CSR Racing

4.6 (80.2K)
468.6 MB
Age rating
Current version
Last update
5 months ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for CSR Racing

4.57 out of 5
80.2K Ratings
4 years ago, Text king
Still enjoyable for me, even without multiplayer
It’s still working on my second phone which I’m currently playing this game on. I did used to play this game a lot on my second phone back then. I’m already halfway done with tier 2 now with no serious trouble with progressing through the game. Back then though, I was able to progress up to the international. But stopped playing to move away from mobile gaming. But then reinstalled for the memories of this game. There is is a nice variety of cars like GT3 cars, road cars, to even a DTM car. It’s a quite responsive app as I remember and the frame rate for me is very good. I haven’t experienced serious lag either. Both which is impressive for me since this game hasn’t been updated for 2 years now.
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2 years ago, pool of tears
Check your clock? Really?
First of all I agree with all the other reviews. Bring back multiplayer, it was an essential part of this game. Another reason I gave this game 1 star is because of the faulty daily races. I’m only on my third day of daily races and as soon as I’m able to receive a golden coin from the race, it reads “check your clock, race again tomorrow?” Well yeah I would race again tomorrow if it would give me that golden coin but the prizes reset when you don't consecutively play the daily races so now I’m earning cash again for something that wad completely the game creators fault. Its very irritating to download a game and then find that all it wants to do is give you a pop up “deal” to get you to pay real money every 3-5 minutes, and on top of that F you over with other things. Another example is I had fully upgraded my car before racing the last time against the crew leader, since I knew about the pink slip race afterwards and I wanted their car, I literally got all perfect shifts and a perfect start and he still beat me, WITH A FULLY UPGRADED CAR! This game will F you over big time if you don’t swipe that visa card so be careful people and don’t download this game it’s a complete waste of your time.
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4 years ago, Raptorblade playz
Great, but without multiplayer?
Hi. My name is Raptorblade(real name hidden for privacy) and I have been playing this game for over 6-7 years. I wasn’t good at the game back then, but I really enjoyed the game’s multiplayer feature. It made the game so fun to play but now it’s gone. I miss multiplayer and if you would please bring it back I would give this game 5 stars and I would be happy for the time that multiplayer stays out(I hope it’s a long time). Also, a problem I saw was that when I go check out the tier 4 cars, I come across a ‘67 Shelby gt500 and when I go to it nothing appears, I zoom in and then I can’t get out so I have to restart the game. The only main problem in this game is there is no multiplayer. I mean how does CSR 2 have multiplayer and you don’t let this game have multiplayer? Is it a connection issue? Is it because everyone was too good at the game? I told my friends to get this game and they immediately quit after they finished and there was no multiplayer. I really want multiplayer back, everyone wants it back, and I don’t care if I get any cars, I just want multiplayer back. Thank you and I hope you make the changes for everyone, since multiplayer is a feature that everyone loves, please, bring it back.
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7 years ago, Syoval
Really Slow Without Multiplayer...
Ok, so ever since naturalmotion took out multiplayer, the game has been REALLY slow. I find my self racing 10-30 regulation races just to upgrade my car. Please bring multiplayer back, a lot of people still play this game. You don't have to give a car at the end of the season, just let us race online. I use to make bank playing multiplayer, but now I am stuck repeating regulation races. If you're reading this, naturalmotion, please bring back the best thing about this game. My current device doesn't have the power to play CSR2, so I'm stuck under the bus playing a slow and boring game that doesn't have multiplayer. I am sure that a lot of people will read this and agree, so if you don't want a lot of people abandoning their favorite game to go play others like asphalt 8, real racing, call of duty, and need for speed, then please, bring back the fan favorite game mode. If you truly care about your community, please put back multiplayer. Thanks, I hope you can truly and seriously consider this decision, for the community will be overjoyed. Your fan player, Syoval.
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6 years ago, FallBright
We want the game to be great again
When I started playing this game, it was in the newborn stage. Even then, it was a great game. But with the addition of multiplayer, World Tour, and The International, the game climbed the ranks to become one of my favourite games. But the new updates came, and killed off the features. The removal of multiplayer mean that progress through the game was agonizingly slow. But recently, the complete transfer of the game from online to purely offline single player mean that the saves would be completed gone, similar to what happened in my case. I had plenty of cars, and I almost completely finished the campaign. But when I got my new phone, all of my progress disappeared. I am very disappointed in this game, and how it changed from a great one to another game that is painfully slow to progress. In conclusion, this game has passed it's golden age, and now it is just a shell of what it used to be. I do not recommend getting this game, unless you do not mind a chance of losing your progress, and having to play hours on end and spending real money on the game.
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3 years ago, ItsAssassinz
Crashing every time
I don’t know if anyone else has this problem or if they have a solution, but when I download this game it always crashes the millisecond I get into it. I’ve played this since launch and only stopped playing since 2018 and ever since they deleted your account after switching phones or simply deleting the app, I no longer am able to play this game. I’m very sad because I wouldn’t care if I would have to restart again, because just playing this class is would be great again
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4 years ago, mincraftuser$
I just wanted to make a video
I saw a trend on an app called TikTok where you can post and watch videos and I wanted to do it so I went to the App Store and searched up “race” to find racing games so the first app that popped up was this app so I downloaded it and once it finished downloading I opened the app and everything was turned side ways so I turned my phone sideways but my wifi and battery percent and the time where still facing the other direction so I turned my screen lock off so It wouldn’t do that and when I opened the app it crashed as soon as the music started playing so i swiped up on the app and tried to open it again and it crashed again so after a few tries and even after me deleting the app and reinstalling it it was still crashing so I reset my phone and then I open the app and it crashes so I never even got to play the game. If 0 stars was a option i would be using it right now
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3 years ago, MrElTopo
Game crash
I’ve played this game for years across many devices and I stopped playing for a while because it used to lag a bit or freeze but then I guess after the last update it stopped so I decided to start playing again but now it just kinda crashes and takes me to my Home Screen and out of the game, whenever I open it I hear the music introduction until it arrives at the main menu and then it goes back to the home screen I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the game as well as restarting the app but it keeps doing the same thing, and my phone is compatible with the game so I don’t understand why this happens, if you could please check this out it would be really great because it’s a great game and I wish I could relive some past races
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6 years ago, Jsjshhenan
Natural Motion
I cannot even believe your decision to remove multiplayer. For example, so many people still play the game and multiplayer brings a competitive edge and fun to the game that the single player just doesn’t provide. Additionally, this not only upset your users but also it has decreased the games popularity causes the game to be even worse. I’m not trying to be rude but the game has become a disaster without multiplayer. Sure, you could say that you make all the money and popularity you need off of CSR 2 which is fine but if you really want to be a helpful and kind people to the players of CSR who desire and miss multiplayer, please, bring it back. Thank you, and I hope you will seriously take this into account. Sincerely, Jace Holcomb
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3 years ago, Smc hitman
CSR 2 Racing
What’s up with the developer? There’s enough bugs in this app, that a pest control company couldn’t fix the multiple issues with this game. I’ve lost two accounts and the developer never tried to help reinstate my account. At that time I spent close to a thousand dollars on this app. I’ve been playing this game since it first started. I had at least two dozen top cars, and seldom lost a race. Now, not only do I lose, but there’s very few races, that can be won. The rewards for watching thirty second ads, is not working, neither is refueling. Way past time for the developer to fix the many issues, with this app. At one time, this game was lots of fun. Maybe the developer can bring back the joy, this game once offered. Respectfully, Steve Carvalho
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4 years ago, lacrosseking2
It’s ok
So, there are a few problems with this game. First Problem: I play on an IPad Mini 2, and the game just won’t download. It just won’t work. But, when I play it with my friend on their phone, it downloads fine. I’m not sure what this is, but it’s annoying and crappy. Last Problem: The game is INFURIATING. It’s so hard and expensive. I’m a free to play guy, and this game looks fun and free to play, but when you get in the game and start to get the hang of things, you run out of something, and it takes like 3 hours to get it back, so if you want to speed it up, it costs real (not fake) money. That, or you have to be either a hacker or someone so skilled, you’re a CSR racing Albert Einstein. Anyways, I would probably look for other games, unless you like being INFURIATED. Thanks for listening, people.
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2 years ago, derpfacelegend101
Rip off micro transactions
I really like this game. But once I got into World tour, I decided to buy a really good pack for only a couple dollars, however, I believe this transaction changed the offers I get from the agent such as T5 cars for 50% off. But now, it does not offer me such deals, but instead it offers me T5 cars for full price, but gives me 200,000 cash which is no where near as good as getting the Audi R8 ultra CSR for only 100 gold. I would change this rating to five star if this is fixed and I would be able to get these good offers even after buying a pack. That is the only reason I bought this pack, so I can take advantage of the good deals, but instead you take advantage of us and decide to just give me the sucky “Buy T5 car at full price, get 200,000 cash” right after I buy the pack.
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3 years ago, imahoenamedmikeoxsmall
CSR on IOS 14
I like the game and it’s fun and all but I’m currently typing this on my IPhone 11, the app does not work on it so in order to play the game I have to use my old iPhone 7 and I’m 100% sure it’s the IOS 14 update, one night my phone updated on its own and I wasn’t able to play CSR on it for a while until recently when the game started working on my iPhone 7 again, I’m still waiting for the day that the game hopefully works on my iPhone 11 and I can keep progressing in it and hopefully beat the whole international
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4 years ago, Amethystsphynx
whenever i try to open up the game it just crashes. i’m on iOS 14 and it still doesn’t work which is really annoying. i used to play this game all the time when i was younger and i just wanted to play again but instead it doesn’t even let me open the game without it crashing. it’s a cool game, i don’t have anything against it except for the fact that it crashes every single time. i didn’t even get to see the screen after BossAlien popped up. i wonder if this is happening to anyone else? i tried it on my phone and ipad and no success, but it works on my older ipad which is on iOS 12 i believe. AND it told me it works on this phone. so what’s going on?
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4 years ago, YTboom boxer
Not as 𝕗𝕦𝕟 anymore.
I used to play this game a lot when I was younger but it just isn't as fun I re download it cause I remembered how fun it was but now that I'm older it just takes way longer to upgrade your car please make this game as fun as it used to be. Also please bring back multiplayer I don't know if I'm a to low level or it is just gone, but it still is kinda popular I know at least 6 people In my 13 person friend group (including me on both) so please keep updating. Another reason I re downloaded is because my phone does not have enough storage for CSR 2 so I thought this one would be the same but it isn't near as fun as CSR 2 looks. so please make CSR 2 take up less space.
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2 years ago, aidancharlie
You should bring back multiplayer
Dear creator of CSR racing, I would like to write a review of how you should bring back multiplayer I’m begging you please bring it back please because before I used to play multiplayer and it made the game my number one spot for when I’m bored and when I heard of multiplayer shut down forever I was really upset and this is why I’m here to write a review I know you released pt.2 of csr but please if you put it back you would do me a huge favor for me and others around the world wanting it too please do it for sake for all the people please. Sincerely, pizzaboi124
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3 years ago, 2018rs demon
Here we go again
So after 2 years of being away, I began thinking they fixed the bugs. The good news is they fixed the bugs, but are now in a full money grab. - Can you play this game for free. Yes you can, however, you’re not going to be a useful member of your crew. They took a great concept and amazing idea, and crushed it. -do you have to pay to play? To be a functional participant, yes. They now have a system where the car you need for the event will be available for sale but a chance of getting it for silver keys. No keys, no participation. No car, no participation. No participation no money, and no movement forward. What are these new Elite coins? You are given a very good car. So you hit a story with this car, and start racing. Eventually you will reach a point where you need to gain a start, making your car from a one star to a two star to continue racing. These elite coins help you. Only they are not giving you enough races to support this. Eventually you have to purchase tickets to get your car to another level. Just be aware... they tout this as a free to play, but it is not.
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6 months ago, Clem7777
Good game
Played it in 2017 under DToney3615. Them again in. 2023 under Nice Monster Hunter 962. In the top 1 percent in. The world Twice. Really enjoyed the game both times. First time around actually was the best score. Wish there was a way to restart game under new name and keep my old game with its score. Unfortunately don’t know how. I like it because it takes a long time to go through all the levels. Being retired it’s the only game I like. The other versions just not interesting to me .
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7 years ago, 783&37178293762
Ok first of all I want to say is that his is a pretty detailed game and that I like the coins and the other cars u can get . I have better games to play but if I get board I usually play dis game so here are the things I would like to see change Changes: please please make there be longer tracks and make different lands and please make it a over head so we can see a character and also can u plz make a change so that we can have different characters like the sonic racing game Thank u so much for reading my review it's a pretty good game but pls make changes and I just might make a better review! U might see some other review I have for other games mabye robolox tiny tower, and much more. Thank u so much for reading LATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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2 years ago, arash ghalamsia
This was a good day to be
The decision a great day and night 🌞🌝🌜✨🌛💫✨💫✨💫✨ , thank for sale Honda and ruf , please long time for sale for this two car, we request show sale for Honda and ruf , we available 47 gold coins for sale ruf, we are uneasy because hide your game in purchase, why show sale ruf and Hop Honda ?please very more sales Dodge Challenger and ford mostang and bmw, we wanting you don't cessation of the this year, we slandering about your game, and we aren't say that we are mad at you, we want keeping day available gifts
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3 years ago, TylerSStRaNgE!!!
I Like This Game!
I've just started playing this game again. I was playing the game on my iPhone XR but when I was about to race for I think the 5th time or so it kept crashing. Probably because I have a newer phone & I might've just updated the software so I grabbed my iPhone 5C that was sitting being itself in the house & I downloaded the app on the iPhone. It's much better on here than my iPhone XR. I'm gonna try to beat this racing game. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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12 months ago, BIgSwede58
This Game ! And it’s bugs .
I played this game about two years ago . I stopped playing because it became dull . I came back because I wanted to see if it got better . It did some what . The graphics are quite a bit better in places . But there are still bugs and the developers don’t seem to address them well. The Daily Battle hasn’t been working for about a week , and this is a bonus game so worth more . Also it’s a pay to get more stuff quicker obviously but it’s a real grind otherwise . At best it a mindless entertainment game !
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3 years ago, whateves broth
This game doesn’t work anymore, and not only my phone
I did not play this game for years, like 4-6 years. And today I thought of re-downloading it after I finished CSR2(great game). I waited like 5 minutes for it to instal, and finally, it was finished. I pressed on the game and everything worked. They showed the screen of the 5 crews, and put the music. 3 seconds later I was kicked out of the game. I tried multiple times, then deleted and downloaded many times, still didn’t work. Tried it on my iPad, didn’t work, asked my brothers to do the same, didn’t work for them. This isn’t a device failure, this is a game failure. Please fix this problem as soon as possible. Thank you
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3 years ago, Nick Molano
Does not work on my iPhone 11 Pro Max.
I’m not sure if it’s the phone I’m playing on or the iOS version I have. But everytime I launch the game, it only makes it to the main picture showing the 5 bosses for like 2 seconds and the music plays for 2 seconds then it crashes. It doesn’t get any further than that and I can’t play the game. On top of that, I had beaten the game on my iPhone 7 Plus and I even had the mclaren from beating one of the world tour bosses. I also spent money on this game. Please fix this It won’t let me play and I have a feeling it’s gonna make me start my progress from the beginning.
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3 years ago, Robl0xnoscope
Game crashes on startup
I used to enjoy this game a lot. But I haven’t been able to play it, because when the game starts up, it crashes almost immediately. I wanted to restart the game, but I can’t even start at all. Maybe the game is too outdated for my device, which is an iPhone 11. The game worked completely fine for my iPhone 6s, which was my main device before my current one. I can’t use the 6s though, because it’s destroyed. If it wasn’t, then I would be playing the game on that phone.
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3 years ago, cobone69
New Update Please!!!!!!!😭
I absolutely love playing this game me and my dad enjoy it so much!!!! But it won’t work on my iPhone 7plus it’ll boot up a little ways and then it will jump out of the app I made it as far as the home screen of the game and then it would jump out or crash I would really truly love to see this resolved so those of us with the newer phones can still play this!!!!!
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5 years ago, JaDe_FlashDragon
Somewhat Glitched
So, ummmm, I don't know what to say exactly. Apparently the game started telling me that I could claim all these free cars and free bonuses (Btw I have just started so I'm pretty new with the game) but anyways with all these enhancers and cool cash prizes that were "free" I got up to World Tour within the first 4 days I've been playing and I thought, "Wow why don't all games work like this?" Then came the fifth day of my adventure, a bill from Apple comes....... $80 has been spent on CSR Racing. I don't really know what happened here but I'm not too happy with this app. I mean there's really no point in deleting this app because of the total monetary value but it's pretty angering that a game like this could scan you like that.
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4 years ago, ashmannn2000
I loved this game but I try to log on and the game just automatically Long as me out I love this game so much I grew up with this game and people spent so much money on this game and I think natural motion needs to put some more time and put an update on this game this game is a really good game but I can’t even play it because it is so old and there has not been an update in two years I hope natural motion sees this I don’t like to complain about games but I really wanna play this game again part two was good but it’s not part one I do not like to write reviews and complain about games but please make a update people spent so much money on this game so please make a update!!
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4 years ago, DravenStar92
Game is broken
When the game loads up where u can see the characters it automatically closes out and sends you back to your phone screen I’ve re downloaded it a couple times and it still does the same thing and my phone is already updated and still does the same thing
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4 years ago, Gfdujcfihvsthkfchf13463125
They limit your gameplay so you have only a certain amount gained while racing. It’s a basic formula into hopes you don’t figure out there is no short cuts. You have to upgrade parts in order to race unlocked races aka spend a certain amount of money in order to basically win the money they want you to spend. Which makes it hard for you to customize the cars in the order you would like. You can’t even get on top without spending real money in game shop because you can’t sell the car you spent all the tine on working. Don’t bother unless you have allot of real cash to spend on a phone app!
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2 years ago, bb dawson
The game is terrible just please remember that, when you end up onto the boss level he calls you you lose and called you a loser. when you do anything you can’t do anything but race the boss. This game is stupid it was a bad idea if you download it if you download this game you like it you are a fool because the stupid fangs don’t do anything to frustrate you
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1 year ago, Gabe Stackhouse
Daily battles
I lost 3 gold when it wouldn’t let me do my daily battle. Usually if you race 3 times it will give you a pop-up about the daily battles, therefore you were able to race them. But sometimes that pop-up wouldn’t show up and won’t let me do my daily battle, and the “Check Your Clock” sign is straight up useless, Really pisses me off. Other thing: This game is fun once you start playing it, but after you beat Errol, your progressing will get really slow.
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4 years ago, Gokuthegodwarrior
Please update it!!!!!
Since the 4.0 update I cannot go back to it and so much progress has been stored in it and this game has brought me back so many memories and it’s gonna hurt a lot if I don’t play it again and anymore, if you guys are out there please give it a update, i want to keep playing this game for a lot of years to come and never waste a single second in it!
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3 years ago, gatchagarbage3000
Found this game 6 years ago amazing
I was on the bus with this 7th grader and he was playing this game on his iPad. Me being in 2nd grade I was like what is that and after asking for 30 minutes he told me. Immediately went home and got it on my moms phone played it for years then they came out with csr2 and I’ve been playing it since release
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5 years ago, Xjohnny2000
Daily Races
I’ve only done like 2 daily races in the 3 weeks I’ve had this game because they’re always locked and say “race again tomorrow”. The 2 times I did it, I’m not sure how it let me. But I haven’t done a daily race for like 2 weeks and it’s never been unlocked and it always tells me to try tomorrow. And no, I haven’t done the thing where I change the clock on my phone to exploit the game, so I know it’s not a problem with that. Please fix, I want to be able to do daily races
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2 years ago, sxssz
What is going on with CRS 2!?!?
It won’t even work it only shows me the loading screen on CRS too it’s literally impossible to play the game I want to play it so bad but I can’t in the past it was working so good but now it’s working horrible I can’t even do it I was about to write CRS 2 One star developer of CRS 2 you should feel ashamed of yourself.
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4 years ago, 472747247363
Need to fix something
ok so i played this game in 2014 and didn’t notice the sound effects from the car it was like they made the audi R8 lms ultra sound like a dodge or something if the game developer reads this please fix this i want it to be more realistic every thing is good but the sound effects of the car need to changed i don’t if it was just me or they also made the huracan sound like a muscle car so that’s and please read this...
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3 years ago, Scaryskeleton43
I used to love this app till
I used to play this game a while ago but recently I haven’t been able to because it keeps crashing. If I could still play it would be fantastic but every time I sign in it crashes. I think this is because the game is old and hasn’t been updated.
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5 years ago, dilligaf0716
Rip Off
This game doesn’t even earn a star. What is a game without customer support. Which there is none. I used to have fun with this game, had all the bosses cars, elite cars that I purchased with real money and others that I flat out earned with time. Then I log on one day to find all my cars are gone and I basically have to start over from square one. Customer support didn’t do anything except thank me for my money. Now there’s cars I want but I’m not going to spend anything for fear they will rob me again. Thanks for nothing............. guess I Have to rate one star just so I get posted lol
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5 years ago, ariazad
Great Game, Just Needs Slightly Better Graphics.
I play CSR 2 now, but when it was not out for apple yet, I played this. Now that I downloaded it again, I realized how great of a game it is. The ONLY thing I want in this is slightly better graphics. I mean, don’t get me wrong, they are still decent. But I want the graphics to be amped up a bit. I wish they could get the excitement that this game has and put it in CSR 2. I love both games, and maybe CSR 3?
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4 years ago, paritition9999999988583
This game does not let you restore purchases.
Hi. When my dad deletet this game and I downloaded it again, i cant restore purchases! 😔 i just needed my data back and my R8 LMS car is gone. I quit this game if it does not let me get my data back. Ive just got 20 cars. Also i got back to tier 1. When i was in tier 5 plz fix this game plz
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3 years ago, FHS fan
Sadly keeps crashing
I came back to the game after a good long time and all it does is crash after a few seconds and can’t even launch the car of the tutorial but I want to play the game for nostalgia and am currently working on CSR 2 and CSR classics so if you could fix this that would be amazing so I can have the whole trilogy completed on one device
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3 years ago, johnbucket203
What is happening?
I used to play this game, on a iPad mini 1 and it worked fine. But I stopped for a year and thought on my new iPad Air I could try it again but I downloaded it and it kicked me out before i got to the screen with the tier bosses I don’t know what happened and I tried it on a different iPad and it still didn’t work it’s kinda sad bc I used to be tier 5 with a Shelby cobra boss, so kinda disappointed but I now stick to CSR 2 and CSR classics. So thanks and I hope you could fix the problem
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6 years ago, Nfhdjxgvfgvv
This was my absolute favorite game ever since it came out. It has been an amazing experience and I am sad to see that my profile I had for 6 years is now gone because they took out cross device profiles. Still one of the best games I’ve played but I just wish they didn’t take that out because I would definitely still be playin.
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3 years ago, stevens9292
Won’t load
I would rate better but I can’t even get to the loading screen. It loads the sponsors and right when it shows the Home Screen the app crashes and closes I’ve tried on my WiFi off of WiFi. Deleting and redownloading it. But am getting no where.
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4 years ago, stick11231
Amazing game it is one of a kind but the drawback is no multiplayer if you make it multiplayer I will give this it five stars I love all the cars it just overall a good game to play if you looked racing games I highly recommend it for people who like racing games and no multiplayer 😃😃thank you and have a great day😁
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7 years ago, TonyPlayzGames
One problem
So there is one problem, when i race in the daily battles thing i earn a reward. And when it shows me the reward i have earned i exit and go to see the amount of money i have and i didnt get anything. For some reason i never get my award please fix this because i need money for upgrades.
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6 years ago, EbonyChocolate
Dishonest Company
First of all the game is not set up for enjoyment, it’s set up purely to get you to spend money. I was a top level player and when my account got deleted they refused to restore my purchases, instead asked me to spend more money. You would do better to choose another game that treats their players with more courtesy. When high level players stop playing it’s very telling on your product. Whatever you do - do not spend any money on this game as they keep moving the levels so your purchase is not effective to your performance.
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5 years ago, Duel pipes
Pedal to the metal
The game is fast when you step on the gas you gotta win to get some bad wheels once you step on the gas you can feel the rush the game is great until you get new cars you’re in line to get a five star car that you raced hard to get into that position and they stick you with a three star car unfair and a real short coming to a great game it makes me not want to play it Dual Pipes
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3 years ago, GatorNation2019
Game review
THE APP CONSTANTLY CRASHES I have a IPhone SE and I downloaded the game today. I have more than plenty of storage space to run the app. Whenever I try to play it, it gets to the main screen as shuts off. I have tried 25 times today and I am more than sick of the nonsense. I will not re-download CSR Racing. That is Inexcusable. For app that is over 400 megabytes to not work on my iPhone when my storage incorporates 10 gigs of free space, and it’s a complete failure. How am I supposed to have hope in the future. I will not download any CSR racing app ever again.
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