My Bright Day

1.5 (351)
95 MB
Age rating
Current version
Bright Horizons CC LLC
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for My Bright Day

1.5 out of 5
351 Ratings
4 years ago, MillerJR2020
Does what it was created to do!
Great app! Does what it was created to do; communicate care events, curriculum and send pictures. The complaints about needing a message function are not what the app was created for. Parents should want their teachers engaged and supervising their children not hovering over a iPad all day checking messages. If you are that in dire need to talk to your teacher, you should call the classroom.
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3 months ago, hgraisin
Clunky & Minimal Features
There’s too many places and pieces to it. It’s hard to find what you’re looking for, and I’m an app developer so I’m experienced in these spaces. The one way messaging is terrible. Only the staff can message the parent, but the parent has to call or email the center to get a message to the teacher. It’s also a bummer that I can’t save a picture of my child if it has another child in it. I screenshot and crop them all, but the resolution is bad. Centers have tons of other children in there, it’s bound to happen a lot. Plus, there’s no linked payment system, that’s a whole other website system. Another negative is the check-in process, you can’t check-in your child yourself, the teacher does, and you can’t tell in the app who checks your child in/out. I can imagine that’s a problem for separated parents or extended family situations. Plus I had to download another app to even buzz myself into the building. Bright Wheel is far superior. The payment system and child tracking is all in the same app, no extra websites or extra apps. It’s so easy to use and understand. Most importantly, you can actually COMMUNICATE with the person you leave your child with, instead of feeling like you’re blocked from them.
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4 years ago, Kjl131
Missing very basic functionality
I am an iOS developer and the UX/usability of this non-native app is painful. Putting that aside though, there are some very basic features I would expect to be in this app. The first is the ability to write a new paragraph in the morning note. With COViD rules, I no longer see my kids teachers at drop off or pickup and I don’t get to hang out in the class. I no longer have opportunities to casually chat with them where we can talk about things like potty training, changes at home, etc. So instead I’m having to write a large run-on paragraph about multiple topics such as potty training progress at home, upcoming modified arrival schedule, etc. There is no way to separate out the different topics and it’s annoying. Second issue is the lack of ability to tell the teacher something in the app after morning drop off. I know you are strict on the no 2 way communication in the app rule, but this doesn’t need to be 2 way. We just need a FYI note option where we can add things that are new or we forget to put in the morning note such as i sent an item in her backpack for her cubby or we are missing her jacket.
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6 years ago, RobertS7877
Ability to Stop Certain Real Time Notifications
It seems as though something has changed very recently with the notifications because we never used to get update notifications for photos, videos, and audio and didn’t change any of our settings. And within the app there are lots of detailed notifications I can choose to receive certain real time or not (meals, medications, sunscreen/insect repellent, naps, notes, potties, morning reminder for “please bring” items), but not photos, videos, or audio. I care about all of those other things, but don’t need a notification evertime a photo or video is taken of my kids. For example, just yesterday I got 18 notifications of pictures, videos, and audio that I hadn’t been getting a few weeks ago. It would be really helpful if there was a way to turn off those real time notifications without turning the others off. I like the photos, videos, and audio, but I look at them at the end of the day, whereas the other items I care about as they occur.
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5 years ago, XxOkorxx
It’s a hot mess
To summarize, the app is strange and would benefit from a UX person. The block interface for instance, is not intuitive. Links don’t work in “message blocks”. There is no summary “today” view. Notices aren’t shown as read or unread. Notifications do not take you to a relevant view in the app, you just get the ... homescreen, I’ll call it. The settings button is cut off by the edge of my screen on an iPhone 8. The “mark absent” button is obscured behind the “drop off notes” section. The app doesn’t display wether my kid is checked in or out, by whom or at what times. All would be helpful ... what my spouse is in a car accident and I don’t know about it yet. Many dates are completely lacking any information ... at least a checked in at/checked out at/did not check in entry for each day would be nice. All images are very low resolution. Why? And the interface just feels generally strange in a way that is difficult to describe but you know it when you see it. I appreciate that it exists and the work the developers have done. But in it’s current form it’s a low quality app.
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3 years ago, IllBeKaren
Terrible App
Seems like I have the same complaints as the majority as far as not being able to communicate with the teacher after drop off. Maybe it’s at the schools request so I’ll give the developers the benefit of the doubt. However, the fact that I can’t scroll through pictures is really frustrating. The pictures are so tiny so I have to open them all one by one just to see if my child is in them. A simple scroll feature could just be added. Once the photos are moved into memories, I am able to finally scroll, but man is it slow.. and they eventually disappear too! Why can’t they just be saved in the app? The app is general is frustratingly slow. These issues can be easily fixed but it seems like no effort is being put into actually doing the work. It’s almost like the developers don’t really care, they got paid for the job and in their mind their job is done. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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6 years ago, KatieLu
Missing some key functions
Love the idea of this app. It is so nice to have a record of what happens at day care. Some feedback for the developers because you have a great start and there are some key improvements that would really help parents a lot. 1. Communication- we just had multiple tornado warnings and 8 touchdown in our area yesterday. As a parent I could not hear anything from the daycare because their line was busy. It would have been nice if they could have posted an alert on the app to notify parents that they were managing the situation and at this time all children and staff were safe. 2. How come check in and check out times are not listed in the daily report?! 3. I live for the pictures. There are push notifications for most things but not pictures. That would be a nice add! 4. Parent communities in the app. Thanks!
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2 years ago, NattySom
Much better, room for improvement
This new update is a tremendous improvement from the previous design. I appreciate that everything is centralized, from the arrival notes to the center’s calendar. The UX is significantly more intuitive and it is much easier to access my child’s daily reports. There are still some bugs to work out. For example, the daily medication arrival note is updated with a new timestamp each time I open the app. This is annoying for both parents and teachers. Another example is with the daily provided food section. It does not retain my notes from the night before, or it autopopulates with a previous day’s food list. I would like to see a few other improvements. First, the arrival and pickup lacks sufficient detail or specificity. I would like to see an option for the ETA to be consistent with my navigation app, particularly if there is a sudden change in traffic so I don’t need to mess with my phone unnecessarily. Second, the timeline should come with an easy toggle button to see in chronological or reverse chronological order. Right now, it defaults to reverse order. As a parent, I greatly the appreciate the overhauled app. But please, don’t stop here!
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4 years ago, EMPA2020
Horrible customer service and incompetent IT department
My husband and I have been trying for 2 weeks now to obtain access to this app as our baby just started daycare and this is the app they use. We have been unable to create or access our account, therefore we cannot receive any updates on our baby throughout the day or login to the app whatsoever. I’ve called 5 times now trying to obtain help with this and am told every time “we are working on it” but am given no helpful information and no sort of timeline on when they expect this to be resolved. They just keep saying they are “understaffed”. I’ve requested to speak to a supervisor and told there was no one available and they would contact me...well surprise, surprise they never did. This company seems horribly mismanaged and I wish our daycare did not use them. Good luck if you ever have a problem needing IT support. They are worthless.
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2 years ago, theguffles
New look, Same buggy app
Not really impressed with the new UI because they didn’t fix the glaring issues: 1) app logs me out multiple times per week for no reason 2) login requires me to type full email and password, rather than use something like faceid which all other modern apps do 3) when logged out, app continues to function in some ways, which creates the appearance everything is working, leads to problems 4) one such function is health check, which app had shown as successful but never sent to bright horizons. They had to email me after to sort it out because they thought I dropped my kid off without submitting Really terrible experience that reminds me of 2009 era apps. Apple should ban this app. I really wish I wasn’t required to use it for the health check, I would instantly delete it and never come back
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9 years ago, captcora
Love this app!
Thank you for this awesome app! Not only does it provide me with peace of mind when my infant and toddler are at the center, it also helps me stay in the loop with all of the activities going on day to day. Through the app, teachers can send notes to remind when I am running low on supplies or if there is a special day coming up. I just love the real time photos and videos – they always brighten my day! Just yesterday, the teachers were able to capture a video of my son crawling for the first time! I easily downloaded the video and shared the memorable moment with my family! The app is easy to use and such a great addition to the program.
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9 months ago, NinyaMu
Buggy and Frustrating
I am finally breaking down and writing my first review ever for an app because of my frustrations. This app has been extremely subpar for what it is supposed to do. It is supposed to keep parents aware of what is happening to their children throughout the day. I barely get updates anymore because apparently even for the teachers it’s difficult to input some data now and see what they have selected so half the time I'm wondering if the information is even correct! It logs me out frequently and then when I try to log in again it says incorrect credentials when I know they’re correct. I also should not have to log out and log back in to get updates. This is insanely frustrating and I sincerely hope this gets fixed soon.
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2 years ago, D2MJD
Very basic almost archaic app
Our child’s old daycare/preschool has an app with so much more information and capability. From entering meds, sleep, mood, milestones, and more; as well as being able to upload pics to the app too so his teachers saw more about our son than what THEY see only in class. The app they used is called “Daily Connect” and the BH developers should take a look at it. What BH has now is so impersonal. I’d like to have more information on our sons day and also be able to enter important information as well as our own pictures. We could also save any pictures which was wonderful for sharing with family or having for ourselves. BH really needs to get their apps capabilities caught up to being competitive if they want to be providing the best experience.
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4 years ago, Tarablest
Minimal Viable Product
This is a great example of an MVP that everyone ended up getting stuck with and no one is happy with. This is the only way I can “interact” with my child during the day, and with the terrible ux and buggy implementation it makes me wish I had asked for a demonstration of the app during our “tour” and it would’ve greatly impacted my decision to go with BH. More than once there have been significant errors in data entry on the app, making me think she had eaten food she’s allergic to or had a bottle when she didn’t, which leads me to believe the caregiver side of the app is just as bad and erodes my trust in the information it provides. Either invest in a UX designer or use a pre-built app for this purpose. It is SO important and is getting even more important every day.
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2 months ago, AGrlNamedSam
Way too Many Bugs
From forced log outs, to notices that too many log in attempts have locked the account, this is not my favorite app for user-friendliness. This is an app that will often be shared with two parents using one log in, and it doesn’t seem the app is set up to accommodate multiple logins. If this is the case then both parents should be able to establish unique log ins! While I enjoy the capabilities of the app once logged in, the headache from access issues makes me rate it a 2. Further, as BH is recognized as a superior learning center its technology should match. As a NYC enrollee…we pay too much in tuition to deal with these challenges to monitor our kids day to day!
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5 years ago, FNDJX
Not Bad, Needs a Messaging Function
Our daycare used to use Baby Connect which we loved but was a bit cumbersome for the teachers so they switched to My Bright Day. Overall, I’d say it’s easy to use. However, we lost the ability to send instant messages with the teachers like in Baby Connect. MBD has no messaging function except for writing “Morning Drop Off Notes” which we have never used in over 2 years. Teachers can create messages to send to us but the parents have no way of responding. It was so incredibly helpful to be able to send a quick message back and forth between the parents and teachers to check up on our child, to give a heads up if we were going to pick up later or early than usual, etc. We used that function almost everyday with Baby Connect and not having it in MBD, when it seems so simple to include, is really disappointing. Please please please, add an instant messaging function ASAP!! It would be a 5 star app if it had a messaging function.
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4 years ago, Decadeindc
V9.8.1 Breaks Memories Section
Ever since the v9.8.1 update, none of the content in the “Memories” section will display. I get my child’s picture, the correct month (and can select the month). I also get notifications for alerts, but no alert text outside of the notification preview. No other content either like pictures. I can get the content in the other sections like Daily Report and Drop Off Notes just fine, it’s the Memories section that’s problematic. Which is a huge problem because that’s where the center’s notes and alerts show up. I’ve logged out and back in, restarted, etc. Same issue keeps happening. Prior to this update, the Memories section content was totally visible. Please fix!
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6 years ago, dandk'sfamily
Needs parent-teacher communication
This app is great with one HUGE exception- there’s no way for parents to communicate with the educators after check in. Let’s say you’re going to come feed the baby at lunch or you’re going to have the other parent do pickup or you need to answer an educator’s question. There’s no quick way to communicate. Now I have to call the front desk for anything- this causes me to have to step out of meetings then causes my child’s educators to step away from the children to get the classroom phone to get the message, whereas they have a tablet for photos and documentation as they work with the kids, and the app is already and always up and in use. You really need to add a message function.
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3 years ago, Bantam1030
Incredibly bad app and app support
This app was never good to begin with (poor UI/UX, buggy, lacking important features that other daycare-based apps have). However, their ‘upgrade’ killed the app and its been unusable for 2+ weeks. They clearly didn’t test before releasing this upgrade. I contacted them directly and got a response basically saying ‘it’s something with how teachers are putting in information and we’re working with individual centers to fix it’. In short, we’re not responsible for our app not working and we’ll fix it whenever we get around to it. Bright Horizons should just move to Brightwheel and get rid of their internal development team as they are taking value away from their company.
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1 year ago, M1kania
Horrible introduction to BH
My kid just had their first day and I already hate this trash app. It wouldn’t let me check in or set my arrival ETA — I had to delete the app and re-download it for it to finally work on day 2. Also I wanted to be conscientious and tell the center about a single vacation day we have coming up so they could plan better, but the app automatically set 10 days of vacation after I used the atrocious date picker and submitted. And now I can’t even delete the extra days. What an awful way to introduce new families to the Bright Horizons brand. I understand the app is different from the centers, but it really makes me nervous about the parent company and how they invest in infrastructure and experiences.
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2 years ago, branvs
Sleeker, much harder to use
Every day I have to enter similar info into the same fields. In the old app, I could just go top to bottom, side to side, like I’m filling out a check-list. This overhauled app is a much worse experience, where I need to open up multiple “Quick Tasks” (as opposed to…?), then, in each, expand sub-sections to fill out each field. The difference between the two apps is that the new one is be better for non-linear entry, but that’s the opposite of what I need. As a straw-man example, I could fill out a Google Form or spreadsheet column with more ease. There’s also a really annoying bug where scrolling the time entry spinner up invokes the “swipe up to switch apps” functionality - which is really annoying when I’m using this app trying to get the kids out the door. I’d be very happy if the app was just rolled back to the old ugly one, then incrementally “modernized” to look better if need be (but who cares about that?)
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2 years ago, mbueticmu
Wrong Alerts & No Updates Until Checkout
Something with this app continues to be severely broken. After an “update” a few months back, I receive alerts throughout the day for the wrong child, about food that we didn’t send and doesn’t show up in the app, etc. meanwhile, my wife can’t view updates or photos at all throughout the day until our child is checked out. This app doesn’t fulfill its basic functionality, especially given the tuition that goes towards supporting this system. If the devs supporting this app worked at a shop I was running, they would have been fired long ago for breaking our product THIS badly.
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3 years ago, lnims455
Update did not fix any bugs
Most recent update created more bugs and now the teachers can’t even get their posts to go through. I finally got a picture today from yesterday and there were no reports regarding meals, bathroom or what went on in the classroom today. Before the update I have my settings to let me know real time regarding meals, photos and naps. I was never getting any of those real time notifications. The update still hasn’t fixed that problem. We pay a lot of money in tuition and expect these features to be working. Use some of our tuition money to develop a proper app.
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8 years ago, JP@Seattle
Solid app
Totally solid, functional app. Keep up the good work! Three suggestions to make it better: the 'Refresh' delay can be quite annoying (delays viewing the daily report by 5-10 secs); I should still be allowed to edit the Dropoff Notes even after drop off, since I often write them on the bus afterward, or have to change a detail like the pickup time; when my notes are displayed in-line in the daily report, they show up below all the teacher notes, which is unintuitive & throws off the time ordering visually.
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1 year ago, LargeAloeLady
Doesn’t load
I have to delete and redownload this app at least once everyday if I want to see anything when I open it. It’s just empty when I go in, even past days are devoid of content, despite getting notifications when things get added to the current day on the teachers end. Very obnoxious, unsafe if something medical comes through, and just generally cumbersome. Worked for a while, this problem only started in the last month or so and unfortunately I’m fully updated…When it works it’s great. Unfortunately it consistently doesn’t work.
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4 years ago, HarryDunneShagginWagon
Bad and different every day
With all due respect, this app is pretty bad. It seems like things get re-arranged every day, and memories disappear constantly. Most times I can’t even click on a memory to see the picture or video. In the ~4 months I’ve had my kid at a Bright Horizons center, I’ve had to uninstall & reinstall the app 3 times to fix issues. Personally, I think you should switch to using the brightwheel app. I know that’s a big change, but their job is to build a solid app & website for centers & parents to use. Bright Horizons’ responsibility is to care for children, not build an app. Sure, it might be expensive, but is it worth paying engineers to build a lousy app? (Sorry, engineers).
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2 years ago, Pauldj88
This app has been useless at best. If you’re on night shift it gets worse. I had a sliver of hope for this update. Because hey how could it possibly get worse? Turns out that’s the only thing the app gets right is being garbage. Now the only thing that would work, seeing most of the pictures, is useless. After every picture I have to close the app out and get back in because they disappear after viewing one photo. It’s a disgrace. This app is for parents who are working and miss their kids. Figure out what or who is “making” this app shameful and fix it. An update is pointless if you refuse to get better.
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3 years ago, Bwh613
One way communication only
I cannot make notes inquiring about my kids or update the app while my kids are checked in. I have no way to communicate and can’t respond to notes left for me until the next day. If a note is made by the teacher before my kids are checked in on the app, I cannot see what they are trying to tell me before school until after they are checked in there. It makes me want to bang my head on a wall. It also has some missing features that are standard in other childcare apps; such as mood updates. The user experience is terrible and needs revamped and more user discovery from tech dev
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9 months ago, MCharron32
Extremely glitchy still
- I can’t figure out what causes log-outs; seem to be random for all I can tell - Still receive push notifications when logged out - Sometimes when try to sign in, the “loading” indicator (line animating above sign in button) moves and then stops - seeming to indicate success but nothing happens. Force close app doesn’t help. Have to completely delete and re download the app from the App Store. We really like Bright Horizons for our child and the care she is given there - so I guess a positive is that the cost we pay is going towards that and clearly not towards app development. Silver lining?
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5 years ago, Flywithchopstick
Brightwheel is far ahead of MyBrightDay
The one thing this app should do very well is to get pictures of your child from the teacher to you, and it fails miserably. 1. I can only download pictures gracefully were my child is by themselves, and I have to do so one by one. This is ridiculous, since I lose all context that he is actually in kindergarten. Can’t you just implement “save to picture roll” like WhatsApp? 2. Pictures expire off the app after a couple of days, and can be retrieved from old daily emails. Yes, really. 2. The “security” where you supposedly can’t download a group picture is a farce, since anyone can screen capture pictures that are supposedly “locked” for privacy. This is pathetic. In the end, you are giving parents the worst of both worlds by making it very inconvenient to get pictures of their child, and you are NOT honoring the wishes of whomever doesn’t want to have their picture shared on a social app because it CAN be saved with a screen capture. Get it together.
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3 years ago, Phx87
Doesn’t work AT ALL with the latest update
Why are we paying so much in tuition for an elite school with good parent communication when this horrible app is what we get. So far this week updates literally have not worked at all. My kid has been at daycare for 10 hours right now and I have zero updates about food, naps, diaper changes, activities, or pictures. Same thing yesterday and they gave us a physical piece of paper when we checked out, as if they are straight out of the 1990s. Well, at least I was reminded half a dozen times to do the Covid survey after I already did it and she’s already been at daycare for hours.
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6 months ago, Jamesg007
It’s fine enough
It’s funny how these reviews are so belligerent with one star. I’m sorry but, that’s just mean spirited. there’s not a massive return on investment building an app for a preschool, so if you want the app to be an actual five star app why don’t you go away and spend some time and money yourself and build a better app and offer it to the school rather than writing mean spirited one star reviews when I think it works perfectly fine? 🤦🏻‍♂️ And I speak from experience I’m in technology. This app is good enough and the company is great to deal with. If your child is attending the schools use the app, it’s perfectly fine
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7 years ago, LyncAdmin
Nice concept, app functionality needs updated
I do love to see the notices about my little guy throughout the day. Love the concept too. As an Application Development Manager myself, I’d suggest the following: 2 way communication to the daycare center. With me being a nursing mom, in meetings most of the day, but at times able to get’s be nice to be able to send a message to the teachers letting them know I’ll be there for the next feeding so don’t warm up a bottle. Selecting the times things happen the day prior is horrendous. Often times, my little guy gets fed late at night and sleeps through the night...he doesn’t like to eat first thing...thus, his last feeding time would be pm the day prior. Try doing won’t let you unless you press the minus button 30 times to get it to go back to the prior day... All in all though the concept is really nice! Just needs a few updates.
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3 months ago, Mr. Cymbals
Horrible. Rarely stable. Should be zero stars.
After 5 to 6 years of using this app, it is just pure garbage. They try to dress it up to make it look pretty but functionally it does not work. It constantly crashes. Does not matter what Internet source you were on. I am always on the latest version of the app and always have problems. Right now, it crashes when trying to swipe through the photos in Memories. Clearly the 7-figure CEO is not putting funds into Development but is pushing that this app is sold as a premium feature with the company. Disappointing to say the least …
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6 months ago, Hubbs238
Probably the worst app on my phone
Terrible user interface, constant crashing, awful experience downloading pictures, it seems like the app locks my password every couple of weeks making me change it, and overall terrible performance. For how much parents pay monthly with the majority of the money not going to the wonderful teachers you would think the app would be world class so parents can still feel connected to their kids. I may be biased because I am a product manager in the tech space, but I am sure other parents have similar pain points.
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2 years ago, AW...
Nov 22 Update is SOOOO SLOW
The app has always been pretty low end so I get that they tried to update to be more modern but (1) the speed basically makes it non-functional, (2) they’ve moved away from being kid-centric. For example, the only under my child’s name is the center’s info (yep, I know the address because we do dropoff and pickup everyday…I might need at some point but don’t put it front and center) Make it much easier to see pics of my kids and hear about what they’re doing. I shouldn’t have to click around for that (and don’t mind clicking a bit more for calendar or center info)
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4 years ago, theboudicea
Poor design and clunky to use
We’ve been using this app for 7 months and it is very clunky and poorly designed. It is constantly refreshing, so it takes three times as long as it needs to for me to input my drop off information than it should. Reports from the teachers are not in real time and we’ve noticed that while I can see certain updates, they can take up to an hour later for the same updates to appear for my spouse. Updates to the app seem to cause more problems than they fix. I expect better from an app that is supposed to facilitate communication between parents and the daycare.
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1 year ago, RewardTracker
App and support are terrible
The calendar that the classroom uses used to open and now does not, instead I have to scroll through a list of entries and I have no idea what day it belongs to. The weekly update page shows a list of links but drops you at the oldest so you have to scroll and scroll to find this weeks. I wasn’t able to see any pictures that were posted of my kid so I logged out of the app and now can’t get back in. Hiring a QA person or replacing the one you have would be ideal. This app and all of the updates that are pushed are clearly not user tested.
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3 years ago, minma1987
Good content, terrible app
UI/UX aside, the app has all the functions we need. We like the features to input the food provided and notes to teachers and love seeing the photo updates. However this app has been so buggy since the last couple of weeks and I don’t understand why it’s so hard to fix. We don’t get refreshed reports sometimes and there are times when we did not get a single update for the whole day. It’s very frustrating considering how much we are paying for the daycare tuition. BH needs to pay the developers better and have them do a better job.
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4 years ago, Semidevil
Doesn’t work and waiting on developers to fix
I’ve had this app for a month now and even until now, I can’t access my kids info. It just says no children registered.’ I’ve been working with their IT team and I send weeklyemails t asking for status and all I get is ‘we have no update and will let you know when it’s fixed...feel free to uninstall and reinstall the app from time to time though”. I don’t know, for paying 3k per month for daycare, I figure things should be quicker...or at least give me better context as to why it’s delayed or what you are doing to try to fix. Am I being unreasonable guys/gals?
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6 years ago, WCVIII
Great idea but needs some tweaks to be awesome
I love being able to see what activities my son is doing each day. I also appreciate the notes from the teacher. However, these are the things I’d like to see improvement on or added: 1. As many parents have already mentioned, a notes feature POST-check in to the teacher would be beneficial. Currently we have to email or call the main line to leave a message, which is a waste of time for everyone. 2. I’ve only had the download picture functionality for ONE PHOTO. Sometimes there are some great photos or videos of my son that I’d like to keep as a memory of him. 3. Allowing users the ability to rotate videos sideways for larger viewing. Do you know how hard it is to see anything on an iPhone when you are forced to view a video in portrait mode only?
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6 years ago, Marytonio30!
Needs a way to send notes to teacher
I mostly like the app, however you can’t send messages to the teacher with the app. The teacher can send the parent a note but the parent can’t respond. It would be nice to be able to let them know if someone else will be picking my child up, or respond to a teacher note. I can leave a drop off note, however this only works if he is not already checked in by the parent or the teacher. I think parents should be able to add notes anytime.
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4 years ago, kernisj
Recent update has issues
Issues described below are fixed in the latest release - thank you! The most recent update does not work properly. It no longer allows you to punch images to make them larger; the screen often freezes in strange sizes or with notes floating over other squares; when looking at the view to select previous days; the filter opens constantly. Need release to fix
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7 months ago, KSwissKat
This app constantly logs me out and doesn’t let me log back in unless I delete and redownload. I have the latest version as of March 2024. When you just have quick small moments at work to check in on your baby this is a nightmare. Sometimes I literally just call the daycare to ask for updates which I’m sure makes them super happy. This level of bad is really not normal. I didn’t know an app could be this bad. I have had other daycare apps before with no issues. Brightweel is fantastic if you need to look for a place to hire your people….
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5 years ago, jhewit22
It’s good for parents who want to know details of their child’s day- but only when the teachers fill in the right info or post photos consistently. Really have always wished for an option to be able to send the teachers a note- especially as the kids get older. I get that teachers aren’t looking at the app all day with infants but when they get more independent it’d be nice to be able to check in personally about if they’ve had a rough drop off or aren’t feeling good. It’d be perfect to have a communication tool build in.
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2 years ago, TiredParent123000
Absolute Garbage
New app is horrible. It’s slow, doesn’t update, doesn’t save the parent notes properly- it auto deletes parent notes so you need to enter notes five times sometimes. As parents we do not have time to sit on the app entering notes multiple times. It’s so slow I also don’t bother using the pick up/arrival buttons because it’s faster for me to walk into the center instead of notifying the center like I’m supposed to. Absolute garbage app. Please revert to the ugly old app, at least it was fast, and you didn’t have issues saving parent notes.
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2 years ago, Bexter1228
I miss the old “outdated” version
The old version was actually easier to use and allow a view where you could easily see almost everything in one glance or barely a scroll on a smart phone. It might have been a little clunky but I prefer it to the new app. The morning arrival notes are so difficult to fill out now. The numbers for putting in times scroll way too easily and don’t stay still, so it’s tricky to enter the time. It’s very cumbersome and confusing to look at. I’m hoping I could somehow go back to the previous app.
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3 years ago, eidolon42
Update broke the thing
While not stellar this used to be an acceptable app, but the update has utterly broken it. Random emails, push notifications 2 weeks late, settings changes that don’t stick. The saddest is when you try to click a push notification to try to finally learn how your kiddo is doing (or was) and it opens the app but nothing is there…I don’t know what digital ether those comments enter, but from whence they do not return. My child is going through a bunch of developmental milestones right now and I’m gutted to be missing those updates.
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4 years ago, J8zzy
App updates log user out, no new functionality
This app is updated ALL THE TIME. It updates on the middle of the day when you need to see what’s happening with your kids (every try pumping breast milk blind without knowing when and how much your infant ate?). It updates overnight. It updates at least weekly, and every time following you are logged out of the app. All of these updates (2-year user), and yet I’ve never seen a single functionality update as an end-user. App is great when it works, so stop messing with a good thing. Good grief.
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4 years ago, brendankirchner
Update the App
I’ve reported multiple times (over 6 months ago) that iPhone X-style devices still have letterboxing. There’s also the Settings button that has truncated text. Someone from the company told me they were aware, and that a fix was on their radar, and that was also 6 months ago. An update just came out and neither of these things seem to be fixed. There’s also the issue that photos with a caption can’t be saved to your photos, and videos cannot seem to be closed before the video ends. Edit: It’s still not updated 9 months later.
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