Diablo Immortal

4.6 (242.1K)
2048 MB
Age rating
Current version
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Diablo Immortal

4.64 out of 5
242.1K Ratings
2 years ago, eesty23
This game is so great & fun you lv up kinda fast in the game & you don’t gotta spend money to have fun if you grind you can get everything that you need it takes time. I am happy we can play with a remote you can do a lot of things to lv up side mission other side mission the bar missions Dungeons rift can ya add more story to this game it would be nice another thing can ya put deferent mood in pvp would be great. Like regular team death match. Ones you get to lv60 the game gets even better more things to do you can play for hours & wont get bored at all. This game is not pay too win because nobody attacks you when you play outside the world and that’s a big plus everybody can get along no bullying other weaker players ya did a great job with that.. I think this is one of the best games to lv up fast when you grind you can spend money if you like… the only thing the prices is kinda expansive but you get alot off free good equipment & the battle pass is pretty good to spend the money on it. I have not had any problem just when my phone gets hot the game lags a little sometimes it don’t let me attack until a few seconds. The other great thing it do not attack by itself or is not auto play now that’s a big plus. Keep up the great work hopefully ya put more story moods to play thos was good.
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2 years ago, Gajest0216
Finally a mobile game done right!!
*Update* End game is a little stagnant. You grind the same things over and over again which gets monotonous fast. I still enjoy the game and plan to give it a bit longer and see if they add anything that keeps me coming back for me… events, items to collect, crafting. Something besides grinding for a handful of gear. Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! This game is amazing!! I would say it’s great for a mobile game but it’s just great for a game, period! I have tried every mmorpg on the App Store looking for something to fulfill my gaming addiction after moving to an area with no internet and being unable to play world of Warcraft. Except satellite so… like I said no internet and every game has been severely lacking until this one. This game has everything. Great graphics, great items, lots to keep me busy. I’m not very far into it so I’m hoping endgame isn’t a letdown and I’m still able to find things to keep me busy but I have a good feeling about it. Oh and idk whose bright idea it was to keep autoplay out of it but I love you!!! I could have cried from happiness when I realized autoplay wasn’t gonna take over and leave me fighting to turn it off every few minutes. I genuinely think autoplay is the worst feature in any game. I’ll definitely be paying for the extra items and doing my part to keep this game funded! If this is the start I look forward to seeing the future of this game!!
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2 years ago, ur boi zack h.
Great GAME, HORRIBLE monetization.
Not much to say about the game. It’s Diablo. It plays like Diablo and has the same story style as Diablo. Quite fun. However, the monetization is straight up immoral. The whole crest thing is extremely sketchy. You can use normal or legendary crests to increase loot from random-gen dungeons. Normally you can only use three at once, right? Well, apparently, using more than three LEGENDARY crests gives you the option to add SEVEN MORE CRESTS. And you would never know this until you got ten crests and somehow never used them, because the game never tells you it does this. Also there are two different types of legendary crests. The game does not tell you this either, unless you read the fine print. Paid legendary crests give you legendary gems that are NOT bound to your character, meanwhile the normal crests you get from actually playing the game give you gems that are bound to your character, so in short you cannot sell legendary gems on the market unless you pay for the crests. There’s so much more going on, but I’m not putting all that into a review that won’t even be read or taken into account. So basically if you want to know more about the scummy crap going on behind the scenes, this guy called Josh Strife Hayes has made an analysis. TL;DR Diablo Immortal is a fun game with scummy loopholes to get around loot box laws and terrible monetizing with some severe FOMO subscription mechanics.
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2 years ago, therobclan
It’s a good game
Let me start with I love Diablo games and am haveing fun playing this one. There are critical review about the money you can spend in the game but in no way do you have to. I spent some already because I wanted some extra items and loot to help me level at the start but did I really need to no I didn’t. I buy plenty of PS5 games for 60+ and I don’t mind spending money on a game I like. This game is fun and you can play never spending any money and have fun. Does everyone need to have this idea that a company that wants to make money avoid actually making money because they don’t want to buy something. It’s tired out. I see way more games throw out 100’s of forced ads and crap in games this is a free game you can choose to play and enjoy with friends or by yourself in a Diablo style. If you want some little bonus perks of gems buy some or go hunting. Over all great game the only thing I wish is to change servers I didn’t realize I was locked in when I created my character it’s not a big deal but I would even pay for that option I don’t mind doing that. Play the game have a good time but don’t say it’s a bad game because they are offering micro transactions in a free game on a phone. Get the game you will enjoy it.
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2 years ago, 98346172453
Constant issues
With every single update there is an issue with battlegrounds, there is invisibility bugs they still haven’t addressed or fixed, each time they “say” they fix it, they don't and something else pops up. Peoples gladiator fatal proc now happens 3 times in a row. Demon hunters can shoot through walls, wizard beams are invisible, if you want to live through all that your going to have to spend a good 15k+ dollars. I think they need to outsource and pick a different company that will operate more efficiently. I would give this a 5/5 but the game keeps dying because they aren’t fixing anything just coming out with new quests that provide the most minuscule things. Even F2P players will have to constantly do daily’s for a good 6 months to get 1 thing good. Its a well made game but very selfish on the rewards for everyone, as long as you keep spending money the less they will fix things. This is how a lot of good games die within a year or so. Hope you can fix these issues with the right people that know their stuff. The new gem crafting will take f2p players multiple months to be able to craft 1 legendary 5 start gem and then it takes like 100 to get it to ranked 10. Just seems like they just want your money, you’d think they’d take care of their players by making 100 million dollars after 2 months of release date. Please fix this game or it will die within a year.
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6 months ago, jrufhgbgng
Limited customizations and encourages addictive gambling like behavior
Despite what the advertisement says, I was very disappointed to find how limited “not limitless” the customization options are. As a person of color you are only limited to race depending on which class you choose. It would have really been nice to be able to feel represented no matter which class I choose. Just to give one example, as a blood knight you can only be a white or black male, you have no option to be an Asian male unless you’re a barbarian for example. This matter to me as I would like it to be “my adventure”. Another disappointment is that they don’t have any reoccurring special events that give you the chance to obtain some of the previous armor sets like the blood rebirth armor for example. I love new content but I also think it would be nice for players to play previous special events vs rehashing the same old normal events. Then game is also very pay to play oriented and encouraging gambling like behavior. I don’t mind paying as a moderate spender but it can be discouraging spending a lot of money with such a low percentage to obtain higher quality gems. The game also does very little to describe how new functions work like the pet systems which forces player to experiment which is expensive and lead to a lot of discouragement as well. On a positive note is that the community can be fun and I do like when it seems like the devs do invest in this game.
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2 years ago, RondyR
Good Game, buuuuuttttttt…
This is a pretty fun game. It’s polished, nice to look at, and enjoyable to play. In short, it turned out to be significantly better than most Diablo fans thought it would be; however, we need to talk about the monetization lunacy. You’ve no doubt heard that fully-powering your character can cost up to $110,000. That’s absolutely true, and that’s absolutely insane. I would have thought that Activision-Blizzard has had enough bad press over the past couple of years, but apparently they decided that they wanted a metric crap-ton more bad press and wanted to anger/lose even more players. If that’s their goal then they’ve succeeded masterfully with Diablo Immortal. You know why it’s called ‘Immortal’? Because you would have to be immortal yourself to grind your way to a powerful character. It’s literally impossible to do within a normal lifespan. You can beat the game without spending a single red cent, but you can never be powerful enough to play the higher difficulty levels without spending thousands of real dollars. If they took out the monetization and just charged $20-$30 for Diablo Immortal I would happily buy it. The game is enjoyable enough to merit such a price tag. There is no game ever made or ever to be made that would be worth spending $110,000 on. Watch the video on YT called The Immoral Design of Diablo Immortal before you crack open your wallet; trust me, you’ll thank me later.
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2 years ago, Daoooh
Beautiful game, but I’m already bored.
I’ve loved the franchise since the start, always playing as a Necro (or similar squishy) on my first run through. But this game makes it almost too unrewarding to the skilled players. Without the Mana system, you can just hold down the Auto Attack button while standing back and eventually the enemies die. All abilities are on a cooldown which I feel are way too short, allowing you to spam everything without a single thought or strategy. Other games that combine cooldown and mana have done it well, why can’t blizzard do the same? If I spam and cooldown is up, but I’m out of mana, I should not be able to use that ability. Then we have the option to equip cosmetic on our characters which nullifies any customization that comes with using various items. Cosmetics for the sake of flexing to other players, but you don’t even know if you’re currently wielding a staff or a dagger. Because after all, the necro doesn’t even stab with the dagger, just summons projectiles and a ghostly scythe. Is your helmet really ugly? Slap a cosmetic on and no one will see it. (Lastly, game is super twitchy and crashes on a 5th gen iPad 2017, which is fair, it’s an old tablet. But it overheats my iPhone 12 Pro pretty quickly as well, and frame rates drop noticeably.) might update review after having played another class.
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2 years ago, R1sKK
Great game under the hood but…
I’ve been playing Diablo since the early Diablo 2 days. Loved the franchise, spent many hours on the game. Diablo Immortal is a great game under the hood but it is very heavily predatory when it comes to micro transactions. Now, I haven’t yet ran into a paywall myself. I am paragon 17 as of writing this review and have my Necromancer pretty geared. I have only bought the season pass and I most definitely do not intend to spend money on crest. Here’s the thing, if you just want to casually play and gear up your character, this games is just fine. If you are someone like me which don’t really care about pushing the leaderboards you can have a lot of fun without spending a penny. However, if you are a competitive player this is where the pay to win comes in. The game allows you to buy power with legendary gems which will significantly increase your progression in the leaderboard and make you stand out in PVP. To sum it up, this game is great when it comes to the gameplay and story. Probably one of the best mobile games you can play. However, the predatory micro transactions and ability to buy power is leaving a sour taste on peoples mouth. I wish this wasn’t the case since it overshadows the great game it is. I really enjoy this game and I wish Blizzard can address a lot of it’s p2w issues.
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2 years ago, Dude22224
Nonsensical server data locking
When I created my first character I could understand the exclusive cosmetics approach, you redeem cosmetics on a character and they’re locked to that character. However, those characters are SERVER LOCKED, so if you redeem your one-time cosmetics on the wrong server like I did, they’re gone and so is your character name and progress. That also means if you want to play with friends, someone is starting all over on a different server. If you’re going to server lock progress and characters then cosmetics need to be ACCOUNT LOCKED instead of server locked so you can play with your skins on different servers. The in-game clock is also reliant on the server, rather than the system you’re playing on. How absurd is that? Path of exile was release in 2012 or 2013 and they allow you to move to a different server and it doesn’t affect your characters, names, or cosmetics. Why does a game released in 2022 differ from that? It’s sad that a game that had this much work put into it ended up this fundamentally flawed. I was excited to support the company by buying all of the necro cosmetic packs but I’m going to wait to see how this game ages. I’m not going to say I recommend the game until this gets fixed. I’m really getting disappointed with every new blizzard release being a flop. D2R has the same server problem that has yet to get fixed as far as I’m aware but I’m not about to get into that too.
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2 years ago, gamingsincethe80s
Buyers Remorse
This game plays well as a mobile app. This is the reason for the high star rating. This game will take a few hours a day from you at very specific times of day if you are wanting to keep up with events and other players. For those who f2p this game provides loads of time for you to grind away in pve. For whales willing to spend thousands of dollars this game provides opportunities for you to destroy other players in pvp. (If xp wasnt tied to pvp I dont think I would have played my 3 games daily.) I’m more of a casual spender that put in $60 the first month. It wasn’t worth it imo. For the prices Blizzard charges you get very small and incremental increases in your combat rating. The monotony of the grind was very unrewarding. Like many players, I have been playing Diablo games since they first released the original. I am unimpressed by this iteration of the game. Blizzard has been on a path of being tone def to its player base for a very long time and it looks like the could care less about what they are doing as a business. I was hoping to rekindle my early years of playing Diablo but this wasn’t the case. I recommend checking out the game but also encourage players to pause before they spend their money. At this time I have uninstalled this game. Not sure that I will revisit it again.
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12 months ago, Macopoly
What a joke (complete trash) stay away!!!
1st off it’s a pay to play so if you wanna do anything after lvl 60 up to lvl 1000 you better have $1,000 - $10,000 to drop on a mindless game which just ultimately lets scammers inundate you w/ scam after scam after scam but what’s more crazy is blizzard employ’s the scammers, it’s so bad you can’t even chat b/c everyother line is some hack trying to sell you fake in game currency which if you buy you will be band What most ppl don’t know is that this game was being used to fund the newly released Diablo 4 and now since D4 is out it’s become a mad cash grab, the latest updates are filled w/ bug they refuse to fix all new lands and items are very lackluster and since they can’t seem to put out decent content anymore the meta has shifted to skins and other highly priced items that do absolutely nothing but they need to trick their player into staying even though every month more and more server get shut down and anyone claiming otherwise is a liar b/c you can go look all this up for yourself!! So keep your money, reclaim your time and find something more prominent or more productive to put you energy towards =)
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2 years ago, Goku' Soul
Solid Foundation Ruined by Greed
It’s unfortunate that Diablo Immortal has a horrible monetization system. The base gameplay is actually fun (it feels like a slightly worse variation of D3 when it comes to combat) but it lacks much of what makes a Diablo game good. The devs have installed soft/hard caps on many things in the game, which lock players from progressing in power. The only way to truly and continuously power up is by spending money. Some of the design decisions are also really bad. They also made all content in the game require parties but given how awful the CP system is (none of your stats matter other then getting bigger numbers overall) it’s hard to find parties. Everyone is running around at different CP levels and given how CP is the only thing that matters it makes partying up a chore. The player base is leaving and finding parties for content is getting harder. This game had a lot of potential (on launch I had it at 5 stars) but greed and systems that prevent players from increasing power without spending money have ruined it. They don’t update the game with new events (we have one event coming after over a month and half) and the battle pass is the same every month. I recommend playing something else with better dev management (more frequent updates and content drops) and a better system that doesn’t prevent you from powering up without spending money.
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2 years ago, notaRedStarFan
Set Items Deserve Essence Extract and Inherit
I’m a day one player. I’m perfectly fine with whales and krakens buying thousands of dollars worth of Legendary crests to get max quality 5 star gems and then duking it out with each other to be the Immortal and nuking me in battlegrounds. I like the game and don’t aspire to be The Immortal. My most important piece of feedback is that I LOVE the Legendary essence extract and imbue system. I don’t know where or when my next upgrade is coming from, but I know that when (eventually after much grinding) I can use it and try out different builds for different things. But with green set items, I can’t do that and I hate it. You red pilled me with the legendary system. Do it for green set items please. Grinding Tomb of Fahir is tolerable about 15 times. After that, I want to be done for the week with Tomb of Fahir. But I feel like I have to keep doing Fahir because that is where my hands drop from. And when they finally drop after 50 runs, there is a very high chance the stats are too low to wear. And with how important getting Combat Rating up is, you basically must focus first on Combat rating instead of set bonus (doing half damage against monsters with 10 CR higher than you makes a 15% damage set buff meaningless if it’s combat rating is too low)
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2 years ago, Ryanslatr
Great until you get past the campaign then suddenly paywall
This game plays really well and the story is actually decent. However as you start getting further and further along, the more laden with mtx this game gets. In the beginning progress comes very quickly and gameplay feels very rewarding, but after you get to the end of the story, you start to notice the gameplay is less rewarding and progress not only slows to a crawl, but actually gets stopped. End game gear, especially upgrade items are gated behind real world currency (looking at you Dawning Echo, $100 bucks for an item required to “awaken” a single piece of gear). Not only that, but the amount of high end gear that drops is capped to a certain number per day, so you can’t manually grind it out either. It’s a shame because I think this game would be worth digging into and grinding out the gear, except they’ve made it so that you literally can’t unless it’s with your wallet/purse/trust fund. The gameplay is fun, but the cash grabs are very disheartening and it feels like a rug pull when you get to the point when you spent hours and a little bit of money only to realize that you eventually get to the point where you no longer can grow your character. Then when you decide to try out another character, you realize your battle pass, cosmetics, and all your other stuff purchased is bound to your first character instead of your account like you would expect.
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2 years ago, DatGuySteveM
Love the game, hate the dumb issues
So I do love the game as it is really fun, however when I first started playing I couldn’t get into Westmarch because I didn’t have the resource packs downloaded that I needed. The packs wouldn’t download no matter what I did, and after extensive research online (lots of googling and YouTubing) I learned that I had to uninstall the game completely, restart my phone, reinstall the game, and start the game as a guest. Then, and only then, would I be allowed to fully download all of the resource packs to play the entire game, which ultimately didn’t take long. Then, I would log into my account to pull up my character, and then I would be able to play. But then today, August 3rd 2022, the game went through some sort of update (I think) and now it’s making me REDOWNLOAD all of the resource packs AGAIN!!! And I’m running into the same problem AGAIN!!! Now I have to uninstall the game completely, restart my phone, and now I’m writing this review while waiting for the game to download and download ALL OF THE RESOURCE PACKS AGAIN!!! Which, ultimately, will take a good amount of unnecessary time, again. This shouldn’t be an issue but for some reason it is, and so many others have had issues like this… again I love the game as it’s super cool and fun, but crap like this shouldn’t be happening.
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1 year ago, Dorksyde85
Disappointing for Blizzard
I have been playing Diablo since the original, and was extremely excited when this game first dropped. On the positive side, the campaign is well made, the classes are fun and the skills and combat are enjoyable, everything else about the game is utterly terrible. I played for the first few months and the quit when I decided I wasn’t going to spend any money on it. Right before the Diablo 4 beta dropped I started playing again to see if anything had improved in the game, and while I was kind of surprised with the fact that getting legendary crests without paying for them seemed a tiny bit easier, what I got in return was an extremely toxic player base. I was surprised because at the beginning of this game the player base was very kind and helpful, now you just have a bunch of really annoying, really trolly people who think that because they are paragon 600 that they are superior human beings to you. It is really a shame that Blizzard made this game the way that they did, but at least the people were enjoyable at first, now the whole experience isn’t worth playing at all. Update, now that Diablo 4 has been released it has even further relegated this game to the hallowed halls of games that should have never been made. If you are looking for a Diablo experience the way it should be, go play D4 and save yourself from spending thousands of dollars to be the best loser on mobile gaming.
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2 years ago, Ronbo13
They could have made a lot of money but a lot wouldn’t have been enough
Blizzard's web site has a statement of their values. Under "Gameplay First", it says: "Everything we do at Blizzard Entertainment is based on the success of the gaming experiences we provide our players. The goal of each discipline within the company -- be it art, programming or customer support -- is to make our games as fun as possible for as many people as we can reach." Diablo Immortal is a violation of that mission statement. This is a game where they made gameplay juuuuust good enough that you could witness the genuinely enjoyable gameplay you could get if you pay them money, constantly. The guys throwing down tons of money are getting the "games as fun as possible" experience. The guys not throwing money are getting a "games just good enough" experience. And what a shame. This is a well crafted, beautiful, and enjoyable game except for the ridiculously excessive monetization. I bought X-Com 1 & 2, and Civilization 6 for my iPad, happily. They devs of those games didn't have anything on their agendas but "make it awesome." Blizzard could have done that. They could have charged us what they'd have charged for a full Diablo game. They could have said, "the opening is free but each subsequent chapter is a purchase" (like Space Marshalls does). But instead they said, "all those really terrible PTW games out there?... let's see if we can out-do every one of them."
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2 years ago, Squawkbox69
Definition of Insanity (Amendment)
Have been spending the last several hours attempting to just download the game. Before the usual suggestions of turning it off and on come about I have done so numerous times. Not to mention clearing out storage and resetting my own internet, which is strong enough to download 3g on an ancient desktop in ten minutes time. Any suggestions I find online or from Blizzard do not work, so anything that can help would be appreciated. I am usually patient, but I’ve been waiting for this game since I’ve heard of it years ago. Now I’m willing to amend my rating if I can actually get to play the game. Until then, I will continue to leave one star reviews. It’s even worse because I cannot even report having this issue in their own hyperlink. I’m a huge fan of Diablo and have been waiting to try this game for years, so this hasn’t been the most fun I’ve had experiencing this fantastic game series. *** After finally downloading the game and the extras I am ready to say this is exactly what I would expect from a Diablo game. Minor changes in levels and skill usage, still plays great. Anyone having trouble with over heating can optimize your settings for your device. Looking forward to see how it grows as a game and community.
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2 years ago, Xcuti0n
Monotonous/micro charge/GAMBLING
Ok. First off great game and play. The graphics are nice. Here is the problem with this game. Put $1K into it and cannot get a BSJ or Bile to drop and if you do it is only 2 stars. Then to level them it is ridiculous since you need money to run and get legendary gems. You need more of these impossible drop gems to rank them. Gems give resonance and make you stronger but people have put several thousand to be maybe mid tear players. Everything in this game is RNG. Let me clear that, everything in this game is a gamble. 100% gambling. With your money and time. Legendary items seldom drop and if they do you only get 2/1 stats. I ran for 1 week around 6-8 hours not one upgrade. Do not get me started on set items. 3 weeks of spamming a dungeon and everyone but me gets what I need. And if you do get it....it is not an upgrade. This is gambling. I recommend not even playing this game if you want to be a bit competitive. If you do just know you will have to fork over $1K to MAYBE get something you want. Getting the neck is a gamble. You cant share or give a gear drop to someone in your clan/guild that needs it. You cannot sell gems you don't need. You cannot place things in market at whatever price you want. They cap it. Also, if you want a well priced gem from auction, it is another gamble. Everyone waiting to buy at time, and it is RNG (i guess) who gets to buy it....for real. Blizzard you are crooks.
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2 years ago, Bodhi985421
Fun for a while, but hit the wall hard…
So, I love Diablo and despite the negative reviews I’d read, I really put my all into this game. Daily player from day-1, ran every daily quest, was putting in 5+ hours of play a day. Kept right at the server level cap +2-4 levels. Bought the first two battle-passes, and ground them out hard. Was running every raid whenever they were up, constantly farming dungeons, etc. Last week I realized that, simply by still being active in the game, I was my warband and dark clan leader. Literally, every person I had started playing with has quit. Then I really started paying attention to my gear drops and combat power and realized it had been over a week since I’d gotten a gear upgrade, and that was for a ~100pt CP increase. Putting in over 40 hours of play per week, and PAYING for the battlepass, I had simply stopped caring about gear drops. The only thing worth playing for was completing battlepass levels for the exp hit, which is really the only way to level up. Most of my gear was over 20 levels below my current because that’s how harsh the rng is…. just stopped having fun and so stopped playing. I’m not sure if the P2W is the problem, or if it’s something more fundamental, but there is something deeply unsatisfying about Immortal that I’ve never run into in a Diablo game before. I think I’ll go load up D2 again and brush off my 20yo characters there….
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2 years ago, xII Slip IIx
Has potential but otherwise a bum
Let me start by saying what is good about this game. This game is just what you expect from any classic Diablo story line. It has great visuals and many different ways to play. It has a long story if you choose to pay attention to which last you almost until level 60. Which is the max level before you hit paragon levels. The skills for the characters and gear are somewhat balanced except for maybe the wizard which could be better. Hook up a controller, Play it on Pc, air Play it on your Tv, play it mobile, or however you see fit. Now onto the infamous pay wall. This has a pay to win concept. In order to get the gems you need to power your gear and stay competitive you would have to spend a ton of money just to reach potential. When you buy these legendary crest you have a 5% chance of getting a 5* gem. The odds are not in your favor. I’ve spent $40 and no luck at all. Another issue I have with the game is not being able to swap servers if desired. I absolutely refuse to waste time and money on 2 characters in which I can not move as I so please. It’s tough enough to build one toon to its max potential considering the pay to win concept. My friend and I wanted to play together when the game launched and I had to start over (before I spent $) because I couldn’t move servers.
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2 years ago, daemeaon
Great game but space issue concerns along with battery drain usage
Decent gameplay. Dislike the fact of the monetization. Am f2p an have made it to paragon 37 (Dae) on worldstone server without spending a dime. Will admit it was a rough grind to progress. Also some quest an later difficulties require ya to be in a group of 4 as a minimum. Got stuck a few times with contracts an so on because nobody was doing same thing or I had them to be party leader instead of myself otherwise it would say that other member don’t meet reqs. Also not sure if this is a mobile concern, but get kicked countless times from server in middle of things. Annoying. I’d like to see trade expand, least inside warband. Yet fear it will be exploited like we have seen prior with drop hacks from ole D1 an D2. May I also suggest bot detection?? Lot of afk farmers. With all the pop ups.. ya can see if they actively playing or not already just from interaction. If no interaction, devour with an elite😏 Would be nice to hear some feedback on reviews so we can feel like someone is listening to the ones that pay for the content an in game purchases 🤓 Also, the updates after maintenance is ridiculous. I have to basically spend 4hrs redownloading every single resource file again
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2 years ago, Addiarmadar
Good for a mobile game, PVP is for the rich.
When comparing this to D2 or D3 this game is a travesty that’s gonna get people to hold up on getting D4 just cause of the heavy P2P mechanics and grinding caps. You should not bother with PVP in this game at all unless you’re gonna dual wield credit cards. If you stick with PVE you won’t need to break the bank much but grind caps will make you annoyed with progression slowdowns. Seriously Blizz, you completely missed the point of Diablo series that allured fans UNFETTERED GRINDING! PVE you will still need to whip out a credit card cause really the only thing that progresses a character is upgrading legendary gems which are only procurable to purchasing legendary crests in the store. That one legendary gem drop a month ain’t gonna fly. Diablo series has never been good with pvp historically and it only gets worse with immortal cause it’s purely “he who blows out credit cards the most wins.” I’ve spent 200 bucks and it feels like I haven’t done jack to my character. Just like every other mobile game out there. I kid you not if you wanna complete, not only do you need to spend but spend big. Like “buying a car big.” Overall this game is one of the best in the mobile market but has done irreparable damage to the title with supplementing grinding with spending.
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2 years ago, bryank315
Unethical and greedy developers
The game is great, looks absolutely beautiful. Game play is on point and is a looter paradise. Has everything you can expect from a Diablo game. BUT!!! Players beware, the game has a heavy pay to win aspect. You have to spend real money if you expect to become anything close to what you would become in D3 as far as power goes. The elder rifts only give viable loot if you provide legendary crests which are only obtained by spending money. Rare crests are obtained for free from daily rewards but only provide very trivial chances for upgrades. Challenge rifts only get harder with each increase in level but no significant increase in loot chance has been seen. Bounties are quick and easy and fun to do but only provide small amounts of gold on completion with a random blue or white item every so often. Beastiary has proven to be the best chance for legendary gear and battle pass xp but is extremely grindy and can only be done 3 times a day. Any money spent, and all time spent on one character is extremely exclusive to the character you have done it on. That means if you want to try a different character all the time and money spent is not carried over and you must buy everything again and spend more time to unlock features you already spent time to unlock. The disgusting amount of greed practiced in immortal is a horrible mess and blizzard should be ashamed of themselves.
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2 years ago, kRaSh32
Fun but caveats
The game looks great, play style is familiar (it’s basically Diablo 3), and story progresses quickly at first. Typical mobile game pay to win psychological trickery everywhere, easing you in to it with FOMO tactics starting at $.99 and then gradually increasing to $2, then $3, $5, $10, $20, $50 etc. into perpetuity. None of that is required to advance, but you will hit a grind wall if you want to continue into paragon levels once the “story” mode is over. The boss mechanics, character advancement, and P2W style of gambling hundreds if not thousands of dollars at a time to get a single upgrade to gems that are integral to being able to advance into increasingly difficult content is all carbon copy lifted from Lost Ark, with maybe 20% of the actual content. It’s fun, but the predatory style of preying on those with mental disorders like OCD or gambling addictions should just stay away. If you want to support the dev team, buy the monthly battle pass or something. Don’t buy into anything else; the numbers are stacked against you in a way that you can easily spend $50,000 on a single character and still not have even the gems you’ll need for a single character, let alone the countless other time/money sinks for advancing your stats.
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2 years ago, Allfer One
Super disappointed - like what happened to Dungeon Hunter….
Looked forward to this for at least a year. Downloaded as soon as released. Played for about ten hours. My hopes for an IOS evolution of Diablo 2 were destroyed. Reminds me so strongly of what happened to the Dungeon Hunter series. Took a great game and completely re-engineered it around IAP and micro-transactions. Sure, play for free until you find you get crushed in PvP by people who paid to increase their chances for loot drops. I also don’t like being forced into an MMO lite. I want to play solo but I’m always surrounded by other players running all over the place in fights. Half the time I can’t even tell what I’m fighting because of other players slinging spells/skills and stuff blowing up all over the screen. Plus, the screen doesn’t zoom because the whole game kind of forces you along narrow paths. I get hit by monsters off screen I can’t see because I’m not tight next to them. I don’t feel like I’m exploring. Feels like an RPG built around the idea of a Star Wars trench fight forever. Seems like good old RPG games are dead. I’m going back to Titan Quest which is still the best RPG on IOS.
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2 years ago, MrPickle4U
Shiny objects can be dangerous!
If you are not familiar with any Diablo games you might say this game is awesome!? For the ignorant allow me to enlighten you to the fact, Diablo immortal has merely extracted the core mechanics of the game, primarily the legendary gems and ability to progress and put a FAT PRICE TAG on it! Even worse the average person could easily be bankrupted thinking they have a chance in the next gamble! And as it stands there is no pity system, both of which is unacceptable IMO. The game is targeting everyone from kids to adults, it should be noted the game says 17 and up. I bring up the last part because according to the laws of the United States you have to be ages 18-21 depending on the area to gamble with real money. They circumvent this by selling you or your child tokens to then gamble with… it’s ruining gaming for many, all I see is cash extraction from cash cows/steamers. Peasants are welcome to join as well! But make no mistake there will be no fruit worth your time sacrifice and enjoyment! stagnates very quickly, endless repetitive grinding with little to no reward. It’s a shame because alpha testers gave the game all check marks till the game was released with the heaviest monetization we have seen on the App Store. Should be no mystery as to why all games on the App Store share this model, the overlords expect these models or they don’t exist. Greed+Greed=garbage, gated, high barrier game play. Good Luck!
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2 years ago, Timesbeenwasted
Gems, Runes, Crests (not pay to win but)
Please… this game is great at its core but as far gems are concerned, you need to find a better balance within being able to buy progression. I genuinely believe that if people want skins and want to buy things that speed up there progression they will do it regardless. You do not need to make gems impossible to upgrade for free. I have an idea to make the game so so much better. Make high difficulty challenge rift (level 10 maybe 20) give you a guaranteed rare crest drop for completing. Change the odds of getting a legendary gem drop (elder rift) from 5% to 10%. Then instead of a monthly chance to buy a legendary crest with hilts, make it a weekly. This way people (all people) whether they are spending money or not can enjoy the game. Yes, it will still be grindy for free players, and it will still give people incentive to buy things. But it won’t be so overly guarded by lack of in game purchases. I really think this would make so many more players happy without taking out the monetization completely. Building your characters skill set is a critical part of diablos gameplay and the more players that like and RESPECT the game, the more they will be willing to give it real world money. SO many free games out there have proven this.
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2 years ago, Buvhrvdx
Will destroy your device, will steal you money.
Precursor: your battery is rated for ‘X’ number of charge cycles. I have an iPhone 13 pro. This game consumed 60% of my battery in less than an hr. This means if I were to play 3 hrs a day, I would need to charge my phone 3 times a day on top of the normal everyday use of once every other day. This means I will be charging my phone 6 times more often. Which in turn means I will degrading my battery 6 times faster. so unless you plan on buying a new device every year, do not play this game on mobile. Edit: I played the game from release. I even put some money into the game, about $200 usd. But when I checked my bank account, they had charged me an extra $100 listing packs that I did not buy, nor did I receive. I put in a ticket for them to refund me. They told me that I need to go though apple as that’s who I made my purchases with. Apple was more than happy to refund me. Then my account get put into the negative and locked. My original support ticket is still open, so I ask why they locked my account. They tell me I charged back packs that I received. This is in the same ticket that they told me to do the refund in! I never received these packs. So I refunded everything. I don’t know if this issue was blizzards or netease, either way the game is not only predatory, but also actively trying to scam you.
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2 years ago, MrEmptyClip
Absolute worst pvp experience
The way the pvp is set up is atrocious. Matchmaking allows entire teams to be one shotted. So you’re then stuck for 5 minutes just getting stepped on. The PvE content is just like every other mobile button smasher, it’s basically impossible to die except for on boss fights, where the boss can kill you in two hits. Otherwise, this is a step above an idle game in its difficulty. Crafting is a giant pain as mats are completely random so you need to run like 50 missions to make one item after you speak to 3 different vendors. The less tedious content is limited to parties. Spent over an hour trying to get a party for a dungeon that lasted only 4m27s. They really need to fix this issue. Chat is full of spam posts for third party websites selling in game currency, about 5 per minute. The game is very unclear about how to do certain things or what some things are. Took a week of light gaming to get to max rank. There wasn’t even enough missions for that. For 3 levels, I had one mission, reach level 60. There are some really cool features like legendary essences and timed leaderboards. Although, when your hardest dungeons are being cleared in 3 minutes, how difficult is the game? Why can I only do one action at a time? Stack on 100 gems to upgrade? Get ready to be annoyed!
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2 years ago, GMan56M
Very Impressed So Far
So far so good… very surprised to say that honestly as I was expecting the worst. I’ve been playing Diablo games for over 20 years and I’m really enjoying it despite any concerns I had. I’m about an hour in and the game just opened up a bit compared to the starting features. As much hate as Blizzard got for developing a mobile game, I really feel like they’ve nailed this one. It plays amazing, looks fantastic, and has an incredible amount of features without being overwhelming or difficult to manage. I usually am turned off my micro transactions but I might splurge a little bit on some of the items on offer! There’s plenty of fan service so far without being over the top and they really nailed the feel of a classic Diablo experience. My only complaint is that it just feels like a weak story, sort of a Diablo II/III greatest hits kind of thing. Not bad per se, but just not that original either. Although I’m still very early in the game and it looks like there’s going to be tons of new content to explore. All in all, good job to the dev team. They won this Diablo fan over!
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2 years ago, xSyKoTiKx
Amazingly detailed and fun
This game is beautifully done. The graphics are fantastic and the depth of the campaign and number of available quests/challenges is incredible. That all being said, there are loads of bugs causing audio cut-outs, others that cause frequent disconnects/reconnects (including DURING raids, which is obviously a major problem), others that cause the character to be unmovable, and many others (too many to mention here). Then there’s the largest problem of all, which is that Blizzard has implemented caps for XP and Battle Points for each day/week which cause players to be unable to level beyond a point without taking MASSIVE penalties in XP gains, all while allowing what many of us call “whales” to spend upwards of $50,000 real money to obtain 5-star legendary gems for all of their gear, boosting their resonance beyond 3000 and making them effectively invulnerable to all attacks, especially due to the fact that because of the caps we can’t level to a point that would allow us to output enough damage to stand a chance against such players. Blizzard needs to get rid of the caps and figure out some way to nerf the “whales”, because nobody wants to PVP against them because there is no chance you can win.
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2 years ago, ItsRizzleFizzle
I have a few things to say about this game. Okay so start over number one the game is absolutely amazing the storyline is crate, and the combat is completely underleaf fluid even with on screen but controls the game functions extremely extremely well and there are no hangups between the combat, storyline, on screen enemies and levels and morals rendered. Everything is completely and utterly seamless. However, there is a big flaw that I have found within the game. A lot of the assets are not download it as soon as you get the game and require you to basically delete almost everything on your phone before the assets themselves download. I have been having massive trouble with the assets downloading even after I’ve deleted over half of my heaviest abs and it’s still giving me trouble the essence will not download at all. I’ve gotten to the point where I can no longer progress within the game without downloading the assets. This is something that should be passed in an update quickly because although I absolutely love and adore this game I cannot play it is the assets are not download it and I have to clear out my entire phone memory storage to do so.
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2 years ago, Coltenawesomenessssss
It’s fine but still a money grab
They put some ok work into this, but still can’t ignore that this is a money grab. The graphics are fine for an early 2000’s game but still can’t get over the in game purchases for what is delivered. Kinda awful graphics on the newest iPhone with a decent storyline. Would be an instant hit if they produced this for consoles and PC but it just comes off as a money pull with all the in game cosmetic and ‘play to win’ aspects. Can’t support such a well known company and producer with sub par graphics and execution that took years to make. Will probably play once through to the see the story line but not much more. I feel bad that I downloaded and supported the mobile money grab when the gameplay is so basic and elementary that you can basically click to win with basic attacks. I guess I might be an old Diablo fan, but still this can’t represent what the company is proud of after 30 years in business. Overall just a sad remake of the same tired story starting with the OG D.Cain. Was expecting something new and inventive with a mobile remake, but I might be missing something. Still confused how the rating are so high for a rendition of Diablo 3 with simpler controls and the same classes & abilities. At least give the fans a new perspective or class.
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2 years ago, whyamazonitwasfineb4
If you’re a fan of the genre it’s the best game on the market
Been playing since launch and am very impressed. Game feels and plays like Diablo 3. Game has controller support and I haven’t come across any glitches or crashes…yet. Game is a beast to fully install for mobile,~10gb, but you can do it in chunks. Voice acting is well done and it uses the same cast from previous entries. There are transactions but I haven’t found this to be a distraction or a hurdle to gameplay. There isn’t any world energy or limit to how long you can play. If you want to play, just launch the app and play. Transactions are mainly limited to cosmetic items and some resources that give you a better chance to get high tier loot. As a game series that allows you to sink in 100s of hours of play time I don’t really see better rng as a big issue for me. This is the best mobile game I’ve ever played and respectfully replicates a pc/console experience. It’s still a mobile game so some features are missing and graphics could be better, but it doesn’t detract from the experience. 5 stars. Download it!!
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2 years ago, Cholik123
Extremely pay to win
As far as gameplay and graphics I feels and plays exactly as Diablo 3 does. My reasoning for the 1 star review though is the game is severely pay to win. Does mistake this as me being completely against micro transactions because I’m not. I’m an avid gacha gamer. However, my stance is that a player especially when it comes to game modes that involve other players is that the power of someone’s credit card shouldn’t be more powerful than a persons skill. That’s a terrible design if it was strictly a single player or even just a coop experience then sure go ham on the 5 stars. I gave the game a try and like I said it feels great to play but it has some of the scummiest monetization known to mobile. So I’ll hard pass. Again to clarify the crest you can get for free simply from play have terrible drop rates for legendary gems from what I can tell from my own play you cannot get above 2 stars with the ones provided from playing. The only way to get 5 stars is from the ones you purchase which is a significant power boost. To make it worse the paid crest also have a much higher chance to even get the lower star gems. According to Reddit the free crest have a 10% chance for 1 star and 2% chance at 2 stars while the paid version has a whopping 70% chance for a 1 star just for comparison.
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8 months ago, Reaereaerea1234567890101010
Remove Baal constant heal
Stupid Baal fight is dumb. I was attacking him for 20 min but he just heals up non stop. I always hate seeing these type of comments but I literally already beat him once and got the rewards from it and everything but here I am again just attacking him for 20 min straight. It isn’t even fun to do this. I just think if you’re going to make a healing boss fight you should at the very least make the fight scale…… if someone is taking 30 min on your stupid boss fight then something’s clearly wrong with the design……. At some point he just shouldn’t heal or he should start healing less every single time so that eventually I can get past the fight. Fought him for 20 min this time and just closed the app out of frustration. I already beat him once and here I am 100 paragon levels later doing it again but I’m unable to kill him because of that stupid constant heal no matter how hard I try to focus the stupid thing that heals him everything in the game disrupts any move the characters do so you can’t even use abilities and just die 100x times throughout the fight.. I’m just saying if someone’s spending 20-30 min on your boss fight it’s fundamentally broken…… literally 1 star for this one fight in particular. 9/10 for the rest of the game because there’s no stupid constant heal………… fix this..
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2 years ago, AGuyNamedConnor
Great Game, but omg Blizzard really.
This game is honestly one of the most fun mobile games I’ve ever played, it feels like it could have been made for PC and I wouldn’t think it was a mobile game the gameplay is so good, but good god are the micro transactions in this game outrageous. It is so blatantly pay to win if you have seen any gaming news about it recently, that it outright gives people who pay money on this “free to play” game a better experience. One guy bought 10 legendary crests for the elder rifts, aka loot boxes, and only when you have 10 legendary crests does it tell you that you can throw in all 10 to get more really rare loot, the guy did it and got 6 MONTHS WORTH OF FREE TO PLAY LOOT. What in the actual **** Blizzard. It was only $22 to do this as well. This is not Diablo, this is not even gaming, it is straight gambling and is not fair for people who don’t have the money to spend to get good loot. Play Diablo 3, you get the same loot you pay for in this game by just guess what, actually playing the game. I’m tired of this being the mobile gaming experience and I hope you know you’re just fueling the fire when you spend money on this game. So just please, pleaaaase don’t spend money on this unfair bull crap if you play this game. Oh yeah the pc port is crap too so I recommend just playing it on your phone if you can.
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2 years ago, Jamodwa
Great potential HORRIBLE CASH GRAB
After playing beyond campaign and attempting to gear up. It would appear the only way to get anywhere is to PAY. I’ve played a plethora of mobile games and the in App Purchases can get a little wild. But, this one is just horrendously bad. There is always two ways to get to the top. Grind or pay. Not this one. With loot caps and crafting caps this game does not make the cut in my opinion. I was so excited about this game. Now I understand why this game was Boo’d in Blizzcon when it was announced. It’s the microtransactions that kill a great game. I think most would like to see some fairness for the folks that do not have deep pockets to have a chance. Stop the greed. Aside from that the game is aesthetically pleasing and smooth gameplay, good story. Thanks for reading :) I hope the devs are listening/reading to peoples reviews. UPDATE: calling it quits after playing this game for a month and now season 2 is out. I can clearly see it is another South Korean/Chinese wannabe diabloesk game. Only this one is Diablo. No more will to want to play. It’s a game you can NEVER be powerful and will be at the bottom. Unless you spend a grip of $$$. It’s repetitive too. Same things same dailies same spamming moves. This game is just Blah with smooth graphics.
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2 years ago, ShadowNinja151
Great Game Crippled by PTW Feel
Game is amazing until you hit level 60. After you finish the main story line it really becomes a PTW game. PvP combat is based off of your character stats, and if you have been paying for gems then you are way overpowered when compared to a FTP player. I am sick and tired of constantly getting one shot by insanely OP players. Even with all that though this game is really fun. I have not spent a penny on this game and I am still having a lot of fun. I just wish there was a little more balance in the PvP aspects. That would give players so much more to do. I have seen videos and read articles about people spending $5,000-$10,000 and not acquiring a single 5 star gem. In all honesty how can that happen? I don’t mind people spending $ to get an edge, but there still needs to be balance. If this game didn’t have PTW aspects it would be an 11/10 mobile game. There is so much potential to this game, but there needs to be balance and more access for the FTP players. I am not the only one that has this opinion, and I hope that Blizzard takes notes from their fans.
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2 years ago, JSPD90
Absolute Trash
This game is the most stupid game I’ve ever played. I will tell you why from two different perspective. First of all, for those people who want to play this game without spending much, you will most likely get mild to severe depression within two weeks. The game is free to everyone so why would you end of getting a depression? Because you will realize your character is going to be trash no matter how much time you spend in this game. Ironically that’s also why this game is also garbage for people who spend several thousand dollars. I spend more than 5k in this game but I only play this game less than an hour a day. There’s no much to play other than grinding for legendary or set items but you will only get 2-3 of these in 1 hour and most of them are trash (with trash stats and magic skill). So like I said, it doesnt matter how long you play this game. For both f2w or p2w players, they have to continuously spend ridiculous amount of money to get stronger. Unless you want to spend over half million that you can spend in this game, I don’t recommend playing this game. This is purely made for Chinese and the Blizzard don’t and won’t care what Americans think about this game. If you want to give it a shot, do not spend anything, just hit level 60 and quit.
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2 years ago, Barito B.
Don’t fall for this game
Initially I was a strong supporter of Diablo Immortal on release, and I have played somewhere around 30 hours total. I believed that anything in the game could be achieved without actually needing to spend money. This is because most reviewers only play a couple hours and the opinions they form about P2W in the game are false - you CAN play the game without spending a dime, but only up to a point… After playing for as long as I did, it occurred to me that you must spend money to progress in certain aspects of the game later on. However, these reasons are different from the false P2W claims day-one reviewers made. For example, leveling an item past level 10 requires a material only obtainable with real money through the shop. This is the real P2W, and so I renege my support. In hindsight, the game is a disgusting use of all the marketing tips and tricks that exist out there on how to take as much money as possible from people. Games like this should be banned everywhere for manipulating a person to make quick decisions (that are bad for them). I ask that you please don’t support this game or any like it - it’s honestly nothing special. If the P2W aspect didn’t exist, I would have probably quit soon anyway because it gets extremely repetitive in a boring way.
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2 years ago, Jonnie Sparkel
If you liked Diablo 3 you’ll like this.
Pros - The game play is surprisingly addictive, specially if you’re coming from Diablo 3. There’s a decent amount of things to do that will keep you busy for awhile. I don’t PVP so I don’t feel the need to pay 1000s of dollars to upgrade gems, I just enjoy the game play and Diablo is the only series I’ve ever enjoyed the grind of. Cons - they definitely want you to throw as much money at them as possible. I’m all for throwing a few bucks at a free to play game and support the creators but this is pretty ridiculous. I’m assuming there will be a new season every month and they’ll want you to rebuy everything you may have bought to advance each season. If it was just the battle pass I wouldn’t bat an eye but it’s crazy how much and how often they want you to spend money. And on top of alllll of that your cosmetics you buy or earn are attached to one character. Usually seasons in Diablo require new characters and characters are stuck to specific servers. So what’s the point of even buying the battle pass? It’s a shame. If they don’t make rewards account wide then I see most of the player base running back to Diablo 3.
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2 years ago, ExpectoPatronShots
Dollar Dollar Bills
I wanted to like this game. I actually enjoyed it initially and wanted to support it. I’ve loved Diablo forever. The initial story was pretty decent, even though it just felt like playing D3 with minor changes in a not so great port. When you get into the later levels and realize leveling is slowed down, caps on loot drops, every little thing designed to push you into spending $, and buying power is the only real power, especially if you want to PVP on top of misleading or hidden odds and feeling like nothing more than a scam you’ll be over thinking the repetitive story is decent. The voice acting was good, that’s about the only positive thing I have left to say. After 3 weeks of grinding like mad and spending too much money just to get nothing in return I decided I’d had enough and even requested refunds from apple knowing I’d never get to play again. But even with all the predatory manipulation and hidden scam tactics in Immortal feeding and creating gambling addiction - apple refused refunds as well saying none of my issues were viable complaints. I guess Blizzard gets to cash in just as planned, and after 4 months on iPhone I’m going back to Google/Android ASAP, I’ve never in my life had such an absurdly poor experience over a mobile app or support.
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2 years ago, Zaranu
Pay to progress
My original thoughts on this game was that it was fun and solid. Once I reached end game content progress halted. The system they set up is strictly paywall to progress forcing you to buy packs and currency to buy end game legendary gems. You get starter gems throughout but later realize the ones you need for builds to progress difficulty can only be purchased and the gems are random so it’s very much like playing a slot machine that is rigged. Players on the leaderboards have definitely spent a substantial amount to get the gear needed to be on them. Man people have done the math and it takes a large some of cash to get lucky enough to get the end game loot needed to progress. Even grinding becomes extremely slow and you need to run a single dungeon dozens of times to get a set piece which becomes obsolete a few paragon levels later. This is not a typical Diablo game in the sense end game is fun. The enemies scale with your level and does not leave you satisfied with the time you’ve spent on getting gear. This is definitely a cash grab and I now understand why it’s banned in some countries. I won’t be recommending this to anyone and have since stopped playing. I suggest Diablo fans wait until Diablo 4 is released and pass on this gambling simulator.
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2 years ago, Dave the Bard
Screw this game and it's predatory microtransactions
To be clear, I did not get far into this game, but early on I realized how boring it truly is and uninstalled. Gameplay is stale. You take Path of Exile and compare it to any recent Diablo game and it's easy to tell which developers are innovative and are enjoying their work. While this was expected to be mobile garbage, I did not expect this level of steaming pile of crap. And don't even get me started on the predatory microtransactions that permeate the experience. $110,000 to max out a SINGLE character!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? I urge the community to not put a single penny into this game. If you think for one second that Bobby and Blizz leadership aren't watching this game like a hawk to see how it does and then shoves in every possible microtransaction into Diablo 4 that they can get away with, then you need to reevaluate. Why Blizzard would release this trash heap after the media field day for their frat culture is beyond me. If you are someone who puts money into this game, and then turns around and ask what happened to the good games, you might want to take a look in the mirror. "But I just play for free." Don't even give them the satisfaction of play time. Time is our most valuable resource. Don't waste it here. AVOID THIS GAME LIKE THE PLAGUE!
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2 years ago, Darkhybrid06
Seems fun till you hit a wall at endgame
So the game has a lot of content and is actually really fun to play. It will definitely keep you busy. Clan system, shadows, world bosses, etc are all fun. But for the bad part. It does have Pay 2 Win elements. Those can be avoided but you will face them when you attempt to climb or pvp. And now the worst part that not many talk about or get confused with p2w. You’ll literally go from 30-60 getting a lot of loot and big upgrades in gear with legendaries. Then, nothing. The game comes to a screeching halt. The gear dries up and disappears. You’ll keep yourself busy with minimal upgrades, shadow activities and the daily grinds. But that all equates to minimal improvement. That's where the whales and p2w players start to pop up even more. The joy of gathering gear just evaporated since you don’t get anymore. The whales and p2w will continue to spend to get legendary gems but that’s it. That’s you only real upgrades expect for the minimal keys/chests. So if you play, you’ll get hooked as a free to play player. You’ll have a lot to do and it’s addicting from mid to late game. But it’ll all come to a crashing halt and you’ll be bored or have to spend to progress. It’s a shame too cause at the core, the game is very fun and polished.
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2 years ago, Mwilsonm
Diablo lite: kicks you every 10 minutes
(So you don't shirk away from my negative review, just know I was pretty excited for this despite the poor reveal and reception at blizzcon) Diablo immortal is a fun game to play while takin a dump or laying in bed if you've got nothing better to do with your thumbs. The core gameplay has been stripped down quite a bit and the ui is kinda a mess, namely for the inability to hide the chat and the quest log being annoying to hide, oh yeah and for some reason theres a battlepass and microtransactions to boost pvp players, so if you were looking forward to that sorry. At least the controls are fairly nice but man, I just can't get over the fact that it's *always* online and you're gonna be booted from the servers *constantly* and this isn't just speaking from the perspective of my router is far away and I get a shoddy connection that makes me lag and rubber band (which is fairly frequent), I don't know if it's just a day one issue and blizzard doesn't have the server capacity which is honestly laughable considering the sheer size and net worth of the company. Just wait to go home and play diablo on literally any other platform, trust me, it'll be a more rewarding experience.
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2 years ago, Stogzlol
Compromised player experience
DI is an unreasonable compromise. The ones who endure, do so willfully acknowledging an inability to be competitive in an online game with an emphasis towards PvP. The gem progression system was mental agony and a prison sentence knowing it was a process designed to take several years that the super rich (or stupid) accomplished in days of credit card swiping. While I honestly wasn’t opposed to spending money in video games up to my DI experience, it was obvious spending in DI was a thankless endeavor where $100, $1,000, or even $10,000 left you at the same progression wall, but maybe worse since the gem power needed was exponentially more the more a gem is progressed. I found I enjoyed the game play, but not the game. I quit within 10 days and while I did purchase the battle pass, couldn’t convince myself to complete all the rewards before uninstalling. The best thing DI did for me is make me aware of Diablo 2R and now I get to enjoy a game that isn’t created with the intent to compromise the players experience for monetary gains. Even cosmetics at this point are a slippery slope where the developers intentionally make anything free undesirable, while it’s certainly better to have a game monetized with only cosmetics, it’s still comprising the player experience.
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