— 27 Jun 2024

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends

Anastasiya Starovoytova

When it comes to AI chatbot apps, knowing the competition is necessary to keep up. By exploring how these apps position themselves in the market, you can gain insights into this evolving niche.

In this article, we provide you with a comprehensive analysis of the AI assistant apps and shed light on their ASO strategies and main trends

Where Do AI Chatbot Apps Stand in the Mobile Market?

As soon as ChatGPT was out, many publishers rushed to develop AI chatbot apps. Along the way, some mistakes were made. As some of these apps falsely claimed affiliations with OpenAI to charge high subscription fees, the App Store and Google Play had to impose stricter regulations to manage them.

Nevertheless, AI chatbot apps have been doing well since their inception.

According to a data.ai report, users have spent over $14 million on the top ten highest-earning apps featuring ChatGPT and OpenAI technologies last year. February 2023 alone saw these apps rake in nearly $5.9 million globally

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: data.ai by Sensor Tower

Most of these apps mimic the ChatGPT app and position themselves as helpful assistants for daily life/work.

Another booming segment of AI apps is lifestyle virtual companions

Our own analysis from App Radar shows that these apps have got 225 million lifetime downloads on Google Play. Following the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, the sector saw a 49% increase in downloads, adding 74 million new users

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

The apps are particularly popular in Asia, which accounts for 64% of lifetime downloads. South Korean app SimSimi is a standout, with more than half of all the sector downloads.

In other words, the draw of AI features in mobile apps is undeniable. They’re very much likely to keep driving app profitability in the coming years.

AI Chatbot Apps and App Store Optimization (ASO): What Should You Do to Succeed? 

You need to have a plan to make your AI chatbot app stand out among the others. Along the way, you’ll have to answer several tough questions, such as “Do you want to imitate ChatGPT or grow your own brand?” Regardless of your decision, app store optimization (ASO) will play a crucial role in your success.

Let’s take a look at what AI chatbot apps are doing to attract and retain a dedicated user base organically. 

Pick the Right Category

Productivity is the dominant category for most AI chatbot apps. The reason for that is clear: these apps help users tackle daily tasks with ease, enhancing their productivity, so the category is a natural choice. 

However, it isn’t your sole option. 

For the sake of diversification, some apps pick other categories, such as Business, Education, and Utilities.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

Virtual companions are even more diverse. Some of them follow the path of the classic AI chatbots and select Productivity/Utilities as their category:

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

And others prefer the Entertainment, Lifestyle, and even Health & Fitness categories. The latter is a popular option if the app’s value proposition is to improve mental health by talking to an AI friend or get into shape with the help of an AI coach/workout buddy.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

When picking a category for an AI-powered app, stick to the following rules:

  • Always rely on your value proposition. Determine what user needs your app addresses. If it helps with work or personal tasks, Productivity might be best. If it offers educational content, consider Education. If it helps users have fun, Entertainment is a safe bet.  
  • Use keywords that are relevant to your app and category. Include not only typical AI-related keywords (‘AI assistant’, ‘powered by ChatGPT’, ‘AI chat app’) but also the terms harmonizing with the search intent of your target audience. 
  • Look at where similar apps are categorized. If you see a lot of competition in one category, consider a different one where your app might stand out more. 
  • Keep tabs on the category dynamics of your app and competitors — ranking insights, changes in downloads, etc. If the space is way too competitive, you may need to optimize your ASO strategy or even switch to another category for diversification.
  • If your app has unique features that don’t fit neatly into one category, explore categories that offer more flexibility or assign a second category on the App Store and a sub category on Google Play.

The category choice is a key part of your ASO strategy. Do your best to stake out your place in it — and put yourself in front of competition.

Work on App Title & App Description

To improve the discoverability of your AI chatbot app, it’s essential to make the most of your app titles and descriptions. 

Many AI assistant apps neglect to use the full character limit for titles on both the App Store and Google Play. This is a missed opportunity. 

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

Learn from the mistakes of others and use the full character limit for titles and subtitles to include as many relevant keywords and phrases as possible. This helps increase visibility and organic installs. 

Focus on keyword optimization by including popular terms like ‘AI’, ‘chatbot’, ‘chat’, ‘assistant’, and ‘GPT’. These keywords should clearly and accurately describe what your app does. 

A good app title and description are all about communicating your app’s value without overstuffing this message. Experiment with different keyword combinations to rank higher in search results. 

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: Google Play

Take a page out of the Replika: My AI Friend app’s book. Their app description is crafted with the user in mind. It has necessary AI-related keywords (‘chatbot AI companion’, ‘AI friend’, etc.) and yet doesn’t overuse them. Instead, the app focuses on making its value proposition crystal clear. 

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

You may also add call-to-actions (CTAs) such as ‘Try now!’ or ‘Chat now!’ into the subtitle or app description. These CTAs can boost conversion rates by encouraging users to take immediate action.

Сonsistency is power. Regularly update your app’s title and subtitle to keep up with current trends and popular search terms. For instance, you can make adjustments as soon as a new ChatGPT model by OpenAI becomes available: this kind of news always makes a splash. 

Craft a Compelling Icon 

The icon makes or breaks the first impression about an app. 

When designing icons for AI chatbot apps, it’s crucial to consider both aesthetic appeal and strategic elements that enhance ASO. Here are some trends and tips to help you create a compelling icon for your AI chatbot app.

If you want to keep your brand in line with the ChatGPT aesthetic, use a green color. Thanks to the chatbot logo, green is associated with AI and technology, providing a subconscious cue to users about your app’s functionality.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

Green icons evoke associations with ChatGPT, that’s for sure. However, using this color alone makes it difficult to stand out among competitors.

To separate yourself from the crowd, consider these tricks:

  • Adding 3D effects can make your icon pop out on the app stores and capture user attention more effectively. This technique is less common among AI chatbot apps, so it’s a nice opportunity to shine out. 
  • Subtle textures can add depth to your icon, making it more visually appealing. It’s a small change that won’t affect your app’s overall look too much, and yet it’s a chance to show how different you are from similar apps.
  • Gradients can add a modern touch to the design. Utilizing them can attract potential users and differentiate your app from others. 

Green isn’t your only color option if you want to be closer to the ChatGPT brand. You can go for black and white design, the official colors of OpenAI. They even use this combination for the official ChatGPT app on Google Play and the App Store. Adding a little color to the mix — like green or blue — will help your icon to stand out.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

Black backgrounds can create a striking contrast, especially when combined with bright colors like neon green or white. This not only stands out but also associates your app with high-tech qualities.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

Most of these icons depict geometric shapes or patterns that resemble digital or tech themes. They can make your icon look more aligned with AI technologies.

Including imagery of humanoid robots can intuitively communicate that your app functions as an AI assistant. This helps set expectations about the app’s capabilities.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

Another option to highlight your smart app on the app stores is to design an icon resembling a human brain/nervous system

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

If your productivity chatbot app focuses on helping with a certain task, try to show that on your app’s icon:

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

These designs are usually bolder and more vibrant than that of general productivity apps.

Speaking of boldness, AI-powered virtual companions live and breathe it. Their icons can be very diverse as these apps are more focused on developing an independent brand identity:

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

Certain apps build their value propositions around a fictional character (driven by AI, naturally). These characters may act as romantic partners or close friends. In this case, they’re often depicted on icons:

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store and Google Play

Whatever design you opt for, there are some general tips for creating a good app icon:

  • Consider enlarging central elements (like a chat bubble or robot) to fill most of the icon space. This enhances readability and instantly communicates the app’s main function.
  • Simplify your design to ensure it remains effective at small sizes. Complex designs can become unrecognizable on smaller screens, so aim for clear, minimalistic icons.
  • Regularly update and test different versions of your icon to see which performs best in terms of user engagement and downloads. Frequent updates can also signal to users that your app is actively maintained.
  • Ensure that your icon aligns with your overall brand identity. Consistency across your app’s visual design elements can strengthen brand recognition and user trust.

By following these tips, you can design an icon that not only looks great but also enhances your AI chatbot app’s presence on the app stores.

Make Sure Screenshots Communicate Your App’s Value

Creating compelling screenshots is a part of ASO you can’t skip. Here are some specific tips to design effective screenshots for AI chatbot apps.

If you aim at the productivity category, be clear and — pardon the joke — productive. Use screenshots to emphasize your app’s user interface and how it functions. Showing off the main screens and features will help users understand how they will interact with your AI-powered app.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

Add descriptive captions to your screenshots that explain the features being showcased. Ensure these captions contain relevant keywords to boost search visibility. And keep text in screenshots readable and to the point. Overloading screenshots with too much text can overwhelm users and detract from the visual appeal. Use persuasive language in your screenshots like “Try now!” or “Chat with AI!” to encourage users to download.

You may also employ bright colors or high contrast to make details pop.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

Consider using less common colors or depict unique graphic elements (like humanoid robots or neural networks) to differentiate your app from competitors.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

Incorporate social proof such as testimonials or ratings within the first screenshot to establish credibility and entice users.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

If you’re running an AI boyfriend/girlfriend app, depict these fictional characters on the screenshots:

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

Provide examples of interactions or dialogues that users might have with your chatbot. This shows the app’s practical use and personality.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

If romance is the main focus of the app, make sure screenshots have a romantic color palette. Various shades of purple, red, and pink are great picks.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

Do not use photos of real people. It will be misleading for users, and some of them will consider such imagery unethical. This reaction may result in negative reviews. Instead, opt for artworks/AI-created models.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
Source: the App Store

As for general advice, this is what you can do to make your screenshots enhance ASO:

  • Consistently refresh screenshots to reflect the app’s latest features and improvements. This can also align with major updates or releases.
  • Test different versions of your screenshots to see which ones resonate best with your target audience. Use this data to refine your ASO strategy.
  • As we’ve already mentioned, consider using less common colors or unique graphic elements to stand out.

By implementing these tips, you can create screenshots that not only attract attention but also effectively communicate the benefits and unique features of your AI chatbot app.

Include a Video Preview 

Surprise, surprise, but the majority of AI chatbot apps don’t utilize video preview on their product pages. Their loss, your gain.

Creating engaging video previews for your AI chatbot app can significantly enhance your app store presence and attract more users. Here are some tips for designing impactful video previews based on observed practices in the industry:

Make your video preview a part of the onboarding flow within the app. Include footage that shows how users can interact with the app. For instance, display the chatbot responding to various queries or performing tasks.

Сonsider showing how the app fits into daily life situations, which helps users understand the practical value and applicability of the mobile chatbot.

If your app allows that (in case of a chatbot assistant app, not the virtual boyfriend/girlfriend project), include real people using your app in the video preview. This can be particularly effective for apps like chatbots where human interaction is a key function. Make sure the video includes portrayals of your target demographic. Seeing themselves reflected can help potential users form a personal connection with the app.

Each segment of the video should clearly articulate how the app benefits the user, whether it’s saving time, providing entertainment, or offering personalized advice.

Ensure that the video is of high production quality with clear visuals and audio. This conveys professionalism and reflects the quality of your app.

Keep the video engaging by maintaining a good pace. Too fast may confuse viewers, while too slow might bore them.

End your video with a strong call to action, such as “Download now” or “Try it today.” Direct viewers on what to do next if they’re interested.

AI Chatbot Apps: Winning ASO Strategies and Main Trends
SplitMetrics Optimize

Conduct A/B tests to see which video preview performs better. SplitMetrics Optimize can be pretty helpful here as it allows you to run tests in a closed environment. Your competitors will stay in the dark about your creatives.

Use viewer feedback to make improvements. If certain aspects of the video are particularly well-received or criticized, adjust accordingly.

The Bottom Line

Your app’s true charm lies in what it offers to its users.

AI-powered features are an amazing thing to embrace in a mobile app. Your job is to make sure everyone knows about them, and ASO is the way to do it. We hope these trends and tips will help you find the best ASO strategy for your app. And if you need assistance in growing it, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our SplitMetrics Agency experts will be happy to help!

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Anastasiya Starovoytova
Anastasiya Starovoytova
Content Manager
Anastasiya is Content Manager at SplitMetrics. She lives and breathes writing and has a real feeling for app marketing and mobile growth.
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