Say Something SHP

1.9 (822)
29.9 MB
Age rating
Current version
Navigate360, LLC
Last update
5 years ago
Version OS
9.0 or later
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User Reviews for Say Something SHP

1.87 out of 5
822 Ratings
7 months ago, Smartmonkey2006
Read this
I would go tell someone at school first about the situation or tell your parents to say something, I would only go to this app if nothing was to be done about the situation and it only got worse, if the app does not help tell them that you will tell the police if nothing is done about the situations, that will make these idiots listen to YOU and your situation, when you talk to these people, don’t give out you name, even if they pressure you, don’t do it, use a VPN if can hide/change your IP, back to the point, you have be very detailed before you hit that submit button, provide anything that he/she said or do to you. Because when you hit submit, they are going to ask questions one of them will be your NAME DON’T GIVE OUT YOUR NAME TO ANYONE! Here another thing this app can throw people under the bus so be careful. Too explain in short terms I would tell a trusted adult, this app would not be my first option, if that does not work use this app, and tell them you will tell the police if action is not taken, if action not taken tell the police, it will get the attention of the school and something will get done. Other wise 2 stars this app has the wrong approach and other students can falsely accuse other and get away with it.
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6 years ago, LouWestin
Limited availability to make reports
This app has a very limited availability to make anonymous reports. You have to enter in your school’s name or town to see if it shows up in the list so that you can make anonymous reports. Also, this app requires creating at least a four digit access pin for security or privacy. The problem is with this approach is, if a parent wants to see what reports their child has made they would need that pin in order access the history of reports that were made.
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3 years ago, Yoshi an
This doesn’t help anyone:
If someone I know is depressed or anything, I’m not going to begin to go through this app. Being direct with people is much better than trying to do it anonymously and solve it like a scooby-doo mystery, and it does not really help anyone and wastes time. Like I really appreciate the ambition to help kids out, but this is not the way to do it. Again, since this app is for anything that isn’t an emergency, I just don’t see any use. Aside from this, I have no clue why everyone wants to act like teens that are mentally struggling are uncommon. This is coming from someone that goes to an advanced/gifted program high school, and everyone I know of in my grade, or just the entire school for that matter, has things going on that causes a lot of depression and constant negative emotions. Instead of just reporting this stuff, can we actually speak about how to deal with it, or even just fix the problem. The main problem is that school overworks everyone, and you have to overwork yourself until you are mentally exhausted just to get into a decent college. There’s a million other things that are causing constant depression and stress in lives, so can we actually do something about instead of reporting that people are struggling, only for it to happen again.
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2 years ago, Truredd
Feeling Safe and Secure to Say/Report Something
As a school nurse I can attest to the fact that young people are not always comfortable speaking to someone. Whether this is to report that a friend showed acts of violence or depression. Even most adults are uncomfortable with the subject or getting involved. Of course, if you are comfortable confronting a person about suicidal thoughts then speak to them openly. But if you see or hear something to lead you to believe that someone can harm themselves or others and speaking about it makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable this app allows you to give the much needed information to someone else that can act on it appropriately. Reporting something you see or hear, even if you are unsure, can save lives. This APP is a tool that can and should be used for that. Please if you see something or hear something SAY SOMETHING, whether it be to a trusted adult or via an app.
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4 years ago, m_inorities
The wrong approach
My school recently decided to take this app on, and I am honestly ashamed by the concept of it. This is just wasted potential. Instead of developing an app where children can go and report other children based on their behavior - which they’re not trained or taught how to recognize properly by the way - perhaps they should have developed an ANONYMOUS COUNSELING APP which links students to a counselor anonymously, and they can chat. Instead of forcing students to throw each other under the bus, how about provide counseling as an option instead of something other students force on their peers. Honestly, this is the worst concept for a “helpful” app I have seen. It’s sad that myself, a 17 year old, CAN THINK OF A BETTER CONCEPT than this. It doesn’t help people, in fact the negative effects it could have on a community far outweigh the positive - embarrassing kids who might already be struggling with depression or other mental health issues. These guys should just declare bankruptcy at this point smh.
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5 years ago, Hole-N-Her-One
Great app!
This is a great way for our youth to report safety issues. Isn’t saying something better than saying nothing? Our children deserve the best life we can give them and they also deserve a fighting chance to get through their younger years with all the help that can be offered. As a parent we made a promise to help them in any way possible, that includes letting others help and be there for our kids when we can’t. Our kids don’t tell us everything so it’s nice to have another way for them to ask for help or have a voice when they are in need. This app is doing something to help our kids and that’s what they need.
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6 years ago, wwkrrn
Overly concerned parent
This is probably a great app in some ways but there are issues my child was already dealing with and I was getting her help for when someone decided to “anonymously” report her as depressed and suicidal therefore sending the police to my residence and pretty much embarrassing her and upsetting her even more. I’m not sure how you can say that helped in any way. Not only to mention that I had to explain our whole PERSONAL business to the officer. My concern is why wasn’t the PARENT contacted first? Was this a kid or parent who was concerned or someone merely sticking there nose in someone else’s business? I felt like a criminal for trying to help my child and not letting the authorities know first. If kids are already going through something upsetting I’m sure totally humiliating them by sending police to the residence is really going to help matters. So, thank you anonymous tipster for NOT helping.
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6 years ago, Totally_Honest
Great Idea
This may lead to embarrassing your child who may be suicidal and depressed but in the end wouldn’t you rather have someone contact people to help. Your child will not tell you anything because not only do they think that they will drag you and anyone else into their state but also to not worry you or just out of fear. This also can help them get the help they need. If I had known about this app sooner or if my entire grade knew sooner one of my classmates would still be alive. Therefore it’s best to be sure than to suffer a loss.
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4 years ago, Doperipz
Save the youth
The fact that there is an app like this is incredible. Could have used this when I was in high school. I think a lot of people forget how hard being a teenager can be. Not only is it a crucial time of life when you are figuring yourself out but there is also danger of being bullied in the process. Teens can be pretty mean and it’s not always their fault. This is a safe way for kids to reach out for help. This app is beautiful and I’m sure has and will save lives. Thank you to the wonderful creator.
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2 years ago, UnicornLadybug
Amazing app
I am a 6th grader that has been bullied a lot in the past few years. This app really helps and the people working on it are really nice and make you feel cared for. I got my best friend on it because it is a good app and helped me and still currently helps me through bad times. My mom was raped all through her childhood and I just wish she had this at my age. Thank you creators for this wonderful app!
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2 years ago, leo bares
This game is mid ash
I swear games like this just keep getting worse they kept promoting it at my school and threatened me to download it and I was like if they like it this much it must be good but it’s not don’t believe the hype I don’t care what anyone says this game is way too easy the addition of AI has ruined this game I was hoping for a prime fortnite or prime cod kinda feel but instead this game reminds me of Roblox also as soon as I opened the app it charged 4.99 to my card and then when I joined a match some hacker popped up on my screen and started a fake chat plus the guns in this game are way to realistic I feel like it’s real life
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3 weeks ago, Maddie 🐇🐰
Good for school but 🫶 just really not
This app is good to report things about other people but like to be honest I don’t think if someone’s depressed they don’t want you to share their secrets and other than this it’s pretty good and I do think if it’s like something really really serious you should report it and I feel like everyone’s going through something and if you really wanted to help someone I would talk to them in person first and then go to the app if that doesn’t work
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5 years ago, jаy
This app doesn’t actually solve any problems.
This app hasn’t prevented anything but probably a few college acceptances and the like. Reporting someone on this app isn’t anonymous (reading privacy policy reveals this), and reporting people on this app can be abused fairly easily. Some kid on the bus is talking about how he reported 2 people for being possible school shooters, and reported a few kids for bullying. Now all these kids get to explain themselves for something they will have no idea about, which depending on the person they’re explaining to will make them seem guilty. This app is garbage and the imaginary scenarios in their introductory video are completely unrealistic.
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3 years ago, Mr. Atomss
To say I’m angry is an understatement
I recently downloaded this app because my autistic son ,Barthalomuwel, was getting bullied for my wives only fan account. It’s not my fault I have a poorly paying job, my wife has to put on the pants in the house, it also helps that she is a Dominatrix and I am her wolf in shining armor. As I write this I’m howling at the moon and quacking from our recent pegging section. Well anyways I used the app to report the perpetrator but nothing happened. My kid today got his head dunked in the toilet for having a “narc” of a father. I’m done with being the nice. This world shall know pain. I will take matters to my own hands.
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5 years ago, Bowedhi
Great app
This is a great app, because it's an anonymous reporting system which is good for school. And getting information in a different way through tech. This is good for telling people that you or someone else is going to hurt someone or something else. And most people don't tell other people what's going on because the feel unconfetable, or you don't Wana be bullied and be called a snitch. Great app all and all and use for schools its great.
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3 years ago, G_Terde
Old among us was better
I like the old among us better because the chat wasn’t all messy and it was easier to explain things now you have to go around and try and look for everything that you want to say i miss typing more this new among us is trash im sorry but my opinion about the new among us people barely even talk in the game due to how difficult it is its even harder to make objections even when you’re the impostor because its not easy to explain how youre not the impostor and you get voted out anyway i dont like this new were version i think it’s terrible and tradh.
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4 years ago, oof ervgabg
Overall bad gameplay
Upon downloading say something, I was immediately harassed with the DLC shop skins. Also there are to many spawn campers that hide in the corner. This game is so pay to win . The new Golden Shotgun is WAY to OP. I can’t believe the developers still haven’t updated this game. The battle pass was SO expensive and the game runs at like 1 FPS. Overall WORST gameplay I have ever experienced. Do not download this EVER.
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5 years ago, LadyVFire
This is proven to save lives and get help
Kids need this app and the results are staggering. Once the school is trained, the app goes live. Even though it’s tied to your school, you can anonymously report things you see in other places and the people on the phone help. Great idea, easy to use and helps more than people know. Every student in every school should have this.
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1 year ago, Waller jr jr
Report anything
I told on my friend cause was cutting to my mom but she said she doesn’t care then I asked my dad and he didn’t answer but then my grandma well she helped a lot oh wait were supposed to be talking about say someone not my grandma but this app has a very bad lag
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5 years ago, Mochacat99
It’s 50/50
So it’s good is some ways. I’ve been bullied and this stopped it. But it’s also bullying my bully. Now she is being hurassed by this app. It’s also good to report my friends for something inappropriate without getting in trouble. But still don’t hate on people.
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3 years ago, ok well bye
Sandy Hook- Save Promise
So I am in the Save Promise club which teamed up with Sandy Hook and this app is helpful to so many and so is the club. I am actually the president of the club. My school wanted to start using this bc of all the violence and my friends have used it for their suicidal, depressed, Etc. Friends! Helped so much! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 STARS
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4 years ago, momofalifetime
A life saver!
My daughter has this app and immediately reported that a friend was cutting and she was able to do so anonymously. Those who handle the anonymous report were very caring and kind and my daughter had a wonderful experience I would fully recommend!!!
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5 years ago, Smittyman3
Great program
This program has been a positive addition to our school district. We have been able to help several struggling students that we would not have known about without Say Something being implemented.
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5 years ago, AliTheWeeb
Thank you!
My friend has been going through rough times like family issues and I used this app and she got the help she needed but on my end it wasn’t good because she was mad at me but other than that I really appreciate this helping her
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2 years ago, nejsjsjsjjsnnssb
Tell don’t be stupid like me
Y’all are saying it’s not a good app bc y’all don’t wanna tell in your friends for being depressed but if i knew my friend was going hang himself I would tell but it’s to late now I wish I knew sooner
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2 years ago, The tin bob
So I just download this game today after my school told me too. I get into a match and immediately encounter loads of bugs and glitches. Such as no clipping through classrooms etc. If these could be patched soon that would be great. But until then I can’t give this game a 5 star rating just because it’s unplayable in the state it’s in as a full release. If it was a beta or alpha i’d understand. Please fix these problems devs.
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6 years ago, Raine744
Great idea but it won’t work
People are just going to create false reports. If they get mad at someone they are just going to create a false report. My school has had it for ONE day just one and it already happened. It’s awful what’s going on at the schools but it’s not going to solve problems. It will create more and the people who are truly going through stuff won’t get the attention they need. I feel this problems can’t be solved it’s how we were raised.
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3 years ago, Conserned_Pedestrian
What is this?
Why is this asking for so much of my personal information if it’s supposed to be a anatomy’s report? And who is it forcing me to send a recording through the app instead of on my camera roll. It makes the video useless. And I am being forced to put myself at risk of bullying if I am caught taking video of the confrontation. I don’t see many benefits to this app I’d probably be faster to tell a teacher.
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5 years ago, shjwhdjskwjs
Honestly it doesn’t matter about the quality of the app as long as someone gets the help they need. The people who wrote bad reviews are probably people who got in trouble or something and wanna take out their anger
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12 months ago, Liza farquason
This app is horrible
My school introduced this inexplainable app that doesn’t help. The behavior in the learning environment has become more toxic since they introduced this app. We could go talk to the counselor about our problem, not some random adult who lives in their parents basement. Thank you for ruining this safe learning space that many kids used to enjoy.
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4 years ago, BigPeepy9669ManBoy#Weed
Yeah so reading the privacy policy reveals that they police can track you so that is not anonymous plus false reports have the police knocking on your door because somebody said that you didn’t do your homework or some bs also they take forever to respond also they look at photos and texts which is not ok so um don’t install unless you wanna be a snitch and have zero privacy.
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2 years ago, Skippyistan
Good Idea. Horrible Execution.
The fact my school is making me download this is irritating. No teenager is gonna hear that their friend is gonna kill themselves and immediately think of this app. Maybe yeah for bullying but most teenagers don't truly do that anymore in person and if it's happening online that will be handled online. This is a useless app.
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5 years ago, Looch51
Great app!!!
This app is a great way to share a concern without having to reveal your identity. U can communicate with a crisis counselor who will make sure your concern is addressed. They only contact police if someone is in immediate danger.
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5 years ago, Dcinct
Saving lives!
This app has been amazing! You will remain anonymous and you can help save the life of a friend, or just get them help they need. So glad this exists!
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6 years ago, Jim Maltese
only registered schools get the privilege
So my school implemented this program, cool. But there was a rumor that my girlfriend’s school was in danger due to a student yet she couldn’t report anything because her school isn’t registered. So what are the people who aren’t registered supposed to do and why do they necessarily have to be registered.
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5 years ago, boby high five
Help pls
I’m sacred bc I sent something but I was thinking twice and sent it by accident what do I do ?i don’t want my friend stop talking to me bc of this so can u pls help me I kinda freaking out
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5 years ago, Bshfhdhfbshd
It’s not anonymous really :/,,, horribly made, not up to date. Do NOT use this. If you want to report something anonymously don’t even bother with this app, just slip a note under a teachers door or something. Horrible app, don’t believe me? Read more reviews. Or have big fun with the police showing up randomly for small things such as “I’m feeling sad today”
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5 years ago, Romac622
No point of using this app
On god just call the police. If there’s a school shooting what are the administrators gonna do other than hide in their class with a sandwich, police will help with these things. also this app is fake don’t download honestly
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6 years ago, Thebeardedlion
Great system
Will save plenty of lives. Much needed and glad this is in place within our district.
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3 years ago, Niknik27
Best battle Royale I have played in five years!
I love double pumping in Say Something Battle Royal. Hearing the big ol damage when you get the dub in the battle royal mode feels great. I love playing this game and I have not seen any bugs yet. The goldun pump is really good and I love to use it i win all of my games with it hop in now to get a dub in say spmething battle royale
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5 years ago, -mylatestmistake
Great tool for kids!
This app is a great tool for our Middle School and High School students. Kids feel empowered to help and get help for their fellow students.
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2 years ago, bluewoxz
A little outdated but AMAZING
Hi I downloaded say Something and it just feels like you have an on the support and just feels nice
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3 years ago, hishfiehdushfnd
Great Mechanics
Love this new app. Helps me a lot when I’m stressed. Game mechanics are great, storyline is solid. 4 starts cause the battle pass is too expensive. Cannot sex the bear
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4 years ago, natedickslayer59
Next depression
I’m gonna kill myself if this stupid app does not get taken down
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5 years ago, Cool smooth
This is a really good app and will change our generation and make our community safer.
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2 weeks ago, GangBanger69🙏🙏
Jordans 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
I reported someone cuz they deviously stole mah new Jordans.😤😤 As soon as I reported them, I saw a cop walking towards tha culprit. I was glad because he was cumming to my rescue 💪💪🙏 but then all if a sudden he started attacking my friend Jamal! ✊🏿💀😭 1 star do not download tis app, its for Indian scammers and old sexually deprived people in your area 🥺😢😔☹️😞😕🙁😥😟😿🫤
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2 years ago, Twinkle toes 58
Not great wouldn’t suggest
My school recently started using this app. What they promised was an anonymous reporting app for self harm, attacks in schools etc. when I checked this app out, it was not anonymous at all and Evan asked for a address name etc. I would not use this app nor recommend it.
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3 years ago, reeeeetrashy boi
Very bad
This all has not saved one person very very bad
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2 years ago, Not Mr. Earl
I heard someone say the was going to bomb a test. I heard this information and tried to report them. Sad to say they didn’t take my concern seriously and decided to take disciplinary action on me.
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2 years ago, snjrkhegwggwjeje
This is very unhelpful
I can do it for free I don’t know how much money you can make it but if I don’t get a free ride I’ll just have a pet for you I have to pay you for the ride or something I just have a lot more pets I have to get my pets back and then.
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