Bleach: Brave Souls Anime Game

4.4 (14.8K)
415.9 MB
Age rating
Current version
KLab Inc.
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Bleach: Brave Souls Anime Game

4.38 out of 5
14.8K Ratings
6 years ago, gwicb
Once was the best game out there PERIOD.
I loved it when I first downloaded it, which was about 2 years ago. At that time you had to play hard and it reflected in your character, basically saying that if you play the game, spent money(not even much) and devoted time to it then you could build up your characters to be great and when you spend orbs to get characters they were fair on the 5 start characters you could pull. The chances were very good and that made the game so much better than the other games that have “character pull percentages”. So this game was number 1 in my book. And don’t take my complaint wrong either, this is STILL a really good game my complaint is that (1) it’s hard to get orbs once you have beaten the quest on normal and hard so you have to buy orbs if you want a decent amount. (2)Now this is my biggest complaint the chances of pulling 5 star featured or even not featured cards are extremely difficult and disappointing I literally had 5,000 orbs and I did NOT PULL 1!!! 5 star and that is what motivated me to write a review I have tried soooooo many times to get “dual sword ichigo” and noticed that on that pursuit of ichigo I did not even get any 5 star character. I mean 5,000 ORBS like really not even one 5 star? And I don’t want to start disliking the game all because I can’t get a good character I think if they could put the percentages up a bit, this game would be unstoppable!! But nonetheless this is a great game.
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12 months ago, Steel232
Great game, been playing for 7 years
Very enjoyable, they just keep making it better with time. Grinding has gotten so much easier since the early days, but I think they should make spirits orb come a little easier which isn’t big problem atleast for me, like for example give like 10 spirit orbs for a login every now and then instead of just 5. As far as summons go I think there should be more to the summon animations than there is, I’ve seen other gacha games go all out for their summon animations and this game has a solid one it’s just I’ve seen it thousands of times it’s pretty short and there isn’t much too them. The animation has a few gimmicks(1 the amount of butterflies, 2 the color of the background, 3 the occasional fakeouts, which I love getting but that’s like the only different thing about the animations without them it gets a little bland) It doesn’t take away from the game too much but I’d love to see more. I also feel like the summon rates should be raised by at least a small percentage, whether that be 1-2%(i usually pull a lot of stuff but for people less fortunate than me when it comes to summoning).The games got plenty of content but I do feel like more than a few things are too easy (which again doesn’t really take away much at all) like there are still difficult quests but you’ve got to make a decent amount of progress to hit those.
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7 years ago, Add in More
I like the game Klab, but it has some flaws. 1. The chances are too low and need to be brought up to 6 %. This is because barely anyone gets 5 stars now. My friends just started and always gets like 2 of the best 5 stars of a banner. Like the blood war, I got 2 byakuyas while they got toshiro, Sajin, and others got shunsui and toshiro. One thing to point out is that it's so hard getting 5 stars once you run out of quests. I'm still playing because it's fun but the veterans will soon run out once you finished with the movies and the manga quests. And also your prices are really jacked up. 1 dollar for 6 spirit orbs?! All u have to do is just do a mission and u have 5 spirit orbs. It's pretty pay to win because I see people buying like 1000 spirit orbs and they get like the best banner characters. Me? Nothing, I did 3 multis from the blood War summon and got 2 byakuyas and 1 kisuke. So to sum this up, the chances of 5 stars need to be brought up to 6% and double chance could be not 12% but like somewhere near like 10%. The game's prices are such a rip off. This game is pay to win, and we need more efficient ways of getting spirit orbs when the manga quests and movie quests are done. It's a great game but has many downsides. I'm thinking the game will last till after 3rd anniversary when they will probably release new bankai ichigo. Or maybe but not likely the 4th anniversary. ( If they can even add any characters.)
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2 years ago, Shaggy Parker
Love it but…
I love this game because it has most of my favorite characters and does them Justice. I only spend money once and a while just because I have the money at the moment and think “why not”. However, there are three problems that I have with this game. (1) is that the pulls are so annoying. I drop all my orbs but instead of getting characters that I want I get the same ones that I just use to fuel older more better ones. How I would fix this is maybe buy a pass for character select or spend twice the amount of orbs to just get the character you want but the class is random. Like instead of 250 for random you’d pay 500 to just get the character you want. Something like that. (2) playing through the story gives a great amount of orbs but yeah, when you beat it it’s just done. Maybe there should be a new game + or something or just play it over and over again and get the orbs again. (3) the fact we get more variants of the same character instead of expanding on others. There’s like 600 Rukia but only 4 Nanao. I’d be cool to see how they make interesting looks and styles of others. However I still think that the game is great I would just change those three things to make everyone keep coming back to play as much as they do to begin with.
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4 years ago, ORANGES ARE WEIRD
Rates and Rewards..
The game is great, been playing off and on since launch. Would be playing more if i didn’t have to spend money to get any new characters cause I’ve run out of missions to do years ago and the release of new missions is so slow, I can’t summon anybody while new players get the chance to summon all the new metas with the terrible 6% spawn rate. Other players will agree that the rate is still too low. Not only that but the update/maintenance “rewards” is like handing someone a Quarter in a jewelry store. Can’t do anything with it but to save it for later and miss out on all the summons. Every three months or so, i have enough to do one 10x summon. ONE. And after summoning, I get someone I already have. I have two of the same Lisa maxed out on her special move. That means I have gotten her 10 times. I am tired of getting the same people over and over again. The summons should have at least one free 10x to start for the players who have run out of ways to get spirit orbs without spending any money on the game. Personally, I would spend money if everything wasn’t so terribly overpriced unlike other mobile games with summoning mechanics. I could do like three 10x on another game for the same price this game is charging for enough orbs to do one 10x. It’s ridiculously overpriced. I literally cannot afford to spend money on this game for the reasons of overpricing and terrible summon rates.
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7 years ago, ShadowStyx
Fun to start but...
The game is pretty fun starting off but dies out fast. So you get 600 soul orbs over the course of multiple coop sessions which helps you get orbs quickly. These are used for summons for new characters. After you do the story, do your dailies, etc you hope for good summons. Who doesn’t want an op character. I’ve rolled banners multiple times and never have I once gotten a true top tier 5* summon (it’s around 3% for a 5 star and probably rarer for a good one from that summon banner). If you do, I’m sure it makes the game fun and all but if not you better grind out those orbs if you even can. Because once you hit a certain point after stories, maxing out low star characters to earn orbs and all, grinding becomes basically impossible except the 10 orbs from dailies and like 10 from a login bonus once a week. I never bought orbs on this game nor will I ever because for one the prices are insane ($40 for a 10 character summon) and two I don't get goated in with their obvious ploy to have you pay an arm and a leg to get that one summon you keep chasing after. Also they have these special pay options where you pay $23 to have one...ONE 5* character and some random junk for leveling them and all. Basically greed 101. The game starts off fun but drastically dies off. You’ll either come out big on those summons or lose out with the terrible odds. Also why do they assume people need so much gold. I have 6million gold and basically never use it...
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3 years ago, Bleach3597
I downloaded this game a few years ago and it was a blast. They are always making new characters and keeping the game up-to date. The characters are also designed very well. The only drawback this game has is summoning rates which if you want a specific character you going to have to spend a fortune getting it or save up for six months, or if you are a veteran player you have no benefits. Starting with the summoning rates it is nearly impossible to get the character you want. You easily spend 3,000 + orbs to get the exact character you want. I rather they just put the character you want for a baseline 2,000 orb trade or it’s up to the player to roll the dice. They are very good, however, giving out five star players during events. The other drawback is there is no benefit as a veteran player. I used to love participating PVP but nothing was more frustrating than building up my team for three years and then loosing to someone who started the game last week (items aside). Veteran players should have easier summoning rates, only recieve top tier characters while newbies have to play the game more or something. I just feel it is unfair that veteran players recieve no benefits at all. Other than those two drawbacks this game is a lot of fun.
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6 years ago, BrotherBalance
The Absolute Best Mobile Gaming Company K-Lab. Treats Their Community The Way All Companies Should!
This game is so Under Appreciated by The Mobile Gaming Community, at least in my opinion. The amount of work K-Lab puts in To Always make they’re Game Better, and More Rewarding To The Individual Players Of they’re Community, is Far Above The Expectations in My Eyes. The Game is Fun With an Engaging 3-D Combat System, Individual Characters are for the Most Part Unique. With various versions of Characters you have come to know, and Love from the Bleach Universe. Characters individual Mechanics such as they’re Normal Attack Strings, and Strong Attacks are Usually based from how that Individual Character Behaved Accordingly to the Anime, Movie, or Manga, as well as from what Time Period in the Story That Character is From. For Example Bankai Ichigo in Soul Society, is Far Different Than Bankai Ichigo From The Memories Of Nobody Movie, and Bankai Ichigo From The Fullbring Arc is Different from those 2 Versions Respectively. The Amount Of Detail To Which the Team At K-Lab go to give back to the Community that Supports them is Far Above Any Other Mobile Game I have played. This is a Game with a Devoted Team that cares for it’s player base, and I can’t but Highly Recommend You Give this Game at Least a Chance. Thanks Everyone and God Bless! \(^,..,^)/
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5 years ago, J_Cer
Alright so this game is pretty cool overall the only problems I have is that my game keeps crashing at least once a day when I play this game and it’s annoying especially when I create a co-op room with a 5x summoning ticket, while it’s loading up to start the mission it crashes and I lose my 5 tickets, this has happened to me too many times please fix these crashes. (I’m on iPhone 6) But what I really really wanted to say is that this game should implement an open market trade system I think this would really help out the old and new players, trade items/characters for orbs or other items/characters, this would give players something to look forward to thus grind more and this would fix the problem of players in an orb drought with a source to get orbs, the trade system would also solve the problem of not getting 5 star characters, have a certain limit a day maybe like around 5 times so it won’t be too much and you can have an event to give like trade tokens so players would need that in order to trade. I know this a lot to implement in the game but I think this would really benefit the game/players. ‼️Please get this seen by the developers or to someone that can make this happen‼️
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6 years ago, QueenFancy22
This game use to be something special!
I must say I really loved playing this game, I spent every free second I had on this game. It wasn’t until a few months ago I started having major problems with the game. I have been unable to get a 5star character for months now. I have tried over and over for months and all I get are three stars. With all the probability and chance rates they give you you’d think you’d get something after trying 3-4 a day for months. Also the lag on missions while doing a run is ridiculous, it forced you to stand frozen until the other players kill you. Normally the creators of the game are pretty fast in fixing issues with the game but not this time. I even reached out to the creators of the game and told them about all the issues with the game and how I’ve been inconvenienced. I was told no matter how many times you try it doesn’t increase your odds of getting 5star characters, pretty much you get what you get. Me not getting any five stars in two months is normal. As to the second part of the issues with this game, the lagging and lost tickets and soul orbs. They completely ignored it. I’m sad to see this game go as it was one of my favorites, I just don’t have time or money to pay and scrap up soul orbs only to end up with nothing. You lost this customer, perhaps they can get it together in the future.
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6 years ago, Tiny0804
Needs a lot of improvements at this point
I’m still having problems with successfully completing or joining co-op missions. I get timed out more than I can actually play a co-op mission. I’m sure this is not only a problem for me, but it’s probably a problem for other players as well. How can we successfully gather everything we need when we get booted from the co-op system. That should be fixed immediately, it’s starting to take the fun out of the game. It’s bad enough that it takes long periods of time just to get a hogyoku’s will when that’s the main thing we need to to release the character to its next or max form. That’s another problem, we need to be able to achieve getting items that allow us to release our characters. Some of us still have characters at the same level because it takes so long to get the hogyoku’s will or we get booted from co-op when we have to play 30x Co-op just for ONE hogyoku’s will in a weekly, NOT DAILY, BUT WEEKLY CHALLENGE, ONLY ONE, when it takes mainly 3 just to release the character. Something has to change. Not just having to play for the friendship points when there is only a slight chance that you may get one hogyoku’s will. Another thing, we spend hours at a time getting 250 orbs, just to get neither a 5 or 6 stars character MOST OF THE TIME, mainly just 4 & 3 stars. We deserve at least one 5 or 6 star character if not both, it doesn’t make any sense.
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7 years ago, The Dezinator
Game issues
I don't recommend this game. It's fun, but there are a lot of kinks still. I spent a lot of time doing the arena portion to earn metals and tickets, and when the time came, I was told I had earned the rewards, but they never showed up in my inbox. This happened two weeks in a row. When I reached out to bring it to the game developer's attention, they treated me like I was stupid and didn't help to rectify the situation in the least, telling me that I didn't check the right places and then to wait LONGER in case the rewards just hadn't showed up yet (even though I got the notification saying I had earned them). When I reached out after the three (more) days they had suggested I wait, they told me at THAT point they would open an investigation and needed a bunch of information about both incidents, including exact dates and times, what rewards, yada yada... mind you, none of this stuff is trackable if you don't screenshot the incident as it's happening... even though you don't know you didn't receive your earnings until after you've gotten the notification. Like, who has that much time to go through all of that trouble for a game? How about I just quit playing and chalk up the last three weeks I've played as a waste. So in a nutshell, expect to put time into the game and potentially get nothing for it, and don't expect help when it happens.
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2 years ago,
It’s a hit or miss
Started playing the game 5 years ago and total login days are a tad bit above two years. The only reason I keep playing the game is because it’s Bleach. Whenever you summon it’s always rate based whether you have fun or not. The grind is the most time consuming grind I’ve had in a mobile game, the sole reason of why I haven’t dropped the game is once again, because it’s Bleach. The animations and the such have surely gotten way better over the years and a big pro about the game is that it has side stories, the main story, short version of the novels, and special versions of fan favorite characters like (art work Ichigo) and (sixth anniversary Aizen.) The upcoming update will surely make the game a 5/5 stars given that the kick button and the increase of 10 soul tickets is coming. No more waiting for people to use the correct characters. It’s a huge time saver and stress reliever. One last thing is that you can always get characters, no matter what as long as you grind. The point events have kept me grinding even after completing everything including the story and maxing out characters. That’s all and have fun!
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3 years ago, Ursadafallen
If you’re a bleach fan you’ll love this game, however there are flaws.
If you’re a fellow bleach fan, you’ll immediately love this game. Getting official art and even campaign missions for the light novels outside of the manga is amazing. Kubo always follows through for art for new character summons. Gameplay is nice, character models are nice. The game is very grindy and not in a good way. You will find yourself spending tons of what feels like useless hours for resources to level up characters. The worst part of this game in my opinion however is getting new characters. The rates for getting new five stars from summon banners are extremely low, it’s already a grind to get the orbs necessary to do a couple summons for the new banner so you’ll often times find yourself spending hours just to even do five steps and get only 1-2 new five stars and they’re usually not the one you want. accessories are the main way of gaining stats toward higher level gameplay, and they are probably the most infuriating part of building your character. You could reroll a stat hundreds of times on ONE accessory and not get the desired roll to fit your character. Rates in this game are the issue
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2 months ago, WTWTCB
I’ve Lost Everything…
So I have had this game for years, but 2 years ago I deleted it since I simply didn’t have the storage. I loved absolutely everything about it when I did have it, even if grinding in late game was nigh impossible. Had a various amount of rare characters with extremely high power. Came back to it today to celebrate the console release, went through the tutorial again and was surprised to find out that I couldn’t restore my progress for it anymore. I had used game center, which you all probably know no longer works. Is there truly no way to get my data back? I worked hard for the place I was at. Could I somehow move the data to my Apple ID? A KLAB Account? Anyway to salvage the hard work I put into the game? Overall, I’m not mad that my data got erased, just severely disappointed. Game has stayed the same way I left it, just with beautiful updates and the same lovable play style. Would recommend to anyone reading this review. Just make sure to save on a reliable account. (P.S, if anybody figures out a way to restore my Game Center progress in Bleach: Brave Souls, PLEASE tell me!!!)
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5 years ago, Mr gamer dude
A veterans perspective
This game was my first gacha game when I started playing 4 years ago and back then I had no idea what I was in for and I can’t believe what it has turned into. This game is simply a fantastic experience and one of the best games on the App Store period. When it first launched I was excited to simply get white ichigo in his bankai state but now we are straight up getting squad zero and so many more expanded upon characters in this game just because it has grown enough in popularity to keep going. The gameplay has evolved so much with characters getting better and more useful attacks and the animations and sound work make the game seem so much like the anime. In my 1200 days logged I still log on and do my daily missions and look at my box in awe at how far the game has come. If I were to complain about anything it would be the recent change to banners being all step ups and the fact that once you beat the story your orb sources start to dry up insanely fast. Like unless you are pulling new units constantly to max for orbs you are going to have to skip certain banners to wait for the big ones. Wish it was something I knew going in.
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6 years ago, Slaztazz
Time to retire.
I have played the game since launch and has been so great the last few years. But sadly I think the game is no fun anymore. The game use to be fun but now many things have ruined it. 1 pvp use to be fun but now it's nothing but an annoying nuisance if you don't have the top pvp teir chars you're not going anywhere in pvp. 2 bonus awards in co op. Because of it nobody ever joins co op anymore because why join a random room and get no bonus while you can host and get them. And 3 Guilds one of the funnest things to do for me at least was meet ppl in the chat room and do stuff and discuss stuff on the game but now the chat room is pointless. If you see anyone in a chat room it's solely for guild recruitment. And most guilds are dead and with only 20 guild spots any top notch guild will always be full. This game is great and hope it always will be but unfortunately it's changed too much for the worst for me and seems to have turned into a game for the big gamers and no longer a fun little time passing game for anyone. With co op and chat room dead pvp no fun and no active guilds there is not much to do. Goodluck to anyone who starts playing it. And thanks for the fun times bbs.
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5 years ago, Kingmasterdom
It’s good, but the grind is unbearable
Listen. I put money in all the games that have depth and this isn’t one of them. The game is great though even without putting money into it, but if you don’t put money into it, it won’t last you more than a couple months. If you ever playing Destiny 1 (god rolls) or Borderlands (pearlescent weapons), then you’ll know the pain of RNG. The chances of you getting a top tier 5 star character is so incredibly low that, that’ll be the reason why you stop playing the game. They did bless me with 1 great character, but there are 5 elements in the game and you need to diversify to do better in certain missions/raids. The horrible 1% RNG in this game is enough to make you stop playing it, and you’re limited with how much you can play (like most phone games). The game is too grindy and it relays too much on luck. I’ve spend about 10,000 of the in-game currency which I’ve earned without paying and I only received 1 5 star character. Hopefully you have better luck than I did, but to me, it wasn’t worth it. The game is also very redundant, so besides not getting a top tier character, it also go boring. The best part about the game in my opinion is that you can play with friends in real time. Definitely the best part about this game.
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6 years ago, GhostGaj
My view on the game, I guess.
To start off I should say that I’ve played ever since the initial global release and also a bit on JP in October of 2015. I really got into the game around global release though. On the 20th of January 2016 I picked up the global version, I remember the legendary captains summons being crazy when they came out, so I guess I could say I’m a long time veteran. To get into it I have to say this first, I’ve played on so many accounts because of the orb system and story system. I know that they cant make more story for Bleach, but after you complete the story and max all the 1-4*s and every 5* and 6* you have, the game gets boring and repetitive. I have the game to thank for years of fun, but as of February 2018 I found that the game lost its aspect of fun. I’ve been playing on and off since then, usually I log in less than 5 times a month. If there is any advice I can offer to new players, it would be to grind constantly on lottery/point events. Summon on double chance banners which come at the end/beginning of every month. And I think the most important thing is to either have friends who also play for a sense of compatibility and having fun in co-op. Try to play F2P unless you have more than $10k you have no idea what to do with, then again you are wasting money by buying orbs.
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3 years ago, wabahki
Great game
I love this game it’s very F2P not much P2P unless you want to. I have been playing for a very long time on and off to be honest, but I had so many good characters it was hard for me to let them all go. I hope Bleach the Manga/Anime comes back and they actually do a better job with it this time to bring this game back to life. It has slowly faded but I think that’s because the anime/manga failed. The game itself is very fun and overtime you level your characters up and gain orbs to do more summoning for characters or weapons, there are other ways to earn orbs like playing through the scenarios and multiplayer. The fighting controls are great and they show the aspect of each character and how they play out. A lot of it can be done through auto until you get into the higher fights which can be done manually and you should still be able to win through it. I only write this review because it has so much potential and needs more players to be recognized as a great game. The only thing I wish is for the rates to be slightly higher but overall I am highly satisfied with this game.
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5 years ago, Creative Cridisisome
Could be 5 Stars.....
I enjoy playing Bleach Brave Souls and I’m sure others do as well, but I have to admit the game could be better for instances when do the new spawn I had farmed for 504 spirit orbs and I was confident that I would get Hikone but when doing the spawn when I did the first 250 I got only four stars which I was fine with but when I did the spawn the second time with 254 I had left I was disappointed because after spending hours to get the 504 spirit orbs they were gone in the trash like that. Now I could just buy spirit orbs but that takes away from the game I want to play the game in it entirety but that’s hard when I can’t even get a 5 star like Hikone after using 500 spirit orbs. So to say what I want to say Klab no one wants a guaranteed 4 star when you show us these powerful and strong 5 star characters so please remove the guaranteed 4 star because that’s killing people, me and my friends feel that way and so do many others so please remove the 4 star guaranteed because quite frankly we all just want at least one of the new 5 stars but not if it is gonna cost us to lose the precious hours we worked and grinded for.
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6 years ago, JordanFrmOregon
Wish I could give less than a star.
For the past two updates in a row i have farmed orbs from the quests (HARD Mode) and done all the sub stories, I have acquired literally over 3 thousand orbs, I used that for the featured drawings of the last two updates and I have not got a single 5star character. I have ranked out 3/4ths of all the story characters and completed all the sub stories and I’m getting to a point in the game where I’ve used my options as far as acquiring orbs go. Statistically I should of gotten one of the new characters from this last update after having spent 2,500 in orbs. I didn’t get a single one. The games random generation is less random and actually set to give better drop rated to people who have played this game since the day it came out. I know this for a fact after having compared the drops and rewards with everyone I know who plays this game, and everyone who plays this game who’s gotten good drops these last two updates were people who have played this game from the start. They even brag about it. It’s a shame this game is so anti-new to new players. It’s rigged against those who wish to join in on the fun. What should be grinding is more like spinning your tires out. I wanted to get into the game and love it but I can’t when it penalizes people for grinding and actually playing.
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5 years ago, Gamelover162
It's okay I gueeesss
This game is cool but some things are just getting ridiculous. For one, like everyone keeps complaining about but y'all just don't wanna at least increase it a little bit, the pull rates are crazy. It says like 3% I think (which is low as hell) but it feels like -90% cause I waste 4K orbs for no 5 stars. Even the banners where it's double chance, it's double chance I get absolutely nothing. Another problem is some things are too expensive. I personally have not become of victim of having to spend anything in the game but just looking at the prices they just don't seem reasonable. And can you bring back the 600 orbs limit back to coop? You brought it back for New Years but people like me who did everything to get orbs, that's not enough. Lastly, can you guys add more of the main story since like it's not at the end technically? I just thought it would be cool and beneficial to everybody. Also, I like the addition of laceration since I mentioned the idea of bleeding but laceration is a better idea. I appreciate what y'all are doing for the game and community but just be more thoughtful please and thank you
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6 years ago, Zachpool
I love this game
I’ve been playing for over 2 years daily cause I love this game and the daily login rewards. I’ve never spent a dime on the game and I’ve got some pretty great characters and accessories. The reason I’ve never spent any money though is because the prices are so steep! I can’t justify spending $40 for 285 spirit orbs(in game currency) when you need 250 to do a 10x character pull its a little out rageous. But when you do all the quests (there’s a lot) you get 5 per quest. You also get a handsome amount for reaching characters to a certain level. On top of the steep cost to do a 10x pull the chances of getting a 5 star are it astronomically low. I saved up spirit orbs to well over 2000 to do 8 10x pulls and only got one 5 star character. If you’re going to charge an arm and a leg for spirit orbs to do character summons at least boost the chance of getting a 5 star. Even with those things I love the game. The gameplay is solid, it’s not very glitchy, and you get rewards for playing. Klab I love your game but please lower your prices for spirit orbs or make it easier to get 5 star characters from the character Simmons.
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4 years ago, Apocolypse34
Great potential, good action, few tweaks needed
This game has great face paced gameplay. However you will run into a huge paywall after you beat the story and sub story. Theirs really no other way to ear orbs besides events which you need to purchase more tickets in order to keep playing. If you are like me, a person who likes to collect your favorite bleach characters plus cool alternative skins, theirs a huge paywall when it comes to trying to get the same character 5x in order to max out the special move to reach full transcendence. This is a huge problem. There needs to be more ways to get the special move item for these characters in order to fulfill the purpose of maxing out characters. It seems like that is the goal of this game but its extremely difficult when there is over 1500+ character types in game. Also I play on pc the controls are locked and cant be configured which is another on PC because the control setup is not very user friendly. Would be great to have controller support on mobile and pc! Overall the game has alot of content and is very fun to play just needs a few tweaks in certain places since the game has aged alot since launch.
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4 years ago, Soo hard to get fans
Was fun
This game was fun. Until you play it longer then it starts being pay to maybe. If you start paying it doesn’t even have a good chance that you will get the character that you want. In my opinion they need to make about 3 things. They need to increase the chances to like 7% and 8% chances for the biggest. Also it is so hard to get orbs once you run out of quests so they need to make a faster way to get orbs. Now the last thing should be trading. You guys should add trading so if somebody has a character that another person want you could trade. I’m also pretty sure if you add trading people won’t get so mad anymore when they didn’t pull the character they wanted. U also feel like you should add characters to the TYBW arc like the original hotel 13 like make some stuff up. Captain #1 Yamamoto when he was young, the 5 noble founders as the original captains, The wolf clan founder in his humanoid form, yachiru unohana without her captain robe, some of the zero quad members like kirinji, oh-etsu, Senjumaru, and I feel like Ywqxh was one of the original captains in the hotel 13. Also add the Bounts.
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1 month ago, shilshinshirshiz
Bleach brave souls review
It a fun game over all but the pull system is so hard to get a five star and it annoying to me when I get a character that not even on their! And the prices increasing are way to much when you don’t gift us anything. So earning it is annoying and most people don’t feel like doing all that! Also the flash step is sometimes buggy randomly when your play so it hard to dodge. I also believe when doing the story quest at the start doesn’t give you anything. I mean at-least give us 10 orbs after completing a quest. Their also random moves for the boss raids where the boss would randomly do a move and I mean it not just anything but you can see the boss doing 2 moves and I noticed it a couple of times. I think the gift should increase we barely get anything and for the weekly gift tickets can we get more characters because I got characters on there that I don’t use and probably never will use and the friend point can I stay longer because it hard to get gifts on their. AND PLS FIX THE ARENA BUGS WERE PEOPLE DO DOUBLE DAMAGE AND I ALSO SEE MYSELF DOING DOUBLE DAMAGE THEN WHAT IT NORMALLY IS.
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7 years ago, Luciancross423
Trolls everywhere, Help Center Tutorial
Literally, this game gives you the bare basics of what to do after a alright story telling of bleach. Afterwards it is all up to you to figure things out by going to the help section of the game, lazy Tutorial stuff you know. On top of that when you do reach the chapter to actually talk in the chat room, people bash new players for not knowing how to do stuff. New players are basically hated from the other players and they are left to figure things out the hard way. Oh, don’t get me started on the raids, players come join just to bail during the loading screen and or get into the raid and then leave immediately when they die. Making you waste tickets and your time, there is no refund either which is frustrating. There will be a lvl 100+ quitting and leaving because they die and waste more of your time because they don’t know how to dodge and stay alive. Literally, it’s like the game is against you from the start. Trying to find actual helpful people and get good teammates for raids that won’t bail and waste your tickets is like in another dimension. Until they try to solve the problems of the chat system and raid chat system and just some of the mechanics all around, this game will stay in a toxic waste due to the players.
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6 years ago, Asdffdhvc
Fun game, but trash summon system
I like the game don’t get me wrong it’s a good game. It’s pretty good all round, but the summons system is literally garbage. I mean seriously, 3% chance for a 5 star, then 6% when doubled I not that great. This recent update has literally screwed me. I’ve had this game for about a year, so I’ve pretty much gotten all the free gems I can get. I grinded for gems. Granted I got 5 stars in 2 of my 10x rolls. That is about 2 of 12. None were even the new characters. Like I get you can’t have it so that you get it every time, but that is pretty bad. What I think would be a little more fair would at least be a 4% chance on normal so that double would be 8%. Or even better than that would be a step up system. So that on like the tenth 10x you do you are guaranteed one of the new characters. Some of you new players don’t get it, but you will when you keep on progressing. But like I said, it is a really good game. I really enjoy it, and I hope that this message can get to you somehow Klab🙏.
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6 years ago, hsjsjdbd
Needs player retention
I never typed a review for an app before but this has to be said for future players. I have played this game for years and got addicted very quickly. Gameplay is great, customize a decent amount to make your units stronger in different areas, and more. But, the rates to pull units are ridiculous. I understand you are not gonna always get the unit you want and I also understand that it’s a gamble, but to spend over 11k orbs and not only not pull the unit you want but get all dupes is not acceptable for me. There is no net to catch the player when spending an absurd amount of orbs saving day in and day out, and even spending some cash. All you get is EXP crystals to level up the non existing 5 star you didn’t pull. In my opinion, if a player spends a certain threshold of orbs, for example 4K + I feel as though they should get at least a banner unit for a guaranteed, but no all you get is a bitter taste in your mouth with nothing left over. This isn’t a casino it’s a mobile game and you can’t have these circumstances for a video game, the players keep your game alive. With that said, I am as of today done with this game until there is a player retention system, and some guarantees.
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3 years ago, czahzghost
I’ve been playing this game for like 3 or 4 years and I have to say it’s still a great game. The only issue is summoning. I had over 800+ orbs and only got one 4 star character, and to be it all I already had that character. It’s frustrating to grind so hard to get the orbs only to get weak characters. I have a pretty good collection of characters but I see characters that other players have and in the time I’ve been playing I never seen of them. I get that some characters aren’t available in some states or country to keep it interesting, but the ones that aren’t available here seem to be stronger then the ones that are. Just wish we had a level playing field. During the special summons I never get the best characters I always get weak 1,2,3, or 4 star charters. And if I get a 5 star, it’s usually one I already have. I really like this game cause I’m a big fan of the anime but I really don’t know how much longer I’ll keep it cause it’s becoming repetitive.
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5 years ago, Frustrat3d On3
Great game.. BUT..!!
Don’t get me wrong this game is addicting to play, it really is. But the rates for getting a new character is trash.. If they added like a prestige kinda thing for the campaign like once you beat it, you can prestige but get less orbs instead of the 5 per quest, just saying once you beat all quest, all side stories, all little things in the event that pops us just for 200ish orbs, then you go and use it on a *double%* banner and still don’t get nothing, it gets kinda frustrating.. Then after saying “I really want this Character, lemme spend some money on orbs” and still don’t get nothing, so here I am dropping 1.5k orbs on a double chance banner and after spending a Lil over 100 *not compared to other people* still don’t get nothing.. So yeah not worth waiting for a event to pop around the corner, At least make it to were we can play daily and still be able to get a good amount of orbs, and no I don’t mean Guilds.. random prizes aren’t guaranteed, I still think some kind of prestige on the story line would come in handy for obtaining orbs, at least so some of us can just play the game and it not be a waste of time..
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3 years ago, haveagooddaypeople
Game was pretty fun for the most part when I started and downloaded. First summons was great and had a lot of fun. But recently have been flooded with boredom, the reason I say boredom is because of gameplay with same characters played from several months back. I’ve had this game for almost half a year and couldn’t keep it installed due to the boredom. It seemed like every-time I would take brakes from the game for months and come back to a welcome back gift and get 150 to 270 something crystals I would summon and still get nothing. The banner rates on this game are so low that it feels like if you do get a 5 star unit you were almost guaranteed to not get another for the next 6-9 banners after. I decided to give this game a 3 star rating because of the fun I had when I first installed but now seems like a waste of space in my storage. I really liked the anime but its a shame that you can’t play anyone from the anime that you want on game due to the the horrible rates. I don’t think I’ll be installing this game back and starting over until the developers have improved the rates on the banners. Until then its done
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5 years ago, Chancejms91
Mobile Masterpiece
This game is amazing, very well made, and definitely one of the best mobile games you can play, hands down. I started playing the game everyday a few years back and was hooked for a while. If you have patience and persevere, you will be rewarded. When I play this game I think of it as a lottery, playing it to occasionally get extremely rare and strong characters. I hear about people quitting now because they don’t get the person they want the first ten pull or so, but I just recently returned to the game after losing my data when my old iPhone was stolen about a year back, and in not even two weeks upon returning, I pulled a Five Star Fullbringer Ichigo from a free Daily Pull, a Five Star CFYOW Zommari from my 2nd Euphoria Ten Pull, and Zanpakuto Rebellion Izuru (one of my fav chars by the way) in a single pull after getting 2 four stars and 8 three stars. For those of you who think the character pull percentage is ridiculous, just remember that diligence pays off. My free to play account is proof.
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2 months ago, nfjavsoabxkavs
Improved Greatly
I've been playing this game since like the second year it came out? Maybe when it first launched I'm not sure cause I've played so long. But this is my comment to say THANK YOU KLAB!!!! You've improved your game significantly and it's made a difference. I used to hate the game because pulling 5 stars were ridiculously hard for no reason, but now I'm actually pulling characters I want and it drives me to play the game more. I can't thank you guys enough for listening to your feedback and improving. This is what makes you the best gacha game to play. I believe I left a bad review on Google Play before switching to Apple and I so wish I could change that review. You also made getting spirit orbs easy and always hand out soul tickets, EXP crystals, summon tickets, orbs and more which I'm sure more than just me appreciate. Jushiro101 cannot appreciate and thank you guys enough, anyone reading this just download and play you'll love it. 🙏
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9 months ago, UltimaShishigawa
The game is okay, but…
I play the console version ( PS4 to be precise), and the game is fun. The gameplay is solid, though I wish you guys would include Thousand-Year Blood War in the story. The characters are great. I especially enjoy using the renewed version of New Year 2019 Ichigo (I call him Quincy Ichigo). However, when I try to boot up the game, I have to deal with login errors ranging from ones called “Login Error: 5621” and “An unknown error has occurred” at the title screen. This occurs every time I try to get on and it is not my internet or console. If it was my console, then I wouldn’t be able to play any of the games I have for it. If it was my internet I wouldn’t be able to play, for example, Hogwarts Legacy, which requires an internet connection to play. This is VERY frustrating and I’m close to quitting the game altogether if something isn’t done. I don’t want to, but I am tired of the headache I have to go through daily just to do a simple login. Please do something about this because I enjoy this game, but will NOT continue to put myself through the headache. Thank you.
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6 years ago, Jen42345
This game has not changed so much
I've been playing this game since around maybe 3 years, and other people who've been playing the same amount of time seem to think the game was better before, but if anything it was worse. There are frequently new quests and daily bonuses to get more orbs and pull more characters, and multiple event banners that give higher chances for 5 star characters. I think this game has only gotten better with time, and even made it easier go get into the game. Everyone is complaining about drop rate, so just wait for your higher chances to have a 5 star pull. If you don't get a 5 star after a lot of pulls, then it's luck. You've signed up to play a gacha game, so don't be upset when the random chances don't work out great. I've went and spent 2k orbs on an event where there was a 5% chance of a 5 star and didn't get my character. Guess what? I wasn't mad, because that's what I signed up for. Random chances for my characters.
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5 years ago, Masmoose
Love the app and I also think that it’s great you can get the creator and writer of Bleach to help you out with some new ideas and help you design characters that were never introduced in the actual anime that are also original (because he creator is helping you design them). Orbs in the game were a little harder to get before, but now orbs are very easy to get and they are available to you almost 100% of the time you play the game. My only issue is that my co-op gameplay is laggy and sometimes it crashes (probably more to do with my phone but if you guys have a way to make it better I would love that). Pull rates are a little on the lower side however with the orbs you get if you try really hard to collect orbs you can probably make 750 orbs in 2 or 3 days which is 3 multis on a normal banner. Most people would pull a 5 star on the double chance banners (however only rng decides). Overall the game is terrific and the game brings a nostalgic feeling for the anime.
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5 years ago, For all babies out there
Idiots that dont understand the nature of F2P
First of all this kind of games u are expecting to be grindy u guys are so butthurt because of the RNG You are getting yet you can get gems even if u finished all quests hard or normal it really depends on how you are playing with the game Klab is doing a good job on their side to deliver players like you good gameplay updates but most of you all are just being babies and crying because they didnt get the 5 star they wanted and they bought gems with real money why do u think gems are so expensive because it forces you to play and learn the game not spoonfeed everything to you. Yes as u become a veteran player things get hard to earn gems but there is also quests and other stuff to do u just dont have to be lazy and complain all the time if u are not getting the characters that you like. Been on and off on this game and i didnt find any trouble staying “inshape” with other players didnt even bought a single starter pack or gems
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6 years ago, Vjjnjr
The features within the game, it’s quality, entertainment given is outstanding. Only one problem that is enough to drop a star from all five. The game simply needs a boost in 5* rate, up to 6-12% naturally. Why? It’s because the game is already intense, and at a specific point of me replaying the game, I’ve always got stuck at the same point, achieving a handful of 6* characters. If I’ve played the game since one month after the release, for the past two years basically, and even attempted the “pay-to-win” access of buying orbs, and attaining nothing (literally nothing from the $300 spent and only receiving 4 stars from the 250 multi banner), I haven’t grown any further. And even going further, I have to attain droplets and Resureccion Rings. Once again, the game is already intense enough. The percentage needs to permanently remain as 8% or so. Also, this is for any viewers. If you think my review is right, then hold the comment, then press “Helpful”. Thank you! 🤗
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2 years ago, alexakaaxe5488
I love this game I’ve played this game since it came out got all the anniversary medals to prove it and it’s what I always wait for. For the character choice we’re you pick ten characters and get one of them in random.I only got one bad thing to say about this game I have the English version and Japanese version and it’s not fair how in the Japanese version the rate of getting the character you want is incredibly higher then global. Like the aizen anniversary got aizen in my second multi summon but in the English version I’m in step 16 and only pulled only 2 deam 5 stars ya abusing the English version. Other than that this game is one of or D best game for your phone. Can you guys should put that on ichigos birthday you can get to pick 1 character from the whole roster that’ll make us happy and bring more players and money to you 😎 I’m done happy birthday bleach I wish you 7 more anniversary’s
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5 years ago, Grimmjow 808
Off & On Hard to stay motivated
Played this game off and on for a couple years. It’s addicting and fun. It’s probably the best game in this style of gameplay (game engine). Of course being a fan of Bleach is the reason anyone starts playing, but after spending tens of thousands and eventually hundreds of thousands of orbs and it being so difficult to get desired 5 stars, it’s hard to stay motivated to play. You only keep grinding to get more, but after you drop $200 in a crazy, indulgent and impulsive purchasing spree to get 1 featured character, only to receive’s disheartening. While they are transparent about the drop rates (which are very low, Like 1-5%), and they do need to make money, it’s hard to wanna keep playing. And with each set of resources they continue to introduce it’s just more grinding or more money required which makes it less and less fun. But hey it was fun for the short bursts of time a couple months here and there.
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3 years ago, Royaaalc
Respect for player base
The game crashed for 12 hours making it impossible to login and enjoy the game at all. If any other game did this then there would be a very high compensation given to players as an apology and as a way to alleviate the lack of ability to grind needed events. Only giving out 5 spirit orbs (1/5 of a single summon) and dailies rewards (only for players who hadn’t done dailies when the crash happened) is a MASSIVE disrespect to the player base who enjoy the game and were unable to do anything during that time. People were joking about this leading up to it as well, “Game’s been down for hours, can’t wait to log in and get my 5 spirit orbs compensation” because they already expect to get that level of apology. I was hopeful that since it was a significant crash that they would have put in a better effort to try and apologize to their player base but I guess not. Incredibly dissapointed with the treatment towards the community. I’ve never left a review for a game before and I honestly don’t see myself (or many others) continuing to play this game with this much disrespect....
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3 years ago, Gnbhaze
Spirit orbs and Character packs
For someone who has played since 2016, I’ve had to make about 2-3 accounts. Players who have played for years don’t really have ways to get spirit orbs anymore which is why I don’t play my main account as much. Buying the in-game packs aren’t even worth it, the character pools are YEARS OLD! You could pay say $50 and get a terrible character from the ticket they give you when you buy the pack. KLaB needs to stop being so money grabby and refresh everyone’s story at least so they can get orbs to do pulls. Once you have done almost all of your story and sub quest/sub stories and/or max characters, there’s no way to get orbs. I saw someone in a review talking about how they had 5,000 orbs and didn’t get a featured character and I had the same thing happen to me but I spent 3,000 orbs. It’s a great game, fun to play, enjoyable for all bleach fans but be wise with your spirit orbs because KLaB will wait for you to restart or buy into their packs.
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6 years ago, glowingbubble55
Okay Game has potential
This is a really great and addicting game that has a lot of cool features. There are many flaws however. Getting a 5 star character is almost impossible. My current dry streak is 3000 spirit orbs spent and no 5 star characters. For those who don't play every 25 orbs you can get a character. The chance to get a 5 star should be increased at least by a little it is getting ridiculous. Also my game crashes constantly which I know could be on my side but it seems to only crash when every I win a brave battle. It crashes 90% time when I get an extra battle. It has to be something with the game cause it works just fine when ever I lose. There need to be more ways to get orbs. Once you complete the stories getting orbs is fairly rare. I feel like every month when the character quest reset the stars should reset as well. If some of these issues were fixed it could easily be a 5 star game. There is alot of content that can keep you busy for a very long time.
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4 years ago, Bl4ckwolf
Game and issues
Love the game, love the mechanics, and really enjoyed the characters and their different level ups specially the main character 😊. I really hate the online Rewards that are titled like this download these two items to get 10 or 20K for this game that does not work, Iv downloaded five new items or this on different time points, two of them on the same day four10 and the other 20K and got nothing no point except for the first time after that i’ve seen one point for downloading but nothing after that not even registered as a trying though some may of been repeat but I don’t really remember them and they don’t register as old so four of them definitely knew one repeats multiple times and only had that one point for it and never registers again as downloaded it once for the first time it goes back to zero every single time😡😡😡.
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5 years ago, S_F__
Fades as it gets older
Hands down a great game, used to be my all time favorite. I used to put much more time into then I should’ve, but now I feel like the game is just trying to make everything easier. And I understand they want new players and it feels overwhelming at first and they don’t want a new people never be able to catch up to newer additions to the game. But at what point does it become too much? I remember back when there was only a few units that could be 6 stared. I wish not every 5 star (besides raid characters) could be 6 stared. It just makes progression and late game look better. But now someone that’s been playing for 6 months can be around the lvl of someone playing for 3 years. I took a break for a couple months and came back to be behind a lot of things. Still trying to recover lol. I honestly just wish this game felt more rewarding for players that’s been playing for awhile. :/
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6 years ago, jekkusu
Awesome game
It’s a nice game to kill some time I know a lot of players that complain about making orbs and that this game has flaws it gets boring it’s a lot of grinding this and that but I disagree The updates and events make it easy for you to grind now that you can use 5 soul tickets at once for 1 story and gain extra exp and drops And with the Kon Bonanza event you can easily max level characters and gain a lot of orbs. I’ve already gained 3k orbs from taking advantage of these events not paid a dime.. even the veteran players already know but some don’t care to tell the beginners. There are a lot of resources and bonuses to help you get to where you want to be you just have to put some work in. I started off with crap characters but after having patience I now have 24 Six star characters and 5 of them being maxed out thanks to all the event quests and bonuses they have every day.
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6 years ago, Dirty__1
Hero to zero.....
I’ve been playing for a couple years off & on but have really been steady the last year & I’ve loved the game, until recently. The co-op mode has become IMPOSSIBLE to play bc of the massive lag in play. If I do manage to make it through a stage then there’s a very good chance the game shuts down & I lose everything. The summons pools have become pretty pointless for free players. We save up for characters we really want & do the multi summons (with increased odds) but it takes 4-5 try’s & even then you may not get a 5*. It’s one thing to not get the featured character but to not get anything other than 10 duplicates over & over again... It feels a little like it’s becoming a pay to play game with the expanding amount of character packs each month & the lack of 5* odds in the summons pools. Fix the lag & fix the summons odds because it’s quickly losing its appeal. Until then it’s going from 5* rating to a 1*.
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6 years ago, Aizus
The administration is horrible
The game wouldn’t be bad if the company knew how to administrate the game better. The story, co-op and side quests are nice, but everything else is pretty bad. If you want to be good in the game just get Unohana, Genryusai and a Kenpachi for pvp. Don’t bother climbing up, you’ll get destroyed by the skill those 3 have. It’s really boring fighting the same team composition over and over again. In any other game that would get fix, they would recognize something is not right when everyone uses the same team and no other character can be seen at all. The worst thing about the game is the drop rate. You can spend about 4,000 spirit orbs and literally get nothing good. The summon itself has a nice price, but since the drop rate is so low you would still have to spend a lot of money trying to get something good. The prices for the packages are ridiculous as well. You have to spend $80 plus taxes just to get enough orbs for 2 summons and get nothing. They do make nice events, but it’s not enough to compensate for the amount of money you would have to spend just to have a bit of fun.
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