but the creator/creators put a meme in there called “When Your Doctor Asks Your Sexual History” This is unbelievably stupid. Some younger kids may be downloading this and finding out what that means way to early. Also, way, WAY to many ads. almost every time a click a button, an ad comes up. It’s not one of those nice ads when it’s just a picture and you can immediately skip, it would be a 30 second to one minute ad. If you are reading this, don’t download it if you get annoyed by long ads too. Also don’t download if your under 12 I would say. I can’t believe people are giving this game 4-5 star ratings with amazing reviews.
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2 years ago, gwen_hope
I mean it’s not bad
They game is advertised as a game where you put down a card then put a classic meme photo next to it and robots laugh at it. That’s how it was for the first like 30 mins. Then they throw in 2 mini games. One is trading cards and the other is a matching game. The matching game makes 0 sense. Then it comes to the fact you never get to play the actual game. These 2 mini games will never stop. It’s like they keep flipping from one mini game to the other and back again. Also there is only a certain number of word cards too. Maybe 50. After that it just gets boring. If you like repeating the same thing over and over again, this game is for you
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2 months ago, Zariah hall
It's a cool where you play someone and yeah. But when the game is choosing my opponent, it's the same person in the crowd. But some of these meme cards are barley even funny. But after a round or trading,the 💕ads💕pop in and shows some stupid games that nobody wants to download! And it feels like they shown 46 ads! When I'm opening my cards I be getting 💕DULPLICATES💕I was so annoyed how many DULPLICATES I got! I bet even some of these reviews might have said it too!😡 they want us to pay $4.99 to remove all ads! Like what?! I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND YOU TO PLAY THIS GAME! I HAVE ALREADY DELETED THIS GAME! PLS read the reviews before downloading this game!
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7 months ago, snow.violet
I agree with the person that posted on January the twenty fith
First of all i want to start by saying WAY TO MANY ADS like why i wouldn’t mind if the creators of this game made an update for not as many ads i mean seriously every time you open a card pack every time you play a round ADS AFTER ADS and just like this person I’m not a karen i just hate all the ads and i agree with the person that talked about the graphics but that person already said stuff about the graphics i really would like the game if their weren’t so many ads i recommend this game if you like ads and low graphics
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3 months ago, Review w/ me!
I would NOT recommend for inpatient people(READ THIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING)
So basically this game is great it’s got everything a good game has but the ADS need to CHILL! I swear after 2 rounds you already have at least 6-9 ads! Also many of the card packs have duplicates or cards you already have which is really annoying and then after you get to pick a pack of cards YOU HAVE TO TRADE! Yes you HAVE TO TRADE the new cards! It’s really annoying and also many of the people you are battling against will have better cards than you which is really unfair! I was in an match and the person against me had better cards than me they had Rares, and EPICS while I had the commons!!
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6 months ago, Hannahkittyanime
Please update this!
When I first started playing, it was so fun and then it just got so repetitive. I would like to see new cards for both the choices to make people laugh and more cards that have situations on it. I keep getting the same exact ones I don’t even know what level I’m on, but there hasn’t been an update ever since I downloaded it, I need there to be a new upgrade
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2 years ago, Rosebud2007🌹🥀
I do like this game. I’m never really over annoyed about advertising and stuff because that’s how you make money and keep the app going. But one app I don’t want to see any more advertising of is Me Chat. Please stop advertising them! I am in 9th grade, and I don’t need to see the content of those ads! When I play this game, and those Me Chat ads come up, it forces me to quickly hide my screen and look around to make sure no one saw that on my phone. It embarrasses me and makes me very uncomfortable. So, please stop advertising Me Chat!
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1 year ago, kerria bridget
Overall, good app but a few bad things!
This app is very good and fun. But, there are a ton of ads, and a lot of faults. First of which is, I think that they should show you your “Library” of cards to choose from. I think that that would be better! Secondly, I think that that there should be a smudge less ads they are a bit annoying and get in the way of truly enjoying the game. Last, I think that I would play more frequently if it had a better game set up! Thanks for reading this review, Mia ❤️
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11 months ago, Dominic and Landon
Horrible game! Don’t download!
Do not download this! The character designs are horrible and there's so many things wrong with it! Like why do the characters look like a low budget Elsa from Disney minus on a Monday morning in Ohio? Like the idea is decent, probably because this game already exists and it’s a card game, but it’s also not fair. The; ✨ai✨ puts down cards that don’t even make sense! This one time, it said when you see your girl with another man. I put a crying cat and that didn’t get anybody laughing, but the; ✨ai✨ put a literal troll face. Nothing done to it, just the original trollface. And that got everybody laughing and I lost because of it. So don’t download this because it’s overall a horrible game.
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7 months ago, cam2crazzy
The game gets good , until the ads and cards
When I started playing the game, everything was going smoothly but then , after every turn or after every trade, you get ads on top of ads. That is one of the flaws that this game has. Let’s start with the cards. When I tried to match up the cards with the meme , every time I tried to switch them out, it gave me an even worse outcome . Now don’t get me wrong it is a fun and exciting game, but if you guys fix these two problems , the whole experience would be a lot better .
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9 months ago, robotlover623
This game is very bad. Not for children IN THE LEAST. I can’t even with this game, What do you think is going to pop up in their brain when they see things that go completely over their head? Do you think that children's electronics are just immune to dirty games like this? Well there not. You all ought to be ashamed of yourselfs. You can make a game funny without being inappropriate and dirty. Also there is a unacceptable amount of ads that it makes the game completely unenjoyable. I wish I could have gave it 0 stars. Just a really awful game that should not have been created. If you have any sense in your head, I would recommended you not download this game.
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1 year ago, my Name is MiMi luv forever
To many adds!!!!!!!
This game is amazing and super funny is so good and you get funny cards and stuff but every time I put a card down there is a ad or when I spin the wheel there is a add right after and the adds they give me are way to li g I get that they need adds to get money but like come on is way too many adds and it always take forever for the adds to end so before you download this game go to the reviews I give the game a 5 but with all the adds that takes away 3 points because of all them freaking adds like it is so annoying to have all these adds pop up way to many ads
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1 year ago, 🙄✨😭
It’s just not that fun
Considering the fact that we’re not even playing with real people just makes the competition way to easy. Sometimes the memes don’t even go with each other by 1%. I know I just said the competition it too easy but sometime the replies with the memes are just terrible, but they still get hella lot of point for no reason. I just think that this app should let people play with each other. Another very very annoying thing is that the ads pop up too often. This app really needs improvement, if there was a 0/5 button I would definitely press it. (My opinion, it’s just really frickin boring and so not funny game)
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2 years ago, Robear74
Not Appropriate for ‘’9+’’
First of all I just downloaded this because I thought it was Actually gonna be for 9+ I’m 11 but literally this is NOT appropriate for 9+ they should not know this type of stuff. JUST FIX THE AGE SETTING TO 12+ BECAUSE CHILDREN SHOULD NOT PLAY THIS.. I DELETED IT And if you are 9 and gonna get this game read ALL the reviews. Personally I think it’s a good idea to make this like the actual game in real life. But still !!!!Change the age setting please!!!! I might get this again if u can change the age settings… Also WAYYYY TO MANY ADDS pleeease look I understand that’s how u guys make money but every time I’m in a middle of a game it just pops up out of nowhere… So please developers fix this.
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1 year ago, billie_ellish27
The same memes and not appropriate for 9+
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING When I first got this game I was super happy because it was internet free but then after a awhile of playing it would log me off and also after a while it will give you the same memes over and over again for example when you just let out a silent fart in a full car. I have gotten that one over five times so that’s why I gave it three stars. It would be much better if you got more memes to put The next reason is because it is way to inappropriate for 9 year olds. Seriously this game should be 12+ because there is cussing some violence and sexual stuff that is very bad for a nine year old. An example of an inappropriate meme is when ur doctor asks about your sexual history that is NOT something a nine year old should know. Another one is when she’s still pregnant after April fools day which is most likely implying that “she” made love with another man (Made love meaning s e x) if I could give zero stars I would!😡
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2 years ago, basgo23
Cool game please make improvements though
It’s an interesting game with lots of fun content. But it uses the same jokes over and over almost every round it’s the same thing. Also when I play a level it and win with more pints I still get the failure message. I’ve just given up on this app working correctly at this point though. There bug fixes are minimal and the game eventually get to an obvious point where it’s just not interesting and is better off deleted.
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7 months ago, lindsey.bear10
Too many ads
The game is fun and all but too many ads. Also, they won’t let you skip them. Every time you start a new match and play 1 card it’s a ad. Then after you finish the whole match it’s a ad. It’s ridiculous. I mean i get that y’all gotta make money but still. Also, the game barely has cards it always gives you duplicates and sometimes new cards. The game basically repeats itself over and over again. The levels, the cards, and the people. Used to be fun for a week, now it’s not. :/ If you wanna play read the reviews before you download!
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5 months ago, em winland
Its ok..
First off, this game is great for car rides, (if you have hotspot obv) but ADS!!! Oh my lord these ADS!!!! Another thing is when im playing, i throw a card in and it fits fine and i dont gain points and they dont laugh, but then the other person puts something down thats not funny and doesnt even fit with the theme and they get 100 points? What??? I lose a LOT because of this, and the thing is they dont even make me laugh but mine do? Like cmon! One was “when shes a ten but shes wearing mixmatch clothing“ and i put the meme of a crying cat and it said it wasnt funny? Like bruh these people gotta be bots or something. Honestly, smh🤦‍♀️
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11 months ago, mhhhhhhhhhukh
Good idea, bad execution
This game is fun to play, it’s free so understand why you need ads but NOT SO MANY. It’s not that hard to remove a few ads, you already are a very rich, greedy company! This game is a copy of the boa4 game What do you meme, and some ads and cards are inappropriate! Other than that, it would be one of my favorite games to play. Also, eventually, after MORE ADS THAN GAMEPLAY, you GET ALL THE CARDS AND IT GETS REALLY REPETITIVE! Great idea to make a digital game based on that board game but it just has too many problems. Not for 12+, would 12 year olds be okay seeing cards with topics like pregnancy, drugs and sex? NO.
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1 year ago, Sage McLean
I just downloaded Meme Challenge today and I instantly became inlove with it , but I have a ick with this game this game has hella ads and it kinda gets annoying to a certain point. I could just watch a little ad for extra cards or whatever and once I press play after it’s another ad😣. If the creator wanted so many ads why not do a little 60 second break or something like that but I mean I can also delete it but all il saying is the ads are outrageous.
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1 year ago, Swag🥹
It’s a fun game but..
Overall it’s a pretty fun game to play but the questions or whatever are quite inappropriate I mean they ask you “when your doctor asks for your sexual history” and other stuff. I wouldn’t say this is for 9 year olds. I think it should be like 12+ at the least. Another thing is there’s a lot of ads and when I say a lot I mean like there’s litterally like 6 or 7 ads every round. If the creators or whatever see this please fix this game.
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11 months ago, CrispyXXL
Unfair Gameplay, still fun
The cards you get are completely RNG-based and most of the time are actually in your opponent’s favor which is a mechanic they purposefully have. When you tie against your opponent they win instead of you, which is also very unfair since they ended up getting an epic tier card in EVERY deck for that round, while I didn’t even get a rare once. However don’t delete the game if you get one bad match, since your luck can turn around. Mine didn’t for the next hour though.
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6 months ago, Ari15890472
If yiu don’t have much patience don’t download
So this game is fun I got some chuckles out of it but when you win cards all you get is duplicates of the other one you already have and like a lot of games it will always say watch an ad for double the prize then I press no and yiu guessed it yiu still get an add after every round or when you finish anything there are ads like can there be a game that doesn’t have ads 24 seven yiu could’ve named the game ad game it’s a fun game when you can play it but enless yiu are trying to watch ads for a living I don’t recommend
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1 year ago, superfungamesreveiwer
Doesn’t make sense
So I have all cons no pros first it says nine plus when they cuss and they say stuff about sexual history second WAY TOO MAN ADS every button I touch I feel there is going to be an ad third I kinda wanted to make memes and win but I obviously pick a funnier card but there’s doesn’t make sense they still get more points like one time it said when your doctor asks you about your sexual history and I put a nervous face he put a crying face BUT it was an epic card so they got more points I guess so developers if your reading this make a better game don’t waste your time on this I wish I could rate this zero stars J hate it so much
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3 weeks ago, unliker if roblox
It’s pretty bad
This game is pretty bad for two reasons. The first reason is that there are way too many ads, and sometimes there are inappropriate questions and some ads are also inappropriate and the second reason this game is bad is because of the rarity of cards. if you put down an epic card and it doesn’t even make sense with the meme it’ll still win anyway it’s not even about how good the picture matches the meme. It’s just about how rare the card you put down is. Don’t even get me started about the ads. I know I’ve already talked about the ads, but oh good Lord, they’re so so so many ads.
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