Aura Frames

Photo & Video
4.8 (12K)
158.6 MB
Age rating
Current version
Aura Home, Inc.
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for Aura Frames

4.82 out of 5
12K Ratings
8 months ago, Mamamac255
Easy to Gift & Easy to Use
I can share pictures from my phone AT ANY TIME!!! My dad lives 40 minutes away and it would be a pain to have to manually go over there and update the SD card with new pictures. My dad and I are both in IT and highly value efficiency. I also love that there is no monthly fee, and no limit to how many people we can add to our frame (no extra cost per person)! The only things I wish I could add would be quotes. There are times where I have a small story or quote someone said that I’d like to share. It would totally would be hard to read if the text was long. Maybe having the option to show a small watermark that displays live on the frame: the location and date of each picture. Another thing: captions or tags. “Omaha Zoo Trip 2019” for example. With option to display live on frame per picture.
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8 months ago, R@ndom girl
Where are all my pictures?
I have three aura frames with thousands of pictures on each but I see the same pictures and many never pop up. Once the slide show starts it should rotate through them all before showing again. I don’t want it set to chronological because I like the randomness of what picture is next instead of a group of pictures from the same event all in a row. But I never see most of the pictures that are on the frame. Another issue when you have multiple people invited to share pictures- sometimes they share the same ones. The app should recognize when there is a picture that is the same or similar and ask whether you want to delete one or not. My father tends to add the same pictures over and over then I have to go through the thousands of pictures to see if it is already there. Finally if the frame is horizontal and you add a vertical picture, the frame sometimes cuts off the tops. It takes too much time to go through and reposition all the pictures to fit the frame.
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2 years ago, ReesieRoo!!
Great frame- app could use some perks
The frame is easy to set up and I’m excited to give another as a gift. I wish the app have the ability to add albums, where you could sort pictures into different albums, and choose which one you wanted to display. That way you could keep favorite photos on the frame and keep track of them but you wouldn’t necessarily need to have those in the rotation at all times. It would be extra cool if you could even set specific time frames for what albums you would like. For example- I want to see all of my family photos around Christmas time, so a winter album would be great if I could set that up to run from November to December. Or just albums for other custom things and I can control when to run them- but again, instead of having to make albums on my phone. Another feature that I think could use some finessing is that it takes a lot of steps to download photos when someone else adds it to the frame- so finding a way to make that easier would be great!
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1 year ago, HyperVigilant
Would be almost perfect if videos looped
Aura frames are excellent, but there is one major flaw: there should be an option to loop videos. There is an option to auto play videos, which is good, but there should also be an option to loop the video until the interval time advances to the next photo or video. Currently if say a 30 sec video, the longest allowed, comes up, it will play only once and then show the first frame of the video for the remainder of the time. So if the time interval is set for say 1 hour, the video will play for 30 sec then show the title frame for the next 59 mins and 30 sec. I have uploaded video slideshows of photos, so the desired operation should be for the video to continue looping the entire interval. Ideally each video would have a setting to enable or disable looping, since it may depend on the video as to whether looping is desired or not. Hopefully a software update will enable this video looping feature in the near future.
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9 months ago, I’ve been framed
Grandma Got this for Christmas, wish she hadn’t
With a new grandbaby comes a flurry of photos. My daughter thought this was a great idea to share photos instead of just texting them to me all the time. Makes sense. But it was a pain to set up and the frame has virtually no capabilities other than randomly displaying photos. There is no way to organize them into folders or albums. Sure, I have the option to also upload photos but then they’d just get randomized into the rest of the mix. The device is just too clunky—no touch screen, no remote, can’t control it from the app other than setting it up and uploading photos. The frame has a touch bar at the top which is rudimentary and hard to control. I tried to turn off the frame and got so frustrated wound up unplugging the damned thing. I’m on my iPad all the time and actually prefer to see the photos that way and will just be using the app. IMO the device itself isn’t worth the money and I will probably not plug it in again.
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1 year ago, Abantos amigo
ICloud Albums not Supported for easy selection
This app does not provide selection of shared albums already created. Only albums directly on your iPhoto on phone. Recreating each album on the Aura is tedious requiring redundantly selecting each individual photo, no obvious means to select all photos in an album. Makes it cumbersome and old school. Most of us already have albums, should not have to tediously recreate to show on the frame. Lazy app creation? Or wanting too much personal info? The iCloud albums do not contain all location and other photo information. Not excited that this company takes and stores this sort of info in their storage. There is no way I will give default access to all photos on my phone, this involves more than my privacy- also that of others in my photo albums. Poor privacy consideration from my perspective. This was a gift, not a fan of how Aura operates. My rating is based on tedious requirements to control photos if one does not gift control of all my photos to Aura, as well as no clear means to simply use my iCloud shared albums already created. Aura get with the times!!!
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3 years ago, Queegiebow
Works seamlessly
I bought a couple of different models that were cheaper and appeared to have some options that might be better but come to find out they were not. One I used didn’t have a simple way to invite others to upload and share photos easiest, another required a subscription to allow more a few gigs of space. The other only allowed you to upload 8 pictures at a time. All of these things were not issues. Biggest pros, easy to invite people to share photos right away, unlimited cloud storage with out an additional costs. Biggest set backs are two things. It is not a touch screen and there are no additional slots for storage or uploading pictures.
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9 months ago, Car2nr
Security/privacy options are very limited. Wouldn’t recommend.
The Aura Frame is a good product but beware. They do not give any options for privacy. Once you upload photos to the account/frame you want your photos to appear on, everyone that is invited to collaborate on it can view, download, and control YOUR media. For example. You might get invited to collaborate on a frame that is a gift for a mutual friend or possibly a grandparent. But the host who is inviting collaborators might add people you may not know or who you wouldn’t want to have access to your photos and videos. Well, with Aura Frame, too bad. They will have the ability to view, download, and even have the ability to not display YOUR content on the frame. The product is a good one, but it seems security and privacy wasn’t a top priority. Unless you are the one gifting the Aura Frame to someone and you are the only one inviting others or the only one uploading, I’d stay away from this. There are other options out there that do the same exact thing.
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3 years ago, ColoMtnGirl
A couple improvements could be made, but we love it
Some photos, particularly photos taken vertically, get resized and the app tends to take the bottom 80% of the photo which tends to chop everyone’s heads off at the top. If it has to be a simple program, I would say taking the top 80% would be better. Luckily, as the frame admin, I can resize any photos uploaded from anyone, but we have 20+ people uploading photos for my grandma and it can be time consuming to keep up with it. Only other complaint is that it would be nice to be able to send one invite link to everyone you’re inviting, instead of individual links for each person. Inviting 20+ people individually was kind of a pain. Other than these issues, the app is fairly easy to use and my grandmother is LOVING being able to keep up with all the family that’s scattered worldwide!
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4 years ago, Lovetofish98
Disappointed with photo order
Overall, I like the frame and app. My son and daughter also have frames. My biggest complaint is the “random” order of photos. It seems to assume that if you upload a lot of photos at once, they are less important than when you only upload one or two photos. So, certain photos repeatedly display. That simply doesn’t apply to me. I am scanning and uploading photos from 50 years and even older, so an upload may have photos from various years and subjects. Please add an option for full random! We should also be allowed to tag photos such as travel, certain family members, etc. — this would allow display for a purpose for event. I have an older frame from a different vendor that doesn’t require WiFi and allows upload directly from a computer - that functionality has value that the Aura frame doesn’t have.
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2 years ago, Iyiyi9
Major Glitches in the Latest App Updates
Longtime gifter and owner of Aura Frame. I’ve been so disappointed in the last few App updates. I was hoping this most recent update would resolve the issues. Nope. The App just constantly freezes up. I can barely add any photos before it freezes, forget about scrolling through photos to add and to view existing photos in the App because it will surely stop scrolling. I’m constantly having to force quit the app. And yes this happens when Im not running any other Apps in the background. I’ve rebooted my phone several times now. I’m running iOS 16.1 currently but this was occurring even before this latest update. Also, the App use to show what photos from the camera roll already exist in the frame indicated by a checkmark which is super handy. That feature is no longer there either. So frustrating! I absolutely love the Aura Frame but these issues need to be resolved for continued enjoyment.
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1 year ago, AB36911
Lacks Features and is not intuitive
For the high price point the app doesn’t meet my expectations. No way to organise photos and when auto shuffling the frame displays portrait photos together that don’t compliment each other. I cannot go on the app and rearrange the photos so they display in an aesthetic manner. I believe it is also supposed to sense duplicates but it doesn’t and it actually displays duplicate photos together. There is a button in the app where you are supposed to be able to select a photo and it should display and that completely does not work. I also have uploaded over 200 photos and it still shows just the same few photos over and over. While the pictures look okay on the actual display, the lack of features is disappointing and not acceptable for how expensive it is. This product is not intuitive and also lacks any option for the user to be creative with how things are displayed.
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1 year ago, MissedMe
Mostly good but…
I love the Frame. It works beautifully. But I’ve had no end of difficulty with the Frame Control in the app going blank & stopping. I can add photos and so can those who have access to my frame. I can also select a photo to “show now” when I want. But out of the blue, the Frame Control stops working. That means I can’t adjust the length time photos stay up on the frame, go to a previous photo, or see what is currently on the frame. I’ve logged out of the app and back in multiple times. I’ve also completely deleted the app then reloaded it. But it doesn’t make a difference. It will be working one day, then just stop for no apparent reason. I’ve contacted customer service about it a couple times and they don’t seem to have a clue. It’s frustrating.
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9 months ago, Harley Mood
From Family to Grammie
Every time I walk past my Aura there are new pictures to surprise me! My kids are always sending new pictures. I especially love the ones of my grandkids, and of the beautiful scenery from where one of my sons lives. I get so much enjoyment from them, and the best part is no subscription fees! Yayyy Aura! If I could suggest one tiny improvement… it would be great if pictures that have been ‘loved’ were marked with a little heart icon or something, as I can never remember which ones I have already ‘loved.’I highly recommend the Aura, and I bought 3 more for Christmas gifts.
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3 years ago, Madvulture3509
Great frame, some features needed
This frame turned out to be the perfect holiday gift for my elderly parents. Remote set-up was relatively easy, and my parents love it. I wish it had these features: 1) would let you put added photos into albums or categories and let you choose to show only certain albums at certain times. It’d be fun, for example, for my parents’ anniversary, to only show pics of them together that day or on a kid’s birthday let you only show that kid’s photos that day; 2) would let you rearrange the order of the shuffle; 3) would do better at auto-positioning photos to fit in the frame. You have to do a fair amount of going into each photo to pinch it/reposition it to display photos properly without people’s heads cut off. But overall, intuitive and easy to use app and good frame.
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3 months ago, proudgma05
What Happened??
*This last Update I’m not happy with! Every Video Will Not Play! Please look into this and fix the issue! UPDATE: Your updating on the Aura App has caused some issues with the pictures uploading on the app. When pictures are sent to me/app, only a few will show when there are supposed to 7, I only see 3! Can you please fix this?! * Also for Christmas last year 2023, I gifted the same frame I have to my son & daughter-in-law and paid full price then you put the same frame on sale! Really?!! We received our Aura Frame for Christmas this past year 2022 and we absolutely love it! I walk into the room and see it and it has made me smile and sometimes laugh out loud just seeing my granddaughters and family in pics & videos! Thanks to my Daughter Tina & Son-in-law Scott! 💜💜
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7 years ago, red ape
Good idea but needs some fixes
I have been helping my in-laws set this up as they got this for a gift. I set it up on their iPad. It was disappointing that there is not an iPad version of the app only an iPhone sized one. I added photos from the iPad. If it is in landscape mode it will crop the portrait photos and vice versa. It would be nice to have the option to display the full photo without having it cropped. I sent out invites to share photos to all the kids and grandkids emails through the app. No one received any emails. I thought it may be delayed due to Christmas Day volume. After digging on their website, it turns out that you must have the app to share photos. Fine but how is anyone supposed to know that? It would be nice if they would send out an email inviting you to download the app and join. The motion sensor on the frame is inconsistent at best to swipe the photos.
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5 months ago, jsochdo
Needs Improvement
The frame is fine, but there are a few key features it needs. First, my frame is too bright, to the point of distraction. I’ve searched everywhere both in settings and online, and apparently there’s no way to adjust this, which is quite annoying. I hoped the frame would be like looking at a normal picture; instead, it’s like looking at a disturbing tv by my desk. The frame should at least have a setting to change this. Also, you should be able to display different albums. When you get an aura frame it looks like you can only display the photos you selected. There’s no way to put a different album on display (for example have your birthday album pics rotating); the only way to do this would be to deselect each photo currently on the rotation, and reselect all the new pics you want. This would take way too much time. Hoping for these updates. Thx for reading.
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4 years ago, Jilliana13
My only complaint
I like this frame very much, but I have one complaint and it’s kinda big deal. I see others do as well. The shuffle is horrible!!! I feel like it shows the same pictures over and over I currently have 700 pictures in my frame and not only does it just show them all in the same order- the same day the pic was taken but it also just shows the same photos over and over. I noticed in the app as well so many pictures are blocked out so I have no idea what they are and they don’t play. I end up uploading the same photos again because it’s just a white box. Extremely annoying... So yess that’s very frustrating!! Besides that I guess it’s a good frame. I really hope they get this issue fixed and then I think it would be the perfect frame
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10 months ago, Barbbeeeee
So far not so good
Had high hopes for this device after reading reviews. Gave as a gift and here we are several days later just trying to get this ridiculous thing to even connect to WiFi?! Reset router reset frame deleted and reinstalled app like 50 times and this thing will just not work. Very very frustrating I mean why in the heck does it need WiFi anyway if it has Bluetooth capabilities?!? Anyway NOT loving it and it so far it has been an embarrassing gift. I do love that you can add pics to this at anytime from afar (the reason we purchased it) but if it can’t hook up well that whole reason turns out to be a moot point. Running out of time to even be in this state to try to get it working. Ugh. Time I could have spent with family has been spent wrestling with this freaking frame. Irked would be an understatement
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6 years ago, GalenMcQ
Awesome concept, needs some serious UX work
Love the concept and the execution is perfectly functional. However, the overall workflow of the app is unintuitive and there are some misleading processes to get photos where you want them. For instance, “save” doesn’t accurately express that pressing that button will send a photo to a frame. There are redundant processes that seem to use different theories of execution. All in all, it’s pretty frustrating given its learning curve—another pass or two through UX quality control and testing would help a lot. Other features that would really sell the app: • Option to add a timer to photos so that they auto-delete after a certain period of time, enabling temporary pictures • Option to tune the display algorithm to, for instance, adjust the relative frequencies of recent and older images • Integration with iOS share menu, for easy sending to a frame from within the native photos app • Video support (Live Photos are awesome, videos would be great, too!) • Web app for easy access on other devices As I opened with, I love the whole kit, and the Aura frame is lovely hardware—the app just feels like a beta release and could really stand some dedicated development time. Thanks, y’all!
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4 years ago, TeddyTX
Awesomely photo viewing 💜, no sorting ability 😔
I absolutely love looking at my family photos, but I absolutely hate not being able to simply view them by any kind of sorting order. For example, one of my grandkids comes over and I want to view the pictures of just her so she and I can look at them together. Or, of her mom, or brother, or cousins. Or, I want to look at a series of pictures taken on same day, the same location, or sort by objects (cars, colors, sky, clouds, etc.). There have been basic sorting features (now with great facial recognition) in so many applications and programs for years, it is incredible to me that something so basic is not available for this awesome frame. Why would a database sorting feature of the photos on my Aura photo frame be so difficult for you guys to implement?
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4 years ago, stephen.jensen
Love the frame dislike the nagware
The aura frame is such a brilliant idea and I love being able to share photos with my family. The thing I wished that the app would tone down is the nagware regarding sharing my entire photo album with the app. If you choose to only share a subset, the app with send you with badge alerts on the app as well as pop up notifications once per week even when I am not using the app telling me to share my whole library. This type of incessant pestering completely destroys my faith in this app to do the right thing and now I refuse on principal to share my whole library even though I recognize that my initial decision to do so was a bit paranoid on my part. App devs, please remove this abusive behavior and realize that “no means no” with regards to sharing my whole library.
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1 month ago, Deanna815
Display options aren’t consistent across frames
I owned 3 Carver frames and adored them. I have several digital photo frames from different brands and Aura has been my favorite so far. That was until I bought the Walden frame. I adore the size and quality of the frame, but the fact that vertical photos can’t automatically fit within the frame like they do on a Carver is super frustrating. No one wants to manually crop every vertical photo that they put on their frame, especially when the photos are automatically imported from an iPhone album. It seems like this would be an easy fix within the software to make this a 5 star frame, but until they do, I’m only seeing bits and pieces of half of my images. Boo!
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1 year ago, dankirsh
Nice idea, okay execution, buggy
First, I don’t think there is currently a better option than Aura. That being said, I’ve had lots of problems with our frame. In Feb 2023 there was an outage and they said frames would start working again, but the frame at my in-law’s home never started working again. They had no photos display for a couple months until I could get to their home to fix it for them. Second, the auto-add feature does not work well, or at all, for large iCloud photo albums. We have 5000 photos in a shared album and we can add it in the Aura app, but most of the photos never upload to the frame despite showing up in the app, no matter how long the app remains open. I have tried on multiple devices, both phone and iPad. Third, it displays the same photos repeatedly even when I have thousands uploaded from our family album. It should shuffle them more. I don’t know why it thinks I want to see the same photo a million times when I have thousands of others that never get seen. I’ve discussed some of these issues with support and made no progress. They said the auto-add issue was fixed, but it clearly wasn’t.
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3 days ago, Mstica
Love it with one caveat
My mom has one, I have one, and we have given several as gifts. The frame is pretty, it looks good in the house, and the pictures look beautiful. The app is easy to use and uploading pictures and sharing is easy as well. We ran into a problem when we wanted to erase a frame to share with another family member and realized that the person who uploaded the photo is also the one who has to erase it and you have to go through all the pictures and pick them out one by one. It would be great if there were an admin who could be in charge of all the photos of an album or there was an erase all option.
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1 year ago, swdsa
Perfect except one thing: auto advance timing
I have used other brand’s digital frame and I feel Aura is superior in quality and functionality. I love how the app shows me which pics I have sent to the frames and that it allows me to select how many ever pics I want each time I update the frame. However, I really miss the other brand’s frame in that it let the pics advance much faster like every five seconds! Right now the fastest option for auto advance timing is 15 seconds in Aura, and whenever I wait for next picture, those 15 seconds feels like 15 years. Aura tech support team, please add more timing options ! It shouldn’t be hard to do it!
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4 months ago, Bookfran
Room for improvement
I heard this product advertised on Mike Rowe, and I trust him, so I just ordered it because I’ve wanted a digital frame for awhile. I am still new at figuring it out, but here are my initial thoughts. Pro: the picture quality is great. No complaints there. Pro: I was able to add my daughter, who shares photos of my grandchildren. Good for me, but maybe not for Privacy? I’ve read some of the other comments about the lack of privacy. Con: No ability to create albums on the app that will just show those photos. I have occasions to only want certain photos shown. Really, creators, how hard can this be? Others have commented on this as well. Con: I experimented with adding an album from my phone, and then later deleted that album. But the photos are still showing! Con: there is no way to select all. Deleting photos is a tedious one by one process unless you happen to already have them in an album. Come on guys… Select all is an elementary feature. Overall, I do not think that this frame was worth the money. It’s a high price point, and it lacks features.
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3 years ago, Mr. Guggenheim
Weird usability issues…
How do you “share a reaction” or comment on a specific photo when it is added in a batch of more than one at a time? There doesn’t seem to be the ability to do this from the “Activity” area of the app. It would be pretty horrible UX design not to allow this… but I think that’s the case. Please fix this. Also, the “remote” feature of the app to change pictures consistently hangs before updating for a very long time (~15 seconds) on the app side. And it’s not my connection, as I use apps for controlling other smart devices (televisions, speakers, lights) and those are near-instantaneous. The smart photo frame war will be won by the company with the best app and features. Since Aura requires everything to be done via the app, I’d expect it to be better.
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6 months ago, rukiding?
Yiayia E
I received this as a Christmas present from my kids and it is a perfect gift! My children post pictures -old and new - and these bring great joy. I have recommended this to several of my younger friends as gifts for parents and grandparents It is always on in my bedroom and the turn off in the dark feature is very convenient and allows the bedroom at night to be dark. It starts up again when a light is turned on or daylight arrives. I look forward to the wonderful memories and reminders, as well as keeping up with my family’s pictorial adventures they share with me.
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1 year ago, iris.lab
Great gift for grandparents!
Got this for my grandma after my grandpa passed. We put a *ton* of photos and videos on it of their life together, their kids and grandkids growing up, and now their great-grandkids. It’s absolutely her favorite thing. I love that I can go into the app and see what photo is displayed so when she asks me a question like “where was that taken?” or whatever she wants to ask, I can quick open the app and see what picture she sees and answer her questions. It’s honestly been just so great. Would recommend 100%. I like it so much I’m getting one for our house too.
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3 months ago, Feradical
Best in class Customer Service!
I initially had problem to add myJA Special Edition Aura Frame into my account, and then left it unattended for years during the pandemic. Recently, I contacted Aura and reported my problem. After several rounds of instructions, I was still unable to add it to my app. Surprisingly, Aura decided to replace it for me with a new frame, even though my one is already out of warranty for many years. You cannot expect more from a great company like this. I should have be more patient with them. A five-star rating is not good enough for their care to customers!
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1 year ago, C-2847
Unreliable WiFi
When it connects to the WiFi the Aura frame is great, but connecting to the WiFi is usually a long and frustrating experience. It usually takes about 10 or more tries before the frame announces a successful connection. The vast majority of the time it either doesn’t join the network or it claims the network has no Internet access. Restarting the frame or the WiFi doesn’t usually help. Just keep trying and, surprise, it connects eventually. The Bluetooth connection is even worse! If the frame is configured to cutoff at night, there is about an 80% chance it won’t reconnect in the morning. As I said, when it’s working it’s very nice, but the WiFi unreliability means that I can only give this product two stars.
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2 years ago, Sei tudo
Great gift!
I got this frame after doing some thinking on how to get more updated photos of my 3 young adult children to my parents who live in Brazil. It is a beautiful frame, super easy set up, and I love, LOVE the fact that my kids can send their photos right off the app to them. My parents were delighted to see their photos changing on the frame. They were in front of it as if it were a TV. The quality of the images is also amazing. 10,000 photos and short videos. You will not regret this purchase!
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3 years ago, justthefax2
Problems with the latest update.
On the ipad the Videos no longer play. Can’t see the date information because after you tap on the photo, the second preview is cut off and positioned too low. This makes it impossible to update the date information. However, The date does still show on the frame. Also you can no longer enlarge the photo on the ipad. This feature is important for those who have poor vision. like my 95 yr. old mother, who can’t see the frame, but could previously stretch out the photos to make them larger and see them on her ipad. Please consider fixing these issues and I will be happy to update my review. Thanks :-)
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2 years ago, suzyqr2001
Crash boom bang
This app constantly crashes. I just installed it on Christmas Day, reinstalled it twice to see if it would fix the issues. I have and iPhone and installed it from the Apple Store. I can literally open the app and it will crash, I can start to add photos, it will crash, I can go into the app’s settings, it will crash. I was up early, so at 5am I tried using it again, it let me use it for hours. Then at 7 am I jumped back on to look at something and crash, now it is just constantly crashing. So I found that interesting, I guess, I can only use it in the early mornings. I just read the reviews before I wrote this one, seems a lot of people are having this exact same problem. Hope Aura gets on the stick to resolve such a popular problem.
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6 years ago, Bridgie6
Shuffle or Change Photo Order
Got this for the grandparents for Christmas so that all of the family members can add photos of the grandchildren. One feature that I noticed was missing right away is the ability to change the order or shuffle the photos that have been added to a frame. Shuffling photos should be an easy addition to the app... it would really help when having multiple people add the same frame, so that one families photos are not all clumped together during the slideshow. Or it would be nice in the app to be able to drag and drop photos to rearrange the order in the collection on a particular frame.
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5 months ago, fahensha
Portrait pair picker
Please develop a feature to manually select the photos that pair in portrait orientation. I’d rather not have any portrait photos at all than mismatching pairs or ugly black bars for spacing. When they look unmatched it seems disjointed and like they don’t look like they belong in a frame. The feature about smart match seems like a lie because it’s not matching portrait photos together that look extremely similar and were taken at the same time and place, and the only other alternative is every single portrait by itself which leads to the spacing issue. This is my number 1 complaint because only doing landscape photos is so limiting
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2 years ago, BNE313
Please Fix The Freeze Glitch!
We LOVE our aura frames, but haven’t been able to upload photos in weeks due to the app’s glitchy nature- freezes all the time! We’ve uninstalled/reinstalled/updated/rebooted and the app just keeps freezing as we select photos. There are some sad grandmas and great grandmas that want to see their grands in Halloween costumes and having fun! This started about two months ago, and none of the recent app updates have solved it. So disappointed- we don’t want to get all new frames from another company but might have to if this isn’t resolved, the frames are such a lifeline for our family over distance and mobility.
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1 year ago, Nunya Bizwacks
Good display bad interface and app controls
My review is for a frame for a loved one that was a gift. They live in a community with captive portal network technology. And the frame cannot be used in a standalone mode. It can only be used when connected to Wi-Fi inside the app you can change Wi-Fi net work, but you can’t refresh the Wi-Fi network connection. The option does not exist in the app for a refresh in the Wi-Fi connection portion of the app. In order to reconnect, you have to act like you’re setting the frame up as an entirely new frame and choose the captive portal connection again. That is neither user-friendly nor logical. The frame does a good job of displaying the pictures as loaded to it but some people just don’t want to always have a Wi-Fi connection on.
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4 years ago, Jessiebell00
Gorgeous Photo Display but Lacks the Ability to Select Photo Order
First, the photo display is GORGEOUS. However, I purchased this frame specifically to display photos in a particular order (one a day from the day my son was born to show his growth). Because this option is not available, I am thinking of returning it and purchasing another digital frame, despite the fact that the display may not be as clear on that one. If you are looking for a beautiful display and don’t care about the order in which your photos appear, then this digital frame is a great purchase. If the order/sequence of photos is important to you, it would be best for you to look elsewhere, unfortunately.
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5 years ago, Shaerae77
Inadequate App - frustrated and disappointed
I told my husband this is the best gift for his parents that live hundreds of miles from us. We purchased a frame for them yesterday and I have been so excited to set it up as a “gift” and load photos onto the frame for when it arrives. The supporting Aura App is awful. I struggled to even save the cover photo and welcome message as the App continued to close on me. Once I was successful in saving after multiple attempts, I have added additional photos which took awhile but now... every time I try to edit the photos on the frame (placement,layout) the App freezes and closes on me. Can these bugs PLEASE be fixed? What a great concept and product with an inadequate App. Feeling really frustrated and disappointed.
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3 years ago, Slow To Merge
Received as a gift and absolutely love it!! Finally can enjoy and share with everyone all my favorite pictures that have been hiding in my phone. My adult children who live away surprise me all the time since they have access to my Aura. They’ll add their family pictures that I would probably never see. I plan to to give my mother one of these for Mother’s Day. She’s 82 y/o, a great grandmother and is home bound. I’ll connect our entire family and she’ll love seeing all the pictures of her grand babies. An absolute must have!!!
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3 months ago, Beckydono
the best digital frame!
i’ve had a lot of digital picture frames over the years and they’ve all made it to the ewaste bin in under a month. my Aura frame has lasted 6 and it’s going strong. every day i love it more. my favorite part is how i can have multiple sources of photos, so I can have my family stream plus my friend stream together (and my family doesn’t have to see a bunch of photos of people they don’t know). Aura makes this super simple to manage. I am SO HAPPY with this frame!!!!
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10 months ago, Macorin
Needs more viewing customization
The frame was a nice gift (I bought three to give to family members). It works well and it’s nice to see rotating photos on a frame in the house. My one issue (and this seems to be an issue with many services that allow schedules) is that it’s far to limited. You should be able to set multiple non-linear schedules, say from 8-10 am and 6-10 pm if you wanted. Or whatever combinations that fit the times you’re likely to be in the room. They only allow you to either have it on all the time or off most of the time. This should be fixed already.
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1 year ago, Julesie12001
I love my frame and the app!
I was given my frame for Christmas from my son so I could have rotating pictures of my grandson, his nephew. It was the best gift I have ever received! My grandson is now 19 months old and he likes it as much as I do, looking at it every few minutes to see who is there. The app is so easy to use. I like being able to adjust the the size and position of each picture. I also like that you can have short videos. Thank you for a great product!
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3 years ago, divine soccerball
Setup incredibly frustrating
I received my frame as a gift. Very excited! Then, totally unable to connect it to my wifi, after trying about 15 times and with other apps and devices having no issue connecting. Support told me to reset to factory settings… which, ok, even though it literally arrived from the factory and had never been used. Thankfully, this worked! So I excitedly added a bunch of photos. Then I had to unplug the frame and move it to another location in my house. And: back to not connecting to the wifi (and the frame’s new location is located right next to the router). Tried another 5 times, and I’m ready to throw this into the trash. I guess I’ll reset to factory settings again, once I care enough to waste more of my time on this. And now, I’ll either need to re-add all the photos I want on the device or contact support to have them do this. If you love banging your head against something meant to bring joy, and have plenty of time to kill with no guarantee of success… this may be the device for you! Really disappointing and the opposite of joy.
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4 years ago, Babacksh
Love the frame but adding photos could be better
Love the frame. Bought it for my wife and the whole family is uploading photos to the frame. The biggest complaint is that uploading photos from the library can be slow because there is no way to search as dates. You can look at your different albums but if you have a large library you have to scroll. And if you are going back and doing it at different times you have to keep scrolling through the newest pictures first in order to get the older ones every single time!
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2 years ago, mOOOp64
Worked for a Year
I gave this to my grandmother for Christmas last year and it has stopped working all together. I set it up for her and I know what I am doing. She told me her Aura frame has not been working the last few weeks so I drove over to her house to fix it. I was beyond frustrated when working on a server is easier than trying to get this frame to connect to a public network. I keep following all the steps and troubleshooting but every time I try to change the WiFi settings on the frame it only brings up “Other Networks” with no entry areas instead of “Network Settings” with a list of local networks that are available. It used to work that way but not anymore, it’s as useful as a brick now.
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2 years ago, sheaskis
App/software updates will make 5 stars
Just got a Buddy as a gift - have also gifted a frame to others - and I’m already frustrated by the app/frames actual software. Photo match is turned on, yet half the time they’re showing as single images. We also have well over 100 photos added, but I’m seeing the same 15 cycling over and over. It’s not remembering what photos have “live” manually turned off either. These things are pricey and I hope the frames I’ve gift other people aren’t just repeating the same 15 photos when we’ve sent 100s. Hoping they update bugs soon!
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