Army Men Strike: Toy Wars

4.4 (114.3K)
723.2 MB
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Current version
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Army Men Strike: Toy Wars

4.44 out of 5
114.3K Ratings
6 years ago, st cloud fl
Fun for all
From the beginning of the game they give you a chance to build up and survive amongst the other players by early on unlocking a piggy bank allowing you to keep resources if you are attacked. Now let me say now at a level 23 command that bank doesn’t do much but in the first few days that helped me keep my drive on building and gathering resources. What pushes me now is my great corps that I’m apart of they help protect me and others on the battlefield and help keep peace and order during the week but on the weekend expect pure chaos. Be prepared to put a shield and wait to the weekend is over to gather resources outside of corps gathering plot or else certain death may come to your troops. With all the things that have changed and happened with this game over the year or so I’ve played it I give it 4 stars it’s fun and frustrating at times but what’s the worst thing that can happen is you lose your army and resources oh and don’t forget the flames you have to look at if you get attacked to but other than that this is a long term fun strategy game I love and recommend to my friends all the time. Occasionally there are bugs but I report it to the devs right away and they usually take care of them in a day or so. I’m happy to play this game all the time and will continue. Have fun gaming
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6 years ago, JNasty. AoH
My Thoughts on the Game
Let me start off by saying, I’ve played these types of games ever since Game Of War came out. So I know what should be done and how things should work. I have this game 3 stars because it still has simi slow servers and there are tons of small glitches and some pretty big glitches as well. Some small ones are, when you first port somewhere you don’t have a tag and people think your tag less, which is fine just a glitch but a big one I’m noticing with everyone is that sometimes you will have all your troops home yet when you go to send them somewhere, their simply gone. This happened to me while I was out attacking a hive, after about 3 attacks the game did a little lag and suddenly my troops disappeared I couldn’t send them out yet I had all my power. To fix this you have to reset your game, but what if I’m not done attacking and when I reset my game I big guy comes in and zeros me. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on this game. If that were to happen to me I would be all over. Complaining a storm. Also while your in the chinook if your being attacked your screen isn’t red so you have no idea if your being attacked, you should add that. Thanks for reading and please fix the troop glitch because I’m noticing it more and more. If I changes I’ll make this a 5 star. Cause it’s a really cool game just needs updating in the right places
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5 years ago, Nit£ Owl
The company offers special packs and items to other regions which unfairly forces US and European Countries to spend more money to remain competitive while also giving those regions packs at decreased prices which causes an unfair advantage. They falsely advertise packs on sale and increase the price, while removing items from packs which have been purchased. I lost 1,000s of supplies from a pack I purchased to be told by developers it caused unfair advantages while They continue to increase the price of packs while decreasing the items essentially increasing the cost to remain competitive. The lag and constant glitches remain an issue and developers do nothing to fix it, which cost me to be zeroed out and requires me to spend more money to return to my position. Quest have been given to other regions and fields which gives better items and unfair advantages while costing others more money. They continue to violate their own terms of service as well as googles/Apple terms of service by profiling regions and customer service refuses to respond and bans players for requesting refunds or explanations due to the reasons listed above. Since April of 2019 over 200+ players have asked for refunds through google/Apple. Do not play this game it’s not worth it.
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5 years ago, bossmandan1818
Okay I have been playing this game for a year and a half, it was extremely fun at first if you have great people around you in game! Okay Now i was hooked fun nice people to talk to play with and build with against other players, then all a sudden guy emerged with much more power then any one of us obviously he Payed big bucks to get there! well i felt okay hes a big bad dog now but we have the numbers behind us and we will catch up eventually if we keep on going about maybe spend a little here and there and sure enough we were slowly but surely catching up! Then Boom an update put the Big spender out of our reach again but okay a small set back they surely cant keep this up! so hey i started to put some serious bucks into it became addicting and now im thousands maybe tens of thousands dollars deep and now finally im considered a player that is able to be part of the Big spenders league and compete with the big players, then BOOM more and more and more updates which make the big spenders soend more until they cant or wont and raising prices on everythings making it near impossible if your not a millionaire! So to this i say AMS dug their own grave and they better hope to get millionaires to keep their game alive or change everything completely because as of now its simply a “Pay to Play” game if you want to be on the game as a competitive player, if you dont spend big well youll just be a farmer! smdh this game went wayy down hill
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5 years ago, redleg_rebel!!
The so called support here is a joke!!!!
Let’s start by saying this game is fun and can be a blast....but when it comes down to glitches in the game and issues brought up specifically about your own account, like loosing officers randomly, not being able to change officers in the military exercises and other items that just have issues the support team here is ridiculous!!!! They were rude when they finally responded with something other than a auto response and that’s after I sent a few emails about the continuing issue! They haven’t responded to emails about recent issues and just the lack of care definitely shows here! If it wasn’t for these issues I’d say I’d prob give the game a 4star maybe even a 5star rating. But when the support isn’t helpful at ALL!!! I can’t and I refuse to give the rating when it’s just not there! I hope this might get them to fix their issues and become more user friendly! It’s been 3 days since reporting my issue and they refuse to respond by any means at all, and I have the screen shots to prove it.....they honestly I don’t see this game lasting much longer....ITUNES SHOULD REMOVE THEM FROM THE STORE! It’s that bad now!!! And yes this isn’t the first time they haven’t responded, and honestly looking at the terrible reviews that have spanned over the past year I’m amazed the game is still even available and hasn’t been removed!!!
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6 years ago, JayC65535
Needs improvement
I originally gave it four stars, but the more I've played it, the less impressed I've become. After you've gotten through the first *fun* levels, you spend most of your time (or money) on waiting for or speeding up upgrades. And the actual RPG game aspect hasn't been terribly satisfying. Those games tend to end really quickly or they're impossible—there's very little in-between. I just won two or three battles easily and now I'm waiting to upgrade all the dependencies to upgrade the Chinook helicopter so I can get a few more levels, and I just spent the last hour doing the same thing to get to the areas of the battles I just won (not to mention the $$$ spent to speed up upgrades)! If this pattern continues I'm going to give up on the game—I'm not that patient. I'd prefer many more levels and I wish the levels were bigger. Requiring upgrades of multiple things to get to only two or three pithy levels that aren't that hard to win is too tedious to be a game. There are side quest games, but they aren't all that satisfying, either. That being said, there are plenty of other potentially interesting co-opt aspects *that are not explained terribly well* that may make this game worthwhile. I've only been playing it for half a day or so, so maybe its something I've missed.
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6 years ago, JinxMusik
Money glitches money
I started this game many months ago and absolutely love the game play for the most part but then you enter the money trap. Quickest way to level up is spending real money. Still not that big a deal so you spend some here and there.....until I discovered many issues along the way....some purchases would be charged and we wouldn’t get what we bought at which point customer support gave many people a “I’m sorry but without a screenshot of the purchase we can’t help you.” So word of advice screenshot everything. The glitches in the game are extensive. From people not getting their purchases to people losing shields in the middle of deep battle after having put a three day shield up among many more things. Then I discovered on a new field you can’t level up or get several basic things without spending money. I’m all for if you want the do things quicker or get a luxury item, pay money but for basic game play it’s ridiculous. So you get sucked in and spend money then when you are finally sick of the money trap, you’ve spent so much money at that point that you feel like you can’t just quit and throw it away. So enter this game with extreme caution. It’s a money trap wrapped in game glitches covered with the worst customer service I’ve ever dealt with in a game.
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5 years ago, The-Big-Stick
Fun game, but company is a scam
Love playing this game, have been playing it well over a year in my down time. But recently I had an issue with a package I purchased on here where the title of it said “contains 10mil commander XP” well I snagged it. But after buying it I realized that it shorted me on that amount by half... Well needless to say I contacted support, which are usually helpful. But this time I was met with nothing but straight up idiocy, spent literally the past week going back n forth with them on the subject, each time they seemed to be just ‘stupider’ (yes I know it’s not a real word)... and now I have just told them to screw it, I have to now contact apple to get me a refund because this company can’t honor fixing an issue with there FALSE ADVERTISING on in app purchases.. will change this review if something changes on this companies end, but if I have to get it fixed through apple.. well then here it shall stay!
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6 years ago, Sasquatch45
Glitch City
I’ll start off saying I have put hours per day and around $2000 in this game. I am tried of waiting for the game developers to reply to me with anything but a simple “thanks for letting us know” regardless of how much money you have lost to their error. So if you desire a great game I would keep looking. If you decide to start playing or keep playing here is what you have to look forward to. This game is full of nothing but glitches. As the developer tries to repair them they create more by not thoroughly testing new aspects of the game. The latest glitch wouldn’t even let me get onto the game for almost a week. Then as payment for “their issues” I received $100 pack when it would clearly cost $500 to rebuild. They bring back old events after they have deleted any items that you may have carried over like Christmas, thanksgiving, and so on. Come on a Christmas event in May. I guess the biggest issue I have with the game is the updates. Google play users receive updates that include new game play features sometimes a week before iOS users. This can give A huge strength advantage to your opponents just because of the type of system they use. Of course with any pay to play game you will always see some kind of imbalance do to money spent but never because of the device you play on. I just believe this is more trouble then it's worth.
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6 years ago, Archang3l333
This game needs tiers
I understand that some people like to pay to play these games.... and while I like to pay for some games I will not pay big money to just be able to play a online phone game... sorry just not my thing. You need to tier the game so people with similar power levels can battle it out instead of people paying to level up quick and just attacking others. Also there needs to be a cool down period between attacks. When you get slammed with attacks 10+ in a half hour by the same person it’s pointless. The only way to defend against that is to have a shield which cost money. Since you get minimal defense shields during normal game play. Or to have a huge power level which is doesn’t mean people won’t gang up and still do the same thing..... getting attacked and having to defend is apart of the game but the current system doesn’t allow for fun or fair gameplay. If this doesn’t get fixed I don’t see this game going too much further. As your rating will continue to go down. Which is sad because it’s a decent game but others will be made and they will hopefully have a better flow to the gameplay. Hopefully you listen and fix this issue. I will not spend money on a game with uneven gameplay just to be able to play at a basic level
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6 years ago, Salmonherder
Highly recommended
I’ve very much enjoyed this game! It is very intuitive, yet complex enough to require strategy and planning to be successful in the various events and challenges. The constant flow of events keep the game fresh, and the various perks (corps boss, corps resources, etc.) of belonging to a corps make playing the game with others a cooperative pleasure. I’ve appreciated the various aspects of regular game play, such as the acquisition and training of officers, upgrading your buildings and troops, and attacking other commanders in the battlefield. My biggest problem has been that I have so much fun, I struggle to keep from getting sucked in and spending time away from other, more important things (family, work, etc.). I definitely recommend this game! One suggestion for the developers - the game is marketed to a male audience, which is fine. I think that female consumers may enjoy playing, but may be put off by the appearance of the female officers in the game. The game may have a broader appeal if the women officers were more appropriately attired and presented more as equals than as objects of a young boy’s fantasies. Just my two cents...
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6 years ago, TR3NDK1LL3R
So close
I really like this game and I have even spent money on it, more than any other game I have ever played. It bothers me that even though I have spent over $100 in this game, I still never have enough resources, research takes forever, building defense facilities takes forever and then I get hit and it’s all gone have to start over. I just feel like the rewards are lacking especially when a player pays money. I bought the $20 pack for 5x officer day, I cashed in 18 premium signets and 7 silver recruit signets and got no new officers and was only able to rank up 2 of my existing officers and they were already the highest level....waste of money. The events are always the same, and the rewards usually don’t outweigh the cost. If I participate in deep battle and have to use 9 random teleports and 12 8hr bubbles, I should get enough to replace some of that. Also this game is way too lop sided, even with the money I have spent, every deep battle I come across someone that is 10 times my’s getting old but I’m invested at this point. Like I said, I do really like this game but it needs some balance.
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4 years ago, reviewer382936372
Pay to Play
Even though this game is awesome and I do enjoy it. It is definitely a pay to play game. I’ve been active for 3 years, every once in a while I put 20 bucks in, one month I put almost 300 in (I know, I’m ashamed don’t judge me) I heard Asian players get super discounted packs which would make sense since they rule all the battlefields. You can always play this game and spend nothing, but you will never grow. Can’t compete in events because the bigs take all the good prizes. And some events you could never even compete in! They require 1000s of days worth of speed ups. It’s fun but after a while it isn’t anymore because you can’t compare to the multi billion powered players out there. Then when players drop out they will merge the fields. Keep merging till you are left with super active and powerful people. Bubbles are required 24/7, doesn’t matter how you start in a battlefield, once merging happens everyone fights and everyone will be a victim. I’ve finally given up on this game, after more then 3 years of playing it. I even have a second account but I kicked it from the Corp and I attack it so no one else can get rewards from it. It’s a shame. It’s all about the money. And glitches happen all the time that they don’t reimburse you for so be prepared to have your bubble magically fail!
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6 years ago, will2543
Honestly, unbalanced but fun
Welp.. I really don’t know where to begin... came into the game and joined a team(Corp) and love it.. all got along and there were other corps. Spent a few bucks building up my base and researching new troops. The top ten Corp have an “unwritten” truce between them and we became the tenth Corp.. the unbalncing comes in when you spend weeks.. weeks.. building up a base with your mates (50 players) and get the base to level 12-13 with benefits for all inside the base.. then an unsportsmanlike player comes in (that you had a truce with) and destroys everything.. weeks of work... 70-80 percent of the players in your base.. and then, it’s all gone.. literally. No more base. Spend money to build it back up quick or you just get attacked again.. level 1. I think the devs need to rebalance the game. I mean weeks of work gone in about 15-20 mins. I believe they need to bring our base down to half the level (level 6) instead of dropping it down to 0 from 12... I don’t understand why you would have players work their butts off building a base all for it to be gone in a few minutes.. give us a chance. Otherwise, the strongest will keep playing and no one will ever have a chance for redemption.
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6 years ago, Mtnman760
Glitches galore do not download
I have been playing since November 2017. The glitches are ridiculous. They end up hitting at a horrible time and it ends up costing you ridiculous amounts of resources to repair the damage done, that means you have to pay money. The worst of all the glitches is when using the aegis (aka a bubble of protection). You set a 24 hour aegis and in less Han 24 hours you are getting hit and zeroed. Complaints to the developers go unanswered. The MODs can only do so much and you never know who they are on your Battle Field. They are more concerned with making money then having a fair and balanced game. They are constantly doing inter server battles and pairing very weak battle fields with ridiculously powerful ones. This forces players to spend ridiculous amounts of money to even play. The game is no longer fun....I would rather play Angry birds. To me, this game is a scam and borderline fraudulent with how the developers change things to force people to spend money or quit and loose out on the money that was invested. When you do make complaints about glitches they expect you to have a screen shot of the glitch. It takes them on average over 10 days to respond and it’s always the same generic reply. They merge battlefields in deliberate ways to force the players to either quit or keep spending money.
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6 years ago, archangel-3
While becomes very dissapointing
This game had a good shot at been better than Game of War, however the developers have really done a horrible job at supporting the game play and its customers. While we understand that this is a business, the developers greed have turned this game into a farming game rather than a truly immersive battle experience. The events they sponsored every day and weekends are not supported by the packs the offer. The packs they offer are too expensive players think twice before participating in battles because the developers maintain an unfair balanced between supply and demand, forcing players to become farmers rather than soldiers just sell expensive packs with very low quantities of items....and sometimes useless. The officer exchange is rigged in a way where you have a better chance of becoming a pope than getting anything good. Most the officers they have....never appear chances of getting them is impossible. Events like deep battle are useless because the packs offered to support the vent are worthless... ex. If we are in deep battle... wouldn't make sense to have packs that provide speeds and enough rss for people to fight and recover more? Isnt that how you all make money?..... think about that and stop being so bias to asian players. Thank you
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6 years ago, coolguy10101010
Used to love this game
I’ve been playing this game for over a year. I used to love this game, and joined a good corps. I had a monthly subscription to receive certain perks, and often bought packs with resources, speed ups, and other in game rewards. I probably spent over $1,000 over the past year. However, the developers decided to realign the battlefields, and migrated corps to our battlefield that were literally 10x the size and power of our corps. In fact, all the top players from ALL the corps in our battlefield joined together into one super corps to try to resist the new corps, but they are still 50% smaller in members and power. The new corps are so powerful that you cannot join unless you are level 30. So nobody can join them. The new corps do not abide by any of the old rules the battlefield had agreed upon not to attack during the week. They attack every day, and many players have quit. Because you cannot keep your aegis up 24hrs a day unless you keep buying them with real money, you cannot keep your resources or troops. So you cannot advance or grow your command center anymore. So there is no point to play anymore. The only way to fix this is for the developers to undo the migration, and send the new corps back to their original battlefield. Otherwise, i will quit the game.
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5 years ago, /-KillFace-\
Nothing like the original
Recently, for whatever reason, I started to reminisce about being a kid and playing the Army Men game for the original Playstation console and remembering how much I loved that game. I believe a big part of why I loved it was because it was simple. You get a certain amount of plastic that you can choose to use to build either army men soldiers or tanks or barriers or just whatever you think you'll need to defend your area for that certain level. This game is really nothing like that and suffers from the same thing almost all mobile games suffer from these days, where it's unnecessarily overly complicated and has so many different little in-game items that you can purchase, using real money of course, that you have no idea which items will actually be helpful to you in the game and which ones are just there for show and don't really serve a purpose. I played through one level of this game and the amount of crap available to buy using real money is unreal and ridiculous. I just wish they would make an Army Men game that was simple like the original. Until then, I wouldn't recommend falling for the nostalgia trap that this company is trying to set with this game.
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6 years ago, Josh1331245
1 star is the best I can do.
I have been playing for over a year, and by far one of the hardest games to deal with. Constantly having to talk with administrators to fix issues and constantly asking for stuff back from glitches that happen on a regular basis. Currently you can’t open the game we are locked out of the BF. This is just one of the issues that constantly keep happening the game lags during fights you lose more then you gain and most the time you have to buy stuff to even stay afloat. If you don’t your BF ends up growing to fast and you face other BF’s way stronger so the game ends up being FarmVille for smaller players. I wouldn’t say I’m small by any means I come from BF 189 and I am a T1 HQ but we face BF with power way over even what the top guy is. The admis have a tuff time understanding and can’t really do anything about issues that you have, they just say “they will talk with the developers and try and make the game better” but nothing changes they are interested in making new things for the game rather then fixing issues that already exist. If they would take the time to work on ongoing issues they could make It into a lot better play. If your still reading I would recommend trying out a different game.
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6 years ago, Destroy Tan
Account banned after Update!!!
I have enjoyed playing this game for over a year now and spent quite a bit of money on in app purchases. Today I do an update and the next time I login it says I have been banned. I did absolutely nothing wrong. Fix this so I can continue playing. If not I will discourage everyone I know on social media from playing this game and spending any money at all on this. ****Update the issue of me being banned has been resolved in a timely manner, the only thing that has not been resolved is the 150,000+ level 10 troops I lost while banned. I am certain that the developers can and will resolve this soon as it has cost me quite a bit of progress with people taking advantage of me while I was down and out. I have since spent over $400 to try to regain my troop levels and improve my command so any help towards that would be greatly appreciated. I will change my rating to 5 stars once his issue is been corrected. Thank you for a great game a fast customer response.
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6 years ago, Honest outlooker
Game play
Had a blast learning to play the game but after a little while you see that players that pay to play is killing the little Corps. There are so many people playing the game that makes it fun but so many that attack which gives the little guys very little time to build and has driven a lot of players away after starting the game because there is no protection for the lower players unless you spend money. Having battles and times to attack is great but when you have larger groups attack all the time there is no way to upgrade. Instead of making it fair game on anyone it should be applied that if your corps wants to be apart of the battle grounds then they are allowed and not protect the higher corps because the larger corps should be challenging each other not beating the little corps down. Game can be fun but game play needs to be fair against people who pay to play and not the ones who just enjoy the game as a fun time. No likes to play a game which no always get beat and now wanting to limit the corps to build the higher Corps up instead of putting the higher Corps against each other to really see who the best Corp is and not just being bullies to the little corps.
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5 years ago, Matt8901
Games like these
The game started out pretty fun because everything you purchased was not overly priced and it wasn’t bad investing in it but then as updates began to come out. It seems like the game just goes downhill. All the restrictions they started setting like, you cannot transfer this item or that item makes you wonder what were they thinking. They try to come out with new events and all but it’s quite the same, it’s no longer gears people who plays this game but clearly towards making more money. If you have thousands of dollars to pay for leisure, you might enjoy it a little longer. Otherwise, you’ll be bored in no time. All the discounts they put out for the packages are actually not discounts anymore as you play this game long enough. After you reach a certain level, you’ll required to spend more money just to upgrade because certain items will require you to pay just to upgrade. And you’ll probably need to spend a few hundred dollars to do so. I guess I did have my fair share of fun in the beginning but now it’s just log on, and colllect and go offline. No longer having that crazy addiction and want to spend more since you realized their intentions.
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5 years ago, Cradzydays
My thoughts on the game
First the incentive to get everyone to write a review was tankman. This is a worthless hero and benefits no one. Second the game is lacking servers or the knowledge to accommodate for the mass amount of players in the game. Which results in the lose of troops and resource. To include ghost marches that prevent the ability to shield. Lag time in between screen changes. Third your unfairness between China and the rest of the world. You were called out about favoring the chines players over everyone else with bonus packs or reduced priced packs. You denied doing this until proof was submitted with screenshots of the the packs that were bing offered in China. This resulted in many players everywhere else receiving refunds from packs they purchased from google play and iTunes. Then you mailed everyone saying those players are moved out of the servers to there own field and that we won’t ever see them again but yet we still see them on the field with screen shots of there purchasing items still reduced. While ares are not. For this I give this game a two star Psycho077 BF289
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6 years ago, grumpy62020
The best of the best!
This is the only game I have ever rated and I’m only doing it because it really deserves it. This is an amazing game that uses strategy, and skill and everything in between. The customer service is also great. If the servers are down or you have a problem, after you report it, it is almost always fixed within 1 day. They also give compensation rewards all the time. I’m one of those people that play a game for a while and then get tired of it and delete it, but I have played this game for a year and it is still amazing. One of the best parts is that there is absolutely NO ADS!!! They also don’t pressure you into using a ton of money on the game. I have spent no money and I am still really good, so you don’t have to pay to win (although it does give you a little advantage if you do). All in all it is the very best game I have ever played. I strongly recommend this game for anyone looking for something new! Hope this helps!
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6 years ago, Driller76
Customer support is no help
At first I really liked playing this game and would have given it 5 stars, but later on I started noticing that the game is mostly about money. I started losing shields or aegis as they like to call them, during deep battles, weekend sweeps and customer support would never do anything about it, always some excuse about needing screenshots of everything and then I send them a screenshot of this last attack when I had a shield up and was given another excuse. This is by far some of the worst customer service I have ever seen anywhere. So if you are thinking of downloading this game, think really hard about it because unless you like spending lots of money and receiving absolutely no help at all from customer support I would not do it. There are plenty of better games out there that you do not have to spend lots of money and their customer support actually tries to help you!
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2 years ago, bellattrice
The devs are criminals and Apple doesn’t care
This game is run by criminals who get away with it because Apple does not hold them accountable and the players are too financially invested to walk away. Most recently they released a pack that was an excellent deal. Just about everyone bought it. The next morning they sent out a mail stating the advertised pack was wrong and we’ve gone ahead and deducted the items from everyone’s account (equating to about 98% of the items purchased). No refunds offered. If refunds were requested they’ve told players to contact Apple (or google) to receive the refund but they warn that if you receive a refund you are at risk of being blacklisted from the game. What?!? I followed the proper protocol and Apple has denied the claim. They don’t even have a function to upload supporting documents. This is the most blatant display of bait and switch that I have seen and Apple is backing them up. Google did the right thing and is offering their customers refunds. If you are considering trying this game do yourself a seriously big favor and DONT.
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6 years ago, Bambam20161
Would give 5 stars but......
This game has the fun potential of a 5 star game, but the greed and customer service give it a 1 star rating. It’s basically built to where you must continually spend money to grow fast and survive as those who spend money can ruin the game altogether. I have contacted customer service two weeks ago about a glitch and supplied numerous screenshots, over this time I have kept messaging and still have not been contacted back. They either ignore you or tell you it was a “display glitch” just so they don’t have to admit guilt or reimburse you anything. Lately there have been lags for over an hour where you can’t get into the game and they blame your phone service even though it happened to the entire BF, rather then admit fault and give compensation. They also adjust everything in the game that is great in order to create a way to make you need to spend money. This will eventually turn great customers into gone customers, if you put a great product with great care and customer service people would be more then happy to spend the money. Greed should never trump quality.
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6 years ago, Darkhunter6644
Needs Balance
Ive played this game for a year, i was on battlefield 185 and 185 was fairly new at the time, but within weeks my corps literally destroyed and killed off 75% of the battlefield. My corps then split into three other corps and there was constant waging war against one another, members would be spending $1000+ just on this game, it started off as something fun a group of people just playing a game but then everyone took things too serious there was actual drama and such because we had nothing better to do. Hundreds of people abandoned #185 because of this, because my corps literally wiped out everyone who wasn’t in compliance to the Top Commanders rules and such. They rotate top commanders if i remember. But it got very toxic. It was easy to build up power and it was hard to start off if people already had power, we had a no burn rule for two months so players could build up. But after that. The battlefield was wiped and it drove away players. It was like a literal movie. So three stars.
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7 years ago, TexasArmyVet713
Customer service is trash. The care less about your issues
This is the 3rd time I have had to write my review about this game. 2 of those times now, is for negative reasons, and poor customer service. Once was trying to give a good review as I had promised for problem resolution. I have spent a fair amount of money on this game as well. So the lack of concern I am receiving from both the customer service, and developers, is not due to lack of paying to play. Every single time I bring an issue to them, and support those issues with screenshots, and descriptive messages. Rather than try to resolve the issue. They just automatically blame me, and try to talk to me like I am incompetent. Even though it is matters like; photo glitching, buying items with game currency and not receiving items, one account showing that it is bound to two different account formats, receiving error messages for those account formats. I VERY STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON HERE. They are rude, inconsiderate, swindlers. You can also see how much they don’t care. Look how long it has been since they have tried to contact me through here.
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4 years ago, renesan91
Don’t stop or you are done
Game is really good for a couple months , then it loses the touch a bit , mainly for P2W players but can be enjoyed by F2P too, I spent quite a few thousands in this game but had to quit for a few months due to personal and heal issues , try to come back but now it’s imposible to enjoy it again , the power in the map went from 30M top to 300M so my choices are either being a farm or quit and start a new account from zero in a new map , it’s really sad to see all that investment go to waste so there isn’t really any rewarding sensation for returning players , I thought by now ( I’ve played at least 3 accounts in the last 2 years ) they would have some kind of system to migrate to different maps maybe with power cap requirements and open after certain events like the first deep battle or so but we all still stuck in the same pond forever ....maybe in the future they will , another 5 years and then , maybe then I’ll play again joining a map where I can actually do something
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5 years ago, TreyM84
Awesome game!!! (Plus free Tankman!!!)
I love this game. I gave it 5 stars, but I want to make a couple comments on things I’m concerned with. For a new user, this game could become overwhelming very fast. The developer creates the battles on the weekends. For a new user, 1 player attacking him will wipe him out. Resources, officers, all the troops he has, gone. In a matter of seconds. It will take that player the entire next week to recover from a weekend of battles. Then comes another weekend, and it starts all over again. They need to place limits on which can attack other commanders. Do it by power ranges. 1M-5M, 5-7, 7-10, etc. What happens is you’ll have a commander with 27M power attacking another with 1-2M power, or sometimes less than 1M, just for an easy victory. They need to make it a little more fair for the little guys. Give them time to get used to the game. That’s my biggest concern.
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5 years ago, Commanderbabar
AMS Review
I’ve been playing this game for some time now. I think it’s an awesome game. However, with the recent server issues and game lagging a lot of players have suffered losses. The compensation that has been given out has been less than disappointing. I would like to see a compensation of coins to help recover, or Officer frags, or something more to help players recover from this unfortunate incident. The happy purchase is very disappointing. I rarely will use it because of the minimal returns you are getting. My suggestion is this. Perhaps you could replace it with “ Happy Slots “ a slot machine that you could pull to gain rewards. I think this is a really cool idea. Throw in officers as a jack pot in the “ Happy Slots “ if players want more than three chances that are given each day add then to a bundle package that we can purchase. Please consider this idea. Thank you AMS, good job !!
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6 years ago, Ytjh
The game
The core idea of the game is good. And it is somewhat fun however with the updates they have given out Lately has messed the game up. Their customer support is very lacking as well when there is a problem and compensation for their glitches is minimal. I truly don’t believe that they care about the players they just care about the bottom line which is how much money is spent on the game. Take for instance this latest update. There is a camo function you can use to hide your base from being seen. However today I. Found that you can still be attacked when under it but when I tried to attack another player I couldn’t even see them to try and attack them. I have reported the glitch to the developer but I get the same generic response and they won’t do anything about my losses that should not have happened. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened either. So my advice is if your going to play and spend money on a game don’t do it on this one. I have been playing a year and the glitches are only getting worse.
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5 years ago, Mrs.Tara
Shorten the attacks
I have noticed that commands that are way higher then you can attack lower level players this is very unfair to those who are just starting out. It makes it impossible for them to regain strength to fight back and they can attack that lower level multiple times. I have been attacked myself by one commander over 30 times. And even if you move they still find you to finish you off. I believe there should be a cap on how low or high of a command you can attack.. to at less give them a fighting chance.. and I’m talking people how are level 30+ attack commands that are like 10 and 15 this is not even a fair fight.. please fix this. Or at less make it so that if the command attacks you can find them where ever they are on the field no matter if the teleport or not so you can block them from seeing or attacking you any Further.
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7 years ago, Andrew66627
Honestly the game is trash you work as hard as you can to build up an army and then you get all of them killed in one attack it’s not worth doing because you try as hard as you can to build up but larger players can easily come in and crush you it honestly just isn’t a game worth putting time or effort into anymore so I deleted it because I spent a week and a half building up an army and a player twice my level came up and wrecked my entire army with minimal damage to his and then proceeded to destroy my base which I still have not been able to fully repair because you can only repair at like 80 health points at a time the game itself is just overall unbalanced and to hard to get stronger in with no level cap larger players keep you small and that’s all there is to it. But also the company itself just seems greedy all buyable items are massively over priced and all speed ups that you use gold on are over priced to to hold two buildings was outrageous most likely won’t redownload that game until they create a level cap on who can come attack you
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6 years ago, young scob
A very very very great game.
This is a very fun game. This game is actually not a pay to play game, you can make a great army and have all the resources you need and don’t have to pay. This game actually gives you a bunch of free resources when your running low and need molds and things like that. This game easy gets a 5 star it’s a very great and fun game, if you play this game you will love it a lot. You can make a huge army and even if you’re off of it for a while or you just start playing the game you can store your army in a vault so your army doesn’t completely get destroyed. Also you can store resources in a vault also so all your resources don’t get taken. This game easy gets a 5 star rating it’s not pay to play it’s easy fun and everything, this is a very very very great game if you play this game you will love it to, it’s such a great game have fun playing it.
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6 years ago, Gronk if your horny
Game is fun but...
Been on this game maybe 6 months, unless you spend money you stand no chance against everyone else. That being said when ever there’s a good value you seem to change it. If we can use the rss to exchange for speed ups you change it to also charge more good, ams points and also put lesser speed ups to exchange for. You make plenty of money as is off this game. You don’t even charge the same price for officer pieces. All A grade should be the same. You definitely price the most popular ones higher. 4 pieces for 9.99$ instead of 10 pieces for 9.99$. We all see it. Crowding our servers up to make more BF should be getting you plenty of players. Last thing. Bronze star and silver star to promote officers. This is such a stupid ratio. Getting officers to level 25 is simple. 50-1 ratio for silver star? Come on. I’ll have 30 officers stuck at 3 star for ages. Give us all an equal chance if we don’t load up the credit card. Thanks Ranger99 BF98.
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5 years ago, avian77
!! Strictly a pay to win game !!
If you’re looking for a game that’s fun, less time consuming and f2p friendly this game is SO not for you. Try others. An average player who can only afford to spend every once in a while or can’t spend anything on games have no means of competing with those big money spenders. You could spend 2years time playing as a average gamer and get completely wrecked by a guy who’s played less than a month but spent rediculously. Literally! Everything cost money in this game, pack prices ranging from 1$-100$! I know every game has a in-app purchase to help you progress faster and a means of making money for the developers but this game is not like that. If you don’t spend, you will never have more than one plane, never get officer exchange tickets, hq appearances or have enough materials to make and promote a decent set of 5star officers which determine combat strength no matter how long you play. Those are just a few things in core gameplay but everything else requires you to pay as well. So pick your games wisely✌🏻
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5 years ago, Rileyray9
Ams support is awesome
So I want to start about saying I have went through every way possible to get my issues fixed with there support team! There was a 2 hour unannounced maintence during when my bubble popped I was unable to log in during these two hours. I contacted support through the discord logs and they said I would be compensated if anything was to happen to me. The mods told me then I would be compensated on the 11th. I was zeroed that night around 2 am buy a rally with 3m troops. Due to me being at work I was never able to log in by the time maintence was over. Support told me I would not be covered at all and they would not compensate me at all in the chat discord there 100s of people telling them they are wrong to what they are doing to me I am player and have spend 5 and half grand on this game and ams just does not care what happens to the consumer guess u can’t get anything done to help u unless you have spend over 20 grand please stay away from this game far away contact Apple and goggle to get this game shut down for everyone’s sake.
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6 years ago, 6754457
Don’t start playing this game you will be disappointed
I started this game about a year ago and loved it. I have spent thousands of dollars playing and having fun but it is to the point that me and everyone else is beginning to hate it. With every update and server maintenance there comes more and more glitches and bugs. When you message the support your response is sorry we will check into it and never get any real response. I guess the biggest problem is after you spend money and then they change the game to where it is no longer enjoyable due to glitches and every other problem that comes with their updates you have only one option if you don’t like it quit. Then you are out all the money you spent. I have quit spending money here cause if trend keeps going the game will probably be non existent. And not to mention the cost of resources to train troops and build has gotten very high and the game seems to be making rss harder to get without spending money.
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5 years ago, zero0831
Nostalgia game
This game does not require money but there is aways the option but I feel it is more rewarding getting as far as you can without money also remember fight is not the only part of the game you can also make online friends too As I have played more and grew to higher levels I encountered at bully and I contacted the developers about this problem they did noting to help so my advice is stay in the lower levels if you are going to be there to socialize and have less than ten officers or if you are going to level up keep less than ten to avoid having the officers or in others your hero’s from being terminated or have used as tool that an opponent can use to extort things from you resources or guild members cords and do not be deceived the developers will not help and I can’t prove it but might even encourage this kind of environment
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6 years ago, pelly-man
Update was garbage. Updated
I spent months playing this game and even spent 10 dollars on it, updated the software for the game this morning just to find that when I opened it a message would appear telling me my account has been banned. I no longer have access to this game, nor can I collect any of my rewards. It was an enjoyable game but these things have been happening far to frequently. My opinion. Don’t waste your time or money, the minuscule amounts of entertainment you gain aren’t worth the hassle. I have still received no response from the company. The company has responded and taken care of the issue, after a delay in promptness they did well to compensate me for the issue. And everything was resolved. Therefore, I have updated my review to reflect game play and customer service.
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5 years ago, ianma859
Gaming at its worst
This game has become an absolute joke. There are at least two sets of rules for commanders on the same battlefields. Some commanders can get away with having offensive nicknames by altering the spelling of a certain word. However, other commanders are not awarded the same treatment. Instead they are given chat bans and threatened with having their entire account banned because of something other people are able to get away with. Also, other commanders are free to use offensive language and get away with bullying other commanders on the battlefield. While, yet again, others are banned for doing the same exact thing. The developers of this game have no basic understanding of the English language and play favorite to certain groups of people on that all play on the same battlefield. I recommend no one ever download this game. As a matter of fact, I will be seeking compensation from Apple and Army Men Strike game developers for not having a certain standard of rules and regulations for all players involved in the game.
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5 years ago, NightsWrath
3 Star
I have played this game before, and it was really fun. Sadly I had to leave it behind because of school maybe about 2-3 years ago. I come back to start over again, I build my base up, create an alliance, and spend 1,000+ into the alliance. I take a break to make dinner, and I come back to find a complete stranger has taken over my alliance. Default name and all. All because they UPGRADED their base to level 8 before anyone else in the alliance! I worked on that alliance, Build it from scratch, spent all my gold into it, just to have it taken away because I wasn’t FAST enough! It’s still a great game and I have a lot of fun in it, but this one thing absolutely brought my morale down to play it. Developers, please take this function out so that others don’t have to put up with losing their alliance that they have worked so hard on, like I did. I believe the 7 Day-800 Gold function is enough. Thank you.
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5 years ago, Just1nH
Keeps your attention
I’ve had this game for close to a year now. And have grown over that time. There is always something to be done no matter is you are on all day or just check in once or twice. You build a good bond and friendship with your corps members. That you will go to war with. You also have to deal with other corps fighting each other on your battlefield. But that’s all part of it. Every now and then you pull your battle field together to fight other battle fields. That feels like a win every time. I have probably spent more then I’ll ever tell my wife. Unfortunately to move quicker here you see the need to do that at time. I know players that have not spent a dime as have just as much fun too. So it’s up to you and what you want. Good luck. And stay off my Field. #281 ;)
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6 years ago, MURICA...Smash
Horrible customer service
Well if you like to have problems never resolved... this is your game, no matter if you spend money or not, they don’t help you out. No matter how many times you messaged them, they don’t help. I have had so many issues with this game, and if it weren’t for the awesome people that I have met while playing the game, I wouldn’t be playing the game. So once again, I wouldn’t download the app unless you enjoy frustration, and being walked all over. MURICA...Smash signing out. 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Added: I have tried to contact GM, but they are not helping at all, not like I am asking for much. But this is how they are treating your customers, and it is not just me it is quite a bit of people.. I will steer anyone thinking about playing the game away. They have threatened to ban me, didn’t know that’s how you treat customers, had bogus charges, don’t get the stuff I actually paid for. If anyone does play the game, don’t even think about buying anything unless you want some money taken from you for nothing.
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6 years ago, ADL.ummm
Lack of Customer Support
I started this game about a month ago and have spent money to grow my account. Recently I’ve run into two issues the developers say they “can’t fix”. During an A level officer exchange event where higher level officers are guaranteed I didn’t get mine. I was told “we’re sorry we can’t help you, hope you understand”. It would literally cost the developers nothing to just swap out two of my officers for higher level officers and call it good. And I spent money to participate in the event. Then today during a research event- I lost my second research queue despite having 25 days left on my development card. This has an unknown impact on the progress I could have made. I potentially may have finished all tier 2 research. But I refuse to spend more money until these issues are fixed. At this point I would need a lot of free research and resources to catch up. The research event is a huge asset and my ability to participate was cut in half. I have no problem spending money- I do have a problem not getting what I paid for. It’s very disappointing because, aside from the errors and not getting what you purchased, the gameplay is/was fun. Other similar games not only fix the issue, they pay you back with interest giving you more resources, speed-ups, gold, or Officers than you would have had with your original purchase. I may quit this game because they aren’t willing to do anything, let alone pay back extra.
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5 years ago, Tommy773
Misleading & a Rip-Off
Please check recent reviews, as they will give you a more accurate depiction of this game. The concept is great, and the gameplay has issues, but overall, the app works pretty well. There is no way to compete without heavy spending. There is an unfair balance because of foreign markets having different prices for game items and having to compete against them is impossible. Literally an event is going on right now where one player is 1/3 the size of the 100 in my corps. We can’t do anything but watch him win (no recourse whatsoever). Items are sold and then changed without notice, no premium items can be earned without spending unless you put months in towards acquiring them, and then there is something new and better each time. Even the officers on the app page are discontinued, but people still paid money to get them and lost buffs without notice. Impossibly to play for free unless you like chat rooms that only talk about how impossible the game is to play for free. Beware!
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6 years ago, William H Bonhey
Game glitches and poor design cause issues
The game lags and forces a restart. If you are in Ana attack position you are wide open to attack. The latest issue is when transporting to another Battle field for deep battle. When you transport you must drop shield. Second when you transport your game reboots. Recently when mine rebooted it froze. When I got it to load it had placed me into a brand new game. Not in the game I have linked to my Gamecenter. It takes 30sec to a min to get access to your main acct. during that time I was hit by a bigger acct. I lost everything!!!! I reached out to support for help and they say that because “they” don’t show any server issues at the time of attack, and that I show I was logged in at the time of attack they can do nothing. Yes I was barely logged in for seconds before I had been hit they ended 3 of my attempts to get resolve with a response like that. I have spent plenty on this game and get no recourse. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY BECAUSE THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE QUALITY OF GAME PLAY THEY PROVIDE.
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4 years ago, amsishorrible
The truth.
If there is a mistake in the game it’s your fault. If they make a mistake and offer things to people they take it back and don’t give you your money back. There was a bug in the game and I lost a large amount of units against nothing. They didn’t compensate me even though there was no way I would have lost. When you buy something in game they replace it in the next two weeks with a new “update” DO NOT START PLAYING THIS GAME. It is a money pit and ams makes it not fun. Ams do not respond to this review. I don’t want to hear it I talked to you on all of your support pages and if I hear can you please send me the battle report from months ago again I will talk to a lawyer. Unfair business practices was created by them. Keep in mind they asked iPhone users to rate them to get a gift because they are in hot water with the App Store. Please keep them from doing all new updates in their money grabbing schemes. Thank you for offering me compensation for posting a review. For shame
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