The Game of Life 2

4.8 (27K)
1118.3 MB
Age rating
Current version
Marmalade Game Studio
Last update
5 months ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for The Game of Life 2

4.77 out of 5
27K Ratings
2 years ago, aohvei
Amazing game
I love this game it’s awesome the second I downloaded it. I played with my brother. It’s good on mobile. It’s fair it’s randomized. It’s hard and you need good strategy but overall, it’s an equally balanced game. you can’t pay to win, and the only stuff that you can pay for is maps and cosmetics. I seriously think that this is a good game. it doesn’t take up too much storage and is fun to play. Overall, it’s a good game, but there is one thing that I have to complain about the fact that you cannot lose money when using action, I’ve played for two days now, but it won’t let me lose money while doing action in the first game. Sometimes you would have to pay the bank or you would get a cinema and you would have to pay the bank not in this game in this game. You stay with so much money that it’s starting to lose its flare compared to the first game which is worth five dollars well, this one is worth three. I would definitely like it if they could make it possible to lose money while on action.
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3 years ago, +bak
Good game, needs more
I love this game so much, it gives me a nostalgic feeling while playing. After reading other reviews I see I am not the only person who feels the game needs to be more versatile and spontaneous. This game is fun but almost every game feels the same. The job choices are always the same, I wish I could pick from a wider selection besides, pop start, robot designer and astronomer. Also it doesn’t feel like it matters what paths I choose when it comes to family or education. I hardly ever get the option to choose housing or families. When I do get to pick a family it’s not fun because I can’t pick twins or get a spontaneous tile that says “you had triplets”. It just feels like I’m constantly playing to get the little icons which isn’t a very interactive experience. I don’t mind how short the games are because they shouldn’t be that long but at the same time, I paid for the app and yet I don’t have any options to play different maps. The options for the different maps if you are going to make me pay for them, should just be separate games. This game would be so much more fun if the puzzle pieces I collected would lead to me unlocking other maps. I understand that the company needs to make money but I still think it’s ridiculous that I pay for the game and there isn’t any actual progress I can make in the game.
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4 years ago, Leelee8080
I’m actually surprised .....
I really enjoy the original game Life 1, and based off the reviews for this new Life 2, I was a bit apprehensive . I have to say that the earning of puzzle pieces, gives an incentive and feel of accomplishment when the game ends, rather then in the original game, if I won, there was no real feel of victory and felt anticlimactic. There is still non stop action in this new version , just like the original , however, the one MAJOR flaw and disappointment I have is they did away with ALL the “player vs player “ competitive games that were such a big and more importantly , FUN component in the original version. How and why they would take out those mini player on player games, I’ll never understand. Those were a major part of the game. Now it’s just spinning the spinner. Really shot themselves In the foot making what could have been a Awesome new game into a decent game. Although, I can’t say I like it more or less, it’s just a coin toss at this point. If they added the competition games to version 2, then that game would have everything I wanted from day 1 in the first game. I always said they should keep score on players to add incentive to want to keep playing, and the puzzle pieces do it. Hope they add the side games to the second version, and I’m a 40 year old female saying this and I love playing. Just sayin.
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3 years ago, ytpeacht
Not as described
In the description of the app, it describes how everything is available upon purchase and that access to more content can be purchased with a season pass. That’s what I expected. What I didn’t expect was the game to be so wanting. I remember enjoying the first Life app. I was excited for its sequel especially since they seemed to have added other ways of winning besides having the most money. During the game, players try to gain investment points, career points, and happiness points on top of money. The entire board is literally made up of spaces you can land on to increase any of one of these. The only spaces that are different are action spaces and tax spaces.. On action spaces you spin for any one of these (including the possibility of getting taxed/losing money). So… there really isn’t that much to the game as it claims. That’s it.. that’s literally it to the game. Plus, I think the app might be a little buggy? At one point when I got the marriage event my partner choices wouldn’t disappear from the screen. So I had to continue playing with 3 large squares blocking me from seeing anything. I couldn’t close out of the app because then it would’ve ended the game for everyone. It was really distracting and made this game even less enjoyable.
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4 years ago, Seamouse2.0
Developers PLZ read
Hi I love your guys games. I am like the king of monopoly. I love this game as well but I have a few suggestions about how to make the game better. I wish you can trade with people like money for hearts. Also you guys should make like crews where you can create and join on. And like each week is like a separate challenge. One week can see what crew can get the most hearts. The cap for the amount of crew members should be either 10 or 15. All your friends can join your crew. The last suggestion is that I wish you could add the computer in online with friends mode. You can do it in monopoly but not in this game. Also add more houses cars outfits and action cards. Thanks for considering my thoughts. I really a appreciate it. You guys are the best. Keep up the good work on making game of life 2 better.
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8 months ago, My Dog Kona
Fun, but replayability and low value
I played this game so much with my kids growing up, and my daughter and I played the original Game of Life app many times. We were thrilled to see Life 2, especially with the great reviews. The game was fun the first time, but on the second game, you could already see just how little variety there was. There are maybe five careers to choose from in each side (college versus job). True to the board game, you only get a couple to choose from each time, but after one game with two people, we’d pretty much seen it all. Why not modernize the game and add oodles of careers and a bigger variety of action cards? We love the game, but it was same-ol’-same-ol’ in under an hour. There’s so much potential here. Slso, $4.99 for a new map feels steep, especially if you experience all the options in under an hour. The art and animations are great and expensive to produce, but as a player, I’m more about do I want to play this again? A huge database of careers, action cards, items to buy, classes to take, etc. would go a long way in enticing us to play longer, and since the careers and action cards don’t have animations, it wouldn’t be as labor intensive as creating new maps.
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3 years ago, 187282
Could be improved
I love the game of life and was excited to try this one but I was disappointed in a couple of things, mostly the lack of children. In the four games I have played so far, I have landed on a child spot one time. I think if you didn’t want to develop the maps further and make them longer, which I do recommend it takes like 10 minutes to play one game and I spend 90% of it watching my opponent take their turn, you should add a if you roll 1-3 you get 1 child or pet 4-7 twins or one kid and a pet or two pets, 8-10 triplets at the end of the family path or could customize with 2 kids and a pet or something along those lines. I go down the family path to have kids and I haven’t gotten a child once. Also more career options, let us choose the cards like in the actual board game and lastly houses. I haven’t landed on a house spot one time, partly because I have been trying desperately for kids but that is an essential part of life considering our pegs would die if they lived on the street for their entire lives. If I was able to have kids, I would probably enjoy the game a lot more because it is fun other than those few criticisms
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4 years ago, Jayson Rivest
Good game, but prefer original
I bought the original The Game of Life from Marmalade Studios and really enjoyed that. It was pretty close to the classic board game experience, but with the convenience of being digital. Was looking for the option to play Online with Friends, but the only option was to be matched with other players via Facebook. I wanted to play with my family on the other side of the country, we currently do that with Marmalade’s Monopoly app. When I saw that this game offered that functionality, I was excited... until I downloaded and started to play it. It is advertised as a sequel to The Game of Life. I know that I shouldn’t have expected the same experience but I didn’t enjoy the new gamification of the action cards with the different attributes. The graphics also were a turn off for me as they seemed overly simplified and geared towards children. I recognize this is a game and therefore should appeal to children, but I liked the graphics from the original version better. Still bright and colorful but not in an elementary school way. I really wish that they would just add the Online with Friends (in a custom private room) function to the first game.
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1 year ago, nine iron enthuze
A 3d wonderland of many worlds
The game of life is of course a basic board game. Although the aspect of the app game that makes it more exciting than the original is the graphics. I think the only setback is the spinner is the only interaction one has with the game. If there was a actual ‘dunk contest’ instead of a spinner rank to decide a winner it would be more fun. The roads should have more interaction with the individual players. If there is more side competitions with players versus a spinner than the game may be better than Mario! Money is a major component of this game. Every turn a person is gaining or losing their money. It could be more interesting if the players switched items or places on the board. Having a cards event interact with the players may be more fun as well. Instead of a card it could be a new direction of the board that op me (like shallow coral reef for a career as shallow water observer). Ball games are always a win so even something simple like a golf or bowling contest would improve the game.
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6 months ago, ccgln009
Awesome, but…
I love this game, I play it often. It’s well designed aesthetically speaking, and it’s fun. My only complaint is that the tiles are too big, making the game not only too short, but unfair. More times than not, I can go through an entire game with not even one opportunity to buy a house or grow a family. This also means it’s a lot harder or nearly impossible to gain attributes and bonus crowns. It drives me crazy. If you spin and land on any number larger than 5 then you’re just gonna breeze through the game with little opportunity to do much of anything. Very frustrating. This is a large part of why I still like certain aspects of the classic game more. Aside from it being a bit dated compared to this game, it’s laid out better in general - more tiles and longer gameplay - and there are way more opportunities to buy houses and build families. Makes things more fair.
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3 years ago, Jillian Draws
Amazing game!
I really love this game, there is so much that can happen in the Game of Life 2! Also, someone else said that you should be able to trade attributes (like in Monopoly), I love that idea, so PLEASE add that in the next update, I would really appreciate it! This game always keeps you at the edge of your seat, as there is so much to do! I also love the characters by the way, they are so cute! You can buy a house, get married, and SO much more! You can still play when you retire, whichI think is a great feature! I won’t waste your time, though! It is just like the real game, but better! The real game that we had was from late 1900s, I think! It smelled musty 😅🤣 lol! Seriously though, this game is a lot of fun, and I recommend you get it, it is worth the money! And again, please add trading features, to make my day developers! Thank you!
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10 months ago, CrossMAM
If you pay, they will take it away years after!!
I have been playing this for years, and loved it!! I bought the different worlds and such for not only this game, but also the clue game from this developer. Now, years later, all of that content is locked again. At the time it was advertised as a ultimate package for current and future content. The restore purchase button does nothing!! Either be honest that after so many years it reverts, or be caught practicing false advertising! If the purchase is going to not be honored, I want my money back! I paid for the content, if this company cannot honor the product I purchased, then they’re committing theft. So disappointed. Update: After trying the new update like the developer said in their response to me, it is working. Be mindful that it might lag for about 10 minutes depending on how good your service or WiFi is, but the new update has definitely fixed the above mentioned bug! Happy to be able to play my games again! Thank you developers!
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4 years ago, Spiral nautilus
Great! Except I can’t figure out how to pay back loans.
I really like this game and think it’s an improvement over the first life game because it doesn’t tell you to do real life things like tell another player your favorite book (which, when you’re playing by yourself, was irrelevant and impossible). I also find the transgender option interesting (even though I’m not). The only problem I have is that the game tells you that you have to pay back loans before the end of the game or you will get points taken away (and you do)...but I can’t find any way to actually pay them back, even if I do have the money. I would think that they would have put in a button (like the mortgage button in monopoly) where you can take or pay back loans at will. If anyone can tell me how, I would be grateful!
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3 years ago, 9 year old dog lover
Amazing, and if your looking at this game give it a try!
I love Life 1 so when I saw there was a life 2 I begged my parents to buy it. I play this really often but I think there could be a couple improvements… Like when you get a pet you should be able to get a hamster or bird…. And I think that your pets should have genders! Two more things if you get married I think you should pick the outfit of your bride instead of them staying in the wedding outfit the hole time. And at the end of the game can you see you children/pet go to collage or if it’s your pet like on a car driving with you and your bride/other pets Also I’m sorry all I’m talking about is improving it but I do realy love it I just have lots to say lol🤣
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4 years ago, kay0126hsjdb
Life lessons
I absolutely love this game although I do still really love the classic game of life and life vacations but life 2 is much better the game teaches you about real life like taxes and jobs and other things but I do have a problem when I was playing the game I have noticed that the game board is long but for some reason the game goes by fast yes I do know that it’s something you can’t fix but I do recommend making the game board longer and adding more cars,outfits for the game ,and more maps I know that the game just came out but I still do recommend that but overall the game Quality is really good and the physics are to and overall overall I really do like it
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1 year ago, aslkio
Great game just missing something
The game itself is great. It’s true to the board game, the graphics are great and the little animations are fun. It’s just missing the challenge aspect of it. With online games we want challenges, something to keep us coming back each day to compete. We’re competitive and this game is lacking in that department. The puzzle pieces to unlock new items is great. We just need more. Maybe a weekly thing to unlock? Possibly with wins? We also need a leaderboard. If this game had that, so many people would stick around to play. Make a leaderboard for wins and possibly for who has earned the most of each attribute. I want to know how many games I’ve won, otherwise it’s just a game I get on to waste some time. I’ve unlocked all the boards with the purchase and what has kept me holding on to this game is the puzzle pieces to unlock gear from each theme. But without the competing aspect of this game, even that is slowly fading. 4 stars for the gameplay, nostalgia and over all great game. Add some leaderboards and a weekly car, clothing or avatar picture to unlock and this game will be perfect. *I also think shuffling where the board pieces are would benefit too.
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3 years ago, The panda pack
Good, but needs more free stuff.
I honestly LOVE the game of life 2 but I’m starting to get really bored of it. Here’s why, I have been playing the classic world for ages and it gets really boring after like a year and I’m a person who doesn’t spend money on games so there really was nothing I could do about it. And now I feel like it is really getting boring with about nothing free. I mean, the app isn’t free, the worlds aren’t free, the only thing that is free is the cars and like outfits you get from playing a lot but honestly, those take some time to get. The only thing I’m asking of this game is to add some more free stuff, in my opinion everything else is great so I think if you are someone who is fine with using money on games and plan to play a lot, this is worth it.
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7 months ago, #mydogisfluffy
Hi, I know I just sent a review. But after I sent it, I went back to play (It’s kind of addicting). Please keep in mind that this is not an angry or upset review. So basically I was playing and it feels kind of… rigged. Either I have really bad luck or that’s just how the game works. I know it’s meant to be challenging, and I’m not trying to question that. I’m just questioning why it happens every single time- it gets kind of frustrating. I’m just pointing out that it happens to me a lot, that’s the only reason! Other than that I really love the game! I played it with my family and it was tons of fun!
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2 years ago, MijaVioleta
Not like the old game
Really disappointed with this game. I used to play the really old version where you could customize your family (windows 98 on cd or something like that). I knew this one wasn’t going to be exactly like that, but it had good reviews so I downloaded it. I was excited for the new updates but gameplay isn’t great. Game is too short and you don’t get chances to do the traditional gameplay ‘Stops.’ Hard to get married, have kids, and if you miss your chance you kinda miss your chance. It differs too much from the original gameplay to be nostalgic and fun, and it tries too many new things and isn’t A) cohesive as a whole or B) worth the payout. Maybe some new updates to the app would help. There’s other maps you can buy, but it adds up quickly. I do like that you can have pets in the game, I just think it needs a lot more work before it’s a solid playable game.
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3 years ago, TT49347373373
Great game, but way too glitchy
I really love this game, i downloaded it because I’m in love with the first one. It’s a great game, however, it’s way too glitchy for me. And it’s not even the fact that it happens every so often. It happens SEVERAL time throughout the game to where i have to exit the app out several times or quit and save progress. And what makes the frustrating even more is, when I’m towards the end of the game by the time everyone retires and it starts doing that it won’t even give me the option to pick back up where i left off. Once i exit the game towards the end the game is gone. I have to start over a new one. Extremely frustrating when you’re the winner, and you lose all your attributes, points, etc. i hope this gets fixed soon
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4 years ago, herhhd hi jdhhdhhdjhdhhd
Some microtransaction money grabs...
The game is fine as it faithfully recreates a version of Life. Keep in mind that this version is fairly simplistic and lacks the elements of the older, more classic gameplay. That may or may not be a good thing. So, keep in mind that this is a $3.99 game, so lower your expectations... Graphics are nice enough, albeit repetitive. The music and sound effects are mediocre at best. Multiplayer didn’t connect well for me. Other games I have played generally connect quickly. Therefore, I’m blaming this game. Gameplay, as mentioned, is a simplified (but faithful) version of Life. It moves SLOWLY, however, even when placing it at 5X speed. The reason for this is the many transitions between play, which cannot be fast forward. There’s a surprising number of microtransactions for this game. Of course, they are for cosmetic items; however, the cost of $30 for a “season” is a bit steep. Other games that use a season framework generally charge $10 or less and give you much more. You can, of course, buy bundles for $5.99 which give you limited cosmetics. Worth the money? If you REALLY like these type of board games, sure. Otherwise you’ll likely unlock the achievements and not play it again.
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2 years ago, a_chasse
This game is definitely a bit underwhelming, which would be okay if it was a free app but unfortunately its not. I feel as though it lacks a lot of opportunity to land on spaces that I actually want to land on, like getting married, having kids, going to school, etc., the big life events. Because of that, the board also feels a little too short. If you spin anything higher than a 5 it feels like you miss a lot of those big opportunities. I wish there were different boards for different intensities of playing. I do like that the game now has different attributes, and that collecting those can rank you higher than you thought. There are also lots of ways to make money through the action spots even if you don’t land on them.
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3 years ago, PandaLover242424
Fun Game, but freezes up.
This game is a really fun version of life, but I have a few issues with it. 1- The original game has the equivalent number of paydays amongst the different tracks; not so this game. 2- The taxes are too high (most are over 90% of a payday) which is especially moronic when the tracks are inconsistent with the number of paydays. In addition, there are “fate spots” on the board which involves spinning the wheel in order to possibly buy a house, have a baby, get a raise, win $100,000, or pay taxes (which has the highest probability of being spun). 3- It freezes up for which the only fix is restarting the game. This, obviously, is the most irritating aspect of the game. Spending additional funds to buy different variations of the game board doesn’t help.
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4 years ago, Revinstant
Far too many game breaking bugs lately
I bought this game about a month ago to play with my family and while we had a ton of fun with it initially, lately it’s been impossible to finish a match. We’ve had errors where one player will buy a house and the options overlay on another players screen making it impossible to continue. We had another situation occur multiple times where one player will wind up with multiple marriage marriage partners bugging the vehicle and causing the game to freeze for everyone. Honestly I’m not sure why these started. It worked fine for a few weeks and then, all of this. I’m not sure how possible it’d be to implement but allowing someone to rejoin after dropping out or reconnecting could potentially fix the overlay issues.
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4 years ago, Ken_zi21
Not Fun At All. Slow. And limited choices!
I love playing Life. It was my favorite board game growing up and I even like the Life app that they came out with. Similar to the board game but had a few cool things added. So I see the advertisement for Life 2 and I’m excited thinking its like the new board game. So I thought. No it’s just a hyped up 3D bore fest! It was a waste of $4 and I’d like a refund. The game is boring. The choices are limited when picking a career or house, etc. And it’s always the same options. Which was always a really exciting part of playing life was choosing from the cool different jobs and houses, etc. Also it is really short game time and so dramatic and extra for no reason. And I know it seems weird for a game to dramatic but if you’ve played it you would understand. I dont recommend anyone whom enjoys the board game or orignal app to buy this cause it was defiantly a waste of time and money.
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3 years ago, 💩🪒🚿
Great game
I love the game. But I wish I could report players for being away the whole time. I played a few games where one of the other players takes until it’s about to kick them out to spin the wheel. Even then, when they land on a spot, they take forever to pick their choice or spin again. I just wish there was a way to report players that are making games super long. This is the second argument I got into with my girlfriend because of this because it makes games so much longer, and I can’t keep covering for myself about this. I’m really about to have to delete this game, but I really don’t want to because I like it a lot.
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10 months ago, bigfatdoc55
Good Game With Lousy Flaw
Just asking: Is it necessary for the iPhone “Game of Life” to ask for my ID every time I start to play it? The board game didn’t constantly ask to see my wallet as if it were a disco serving designer beer to dancers. It’s not like for older players like myself, the game cards go from triple-G rated to “You Must Be This Tall (Picture of Shaq) to Ride” - I’m surprised the people who are upset about a popular app being owned by an enemy nation company aren’t hopping mad about American companies stealing users’ personal data. Otherwise the game is good. It’s not as rigid as the original “Life” (real life isn’t as rigid as the original game in its Milton Bradley stage). Could use more modern jobs (er, video influencer) and player cosplay other than Halloween masks.
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10 months ago, Little Karma
Missing purchases
I downloaded this game a few years back. I liked it enough I bought the season pass which give you access to to all the boards and their special items and any future boards. Fast forward to now, it’s been probably about 6 months since I played I open the app to see I have been logged out, I log back in to see my season pass isn’t there. I can see it had been active as all my rewards for achievements are visible but not usable. Every thing is marked as locked again and it wants $34 to unlock it. I have tried restoring my purchases with no luck. They don’t have a contact button to report a problem. I wouldn’t give them any money if they aren’t going to honor their part of the purchase.
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3 years ago, JBone87
Refreshing!! However, a Suggestion...
Love the animations and the wheel and this new fresh take of a familiar friendly game we all can enjoy! However; when I bought a bundle pack board and invite a friend to play they don’t enjoy playing and experiencing the same board. Total Bummer!! :/ So note.. unless the person you invite also has the board or board bundles they will get the starting board while playing... I really wish this were changed. Keep up the great work Team! This edition is awesome. (I also have The Game of Life “Vacations” that could use some new options as well).
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4 years ago, The real Nyla
Love this game
This game is fun and I think it is the best of the game of life games. All though I do recommend getting the other game of life games too! But if you can only get one I suggest getting this one it is the best one you can control your character way more. And this is also a good gift to give to someone or just buy it for yourself. You can give it to a loved one and they will Enjoy it very much like a virtual stocking to put little gifts in. Plus this is a great game to stay close without putting your safety to risk. If you like games like Monopoly online or clue you will probably like this game.
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4 years ago, Finally!!!LOVE
Love the updates!!!
Ok so Life has always been my fav board but the game of life 2 beats them all I just love it lol in their virtual game you could always be a girl or boy and marry either as well ( even the wedding videos change according to ur choice) but u had to get married and almost always had kids. Now they’ve have really created the game of life lol it lets you be pink purple or blue also let’s u choose pets or kids and u can stay single the whole game if u want lol like most of all the computers randomize too with all the options and names. Anyways I like the game and u should play it too lol
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4 years ago, Jarebear7422
Perfect for Game Night
The Game of Life 2, Monopoly, and many other Hasbro game apps have helped connect me and my college friends during quarantine. With us not being in college, and the pause of friend game nights in person, these apps have given us a great outlet to continue the tradition online and connect during these rough times. The Game of Life 2 has put a refreshing new spin on an old game we used to play in our dorm rooms and is modern to today’s times. Thank you for a great experience and a fun time. My friends and I are always pleased with the work put into these apps.
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1 year ago, Everly2
Number 1 is SoOo much better..
I had such high hopes for this game and I am so disappointed. I thought it would be like playing the 1st version, which is a standard life board. This is like a compact version of the game, it is SOOO short, only took about 5 minutes to complete an entire 2 person game. I understand you can buy different themes of the board but I’ll bet that they’re just as short as the classic version so I won’t even bother doing that. Guys, developers, could you please make this as long as the 1st version so it feels like the actual game of life. I will say I enjoyed the graphics and being able to choose different actions but that’s really the only improvement. Not worth my $5, wish I had known about the length… :(
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3 years ago, ZylokXyor
Different but Nice
This is going to be a short review, but overall it’s better and worse in specific ways than the physical version. This version feels like your decisions truly matter and that it isn’t just get money simulator. There also is a level of complication that can either be annoying or completely fine depending on how you like your games. If you looks for a 1:1 version of the physical version then this isn’t it, but it’s very good in its own way.
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3 years ago, Clebelandbrownsfan
Best purchase I have made this year!
This game is amazing! You get options on marriage, gender, car, color, even you hair or costume! I really suggest you buy this game if you can. Great content, doesn’t exclude genders and is just a great game in general I totally recommend this if you love on the go video games or you just like the game of life and you want to play it al the time with your friends, because you can even play single player on the game, online with friends, pass and play, and more!
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4 years ago, Abbisoa⚽️🦉🎨
A few suggestions......😁
This game is awesome, but I have a few suggestions. On the fate wheel, the taxes is the biggest space so you almost ALWAYS land on it. I think it would be more fair to make all the spaces the same size. Also, I think it would be great to be able to edit the Players names on Pass & Play, instead of just saying, Player 2, Player 3, Player 4. The last thing is that I think the taxes should be lowered just a little on some of the jobs just to make it a little more fun. I mean, I know taxes are a part of life, but just to make the game more fun. Otherwise, this app is amazing! Thanks!
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4 years ago, Valkyrie McClellan
Even better than the 1st!
Honestly, I have no complaints at all. Like the 1st game, it’s a quick but enjoyable summary of life. There’s more choices in this game, which makes it all the more realistic but both versions manage to keep it cartoony as well. As somebody who started playing the Game of Life 1 not even less than a week ago, I have to say I’m hooked to both games. I would definitely recommend this game and the 1st version to those looking for a cheap but fun game to play while social distancing!
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3 years ago, Femboy397
Dull Quests
Life 2 is a decent and fun game in most respects. I love the various themes and the addition of attributes in the game (knowledge, wealth, and love). I even love having to unlock some of the vehicles, avatars, character outfits, etc. However, it’s frustrating having the same quests to unlock things on every map. Plus, having to get 30 kids/pets for every map is both long and frustrating. By the time I’ve completed that quest, I still have to buy houses and am already sick of playing that map. The developers should lower the amount of babies/pets you need to unlock something and different unlock requirements for each map.
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3 years ago, Kurbixnie
Game not balanced, devs won't admit that
Tired of the auto generated reply on these reviews that the outcomes in the game are random. Obviously they're not, and only until you waste your money on this can grab app will you see that. Always feels like a designated winner from the get-go, ranging from being the one to win the game to being the one who always lands on the best number on the wheel each and every turn, including the spins by NPCs to win money from you. To actually win an entire game yourself, you have to play an average 15 times (let's be honest, reset the game from beginning 15 times) which takes quite a while considering the setup is slow to start a new game. The actual Game of Life is a really fun game with a great concept, but this app is rigged.
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2 years ago, Finner814
Game of Life 2
This game is a lot of fun for me and my mother who is bedridden in a nursing home. Me and mom can play this game over the phone at any time of day. I spin the wheel for her and describe what is going on in the game, then I let her make her own decisions. Other Marmalade games that work well for this are the original game of life, and game of life : vacations. Please make more games that we can utilize like this and please keep them simple (e.g. another game of life like pirates of the carribean or game of life with mrs Maisel).
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3 years ago, KayKayPlaysGames99
Love this game but…
I absolutely love this game it’s so much fun to play to pass time and the effects are amazing. There just needs to be a way where people who are inactive get booted. I waited 4 minutes for an opponent to spin and I ended up quitting because they weren’t playing which only affects me. They should have been booted after being inactive for 30 seconds, it makes the game last forever when players do this. Also I would love to see more career options while playing just like the board game!
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3 years ago, MandaMama91
Good other than the heteronormative AI
Love this updated version of LIFE. I’m an educator, I removed LIFE from the classroom because the storyline promotes and incentivizes normative behaviors which I saw echoed in the behavior of my students. This version has much more diversity in the way that certain actions/choices aren’t penalized like getting less money when you choose NOT to have kids. Wish the AIs didn’t automatically choose the “opposite gender colored piece” as their spouse but I love that I can choose to lockdown that smokin hot pink piece even if I am a pink piece 😍
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3 years ago, pj_panda
Great game!! :)
This game is so much fun i play it a lot with my siblings and we all love it. I was a little scared purchasing it because some of reviews were saying that it wasn’t a great game but i was very surprised when i played. I love how there is many options to the game play and your person, back round, and everything else. I would definitely recommend this game if you like the game in real life lol and to play with your friends or family or by yourself even!! :)
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1 year ago, axman go
It’s kind of a duplicate of original
The game is so fun but it kind of copied the first one. The only thing that’s kind of different is that you can get pets in this game and it’s a little more upgraded. but there’s not much difference, but it was definitely not a waste of money. You can literally play by your self and I get it mentioned this on the original but still it’s so much fun to play by your self just so you don’t have to be so competitive kind of sad that they didn’t add more things
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3 years ago, xPumpkinSpicex
It's good it just has 1 problem
So I got this app because I like the first game and wanted to try this out it’s really good and it’s fun but the only problem I had is the fact that I can’t join games. I don’t know if this feature is in the making or is it just diabled and i was looking in the shop to see if it was a feature that I had to buy, and I didn’t see anything. So I don’t know but I wanted this mainly because I wanted to play with friends but I can’t join their games so if there is a way to do that I would like to know it.
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3 years ago, Blake2318
Fun but they want money for EVERYTHING
I wish there was a way to earn coins or credits to purchase new avatars, cars, and boards. You have to PAY for the game, then if you’re bored with the original game board, they want FIVE DOLLARS for a new board. If you want new avatars, outfits, and cars, they want a dollar each. They give you goals to meet while playing, but you get nothing for completing all the goals. I was hoping after completing all of the goals for the board, it would give me a new board. Nope. So it’s fun, but it gets old quick and you need to spend money in order to make it interesting again.
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2 years ago, strikerose60
Very Plain and Boring
I loved playing The Game of Life as a kid and hoped this would be nostalgic. Unfortunately this version has been designed to be as monotone and soulless as possible. Modern minimalistic cookie cutter design at its blandest. The pegs are lame and not very customizable, the jobs are all boring and repetitive, the houses are all boring and repetitive, the events are all boring and repetitive, the animations are, you guessed it, boring and repetitive. You don’t get to make choices at all really, it’s just spinning and getting the same options over and over. There’s no flavor, no charm, and no fun. I totally regret buying this, I can’t imagine anyone would find this entertaining for any amount of time.
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4 years ago, JayShug
Fun game
I like the improvements. The selling your home options is great. The designs of the vehicles and school options are fun. The game almost reminds me of the PlayStation version that was create years ago. If possible can you put more in more options to pick my job or home. My biggest complaint is all the boards are the same just the design is different. Can you make some of the boards longer or have different paths? Maybe create cards for that board like you save the princess (increase happiness) or you disgrace a witch....lose next turn. What happen to losing a turn because you got sick or your car/house being destroy due to some disaster. Nothing like the rush of saving money to purchase insurance so you can be cover. Minor complaint but I was curious....who id ordering take out for 100k??? What on Earth did they buy.......or who were they feeding....the community????
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4 years ago, CUA PO TA TO
Not as interactive
The map design is an improvement in addition to the new mechanics implimented.... but unfortunately because the mini-games was removed, simply spinning the wheel doesn’t really cut it for me. I was so excited playing the first time thinking for the bowling card that they added new mini-games but much to my dissapointment it wasn’t. Honestly if there were to be more minigames, cards and etc I would’ve bought the season pass in a heart beat. Guess I’ll wait and hopefully the money spent towards this version wasn’t as much of a waste, thx dev team for making the game though, best wishes.
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4 years ago, LifeFern6598
Amazing! More Kids Please!
100% ❤️ love this game and totally 💁‍♀️ recommend it! So ☑️ easy to 🎮 play and 🎨 graphically splendid! The small cost is definitely worth it 😍! Developers: There’s only ☝️ one thing that would make this 🎮 game 👌 perfect; More Children Chances! I’m probably not the first to ask, but please please please add more options to have kids/pets! I usually go about 4 whole GAMES before I get even one! So please consider adding more of this! <3
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