Egg, Inc.

4.8 (516.3K)
114.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Auxbrain, Inc.
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Egg, Inc.

4.79 out of 5
516.3K Ratings
9 months ago, Da cookie_man
A silly game with more fun than money can buy
This game is about one simple task, make chickens. With this one task come many difficulties like making more money or when to prestige. I played this game on an iPad when I was younger and finally got it on my phone for about a year now. This game was always fun to play with chickens running across your screen. The game is simple. Press a button and chickens come out. Buy some upgrades in the science research building and earn more money. Use the money to buy new egg houses to make more chickens. Buy more upgrades to buy new trucks to transport more chickens. Buy upgrades and keep doing that until you can upgrade to the next egg and do it again. But, new eggs equal more money so you get more stuff before you upgrade again and again and again. After a few eggs, you get a soul egg which can be obtained after you prestige. This resets your progress but you get a soul egg boost which equals more money. I just got all the achievements and unlocked trophies which I never thought would be in this simple game with chickens. This game is not only fun but also free which means no money. You might think, “Oh, it probably has lots of ads” but it has none unless you want to. Some mystery gifts appear randomly which you can either get by watching an ad or it can be free without watching an ad. This game is great for free time and very fun with the silliness it has.
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1 month ago, Capybara turtle 666
Ok,so, let’s be honest, all the games we play that are fun and can STAY entertaining all have endless ads. Ads,ads,ads. But this game is different. First of all, love the no ads unless u want to for a huge reward rule. Second, it can STAY entertaining. Love it. And also, there is always something to do with this game. Not at all like those io games where you have to just have to sit there and watch money roll in. In THIS game, u can always upgrade your chicken coop, upgrade your delivery system, and also shoot down drones with packages on them and get a reward such as golden eggs or money. With the golden eggs, you can research and discover new things to make your farm worth more. And the music, CHEF KISS it is amazing if you like guitar of country music you should check it out. Finally there is something called shell tickets that you can use to customize your farm or chickens to whatever you want and after you have finally discovered the next new egg, you get to start your farm process over again with a new egg but the new egg is always worth more so you can make upgrades faster and sooner. But once you sell your previous farm it’s just, gone. So if the developer can make it so that we can travel back to our previous farms it would be awesome, cause hey I miss my first farm that I had no experience in. Thank you for reading this and have an amazing day. This is Dara, peace out
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8 months ago, lsurhm
This has to one of my most played games
I love this game. It is fun and you learn how to strategize. I like how they constantly put out new contracts and they update it regularly to keep it interesting, challenging, and running relatively smoothly. My only dislike about this game is the Wordscape ads. I don’t know what it is about this specific ad but it makes my phone so hot that i can barely hold it. It even has warped my lifeproof case. After the ad plays i can barely play the game and my phone can barley function. Even if i exit out of the app. It also depletes half my battery life within minutes. So every time this specific ad plays i will just exit out of the app completely bc nothing is worth making my phone practically crash. Other then that i really enjoy this game. Update: Since i wrote this review a while back some things have changed. Love the upgrades. I do now have the monthly plan to opt out of ads/videos. So worth the money to me and well as the constant 2x multiplier. I am almost 2 years into this game and I absolutely love it. Definitely a strategy based game. Way more addictive than candy crush and less money to play. Which makes me want to play even more. I love how they constantly add new challenges and updates. I didn’t see where i could email or contact the app. I just wanted to ask if they could add Mardi Gras in the decorating/landscape section.
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2 years ago, (!3!$;(&.$$€.*jzjrjsn
Let's be honest, you're watching a bunch of chickens endlessly run across the screen. That being said, I cannot seem to stay away from this game. I've tried just about every idle game out there (the tappers, the fighters, zombies, mafia, fishing, you name it) and, IMHO, this one is the best. Sure, it's not the most action packed, but there are no stupid cards to collect to level stuff up or other pointless objectives just to slow down progress; you make money and buy upgrades...that's it. The developers have also provided daily events, co-op events, drones to shoot down, etc. that give you plenty of opportunities to earn golden eggs, soul/mystical eggs (whatever they are calling them these days) or just extra cash to keep your farm moving forward. You can watch as many or as few ads as you want and go at whatever pace you like. I also like that there are trophies to collect…..does give you something more to work toward. I have downloaded and deleted at least 20 other games since I got this one and still come back to this several times a day. So try it; you might be pleasantly surprised, as I was. Only thing that I would really change is the music. I had to turn it off because it just put me to sleep. Need some variety or something with a little more energy. Anyway, kudos to the developers on this one… I have to get back and unlock my dark matter egg farm.
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2 years ago, eteedcgds
I like the new update but artifacts are iffy
I’ve been playing this game off and on for about four years. First of all I for the most part enjoyed the artifact update and I’m surprised with the speed between the artifact update and shells, I think it’s very good that this game is being updated at a much faster pace than it used to be. Very little complains from the shell update except I wish there was a ranch set because I want my farm to be a ranch in Mexico. I think the artifact update was overall a very good thing for the game but I don’t like how it is towards the end stages. Artifacts get ridiculously expensive towards the later stages and you feel cheated if you spend 1M golden eggs on a final stage artifact and it doesn’t come out legendary. On top of that sending ships gets tedious. I have no trouble with the amount of time it takes for a Henerprise (18 hours) but it is very annoying having prestige every so often even with a maxed out fuel tank. Sending the longest form of the Henerprise requires so many different types of eggs that it makes getting the right amount so you can send the perfect amount of ships before prestiging a big pain. I’d love it if you could just automatically get the eggs below the level your egg is on but I understand it invalidates the fuel tank, maybe it could be turned into something else. Overall I love this game just have some annoyances with it.
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4 years ago, AnythingNotAlreadyTaken?
Best idle game out there
Let’s be honest, you’re watching a bunch of chickens endlessly run across the screen. That being said, I cannot seem to stay away from this game. I’ve tried just about every idle game out there (the tappers, the fighters, zombies, mafia, fishing, you name it) and, IMHO, this one is the best. Sure, it’s not the most action packed, but there are no stupid cards to collect to level stuff up or other pointless objectives just to slow down progress; you make money and buy upgrades...that’s it. The developers have also provided daily events, co-op events, drones to shoot down, etc. that give you plenty of opportunities to earn golden eggs, soul/mystical eggs (whatever they are calling them these days) or just extra cash to keep your farm moving forward. You can watch as many or as few ads as you want and go at whatever pace you like. I also like that there are trophies to collect...does give you something more to work toward. I have downloaded and deleted at least 20 other games since I got this one and still come back to this several times a day. So try it; you might be pleasantly surprised, as I was. Only thing that I would really change is the music. I had to turn it off because it just put me to sleep. Need some variety or something with a little more energy. Anyway, kudos to the developers on this I have to get back and unlock my dark matter egg farm.
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4 years ago, Ghugfss
Perfectly paced idler
I’ve been playing this game for two years, I just never got sick of it and that’s what makes Eggs, Inc. better than other idlers. The concept of an idle game in itself seems pointless on paper until you try them, then they’re addicting- for like a few days at best. The mechanics and features are what you would expect, most idlers have a lot in common so I’m not going to waste time describing everything about it because it’ll take less time to download and learn on your own, that’s part of the appeal, it’s easy. Idle games are easy by definition. Where this one branches off from the others is after those first few days of play, when milestones are harder to achieve and everything slows down. Typically I get bored, forget about it and replace it with a new game. This one keeps you coming back, and not just with the daily gifts (which don’t reset when you miss a day), or the frequent contracts or events. It’s just a nicely tuned game, you always feel like you’re making progress so you always want to open the app again to do more later. Whoever designed it to be paced the way that it is just got it perfectly right I think, plus there are no forced ads- you can occasionally opt to watch one for a free gift if you want. There isn’t anything else I could ask from this game, it’s perfect and simple and I’m sure I’ll still be playing it a year from now.
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4 years ago, EggFarmer3000
Great game but has flaws
I’ve been playing Egg, Inc. for quite while now and I think it’s great. The main issue I would like to address is the big red chicken run button. When you get to a later stage in the game you can hold it but when you are holding it I accidentally move my finger to point when it stops working a lot. This can be really frustrating since sometimes when using the infinite hatchery boost I don’t look at mine screen for a couple of minutes. Even though the button does become slightly lighter when being held I believe the developers should add some kind of color change or more significant way to tell. Another thing I would like to address are the in-app purchases. I think the upgrading the permit is quite worth it and a great purchase but in my opinion the piggyback isn’t quite worth it. I think perhaps there should be a discount for those with the upgraded permit. The ads are greatly placed and usually a worth while investment. With the new artifacts update there are more things to do which is great but I don’t quite understand the fueling. The fueling requires different egg types and to get those different eggs I believe you have to prestige. I don’t really like that. I think there should perhaps be some kind of egg trading system in place. Where you could trade your current eggs to the ones you need to fuel the rocket. If you could buy them that’s great too. Other then the things I mentioned the game is great.
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3 years ago, king demari please sponser me
Good game
This game is really good I can play it for hours and still not stop I am a very high top or are usually use for fingers to type because it gets to be more chickens out at a time and it is very fun when I’m bored I usually just go swap out my phone and then start playing this I will see how you cannot play those this is really funAnd I’d love to get sponsored by this company this is really really really really really fun so if you haven’t checked it out yet click download wait for her to double click open and then get to playing it will show you all the instructions press the chicken button to play to like make more chickens and you can even make it a bigger size by pressing the big square I didn’t know that at first but now I do and overall I get this game like 1 trillion stars is too fun to fun and I’d love to get sponsored by this company this is really really really really really fun so if you haven’t checked it out yet click download wait for it to double click open and then get to playing it will show you all the instructions press the chicken button the plate to like make more chickens and you can even make it a bigger size by pressing the big square I didn’t know that at first but now I do and overall I give this game like 1 trillion stars is too fun and I hope you enjoy this game and please sponsor me
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2 years ago, Gummy bear fan02
Solid idle game with solid issues.
This is an decent idle game, the music and sounds plus the gameplay itself is simple and addicting. I love the idea of the game and the small story bits to go along with each new egg. But after a while I’ve begun to notice issues with the progression, and more recently with the notifications and icons. For balancing, I often find myself with a huge lack of transportation. Either the prices were too steep or the game won’t let me buy more vehicles, either way you can get bottlenecked artificially and it really ruins the fun. The notifications especially for the contracts and video offers do not go away on their own. You are FORCED to click on em and check out stuff you don’t care about, the icon flashes in the corner of the screen forever. It’s super annoying and feels like I’m being nagged. I get it, it’s a free game and you need cash, but don’t shove your ads in my face. Especially when you let scam games advertise with completely fake gameplay. Sometimes these ads aren’t optimized for my screen, meaning I can’t exit out of them after waiting for my reward. Forcing me to close the entire game and reboot it for no reward. It just comes off as really scummy behavior, these small things add up in a game with zero gameplay. It’s numbers but you constantly bug me with ads, contracts, and in app purchases I’m not interested in. Kindly shove it. The gall to nag your players to spend money after blocking offline earnings behind a paywall.
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3 years ago, mdyc9989
I love this game but..
I love this game, but the prices of in app purchases don’t make since—they are way too high (and you don’t get your money’s worth). One of the main purchases you can make is golden eggs to buy boosts and other beneficial things in the game, but you have to spend $5-$20 to get packs of eggs and the biggest pack you can get ($20) only has 22,000 eggs in it. That might sound like a lot but I pull 2-3 thousand golden eggs a day just casually playing the game. The amount of eggs I get in a day is plenty to buy enough of most boosts to progress steadily through the game. So you would think the incentive to buy golden eggs would be to buy bigger things such as the hyper loop train but NO that thing costs 50,000 eggs!! There is an option to crack open the piggy bank for a more reasonable $4.99, but I only recently got enough golden eggs built up in it to pay for something like the hyper loop. My point is, I think the makers of this game would make a ton more money if they just made their in app purchase prices more reasonable. Like $1 to open the piggy bank and 50,000 golden eggs for $20. And the “Pro Permit” which basically unlocks a fuller version of the game, should be more like $4.99. If the prices were more reasonable, I probably would have spent money on this game by now (which I’ve been playing for a few months). But as it stands, I have no plans to drop any real cash on these ridiculous prices.
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5 years ago, Hyde514
Changes have made an impact.
While I still love this game I can’t look away from the business model that they’ve implemented. With the new boosts you can greatly increase your production of everything which is great but let’s look at one key factor that rubbed me the wrong way. Your piggy bank can become full. What this means is that you have to spend money to crack it open earlier than you want to. I used to be able to get millions of golden eggs with the massive multiplier I had. Now I can’t do that and those receive far fewer golden eggs per paid piggy bank. It’s a nerf that basically sets the tone for the game becoming pay to win. Crack the piggy bank open for $5 once it’s full or you won’t be able to rake in massive amounts of golden eggs so you can buy boosts that last a couple hours at most. Rinse and repeat until you find yourself wondering what on earth you spent $50 on iTunes for. This game is great and I’ll still support it but it’s taken a huge leap into the greed that so many apps are guilty of. It now forces you to choose between paying money a number of times or suffering through hours of play for minimal progress that leaves you only slightly further than where you started. Before you could save a huge amount of golden eggs, break open the bank, and have enough to last you for a month or more depending on how addicted you are. Now not so much. And I think they raised the price to crack open the bank by a dollar.
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2 years ago, YouTubehobby
Always perfect
I find this game calming no matter how I feel weather I am stressed, tired, ect. It’s the overall perfect game to play! I keep coming back, it’s right there between too complicated and boring. I must say it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played! I am honestly hooked to this game, and the contracts you do are fun and rewarding. They always have me coming back and I love the whole idea of working together to reach the same goal! It’s amazing how you can put working together into an idle game. It would be a cool idea to have a group chat and be able to say things with a quick chat. Obviously not a plain chat where you can type whatever because people can’t handle themselves. A place where you can ask people to give the bonus coins or to add chickens to their farm. Just a wheel with a couple things you can say. Or do a group vote to see if someone should get kicked off where so many people have to agree. Instead of one person saying someone should get kicked off, it would be closer to being fair. Again I love this game it is amazing I understand that the idea is out there but it would be amazing and it would bring the group to work together more as a team. This game will always be one of my favorite games to play, and one I spend a little too much time on...
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7 years ago, Cluckenfeld
I was a bit leery about "Eggs, Inc." at first. After reading other reviews, though, they did leave me a bit egg-cited about what was to come with this newly downloaded game. But, after playing several levels and finding out that I wasn't tied down to just one boring farm, and that I could upgrade, depending on how much my farm grossed. I have to say I was SO happy to find out that with all my eggs-tra golden eggs (and STACKS of cash!) I was able to purchase my next farm and was able to assist with projects dealing with rocket fuel, coming from work accomplished by my OWN EGG FARM! After realizing that I could have an eggs-traordinary time during my eggs-tracurricular occasion could eggs-toll the virtues of having an eggs-tended family of my own! You DO have to shoot down drones, which seems to be an eggs-traneous part of the game - possibly they are attempting to eggs-trapolate research information produced by our Egg Scientists on the farm in the research any case they are NOT to be trusted. In any case, I have had no technical problems thus far, and everything runs fairly smooth after one week of playing the game at least once a day. Before I go, I must eggs-press how some folks like me may find this game to be eggs-hilarating and may eggs-pend pent up energy and help you to relax. This may not be the case for everyone, so this is just my opinion.
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3 years ago, Herzja
Let’s be honest.
One idle game seems like almost any other. It looks interesting, but after a week ( or even minutes ) it can quickly become a game that you forget about or rarely open. At first glance I was intrigued by a game that involves….chickens. I figured out of curiosity I would give it a try and see where it went. I can honestly say I have been glued to this game since the day I started playing it. There’s not only just a couple upgrades that can take what seems like forever to achieve, there are literally what seems like and endless amount. Every time you upgrade to a new farm not only does the environment change, but also factors of the game. As you continue to play you’ll quickly realize there are many more components to the game than originally thought. From leveling up the farms to the point of space explorations and collecting unique artifacts that boost every aspect of your farm, to completing different challenging contracts on various farms to acquire further resources and money. This game always makes me want to keep playing anytime I get a chance. The best part is that there are no ads forced on you. And you don’t have to spend a single dime at all to enjoy the game. I have never written a single review of an app before. But this game warranted one.
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3 years ago, Cartman1119
Honest review
I’ve been plying for a sometime now, the biggest drawback are these broken “contracts.” The multiplayer doesn’t make any sense. Says you have six days, create a group and suddenly you drop to one day to complete it. Not too mention the fact that they are literally impossible because it doesn’t match make. You could be teamed up with people who just started and you’ll never get anything done. Your farm value makes no sense, if i invested 9 decitillion dollars in my farm, it only goes up a fraction of that and it’s needed to progress, hence the confusion and the game doesn’t tell you why. EVERYTHING, up to a degree has to be bought with paid currency and if you’re not about spending money, find a new game. The “artifacts” you can acquire are not worth how much in paid currency you have to spend to upgrade them, with the biggest pack of currency, being 54,000, you need 75,000 just to upgrade an extra 25% in cash per second. Like.. what? Sure, you can earn paid currency, but you have to buy it to earn it. Don’t get me started on boosts, because they are worse. Overall this game manages to pass 10 minutes of my day and I forget about, most likely going to delete soon. No updates or new content, nothing to shake things up, no events, and the timed “contracts” with other people are confusing and frustrating. Move on if your not looking to spend your cash.
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2 years ago, lovly roblox
Perfect for Everyone
This game has many different parts to it that can keep you occupied for quite a while. This games are perfect for road trips and even for boredom. It is pretty self explanatory which I like because I hate unnecessary tutorials that other games have. The game is also very fun and there are may learning experiences about money and decisions. Also, there are many ways to keep the game going, what I am trying to say is that as you advance in the game there are many different (and interesting) types of chicken farms you can run. THERE ARE NO ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS GAME, I find this to make the game so much more enjoyable and relaxing! The ONE downside to this game (in my opinion) is the very few parts where they really don’t let you get something that you need (such as a better permit for silos so your farm keeps running when you are not playing) unless you use your own personal money. I don’t think this is very fair, but I understand because that is one of the the only ways they make money from people playing the game, especially because there are no advertisements. Overall, this game is great for any type of person. big, small, young, old. It takes up very little storage and works very well. It is very enjoyable, interesting, and fun!
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4 years ago, PotatoTomatoPerson
Amazing Game, Except...
I love this game because it is so unique. The eggs are becoming more and more popular as they get more advanced until they make up the entire world, becoming more and more important. I really like the newspaper feature as well, where you can get up to date on the latest egg breakthroughs. Overall I really like how the game scales and the unique features included. However, I think this game has too many features where you have to pay real money. For example, the piggy bank. Every time it fills up with gold eggs you have to pay. I don’t know if the price increases each time you fill it up because I’ve never cracked it open, but at the first level it fills up so quickly, which makes me wonder if people have to pay so often if they crack it open every time it fills up. It’s really hard to get gold eggs if you don’t spend money on the piggy bank. Also, you can only have two silos (which keep your farm running when your not on the app) if you don’t buy the upgraded permit. Whereas if you have the upgraded permit you get to have ten silos, which makes a huge difference, and it’s unfair to people who play the game a lot but don’t pay real money. Two silos don’t last very long when your away from the app. I think this game is great but they really need to make it fairer to people who can’t pay for anything with real money.
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2 years ago, jackadams519
Amazing Well-Rounded Game!!
I saw an interactive ad for this game and thought to myself, "This can't actually be what the game is this is way too easy" but I gave in to the intrusive thoughts telling me to download this game. Needless to say I am thoroughly impressed. This game is easy and fun, and thats exactly what I like about it. It is an easy idle game, sure. But the gameplay is really well thought out and the graphics just make everything cuter. I really liked the customizable chickens, super cute. I've always loved the idea of idle games ever since cookie clicker came out, but the game was very stationary and there weren't a lot of live interactive moments. The drones in game are an amazing solution to this by providing a sum of cash or eggs to keep you interested and engaged. The most important reason I absolutely adore this mobile game is that it doesnt force you into ads. None of these reviews that I've seen have commented on that fact. It has ads, but every mobile game has to to continue production. Every ad they present, you have an option to turn down, or to accept for a large amount of cash or eggs. Its not a bad amount either. This game is amazing and I would recommend this to anyone. Amazing gameplay, amazing graphics, 10/10 game!!
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3 years ago, helloimjasonrivers
Love the game but here’s a couple features I would love to have added
First off I just want to say I’ve been playing this game off and on for at least 2-3 years. In the last year or so I’ve gotten really into it and probably play it for an hour or so every day. Overall it’s a great game and I highly suggest checking it out and giving it a try! With that being said every game has things that it can improve upon and here are some of the stuff I would like to see added/improved. #1 Being able to zoom in and out of your farm. (Not sure why that isnt an option already lol) #2 Being able to kick people no matter the circumstances. (It’s so annoying losing a contract simply because you’re doing all the work and everyone else isn’t doing anything) #3 Being able to add friends and visit their farm. It would also be pretty cool to be able to send them gifts and even interact with their farm! (I feel like this would bring a lot more people to the game) Finally #4 Being able to add small little decorations to your farm kinda like on Hayday. Things like flowers, a house and maybe even other animals! Like I said though it’s a great game overall and I really appreciate the developers for making it such a good game!
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4 years ago, minion valley faviorate game
Very addicting and cool looking
I know people won’t like regular idle games but no joke I loved it it has good lookeing graphics for a mobile game and unlike other clicker games when ever you click or hold down the button it actually makes a sort of animation with a tiny cute chicken running across the screen into the pens and it looks just adorable. You can never run out of things to do in this game because there are over 100 (I think) difrent upergrades to get that all have there own title describing What it does and a small little pictures. There are also 2 difrent prestige’s in this game that are charming and actually marking sense unlike other mobile games where you just prestige with no actually explanation just a boost . What this game does is whenever you prestige you sell your egg farm and get a new type of mutated egg like super food, medical, rocket fuel and so much more. The other type of prestige’s are sole egg prestige’s where you get these types of eggs that enhances other eggs and sense you can only prestige when you get the time travel eggs so you can say it makes sense. I have much more to talk about but this is already a esay and a half so I’ll stop here and if someone actually reads this know that this is one of the best game on the phone I’ve ever played
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6 years ago, TayterJ
I guess I should finally review this...
I finally made it to selling Antimatter eggs, after around a year of playing this game. I’ve been prompted by the app a fee times during my progression to leave a review. And I never disliked this game, I just don’t leave reviews. But now, I feel that it deserves my review for how much I’ve played it. Sorry it took so long. If you like incremental games, specifically the type which scales infinitely for the sheer satisfaction of reaching staggeringly high numbers, this is absolutely the scratch to your itch. The gameplay is simple, and the MTX aren’t invasive. You can play this game without spending a dime just by taking it out of your pocket once every few hours, upgrading what you can, and waiting again. However, they have a very clever MTX called the Piggy Bank, and it collects the game’s ‘golden eggs’ (the MTX currency) at a rate of one per upgrade purchased in normal gameplay. You can pay $2.99 to smash it and collect the premium currency, and start the process all over again, with a growing multiplier. After just a few uses, this purchase very rapidly becomes a way to get a massive amount of boosts and upgrades. I essentially pay 2.99 about once every two weeks to play this game, but I’m having fun. Not buggy, and VERY ADDICTIVE.
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1 year ago, Andrew Mayorquin
Dear, Egg Inc.
Ever since I’ve lived in this world I’ve been in a void until I watched a add playing Crossy Road that add was a Egg Inc. add. It changes the chemistry in humans body’s it makes them fell joy, happiness, enjoyment in there life’s and makes their day a little better. So this game is a life changer and you need to get it all the grinding and time it takes to get the eggs is really hard but once you are done you know you have put in the work to make something come true. I think everyone one in this world needs a second chance and Egg Inc. is that second chance. Try it out maybe just maybe you will have second thoughts about this game. I always have to check it check it and check it because this game is amazingly fun and simple but, it takes time for you to realize what this is for, who you are doing it for, but in the end you know it is for you. Whoever you are whoever made this amazing idle game with chickens and a farm and anything else you want I just want to say thank you for everything you have done to help thousands of ignorant people stuck in a loop and Egg Inc. changes that so thank you again Egg Inc. creators you’re a real one. Five star to you Sincerely, Andrew Mayorquin
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7 years ago, Cabages
Let me first off start by saying this is the FIRST game (app) I’ve EVER given five stars to. To put it simple, the game is perfect. Going into specifications, I have a lot to say. The game itself seems like a simple rank ‘em up style points, ie that crappy cash game (not going to promote it with my review). However!!! This is ANYTHING but simple. I haven’t been addicted to a game since back in the Candy Crush days... and even that game was garbage. Addicting, yes. Garbage because it was pay to play. I give this game five stars because the creator(s) really thought this out. You DON’T have to pay for anything!! They even make ads optional, although they can be worth it for a good boost. I’ve also seen that they enjoy people finding exploitation’s in getting “there” faster. Talk about freemiom! I took the liberty of buying the extra silos because I want game developers like this around. It’s a bit rough around the edges, but I think that could be iOS. This still doesn’t deter away from the rating because this game is just that amazing. Simple, super addicting, FREE, and just plain fun. Also, you can make endless puns with how “fresh” Egg Inc. is. I honestly look forward to what they come out with next. GREAT GAME, 5/5, I AM EGGSTATIC! Download and play, you won’t be sorry.
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2 years ago, TheDJjams
Best free game I have ever played.
I’ve never bother to write a review for the App Store before. But this game is the best game I have ever played with In-App purchases. The way ads are implemented is also the best I have ever seen in a game. You never have to watch an ad unless you want to. Watching an ad will give you some bonus items, but you can just ignore it completely. So many other games bombard you with ads which is annoying. Another reason why this is the best game is that in app purchases are reasonably priced. Nothing is over $20. And in app purchases aren’t really even needed. If your impatient, they are useful, but it’s not like you are forced to buy anything to progress. I have seen other games have $99 in app purchases which I find to be out right ridiculous. This game is much more reasonable. I wish there were more games available with these type of mechanics for ads and in-app purchases. Sadly, almost every other game I have played force ads and try to force paying for gems or coins or whatever. I have abandoned great games due to their predatory practices. Egg Inc. has found the best formula for ads and in-app purchases. I wish there was a list of other free games that shares their formula.
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1 year ago, Pickle man Derek
Great game and but grindy
This is a great game and you fell reward for every upgrade you make. Also if you upgrade to a new egg it is satisfying to see how much more money you make. Sadly sometimes you will spend maybe a week on upgrading a egg or grinding for a lot of soul eggs. But then the next thing you think is easy takes you around a month to just upgrade your egg. There is also contracts contracts are not fun and really fun since sometimes you have a great team and you can get the final reward with a fair amount of grinding but other times you will have team members who don’t do anything and try to get free awards for while doing nothing keeping your team down and nobody gets anything and you wasted all that effort for nothing but I heard about the new Contracts and a grade system so maybe the lazy bums won’t ruin everything any more for me and everyone else. All in all a great game and haven’t even talked about space in this game yet which is a fun addition so this is a game with good features and consistency updates so if you like idle games this is the support game no dought and I have suggested this game to several people who love it and I don’t think go outsid anymore so have fun enjoying this game.
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5 years ago, Conrade44
A Chicken Empire in your Pocket
Gotta say, this game is great, I’ve been playing this for years and it hasn’t gotten old. I just downloaded version 1.10.1 at the time of this review, and after seeing all the cool new things you added, I was also a bit disappointed. For one, you put a cap on the piggy bank, which I’ve been building since I’ve started, and probably got about 30,000 some golden eggs in there before you capped it at I don’t know what. Apparently, it’s got a lot of other people upset in other people’s reviews. Also, the pro silo permit is worth more than before. I get it, though, because you guys really did need some better ways to get money from your players. It’s just a bit sad when developers have to do that. I’ve seen some fun games devolve into cash grabs because of this stuff. There’s a fine line between “pay to win” and “pay to win faster.” Don’t get too greedy, guys! Anyways, if you’re new to the game and are thinking of getting it, don’t hesitate and just get the app. It’s truly a masterpiece, whether you get the premium stuff or not. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a horde of chickens running across the screen making you unthinkable amounts of cash. I’ve had a blast playing it, and I don’t plan on stopping. Gotta get that dilithium egg, or whatever it’s called.
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3 years ago, Redandbown
This game
The so I don’t have much to say about this game but if a bird lover is reading this just know from a bird lover to another this game is very very very enjoyable and I very much like this game the fact that eggs are the currency is amazing I love birds so much and this is one of my favorite games but now that’s enough of me talking about my bird obsession on and on so more about this game it is amazing you press a button to release chickens and those chickens do not stop pooping eggs even if you press it for the first time the egg stock won’t stop slowly climbing up and the more you press the faster the number climbs and you get to upgrade your eggs but let it be known when you upgrade your egg your progress is whipped so I wouldn’t get your hopes up on getting something if upgrading your egg is the thing you wanna do and also your silos when you are not playing your silo plays for you so you never miss out and your progress is never paused that is until your silo runs out so if I were you I would try not to be gone for too long but tint become obsessed with games like I am and trust me it will get you in a lot of trouble and about the upgrades I’ll save you the lecture bye now!🐓🥚🚐🧬
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2 years ago, JacksMama
The balance is better than other idles
At least from my perspective, the economy/game balance of this game surpasses all other idles I’ve picked up (after this one I’ve been searching for more of equal quality)! There’s a better feeling of progression as far as earning enough to make meaningful upgrades while you’re offline. I also feel the monetization strategy of this game is extremely fair compared to other idles. Watching ads is purely optional and only gives you non-essential boosts. Spending is only to earn “golden eggs” - which can also be fairly collected with only F2P. Finally, their permanent purchase - the pro permit - makes a significant improvement on the game experience without completely breaking the balance. In my opinion, the pro permit is well worth the price, and the pricing of the piggy bank feature is also fair (though I personally don’t use it). Tldr: Chicken Inc. has the best free to play idle experience I’ve found on the App Store so far. The ads are purely optional in order to earn random bonuses of cash or golden eggs. The Pro Permit is the most meaningful single purchase you can make in this game, if you are going to spend money. Well worth checking out!
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7 years ago, Alexandria Southwell
Addicting but has Reward Bugs
I remember when this launched and I had zero interest in it - I picked it up the other day and I’ve been hooked since (even supported developers with in-app purchase I like it so much). This game is truly almost a 5 star game hands down - you can totally grind and play without purchasing a thing if you want, the mechanics are easy to understand and super entertaining to watch and the developers offer plenty of opportunities via watching ads to gain bonuses to help build up your operation. I think the only thing really stopping me from giving the 5 stars it deserves is the *almost* game breaking ad reward bugs I keep encountering. If a 30 second ad is going to play, I’m not going to get the reward for watching it because it’s going to crash. Most of the 15 second ads seem fine however they crash occasionally as well. The only ads I watch that are guaranteed I get the reward from are those ads that are interactive and those go through 100% of the time. I say almost game breaking because while you can most definitely continue to progress, it’s much slower without those ad reward bonuses. I’m going to keep playing because I’ve already bought the silo upgrade but it’s most definitely annoying. Otherwise, get ready to get hooked!
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2 years ago, Breanna ❤️❤️❤️
Wow, is there anything better?
This game needs more credit, fame, appreciation, something! I know it seems simple and boring, but it’s anything but! This game has so much to enjoy through my eyes! I love just spawning chickens and watching them go. Shooting down drones is fun to, and rewarding. I love researching and coloring my chickens, but the hats are much cuter! New egg farms, buy better hen houses, trucks, chicken colors, it’s so great! If this was number 1# in the world of games, I would not be surprised. I love it and wish there was one other thing, MORE CHICKEN SKINS! I just love this game and I don’t know what can compare! If there is a better game I will be surprised and still not delete this wonderful, should win award, fun, wholesome game, and that won’t change! There is so much more for me to unlock, and I am so excited. I play this daily and whenever I can. Thank you, to the developers, beta testers, and everyone else who helped invent this spectacular chicken game! I hope this is updated regularly, and never dies down! I will support this game, even if it gets taken off the App Store! I hope that this review gets read by a developer, and they appreciate it! Thank you and everyone else for reading my review!
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2 years ago, Aburdie
My go to Idle Game
I love this game. I started out playing when I was in high school in 2017 and sadly due to my own error lost all of my data In 2020. This was a huge bummer but I took a break and started new and the only thing I wish was in here was a way to release some chickens out of the hen house so you can actually use your running chiken bonus more. After there full it becomes incredibly slow to progress any where and I would like to make use of the 500x running chicken bonus 😂 plus it would just mean I could see more chickens on my screen. As for all of the 1 star reviews I’ve read are about things not being explained or about golden egg accumulation. I find the piggy bank to be incredibly fair and useful personally. Those who say they love the game but won’t spend a cent on it just tells me they don’t want to support the developers. I have spent DAYS on this game and 5$ here and there is affordable. If yo I don’t want to spend anything make use of drone rewards and spawn rate artifacts. You can tap on drones all day long and make a. Decent chunk of golden eggs that way. There’s strategy in a lot of the game and sometimes you just need to think out side the box.
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4 years ago, blank_031208
Don’t judge a Game by it’s looks
I was playing another game to pass time away when this was one for the ads that popped up. At first I was like “ehhh..let’s see how it goes. It’ll be different, it’s just a bunch of chickens running.” As soon as I downloaded it, I haven’t stopped playing it. It’s been only 3 days since. I hate games where the tutorial is sooo long and this tutorial is literally...2sec, but again the game kinda explains itself. And I love how you can earn rewards without having ads pop up every 5sec, and when watching videos (your choice, it’s optional) you get more rewards. My husband saw me playing this and is now hooked himself. Woke up to him playing it in silent LOL, he’s only been playing for 1 day and he’s already 2 eggs more than me. The games super simple, it’s not super complicated like other games, therefore makes it easy to be addicted to. Another feat I do like also, is whenever you move onto the next stage you start all over again. I think that’s fun, just because it makes you upgrade and you earn more and new rewards with every egg. Therefore, do not let the game cover make you pass on this game. That’s why it’s got 5 stars from 200K reviews. Side note, I dreamt of this game...LOL
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3 years ago, Chugger 21
Best idle game I’ve ever played!
Egg, inc. is by far the best idle game that I have played in a while. It is paced just to the likings of the player, and all adds for the game are optional! This game doesn’t take forever to finish, but it also isn’t way to short. (There are also ways to restart you’re progress even if you haven’t finished, and it doesn’t cost you a penny). When they give you the option of an add for some money or golden eggs, it is always worthwhile, and will usually multiply you’re money. Sometimes after watching an add, it will accidentally forget to give you the prize for watching all the way through, but when that happens it is very occasionally. To “spawn” in the chickens, you have to constantly push a button at the bottom of you’re screen, but you do not have to constantly be tapping the button, and early on in the game it will allow you to hold the button to send the chickens to there farm, which is a feature that makes it so much easier to play. All in all, one of the best idle games I’ve ever played. In fact, it is one of the best games I’ve played, period! Seriously addicting, and just satisfying to play.
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4 years ago, All my nicks were taken
Best idle game so far!
I can't agree more with a lot of these reviews that are already written but I will emphasize and add. One MASSIVE pro of the game is that all ads are voluntary and for a reward. They do crash sometimes but not very often for me even with an old device. It does get very slow when you get farther into the game and am already experiencing it at the "immortality" egg and the only way to get a fair amount of golden eggs (premium currency for buying boosts and special upgrades) is from watching a video IF it pops up as they are commonly cash rewards instead. Some of the boosts could use more explaining like the "soul mirror" boost which I have still no clue of what use it is. Also, contracts are very difficult and if they have a half decent reward, they are nearly impossible. Drone drops should be increased especially for gold egg drops and I do have a BIG problem with hitting buildings that bring up menus while trying to hit the drone and then exiting out only to find the drone gone. And maybe explain that you are supposed to hit the drones as I didn't even realize till I hit one on accident. Please improve the actual possibility to finish the game without spending like a hundred dollars lol but still, good game and I like that all ads are voluntary. Thank you
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3 years ago, TheOneTrueJMan
Used to be fun, now it’s kind of boring
What’s the point in even having the prestige system anymore? When I first played this game I was stuck on tachyon eggs for weeks and it was so satisfying when I finally got passed it. Now, having restarted after redownloading the app, I’m on the dilithium egg without having prestiged a single time because the soul eggs are given out so constantly as prizes for completing achievements and trophies. It’s just not fun when I’m trying to wait until I don’t have enough money to get more hen house space to prestige but I never really run out of money because every time I check I already have more soul eggs than I would get from prestiging for the first time (right now I have more than 100,000 soul eggs and prestiging would get me something 90,000 new ones). Maybe if the soul eggs rewarded are just added to the amount you would get upon a prestige, rather than just gifting them directly into affecting the earn rate? I feel like that would solve a lot of the problem for me. Also: $4.99 would make sense for the piggy bank if it’s something you would expect to purchase every couple weeks or months. Not when it’s likely to pop up about once a day. Even $0.99 would be pushing it for something that comes up as often as it does.
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4 years ago, i-dont-wanna-enter-a-nickname
Was good but going downhill
I’ve owned this game for awhile now probably almost a year and it was a really good game it had some issues where if you got to the higher levels it was almost impossible to keep going and you just had to prestige like 70 different times just to get past one egg but it was fun to try and see how much farther you could get than last time even if it was a little repetitive.....and then recently they raised how many golden eggs it cost to buy a boost, I would guess it was because of more money because you can buy golden eggs with real money and the more golden eggs you spend the more you need to buy but it kind of ruined the game, because as I stated earlier the higher levels are harder to get past...and that’s with boost, now it takes a week to get back up to higher level eggs it used to take me an hour to get because I can’t afford any boosts and it’s honestly just nit fun anymore, I get that they might’ve had to do it for money or some other reason I don’t know if but it kind of just ruined the amount of fun I used to have with a game and it’s going from a game I used to like to check on daily to something I click on once a week if I’m bored...if they really care about their customers and how they feel about the game then they really should change it back
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2 years ago, PPTtesifies
Excellent game, but some minor annoying bugs
As far as gameplay goes, I really have nothing but praise. It’s engaging, well-paced, unique, witty, and very well-designed stylistically. Everything from the overall atmosphere and gameplay features makes it so much better than all the lazy, mass-produced idle games out there, and it even has a fun story on the way! However, progressing does somewhat rely on ads as a means of making noticeable and rewarding improvement, although it’s not absolutely necessary. In itself, this is fine, but the issue is that I consistently find that the ads are not only almost all weirdly sexualized, some of them don’t even allow you to exit back to the game. Even when it does allow you, it’s not uncommon at all for it to make the “reward” sound as if something was rewarded, but nothing actually happens. This is extremely frustrating and is a recurring issue. My only other minor critique is that in co-ops, usually 1 or 2 people do 90% of the work while everyone else is inactive, so the goals are impossible to achieve, but you also are unable to leave or switch co-ops. tl;dr - Overall, fantastic game, just maybe needs some tweaking on some of the minor backend stuff.
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4 years ago, GoatDude86
Literally the only satisfying clicker/idle game
There are so many clickers and idle games out there that I couldn’t possibly count them, but this one sticks out. It’s so calm, simple, and just satisfying. I’ve just now started forcing metal eggs outta the bums of my chickens (install for more context) and making a casual $50,000,000,000 a sec. that is what makes a clicker satisfying. Getting upgrades to make money to get more upgrades to make loads more money so on. At this point a trillion dollars is pocket change, and from what I’ve seen I still have many stages and many more upgrades to unlock. Yet another thing that makes a clicker good. Always knowing something is ahead of you, making you want more of it. For example, after increasing the value of your farm enough you can prestige, or as this game calls it unlocking a new egg type. With this new egg you gain more profit, find new tiers of upgrades, and with the increased amounts of money you are able to discover better things you couldn’t afford previously. Although this game has barely any actual gameplay, it somehow could be one of the best games on the App Store, and if not that, it’s most definitely the best clicker/idle game out there.
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6 years ago, Roxy chi
Ok. I downloaded this game about 1 week ago, and after 10 minutes of playing it, I was totally hooked. I thought that you would just have one farm and boatloads of upgrades, but I found out that not only do you have a farm, you can sell your farm and switch to a better egg, or prestige! There are also TONS of detail, including shooting down drones! The shaders are AWESOME, and with MINIMAL lag. The only time when I hit below 40FPS is when I spam those chickens. Also, I LOVE the fact that there aren’t ads every 2 seconds. In fact, there are none at all! You also have to manage all types of things from chicken housing to delivery. You also get random gifts and daily gifts. And here’s my favorite part: there is a STORY and it UNRAVELS as you play and build your farm up. The ONLY thing I don’t like about this game is when you leave for an extended period of time(more than 2 hours,) your farm stops. You have to buy more silos using real cash, and you can only get TWO silos without spending any. I personally think this should be changed to like 4 or 5 hours, as it would help out a lot. Conclusion is, that this is one of the best games I have ever played (besides Minecraft).
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1 year ago, iliie_train
i've had this game for a while and can safely say... IM ADDICTED. like to the point where it's unhealthy. i LOVE that! watching these stupid (but cute) lil chickens running mindlessly across the screen into this MASSIVE COOP is truly something fascinating. i have the "Eggtopia" coop right now and so it's funny to see these tiny little chickens running into this literal behemoth of a building 🤣. i think i'm on the last mission (hopefully) where you have to get 300,000,000 chickens living on your farm and im within 200,000,000!! excited to see that game mode :D if it wasn't for that one tachyon prism (the 100x internal hatchery multiplier) i would never be that close. the only issue i have is that you need the Pro Permit for lots of stuff including the ability to upgrade your fuel tank thingy (which is full for me and im wayyyy past the rocket egg farm) but i love that there's no ads just popping up on you're screen!! it's really nice having the OPTION to watch ads for rewards instead of random ones. contracts are also pretty fun to do. anyways that all i got for today but i hope you guys read this! excited to see what's in store for this game!!
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4 years ago, 'Ru
Fun, mildly infuriating at times
I've only been playing for a couple of days and I've already paid to break my piggy bank open once, where I'm normally a free player in mobile games, so good job there. The graphics, sounds, and music are cute and relaxing. However, I feel like I've run into a brick wall. The beginning of the game moved along quickly enough to get me hooked and keep me engaged, but at this point I've prestiged multiple times and am still nowhere NEAR getting past Tachyon eggs, and epic upgrades are getting increasingly more expensive. I'm willing to toss the devs a couple bucks now and then to break open my piggy bank (not every time it's full, I'm not made of money), but I'm already starting to get bored with having to play through the same farms over and over and over without actually making any progress (i.e. making it to whatever farm comes after Tachyon). Also, hit boxes on drones need to be increased. I almost feel like the game intentionally screws with the hit box on the super fast drones, because I've only been able to hit 2 of them so far in my several days of playing. EVERY TIME when I think I've hit the fast drone, it opens one of the menus because it thinks I've tapped on a building instead. It's not a fun feeling. Come on guys, my fingers aren't THAT fat.
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1 year ago, indigo 937
5 clucks
Egg inc. is probably my favorite mobile game of all time. I like how you can watch as many or as few adds as you want and they are usually worth it, although they are a little long. The drones are a unique feature and I love it, especially when you get a really fast one and get TONS of money. Everything about the game is great, however the contracts can get out of hand quickly, and the egg fueling system doesn’t really make sense to me. Like, why do you have to be a specific type of egg farm to fuel it? I don’t want to constantly prestige! Lastly, there are SO many notifications. I am not bothered by it, but still, why so many? Nonetheless, this is a great game. Although some of the stuff doesn’t really make sense, it is really fun. And to the people who say stuff like, “uhhh 10 Terabytes isn’t even enough for this game uhhh” and, “this game robs you with the in app purchases because it doesn’t let you play uuuhhhh” STOP EXAGGERATING AND GET A BETTER DEVICE. Some say, “it just kicks you back to where you get the game,” that is a personal issue. It doesn’t work for everyone exactly correct.
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4 years ago, caboosh47
Game is good but recent update is underwhelming
I do love this game I think it has an amazing flow of building up your farms and prestiging with a lot of fun newspaper articles and interesting egg types. And I definitely recommend trying it out, however this new update with the artifacts is very poorly designed in my opinion. It starts off good you put a percentage of your rocket eggs towards launching a ship to collect artifacts which give your farm special bonuses. However once multiple egg types are needed to fuel a rocket it starts to become an unfun grind constantly having to prestige to go back to a lower egg type for one rocket. Especially since you can only plan one launch at a time so for 3 multi egg type rockets you would need to prestige 3 times. To improve this I recommend perhaps having a storage depot which carries over farm to farm so you can carry over egg types to other farms, or make it so we can jump back between older farms instead of having to start from scratch again. Or you could just remove the multi egg part and make it so every rocket only needs one egg type. Artifacts feels like it could be a real fun addition but as it stands now it just comes off as an unfun very time consuming grind that halts all other game progression. Still love the game though hope it gets improved in the future
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7 years ago, FossilJake
Bawk Bawk! (What a fantastic game!)
Not to long ago, I got my own iPhone 7. Since I didn’t know what games to get that weren’t on my old device (It was a iPod), I just thought of a game that was deleted on the iPod. Before my brother got his own phone, he had a game called Egg Inc. and I never saw him play it. I noticed he deleted it, I just never re-downloaded it. Now, I get this awesome game and I love it! (Now let’s get to the game). When I got this game, I played it for a couple of days and soon, I got bored and stopped playing for a while. Then I saw a in-game notification that told me to prestige, which I didn’t want to do. But when I did, I got better eggs much faster and got cash faster as well! Now, I got to a new egg. I also noticed in the game, when I got more upgrades, the upgrade house thing changed and I thought that was pretty cool (Same thing for the vehicle house). I also am a huge fan of games where you upgrade things and I knew this game would be perfect for me. I hope this game gets amazing updates and makes me want to play it so much more! PS: This game makes me think of what KFC is going to be in the future.
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3 years ago, MusicalSMiner23
I do like eggs…
This game is easily the best idle game I’ve tried. I usually play it for about a month, get busy with life, and then rediscover the joy it brings me a few weeks later. Aside from the chicken factor (which of course I love, chickens are great), the game itself is polished and functions well both as an online play and offline. The “hold to tap” idea is a great one, too; it’s still that low level of engagement without having to tap until your fingers hurt. The only thing I would say is that it becomes a little hard to make progress in later egg levels, but that’s something that comes with all clickers and honestly the missions feature does a good job keeping me from getting frustrated with a lack of progress. The game also isn’t reluctant to give good rewards, like some games are. Free bonuses and upgrades aren’t exclusively behind a paywall, which I enjoy. I’m actually okay watching ads from time to time because they aren’t forced onto you and I like being able to at least give the developers some ad revenue. Ten out of ten chickens, would recommend.
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4 years ago, rustbeltkid
Rockets ruined this game
Before the rockets, this game was a 4 or a 5. Now it’s a 2. Once you get to level 3 rockets, you can only fuel up one rocket instead of three. Then you jump to fusion eggs to fill up the rest of the fuel, then you can launch it. When you fuel up your second rocket, you still need rocket fuel eggs, so you have to prestige and start all over again to then launch the second rocket once you reach the rocket egg farm again. Then you fill up another stage 3 rocket with rocket eggs, go to fusion egg farm, rebuild the farm to fill up the other section of eggs, and finally launch your single rocket. You then repeat this process with constant prestige’s to go back and forth to only launch one rocket per prestige. This is ridiculous as the game was already hard, expensive, and long enough to begin with. You’ll never beat this game fairly, or without 100’s of dollars if you want to play “fairly”. It’s is a great game (without the impossible rockets), but it’s not a game worth that much. I guess the developers had to do something to get back at all the time jumpers? Well, they did it with this one. Can’t say I have much more patience for this already long game becoming even more long and difficult. The game went from being fun, to becoming a job. Don’t really care for it much anymore.
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5 years ago, Saladmanderist
Shooting Itself in the Foot
I just spent the better part of five minutes crafting a stellar review for it to be deleted when i texted someone back, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. I enjoy the game, but it is not without it’s problems. The main issue arises when one clicks on an ad. I can’t tell you how many times i’ve watched an ad for the reward not to be given because of a glitch in the game. Sometimes after an ad has played through, the screen will turn black and sort of soft locks. Once the screen is black, I am unable to close the ad and lose my reward because the only way to get out of it is to restart the app. As one could probably guess, this causes anger to the user and has resulted in me watching fewer ads because I don’t want to have to restart the game. I’d love if this were fixed because the game would be just about perfect then. It’s really hard to find games that don’t bombard you with ads, but a game with glitchy ads isn’t much better. I know I have the choice whether to watch them or not, but fixing this issue would incite me to tap on more. Overall, this game is the best of its class. Keep up the good work and please fix this issue.
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6 years ago, 123_Anonymous_456
I love this game!!!
I got this game because my mom was playing it. She said it was a good game and that I should try it out. So I did. And it is the most addictive and fun game I have had in my life! It makes sense and doesn't have a TOTAL fictional feel to it, even though it is fictional. I love it. I play this everyday! You should get this app! This app is honestly one of the best apps ever! This is so fun to play and so simple! Anyone can play it and it isn’t like an “I win, you lose” kind of game. There is no winner or loser! You just play and play until you can play no more. I have been playing for about a year now and I haven’t reached the end yet! I’m not even close, and I’m happy because I never want to stop playing this game! There is just ONE thing you can purchase and the game runs great if you don’t so you don’t even need to buy anything. And they give you rewards for watching very short ads. They also give you the option to watch the ad or not. I don’t know about anyone else, but I hate a game with lots of ads where you have to purchase everything for the game to be good. This is the best free game I have EVER played!
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5 years ago, ReubonicPlague
A Rooster Among Chicks
I have a hideously weak spot for idle games, but if you share my weakness, play Egg, Inc.—this one stands out from the pack by far. The sense of progress in the first hour is far and away better than any other idler I’ve played, and the numerous ways to grow the business(shipping, hen capacity, hen hatching, research) keep the fingers and mind busy. The amount of downtime waiting for currency to fill up has been nonexistent a couple of hours into it. They even throw in a mini-game with a minor degree of skill, with the drone hunting. And, should you so choose, you can pour currency into an auto-tap to cut down on the carpal tunnel syndrome. The graphics are simple but beautifully egg-secuted(I’m sorry...I had to), and the screen is pretty free of clutter, to leave room to spot drones and watch hordes of chickens fly from the hatchery. Also, I am notoriously spend-free in these games, but the carrots they dangle look like they offer significant upgrades. They will probably get me to break my rule, for the piggy bank and for the additional silos. Hats off to Auxbrain for making an eggceptional(last one) time sink, one truly worthy of your time.
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