3.8 (1.7K)
379 MB
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Last update
4 years ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for DOOM

3.76 out of 5
1.7K Ratings
5 years ago, JeffCScott
Great, but some controller problems
Had the previous iphone version of this, and was glad to see it reappear in the App Store. There are some neat new features—multiple save game slots, a fancy new weapons select pop up, for example—but the new control scheme is extremely frustrating. It’s hard to get the travel/movement wheel and the aiming/shooting wheel to work in sync, and harder still to aim and shoot since the functions are overlapped. The old iPhone control scheme was far superior/way more playable. Otherwise, great adaptation indistinguishable from the PC original. Hope they do an update that at least offers the option of different control schemes.
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5 years ago, Shufflemang
Great game with a lackluster port
Doom needs no introduction as it’s the most influential FPS of all time that people still play to this day. With the game’s 25th anniversary coming up, Bethesda and iD trusted Nerve to make a solid remaster of Doom 1 and 2 to resell on modern consoles and mobile devices. How unfortunate then with how bad these ports are. They may have fixed the issue with the slower music, but there is no reason for this game to run capped at 35 FPS with no option to change it. Hell, the mobile port you could get before they replaced this ran at a perfectly fine 60 with no drops, so I don’t know how they managed to screw the pooch with the Unity engine of all things. The aiming also feels terrible due to how your aim drifts whenever you swipe instead of just stopping. Thankfully, this can be bypassed by enabling a controller, but then you run into two more issues: non-rebindable controls, and more importantly, you cannot access the weapon wheel while using a controller, you can only cycle through weapons manually. WHY?! Just let me hold down a bumper and use the analog stick to select a weapon instead of taking a millennium just to cycle through everything I have just for the weapon I want. Hopefully this port will get to a point where it’s acceptable, but right now you’re better off just jailbreaking your phone and porting Doom to it yourself.
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5 years ago, What About Writing?
Controls are Awful
I love doom, and when I saw it finally got an update for the most recent OS I was super excited to finally get to play on my iPhone again. Installation was fine, and the game looks pretty great (although I wish it could take up more of the screen during gameplay) but there is one glaring issue that removes all benefits and makes a download not worth it. The controls. The controls make this game almost completely unplayable, especially in the way that Doom is meant to be played: fast paced and frenetic action. With how poorly the controls were optimized for this release, it makes sustained fire for any gun difficult, and maneuvering extremely difficult because the aiming touch controls are very sluggish and non-responsive compared to how they should be. Walking/running is fine, it’s the aiming that makes the game unplayable in the fast-paced way doom is meant to be played. The old control style was fantastic. Bring that back and all will be well in the Doom mobile world because this update, as of now, honestly was a little insulting. I want to say I paid 7 or 8 dollars for the game but my memory is pretty bad, and after waiting years for it to be compatible again I would expect it not to have such a glaring oversight in playability. I’m holding out that it’ll get an update. Please do consider fixing the controls.
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4 years ago, DjPhantom2158
The new update made Doom Mobile actually really good and playable
I remember playing this port and I refunded the game because of its terrible controls. However I heard the new update to Doom was out and this added better controls and widescreen. I watched a video about Doom Mobile’s New Update and heard good things about. I bought the game and to my surprise it actually felt good ripping and tearing the demons. The controls were MUCH better and I loved the new update controls. Widescreen made Doom SO much better. There still is a problem though, I really wish Doom Mobile worked on iPad’s. It works but the screen isn’t full sized so thats kind of a problem but besides that problem, Doom Mobile is now really good thanks to the update. I will play Doom Mobile more now thanks to the update. Thanks ID Software for fixing this big issue in Doom Mobile. However, if they added iPad Support and Keyboard and Mouse, Doom Mobile would be perfect. Thanks ID Software and the other people who worked on this game fixing the problems with the Doom Mobile Port.
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5 years ago, Defcon106
Controls are off
The old port of this actually had pretty good controls. This one is laughable. The move stick has a tap to run setting that you can’t change and it also has a pretend sensitivity to it so that if you hold the “stick” further you run faster. I end up basically walking around the whole time because moving my thumb halfway up the screen to move the proper speed is clunky and blocks the view. The tap to shoot setting is awkward as well and something that plagues touch screen games in general, if you want to shoot you can’t aim. You have to aim, pick up your thumb and hope the enemy doesn’t move and if they do, use the awkward strafe stick on the left. Automatic weapons are also not hold down to shoot like you might expect, you double tap for that as well. The old controls where there was a shoot button was awkward but made more sense. Other than that this game has been awesome since it came out so don’t be surprised by anything, you might just be wishing for some arrow keys and the ctl button instead of the clunky crap controls they slapped in here.
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4 years ago, iPadCary
F L A W L E S S ....
I was watching a video on speedrun cheaters that has "DOOM" footage in it. That got me feeling nostalgic, thinking about the great fun playing it on the SNES: something thought to be a technological impossibilty. So I mosey over to the App Store, remembering they had it when I had my iPad 1, but it became incompatible with iOS updates. Well imagine my surprise & delight to see that not only is it still here, BUT IT'S BEEN UPDATED!! However, being the cautious consumer that I am, I read the bad ["Lowest Rated" in this case] reviews first to see what's what. And all I could see was whining & complaining about how janked the controls are .... Please, take it from an *honest* reviewer folks: NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. I mean, you move with your left thumb, turn & shoot with your right: JUST LIKE YOU DO NOW IN EVERY FPS. lol The graphics/music/FX? Pixel PERFECT renditions of the MS-DOS original. So ignore those "Norman Naysayer"s -- get this, the latest "DOOM" version for iOS & iPadOS, and you will not be sorry. 🙂👍🏻
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5 years ago, renegadespork
They finally updated it, and it WOULD have been perfect...
The game runs great (using iPhone 7+) and is the full classic Doom experience! Unfortunately, there are a couple key things missing that hold this port back from greatness: 1) No controller or keyboard support. Doom was originally played using arrow keys and the space bar, no mouse required. Since iOS supports external keyboards, this would have been really cool. iOS also has native controller support, which this port also lacks. It’s a shame to have to use touch controls as they are probably the worst input method for an FPS. 2) Almost no touch control customization. You can adjust the sensitivity of the “look” tracking, but that’s it. No side flipping got south paws, no movement joystick adjustment, to touch zone customization. This stuff is really nice to have if you’re going to force us to use touch controls. Input controls make or break an action game like this, and I’d say the crossover between classic Doom fans and touch control fans is extremely small. If these were changed, this port would be 5 stars easy.
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2 years ago, EmilyApricot
Everything You Remember
Hard to go wrong with this classic game. The FPS that made FPS a mainstream genre. Loaded with classic MIDI music, Health and ammo pickups, 2D enemies in a 3D world and all the glories of 90s FPS games. Pixelated gore, MIDI Hard Rock, and spring door elevator traps sure to get you excited about shooting demons. This port runs faithfully at high FPS and has all the cheats and level select you could hope for in a re release. It even has an add on feature online for the true classic DOOM experience. It also has the an original style dynamic 2D map. And, yes, it has well designed gamepad support. The only thing I can request to make it a better experience is allow customizing the touch buttons for different size phones and hands and have separate sensitivity for gamepad and touch. It’s all here. Find out where first person shooters first hit the mainstream or get your DOOM fix. It’s hard to go wrong here.
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4 years ago, Dameonherby
It’s Doom, but somehow worse
I’ve owned this version of Doom since back during the early iPod Touch years, and it was a blast to play then. The controls were good, and smooth. They weren’t perfect of course, being touchscreen controls, but they were far better than this. I’m not sure if it’s the strange way the controls shift between walk and run, or if it’s the acceleration, but the movement controls are inconsistent, and the aiming controls aren’t much better. Regardless of what sensitivity I have it set to, I’ll be stuck between hardly being able to turn, and flinging myself around in wide angles. If you want a good example of touchscreen FPS controls, take a look at Call of Duty mobile. Fully customizable, including by size, and able to be moved around the screen. Don’t cut the screen up in sections for each individual control either, give us clearly defined “buttons” on screen that we can decide where we want them to be. Also, would it be too much to ask to see more add-on wads, like “Maps of Chaos”?
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11 years ago, Quelf Munge Spaff
Amazing game
One of my friends think Doom is cr@p and Black Ops 2 is superior. He's dead wrong. This is the godfather of FPS games. Insulting this game is an extremely foolish thing to do. It's like insulting your parents because without them, you wouldn't be here; like if Doom wasn't here, we wouldn't have Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, etc. Anyways, few flaws which are very minor is the movement feels a bit sluggish. There are also some graphical bugs like enemies overlapping barrels when they're supposed to be behind them or whatever. Also, please change the music back to its original form. My favorite track, The Imp's Song, doesn't sound as good as the original. Still, fantastic game overall. If you love FPS games, definitely get this. Also, please, please, PLEASE port Doom 2. I don't want the cr@ppy RPG, I want the real classic Doom 2 on iOS. That would complete me. PLEASE MAKE IT!!!
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5 years ago, Kollinstunes
It’s back! But there are a few parts missing and there’s room for improvement
I’m glad it is back for current iOS software. Love the new opening screen. However, there are plenty of features from older versions for iOS that are missing, namely the option to switch your control scheme and the quick save feature. My gameplay is much more difficult without them. The advertisement also mentioned multiplayer but all I see is a single player option. I don’t know if I have to advance in the game to unlock it or what. I was expecting an updated version of this game, not a re-release as it seems that this is. Also, I don’t know if this is an issue with the App Store or the developers, but I don’t see Doom II anywhere. There is the Doom II RPG, but not the actual Doom II which was what I was expecting. I also had to search for this app by typing in id software in the search bar rather than just the name of the app/game.
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5 years ago, Corndog111
What happened to the controls????
The previous port of Doom for OS10 had the best controls of any Doom port outside of playing on a PC with a mouse. I know because I have played many of them. I have the classic Doom set for Playstation 3, I’ve played Doom on Jaguar, and also XBox. On all of those the controls are clunky. But the controls for iPhone OS10 (and earlier) were unbelievably wonderful! The face that you could tilt the phone for strafing allowed for a beautiful fluidity of movement that no controls on any console can achieve! And the controls options let you set them up in many many different ways to your liking. Now suddenly, on this new update, the controls are terrible!! Overly complicated, difficult, and have almost no customization options. At least have the option to go back to the old controls!! Please, please rectify this problem because otherwise, you have the greatest (and I mean the GREATEST, bar none) game for the iPhone ever!! Doom 2 as well. Excellent games. But as of now, it is completely unplayable.
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4 years ago, Comedian138
Devs fixed controls, but...
First off, I’m going to say, this is an EXCELLENT port of Doom! I really appreciate this last update, especially bringing back the classic title screen! Now, this update made the controls and map FUNCTIONALLY WAY better than before making the gameplay all the better for it and is much appreciated, BUT the downside is that AESTHETICALLY the control and map button icons are really bland looking. I would recommend the following: - Using the in game open bare fist sprite for the pickup/interact hand button control. - The LOOK (not the functionality) of the joystick in the last version for the current joystick, but keep the functionality of the current joystick. -Maybe add some color (but still be transparent enough to see through) to the shoot bullseye button. - The map function WORKS great but it would LOOK better as a roll or grid map icon (in color as well). -Lastly, an option to adjust control size, button location and button transparency would be much appreciated. Overall, this is a fantastic port of a ln undisputed gaming classic and the latest update is certainly appreciated and most definitely a step in the right direction. Please keep up the great work devs!
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11 years ago, Awesome update
Why take away multiplayer?
When this first came out it had multiplayer support. Then an update just took it away. All the Doom clones still have multiplayer. Why take away such an awesome feature? My sons and I used to love playing multiplayer on our iPads together, and now we don't play Doom at all because we can't play together, thank you for breaking what I paid for! Now can I buy any more apps from ID? No, because I don't know when they're just going to break things and take away features. You can't take away features after something is bought, unless you fix them and put them back, that's called stealing. It would be like if Ford came to your house and yanked the stereo out of your car while you were sleeping under the guise of saying they were improving your car, but then never gave your stereo back. In the real world that's called theft, and it's a dishonest way to do business, and customers that get burned aren't repeat customers.
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6 years ago, Unemployed youth
Get it!!!!!!!!!! Edit: update this.
Edit: I’m writing this about 10 years after I wrote this review, I’m addressing this to id software(or Bethesda?). I would like you to update this to be compatible for iOS 12. I’d like to play doom again. I don’t think you will anytime soon, but I paid for this game so many years ago, one of the first games I bought from the App Store with my own money, and I cannot even play it as of right now on my iPhone or iPad. My rating will go down for right now. If sega can keep updating their retro games, why can’t you? It seems like you haven’t updated this game for a long, long time. Now, enjoy my review(which isn’t even a review) of this game when I was about 14 years old: I remember playing this wen I was I lil kid and I loved it the only thing is where are all of the cheats??? Actually there r.... Put four fingers on screen and keyboard pops up and type in "god" 4 god mode...and "give" for ammo...enjoy and it does work I just did it
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5 years ago, Ammon we
Five star shooter classic with poor shooting control
A new update but no changes to the controls? Plenty of other reviewers share my frustration, please give more options. The double tap to fire is not a reliable shooting mechanism. I’m less frustrated with it than was with the previous update, moving and turning works really well on the iOS. How about keyboard support. I bought Doom awhile ago when Doom II was not available, please fix these controls before I lose interest in buying Doom II on iOS This is a fast paced action game that needs responsive controls. Why did the game modify the shoot mechanism and the weapon select? Allowing keyboard control would solve this...Why doesn’t this game support keyboard control? Why did they revise the controls with the release of Doom 2? I would buy Doom 2 right away if they fix the controls.
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4 years ago, tjader416
Controls are perfect
The one and only. When you’re on the go and need a quick hit. I bought this back in the iPhone 4 days and beat it with touchscreen. Now i have a MFi and it plays like a dream, or should I say a nightmare. until some bad mofs bring duke nukem 3d or quake to iOS then I’m down for a quick vanilla doom imp fragging session on the John any day of the week. Bethesda if you read this, where’s my si6il at??? How about a iwad store? Brutal Doom support? Reading other reviews it seems that they ruined the touchscreen controls. I can say they were good back in 2011, so if they are paying attention to reviews they ought to be revised eventually. The game pad controls are perfect though. R2 is shoot, Lstick is move, Rstick is turn.
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10 years ago, MacaroniGamer
Great game; needs more things to it.
First off, I'd like to say that this is a pretty good port from the PC. Best part; PORTABLE! Secondly, I'd like to suggest some things to add to the game. 1. Doom II. Everyone wants it. Besides, you already added the "dblshotgun" in the weapons menu. I know that Doom II RPG was your plan for Doom II, but I feel like this game needs more of the Doom Experience. 2. I.A.P or DLC. Whether it be an exclusive texture pack or level pack, I feel like this game should have downloadable content in it. I don't know, it feels like a Doom sorta thing to do. 3. Multiplayer. Do I need to say any more? 4. Nightmare Difficulty. This one is kind of a nitpick, but it was in the original Doom. And plus, it would add to the feel of it. 5. Menu changes? Maybe you guys could add an option to revert the current doom menu to the old-fashioned one? 6. Music-reboot. Some people say that the music in Doom iOS doesn't live up to the sound of the old music. So. Remix? That's all I have to say really, so anyways, if you wanted to download this game, I'd recommend it greatly, because it's basically all the Doom action on one mobile device.
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4 years ago, entertainer510
They never fixed the controls
I downloaded this three times ever since they came out with the “new and improved” version of mobile Doom. First time I immediately noticed the touch controls were abysmal. I left a review explaining how awkward the controls are. I looked at other reviews and realized about 99% of people noticed too. It’s been the NUMBER ONE complaint for about four years now. And after all the updates Bethesda keeps pumping out, they still haven’t addressed this issue. I will not give mobile Doom anymore chances, and I discourage anyone else from downloading this app until this problem is fixed. The controls used to work fine many years ago, back when mobile Doom was barely recognized. Now the game is unplayable. They just need to revert back to the old setup. That’s it. I’m not the first person to suggest this. Why are they not getting the message?
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10 years ago, Other Silhouette
This port was my first time playing Doom, and I love it. Not only is it fun to blow some demon heads off, but just everything about it is very quirky and creative. It really captures what I think old fans of the series really love. Also, the suspense scene gives it style. I actually find myself horrified sometimes when suspenseful music is playing and you are wandering around alone and you can hear the monsters growling but you can't find them. And then- boom! Something shoots at you and you go crazy with the controls trying to find the enemy and kill it. Its just a good feeling. I hear that the old Doom had multiplayer, though- i'd love it if you could put that back!
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10 years ago, Swagger 11
Bring on the Doom
I played demos of this game on my Xbox360 and when coming across this game on mobile so then I decide to play it on the IPAD update 7.1.1 The game works and plays well just like it was advertised in the details section though getting your head around the control scheme won't be easy for the first few minutes (it took me 8 minutes to figure out the control scheme). Aside from the slight adaption issue their is no denying on how simply executed the game was put on to the App Store with no money gimmicks to drain out your store credits nor content gimmicks to advance to the next level, thank The Lord that ID didn't follow the usual Apple trend.
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4 years ago, stevenmcbeaven
Original Controls Are Far Superior
The original control scheme before the unity update is far superior. It just works way better, and is far smoother. The new features and additions to the update are really awesome, but it’s really difficult to play on a touch screen. I have been trying where as I beat Doom 1, 2, Ultimate Doom, TNT, & Plutonia on Ultra Violence with the old controls (I had a jailbroken iphone at the time and I manually swapped out wad files). The new controls are just unresponsive, and the old control scheme allowed you to manually place the buttons, switch between different control schemes, and the joysticks moves on screen as you moved increasing the velocity the further you moved from the original point on the screen you touched.
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5 years ago, Larryrags
Great port but one issue
The game is great and works well on mobile but I will say that the controls irk me. I had the first mobile port a while back and I’ll say, the controls where much better. There used to be a button that you could tap to fire your weapons and now you have to tap a part of the screen. That also gets complicated because now you have to tap on switches and doors to open or activate them. In the original port all you had to do was walk into them. Usually what happens when I try to open doors or press buttons is that my gun just fires and I lose all my ammo. So I’d say just to at least add an option to restore the old controls.
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3 years ago, batsai
Finally a port that does Doom justice
The latest version of Doom fixes resolution for the latest generation iPad Pro models, adds 120 fps support and great controller support. Gameplay is fluid and fast… now if they would just add keyboard and mouse support, that would take this port over the top. The extras, cheat modes and gameplay are perfect. Many are complaining about the onscreen touch controls, but let’s face it, Doom was never designed for those (or a controller), but the gameplay with my Steelseries Nimbus is really fantastic (for a controller). Please add mouse and keyboard support- the only thing this port needs. Thanks Bethesda!
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4 years ago, spiderchris01
The controls aren’t bad
People keep saying the controls are terrible but I don’t see it and I don’t have a problem with it the only problem I have with it is the doors it got hard getting used to opening them without accidentally shooting your gun but I got used to it and honestly it’s not as bad as people make it out to be! when I got this game I expected terrible controls but no I really don’t see the problem and it’s doom on the go! The only thing I would ask for is death match and co-op on mobile if it’s not to much to ask for but honestly I think it’s worth the money!
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3 years ago, BamScot
Incredible port. But clunky without controller
This is DOOM. Don’t let any other reviews lie to you. The real way to enjoy this game though is with a controller. I’m using a Razer Kishi and it plays just like it did in the old days, but it’s near unplayable without it. I can understand how the task might seem daunting with little to no control over your character. But if you have an old Xbox one or PlayStation 4 controller laying around or a Razer Kishi them by all means, grab this and any other classic game you can find, because THIS game will at least run like butter
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4 years ago, Raylord666
No Strafing?!
This is the second port of DOOM through the App Store. I played the first port; it felt exactly as it needed to feel. Touch Screen controls were modifiable to your preferences and you could tilt your screen to strafe. In this port, they’ve removed that option entirely and playing with a touch screen feels awful. Aiming is sensitive (sensitivity can be adjusted) and the double-tap controls to shoot and sprint are not easy to use; they’re not as seamless as the original port. I need for some of the original port settings to be restored for me to actually enjoy this version. I played the original port on my iPhone for hours, and this version does not seem to be as easy to play because of how the controls cannot be modified and how the game feels overall; there’s not anything that is seamless about this awful port of this classic game. I’ve been playing this game since I was three years old. I’d like to play it anywhere, but this version does not make that reality for me. Another thing: I have this game for iPadOS and it’s playable with a game pad, except you cannot strafe side to side on a controller, either. Bethesda, ID, can we please make this happen for iOS?
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7 years ago, Robert4travels
Great port, as good as the original
If you like me liked the original game a lot, then you will enjoy this trip down memory lane . It's a great port of the game, if you are mindful of the following flaws: - You can only have one saved game. And your game is saved if you leave the game for any reason, including receiving a phone call. If you are dead or stuck in a situation where you will die without hope of surviving, you lose your saved game and only can start over. Lucky for you, in this game you can start at any level. - Moving your character via the virtual joystick will take some time getting used to. But in the end it works fine. No side stepping though in this game, so it's more difficult to avoid fireballs. - Aiming is easier. - No nightmare mode. I doubt that any updates will be made to this game, so no chance that this will be improved. But it is fun to play regardless even with these flaws. So a great game!
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7 years ago, whittyname28
Apple PLEASE update this game
Got a message saying that DOOM classic will no longer work with iOS11. Please update, this is such a fun classic game! I'd hate to loose it, they don't make first person shooters like this anymore :). Heck, I'd even pay for an updated version, totally worth it in my opinion. My only other option would be to not update my iPhone anymore, that way I won't loose my favorite game. It would be really really great if it was updated, and I think many classic first person shooter gamers like myself will happily dish out some cash to see a favorite game preserved :)
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4 years ago, David Z-
New controller support still cannot fire
As of Jan 1st 2021, I still cannot fire using my steel series stratus wireless controller (the small pocket sized model not the big Xbox like one). The shoulder buttons L and R only cycle the weapons and none of the other buttons fire. Both analog sticks work for proper movement. Obviously the standard thing would be dual analogs to move and R shoulder button to fire and L shoulder button to jump or open doors. Would it be so hard to allow us to map the controls? Or at least use a standard controller configuration? Old review: I have a steel series stratus wireless (small pocket sized iOS controller not the big version). The screen just constantly spins to the right and there appears to be no way to fix it. I’m not interested in playing without physical controls so it’s unusable
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4 years ago, Scr194
Bad controls
I really despise the controls so much any time I play it its a nightmare and I just have to resist the urge to go get a controller and use Bluetooth and that a horrible thing if you’re mobile game requires tampering with something that can change you’re entire experience of the game honestly I don’t see why you don’t just do the controls a bit like UNDOOMED and if a what looks like a rip-off of you’re game seems better than you’re game at least on mobile than you need to rethink what you’re doing please just fix it if you ever happen to see this one tiny small little person out of what thousands ten thousands hundreds thousands peace
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5 years ago, 999Zain
Bring back Multiplayer and original control layout for mobile
I am actually impressed as well as glad to know they have updated the port fixing nearly all the issues it had. However there still is issues with the controls. I don’t know about you, but I’m one of the few that thinks the games original control layout on the previous mobile version worked better. If that was brought back it make gameplay a little easier. Multiplayer is something that definitely needs to be brought back too.
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5 years ago, WhatTheCow
TL;DR: DOOM is a classic game that everyone deserves to play at least once. the controls work well enough, and Thy Flesh Consumed is a lovely addition to the game. If you like FPS games, DOOM, action games, or just want to have a good time, buy this game. Doom, if you somehow haven’t heard of it, is the game released in 1993 for MS/DOS. It wasn’t the first FPS and certainly not the last, but what it did was light the world on fire with the amazing gameplay, which still holds up today. Controls are… interesting, but they work. Once you get a handle on it you can play through this like a breeze.
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5 years ago, esxmac
Better than expected
I have the previous version on an iOS 10.3.3 iPad Pro 10.5. While the controls are more customizable on the old version, they aren’t terrible on the new version. You can change weapons by touching weapon itself. Then a weapon wheel comes up where you can select from your inventory. Having to login is bogus, but they don’t ask for too much info—just make and use a spam email account. I made an account expecting to hate it based on some of the previous reviews, but I like the update enough to buy DOOM II.
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4 years ago, CRBurrows
Great time killer
I love the Doom series. Has always been my go to for mindless demon slaying fun to kill some time. I saw the app was updated to support higher FPS and better controls. I read some folks were having trouble with them. On the 11 pro max it works just fine with no issues. I also noticed this title and Doom 2 were subsequently removed from the App Store. I hope to see them make a full return with updates that fix it for everyone so they can enjoy this great game.
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5 years ago, The real Green Arrow on Apple
Doom is back with key points missing.
It’s fantastic that DOOM is back on iOS. It’s everything you remember it being prior before it taking off with a major thing taken off which is the ability to change controls. The default controls in the re-release is absolutely terrible. From not being able to open doors automatically to having difficulties auto shooting with the “double tap” to auto shoot. Turning in the game feels terrible. I miss the dual stick scheme that was in the game before. Hoping Bethesda fixes this but I highly doubt it. Other than that, it’s the doom you love just with worse controls which is a big factor when you play on higher difficulties.
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6 years ago, Matthew savant
No longer works with iOS 11! I want my money back or an update
Title say it all, I paid for this app I love doom and I want to play it. This has not worked since iOS 11 came out. It’s been a while and there has been no update for this to work. How can it be okay for consumers to pay good money for an app only for it to stop working entirely!? This is unacceptable and not at all conductive for generating further sales. I do not trust the developers and will not purchase anything they make until or unless they get it together. Either update this app so it actually works or refund the customers. Do not buy this or any of their other apps unless they actually start caring about their customers and not letting their games become completely incompatible.
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5 years ago, N1TE3YE
Controls Are Terrible
Devs, the virtual control stick has terrible acceleration going on. You can’t really control yourself. Also, if I let go of the v-stick, my character should almost dead stop. It’s quite ridiculous that you let go, and you’re ‘sliding on ice’. Why does no one on the development team or their superiors have any inspiration to have those problems fixed so the game is an enjoyable creation? If your development/design decision in this aspect would be analogous to an alternative art form—such as sculpture—would you really (really?) be proud of your final design choices then? If not, then what was the original intent of making it in the first place? If I ever see the move v-stick mechanism properly corrected with an update, 5 Stars immediately.
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3 years ago, bkanes
DOOM I is a great port!
I had my reservations, but this works great with a controller, and runs great on my iPad and iPhone. I'm really happy and have also bought the other game, DOOM II immediately after a quick test run of this one. It also runs smooth as ice. It sometimes randomly crashes if other audio plays in the background, or if the app is left open too long. However, the save feature is super accessible and fast to compensate. Overall, an amazing port!
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10 years ago, Red Critic
Good port, but a few problems
Overall this is a very good mobile port of doom. There are multiple flaws, but none of them are serious. - some missing textures that create the famous "hall of mirrors" effect - limited control scheme that doesn't offer much customization (no strafing unless you want the controls to be awkward) - a sprite (dead enemies, items, etc) behind another sprite might overlap even though it should be covered up - sound is a bit strange - no "nightmare!" difficulty mode - multiplayer has been removed entirely - there's a slot in the weapon menu for the super shotgun from doom 2 called "dblshotgun" but doom 2 isn't included - lack of mod support If you want to play doom 2 or any mods I'd recommend gameception, but you need to own the desktop versions of doom 1 or 2 to play them. From what I can tell id software has abandoned this app, so there's very little chance anything will be fixed.
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3 years ago, Gfhfbggvv
Bad controls
First of all: thank you for adding a level select, thank you for fixing rapid fire. For some reason, before when firing, you had to “double tap” to rapid fire which made zero sense and did not work 90% of the time, but now you can hold down the “fire” button and it will fire continuously automatically, which is an improvement and earned this port two stars. Unfortunately, the default controls are still really bad. There’s a “fire” button on the right which is so small you miss it constantly when you want to fire. There’s also a fire button on the left side which is so close to the “use” button that you will definitely experience a rocket to the face when you intend to open a door at least once. The end result is Doom which is fun to mess around with on the “I’m too young to die” difficulty or with God mode enabled. If you can somehow play this on Ultra Violence with default controls you are a far better person than I.
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5 years ago, Zzzzzzzz090
Great Doom port, bad controls.
The game is Doom. It looks and plays like it did on every other port since ‘93, which is a good thing. But the controls here have some issues. Movement and aiming are fine.. smooth and easy.. and strafing is nearly as intuitive as with my old mouse/keyboard setup. The firing contol is terrible, though. One, it’s integrated with the aiming control zone; and two, firing involves deliberate taps and double taps, instead of just press-and-hold. And in the same touch zone you’re trying to aim with! Although this makes the game somewhat frustrating to actually play, it’s still a fun and faithful revisit to this great classic.
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5 years ago, Jamofarr
Please update controls (5 stars pending)
I’m glad the game is updated, I love it, and I will give 5 stars after these two issues are addressed: 1. If you look at the preview photos (which are out of date) there was the option to have all moving and turning controls on one side of the screen and a shooting button on the other. This is so that you don’t have to lift your finger to look then shoot and hope you hit your target. Please return this feature. 2. Right now, as soon as you lift your finger before pressing down to shoot, the camera pans slightly, like it’s scrolling, so you end up looking away from your target before you fire (and miss). This makes it impossible to use the rocket launcher.
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6 years ago, wales2k
AWESOME!!! But a few problems though...
I LOVE DOOM!!! I played the original and now I’m so glad I can slaughter demons on the go (at school, on the way home, etc.)! There are a few problems though: 1 - No Multiplayer. Why isn’t there multiplayer? In the older version, there was multiplayer, but now there isn’t, so now I can’t play deathmatch with my friends anymore. Why remove it? 2 - Doesn’t work anymore. I just updated my phone to iOS 11, and now the game won’t play because it isn’t compatible with iOS 11. Can you PLEASE fix that? 3 - No Nightmare Difficulty. Why isn’t there Nightmare mode? Maybe one reason for this is because it’s mobile and it may not handle it, but I’m pretty sure the iPhone 5 and up can. PLEASE take notice of what I’ve said! I don’t have a problem with the gameplay itself but can you please fix the game and add Nightmare and Multiplayer? I would really love that!
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5 months ago, Americanpiggy
The new controls are horrible
The original release of Doom and Doom II on the iPhone were amazing- just like playing on a GameBoy or GameBoy Advanced. Run and turn all in one control. The latest version for some reason got rid of what was a perfectly good setup for a much clunkier experience to the point that the game isn’t worth playing anymore. I wish they’d at least give us the option to choose the control configuration most preferable to the user. 1 star rating is for this having been a great game that was functional and fun, and then a unilateral decision taking that original experience away. Hope someone from Bethesda is listening and addresses this issue.
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4 years ago, kodabomb.com
If they could update the controls..
DooM has got to be one of if not my favorite video game franchises to ever exist. I remember having this port back when I first had an iPod touch and it was probably my favorite app to play on, but now that they finally updated it and I can play this on the go, sadly the controls are just really really bad. And now that the iPhone supports the use of a controller, you can’t strafe to the side like you can in the original which makes absolutely no sense to me?? Like seriously, how can you play an fps when you can only go forward and backwards. Cmon Bethesda, y’all be slackin.
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2 years ago, Brougham96
Controls make it unplayable
Downloaded this on my iPad figuring this would be good with the iPad keyboard, seeing as the original was meant to played with a keyboard. The original game used the store keys to move forward, backward, and aim. While it seems like the iPad version does support a keyboard, The arrow keys do nothing, WASD moves forward, backward and strafes, and there is no way to aim or shoot. It aboard the only way to aim or shoot is to use the touch screen which is asinine. This could easily be solved by allowing controls to be re-binded but of course there is absolutely no option for this. Typing the old cheat codes into the keyboard works so that’s a cool Easter egg I suppose. It would be cooler if the game was playable.
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4 years ago, Fmcjdhdhhddhhdhdhfhfhf
I LOVE DOOM! It’s my favorite series, and seeing this on my phone brings joy. But this version only has one flaw. For people who uses controllers I suggest that the left analog stick should be able to move you everywhere you want, instead of only moving backwards and forwards, it’s a challenge trying to avoid demons when u can only move forward or backwards, I hope you can fix that or at least think about it, it would really help, but everything else FLAWLESS!
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4 years ago, RBSK
Disappointed again
Doom is trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to controls. The developers keep adding new features to make the game handle better, but when they fix one thing they manage to ruin something else. With this update, they managed to fix the atrocious input delay of the old version. At the same time, however, they have scuffed player movement. It wouldn’t be a huge complaint, but in a game which very much revolves around speed like Doom, this really spoils the experience. Until the controls are fixed, I wouldn’t recommend this port at all.
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10 years ago, Fhdfrgudiddyx
I never played this game until I got this app. I sure missed out. The levels are designed pretty well. You can find secret areas and keys. Single player mode in FPS are so linear these days. For it's time it was really good, the game is still good but you cant actually move the gun around and actually "aim" and stuff. Like it's just you moving around. Although i dont mind that. You can shoot any gun from any distance and as long as its in eye distance it'll hit. Not always exactly realistic but eh so what.
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