How to Fortify UA Strategy with Creatives Testing

SplitMetrics & AppAgent share advice on how to enhance user acquisition strategy with creatives testing: best practices, advice on hypotheses and winning even without a winner + thoughts on iOS14 & IDFA.

We discuss all these questions:

  • Importance of creative testing in UA & some real success stories with KPIs boost
  • How to test: golden rules of creative testing today
  • Connecting the dots throughout the acquisition journey
  • How to build hypotheses that provide valuable insights
  • Where to test: most optimal platforms and formats
  • How not to test: mistakes to avoid
  • How to win without a winner: value of A/B tests without a winning variant
  • What changes to expect with iOS 14 & IDFA deprecation
  • Collaboration between the UA and creative teams
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Maryna Dorash
Maryna Dorash
Marketing Manager at SplitMetrics
Full-stack digital marketing specialist with a focus on driving growth through marketing analytics insights, marketing automation and paid user acquisition. Passionate about app marketing and mobile growth.
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