7 Little Words - Daily Puzzles

4.8 (155.7K)
170.2 MB
Age rating
Current version
Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for 7 Little Words - Daily Puzzles

4.8 out of 5
155.7K Ratings
2 years ago, SBR613
Update to: [YEA!] (Sadly, I Love it—but…)
[I recalled subscribing in 3-month intervals, but didn’t recall it was only for ad removal (duh). I’ve now fully subscribed for a year and am able to move from one puzzle to the next easily, even when the date is 3 weeks ago! Thank you for suggesting I Restore Purchases, as that got me looking at the options again in light of my changed usage availability. I do love this game and am delighted to be able to play it without frustrations again.] (I’ve really enjoyed this game for many moons, and because I’m not able to keep up with it daily, I’ve been a subscriber for some time also. However, having to scroll through from the Today’s puzzles back to ones missed 2-3 weeks ago for every single missed puzzle—instead of being able to automatically move to the next youngest puzzle (as I was able to do enough [occasional] times to put up with when I wasn’t). However, now that it’s more than one week of scrolling, I’m feeling frustrated enough that I will NOT RENEW MY SUBSCRIPTION unless it becomes possible to move through the entire month more automatically moving from oldest to newest puzzles. Thank you for an otherwise great game.)
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3 years ago, A fellow living organism
More hints, please
The word puzzles get harder and harder and you need hints to solve it in some occasions. Yes, you do provide fifteen or so hints at the start. Although this is considerate and useful, if we use logic you can tell that it may be a little misplaced. You’re going to lose them all at the start with the easy puzzles and then when you’re solving the harder puzzles, all the hints are gone. Then there’s really no other solution. I really don’t want to have to pay for free hints—so if you’re like me and don’t have unlimited hints, what do you do? Search the answers up on the internet? That ruins all the fun, and then the game is kind of, well, worthless. Using hints will help you when you're truly stuck but it will not give away the whole answer. You don’t have to give everyone who downloads this app unlimited hints, but please think this over and possibly give us more hints. I think thirty hints would be a reasonable amount. Or maybe you could use one hint for each puzzle you solve, and if you solve one without using hints at all you can provide us with one more free hint. Other than the hints issue, this is an amazing, good quality app that entertains me while providing me with a little brain work. I do recommend this, and I would give five stars if the hints issue was resolved. Thank you!
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1 year ago, AdmiralB730
I really enjoy this game. As I ‘play’ it I’m having fun but I’m also expanding my vocabulary. Whenever I come across a word I’m not familiar with I look it up in the dictionary for clarification of its meaning. Unlike solitaire or puzzles I don’t feel as though I’m wasting my time with this game because of its good influence on my “word bank”. Also I’m really good at it! I have been playing this game for well over 10 years. My son told me about it when I got my first smart phone and I have loved it ever since.I am now in my 80th year and I have 4 games on my IPhone that I play every day; Mah-jongg, solitaire add another word game called Word Coffee are the other three. I like to think playing these games gives my brain exercise and will keep me sharp hopefully. I do pay a fee to have ads free play, I can buy other puzzle packs which I have done and these can be used over and over because they give me the option to clear the answers and play them again. I really like the challenging clues they give you for these 7 Little Words puzzles. For me this is a very fun challenging and interesting game. Try it you may enjoy it too.
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2 years ago, Teaguer Gal
New format very distracting
I loved the old, “plain” format. This new one is very hard for me to use. The 3D look, the colors, and general busy-ness of the screen are not an improvement. Please give me my old game back so I can restore my 5-star rating! ADDITION: I have been a 7 Little Words fan for years. I believe it was my first game app on my iPad years ago. It has started to take a long time to load, which may be due to the age of my iPad, but I am uninstalling and reinstalling it with the hope that might improve its performance. I will check back and let you know if it did. I do enjoy this game, but still prefer its old simplicity! UPDATE Aug. 17,2022 I just heard back from Blue Ox following contact with them about how slow the game is loading. They told me that they were concerned about it too and are working to speed it up substantially. I have found them to be great in responding to inquiries and concerns and really look forward to a speeded up game. Thank you again, Blue Ox, for fast responses and one of my favorite games!
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5 years ago, Colorjuicer
Daily User Grumpy about Update
I love this game and play it every morning with Red Herring and Monkeywrench to test how my brain is doing. I pay for puzzle packs because the games are well worth it, and ads are not part of my morning routine. I’m trying to get used to the new version, just downloaded today, and I’m not liking it yet, as a whole. 1) PLEASE give more color contrast in each word tile, as gray-on-gray is hard to see. 2) Please speed up the time it takes for a correct word to go up to its definition; the old speed was nice and crisp, and now it’s slo-o-ow. 3) Please reconsider the feature of leaving the attempted solution up and making me delete it, tile by tile, if it’s wrong, because right now I’m not liking the extra clicks. All that said, thank you for a great game, and I appreciate the idea of refreshing things once in a while. I do like the addition of photos for the packs. The colors are not overwhelming like some games but are pleasant. Thanks!
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6 years ago, bibkel
Hate the ads
I used to love the game, so I paid for the main version and bought a few expansion packs for more puzzles. The puzzles teach me new words and challenge my vocabulary. All of a sudden you started getting an ad after each days “free” game. I bought it to avoid this. I emailed and the response was, “The paid version now comes with ads” which annoys me. To make matters worse, I had a software issue with my iPhone 6s+ (unrelated to this game) and when I got the game back from the cloud I lost my expansion packs. I’m not paying twice for them, as the progress I’ve made is lost as well, and I don’t care to do the same puzzle twice. The game itself is challenging, and while they have hints you can easily find the answers online if you get stuck. I have done this and then researched to word or topic to learn more, which is why I downloaded it originally. It has helped expand my knowledge in a fun way. Knowing the letter count helps me figure out the answer even if it is unfamiliar, it just takes patience. Fun game but the rating is now 3, down from five due to the ads and loss of already purchased content.
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5 years ago, Mellimusic
Awful Redesign
I absolutely loved this game but it’s new redesign just feels absolutely awful. The icon looks awful, the front menu makes it feel like there are fewer options, but overall, the actual puzzle screen is awful. The top banner takes up extra space on the screen that could be used for making the words bigger- which there is no longer an easy option to switch between font sizes by just tapping the hints. I’m not fond of the lack of a “guess” button, either. Letters take too long to get to move from the bank to the guessing area and then it takes too long for a correct answer to move on it’s own. It takes forever to clear the letters that were already chosen, especially without a clear button anymore. Too difficult to see the difference between puzzles when some are answered and some are not (no longer alternating color patterns to align with each hint/too similar font choices for answers and letter counts) and too easy to accidentally hit the guess button... Please undo this garbage or allow us to choose between the current and classic modes.
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6 years ago, WhiskeyJacq
Not the same as it used to be: UPDATE
Thank you, Blue Ox, for responding to my concerns. Since the last update my issues seem to be resolved. No more ads in Russian. Keep up the good work on all your games! I have been playing all of your games for years and used to love them all. I actually give 5 Stars for creativity, ingenuity and design. However, In the last year, on u Little Words and Monkey Wrench, I have started getting ads in Russian. I live in the U.S. and my iPad is set to English so that is not the problem. Frankly, some of those ads seem a bit sketchy. Of course, I don’t know because I don’t read Russian. My other concern is that in the last year or so the 7 Little Words and Monkey Wrench puzzles have taken a political turn. I don’t play puzzles and games to have political views subliminally, or overtly, suggested, regardless of what those views are. I play them to stretch my brain, to be tested on things that I know, to learn new things and to be entertained. Please, please please go back to puzzles that are not politically biased or oriented. I am on the verge of deleting both games, which is a shame because they are some of the most unique, fun to play word games on the market. I will wait to see if I get a reply regarding these 2 concerns before deleting. Thank you for your interest in and attention to your customers. I look forward to your response.
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6 years ago, Sammsmom
All access pass a joke
I have played this game for a few years and, up till recently, have really enjoyed it. I purchased the "all access pass" for the second time, and, quite frankly, it's not worth the money. Each day for the past 3 or 4 months, I go to see if there are any very easy or easy puzzle packs that I have not played yet. Unfortunately, the developer hasn't added any. I am a disabled older woman who likes to do puzzles in a leisurely fashion. I find it too hard to even do the moderate skill level puzzles, so unless new easier puzzles are added, this game is of no use to me. After my current subscription expires, I plan on canceling the "all access pass" and deleting the game. That's most unfortunate too, because this game used to be one of my all time favorites. I wish to cancel my subscription to the all access pass, but I can find no place to do it. I have tried for 2 months now to find this info, and have written support several times without getting a response from anyone. Please cancel my subscription, as my health condition does not permit me to do these puzzles any longer.
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5 years ago, 100prcnt
Why change a great thing?
I’ve been playing 7 Little Words for years—literally since I was eleven or twelve! This whole time, the game has basically remained the same. There were a few fixes and some new features, but overall it was much the same. And I loved it! I especially loved the night mode with a black background and green lettering. This new update changed everything! The whole layout of the game is different, with words automatically coming up instead of you submitting them and hints being on screen. Still, I could probably ignore most of those things if I could still get the old night mode, but alas the new night mode is black background with bright white lettering. Since I often play before bed, the bright white lettering is much too bright for me to look at. I just really hate this update, and I don’t understand why they made such a giant change for a game that was great how it was. I don’t know if I will be able to play the app anymore, which is unfortunate because, as I said, I’ve been playing for years.
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5 years ago, Cunningbuffalo
Why would you think this is an update?
It is an insult to we who love this game. I can’t imagine what intelligent young, middle age, or old person would be attracted to the garish, scary-face, font-awful new design. I immediately settled on night mode to escape the infantile colors and contrast problems. But still—the font is too fat, the slow speeds irritating, and how solved words appear in the list confusing—now it is less interesting to play. I have opened your daily challenges for eight years running and never failed to finish a game, happily learning and honing my word skills. You run the risk of losing so many devoted players for what? To attract kids and others...who probably won’t stay with you for lack of skill. I am almost seventy, female, and keep my mind active with sharp games upon awakening. Please fix this, or as another commented, bring us a “classic” version. Thank you.
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3 years ago, Cinnmon Boy
Seven little words improvements weren’t
Your star ratings keep going down and down with me. One of the things that I really detest is your switcheroo being right next to your X. It keeps getting hit in error but somebody at your company seems to really love scrambling everything just to aggravate people. If you insist on having the switcheroo thinking that it is a plus feature that people love then please put a thing on it where it’ll pop up and say ‘Is this what you really want to do?’ Similar to other places questioning whether or not you want to delete some thing. Or maybe move it to the other side of hint. I think you’ll then discover it is not a popular feature at all and it’s actually disliked. I’ve written about this before and was even in your research survey mentioning this to no avail. I have played seven little words for over 7 years hoping that it would improve but I won’t keep on playing it if this is not taken care of - it’s just too problematic, aggravating, and frustrating.
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5 years ago, cjuj
Do not care for the new format
We have had this game for years and have enjoyed it very much. It doesn’t usually take too much time and you always feel good when you can finish it. My husband and I would play it together.....or one at a time. It was very neat that one of us could play and then clear the answers so the other could come along later and do the same puzzle. About two weeks ago, all of that changed. Now there is no way to clear the answers to allow a second person to enjoy the same puzzle. WHY??? You changed the way the puzzle looks.....it was nice the way it was before........and then you took away the ability for more than one person to play the puzzle. I know the creators of puzzles like to “update” every so often, but we really liked the game as it was and didn’t want any updates!!
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1 week ago, T.B.I. TY
Great game!!!
I had played this game on a friends phone years ago; And absolutely loved it! Ever since I've owned 4 different I Pods 2 I pads, and 2 I phones and I've downloaded it on every device. This game is awesome!! If you're any good with word Syllables and have a fun time playing word games, or just want to play a Great!! Puzzle game! 7Little words is for you! Extremely fun and very addictive; and yet it's still very simple!With a small/ bit of, and slightly challenging game. P.S. their are also tons of puzzles/ it's very hard to run out! Each package has 50 puzzles with 10 questions in each puzzle. This game was very well designed and very well put together! I could go on for hours without a single negative thing to say!! I know foully have the thought that i sound over exaggerated but I promise you I'm not‼️
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6 years ago, Teta K
Ad extreme
You went from one extreme to the other. I had an ad free version and bought puzzle packs. It was easy. Now there are ads coming from every direction, not just the bonus puzzle, but the daily puzzle as well. And they’re noisy. And .99 for just three months of no ads?!? I’m really disappointed with these changes. I appreciate your response. However, the ads have overrun the game. It used to be a nice easy game. Now it’s obnoxious. Three months for .99 is even more obnoxious. Your daily puzzle should have NO ads. The bonus puzzle states it’s ad supported, but they pop up for every puzzle, including the daily. And the forced sound, when I’ve indicated no sound for the game, is really annoying. I’ve played this game for years, and now it’s just irritating.
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3 years ago, Goldenneko
New format is hard to read - Update
The developer replied to my review to let me know that they have made a change in the letter grouping at the bottom for iPads. The letter groupings are larger & easier to read. Looks like the made the font in the clues is a bit smaller. Developers - Thank you for listening to the reviews! The new format is hard to read. The delete / backspace button is hard to see. The new “extras” whatever they are… not necessary. The format directly before this was easy to see, and read. All buttons were accessible. The letter groups are way too small, and crammed together, because you made the clues “bigger?” There is too much space between the clues - shorten that up, give more room for the letter groups. If you insist on the extra whatever’s, put them at the bottom, out of the way, in the OLD format.
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5 years ago, thehop2
So disappointed
I am really kicking myself for updating this game. I have been playing this game for about 6 years. The simplicity of it was part of its charm. Now it is hard to read - different color tiles for each puzzle pack, and you can’t easily tap on the words to quickly increase and decrease the font size. The hint feature used to be awesome. You could pick which word you wanted a hint for and decide how much of a hint you wanted. Now if you tap hint it will just randomly oick a word and show a tile - you can no longer get just the first letter. Tap hint again and you get the next tile for the same word - that was picked for you btw, not one you wanted the hint for. You can no longer just X out your guess. You can only backspace and delete one tile at a time. Way too complicated and not worth it. Which really bums me out as I literally played this for a few minutes every single day. So many negative reviews on this update - hope that leads to a classic version of this game.
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5 years ago, Bevrob
Paid for packs but I still get ads???
In the old version of this game, I paid real money for puzzle packs. Now, there are still ads that show up, even though I have paid you money in the past and I’ve restored my purchases. It seems like I have to pay money to get rid of the ads, AND I have to pay additional money to actually play the game. Sorry, no dice. UPDATE: thank you for the reply. However, I continue to feel that if I have paid you money, I should not have to watch ads—period. Even daily puzzles should be ad-free if I have paid you for anything. Also, I don’t want to have to pay monthly/yearly fees for things. I would consider one reasonable payment that would give me an ad-free experience, AND I would also consider a small amount for each small (only 50 now?) puzzle pack. Paying $4/month or $30/year, every month or year going forward, is unacceptable. So many services are going in this direction and it is really starting to feel greedy. What’s wrong with charging me once and delivering a solid product?
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2 months ago, Blackburnite
Too many ads
I thoroughly enjoy solving these puzzles. Almost regret that the producers now provide 5 of the main type of puzzle and 10 of the quick versions as I have to spend more time each day to solve all of them. My biggest complaint is the frustratingly frequent advertisements for other games. I solve a puzzle, then have to suffer through an agonizingly long plea to download another game. When I’m finally allowed to solve the next puzzle, I’m rewarded by getting to watch the same ad all over again. Or maybe a different one about the same game. What’s interesting is that a big point about the new game is usually that it doesn’t have any ads. Well, I wish 7 Little Words could say the same thing about itself. Get rid of the ads or at least make them a LOT shorter. Watching something over and over will not persuade me to download it.
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2 years ago, gillshaina421
I have been a huge fan of this game since it first launched on The App Store. It does seem to take several seconds for it to load but that’s not going to make me give the entirety of the game a bad review. The game is fun and challenging but I do get bored with it very easily. I find myself taking long breaks from it and then coming back to it. I pay for the subscription for a month and then cancel it before it bills me again because it doesn’t keep my interest for very long but it’s not the fault of the game, it’s me. I just get bored easily but when I came back to it, there was a pack of “Fill in the Blank” puzzles that I found a lot more entertaining than the regular puzzles. I finished that and was disappointed to see that there are no more of those puzzles. Again, I became bored and quit the game. The mini puzzles brought me right to the game and I have found that I love those so hopefully I will keep the game a little while longer but I do wish they would bring out more “Fill in the Blank” puzzles. Either way, the game is great, fun and challenging so thank you for creating something that have kept my interest for the past several years!
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7 years ago, NoVirginian
Frustrated Puzzle Lover 😒
Have used (and loved) this app for years. Sadly, newest version has problems. My app now lets me work for a short time and then switches (on its own) to another puzzle. If I complete 2nd puzzle, goes to the one I had originally started and locks, requiring a shutdown. Reopening and going to original puzzle doesn't help as same behavior repeats. There is a mention of "ads" (which I can't see), so have no way of accessing. Have been in touch with support and they keep saying it will change, but it hasn't. Believe the ads I can't see are at the root of this. Would be happy to pay to get rid of them, but no option available. In IT for years and good at troubleshooting, but I'm stumped. Hate to have to give up the app, but it's no longer worth the trouble. 😕
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1 year ago, Zammigirl
Seven little words
Love the game, hate the system. Wait a long time (while looking at a poorly drawn blue ox, while text reads “initiating handshake” “hand shake complete” then....nothing. Wait for games to show up, takes a long time. Same thing in between games. Sometimes left staring at a grey (white or black) screen for minutes. NEVER have this problem with my Sodocku or Fill in games. What gives? Still no improvement. Takes forever to sign on, then it has to search for the game, and sometimes can’t fond it. Screen freezes frequently during the game, and often during ads, of which there are waaaay to many, often interrupting during a game. I’m about ready to drop this game.
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5 years ago, Katie bobady
Awful redesign
Plz. change the game back to the way it was before it was updated. I agree w/ the other person. The design is awful. I used to like this game, but the whole setup is awful, and the design. The smiley face was cute before, but now it’s ugly. Y would u update this game? It seems like every app gets updated and ppl. complain b/c u change it, like other apps like FB, Messenger, etc. I won’t be playing it anymore unless u change it back to the way it was before it was updated. It’s not kid friendly, it was kid friendly before. The new design isn’t kid friendly. The smiley faces were kid friendly, but not anymore after the update when this app should've never been updated. It was fine the way it was. They made it worse now. The smiley faces disappear when u click on the puzzles. It’s not nice looking anymore. I’d like the app to be changed back to the way it was before. They gave u free hints, but in the new version they don’t.
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2 years ago, danz1998
used to be so nice
Ugh, this app used to be so nice. The app of old was simple, clean, easy to navigate, not full of annoying animations, long startup screens (THAT REQUIRE DATA ACCESS), or a stupid ugly layout. Now the pack layout screen is a complete mess, the puzzle screen is full of annoying buttons and hints, the shuffle animation is ugly, I hate seeing those stars appear every time I click on an old puzzle. I could go on and on. Needless to say, the designers of this game thought that more was more. They spent too long wondering if they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. What was once a charming fun little game has turned into a complete mess, full of annoying subscriptions, weird UI, and WHY DOES IT REQUIRE DATA TO TURN ON‽ Every time I come back to this game after a break there are new annoying features being added. 5 stars for a fun game, -3 stars for being the absolute worst in app design.
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2 years ago, Rynn3cuh
Make 7 words free again! 2024!
So when this game came out everything was free. No money. I spent hours with my now elderly mother playing this game as a bonding experience as her generation was taught the dictionary and I learned so much more vocabulary and information from her teaching me new words and the puzzle packs provided in the game. Do you folks think that maybe, just maybe, you could find it in your hearts to make a free hour/day/week…. So folks like me can download as much as possible of the packs to spend just a few more years with the ones we love? Listen, all of us in the world understand money runs everything, and greed eats us up to the point that we lose sight of what matters, so I wholeheartedly believe that missing out on a few bucks isn’t going to hurt a bottom line. Sincerely, a fellow humble human being. :)
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2 years ago, Firedoc51
Mixed feelings
Love this game and have been playing for quite a while. Very challenging and well thought out. My criticism below won’t deter me from playing, but I wish they’d fix a few things. First, the new update takes forever to load. I’ve timed it at 18 seconds from tapping on icon to ready-to-play. Next, the ads take up to 25 seconds to go through. I certainly don’t begrudge your ability to earn for your labors but half a minute of ads for a game that takes less than that to play seems excessive. Now, with the latest update, there’s an ad taking up the bottom half of the home screen that makes it impossible to tap on today’s daily puzzles, and there doesn’t appear to be anywhere to click to close or minimize it to access those games. It seems the older versions worked better.
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10 months ago, Highway Bubba
UPDATE. I stuck with the game even with the annoying ads until now. This is a family oriented game suitable for children but today I received an ad for a firearm. This is totally inappropriate especially in view of the proliferation of shootings in our country. I cannot continue to retain this game or support it. I would give negative stars If possible. FORMER REVIEW: I usually don't mind the ads because the developer deserves the compensation and I have found some good games that way but the ads on this have gotten too intrusive. When it gives an X to go back to the game the X takes it to another ad screen. I counted as many as 10 tries to get to the game at times. Often I have to close the 7 Words game and reopen to stop the ad. The ads also automatically open the app store to download a new game that I do not want. As much as I like the 7 Words game I am close to deleting it. I refuse to be forced to pay to get rid of ads.
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5 years ago, AMOHagan
New Update
I LOVED this game and would play it every morning. The older version was easy to see, simple, and calming. I am actually debating deleting the app with this new update. I have been trying to give it a chance but the new color scheme and set up is visually more difficult to follow, it seems to run so much slower because you have to wait for the tiles to float to spots now, the tiles don’t disappear like before so it’s harder to see what tiles are left, the clues are so small and the tiles are so big, there is no longer an option to move right into the bonus daily puzzle like before. I have never written a poor review for a game, but I am really disappointed in this new update. This was one of my favorite apps and now I find myself not wanting to play it. I don’t know why so much was changed when the older version worked so well! Please please please change it back. If it changed back I honestly would rate this a 5. If it doesn’t, I will probably delete it.
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4 years ago, IT1051
Good for the brain, bad for quite play
Edit 2: it didn’t last back to 3 stars. Read the Original review. EDIT: It seems that this may have been resolved. For the last 2 days it has been silent just like the setting. I hope this fix stays. I changed the Stars from 3 to 5. Don’t make me reverse the change. ORIGINAL REVIEW: I really love playing the game to keep my brain sharp but even with the game sounds off, the ads still blare out. It make it difficult to play at night in a quiet room and if you are in a waiting room passing time, the ads blare out unless you turn the volume button down. The ads even blare through even if your phone is on mute. Quite should mean QUIET!
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5 years ago, xLaDyBuGx
Too easy daily puzzles
The daily puzzles have become a joke with how easy they are now. Very rarely does it take more than a minute or 2 to solve them both when i used to think on some for all 3 days we had access to. I understand trying to appeal to more people and making the puzzles solvable for the majority but this is supposed to be an intellectual game. The people playing them aren’t looking for an easy game that takes little brain power. Please fix this or I will be deleting this app after years of playing it daily. Also making the phone vibrate every time I click the play button or select daily puzzles with no way of turning it off unless I turn them off for every app is very annoying. Please provide an option to turn off haptics. And ads are now playing sound even with it turned off in the app and my phone on silent mode. The new updates have caused more issues than they have fixed.
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6 years ago, OrdoTheSquint
A Fun Challenge
I love word puzzles, and this one has been keeping me entertained for quite some time. I often don't have time to do more than a handful of puzzles in a given day, but that suits me just fine. A 500 puzzle pack has kept me occupied for the past year, and I only just reached the halfway point yesterday. I would love it if there was some form of cloud saving, as I did lose about 100 puzzles worth of progress into that pack of 500 when I switched to a new phone, but restore purchases worked fine and I didn't mind working through it again. All in all, a brilliant challenge that has captured my attention on a regular basis. I even get my family to help if I get stuck.
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5 years ago, 707609
I used to love this game till the ads came in....
I have had the 7 Little Words app for several years now and I have several game packs that I have purchased and like to play them over again as time passes. But now even when I am playing puzzle packs that I have purchased in the past I get interrupted with advertisements. I totally understand getting ads when I am playing “free” puzzle packs but I don’t feel I should get ads while playing puzzle packs that I have paid for. I am also bummed out about the new layout. I loved playing the black background with green letters (night mode) for when I’m winding down for the night. I guess all good things must change 😢
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4 years ago, Passthecampfire
Used to be harder
I used to play this game all the time. The whole format changed and it looks more updated and modern now, which is nice. However, it now seems to be waaaay too easy now. I used to struggle with the clues and would sometimes exit the game without solving a puzzle and have to come back to it several times before I figured it out. Now I’m just breezing through every single puzzle. I have barely had to think to solve any of them and have never had to use a hint. In the past, I used to run out of hints. It’s really not fun when it’s this easy. I’m going to keep going with it for awhile and hopefully it will eventually become challenging but as of right now it’s pretty disappointing. I don’t think anyone should feel too impressed with themselves for solving these at this point.
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4 years ago, dschmidthawk
Love this game
I do love this game, but I’m unhappy about the following: privacy - tracking everything and sending god knows where; ads - 60 second ads aren’t going to make me want to purchase anything. Most of have been scammed by these advertisers at one time or another so that’s another reason I wouldn’t buy from an ad sponsor or click on a link. If you can’t catch my attention in 15 seconds, you’re not very good at marketing. Also, if an ad does catch my eye, I research the product outside of the app to see if it’s legit, so no metrics are being tracked, just all of my personal data, including device and personal identifiers. Shameful.
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3 years ago, piratesunflower
I just lost the long, extremely detailed review for this app. This is the second time I’ve tried to reinstall it from first, having it become incompatible with my GEN3 iPad, and, now it has frozen on my BRAND NEW iPad! What is going on? I love this game but I now will lose my data, and will have to get the packs I purchased, back! It literally deleted itself from my iPad! I also agree with other reviewers that say they liked the original format much better! That version was compatible with my old iPad and I would never have had to go a year without 7 Little Words! Sounds funny, but I really missed it!
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5 years ago, Grieving in MS
Dislike the redesign!
I love this game...and have for the last 8 years. But the redesign is about to be a deal-breaker! Why mess with a good thing?? The new version makes it hard to distinguish which clues you’ve solved and which ones are not. There is no font change or color change in the letters to make it visually quick to discern. It is slower to respond too...once your word groups are typed in, it sluggishly moves the guess to the correct spot or it just sits there and you have to tap the “delete” button to remove each card! Did you guys not try out the new version with dedicated users to get honest feedback?? What a clumsy redesign. PLEASE bring back the old version!!!!!!
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5 years ago, dlbdtb
Some of the puzzle packs I had are now gone
Update, the developer is working with me to restore, I just have to figure out which ones. The game was enhanced again and I like the changes, with the grid lines, colors, and crossing off ones completed. I play this game daily 😊 I have played this game for years, although I’m ok with some of the new changes, but like other users miss what it used to be. My biggest complaint is that some of the puzzle packs I earned previously are now only available with the all access. I purchased packs to get these, and now they aren’t available to me without paying more. That makes me mad. I tried restoring purchases but it didn’t do anything. Seriously, why would you take away packs?
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5 years ago, Yanxfan49
Updates bummed me out “ for a while “
I’ve had this particular game almost since its inception and really loved it but then the updates started coming and I panicked. I thought the creators were going to change everything and ruin it ( I’m old and foolish and don’t like change). Well I gotta admit they just streamlined it and made it more user friendly and actually more enjoyable. They probably get tired of my unpleasant messages whenever they change something. I know that change is inevitable and this app has definitely changed for the better. I play it daily and hopefully always will.
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5 years ago, Broadway Al
Low contrast is not good
I have 3 comments on this version of the game. (1) The word fragments are now black on a dark grayish-blue background. This low-contrast presentation makes them hard to read. If Apple’s ‘night shift’ mode is enabled, they are even harder to read. The game does offer a high-contrast white-on-black ‘night mode’ setting, but the contrast here is too high (i.e., it goes to the opposite extreme) and is also hard to read. The black-on-white presentation in the game’s prior version had been very readable. Perhaps there should be a setting which allows the user to choose a color scheme from among several options? (2) I like that the old cancel button, which cleared all the selected fragments from the input box, has been replaced by a backspace button that removes only the last fragment. (3) The hint button is now to the immediate right of the input box and just as large as the scramble button further to the right. This is somewhat inconvenient. Because the hint button is used much less often than the scramble button, it should be the button further to the right. Likewise, the hint button should be less prominent than the scramble button, possibly by reducing its size slightly and/or making it circular.
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1 year ago, WesAnders
85 Little Words, not 7
I gave up on this game. It used to be 7 little words (per day with additional packs if you want more), but then they added 4 more sets of 7 (35) per day, which was ok. Then they added 10 sets of 5 mini puzzles per day, so now it is 85 little words per day, and I have been playing them all for a while, but I have come to the realization that it is too much for me. I get little enjoyment anymore, because I am too stressed about finishing them all. I’m done playing this game. This is one of those cases where more is not better. They took a great game and ruined it for me. This is a fun game, so I gave it 2 stars instead of just one, but the stress it has caused and the lack of enjoyment fro that made me take away 3 stars. Prior review (5 stars): I like word games in general and this one is a fun one. I like that it doesn't have a time limit, so when I take a break from the fast pace of life, I don't feel rushed, or feel that I have to finish, before my break is done. I generally don't like games where you have to buy parts of the game, but the free daily games are good, and the cost of packs is reasonable, so there is a good balance that will likely keep me buying more.
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5 years ago, Tennessee Gem
Annoying Ads on Free Version
I updated this review to reflect the “remove full screen ads” version. I am using the two week free trial and it is much improved...no more annoying ads. Thank you! Previous review: This would be a fun 5 star game if they gave you an option to buy an ad free version. When I first started using this app, the ads were short in length with no sound. Now they are long, loud and very annoying. They show up after every game. The ads are so aggravating I finally quit playing. Note to the developers: let me know if you ever come up with an ad free version. If it’s reasonably priced, I’ll buy it and update my review.
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7 years ago, carddante
Love the Game, the new ads are intrusive
I love 7 Little Words. I downloaded this game shortly after it was released and have played it almost daily for years. It’s unique, challenging and so much fun. I am here because the new ads that take over the screen are obnoxiously intrusive. I get needing to pay your bills and this helps. I’d much rather have an ad between game screens than an ad on screen while I’m playing. I guess I don’t understand why, after having paid $15-20 on puzzle packs, I’m still being subjected to ads. It’s not enough to make me quit playing, it’s really just a minor annoyance. Keep up the good work, Blue Ox. I do love the game.
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7 years ago, Bold Brock
Brock Johnson
I do still own this game and play it first thing in the morning along with Red Herring and Monkey Wrench. I enjoy playing it and was happy with the most recent update with the freebie puzzle pack, but now I'm very upset with it and frustrated because the 21st level puzzle isn't accessible unless you're wanting or willing to be downloading the idiotic ABC Mouse program with a credit card number, and that's beyond bogus and dangerous. I'm not playing the free puzzle pack until they dump that obligation in the next update and will just be focusing on the free daily puzzles. If they don't change it soon, I'm deleting 7 Little Words from my IPad permanently!
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6 months ago, Rolling phantom 509
Ads that minimize font size on game display
Your game is fantastic and has been fantastic since its inception. Today, though, the thoroughly intrusive ads that have continually scrolled at the bottom of the page have now appeared scrolling at the top of the screen, minimizing the font of the clues, making it difficult to read and solve the puzzles. I have an Iphone and hope that this is not a diversion and distraction to force the consumer to pay for services not desired. I cannot adjust anything with the new placement of ads scrolling at the top. Slick coercion to pay for ad-free. Otherwise, it’s 5 stars.
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5 years ago, phpolicylady
New changes need some work
I've played this game almost as long as it has been around. The latest updates leave me disappointed in the game play. First, please allow us to turn off the haptics. Every single tap now creates unnecessary haptic responses that add nothing to the game play. If the haptics could even be limited to only indicate when the word is correct would be better than how it is currently. Second, please return to flat design. Every tile in the puzzle and each of the control buttons have a drop shadow that is not adding anything to the game play. You could regain more screen by removing these and increasing the clues and tiles areas. Third, the new limited color schemes and lack of a true bold text makes it more difficult to visually separate the unsolved clues from those already solved. I love the game and play everyday, but the new changes, if left as they currently are, will likely limit my enjoyment enough that I simply go play Monkey Wrench instead. Having said all this, I do appreciate the automatic solving of words. I'm also a fan of the redesigned main starting page. I just really wish that some of these other changes might get some additional attention soon.
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5 years ago, 2beekay
Can’t select which clue for a hint, too many ads.
I used to love this game and played it everyday. I didn’t like the new version when it came out but I persevered. I had paid for unlimited hints and I still got that after the new version came out but now I can’t select which clue I want a hint for, the game just selects it for you. I also don’t like the ads. When I click the “X” to close the ad it just goes to another screen for the same ad and I have to watch it whether I want to or not. There are bonus games everyday but that is just an opportunity to show more ads. Frustrating!!
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5 years ago, -zew
No one likes the update 😫
Update: the devs have definitely gone back and reverted to more of the classic version’s style. It still seems overly done for the simple game that it is, but it is so much more playable than it was right after the big update. Glad the devs listened to their players :) Original: This last major update makes the game feel so clunky and slow! I wish I could go back to the classic version. I don’t really understand why there was a need for such a huge redesign. I understand maybe changing the layout of some aspects of the menus, but the rebranding makes it seem cheap and too much like all the other App Store word games (which it isn’t!)
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5 years ago, 5 pets too many
Liked the previous plan
Now when I try to do the puzzles from the last 30 days, I get a slue of ads! I wouldn’t buy a game under those circumstances even if it looked appealing. I’m about ready to delete the app and never buy another puzzle pack. I’ve really enjoyed this game but was about ready to delete it. Previously I could buy puzzle packs and play the daily puzzles without ads. And the ads are SUPER annoying —when I hit X it pops up again and there’s a delay before the next X appears. Now the game requires a subscription and since I play sporadically it’s not a practical option for me. I don’t want to pay for 3 months and play 5 times. I have found a way around the ads which will hopefully continue to work: I’m not playing the daily puzzles but instead playing the “last 30 days”. I can also play a pack with no ads. So far so good.
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3 months ago, 💙ThreeDaysGraceLover💙
All access pass is broken
I love this game, I have played it since 2015 and it has never failed to be fun and engaging and I love that new packs are always coming out. However, the all access pass is a nightmare. I have to re purchase the pass about once a week because the game claims that I no longer have it despite me checking my subscriptions and it still charging me. This has happened probably 10 times and I’m getting sick of it. Tapping the “restore purchases” button in-game does nothing to fix it. I don’t want to keep buying the pass over and over again, I buy the monthly one and it takes it away within a week. Please fix this developers, I really want to keep playing this game but it’s taking away from my enjoyment immensely.
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1 year ago, old sooner61
The ads commander my iPad, literally
I love the game and I’m happy to watch the ads to play more levels. The problem is some of the ads don’t offer an option to press the X and return to the game after watching it. They only give an arrow type link that goes to the App Store. Then the screen just stays there with no further options given to return to the game. I am now going to delete the app which will lower the developers revenue. I’ll find a new game that doesn’t try to bully me. Update: This is still happening, Royal Match ad this time won’t close. Closing the app doesn’t make their stupid ad go away either. This makes the game unplayable so all other advertisers won’t get views either, which is unfair to them as well. Now I’m headed to Royal Match’s review page to share my thoughts directly with them
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