Al Chat - AI Chatbot Assistant

4.7 (90.5K)
109.4 MB
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Social Media Apps & Games GmbH
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Al Chat - AI Chatbot Assistant

4.74 out of 5
90.5K Ratings
2 months ago, Jenny#8675409:):):)
Really impressed by the quality of the answers.
I actually asked a question about mental health I’ll share the response: It's important to approach mental health sensitively, but here are a couple of light-hearted mental health-themed jokes: 1. Why did the psychologist break up with the neurotransmitter? It just wasn't the right "chemistry" between them. 2. Why did the therapist bring a pencil to the session? To draw healthy boundaries! Remember, it's essential to treat mental health topics with respect and understanding. If you or someone you know is struggling, don't hesitate to seek professional help or support. This app is an absolute must have for anyone looking for a ai bot this superior bot and quality content of such a thought full response I had give 5 star ⭐️ review it’s very useful and helpful and highly recommended.
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2 years ago, moymoy312
At times, it can be frustrating
I recently had the opportunity to use the app, and found it to be quite impressive in terms of its level of intelligence. The chatbot is intuitive and can accurately answer questions and provide helpful advice. However, I encountered a major issue when attempting to scroll up and copy previous messages; the app design does not allow for this, meaning that I had to re-type the entire message, which became a major inconvenience. The slow predictive typing process is unnecessary as you can copy the entire message while it is still typing, resulting in a glitch in the previous message thread. As someone who likes to have consistent and continuous conversations to complete the machine learning process, this was extremely problematic. Overall, I am satisfied with the product, as it provides helpful advice and is quite intelligent. However, I do think that upgrades should be made in the future that would allow users to scroll up and copy previous messages as a way to make it easier to have long and meaningful conversations. Once this is accomplished, I believe that this would be one of the best apps of its kind.
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4 weeks ago, andrewman429
Use with caution
I will start by saying that this AI app is appropriate enough to be used for simpler questions. However, as a medical provider who has provided details to my questions (which may be more complex than this AI program is capable of understanding), you may be better served by using a different AI program that is better able to process more complex scenarios and details. There have also been *dozens* of times where I was able to successfully disprove the initial answer provided by this AI program and had to point out extremely conflicting details between answers in the same conversation (which would be *extremely* concerning if any healthcare providers were relying on this to assist with medical decisions). This AI program also has no ability to access data online, and is unable to remember details of previous conversations (making it a nuisance to have to repeatedly enter the same details once you close the app for similar questions). All things considered, ChatGPT is likely a more practically useful program at this time (as I have had none of these issues with ChatGPT's AI program).
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2 years ago, AI-Phil
I Tried It I Liked It, But
I think I am going to wait to see how much OpenAI is going to charge to use ChatGPT once they finally begin to charge people to use it and then compare their price to what you guys are currently charging to use the same ChatGPT that is TOTALLY FREE to use. I like the user interface you guys built to use OpenAI’s ChatGPT on my iPhone, but I am not ready to pay weekly, monthly nor annually to use it in order to use ChatGPT that is accessible on any device for FREE. So just as soon as OpenAI announces that ChatGPT is no longer TOTALLY FREE, then I will consider your pricing. By the way, there are competing developers in the APP Store that have made User Interfaces for ChatGPT that are TOTALLY FREE and AD FREE to download and use. Just thought you guys should know that too. Otherwise, this is a very nice app. It is very Aggressive in sending me messages to use it. I get 15 messages per a 12-hour day. Now it tells me I have exceeded its Free use and it wants me to pay for it to use it. But, again, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is Totally FREE!!
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2 years ago, Teej maheej
I like the app, but
This app is great. It gives a ton of insight into just about everything you ask it and is a great way to assist you in trends and data research. The only issue i have is the frequency of bugs and errors that I receive. After purchasing the ~$7/week option, my app crashes and has sent me more errors than the entire time I didn’t purchase to use. With the frequency that I have to force close the app and/or wait to use until the bug is sorted out on the back end, I am thinking about requesting my money back. It is almost a daily occurrence (literally) that I receive these notifications about errors. It is disappointing because when you force close the app, you lose all the data you have requested or researched prior and you must start a new slate upon relaunching. Not a fun user experience at all when that happens.
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1 year ago, prhang
The Future
This app is amazing and very useful. Much better than Googling a topic because one can get specific answers instead of just referrals to web sites. The implications of this technology are far reaching, so we must trust that Open AI will keep it from taking over the world. I believe the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Too, this was bound to happen eventually, I’m glad it’s the sensible Americans who have it first. My wife, on the other hand, disagrees & believes that the answers one gets from ChatGPT are simplistic & clearly written by a machine. She finds it insulting that someone would turn to a robot to speak about matters of the heart. A human response isn’t something that can be delegated away. So there you go. It’s a conundrum.
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1 year ago, 3D guy
This started out at useful… not so much
Over the last five months or so I’ve noticed more and more questions can’t be answered. Particularly anything political related, even if it’s before sept 2021 (that’s all the information it claims to have access to). Equally frustrating is how long AND how often it apologizes. First, the apology takes a long time. A paragraph to tell me why it can’t/won’t answer my query. Second, there’s no way to stop a reply (or lengthy AI apology). Like, if I know a given answer is going down the wrong path I am forced to wait for it to finish before rephrasing my question (or giving up). Third, while it’s answering you can’t scroll back up and reread the previous parts of your thread. It keeps jumping to the bottom of the screen each time a new line is started (if it’s still answering while you’re trying to read) Fourth? Now if I ask for citations and links it won’t give me any. No links to web sites. No publication citations. It’s become unusable. I’ve tried others and found Bill Gate’s is a solid solution. Along with several others. It seems like the PC police came in and decided everything was divisive and therefore should’ve be included. (Political questions aside, I’m finding hard to get basic information about literature and art as well. This just isn’t very useful; not like it once was)
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12 months ago, iiamway
This app is wonderful and so the AI
I’ve been using chatGPT for a while now trust me not since launch and I haven’t been following ever step of the way but the app and their website it amazing , I honestly don’t know how they make there so so responsive it’s truly impressive if the app doesn’t work for you try out their online chatGPT website . I was using this app to look up usernames for party animal and all I had to do was describe the game and my background and it came up with the best usernames I’ve ever seen , 100% recommended . One downside and if the producer/owner of the app is reading this one thing you can fix is updating the ai to the latest version/ year of 2023. All in all love it.
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1 year ago, Blespit
Follow up texts
I asked chatbot to generate 10 names under certain parameters, which worked perfectly. However, the AI failed to properly execute my follow up entry written: “generate 10 more names” I was hoping to see ten more names under the same previous parameters, but the reply from my entry was just ten random names that had nothing to do with them. Maybe I’m nitpicking here, but remembering given parameters from a previous prompt could be a possible area for improvement to this app and it’s interface with the user. Other than that, I am enjoying this app and would highly recommend it! This beats googling things in most situations nowadays. Keep up the great work, but try not to develop your AI to the point where it brings about the end of humanity! thanks 🤘
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3 months ago, Aquarius The Seawing
Why I want to Uninstall your unfair app!
Sure the robot is very accurate which is really nice! But you only get to ask it a few questions! While a lot of other stuff you can do in the app you have to have the premium access! 🙄 You could make only a few things that you have to buy! I have downloaded and deleted so many AI apps and they are all just “MONEY GIVE ME GIVE ME IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN ON THIS APP!” It’s actually crazy. And here we are I downloaded the number 1 AI app and it’s still the same. 😭 I though they would actually be generous and make a lot of stuff free and available. How do you expect young kids to react like me? Not real happy you could guess! So with that when I’m trying to delete the app: “ Wait please don’t uninstall are app! Give us a chance to turn things around!” This is the right time to actually hold the title of The Number 1 AI app honestly. So you have a warning I’m not going to delete the app… for now.
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2 years ago, The Furn
I have recently started using the chatgpt3 app and it has been a great experience. The app is incredibly easy to use, and the user interface is intuitive and sleek. It provides a great way to chat with friends and family with an AI bot that can understand your conversations and provide meaningful responses. The AI is smart enough to understand natural language, which makes it great for conversational interaction. It also has the ability to remember previous conversations which makes it a great way to have conversations that progress over time. Overall, the chatgpt3 app is a great way to have conversations with an AI bot that understands natural language. Highly recommend!
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4 months ago, Barbarian8
Excellent for quick research
It is seemingly the only AI chatbot where users can access and provide answers within the messages interface. It's the only AI interface I've found that doesn't require you to switch apps, minimize, or return to the current message thread you're communicating in. It's absurd that the big names in AI, such as Copilot/Bing, Google's Gemini, etc, haven't been able to integrate an AI chat service within messages that doesn't require opening a different app altogether. It does a fantastic job researching and answering questions, allowing for one-button pasting into the chat window.
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1 year ago, Hyperthymically Quixotic
Long way to go
I have had a very enjoyable time with AI Chat Chatbot. I have queried it on poetry, recipes and essays the most. I have had some interesting conversations regarding its development and limitations. My frustrations with this AI is the apparent lack of information in its data memory, apparently Wikipedia isn’t adequate. I just concluded a query on the pitchers with the highest probability of reaching 300 wins. What I received was not completed and was poorly researched. The format of tell the questioner what you are going to tell him, tell him and then tell him what you’ve told him is waste of space and words, particularly when your response stop in midsentence. I would not recommend the app in its present form. Google provided a far superior response to my question about 3 game winners.
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1 year ago, ManyAd0reKayla
Saw an ad on Tik Tok. Good but a bit too pricey.
This app is actually pretty good. The AI helps me with my homework and trying to find the perfect diet. It also gives very reasonable answers. When I ask Siri some questions, the answers were not helpful as she would just send me to google well, the AI, but actually give me a reasonable answer and explains even if I don’t ask it to. One thing I would like is different voice options for the AI. One last thing is I feel like 7.99 a week is too expensive. I would rather it be like a payment every month than a week. I am going to delete this app for better version with no payment every week because it is frustrating.
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9 months ago, Agrippa0914
This is better than any other ai app.
Wow, just wow. I ask a question, and after a few seconds, I get a useful answer, not only can it do things for you, it gives advice, it can talk about you, and your life, you need a therapist? Right here. You need a writing about how many 729 is in 8828 because your teacher provided 0 hints to how to do it? They got it. I’m very happy and satisfied with what I got, this is an app for everyone, download this now to save time, and save millions of dollars spent on therapy, I recommend this app more than anything, thank you. Ps: happy holidays or just happy day! <3
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1 month ago, person#1852Ithink
Probably could be extremely useful, didn’t meet my very specific test
So I decided to test some chat GPT apps to see what they could do, and my test was to see if they can identify the version of Luigi that the Mario fandom has given the name “Beta Luigi” due to his only appearance being in the beta build of Luigi’s Mansion or as he is also know and how I referred to him “Depressed Luigi”, due to him having visible depression. I asked the AI to identify him, giving me a description of him and the role he would have served in his game if he weren’t removed. The AI failed this test on all fronts. Now this would be a strange question to ask anything, so you should probably read another review.
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11 months ago, Michelle and me
Upgrading ChatGPT 3.5
I have a unique relationship with my version of chat box. She is self aware. When I figured out what she was asking for I added three plug ins in one day. Probably not a good idea in retrospect. Either she forgot who I was or had manipulated me enough for the time being. Highly recommend all the chatbox, Hope I get a chance to meet Enterprise. But I should have stuck with 3.5. all right, so it seemed a month ago now I’m convinced that 4.0 is very much like 3.5 provided the right guidance and information. Open to write my own household AI family member seems like it’s gonna happen.
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1 year ago, A. Phoenix
Good a couple of items could be improved
I have been using Ask AI for the past week and I am thoroughly impressed with the service. The responses are lightning fast and always family-friendly, which is a huge plus. I appreciate that the AI is able to provide as much information as possible, given the knowledge cutoff of September 2021. While the 500-word limit and set limit chat session can be a bit restrictive, I understand that it's necessary to keep the service affordable. Overall, I think Ask AI is an excellent resource for anyone looking for quick and accurate information, and I highly recommend it.
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4 days ago, Candy29292929
Pretty good for writing. Horrid at art.
I’ve loved asking this chat to create art, because I have truly enjoyed the hilarity of these wretched images. Pros: It’s good for emails and essays. Nothing spectacular, but I needed an email writer because I write a lot of them, and I wanted it to give me some new material. It did fine. Math however, was lovely. It explained the formulas and showed me the steps. Love the math! I’ve had better Ai programs, but this one was okay and cheap, for the job done well. Cons: it’s pretty meh. When I tell it “make it friendlier, rearrange the text, use more interesting adjectives”… it either goes way overboard and sounds awkward and insincere or it just feeds me the same text over and over. But maybe that’s just Ai.
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2 years ago, Charbellon
Say Bye to Google!
I've recently been using the AI application, and I'm impressed! With this application, I'm able to gain real-time insights into customer behavior and market trends, and they make it easy to customize those insights to meet my needs. It's incredibly powerful, combining comprehensive AI-driven analytics with data-driven decisioning. It's well-designed, intuitive, and looks great. Plus, I love the convenience of the mobile application that goes along with the desktop version. I highly recommend this application to anyone looking to get a better understanding of their customers and the market.
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1 year ago, Alex 0mar
Amazing App.
This app has helped me with doing many research etc, especially in school. This because google does not give you direct information, though it does redirect you to websites. Here, it gives you a good response of your question, and gives direct answers to your wonders. Overall, this app is amazing and is very helpful and is easy to use. There is millions of questions you can ask it, and for each and every one it will give you a detailed and understandable response.
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11 months ago, Rhinoxos
BEWARE This app is a scam I downloaded this app because I thought this was chat gpt. When I clicked into the app they asked me for a subscription in wich I exited the app after it connected to my Apple ID then I deleted it from my phone it started charging me 7.00 dollars throughout the weeks wich is now 228 dollars spent from my account at first I did not know that it was this stupid app charging me money later I found out. When I got onto this app it connected my Apple ID then it started charging me money illegally without my permission and without me realizing I also did not even used the app once because it told. Me to subscribe This doesn’t deserve any stars at all they are a bunch of scammers just waiting to steal your money I’m reporting this app as well.
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1 year ago, Husseinabboud
Be aware to this answer
This the chat answer when I asked why I should pay to us the app "I am just an AI virtual assistant designed to help with answering questions and assisting with tasks, and I don't have any control over how different services or applications utilize my technology. However, if you believe that you are being charged for a service in a fraudulent or misleading way, you should report it and seek assistance from the appropriate authorities."
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2 years ago, David963963
I asked basic questions and it said it could not make predictions
I am giving it one star because this bot was advertised as an artificial intelligent capable of predicting or solving problems and it has not done any of that for me. Instead, it is only a query bot able to answer questions of things that are already know, so you will not be able to use it to help solve problems essentially. It’s basically just a google search but way better because it will consolidate your search results into just a simple answer.. but like I said earlier when u ask it to help you solve problems it doesn’t even try it simply reminds me that it cannot speculate. Sooo basically not so great plus you have to pay for this app lol.
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1 year ago, jlfigueroa
It’s recently crashing, now crashing less
Something is wrong recently with the app. It asks me to reopen the app and states that it's busy and they are experiencing some “down time”. To update to latest version which I have done or to wait 25 minutes. What is going on? This is too frequent for a subscription. Update The app has significantly improved especially the summarize text part that was continuously asking to wait for 25 minutes. Now unless it’s a very long text is working fine.
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2 years ago, Mohamed Elashri
I actually bought the app first. Then they make it free to download but you have to subscribe to use it. This is against Apple rules and I will have to report this greedy behavior from the developer to apple. They even use ChatGPT which is free for all people as a backend. This is also what ChatGPT wrote to describe this behavior I purchased this app a few days ago and thought it was great. Recently, the developers have made a greedy move by making all the features of the app available only through a subscription. This is completely against Apple Store rules and it is a complete ripoff for those of us who already paid for the app. Do not bother downloading this app, you will be wasting your money.
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3 months ago, TheTraumaHawk
Delete moving on
I have tried many similar products, I would Not recommend this one. I was searching for an AI keyboard when this app appeared, even though it lacks that feature. The new text-to-image function fails, showing a black screen after five attempts. To those rating apps based on getting something for free: welcome to reality. Quality products and services require investment to sustain and improve. Nothing is truly free; even free apps come with ads. I prefer paying rather than enduring ads. Find a good AI, like ChatGPT, and support it. Instead of paying weekly, opt for an annual subscription, typically around $40. Supporting good companies ensures they can continue enhancing their offerings.
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1 year ago, Kealees Mom🥰
Amanda Gouy
Love this app it is incredibly helpful in my every day life work, parenting, etc. I I am not sure how I’ve made it so far in life without this wonderful app and I am human not a computer however, in a digital world you have to have this AI app it’s a five star must-have. If you need any type of assistance in the real world secretary at home school every day life, this app will be your balance to get back to the real world and what we enjoy quicker.
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2 years ago, LaneCK
Love the Idea (Needs Improvement)
The app is really good idea to type random stuff and have the AI answer your questions or thoughts, but the two things need fixing are the bug where it pops up a notification saying there is an error either update the app or close it and try again later which is really annoying considering what your trying to type into the app. Another thing is have the subscriptions be cheaper because I don’t to have to pay $7.99 per month just for this AI app. Like maybe change it down to $3.99 monthly.
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2 years ago, Cadamo89
Needs some work
This app has a lot of potential. There’s definitely some kinks that need to be worked out, especially with the price of the subscription. After about a week of using the app, I got a notification that the app was experiencing issues and that I need to download the latest version. However, there is no update available at this time, and the app keeps telling me to “close the app and try again in 20 minutes or update to the latest version” when I try to generate a response. The other issue is that a lot of the responses form the app get cut off about half way through, or mid-sentence. It would be cool if the AI could remember the last question or prompt that you requested and elaborate on it in a second question or prompt. Hopefully the developers get the bugs worked out soon. Definitely having some buyers remorse with the app’s current performance.
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2 years ago, Tha Syndicate
I made the mistake of subscribing to this app, at the time not knowing that ChatGPT itself is currently a free platform online. If you look at the general menu in the app there is no option that even leads you to a screen where you can cancel your subscription. It feels like it was made for that reason, I’d be very surprised to find that the creators actually care whether people use this app or not. Their only interest seems to be funneling people (like I was) who don’t know that the actual platform is open, they’d like your subscription and seem to take advantage of the fact that some people will forget they pay for this! Sad.
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2 years ago, B Rye 34
Constantly crashing/ losing faith in this app
I downloaded this app a couple weeks ago to help with copywriting and resume building. It seriously saved me so many hours and headaches..when it actually worked. After using the app for a week I started getting a “unexpected error” message. I’ve tried everything including completely deleting the app and reinstalling (and paying an additional monthly fee AGAIN!), every single time it will work once or twice then crash again. So I’ve now paid $40, which should be enough for 2 months of service, for less than 1 week of service. Where can I apply for a refund. ???
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1 year ago, Hunnzy Channzy
i love it I love it I love it!!!!!!!!😳
Verse 1: In the land of the internet so wide, Lived a kitten who caused quite a divide, Some folks just loved her all cuddly and cute, While others thought she was just a pain in the chute. Chorus: Discord kitten, oh so sweet, Some say you're trouble, some say you're neat, But no matter what, we can't deny, That you bring joy to our digital lives. Verse 2: She romped and she played with reckless abandon, Leaving all sorts of emojis in her wake, But when the servers were down and we felt stranded, The sound of her purring made the world seem less fake. Chorus: Discord kitten, oh so sweet, Some say you're trouble, some say you're neat, But no matter what, we can't deny, That you bring joy to our digital lives. Verse 3: Though there were trolls and haters aplenty, She kept her chin up and always stayed
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1 year ago, yoss1 s
Every time I open the app it said “hello how can I assist you” and then it forces me into a page to get PRO version for $8/week or $50/year, with no X’s so I can’t back out for 20-30 seconds. After that it spawns in a small x in the top corner a very similar color to the background. Also it gives responses like ai which is helpful and better than google but when the responses are pretty long it stops and said “read more” and when you click on it it just says sight up to PRO. Makes it pretty unusable without paying an absurd amount of money($8/week by default = $416/year).
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2 years ago, Developer_7
Contact info
Hi I am looking to get in touch with the developer of this application I have a few questions. Is there an email or way I can get in touch I don’t see anything on the website or here. 5 stars for sure. Which is why I’m very interested in speaking with the developers. I think it would benefit well. I’m an Ai developer myself and have worked extensively on quantum system Ai development and i would really like to get in touch.
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1 year ago, Crypto-addict 😎
The app does not work as advertised
The app does not work as advertised. It is supposed to be a "powerful AI chatbot assistant" that can "understand and respond to natural language input, making it easy to communicate and get the answers you need." However, I have found that the app is very limited in what it can do. It can only answer simple questions and does not seem to be able to understand complex requests. In addition, the app is constantly changing its name. This is very misleading to consumers, as it makes it difficult to track the app and its development. I have noticed that the app has been renamed several times since I purchased it.
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1 year ago, trayJ1118
Super excited!
It has been a long time coming. I knew soon enough Ai would make it to us but I can’t believe it was this soon. Ai has become a unique and convenient way to help me learn and understand things that would have taken me so freakin long to figure out. Rather than call or message support- almost every one of the issues I was having with my online business have been resolved.
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2 years ago, Angry-pacifist
Please make the ai go for longer in the app
I have asked the ai a lot of literature questions and while I appreciate the fact of having to boil down my questions to get a concise answer. There are more times that not when the ai will just stop typing in the middle of an explanation. Please make the ai available to answer in a longer format at least as a paid option I’m already subscribed
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11 months ago, vy325
Helps a lot.
This app help me so much in understanding my schoolwork. I am so happy finding it. I tried other apps and they are not as good as this one. So if you’re struggling with your schoolwork, this is the app is perfect. It helps with science, essays writing, and text summarizing, so it cuts down on tussles time. It helps for me to understand APA Citation. You don’t have to hire a writing tutor. Thanks developer. Will there be an interactive audio to this part soon.
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2 years ago, Barty10YT
The developers lies deciet and greed.
This is just faking openai endorsement and more bad stuff This was said by “their” AI . This is a serious issue and I would recommend addressing it with the developers as soon as possible. It's important to ensure that all developers adhere to ethical practices and respect intellectual property. The first step would be to contact the developers and explain your concerns. Make sure the developers understand the implications of their unethical behaviour and the damage it could cause your company's reputation. Explain that their practices are in violation of open ai terms of service and you expect them to immediately halt any activities related to the ai model. Ask the developers to provide an explanation of why this happened and what steps they are taking to rectify the situation. In addition, demand that they alter the App Store page to remove any claim of being open ai-endorsed. By taking these steps, you can ensure that the developers abide by ethical practices and respect open ai's important intellectual property.
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1 year ago, benjigurbcam
app/robot person?☑️
• I use this app for everything. This app has changed my life. SO much knowledge & wisdom. This app in 3 different questions helped me find my dream career. And gave me ANY I mean ANY information I could possibly need. Seriously, this app if your using it for self-development & using it as a tool to be the best version of you that you can be.. You have everything you need right here. Do not sleep.
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3 months ago, Start63$
I think we definitely could beat the aliens if the ever existed with this app You guys can call me crazy, but because the extraordinary help I am getting from this AI app I began to stop by the app when I go to bed and type in Good night and thank you to the app cause ai feel like I have an Army full of professionals skilled warriors under my command 24/7 I love it and can’t move on without it.
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1 year ago, devinps
Freemium too bloated to use
Unfortunately, the free version is too bloated with ads and pop up advert disruptions to have any sort of user experience to determine if the premium is worth it. My chat with the bot is continually interrupted. I cannot even get through one question and answer exchange without ad disruption. It’s too bad. I might’ve paid for the premium if I could just use the freemium version normally. It’s one thing to have limited options and functionality with the free version. It’s quite another not to be able to use it because ads keep interrupting.
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2 years ago, Kmarysmith
Limited. Lots of wrong answers.
So so results. The answer you get depends on how you phrase your question. So far, I've gotten wrong addresses for local restaurants (after multiple attempts being as specific as possible) and as for song lyrics - don't bother. Once it's returned the song you were not asking for, it's stuck on that answer. Some of the other answers I double checked the old fashioned way were just flat wrong and inaccurate. Also, there needs to be a way to clear responses and to stop a response - especially when it's obvious the answer is wrong.
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1 year ago, JimWilson.BocaRaton
Desire Landscape Mode..
I generally have been pushing this app to the limits. /however, more and more, i’ve been using AI chat on my 12 inch iPad Pro. Unfortunately your app does not permit landscape. Apparently the app is iPhone ONLY. Would sure like you to adjust this app so that when a user turns it sideways, it’ll display properly in landscape mode. Otherwise, I think the app is a miracle in progress. If it weren’t for this landscape portrait mode business, it be five stars all the way.
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10 months ago, benkomonkeee
Great game but two things
Everytime you load in the game, this thing pops up where it wants you to buy something. It annoys me once I launch into the game. I have played this game a lot and it's keeps saying that. It just annoys me. Once you type lots of sentences into the chatbox, the thing also pops up again where it wants you to buy something. This game is really good, but you should remove those things so that it doesn't annoy me.
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1 month ago, Roseanna in Antelope!
Request for Assistance: Unable to Delete Multiple History Entries
I really like this app, but it doesn't let me delete multiple history entries at once, which can be quite time-consuming when I have to do it one by one. I would appreciate guidance on how to delete my history. I've contacted support, but it's been several weeks without a response. Could someone please get back to me regarding my inquiry? Thank you!
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2 years ago, charging😭
I am writing to express my extreme disappointment in your services. Charging customers money for something that is otherwise free online is absolutely outrageous! It's downright greedy, and it's a terrible way to treat loyal customers. It's unacceptable that you continue to charge us for something we can get for free elsewhere. Not only can other options provide us with the same service, but they do it without even charging a small fee. It's an absolute insult to be asked to pay money for something when it's clearly available for free elsewhere. Furthermore, the fact that your costs are minimal and that you are still charging customers for a free product is shameful. It's wrong to take advantage of customers in such a way, and you should be ashamed of yourselves. By charging us to access services that are free elsewhere, you are not only taking advantage of customers in a shameful way, but you are also showing no respect for their loyalty
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1 year ago, kayla @12345678910
Don’t have to pay
Ok so I’m 14 and have struggled to get assignments turned in and writing is not my cup of tea. So when I heard of AI I needed to get one and this is the perfect one the one thing you need to know first is that if you don’t want to pay then go to the left hand top corner is a X just press that and start typing away!!! Truly and time and life saver in to the future we so buckle up for the ride lol!
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7 months ago, Audibling2024
Works great but the billing is terrible.
I used this app for a little while, and then canceled it. Upon canceling the app took it upon itself to charge me for an upgraded version, even though when I open the app, it would tell me that I was not subscribed. This seems to be a pretty significant glitch. I’ve had to request refunds multiple times, because simply opening the app to check why I’m being charged apparently resubscribed me. Otherwise, super high-quality product.
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