Amazon Photos: Photo & Video

Photo & Video
4.8 (163.4K)
330.8 MB
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Current version
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Amazon Photos: Photo & Video

4.79 out of 5
163.4K Ratings
2 years ago, Trinity the Cat
Great to manage my echo slide shows
I’m able to make albums and even edit photos right in the app to fit the wide format of the echo screen. I can use the albums as slide shows on my echo devices so that each one is personalized. I can share photos remotely on my mom’s echo, this is priceless. She is 94 and really appreciates seeing the photos I upload for her. The app is not intuitive but I have been able to manage using it, and until I finally figured out how to get back to the main group of photos I would just exit out of the app and restart, but I have since then figured out how to do it. I don’t allow access to my entire photo library on my phone because I only want to upload certain photos and not need to search through hundreds of photos, sometimes it is a little finicky on that and I have to do it more than once. Sometimes later I’ll have duplicate photos. But even with those few minor issues still definitely worth five stars for the ability to share photos on all my echo devices.
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2 years ago, Robbinsk
It’s okay, they could fix some things.
Cons: I uploaded 7,000+ photos & the app is very laggy when I scroll through them. It frequently freezes so I have to close the app & re-open it to continue scrolling which is a pain to find where I left off & continue - knowing it’s just going to freeze again. The further into my photos I get, the more annoying it gets to re-find my place after a freeze. Second con is if you try to edit your photos through the app (basic stuff like cropping), half of the time it won’t save the image and you can’t exit so, again, you have to close down the app & reopen it & try again. If it doesn’t refuse to save it’ll starts to save, but will freeze halfway through “uploading” the saved image & yet again you have to close down the app. All very annoying. Pro: it saves a lot of space on my phone being able to upload all my photos (but not my videos because I would have had to pay for storage if I did that). I like how when you upload photos it automatically stores them in order to the time stamp on the photo & you can easily search by date. When I upload photos from my camera to my phone it sometimes jumbles all the photos around & when I upload them to the app it re-organizes the photos.
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1 year ago, Grootgirl100👋
I ❤️ this app, but…
I’ve had this app my whole life, and my whole family uses it. It saves all your photos/videos. When I think I lost them I can just look here. Also I love how in this app there is people, by that I mean it shows a list of people and you can see all the photos there in. That’s very helpful for me, also I find how you can do the location (find a photo that way) is very helpful. One more thing I like is that you CAN delete the photos added, like maybe you don’t like them, but they save to this app, you can just delete them. Now the thing I do dislike, when you press on the person, just photos show up no videos, which I find a bit annoying. Another than this, I love this app, and I 💯 recommend it. Especially for family. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy this app as much as I do ❤️.
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4 years ago, Black1304
Good when it works.
When it works correctly, this app is great. After I sign it, it usually works for 3 or 4 days, then will be stuck "checking" for x-amount of pictures, never loads them and then I either have to sign out and sign back in or delete the app and download it again. Then when I login, it's stuck on the login page for about 12 hours, then is on a blank white page for about 12 hours, then everything is fine and it works for a few days before I have to repeat the process again. I have some photos that it has never backed up and it apparently never will because even when I tell it to upload them, it gets stuck and they still never backup. But... for free... and unlimited storage... I can't be too mad. Update: the app has been working amazingly well, until iOS 14. Now every time I open the app it gives me the login screen, but I have to log out first or nothing happens. When I login, it acts like the first time I’ve ever used the app and tries to upload everything from my Photos. I have to reset my settings the way I want them and delete a bunch of pictures that have uploaded and been deleted previously.
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2 years ago, Missing_LeftPhalange
Really useful for storage! Subpar on interface.
I really needed somewhere to store my photos and videos, and already being a Prime user this was a no brainer. But man the interface isn’t great. It would be 1000 times more useful if you could upload images directly to an existing folder with it then also adding the uploads also to the general photo roll. Instead you have to upload them to the general photo roll, then go in to the album, and select them all over again to add them to the folder. It’s just feels like an extra step that doesn’t seem necessary. It also feels a little clunky the way the “search” “years” “people” etc bar auto appears/disappears when you scroll though the general photo roll. (Disappears when you scroll down to older photos, reappears when you scroll up to newer photos, why?) To me, it would be more useful for that to be sticky and accessible at anytime. Same with that “…” menu that lets you upload photos. That really should be around….always. So all in all, a useful app that could use some UI help.
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2 years ago, Synai14
Pure Photo Storage
At this point this app is purely for storing photos, which it does excellently. If you’re a prime member looking to free up space on your phone, this app is for you. But in addition to storage, I like to organize my photos. The latest major update has made it very difficult to do that. - First, the facial recognition has never been great. It’s always combined multiple family members into one. The plus of the old version was that I could manually override the person tag. Now, I’m stuck with whatever tag the app automatically assigns. This makes it difficult, as I like to make different albums for my individual children. Now my sons are lumped together under the same person tag and I can’t separate them. - Second, the user interface is unfriendly. It’s difficult to find any feature that’s not looking at a picture or a memory. The search function is cool as long as I’m not looking for a specific person (see my first complaint). Overall, I like the new streamlined look, but a menu bar wouldn’t hurt.
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4 years ago, kansas city kimmie
Photo recognition
I would like to be able to tag the people and just photos not under just where the people circle is because it doesn’t catch everyone in there I would like to be able to tag the people myself in photos, also it has automatically done a lot of duplicate photos so I have three and four of each photo in my photos I’m glad that I’m a prime member and it doesn’t charge me, and in the iPad app when I’m putting text on a photo and maybe I’ve done one or two it like will not save it so I have to start all over turn my iPad close the app or out and then try it again and it will take it I called about this and they told me to uninstall the app and reinstall the app I did that but I still have that problem on the iPad and on my desktop I was used to be able to put a photo frame with a color for Christmas red and green Halloween orange and now I cannot do that I’m sorry that they took that away I like that feature of putting a frame around my holiday photos
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5 years ago, WoodyKib2000
Great app. Needs a couple of changes though...
In albums there should be a feature where you can change your most recent uploaded pictures to be at the top on the album. It used to be this way. It has changed. Now all my recent pictures are at the bottom in the albums I’ve created and its a pain to scroll down 200 pics all the way to the bottom to see if I added it to the album. Please change this feature or at least add a feature for date taken or uploaded within the albums created. I know there is a feature like this under all the pictures taken but not in the albums. Please add this feature. Also, I’ve noticed when I add an article that I have screen shotted with my phone and add it to my albums of saved articles, it uploads in the album backwards. I get the last page of the article 1st in the album instead of last. The first page is at the bottom, not at the top. This feature definitely needs to be changed.
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5 years ago, CiaraSebecke
Love this - Please add multi-select option!!
As a photographer I love that this allows me to store high quality RAW files from the camera without having to pay for expensive cloud storage outside of my Prime membership!! Really awesome as other services do not store the full quality images. I also love the faces features and ability to search by what’s in the picture. I edit most of my photos on iPad so its great as I can just import them from camera and back them up here and my hard drive. There is ONE THING that is super annoying and should be fixed- the ability to multi select or select all. I dont want to back up every single item in my photos just the RAW photos and edited versions. So I have to manually select each photo which is so many when I do a shoot with 400 images for example. If I could hold and drag to multi-select or create albums in iPhone photos and choose “select all” it would make using this app a million times easier.
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1 year ago, SHABBA2NB
Has Potential
I want to like this app, I really do. It has the potential to solve so many problems. Right now though it seems to be stuck with assumption that everyone needs the same solution. Please change the default setting so that doesn’t immediately start uploading ALL PHOTOS! That being said, settings , or lack there of, is a big sticking point for me. I love the idea of the “family vault”, but I want to decide which photos go in the vault. Not just an all or nothing option. I would also like to be able to add folders/albums to the vault and even the ability to restrict access to those if I wanted to. My mother has issues with her eyesight, I would love to be able to simply add photos to the vault or folder/album within, assign her access to them and then have them show up on her Fire TV or her Echo Show device. If I have photos from an event and so does another family member, I want them to be able to add THOSE photos to my vault so that other family can view them. Customization is key.
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1 year ago, CarebearTeagan
Does not always work, does not seem to care
I have a large photo collection. I thought this would be perfect for back up and since I am a prime member it said I have unlimited photo storage. It started back up but then stops and leaves me with 3000 of my photos not backed up even though I leave it running for hours…it never continues with back up with no reasons given. I try to contact for support numerous times and never get any reply. Now I will have to find a different program. My advice is find something else if you have a large collection. I am doing a rerate of this, after a poor rating before still with no contact with me this program finally started working, do I am rescinding the 1 star I gave it and changing it to 4 star, it would be 5 if they had simply contacted me back when I was experiencing problems and worked with me, but they did seem to fix their program.
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6 years ago, Yuls24
Still have to use iCloud
* Review updated I started using the app after several days which were necessary to upload all the photos from my phone. There are definitely nice features. I like that the app offers you to look at the pics that were taken on the same day previous years. My biggest disappointment, however, is that the app backs up pictures as soon as they are taken (if wi-fi is available) and doesn’t update them if they are being edited. I take quite a few pics a day and, at the end of it, I edit the best of them. If they were baked up some time earlier in the day, they remain unchanged. I was hoping that Prime Photo could be a free (well, I pay for prime either way) substitute of iCloud, but, unfortunately, it can’t. As soon as I get a new phone, am I supposed to edit a couple thousand pics again?! *** I haven’t really started using the app yet, but I’m already frustrated. I have lots of pictures on my phone - around 8 thousand. I know it takes time to copy/back them up, but not that much! The app was running a few hours at night and several hours in the morning, it managed to back up only a half! My phone barely works when it’s running and they want you to keep the app open for it to work faster which means I can’t use my phone at all. I stopped myself from deleting the app several times already. I hope in a few days it’s gonna download all the pics so I could finally check out all the features.
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2 years ago, SaltySeaForestMe
I love it It would be easier if option to add important business card or I’d or document details automatically for like 2 sec smart scam and upload rather than hours of notes … recognize name addresses business etc please. Oh also please offer other easy and btw old now smart features such as smoothing a paper digitally ( like the white board notes used to) You should easily be able to straighten a page without manually doing it. Auto capture is great but not all pages will be exactly flat please allow for skewed or off angles folds etc and correct easily. A base virtual page down that matches the base color of the document would also be good. No one should see what color desk or copier the pdf scan or photo was taken on. Please try not to bleach out photos and address or other text when adjusting scan also… the whole thing should be balanced and legible and for legal documentation or identification the colors themselves are as important as the balance, clarity, and view ability of the facts. And optionally seeing the lighter shaded text say sunbleached or carbon or lighterhand poor copy etc and auto fill with appropriately tinted color text. Added feature to find missing words from carbon or lighter would be great.
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2 days ago, blugan
Great option for Weddings - friends can upload photos
Just used this for my wedding. Sent a link yo friends to upload their photos to and voila. Pros are being able to create albums and send out a shareable link. You can also upload while you sleep because it takes a while and you have to have the screen open so this feature is nice. Cons are it keeps asking to automatically sync, which I don’t want, You have to keep the app open to upload photos faster - could be user error right now, there is only 5g of video space so you need to pay to store more and like, what am I ever going to do with the videos anyway? But that’s a moral dilemma I suppose. Anyway, really great option for my wedding loved that it is included in PRIME with unlimited photo storage.
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3 years ago, Bobuhm
Expect frequent double orders
I have spent so much time having to correct an app flaw: normally, you ho through a sequence of screens to complete orders. HOWEVER, amazon’s app does this frequent bounce back before an oder is complete, and it returns you to the home page. Then, you are not sure if the order goes through. I have had to get credited 3x for double orders. And even if you contact them one minute after receiving confirmation of an order to cancel (I receive two separate Discover charge texts), they will say “Sorry we are unable to cancel the order.” Then, you have to go through the hoops of a refund and of explaining to recipients why they are getting two sets of the same photos. I know it is easy to blame app user, but each time it is amazon’s app jumping out of a sequence mid order. Other times, you’ll get a death spin of it uploading or processing, and I have had to turn off and back on my phone to kill it. iPhone issue? Both phone and app are up to date btw
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2 months ago, Panda7110
Great app but a couple of things
1. I wish the app could recognize which photos are already uploaded from your phone, and then also have a way to signify that it’s already in an album or not (Google Photos will have a check mark and such), 2. I wish the latest album you add wouldn’t be the first ones offered, but instead being able to favorite an album in case you have just that many more photos to upload you don’t have to scroll all the way down (and I’ve sometimes mistakenly as swiping down tapped on another album). Great app but it could be improved and better for a more efficient uploading experience. Google Photos is better so far tho if you’re looking for efficiency.
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1 year ago, FaerieOwl
Wonderful app
This app does a wonderful job of packing up all my photos off of my phone or my iPad. It usually does it automatically, but sometimes I have to open the app for it to back up all the photos. This is not a hardship, just one tap on the app and it opens. I wish in the People part of the app it would allow me to choose the pictures that it sorts into people’s names, because it always puts my sister’s pictures in my name and will not let me change that. For me that’s the only problem with this app. Otherwise I’m really thrilled with it. Update: For almost a year now the backup function is spotty at best. Some photos and movies get backed up, but some do not. If I take 2 photos of the same thing, one gets backed up and the other doesn’t. This makes it really difficult to decide what gets deleted and what doesn’t.
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2 years ago, Ali Absz
Nice for now but needs improvement in future
I like the app in general. The price is acceptable and is fast enough. I like the time reel and the face recognition is okay. I wish they had the location feature for pictures. Sometimes it’s easier to find pictures in a certain geographical location. Say you took a trip to a different country or you are looking for all the pictures you took at you mom’s place. The other thing they’ll need to add is a built-in software to help you pick best picture and delete similar ones when you are taking 5 pictures from your kids and look for the best one. It’s good for them too, drops the space each user needs easily 20% or more. I also wish there was a better desktop app to look at all the photos and have easier process fir mass photo download.
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5 years ago, stacker772
Solid mediocrity
So far, it is difficult for me to properly rate the app. I have been trying to back my photos up for a couple of days. I have just over 12,000. I left the app open overnight last night and woke up with 491 photos remaining to back up. I needed to send a quick text message, so I switched over to messaging, sent my message and promptly returned to the photo app. The count went back up to over 12,000 and the app now is “checking for backup”, counting down in the same fashion as when I started the process last night. As an added service to something I already pay for (Prime), it’s tough to complain but it isn’t doing what I need it to yet, so I need to maintain middle ground until I have some indication that it will ever back up my photos. It doesn’t do any background uploading, wifi or not, and I can’t just leave the app open all day. Each time I go back into it now, it starts over.
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4 years ago, Jsanch224
Only a few minutes and bugs are showing
I’ve only use the app literally like 15 minutes and I am so furious with this app. You’d think something with great ratings will be good but I am so disappointed. Let me tell you why. 1st as I was trying to upload photo for my Echo Show, the app decided it had to notify me through mid selection that it needed to update.. I lost my progress of selecting 30 photos.. okay no biggie I can reselect it. After it did what it did, I tried to reselect the same photo.. well where is the upload section? It’s hidden in settings.. why is this the location for such an important function? I had to google where it was FYI. Upon finding the upload section, I can’t access my favorites... at this point I’m starting to pull my hair. Desperately trying to get my favorites folder to show up, I close the app, delete some folders in my photos app, and kept trying to find a solution. To my surprise.. nothing worked. At this point I am desperate to add photos to my echo show because I have a party to host.. so here I am selecting photos with over 11k photos without a way to narrow it down... But the last thing, the very last thing that is making me frustrated.. is how much the scrolling jumps.. I’d be scrolling then all the sudden it jumps all the way down near below the center of photos.. this happened at least 4 times, until I need to write this review. I’m done with this app. Complete disappointment. ughhh I am so frustrated..
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3 years ago, Curryph
Mostly works
Update previous review: This app has undergone several revisions over the last couple of years and had improved greatly. Fantastic app! Original review: This app works well for photos and videos taken after the app is downloaded, but photos and videos taken before sometimes don't show the correct date. And there's no way to move the photo to the correct order or edit the date taken. I actually downloaded software to edit the "created" and "modified" dates to the files before uploading, but this had no effect. Also, some of the videos got stuck when uploading for a few days when I initially synced my phone.
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6 years ago, SushiCamiChar
Impressive App; Needs 1 fix
One thing would make this a 5 star review: Would love it if the picture was removed from the main photos page when you add it to an album. OR at least, the app needs to clearly show if the picture has been added to an album. Currently, there is no way to know which pictures I have placed in albums. This is very annoying when you have a thousand pictures to organize. Otherwise, love the unlimited storage of the ORIGINAL PICTURE SIZE with Prime membership!!! It’s TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! I’m just waiting for them to take that away (please don’t take it away). Was using paid Dropbox, but I don’t have enough room to upload at original pic size (although Dropbox gives you a lot of storage, pictures are large!). This is a wonderful membership perk and well worth it!
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2 years ago, Sharp115
Great App for Photos Overall
Great App for photos, love that it has the space for unlimited photos to make being a prime member that much more of a perk. The more perk options the longer I plan on staying a prime member. The only reason it is not 5 stars which it is really close to that is Google photos is a little more fun friendly as in making collages or videos with your photos to be able to share/post or the way you are able to edit Live Photos easier or share folders to extended family and have them add to the folder you shared. On trips/vacations with Google Photos we all put the photos all together from the time we were together in one folder and all have access just to that folder. Still, overall a great easy app to use.
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3 years ago, Jessrdh06
No app support
I have been in limbo since the beginning of April waiting to upgrade my video storage. The message I received stated that I had to wait until April 28 for my current subscription to run out and then I had to cancel and upgrade to the video storage tier that I need. I waited and waited and on April 28, my useless subscription finally expired. But I couldn’t upgrade my video storage! I thought I should give it a day. Still can’t upgrade my video storage. I tried to contact app support but it just takes you to a discussion forum. The information there states that you can cancel early and receive a prorated difference (would have been nice if your in-app prompt shared that info). It also walks you through upgrading your video storage. However, I still do not have the option anywhere in-app, via Web browser or Drive to upgrade my video storage as I have been trying to do now for weeks. So frustrating!
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7 years ago, Bjc1234
Hard to complain when it’s free
I shoot a lot of pictures so I need a lot of back up space. The unlimited space provided by this app provides an additional piece of mind for all my shots. The interface is a bit clunky and is a major memory hog. The other issue I have encountered is that it is no longer recognizing my canon raw files after processing them through Lightroom (CR2 files). The problem just started in the last month so I am not sure the issue. However this would be a major negative if it can’t store canon raw files. It’s by no means perfect. The information and instruction on use is lacking which in my case lead to a major error. In one case, I eliminated a folder on prime, only to discover that that action also deleted the original file on the hard drive. Luckily I had the raw files still on the memory card. In summary, if you are a prime member, you should absolutely use it. It’s another way to back up your pics at no cost. However if I had to pay for the service, I don’t think I would, at least not with current functionality. In conclusion, I feel like an ingrate complaining about a free service that I am using! From a value perspective, I rate it 4 out of 5.
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2 years ago, Kitiful
Need to upgrade space for videos but no way to do it
I have lots of photos and videos. It took a week to upload the pics and then most of the videos. I had 50 videos left that needed uploading yesterday so I wanted to upgrade beyond the $1.99/mo option since I already signed up for that. It says I need to upgrade to fit more but there is no way to do it no matter where I click. There were only 50 items left that needed uploading and then last night it all of a sudden changed back to needing to upload over 18,000 items. Is that going to take another week? It is frustrating because I planned on buying a new phone today so I wanted to delete the pics and videos from my phone to start fresh but now I don’t trust that I will have all my pics and videos saved.
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5 years ago, LunaVolt
storage could've improved since the photobucket days
k Its been real helpful so im sharing my thoughts, Ive been moving plenty since I was 15 y/o and I tried to keep storing on different platforms, and still the softwares seem to not take in account that is really thin percentage of world population that can afford the devices and web speed that u need to navigate all the options for this function of the internet(storage) desides thst. yeah it is a tiny bit less frustrating than apple and clud n so on. also remember that if you get account canceled ull lose ur stuff, but u can share a family vault so u got a backup and also two account with prime so u do get a sorta sense of privacy wich is pretty good. so yeah four stars.
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3 years ago, KasKas222222222
So far so good
It seems like a good way to store photos! Pretty straight forward and easy to navigate/access photos after they have been backed up. A few minor things are a pain, like when adding photos to an album, it doesn’t keep them marked as part of that album. So if you go back into all photos to add more to the album, there’s no way to tell which ones have already been added. The albums also aren’t organized by date of the photos in the album, they are organized by when the album was created, which isn’t very helpful. I’d prefer them to be organized chronologically. I only started using it a few days ago so maybe there’s a work-around that I haven’t discovered yet...all in all, a decent way to store photos.
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5 years ago, Casual skeptic
Comvenient And Easy To Use
I use prime photos to back up all my photos from all devices. This app makes it easy to view my whole library from my phone or iPad. It is also very simple to upload photos directly from my devices. Several years ago there was a sync function on the app version of prime photos that could make it easy to accidentally delete pictures from prime photos when you deleted them from your phone. That sync feature, as far as i can tell, has been removed from the app, so you can use prime as a simple backup rather than a mirrored drive like iCloud or 365. The sync version still exists when accessing prime photos through your browser, such as you would on your computer, but even there i turned it off.
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7 years ago, Elwood_37
Essential features missing
This is almost a great program. However, it falls short in a number of crucial ways. Firstly, there is no way to correct the many mistakes the facial recognition software makes. When it fails to recognize that an image contains a person, I can’t manually tag it. What’s worse, it frequently misidentifies two or three people as being the same person, and there’s no way to manually disambiguate. This is an essential function that must be added, and which competitor programs already have. Frustratingly, the facial recognition 'People' folders index only the photos uploaded by your own account. They leave out all the photos of the same people in the family vault. So it’s not a very useful compilation of all the photos of somebody. Thirdly, while this app allows manual album creation, your albums are stored only on your own account, and are not visible to anyone you add to your family vault. It’d be a huge bonus to be able to share albums with your family members. I’d also really appreciate being able to rotate a photo right in my account, without having to download it to my device, rotate it in a separate program, and re-upload it to prime photo all over again. With a few fixes, this can be an excellent photo storage program.
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5 years ago, Crazy71234
Great app til recent update, keep accidentally adding favorites to whole albums as I make an album
I really love your app except two is a long-standing complaint, that exif info including time&date&location, does download with pictures. The second is a new development since recent update. The “add to favorites” is right above the “add to album” tab. I’ve been careful only to hit add to album, and for some reason, it makes the whole album “add to favorites” and I can’t figure out how to remove that designation for one photo, let along a newly created album that has over 1,000 photos&videos...also, why isn’t the “add to album” on the top but you put it on the bottom? I don’t know who designed this specific change, but it’s not user friendly, especially it adding yo favorites when I’ve been careful to ensure I hit only “add to albums”. Please fix.
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2 years ago, BaabaakZ
Awesome but lack some critical features
I have recently moved all my photos and videos here, and I see it is missing some features that are very important to me at least. The most important one is the fact that I am unable to share the video files in different apps. It tries to share the video and generates a link instead of sending the file itself. Also, sending many photos together will result to the same behavior. I wish they add the capability, so I can continue using the app. I have used both google photos and MS OneDrive and they both have it. One other missing feature is that you need to download the photo to get be able to see the location information of the photos.
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2 years ago, crowdedfire
Removed text search
This is generally a great app with a great back end. They recently updated the UI and have inexplicably removed (or buried or hid in such a way that I can’t find it) the ability to just type a search term in the photo search. Now, if I want to search for a photo taken in a particular place or in a particular year, or featuring a particular person, I can only scroll and scroll and scroll until the UI chooses to show me a pre-defined button with the search term I want to use. Very irritating. I can see this new UI as useful if you have very few years of photos, very few family members, or very few locations, but it’s an incredibly annoying update if you’re a normal person. Please put back a text search box somewhere in the UI.
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7 years ago, Jaii7875
Best cloud app
That’s a true statement, let me tell you why. All the other photo clouds tell you that they saving us disk space by backing up our photos and saving them all in their clouds. Not true! They copy our photos , but when we erase our original photos from our devices they also get deleted from the clouds. They are not supposed to be just copying our photos, they are supposed to be saving them after we delete them from our devices. Otherwise where are we saving any space on our devices? This is the only one that I found that actually lets you delete photos from your devices and safely saves your originals. Therefore actually freeing up our disk space. Great app!
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6 years ago, Kricket35077
A great alternative for extra storage
With a prime membership this app is included, it has lots of storage space, but lacks in keeping up with recent photos. I have my photos in this app to scroll across my tv screen as a screen saver and I have seen photos pop up that I do not have anymore and had forgotten all about, they are very random. In which it is nice to see surprise photos but I’m more concerned with recent photos I have taken and they are there floating around in space somewhere. It is good to have for a extra backup, especially when my iPhone is constantly telling me to pay more for storage, not this gal, I will use other apps to save my photos that I can access anytime similar to this app. All in all I would recommend it
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5 years ago, Jinni9141
What a great thing.
I am in my 70s and realized that I had so many online photos between my phone, computer and tablet and I knew I should move them to a flash drive or something for my family but dreaded how long it was going to take me. Then I learned about this program. It is so easy because it does all the work. You don’t have to sit there saving pictures from one source to another. I told it to save the pictures that were on my tablet and within minutes it saved over 1000 pictures while I watched a movie. It adds any new pictures you take them automatically and you can edit pictures you have duplicates of etc. I think you’ll love it.
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5 years ago, treugnhipe
Love this App
I love the ease of use, the features offered have wonderful quality and as above are again easy and fun. I like that it backs up when you open it...and theirs so many ways to organize photos and videos and many options of what to do with them. Size of storage is reasonable and I have so many gigabytes of media not even close to maximum and I’m in the double digits. I do wish that when you’re uploading a lot of photos and such that you could do other things. Apparently you have to leave the application open for uploading. But the WONDERFUL QUALITIES of the app make up for it undoubtedly. I love this app and DEFINITELY RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE WHO LOVES PHOTOS AND VIDEOS AND NEEDS A NO FUSS PLACE TO STORE THEM!!! Kid friendly...
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6 years ago, FoodForThought!
Good, but needs work,
Overall, this is a pretty good photo app for those looking for an alternative photo App, which also contains decent editing and storage features. It does have annoying aspects to it as well, such as not being able to default to a selected Album, nor the ability to lock individual Albums. (Unless all pics are placed in the Hidden Photos section, which somewhat defeats the purpose) A few annoying bugs when it comes to storage or organization. E.g..Pics selected as Album covers are lost the moment you move new photos into that particular albums. Tech support is a little disappointing. Quick to respond, however not quite attentive to questions, issues or problem solving. Kinda felt like Robo Support. My suggestion would be to try before you buy!
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4 years ago, gb-dave-in-or
This app saved my life!
Ok, not literally, however, I had tried and failed with other options like iCloud, portable storage drives, and external flash drives. The first costs money, and could not handle multiple users, the second did not work with my phone, and the third died and may or may not be recoverable. Get this app before your current phone dies and takes your photos with it! Video storage is limited, but if you take lots of videos, you can pay to upgrade to a bigger plan. I think about the people who have lost everything in the recent wildfires. If they had this app, at least they would be able to reprint family photos later.
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3 months ago, Ladyladonna
My opinion
Totally love this App, it’s great knowing I can still keep all my photos. I love being able 2 go back a year ago & use those photos now! I always seem 2 run outta storage space in my camera roll & I can still keep them here! Still a great App, my new photos can stay safe here 4 many years, I totally recommend this App💯👍sometimes I have 2 delete this app bcoz of storage space but it’s never 4 long coz I love this app, I can always go back 2 the photos I love best & use them over & over 👍👍i so much enjoy this App, i love looking back @ my past posts & able to reuse them whenever i want. I will always keep this App.
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2 years ago, 1234456786
Could be better
Would be nice if the photos would upload while your phone was plugged into your charger instead of having to keep your app open. It is really annoying to get the notification that the app has to be open in order for it to download the photos. Also I really wished that the photos you choose to “hide” where actually hidden from plan site with a passcode and the option of a cover photo. People do have younger children that get on there phones and snoop around. You can not claim that it is “hidden” if you can see what type of photos they are!! For that reason I am giving this app a 2 star rating because you can do better but instead you choose not too!! I really hope that you put my thoughts of this app into consideration and fix these issues!!
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2 years ago, Onc Doc
Convenient way to back up photos.
MOST of my photos are automatically uploaded, but a few seem to slip by - not sure why, but it keeps me from deleting photos automatically. Wish there was more storage for videos. Overall, I am happy with the app, and find it easier to search photos here than on the iOS devices that I take photos with. update: I am disappointed that I can no longer search for my albums by name. I have created many folders, am annoyed that I have to scroll through to find specific folders. Especially irritating when I am trying to organize newer photos into folders - the albums are not in alphabetical order!
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3 years ago, Catharsis4
Another reason to be a prime member
For some reason I only recently learned about this app and service though I’ve been a prime member and photography enthusiastic for years. I’ve been having various issues storing high resolution and RAW photos (including not having a function involved computer at the moment). I was very excited to learn that this app was free was free with unlimited high resolution photo storage for prime members. Now, if only they would include more than 5 GB of free video storage too! So far the the interface has been smooth and easy to use. I’m a big fan of all extra benefits that Prime Membership includes. It makes me much more likely to close continue to pay for Prime. 💙💙💙💙💙
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4 years ago, Tvasilik
BEST app to backup photos!
This is the best app I’ve ever used to backup my photos. I take about 10-20 pictures every single time I’m taking a photo. I also take tons of worthless screenshots. By using this app to backup my photos I’m able to keep every single one archived and then keep my photo library on my iPhone cleared out. The initial backup took about a day. I had 31,000 pictures. Excessive I know! But now it takes only a minute per day to backup the new stuff. Love love love! I hate backing up with iCloud and tech support suggested google photos as an alternative. I hated that app. It also doesn’t keep the pictures full resolution. Try this out, you won’t be disappointed!
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8 months ago, theoutlawscumbag
Does what it says ot does
It's a little awkward to use and some of it just does not seem really geared toward the user's experience as an app, but they claim to be a storage place for pics and videos. I take photos for my son's baseball teams and can post lower res shots into the team social media and keep the full size stored here and share those albums to the families that want them. It is not terribly accurate with facial recognition, but it is not horrible and speeds up the process of pulling the pics of certain kids together for their parents. Im guessing it would probably do a better job of they were not all wearing the sane thing and smearing eye-black all over their faces and wearing ski-goggles for sunglasses.
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3 years ago, Esmit093
Could use some Tweaks
I love that I can store all of my photos (and videos) in one spot, it’s fantastic. I also enjoy the look back in time of the photos as well. I’ve been all over the world with my travels in the Navy etc, but a lot of those photos don’t have their metadata updated and I’d love to be able to edit the location, that is the ONLY downfall of the ap, that and the clunky deletion process (if I have too many of the same video/photo) I’d like an easier “select all of the same” type process or even not having to click each and every photo/video (it’s tedious). Otherwise it’s a great ap and my go to which I’m moving all of my photos to from Microsoft cloud
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6 years ago, Sir3nsong
Easy to use, but lacking some features
I really appreciate the ability to easily backup my photos. I also like the idea of it recognizing people; however that feature definitely needs work. The app routinely ‘recognizes’ non-facial things as people. If I go in manually and remove whatever name it has attributed it to, it simply chooses another person. There really needs to be a way to tell it that isn’t a person. I would also love a way to categorize photos by subject matter (places, pets, etc), so I could easily find a photo I was looking for. Most other apps I’ve used have these abilities. All that being said, I can’t complain too much, as it’s unlimited photo storage and comes included with Prime.
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7 years ago, emyopdx
Really really great photo storage but...
This app works wonderfully 90% of the time. Open it up, it automatically scans phone and saves all photos and videos, then you have great access to your entire library wherever you go! However every once in awhile it will get stuck. Like really really stuck. Will need to delete app and re-download. This is an excruciating process because then it needs to scan the whole photo library again. Another issue is it will "miss" videos (usually not photos) in the auto scan that you will have to manually upload. Overall I love the ease and functionality. My husband and I log onto the same account and can see all our pics in one place.
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7 years ago, Wealth Creation
App times out often ...
I wasn’t even aware that I had this feature from Prime which is a cost saver & bonus. I use an iPhone that really needed more space so I just wanted to store them easily rather that purchase additional cloud space. This task became so laborious. My app timed out several times. It really could not cope with uploading, verifying & deleting more than 50 pics at a time. I went to bed leaving it to upload only to become more confused as to which pictures I could delete off iPhone🙁. I’m still doing it 3 weeks later because it keeps timing out. So now I have to keep going back & forth between app & pics b4 deleting. As one reviewer commented “it’s FREE”. Oh, I forgot, the above comments does not include uploading videos. I am too scared to start if pics took so long.
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6 years ago, gpelican58
Needs some work.
I like the program overall so don’t get me wrong. I like that it can recognize faces and place those photos under the correct person you have named. The problem is that every once in a while it places the wrong photo under the wrong person. That in itself is not the issue as no software is full-proof in this regard and it is to be expected. The issue stems from the fact that that once this happens, you have NO way of moving that photo to the appropriate person’s folder and can be quite frustrating. If I’m missing something here, I would appreciate some hints on how to correct but till then that flaws appears to be this app’s Achilles heel. I would have given it a higher rating to be sure if not for this serious shortcoming!
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