6 months ago, elyn5
Awesome! Glad you’ve made it tricky! But not TOO glad…
Because whenever I play the game, it feels tricky, then trickier, trickier and so on. Well, OBVIOUSLY it is tricky ‘cause, I mean, if the game was simple, it would be like: you’re on level 37, and then, hooray, you won! How many shots did it take? And you answer: 0. Just plain 0! Can you believe it! I won!! NO, NO, NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! But I would also like it for y’all to make a little bit simpler? Y’know, for the sake of those who love AB but aren’t really that good at it? But, for those that DO know it? Come on! Make it, at least like, in the middle. Not too hard, not too simple. Just, like, in between those 2 options. But make it hard & simple (in the middle) (at the same time), please. -Luciana, a 10-year-old girl who LOVES the games, but the show, ehh, not too much. (more or less on the show).
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