Collapse! Blast

4.1 (1.6K)
85.2 MB
Age rating
Current version
Last update
9 years ago
Version OS
6.1 or later
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User Reviews for Collapse! Blast

4.06 out of 5
1.6K Ratings
9 years ago, Minimix411
This game and an app are so much fun and a great and totally addictive way to have fun and blow off some steam. The app itself seems to work really well with not noticeable hiccups or abundance of adds. My only complaint is that you only get 5 lives and the game doesn't seem to offer ways to get or earn any in abundance. There is an option to buy 15 lives for $2.99 and more but I wish there was a way to play more without having to pay.
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7 years ago, Family top chef
Game is not so much!
I have always loved Collapse but I have had nothing but issues since I installed it about a month ago. First thing, it will not connect to my Facebook at all! Says there is a network error but there is nothing wrong with my connection or with any other game connecting to Facebook. Every time I open the app it attempts to connect to Facebook but every time I continue to get the same error message. Second thing, it constantly crashes. For no reason I will be getting ready to play again (after I have watched an ad) and the app crashes! I open it again and sometimes I can play but usually it crashes again and again! It’s extremely irritating when I watch an ad to get a free life and as soon as the ad is over it crashes and I am not given credit for the life. And lastly, I just updated my phone and I can no longer play because CollapseBlast is not compatible with iOS 11! Looking at the reviews and the last time the developer updated the app is 2 years ago so I am not hopeful that they will fix the bugs in the app or update it any time soon! I enjoy playing this game but sadly i will probably be uninstalling the app and no longer playing a game I enjoy! The developer really needs to get off their butts and fix issues that have clearly been going on for 2 years!!!!!
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8 years ago, Great fun for everyone!
Love the game BUT....
Like many other reviewers, my comments are similar in nature. Collapse is an addicting game. That being said, as often as it freezes up then seems to take a rather long time to 'right itself' once again, such hindrances make the game unenjoyable. I don't mind waiting for new lives or even the ads. It's part of the gaming culture now. What IS frustrating is having ads high-jack my screen to go into landscape mode only to freeze the game itself into some kind of morphed portrait mode once you're released back to the game in progress. It's gotten to where I have to turn off my phone to have the game return to normal once again. Extremely frustrating and very annoying. I'm afraid as much as I enjoy playing Collapse, I will more than likely be uninstalling this particular version.
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7 years ago, shineyma
Fun until level 8
I was stoked to find this game in the App Store, as I have fond memories of playing it on a friend's computer during elementary school. And for the first few hours of play, it held up and I really enjoyed myself. Then I hit level 8 and met the same proved as all the other commenters: the ads. First of all, they play after EVERY SINGLE ROUND. In addition to being loud & obnoxious, they freeze the screen in landscape mode, making it impossible to continue playing without restarting the app. Simply put: you have to restart the app after every. single. round. Which, as the rounds are only one minute long, gets old VERY quickly. I tried to keep at it, but overall, it's just not worth the hassle. 2 stars for a problem that should've been fixed ages ago, judging by the number of complaints.
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9 years ago, SarahJadeWitzer
LOVE but....
This game is so addicting and I don't mind waiting for more lives. It's worth the wait. But the ads are such a problem. Since most of them go in landscape mode, when it goes back to the game, the game is totally disoriented and is squished to not fitting on the screen and you don't have access to play it from the disorientation. Please update that and also have a way where you can just purchase to remove ads because I would love to do that than watch a 30 minute second ad anyways.
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9 years ago, ItzaSecret
Luv the game HOWEVER
I don't enjoy playing it anymore because it is now playing video ads after every single game and when it goes back to the game screen - it is stuck. The ads are in landscape mode, the game is in portrait mode. After the ad - the game will not revert back to portrait mode and I have to exit the game - completely shut it down and restart. It's also not showing me any of my friends that play. Maybe when these issues are straightened out I will start playing again but for now... I'm considering deleting it. If it stresses me out than there's no point in it being on my phone. 😫
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5 years ago, cindarella1990
App doesn’t work
I would love for the developer of this game to make it compatible with our iOS update for apple because this game is very fun ! I just hope that soon they update it so i can download again and play, last time i played this game was longer than 4 yrs ago and i played it every single day ! It was a relaxing and joyful game. And when i search it some other ones pop up similar to it but it is not the same =(. Please update !!!!!
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3 years ago, HoneyBee0928
One of The best Mobile Puzzle Games ( in my opinion )
Collapse Blast is a very good game for its time, and still is almost 10 years later! I have been playing this game for 6 years now, and I love it! It's not one of those horrible match 3 games that you see adds for everywhere. It's such a shame that it's so underrated, deserves more updates and a sequel! So if anyone is reading this review, please consider giving the game a try, you might have a great time!
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7 years ago, catlover 😺
Loving this game
I really love this game. It works out perfectly for me to play as I'm getting ready for work in the morning since it's a timed 1 minute game. However if it's not updated when my iPhone gets updated to iOS 11 I won't be able to play it anymore. Please update since I don't want to have to delete it when that happens.
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9 years ago, almoore_
Childhood revisited
I grew up on this game. It was installed in my moms big block of a computer and I and the whole family would take turns trying to beat each other's scores and I'm excited to be able to play it in my phone. And I'd like to point out that there have been no ads on the game as far as I have been playing. So the five stars are staying.
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9 years ago, 💩👨
Waste of time to be able to play once, get stuck watching an ad for 30 each time (which is way to long to be forced to watch) AND as so many others have said it freezes, you have to reset each time and even Erick who said to double tap is wrong. That isn't how you should be forced to play a game or force us to buy it ad free. Past reviews from months ago and still the same issues. Who's in charge here?!? You offer a game so fix the problem. Don't ignore people. When you do it'll be 5 stars and get better reviews.
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7 years ago, Lhsilly
Collapse blast and Super Collapse3.
These are two of my favorite all time games. I accidentally deleted Collapse Blast and now can’t get it back. I sincerely hope the developers of these games will update them and make them available soon. Not everyone likes war and zombie and fighting games. I still play Super Collapse 3 on my desktop computer. I wish it was available for my iPads.
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8 years ago, Brian1004
Addicting like the PC classic
Even though the collapse series has seemingly died off, the addicting gameplay has remained the same. There isn't a quest in the game, but there is another app by GameHouse that does. The app is clearly outdated and simple, but that simple gameplay of increasingly difficult levels as you continue to rack up wins can keep you playing for a good amount of time.
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7 years ago, Darkprincesslaura
Some advice
This game hasn't been updated in awhile and isn't compatible with iOS 11 so be warned! As far as the ads go, I play in airplane mode since I learned it won't connect to Facebook. So no ads, no trying to connect to your Facebook, and you just wait for new lives. It is annoying when it crashes, especially after you've just earned coins, but they usually show up upon reboot. So in short, airplane mode and wait. Still makes it enjoyable. =)
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8 years ago, Docmusik
Fun but issues
Game is fun That being said, the game is based on lives and it gives you lives for watching ads (or passing time -7minutes). The problem is the game freezes after EVERY ad, and you have to restart the game... But even though you watched the ad, it doesn't remember your life... I tried closing the game before the ad, but I still ran into the issue of not having enough lives to even PLAY the game. Very frustrating.
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7 years ago, Milo and Benni's Mom
Best Game Ever
This brings me back to my childhood went I would get on the family computer before apps and bet my mother score every time. It was crazy because I never played games and this was my introduction into the game world and l loved it. I don't think that my mother can bet me score still to this day. 2002 senior year!!! The Best!!! 😘😘🦄💕💃🏽💋🐝🐼🎀💋🦊❤
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9 years ago, PainIsStrength
Like but dislike!
I enjoy playing the game but HATE the way you regain lives. You have to wait 8:00min which is fine except that mine aren't restoring. If I close out the app it won't refresh my lives but if I leave it open in the background it drains my battery and half the time didn't restore the lives that way either. Very very frustrating and needs to be fixed ASAP in my opinion.
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9 years ago, Mrs. Stansbury
Collaspe Blast
I absolutely love the game! I used to play this game as a kid but whenever there is an ad the screen goes into landscape mode and once the ad is over the screen that the game is on is in portrait mode but the screen is stuck and I have the close the app out and log back in. This is the only problem I have. Can someone please fix this?!
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9 years ago, SamiFM
Used to love this game but recently it stopped allowing me to send lives to friends and receive lives from friends. Technically it allows you to send them but nothing happens/goes through. Inbox on both ends shows nothing! Frustrating, please fix. 😞
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9 years ago, Tskreider
Old favorite
Love this game. However, the ads are becoming a problem! It is a shame there is not an option to remove the ads. Update: the ads are now popping up so frequently that playing the game is becoming anything but a relaxing break. Downgraded to 2stars... 2nd update:ads are finally gone, but it forces open Facebook page website . I don't have facebook and have no desire to use Facebook. Please, can we just play the game? Remains two stars
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4 years ago, Rainbow1982
Hoping you make this game for iOS
This one the best game I ever played...only thing is it not out for need to update the game so that people who have iPhones can enjoy this game just as I once had...looking forward to maybe play it again in the near future
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8 years ago, Ebs36
Collapse blast
I have the iPhone 6 Plus been playing this game for many years and all of a sudden when you play the heart comes down and when you hit play the game disappears anyone else having this problem. Other than this it is the best game ever
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Pro Tip
If you don't wan to watch a 32 second ad in between EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. Simply double tap the home button and close out of the app. When you open it back up a new game will be ready for you. It takes 5 seconds. I love this game, but hate what comes along with "Freemium" titles.
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7 years ago, Catastrophic Play
No Updates
The app no longer works properly and needs to be updated to support IOS 11. I sent an email directly from the app to the developer and the email address is not good. Pressing the "help" link takes you to and employee IT help desk that requires an email and passcode. It doesn't seem as though the developer will update the app any time soon, so I may have to delete the app if continues to cause problems 🤔😣😠 ..
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8 years ago, Nightz
Love this game!!!
THEY FIXED THE ADS!!!! There are no longer ads in the game!!! We are free to play without the constant stopping, quitting and reloading. I don't know how they did it without an update but they did!!! YAY!!! Click on the colored blocks in groups of three or more. Fun way to kill a few minutes
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9 years ago, maccopsnk9_2 w/ A.E. Life
Great and fantastically addicting game
Makes my brain hurt for all the right reasons. Thanks to the attention grabbing and fast pace this game makes me feel like a supercomputer trying to rubix those cubes. 3 or more to take them down. Love this game. Thank you for making it.
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8 years ago, Kyra102883
Fun but there is a problem
Love this game, but every time I'm finished with a round and ad pops up and when it's done the game is disoriented and I can't play it. I have to close out the game completely then open it back up to play again. Please fix this
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5 years ago, Y2K1306
Needs updating
My only issue is that it hasn’t updated so I can play the game on a new device. It’s a great game just miss playing it . Wish the developers will update it so I can play on a newer device/OS . Please tell me when that will happen .
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4 years ago, Bianca_J
I loved playing collapse when I was little. I was glad I found this app until I updated my iPhone awhile back 😡. If I knew I’d lose the game I wouldn’t have updated. Please update this app so I can keep playing! ☹️ The others aren’t the same.
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8 years ago, ohhhhhbam
Pay to play but free to download?!?
I used to play this game all the time on my computer so when I found it as an app I had to download it. It was free when I bought it and limited me to only three games until another heart would generate after a few minutes. Now that is NOT the case and instead to play at all I have to purchase more "lives" to play! What kind of game makes you pay for each round of play? Worst download ever.
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7 years ago, caddgirl
App Update?
Loved playing the game in my desktop then online and finally my phone. Is that where it’s gong to stop? Now I can’t do any of these. The app has to be updated by the developer to even work with the new iOS... please don’t disappoint! Update! It doesn’t need to be all new and fancy. I just want to play the game! The original!
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9 years ago, leedoglaw
Ads make game crash
I would rather just buy a game outright than deal with freemium gaming but I accept ads as apart of most games. Collapse blast would be fun except the ads are actually full thirty seconds commercials that cause the game to crash. The fact that they Are so frequent means that there you will be lucky to play more than one board without it crashing. Deleted it.
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8 years ago, MrPuffers123
I don't seem to have any of the problems I've seen here. As for the ads, if I get really frustrated, I will pay the price of removing them. I have gotten many times worth the fun playing the game!
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9 years ago, Phoenix373
Would be 5 stars but....
Love this game! The only issue I have is that recently when landscape ads are done playing the game is distorted and I have to close the app to refresh. Maybe it needs an today for iOS 9 support??
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9 years ago, Carrot cake lava face
Love the game BUT....
The game itself is great. But my lives are renewing. Every time I open the app, it restarts the 8 minute countdown, making it impossible for me to actually play it. And 15-30 second ads are terrible. Once the add is done playing, it leaves the game screen distorted!! So I have to keep closing the app to reopen it with the normal game screen.
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9 years ago, levi1960
Great Game, but
It does have its issues, even though it is a very entertaining game. We only wish the developers or its managers would see the benefit of updates, patches, and corrections for this fantastic game. Yes, its entertaining, but, how long will we continue playing if the developers do not care enough to make the game as best as it can be?
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7 years ago, NEHI-VNV/LV MC
Please update app
Please update app so it is good with the IOS 11.0.3. I love this game and it is killing me that I can’t play it now because it is not compatible with the newest IOS. The last update was two years ago.
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8 years ago, Overcome
Ads have ruined game experience
As other reviewers have pointed out, now that there is a 30 second video ad after nearly every game, this app has become truly annoying. To add salt to the wound, the ads cause the screen to freeze as they revert back to game mode. I don't have time to waste on this. I enjoyed the game until this problem.
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9 years ago, Veroniccccca
Super fun game but, everytime you pass a level it takes you to an ad which freezes your screen. I have to turn my phone off and back on just to keep playing. They need to fix it. If they do it would be a five star game but, it's so annoying.
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9 years ago, Cristiinar
Love it...but
I love this game it's so addictive but there are entirely too many ads and after every single ad, the game freezes which causes me to shut down the app and have to re open it just to continue to play and half the time, my high score won't save because the game gets stuck. There's a lot of bugs to be fixed.
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7 years ago, PissedoffIowan
Favorite game! But.....
I love this game, it's very addicting and so much fun and I would have given it 4-5 stars but, it hasn't been updated since January of 2015, the game needs an update because it won't fully work with the new iOS updates so it's near impossible to log in with Facebook, which means you can't even use all the features of the game!
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9 years ago, @nessaDGAF
Cool game
I wish I could find the strategy version where you work puzzles to clear all blocks but I love this version too. It's addictive. One of the only games I haven't deleted out of boredom or waiting for lives 😂
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9 years ago, Theegypt7
I Love This Game
I love playing Collapse Blast. It challenges me. At first the screen would get stuck after every ad, but once I paid to have no ads the game played smoothly.
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9 years ago, kpb981
I play this game all the time but it's starting to get old. Nothing new for a very long time. There should be an option for longer play time. A minute is just not enough. It's an average game. I usually only play it once and then get bored. Needs work definitely
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7 years ago, Jampac J
Collapse Blast
This needs to be updated for the latest I phone 11.2 update for compatibility, soon as I updated my phone it no longer works. Can the developer update please?
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9 years ago, Taylornic1995
Why so many ads???
Love playing & just wanna keep playing.... Having an ad after every game is ridiculous though. Especially because after the ad it messes the game up & you have to close out then restart the game... Get rid of them!
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9 years ago, Fraggle421
Blast off!
This game Is addictive like the Pringles slogan "once you pop you can't stop" we'll this game's slogan should be "once you start you can't stop" playing that Is lol!
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8 years ago, PDuquetteTx
Freezes up after each ad plays.
I love this game is just too frustrating to play because of the bugs. I hate having to exit out of the game and then restart after an ad plays. Sure wish the developers would check back on their app.
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8 years ago, 1ssabelle
Please fix
After every AD the game screen freezes and just messes up completely! Like the screen enlarges and freezes and is really annoying because you have to restart the app. But the game itself is really fun, it's better to play with friends to compete with each other.
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8 years ago, BirdsAndPigs
Do NOT download
Giving the one star for two reasons. First, there is a ridiculous number of ads. Second, the ads are displayed in landscape, but the game is portrait. At the end of the ad, the resolution does not return to the original state making this game unplayable in its current form. Love the game, but will delete it from my iOS devices until there is a fix.
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