BBO – Bridge Base Online

3.3 (117)
51.3 MB
Age rating
Current version
Bridge Base On Line, LLC
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for BBO – Bridge Base Online

3.34 out of 5
117 Ratings
3 years ago, nemluvim
Not a good learning tool for beginners
App tries to use all conventions, including some that aren’t found in a search of other references. And clicking on your partners bid, it doesn’t fully describe the possible bid interpretations. For instance, partner bids 1 club, description says 3+ clubs, but doesn’t suggest it’s a possible short club bid. So you’re left guessing does partner have 3 only or more?
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12 months ago, Ptahmus
Irritatingly close to great
The mechanics and variety of ways to play and watch pros is outstanding. However, it has enough irritating Bridge-specific systemic flaws to be frustrating. It has been close to great for so long and the flaws are not bugs so they don’t get addressed. First, it tries to make the sampling of hands more interesting for the individual player by making most games based on the player having the best hand, but to keep the bidding competitive, it compensates by including a lot more distributional hands so there is a much greater likelihood of bad splits which frequently penalizes players who understand and play for the higher probabilities of actual random deals. Second, and more important, there are terrible quirks in the AI bidding. You will frequently feel less like you are playing with an AI partner and more like playing against three AI opponents. It does not handle doubles well, frequently passing takeout doubles or bidding over your penalty doubles. It fails to place your bid into the context of prior bids often attributing outrageous values to a bid despite the hand having previously passed our competing with preemptive bids. It tries to help by describing what each bid is supposed to mean, but you will notice it’s flaws occasionally as it will describe your hand as having completely incompatible holdings such as: 1 or fewer AND 5 or more in the same suit; showing 25+ hcp by a passed hand and other frustrating inconsistencies.
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1 month ago, Triathlete415
Updated Review
Mobile version has been updated recently correcting previous errors. Much appreciated. This app is perfect for playing bridge and entering tournaments and learning skills. The app and platform are excellent. Sometimes the people who use the app are annoying. there are some changes I would like to see. 1. Make auto play singletons the default. It would really speed up play. 2. Disable the Remove player button until they have received a notice about your turn to play. Too often some players rudely remove a player in the middle of a game, based upon their thought that the player is messing up, but they cannot even see your hand. Other times the host is looking at the players profile and hits the remove player button by mistake.
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3 years ago, Catawbabean
Trouble with app
Several times during play on the afternoon of January 12, all four of us at our table were knocked off of BridgeBase though none of us had any Internet issues. One player just had to quit playing because she couldn’t get the application to respond. This morning I was set to play in a tournament. Something happened while I was waiting for the tournament to begin and bridge base sent my partner a message saying I was not online. I was indeed online I can see how many tables had signed up I can see how many minutes it was going to be before the game started. This resulted in my partnership being canceled from the tournament. I like BridgeBase but I think this iOS application has way too many bugs in it.I ended up having to use the Internet version of the game and play in a different tournament.
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10 months ago, BridgeBax
Updated Review
My previous concerns no longer apply so I am writing a new review. I will begin by saying that since the Gittlemans sold this business and website, it has gone drastically downhill. The cheating has been rife and pathetically evident to the point that I rarely play ACBL games, and when I do, I play with the robots. I play almost exclusively for BBO points with the robots, and a good portion of the time I feel like I am playing “guess”, not bridge. What were the programmers thinking! The robot bidding is unpredictable and just plain awful. I am often just wasting my money, and have cut way down. Granted, I am not a high level player, just a Silver Life Master with enough points to be Ruby, but I do know a little about real bridge, and let me tell you, “this ain’t it”. So sad to see what was a wonderful place to play bridge sink so far since going offshore. Yes, the pandemic intervened, but that doesn’t explain all of the deterioration.
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3 months ago, Frankie1054
BBO is great
While I’m a little late – I’d like to express my gratitude to BBO for providing a wonderful free platform for players. Every Monday through Friday for two hours a day over the more than one year of severe lockdown during Covid three friends and I played bridge. I am an elderly person, living alone, what would I have done without that companionship with other humans? Yes, we sometimes had connection issues, sometimes I notice the AI in bidding isn’t correct, and skewed/predictable card distribution when I’m trying to finesse is a real irritant; but mostly I feel BBO is wonderful, works beautifully, and I am very grateful to the folks providing it.
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3 months ago, Journeyman2015
Could use better guidance
I won’t argue that this is a decent place to play bridge online. But if you’re a long way from finding a dedicated bridge partner, the platform doesn’t do enough to teach you key concepts so you can be in a place where you can confidently go partner searching. The Community Games bear this out. I’m not comfortable being paired with a random player, and I also learn differently so the lessons associated with the sessions are better presented to me 1-to-1 so I can ask questions about the underlying logic. Neither is available here, and my interest in the game quickly went down the drain as a result. Experienced players will find plenty to do here, but if you’re a beginner like I am/was, you’ll quickly find you’re not welcome.
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12 months ago, Chilequile
Such rude people online. No consequences
I love practicing my bridge game online. There are a few very kind people on this platform, but the majority will just lambast you for a minor error or difference of opinion. Based on the anonymous nature of this platform they feel free to use profanity and make the game miserable. Big problem? No consequences. There is a “Report” button to report abuse but I’ve yet to see any action on the part of the developers. The abuse and rudeness continues. Bridge is a civilized game that should be played cordially. There’s rarely a cordial moment on BrideBase.
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2 years ago, bridgebeginner
Not friendly to beginners
My bridge instructor recommended this app (“it’s free!”), so I registered and attempted to play with other players. My virtual partner quickly got frustrated (and snarky) with me because I was slow/not playing at his level. I was slow because I was having trouble figuring out how to use the app! It’s not intuitive like other bridge apps I have used. Also, where are the clues, instructions or explanations? There are several very good, beginner friendly apps out there. This is not one of them.
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3 months ago, kbush99999
Very frustrating for learners
Initially, I thought this app was the greatest way for me to learn more than the basics of Bridge. I could play, at my own speed, against robots. But as I gained experience, I realized that the basic robots make VERY foolish bids. For example, bidding 1 spade with 13 points and only 3 mediocre spades in it’s hand. This has led to a very frustrating learning experience for me. The interface is excellent and I love see the explanations of bids. So if the « robots » followed even the most basic of bidding rules, I would give the app a five.
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2 months ago, Sudoku fan 2013
Not working with iPad Pro 2nd generation
Ever since I changed to iPad Pro 2nd generation, I couldn’t enjoy the game as well as I used to. No sounds— however i try, it stays mute. Also the ads so very often strikes me so long that it logs me off during the game. Many a time I couldn’t finish my good games! So frustrating! Otherwise, BBO is the best bridge site.
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3 years ago, niroS39
Cut the audio
I like playing bridge and like listening to music. The app takes control of audio and cannot listening to music while playing bridge.
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4 months ago, NoEndGame
Still the best place for bridge
Have been playing on and off on BBO since 2010. While UI is a bit dated, the variety of options for practicing and playing is unbeatable! I am on course to getting my Life Master rank soon!
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2 years ago, DancEncounters
So disappointing
I enjoy playing with other players, but I also used to enjoy the anonymous play with robots. Tournament style. It let me practice playing match points vs IMPS, for one thing. Unfortunately that option no longer works, even though there is still a button for it. I am trying to find another app that does the same sort of thing.
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2 months ago, KGinSR99
Online version a poor substitute for its predecessor
This game use to let you use the iPad app with a table layout that was easy to use looked like a functional table, to play bridge online with friends and family. That was taken away and the online game is now a very crude web like interface. Extremely difficult for seniors play. It is very difficult to control bots from interfering with your play.
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4 months ago, SBmep
Full Screen Ads with PAID subscription
I used this app for a year and enjoyed it. I also paid for funbridge but renewed my BBO subscription for two years because I thought it was more similar to how I was Learning to play. But then, FULL PAGE ads started appearing when I tried to use the App!!! BBO said I had to pay MORE to avoid the really stupid, obnoxious, full screen ads that you cannot "click away " Be forwarned
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2 years ago, AlexMwtfwiththenicknames
Site is great, but this app is trash
This app has a bug that it almost always disconnects you from the site whenever you change to another window. What to check your email? Disconnected! Want to respond to a text message? Disconnected! Want to check what time it is??? Disconnected! As a mobile developer myself, it truly astounds me that a reasonably popular app can have a bug this nasty for such a long time.
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4 months ago, bbojusa
Clunky app
It’s a very clunky app. The top panel ad covers up menu to logout or leave table. Also covers up the top section of any pop up window showing player info or score, board detail etc. so you get stuck unable to close the pop up and unable to see any cards. Only remedy is force close the app and restart.
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4 months ago, katy bg
Too Touchy!
Love to play game but it’s so touchy. Always losing game in the middle of play if you happen to touch anything. Wish it would stay on game until you are finished. Lately it’s been so slooow.
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8 months ago, DD KS
App closes spontaneously
In the middle of play the app closes suddenly. There is no long pause, no other apps opened or switched context. Just randomly disappeared. It’s happened multiple times over different days. Otherwise I like it, except my robot partner makes some irrational bids.
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3 years ago, bitemephil
Problems with being shut out
Playing this week we have had repeated issues of being online (we thought) but unable to play, not visible to other players, being booted from tournaments. Playing on iPad
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3 years ago, joanmill
I also am having trouble with app. While playing duplicate the screen constantly goes blank, thank you
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2 years ago, IMunhappy
The app frequently gets into a state where it is stuck and needs to be restarted. Some of the ads also require clicking, waiting , and clicking again to get rid of
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7 months ago, Mutt987654321
They're obviously pushing their paid subscription hard as the ads are beyond obnoxious. I thought it used to have a decent balancer of ads to play but now ads are extremely long and occur at every button press.
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3 months ago, themamalisa
Disconnect problems
I cannot tolerate all the disconnect issues I am having in the play of a game either with my partner or individually. I think when this happens there should be an automated credit to your account. I am trying in find out how to cancel my account and get a refund.
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2 months ago, Snickerdoodlehen
Is there an address version to purchase. Not interested in annoying ads every time I walk away.
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3 months ago, bucky 90
Awful ads
Basically a good app but logging on requires exposure to mind numbing ads apparently focused on seniors who have reached their sell buy date. I am using it far less than before and looking for an alternative
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3 years ago, bobbylanna
No matter what I do BB no longer recognizes my password and I never receive the email they say they will send me to change it. Would one solution be to have you completely cancel my current BB so I could start fresh by downloading a new ap? Bobbylanna
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2 years ago, Tennisfans
Logged out while app is hidden
It’s very inconvenient the app will lose connection to server after switching to a different app.
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2 years ago, xtern2020
Well played hands but seriously flawed bidding
Hands are well played, but has a fatal flaw in solitaire play as the dummy makes outrageous bids often bidding up suits with little or no strength to back it up. Makes it impossible to bid a serious game
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2 months ago, Bill Venice
Ads take over - too much cheating
This was a pretty good app, but now the ads take over and can’t be stopped without quitting and starting a new log in. Very frustrating and spoils the enjoyment. Also seems to be an increase in cheating by some pairs in some regions.
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5 months ago, ejt109
Now full of ads! Shame on you!
It's an adequate tool for when you can't play in person or for just practicing. I think the prices per tours are waaaay to high, only payable in hiked up "BBO" dollars, but now they've added long and annoying ads. I'll be deleting.
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1 week ago, Joanlur
Remember Me
I cannot connect to BBB even thought I have used it and played onBBO for years. Please help me.
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3 years ago, Morrie42
Some bad user interface
Opening dialog box with two buttons having identical names and doing two different functions. Not good
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2 months ago, reet78
Limit ads advertisements
Please limit or eliminate ads on BBO Thank you.
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2 years ago, PaulKeedy
Amateur programming
It appears they turned the development of this program over to the secretaries. The people who wrote this have no idea how to write a decent program. It does work sometimes. But don’t depend on it.
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3 years ago, Librarian Carole
No bridge
I love this site & would like to play on my phone!
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3 months ago, ASister2u
10 Minutes Play!!!
Every time I Login I can only play for 10 minutes max. The all of a sudden I’m Logged out in the middle of play! This happened to me about 8 times. I called Apple Support and gave me some suggestions if it’s with Apple. But it’s in your App.
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3 years ago, cccush
Not improved
Recently they changed screen layout on iPad. It is very confusing. If I go in via browser the layout is as it used to be. So I’ll be using that until they fix the layout.
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4 months ago, J9morr
Latest version won’t let me log in
I have enjoyed using this app as a solitary game to improve my play. The latest version 6.18.1 will not even allow me to sign into the app. Pretty useless to me now. I’ll find another app that works.
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5 months ago, YaMAMA's
Way too many advertisements!
Ruins the bridge experience!! Advertisements take over my screen after every two games. They are loud and intrusive. No way to X out of them. Awful! What happened? This app is so disappointing.
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6 months ago, flag 2
BBO is now blocking the main casual game with their ads that can’t be removed. My partner isn’t having this issue
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4 months ago, J j 123567
Annoying ads ruin this apps
Recently added ads are reminiscent of serious hackers. No option for closing windows and no option for an ad-free experience. If I could give zero stars I would.
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2 years ago, kk1's
This app has twice charged me for “bridge base dollars” without crediting me for the money. I know don’t if it is a glitch in the program or planned. But I can’t get anyone to answer my question on it. Beware.
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5 months ago, Such shie
Prefer old format
I like the old format. All of a sudden it was changed. I want the other one back. The players board is difficult to see
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4 months ago, Bruce78954
Ads, Ads, Ads
The ads are way too frequent and you can’t get out of them. Even when I turn off, they are back when I go back in. Completely unplayable now.
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1 year ago, Scrabblerev
This app is awful. After a certain number of log one you get stuck in advertisements and cannot get out of them.
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10 months ago, 19788923
Cost and rudeness
I like to play with the robots, but renting them has become expensive. Some of the online players are sooo rude. The cost and rudeness are both incentives to not play on this app much.
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3 years ago, devilishblue
Almost every time I try to play I have to delete and re-install the BBO app.
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2 years ago, Rv896000
Constant problems with iPad Air since June 5
Keeps freezing, dropping me from game while showing still online. Others I play with same problem
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