Evernote - Notes Organizer

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Evernote Corporation
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
13.2 or later
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User Reviews for Evernote - Notes Organizer

4.42 out of 5
59K Ratings
1 month ago, ElleBeeJay6369
Extension of my brain, except now I’m missing Tasks
I have been a long time user of Evernote. I was a hesitant, random user initially. After investing some time to learn a little more about it, my use has grown. It now houses a lot of my information, and I can usually find what I need quickly. I’ve been really pleased with the nearly seamless updates across multiple platforms that has occurred recently. One challenge that I’m facing with the new mobile interface is that tasks are no longer highlighted on the opening page. When we had the previous Home page, you could very quickly see tasks that were due or overdue. Now that is gone. Therefore, when I have a task that is due, I often miss it. Unless I happen to catch the reminder notification that pops up on my phone or watch, I have missed things pretty frequently with this new mobile interface update. I would love to see the Task icon on the new Create space to have some sort of indication that you have a task overdue. Maybe it is bolded, maybe there is a number indicating the amount of tasks overdue. I’m open to anything that will help me remember to do the tasks that I’ve created! Please, please consider something to remedy this. Otherwise, using Evernote’s Task feature is almost useless. I will keep a lookout for updates!
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3 years ago, Danny888
Fantastic update
I just don’t understand some of negative reviews of Evernote’s latest update, which is fantastic. I have been using the app for years and am thrilled to see the innovation that the new leadership team is bringing about a year in. It looks like it took about a year to stabilize, and now new features are a’comin’. Tasks is game changing, and Gmail and Google calendar sync has boosted my productivity tremendously. I have been mainly using the web app but earlier this week updated my iPhone to this version. Immediately following the update I was having all sorts of issues getting my notes to load in the app. So I sent a support ticket to Evernote, called it a day, and accidentally left the app running overnight on my iPhone. To my delight I awakened to see a notification in the app that I had been successfully upgraded to then latest personal version. All of my notes suddenly appeared, and I have had a phenomenal experience with the app ever since. IMO nothing comes close to Evernote. I love Google, but Drive is where notes go to die. Evernote is where they flourish. I cannot say enough good things about this app and what I’m seeing from the company. It is extremely difficult to satisfy all existing customers while innovating and expanding the base. As a longtime user, however, I personally feel that the team is doing a tremendous job. Kudos!
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1 month ago, FreezerBoys
Evernote is better than ever!
I've been a paid Evernote user since 2010 and have used it personally and for business throughout the past 14 years. I've never been as excited to use Evernote as I have been in the past few months. After a lot of rumors about their history with other products and assumptions about what they would do with Evernote, Federico Simionato and the new developers at Bending Spoons have delivered feature after feature after feature in 2024. So now, as a result of it's traditional standout note features such as PDF management and web clipper/note creation I have eliminated my need for Notion due to features like collapsible sections, calendar integration, and slash commands. The recent task updates have also eliminated my need to use to Todoist to track my immediate tasks and have also allowed me to create a robust backlog of tasks that I can easily navigate. It's easily paying for itself in terms of improved functionality, efficiency, and workflow centralization. I still dream of some additional options like inline images, colored background formatting, a more robust tag management system, better searching, more intuitive and integrated AI, better home page customization, and especially block level transclusion, but overall I'm loving Evernote better than ever and can't wait for the next updates from the team.
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2 years ago, AppLover1971
Premium Subscription Buyer Beware
I’m giving this review because over the past 5 years, I’ve been a loyal, power user of the Evernote tool. Short of some ‘buggy issues’ in the latest updates (which is normal), the Evernote tool is hands down one of the most effective, well designed, and intentionally planned tools for business. Because of the treatment is subscription upgrades across devices, I ended up with two accounts being billed on separate devices on 3 separate occasions. To stop the duplicate billing, I cancel one or more subscriptions to fix the issue. It has cost me upwards of $35/month for a $7.99 monthly subscription. I just cancelled again and am a Premium subscriber through August. Because I cancelled, however, the pop ups for upgrade have made the app unusable. I have a paid subscription through August and can’t use it because I hit a payment gateway every time use the app I have a premium subscription to through August. The app is amazing. If you plan to be a Premium subscriber to sync to multiple devices however, Buyer Beware. $35/month for a one seat license for a $7.99/month subscription you can’t use is steep by anyone’s standards. When I quit the app 4 different times to try to connect with someone to help with the issue, I discovered there’s no customer service connection offered to fix the issue.
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3 years ago, Skippinder
They broke it!
Ok, so I’ve been a premium user with thousands of notes, and have been for years, and have recommended Evernote to everyone I know (to the extent that everyone at my last two workplaces is convinced that they pay me for marketing—or should, at any rate). But the iPhone app really has become quite unusable since the update a few months ago. Not only does it take eons to sync across devices (which it somehow suddenly can’t seem to be able to do anymore, despite having been able to for years), my biggest problem is the scanning. I used to use it extensively for scanning physical copies of documents i was working on. But not only have I not been able to do that (whatever they have done to tweak that, i now have to take ten photographs of a page to get something that is not blurred beyond legibility), what is infinitely worse is that there is only a 50% chance that any pictures you might have scanned will make it to Evernote. I.e. you can spend 30 minutes trying to take unblurred pictures of a few physical documents you are working with, Press ok, and half the time, find that the pictures have simply disappeared. I have stopped using the app on my iPhone altogether (because it is literally unusable), and am waiting for the day that developers decide to break the desktop app too.
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7 years ago, Turkey Sandwiches
Lost photos I uploaded for recipes
I used to love Evernote until today. I bragged to all of my friends how great Evernote. I use it for many things including as a recipe storage. I am using Evernote basic. However, today the App lost 2 of my recipes. I’m very frustrated. I had a special pasta recipe I was going to make with my son. I saw the photo of the recipe on my phone and when I clicked on it and opened it up the photo disappeared. I can’t seem to get it back in any way. I think this is a terrible thing to have happened. I tried to organize my recipes electronically and pitched the hard copies. Now I have lost that recipe and another. I clicked on another recipe from the app and that photo disappeared as I opened it. I think I took these photos in 2015. The app worked fine for a recipe photo I took in 2017 this morning but it losing older photos. This is unacceptable. I stopped opening recipe notes and went to the webpage on my Mac to open other recipes and the browser version worked fine with the other pasta recipes I added the same day. But now I have wasted an hour trying to no avail to restore the image. Because I’m a basic user, I’m not even able to email customer support. The app appears to be garbage right now if it loses photos while the web browser does not. I’m so disappointed.
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6 years ago, DonPablo21
Useful but imperfect
This is still the best app for my needs, but it has plenty of annoying quirks. I've used Evernote for many years, with over 100 notes covering everything from the grocery list to future work plans to my son's college search. I find it helpful having access to all of these notes from my Mac, iPad, and iPhone, and being able to share certain notes with specific family members or colleagues. None of its competitors offers the same combination of selective note sharing, table creation and editing, and text formatting. Yet there are still quirks. Newly edited notes take a surprising amount of time to be saved, or must be saved manually - if you aren't careful about this and the note is later edited in another device, new versions of the note are created or sometimes appended to the end of the current note without warning you. Evernote on the Mac can change the font in notes, but not on iOS, and sometimes routine copy/pasting on iOS results in text with bizarre fonts that can't be fixed on that device. The use of Apple Data Detectors also means that anything Evernote thinks might be a phone number or calendar event is highlighted like a clickable link - I wish this could be turned off.
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5 years ago, 3747282847363
Amazing customer service and great study tool
I love this app for taking notes for my classes. I’ve since used it as a weekly and monthly planner making organizing classes so much easier. I love that I can have all my class notes and planners all in one spot. It’s easy to navigate through as well. The formatting for taking notes makes it easy to follow along in class without having to worry about organizing my notes. I use the class notes template and there’s even a section for questions which I’ve found very helpful as I tend to think of things during lecture but usually at inappropriate times. This template allows me to quickly jot down thoughts so I can ask the professor after class. I’ve only just started to use this app but I’m sure I’ll be using this note taking app well into graduate school. I had to use cengage for one of my college classes and it offered a 6month free trial and after trying to redeem that I ended up being charged for the full annual price. I reached out to customer service and got a response almost immediately with a refund and they honored the free trial as well. I’m beyond happy with this fast service and doing the right thing, I fully expected to be charged the full amount. The only thing I’d love to see is different highlighter colors!
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4 years ago, Djstep1
Terrible Update
I’m a long-time Evernote user, and I use the app across multiple devices. I rely on it to organize notes and recipes, and also to track bookmarked articles that I want to reference later. The most recent iOS update has made the app completely unusable. Every action is painfully slow. It crashes often. And then when I finally get a note open (like a recipe, for example), if I switch between Evernote and another app, then Evernote completely restarts and I lose my place and have to search for the note again. This happens even if I switch apps for less then a minute. On top of that, I use Evernote primarily to bookmark webpages, not to clip them. When I open up a note, it’s unclear how to force the app to take me to the original webpage. Sometimes if I tap the note to edit it, Evernote launches its embedded browser (which is ridiculously slow). But other times when I tap the note, it goes into editing mode and there aren’t any options to navigate to the original webpage. I use Evernote to reference recipes several times a week, and I had to stop using my phone for that task. Instead, I search for the recipe using Google on my laptop because it’s faster. Obviously that totally defeats the purpose of having an app on my phone. I’ve never written an App Store review before, but I’m so disappointed in this update that I felt compelled to post something. Evernote is a great product, but this is a terrible app.
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2 years ago, izungu
Updating review
I gave this app a one star review a few weeks ago, and have since received a response from the development team. For context, I have been using Evernote for more than a decade, and have been a paying user for many of those years. My early experiences were fantastic; the program ran smoothly, I literally never had a reason to complain. As I have relied more and more on it over the last couple of years, the bugginess and overall poor performance of the app has become too much to ignore, prompting my negative review. The response I received from the development team leads me to bemoan the fact there is not a rating below a single star. For every issue that I identified as a problem to the team that reached out, I kid you not the response was a variation of: “This is a known issue, we have no timeline for when it will be fixed.” While I may have an appreciation for the honesty of that response, there is nothing about that which gives me any incentive to continue to grind through a frustrating experience with an app I literally use daily when there are other options/ecosystems out there for me to try. It will be an unbelievably painful process for me to in fact extricate myself from Evernote’s ecosystem, but at this point it would be the definition of insanity for me to remain in it - they know there are problems, they have no idea when (if?) they will be fixed. Buyer beware; this is not the Evernote of 5 or so years ago.
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6 months ago, Media-amp
Use to be amazing
For 10 years this was my go to note app it was simply amazing! Now it’s frustrating and infuriating to use. It’s a non stop pop interruption to my workflow of annoying money grabs. It’s pretty ridiculous. You can’t actually go a minute without some interruption to upgrade. How are you suppose to concentrate like this? Oh I know upgrade right? Seriously I can longer actually get work done with Evernote it’s useless. They make sure you have a miserable experience until you actually cave and start to shell out. Then forget actually doing anything useful anymore. ‘“ oh you want write a note, sure write it but it’s $14 a month to save it”. “Oh you want your app to remain open longer then a minute? Sure $79 a year”. “ oh you want to breathe while using our app sure $149 a year”. I’m exaggerating just a bit but wouldn’t it be better just to do away with the free version. Or do you just prefer bugging people incessantly until they give in. Why not just offer a free trial and then purchase only. At least you won’t seem like some seedy, money hungry organization that only made an app to squeeze as much out of people. (I realize this is the modern business model so I guess they are just doing what they should maybe). Evernote use to be great you could tell someone actually put effort and care into designing something they were proud of. Now it’s just an irritating mess of pop ups demanding money for functions that used to be free.
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4 months ago, AirMaverick
Evernote Being Greedy
One day very recently, I logged into my Evernote account after being logged out, I learned that Evernote had leaned toward a pure premium package. I have been a customer/user of Evernote practically since Evernote’s inception into this world. Upon seeing that I am no longer able to add simple notes, pictures and add documents to view later which I had loved with as well as my family for a very long time. I’m very disappointed in Evernote trying to capitalize on us and others, trying to document our lives, I don’t need much and I enjoy the scanner like capability of Evernote but I don’t think after Evernote switch to a mandatory (you might say it’s not you have 60MBs free and x amount of notes you can make) I have already been maxed out, and there appears to be no effort done to retain some of the original customers like myself and family that overtime helped grow Evernote via telling friends and family about it and to help with bugs… it is very unfortunate that I will no longer be able to use this wonderful platform that I realise is really important… So it would seem that my time using Evernote and loyalty staying with just Evernote has come to an end and I Will have to find an alternative way of tracking my purchases and miscellaneous other documents I come across. And I recommend others to do the same and not waste their time as it as gotten worse over the years
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4 years ago, rolfejr
Steadily getting worse
I've been a paying Evernote customer for many years with a lot of my stuff in there but as time has gone on it's been more and more frustrating to use. Attachments won't download. Or you wait 5 minutes while it "says" it is downloading then gets done and nothing happens. Photos won't show. Try to bring up some reference document while you are working on something and every time your phone times out the app just can't seem to handle it and won't just leave the document/note open you were looking at - you start all over - search for the document AGAIN, wait for it to come up, etc. Search inexplicably can't find things where the title or tag has the exact word in it I'm searching for. And there have been times where I have REALLY needed to get to particular piece of information and just couldn't. That is extremely frustrating - that's the point of why I put stuff in there. This product started out awesome in the days when everyone was still using desktops. As we've progressed into to mobile era it just hasn't kept up. Trying to access my stuff in the phone app is a frustrating experience almost every time - and trying to use the site in a mobile browser is worse. I haven't put anything new in for quite some time because it just no longer fits well or just doesn't work simply with how I do things anymore in the mobile era, let alone the fact that the app in general just doesn't work well.
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5 years ago, Bernadette Minton
App going downhill
I’ve used Evernote for years, but lately thinking of switching. Major issues: (1) search function used to be awesome t has been getting worse and worse; lately it is missing simple matches such as plural vs singular, incorrect spellings etc. with all the text matching tech available today there is no excuse for this poor level of word matching. (2) I store all my recipes in the app and a super common use case is to create list from a recipe and or switch between 2 or more recipes that I am making at the same time; Evernote behavior for both of these is very time-wasting. On my phone c every time I switch away from Evernote (to add some items to the shopping list) when I return to the recipe it starts me back at the top of the recipe again. Since many of my recipes are clipped from the web the actual recipe text may be V long due to clipping issues- so I may have to scroll 4-5-6 or more screens to get back to the list of ingredients. There’s just no excuse for losing y view location when I switch to another app for less than a minute. And most other apps are able to keep my view with no problem- for example e-commerce sites with long pages of product lists. In short Evernote should get the basics right before advanced “recommended items “ features that I don’t find particularly useful.
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2 years ago, RachelADHDinthe303
This app and the desktop version are life-changing
I purchased Evernote back in September after struggling to find a note-taking system that met my needs in my current position for many months. I have about 25 customers, a ton of zoom meetings, and was actually just diagnosed with pretty significant adult ADHD after using it successfully for a few months. The desktop integration with my google corporate calendar on a Mac that automatically prompts me as a reminder to create a meeting note, then lists all of the date/time info and a task list and meeting note format is so critical to my daily work I’m not sure how I got by without it (I do believe that’s a paid feature). The ability to tag every note keeps me organized with very little effort. Being able to forward emails of importance into my notebooks is amazing. The task list with the reminder feature has become my lifeline. I used to be a huge OneNote fan, but I’m a lifelong Evernote user now. I’ve started using it to keep track of personal and family information as well, and I just can’t say enough good things. Absolutely well worth the money for the top-tier subscription in my case. Thank you to the developers!
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6 months ago, pin3appl3s
doesn’t even save notes anymore :/
This app has gone waaaay downhill. It’s been slow over the past few updates but now it’s at the point that notes don’t even save. Saved two full pages of writing, then returned to the app five minutes later and found the doc they’d been “saved” into completely blank. Came here to see if anyone else was having a similar problem and lo and behold it’s a common theme. Switching to Google Docs for good now— this app is worthless without the quick saving that used to make it so convenient. P.S.: without investing in premium you can’t see update history for notes you’ve written, which is another leg up Google Docs has on Evernote these days. 2024 update: Evernote managed to get even worse than what I last wrote in 2023. Logged back into the app to export notes I’d previously saved within to find that Evernote has imposed a 50 note limit for free users. Didn’t get any previous notification that would be happening. Tried to export the notes that I could open anyway, and I still get endless pop ups prompting me to upgrade to a paid version. Finally clicked one to see the price structure, only to get a “upgrade temporarily unavailable.” So what exactly can I do on the app now, Evernote? You want me to upgrade, but I can’t do that. Ridiculous bait and switch for an app that’s clearly on its last legs and making a desperate cash grab on its way out.
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4 years ago, Anxious&Obsessed
Life-Saver for Schoolwork!
I absolutely LOVE Evernote and it has been a life-saver with my schoolwork, especially since everything is going remote. The ability to pair it with Scannable— another favorite— and then convert my homework directly to a PDF saves my teachers and me a ton of time! I was snapping a picture of each page of my math assignment and then submitting every JPEG. Not only was it time consuming and tedious, but it looked terrible. With Evernote, I can scan all of my pages into one PDF document that my teacher can grade much more quickly and that I can submit much more easily. I especially love the Google Classroom feature that allows me to import Evernote PDFs directly to my assignments. My few requests are: 1. Allow ‘tabs’ within the notebooks. I have separate notebooks for each of my classes, but the ability to break down those notebooks even further into units or subjects would be awesome! 2. Allow importing to Canvas, Schoology, or other school apps. It would only improve this already incredible system! Thank you, Evernote, for making my life as a student and the lives of my teachers so much easier! Every student needs this app on their iPad or even phone, and I know it will be staying on mine.
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2 months ago, Jeeptour
Watch out with this app
I have been using Evernote for years. I had been on their “Plus Plan” which was $49 per year, and just basically used the app the to keep notes in and store recipes from the web. I’m not a power user. Recently, they started pushing for those of us on the grandfathered “Plus Plan” to convert to their nee “Personal Plan”. Being happy with how I used the app, I daw bo reason to change. Well recently, us “grandfathered plan” people received notice that our plan was being eliminated and that we would need to update to their new plan (at a cost of $129 per year!!!!) or we would be switched back to their free plan. Well, anyone using evernote knows that the free plan is almost useless with the ability to only be able to make 1 notebook. What can anyone besides a grade schooler do with just - notebook??? So I begrudgingly made the required upgrade but only because I had acquired so many notes and notebooks over the years and didn’t want to have them compromised. I was in too deep per se, so want to warn others before they got into the app too far and find themselves in the same dilemma. I’ll now be looking for ano app in which to store my notes and notebooks so next year, I won’t have to shell out this exorbitant upgrade fee (an upgrade which I didn’t need nor want).
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4 days ago, GM95117
Great product overall
I love your product, and it makes my life so much simpler. I love that I can access the notes from any of my devices. It is frustrating that I keep maxing out the note size. I am tracking students and their work, which means that I attach the work to the notes. many of them are working on the same thing and I need to make different edits for each one of them. Therefore, I can’t just use the master out of my computer. I’m in a situation often where I have to throw out old stuff to make room for the new. And unfortunately, when it gives me that error, I lose the correct work. I can have students for 5-7 years. The price has also gone up enough that it is very difficult. I am not a large business. I am a sole proprietorship that has 25 students and I work from my home. As of now I haven’t found some thing that will work as well, but given the price I am always on the lookout, and always thinking of possible ways I can do it. i’m glad you were able to fix the thing where the attachments wouldn’t load and they would be just gone into thin air. That seems to be about 98% fixed. I was losing students work regularly and I am not anymore.
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5 years ago, Mark Nosrati
Desktop App Needs Better Security
I absolutely love Evernote. I’ve been a premium member since 2012. One of my biggest complaints that they still have not addressed is the security issues. Specifically relating to the desktop app. The mobile version allows you to set a time that it automatically logs you out. Unfortunately, the desktop doesn’t. That leaves your content vulnerable to people who wish to access your content without your permission should you step away from your computer and forget to log out. Yes I know I could use a screensaver to achieve a similar layer of security but that blocks me from everything on my computer. I don’t know why this is possible on the mobile app but not in the desktop. Also, Evernote does not allow you to set additional layers of security for notes or notebooks. You can encrypt text in a note but it doesn’t save that password in an admin settings area. So if you forget or lose the password you lose access to your content. These are sloppy and unrefined security issue if you ask me. I believe Evernote should address these issues and by doing so it can add tremendous value to their overall product.
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8 months ago, Floppydisk12
Deadly flaw
Really loved Evernote until today. I have been using it every day since 2011 and have even considered upgrading to premium recently. However, today really changed my view of Evernote. Apparently have been getting sign ins from hackers in India and Ukraine for months and was never notified or warned. I’ve turned on 2 factor authentication now so in theory that will stop it, but I feel very taken advantage of. Probably they got whatever data they wanted to get already since they’ve been signing in repeatedly from all over the globe. Apparently this is also a common issue from what I’ve read online in the last 30 minutes. So if you’re reading this, check your sign in history because up until today I was never notified. Even though I’ve loved it for a long time I’m thinking about switching to OneNote where I’m fairly confident the notifications and security settings are more professional. I’ve always noticed some annoying bugs and UI problems that I was willing to overlook but now I’m realizing that some of the laziness in design philosophy may actually be dangerous, and at least for me it’s an unforgivable problem. Update: i keep coming back to use it for little things I haven’t fully transferred. Every single time you open it you get a banner to upgrade or buy something. Every. Single. Time. It really interrupts the flow of thinking.
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3 weeks ago, T Lin
Top tier notes app
Been using EN for 15 years. I’m not a “power user” but I am a daily user. It’s indispensable for both my work and personal lives. Why I like it: - ease of adding notes (whether it be a quick note or capturing a meeting, or using Scannable to scan a PDF, all are mostly quick and painless) Admittedly I was concerned about the recent ownership change and had even taken steps to potentially migrate elsewhere. But so far, the new owner seems committed with regular updates and the fresh home page update. It’s enough for me to feel that they are committed and thus I’ve decided to stay. I used to have sync issues with my notes as I often use EN both on iOS and Windows. But it has been long enough since my last issue so reliability has been an uptick in my book. Overall, I highly recommend Evernote. I have tried other note apps including OneNote. But none have compared to EN*. * one exception is Drafts. The simplicity makes taking quick notes superior to EN. Thus I use it in combination with EN. That is, I will pull out Drafts to quickly type a notes. Then later move it to EN which is easy due to their integration.
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3 years ago, miffedmusician
Don't pay for premium!
I have used Evernote premium for several years now. For the last few months this app has become so unstable that I find myself rarely using it anymore. I have already cancelled my subscription and have moved most of my collection to another software. The issues that I have had - and to this day I have not found a way to fix - are 1: Taking several minutes to load a note, no matter the size of the file, what the note contains, how long since last accessed, or which device I access from. Notes simply will not load. 2: I can no longer move notes to new notebooks. They are defaulting to my primary notebook but moving the note to another notebook simply will not work. 3: A few notebooks are shared with members of my work team for quickly sending information to each other. A few of my workers can't access the notebook anymore and I am unable to give them access again. No, I am not using an old device. I have the Iphone 12 pro Max and fully updated iOS. Internet at home and the office is at least 250Mb speeds, and there are no restrictions on the app through iOS settings. This app has become utterly useless and I'm annoyed that I stored so much data only to have Evernote fail for months now. Forums and other reviews tell me I not the only one having issues and apparently the devs don't seem to care.
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3 months ago, Mmpmfjskrncncjskf
Great integration, slow on mobile
I’ve been using Evernote since 2010 for GTD, at work, for personal and for storing all things referenced. A few years ago the entire platform changed and became much less user friendly for me. But with browser and other integrations, it’s still a good option. I consider changing at least monthly as I have very slow response on my phone, or tablet. Mostly used for quickly capturing notes or tasks for later. It lags so often I sometimes forget what I’m trying to capture. I’ve started using text messages emailed to evernote in order to capture them more quickly. Which is sad since I pay for better service from evernote. As a user of the “secret weapon GTD” tagging works amazing on evernote. But search features became clumsy, and now need to filter if I want to search two or more tags. I still do a large amount of letter writing, agenda prep, and other drafts in evernote , but formatting often doesn’t cut and paste into other documents well. I wouldn’t recommend someone starting to use evernote for GTD and I wouldn’t rather if I was just starting out. But for reference and note taking, it’s still a fantastic option. I can’t compare it to other note apps, as I only use evernote or paper.
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4 years ago, _nickname none
Found a fix for issue below
I’m not a paid user which means I’m allowed to have two devices connected to my account. I ONLY use my iPhone and MacBook. When I log into one and then try to log onto the second device, the second device says that I have to unsync a device to continue using it. If I’m logging in from my iPhone, Evernote will say that my MacBook and iPhone are already connected and that I need to remove one of them to use my iPhone.. Same thing happens when I log in from my MacBook. It’ll say my iPhone and MacBook are already connected and I’ll need to remove one of them to continue on my MacBook. I ONLY have two devices that I’ve ever connected to Evernote. For some reason, Evernote registers my devices as new ones every time I switch devices. I‘ve already used my two unsyncs this month and it’s only April 10th. Don’t be fooled — free users, you’re only allowed to use one device 🙄 I’ll be on the hunt for a replacement app. Edit: I found a fix! I logged onto Evernote through my web browser and revoked access to my “three” devices. Evernote will log you out of all devices and you’ll be able to sign in again. Not sure how how long this fix will last but for now, I’m able to use both my MacBook and phone. Edit 2: Evernote has confused my 2 devices as 3 again. I’ll be on the lookout for another app.
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7 years ago, Cocoleann
Customer Service
If you are looking for a company that has accessible customer service, look elsewhere. For many people, we don't realize how important customer service is until we are in a dire pickle, but, let me be the one to tell you, it is VERY important to have the option to speak with someone during those times of need. Evernote, on the other hand, doesn't seem to believe in customer accessibility or satisfaction. When having an issue with my billing account, I attempted to call the customer service number given on my bank statement only to be transferred to a voicemail telling me to leave my email address. The only form of communication they offer is through email or online chat. While that is great for younger people, there are other generations who would prefer speaking with an actual person to help deescalate the issue before it gets out of hand. It is also in their policy to not give refunds. My experience today was joining an online chat, being told there was nothing they could do for the extra $64 in charges they cost me, and to have a great day. I will be checking to make sure that the companies I choose to give my business to have a phone number I can call from now on to know they actually care about their customers. It also says something about a site that has almost as many 1 stars as 5 stars. Thanks for nothing, Evernote.
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3 years ago, LizStAug
The new interface is everything I’ve always wanted!
I’ve had Evernote since forever, and I have tons of stuff stored there. Occasionally I can actually find my things..but the chaos is my fault, because I’ve just dumped stuff in there and never organized it well. But the new home page interface does it all. I am truly impressed. It appears to work well cross-platform so I’m going to have at least one of my devices to open to the Evernote home page. It’s logical, visual, lets you look at and rationalize the information you have collected or uploaded, and lets you make notes on the fly that can help you understand exactly why you put that mysterious document there and if you really had anything in mind when you did it... Reading about the new Evernote, I found that some people make a journal entry or note a day and file it on Evernote, along with any relevant photos, etc. So I’m going to try that next...in the meantime, congratulations to the Evernote folks on taking a good program and making it great! They have really followed up and realized the potential of Evernote.
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4 years ago, Lehua10
What were they thinking?
Premium user here. Tried to navigate around the new update and am so frustrated with it all. Cant customize the left hand menu - it always opens to all notes. Speaking of the search function! Didn’t they have any beta testers? The search is horrible! You put in a term and it gives suggestions, a few tags. It not a way to narrow to all notes with that term quickly. To search properly you have to use search language which requires a lot of extra typing. This version had made tags worthless as you either have to keep entering searches with each tag or you enter a keyword and a list of tags that include that keyword pops up but you can only select one tag at a time. Everything takes more clicks to find something, do something, or import something. They have also removed the ability to assign tags in the web clipper. Not sure of what they had in mind with this update, but this version is worthless for my purposes. I have over 2000 recipes in a notebook which are organized by tags. By removing the clipper ability to assign tags and the search filter by multiple tags this is pretty useless. Any suggestions on a replacement? Is there a way to restore to old version? If I wasn’t already invested with so many files I would definitely look for another note keeping app. They ruined it!
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7 months ago, angle no dangel
My Rant
I really used to love this app. This was the app that served as my personal journal that got me through years of hard times and served as a place where I can go to reminisce past periods in my life. I am beyond heartbroken at the corporate greed of this company. I mean come on! 130 dollars a year for a notes app? 15 dollars a month for a notes app? Make that make sense!?? I have been using Evernote for years and I know they’ve been trying their hardest to get me on a payment plan of some sort for a while now, but honestly the app just ain’t that good for me to be paying for it. There are cheaper apps if that’s what you’re looking for, and the cheapest option would be to write, the old fashioned way with pen and paper. Or use the notes app on your phone. Has it really gotten to this point fr? Gosh. I had over 700+ journal entries and they all meant the world to me. To put me behind a paywall is sick and twisted truly, when I have been using this app for over 6 years. I’m just so upset about this truly. I feel like I’m breaking up with an app lol, but I just cannot support this at all. A subscription to a notes app is entirely too greedy and I have to say no. So for that, 1 star, I think you’ve served your purpose and I hope you’re happy to lose yet another person. If anyone knows a better app, that’s not behind a paywall lmk smh.
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2 years ago, Mattman1138
Terribly Buggy App
I downloaded evernote due to websites saying it was the best app for to-do-lists and notes. Boy is it NOT. I wanted to step away from iNotes because it constantly loads blank and apple refuses to even acknowledge it’s an issue. So I tried evernote and it’s WORSE! At least with iNotes it saves what I write, I just have to close and open the app for it to load again. With evernote I am CONSTANTLY having to re-type stuff after saving what I write. CONSTANTLY, meaning 90% of the time I type anything. That is not a joke. I click the save icon and either the last thing I wrote is completely gone, or only half of it saved. So I’m constantly wasting time retyping things. Again, it’s all the time. I have a new iPhone with the latest ios. I have auto updates on this app, so there should be no reason it is THIS buggy. I’ve used it for about a week and I am always having to check to make sure everything saved. The notes also duplicate blank copies as well. Often enough that I’m regularly having to go in and click on both notes to see which one is the blank so I can delete it. Then add in that the app signs itself out regularly. I’m either switching back to iNotes (not happy about that) or finding something else because this app is frankly so buggy it’s an unusable waste of time.
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3 years ago, Fotophile
Recent update glitch
The most recent update is stressing me out. Every note I make doesn’t auto save correctly and it’s erasing over half of my work. Internet connection is strong so I know it’s not an issue, it’s specifically auto updating after I’ve already saved my work and closed out after it shows it’s saved, so its erasing my work to a previous file on the cloud when I open it again. Stuff I save at 7am will auto update at 10:30am erasing half my stuff, even if I’m just opening a new note or a different project. Complete stress inducer when I have deadlines! I’m now copying my work to save it in another cloud system when I’m done here, which kinda makes this feel like a pointless subscription unless I just save it in Evernote and write it elsewhere. I’ve never had this problem, ever, as a 6 yr sub member jumping from four different devices in the same 15 minutes with no issues ever. Now it’s stressful! I love my options in Evernote compared to other online digital storage for writers. I’m on an iPad Air2 fully updated, T-Mobile service, please help! I don’t have issues accessing or saving writing on my other devices, only when I use this device app. Will update my review to reflect any resolved bug updates🙏🏻
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5 years ago, Deep derp dep
Bring back native Dark Mode and fix time outs
Longtime Pro user of Evernote and love it. It’s great for my dream journal and all the other notes I need to take as well. I just really wish you didn’t get rid of native dark mode in the app. I like using dark mode in Evernote regardless of what my iPhone is doing. It is just much easier on my eyes and I’ve been using it that way forever. I’ve seen similar requests in the reviews to bring it back, and it really doesn’t seem like a big deal to do. Please consider it, it was a great touch and details like that matter when you’ve been using them forever. Also the app times out MUCH quicker now. I have also seen many others annoyed about this in the reviews. I, too, will be doing research in another app or browser, and quickly move back and forth between that and Evernote to make notes. It used to be no problem, but after these last updates, it essentially times out immediately upon shifting from Evernote to a different app. Coming back to Evernote, it might not have even saved what I had just written and it’s back to the top. Please fix this! I’ll gladly change my rating to 5 stars once these bugs and features are fixed. Please listen to your customers or they’ll start moving to the competitors who do.
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3 years ago, ODGeek
The latest “improvements” are not improvements
I have used Evernote for many years and will continue to do so because it is the best way I’ve found to keep and organize notes of all kinds. But like many apps, the latest “improvements” are not improvements. For example, the default appearance, called “Home” is a mess. Before the default appearance was what now is found under “Notes.” It now requires two clicks to get to “Notes.” Before, when I wanted to add key words to a note, I selected the word, “keyword” and started typing the keyword in the text box provided. After each keyword, I typed a comma, and the keyword was added to the article, whether the keyword had been previously used or not. Now when I intend to add a keyword, I wait until the list of keywords pops up, and have to wait for it to find the keyword if it exists, or go through additional steps to add it if it does not. Adding more steps to get a job done is not an improvement. But it’s still the best app I’ve found for organizing notes - so I will continue to use it. I’ll just be more irritated about it while I do.
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1 week ago, Karemnotetaker
Worst note taking app ever
I wish I could give it fewer than 0 stars. I’d been using Evernote for years. It used to be great, my favorite note taking app ever. Everything was organized and seamless and beautiful. At some point in the last two years, this note taking service went massively downhill. 1. It takes forever to load on a computer. Like, to the point that it struggles to keep up with my sentences when I type. 2. This app literally messed up my notes. It bugged and duplicated sentences and images and combined paragraphs in a really weird way. 3. Now, you can’t do anything in it without having a subscription, including unsyncing devices so you can at least log in to copy your old notes out of Evernote. (That’s right, Evernote, you’re such a dumpster fire that I’m currently in the process of moving YEARS worth of notes out of you rather than paying you a single cent for your terrible, slow service. What are you, Spectrum?) Unlike spectrum customers that are tied to terrible internet against their will because of their location, we all have a choice in the service we use for notes. Don’t choose this one. It won’t be long before they start charging people to use punctuation. -1/10 would not recommend. Save your money, or spend it on something worth while.
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8 months ago, bpryan99
Used Evernote since 2014 but no more
Everything everyone has recently said is true: Evernote is pushing loyal users away from their platform by implementing steep fees for features that have been free for over a decade, while also leaving their app in a buggy and incomplete state. My biggest issue is not that they now have a 50 notes/1 notebook limit for the free plan, it’s that they don’t let you move notes to one notebook without paying if you had exceeded that limit at time of upgrade. I had about 60 notes across 2 notebooks, so upon seeing the new limits, I just started deleting old, unused notes to get below 50 total. The problem came when I tried to move notes from the second notebook into the first so that I could reduce my usage to one notebook total: moving notes between notebook triggers the prompt to pay for service. This means that you cannot abide by their new limits if you had more than one notebook at time of the most recent update. Since Evernote is adopting underhanded and anti-consumer tactics to get money out of loyal users, I will be leaving the app. They have been aggressive in trying to squeeze money from users in the past, but now they have outright forced users to pay by holding a decade’s worth of work hostage with new limits. Ridiculous.
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2 years ago, hotneals
Why’d you have to break it
I’ve been an Evernote Premium user for around 6 years now. With the current version it’s incredibly difficult to navigate (try and find how to full-screen your note if you’ve started typing on iPad), the search feature is all over the place, the notes don’t sync well between devices (I’ve actually lost notes), it’s slow now, etc. Then for a recent trip I offlined a handful of notebooks - turned off my wifi and closed & opened the app to make sure I could access the notes and it worked as it should. Next day I arrive to the National Park to camp without reception and of course EVERNOTE CANNOT LOAD ANY OF MY OFFLINED NOTEBOOKS. Honestly at this point Apple Notes is better than this paid app... if it’s not fixed soon I’m out. Every update I’ve been more and more disappointed in the broken features! I even joined the beta team to try and help provide feedback but that too was a waste of time. UPDATE: Despite paying for Evernote Premium, I was just notified I have to subscribe to the new service or cannot access my Evernote on multiple devices. I’m not even getting the service I paid for because they have a new plan….
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3 months ago, JETherenthere
Not the end of Evernote, but the new beginning…
I have used the app on and off since 2012. Sometimes subscribing, other times not when I got discouraged. Very welcoming to see the rapid updates since the Bending Spoons acquisition. And I am looking forward to their new ideas for an integrated native Evernote calendar. That would solve a lot of issues for me. Also, the very expanded Tasks module and dedicated Files area. From what I can see, this app is going places and will be a contender in the Notes area again very soon. I know many say the downfall, but I am very hopeful. Yes, the subscription model at $130 yearly sounds outrageous. Look around though and see what other apps can combine into this one and start adding it up and you will see potential. It is not outrageous. Everywhere I look this is not out of the norm for top of the line apps. The speed and functionality of the desktop version needs to be the same on mobile. I am primarily a mobile user and I think many people are so that will be crucial. I am expecting great things.
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3 years ago, Starsigma
Missing basic features
I used to use Evernote as it had a system for my notes both personal and work related. I could store information that I needed to reference later, etc. However it is not what I consider to be a well rounded app. As no app that makes you have to use another is considered all that great. Not being able to create reoccurring reminders is just ridiculous. This is a very basic feature for a task app to have. I simply stopped using the app altogether because I had to use other sources to make tasks and be reminded of especially when they are monthly or weekly repeating. I even periodically login just to see if this feature has been added, it hasn’t. The app really needs updated to meet this basic need, and no emailing repeating tasks to the user is not sufficient at all. As not every one is on their email constantly some only check certain times a day based on their schedules. The whole point of having an app that features task or to do items is to have push notifications for you to get reminded of the task or even projects you need to get done. No one should have to go in and manually set them up for every single day when they are repeating.
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2 months ago, Svirsky jd
I love Evernote glad I didn’t listen to all those people who switched
As it evolves it gets better and better. I have each of my clients a separate notebook. I time and date stamp each conversation with them makes for better clarity if there is ever a dispute. Hopefully the will add more formatting features in future. For now Dropbox and Evernote are two must have apps on all my machines I have been using Evernote for 14 or 15 years now been through the times where it was the only product out there to when it went through. It’s down. And bending spoons is doing a phenomenal job in responding to the needs and preparing for the future, I use Evernote every day, and in my opinion, it gets better and better many of the new features. I have no interest in like to keep things simple but I’m sure others will benefit. I am amazed how many people want excellence for free I for one I’m very happy to pay for top quality product that gets better and better overtime. It is well worth the money and I receive a handsome return on my investment.
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5 months ago, Nerd169
OneNote with frills to a cash drain
Evernote has always offered good product with respectable service. I started using it about 10 years ago, and for ~half of that time, I used the free version and it was just fine. Then, the day came when I had built up so many notebooks that to keep them all side by side required scrolling. As soon as I’d paid off my student debts, I got the paid version, which allowed stacking notebooks, so I could hide notebooks not necessary at the moment. It cost on the order of $50, rather steep, but I could live with that. I continued to recommend Evernote to others, because the free plan gave me so much for so many years. Then they hiked the price to more than $150, as if the equivalent of OneNote with a whole lot of frills was equivalent in value to the entire Office suite. I stayed for a couple more years, trusting that they were still giving the same free plan, but now I learn that the free plan has been stripped down to 1 notebook with only 50 notes! Evernote is trying to take the attitude of big tech - “We offer you such complete service, give us your business and you won’t need to go anywhere else for anything.” Sorry, that’s not a respectable attitude. I’m looking somewhere else.
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2 years ago, Swag Hexagon
Touchy app that fails to save updates to my notes
I listen to nutrition podcasts and jot down notes on episodes. 1) the cursor often spazzes out and moves my text to the end of note without warning (which I can maybe blame on my iPhone screen I guess, don’t know how, it’s a clean, newish phone…) and 2) my notes won’t save! They revert constantly to previous versions. Despite me being extra careful and hitting the checkmark, closing the app and only having it open on one device at a time. I just spent 30 mins wrestling the cursor on two separate notes and the app decided to save only part of my initial draft of both. Makes it almost unusable. Just a bummer that they’re gonna charge people to use a glorified Apple Notes app that gives me like two more abilities than the free app (and I can’t even post saved videos?). If it were free I wouldn’t be wasting my time giving it a negative review but the gall you have to have to charge people for such a user-unfriendly experience is why I’m wasting more of my time being negative here.
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4 years ago, azulpacifica🐚
Used to Praise this app
This app has been a well loved staple, it’s been an easy to use and search place to create multiple lists. I’ve amassed an extensive restaurant guide for the greater Phoenix and Tucson areas. It’s my go to assist for passwords, copy and paste text for my work. Suddenly, it logs me off. Every time I exit. Irritating, but not enough to change this well ingrained habit and love for the functionality of this app. It literally is a cornerstone of information I’ve stored for things I want to remember but don’t. When I log in, I have an iPad and the iPhone 6s Plus. Haven’t upgraded or changed devices, yet now my phone is being recognized as a different device. Only one phone. Don’t want to unsync the iPad because it has a keyboard attached. So I’ve been unsyncing the same ONE iPhone and yet the next day it saw it as a different iPhone, after the app installed a thing where you cannot unsync more than two times was enforced. Couple months later, and I am LOCKED out. It won’t let me even sign in with the previously approved devices. So now, I’m not allowed to access my personal notes because you want a fee from me? Maybe I can log in on the iPad next month and transfer all of my notes to an app which won’t my data hostage for a few dollars. You’ve lost a loving user of over 6 years.
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3 years ago, LoriNeis
“Improvements” aren’t always improvements
I’m an Evernote long-hauler. User since 2012. I will say that i have wished i could easily switch to another note taking app for the past 18 months or so. SO MANY ISSUES. I used to be able to record meetings, take pictures of documents along the way and type notes seamlessly and without issue. Not anymore. The document scanner has a mind of it’s own so I’m having to take a number of scans before i get something useable. The recording tends to crash the whole app, so I’ve given up on even using that about 6 months ago. App crashing creating duplicate notes is a very common occurrence. When I reach out for help the hoops they make you jump through like “recreate the problem then send us a usage report” is NOT a good uses of my time since the problems are sporadic, so again, i give up and just work around the issue. Searching for a document has become so cumbersome and at times inaccurate, so i just give up and go through about 5 clicks to search through the directory. The new home screen is NOT at all useful or appealing to me. I should point out that i have a premium membership and primarily use Evernote on my iPad -occasionally accessing records on my iPhone and MacBook.
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4 years ago, gvmanderson7
Wonderful app—watch consistency limited and spotty.
Love the app. Interface is amazing. Connectivity superb. However, there are only 20 spaces for notes available on the watch, and when you have 200 or so, that’s just not convenient. Also, though I have not submitted a customer service request and that may negate many individuals opinions and the value they place in this review, this is something that has manifested through multiple Apple Watch updates: the app on the watch will simply open up and show no notes. None whatsoever. I have tried syncing the app, I have tried updating the app, closing the app on the watch and phone and restarting both the watch and the phone...no dice. Definitely a minute bug that could be fixed and bring the Evernote app up to full potential. That and expand the number of notes available on the watch and make the search feature more effective as it has never found a note I was looking for when I used the voice command. But again, love the app, LOVE the app, just a few tweaks and we’re golden.
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4 months ago, Ashes in Paradise
No Longer Usable for Free
I’ve had a free account for years and have never had any problems, I use to love this app! Now with the newly updated subscription service I can’t do anything at all other than update my old, preexisting notes. Any time I try to create a new note I get a pop up that says I’m only allowed to have one notebook and up to 50 notes. I went through and deleted a bunch of notes so I now have a lot less than 50. The pop up still comes up when I try to create a new note. I figured it might be because I have multiple notebooks and need to consolidate all my notes into one. So I tried moving one of my old notes into the general notebook …and I got that same pop up again! The only way to remedy this seems to be if I were to delete my other notebooks and all of the notes that are currently in them, which is absolutely not happening. But because of this issue, I can’t do anything with this app anymore, other than edit my already existing notes, which makes it pretty useless. I wish I had realized that before deleting all my old notes, at least then I could have saved them as blank notes instead to be able to create new notes using the blank ones when needed.
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1 year ago, jrcall44
This is my go to app for remembering anything.
Evernote is an absolutely indispensable tool for anyone who needs to keep track of information, ideas, and inspiration. As a writer, I use Evernote for everything from jotting down quick notes and to-do lists to organizing research and developing outlines for my work. I can access my notes from anywhere and on any device, which means I'm always able to stay on top of my work, no matter where I am. One of the things I love most about Evernote is how easy it is to use. The interface is intuitive and streamlined, and I never have to waste time fumbling around trying to find what I need. Everything is right where I expect it to be, and I can quickly search through all of my notes to find exactly what I'm looking for. Overall, I would highly recommend Evernote to anyone who needs to keep track of information and ideas. It's a five-star product in my book, and I wouldn't want to be without it.
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4 years ago, riverwind91
Maybe time to switch
I have been using Evernote for probably ten years. A couple years ago when it started to limit two devices, I tolerated since two devices are mostly enough. Once in a long while when I need to use a third device just to take a random note, I’d go to website and do it there. Unfortunately yesterday when attempted to do so, I found web version is counting as a device and being limited as well. I don’t really want to complain since I’ve used the free service for that many years. I understand the need to monetize otherwise the company will just die. However, there are so many alternatives which do exact the same in slightly different ways, but free and probably better performance. I think Evernote have missed the best time to grow revenue. Or has it ever figured out the best way to make money? Ads, selling goods, anybody remember Evernotes selling socks? Forcing users to buy or harassing users with premium upgrades are suboptimal business practice. Maybe it’s time for me to explore other options and start to switch. I’m afraid that one day Evernote is going to limit users to one device, and eventually die to competition. Sad but this is a brutal market.
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4 years ago, hmmn2
IOS Version 10.0.3. Is it Me?
I’ve used Evernote since March 2014. I updated to 10.0.3 a day ago & I regret it. I use Evernote on my IOS iphone & I use it a lot. Evernote on my phone was good before the update. One day after the update I learn that Evernote does not have PRINTING / ADOBE PDF feature as was in the version before the update. Also, the “Find in note” does not work in the notes created before the update but work in newly created notes. Printing & Find A Note are two features that I can’t do without. Evernote states in their documentation that PRINTING is not available yet in the IOS version. The new updated version does have some nice editing features such as undo & more highlight & font colors & font sizing capabilities. The inability to PRINT and the inability to make Adobe PDF’s is a game changer. I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I have almost 12,000 notes & for that reason, I’m hesitant to move on to something else. I’m disappointed in the latest update.
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8 months ago, minathealienqueen
Was great, now have to pay to use
With the free plan I can only make one notebook and only have 50 notes. I have been using this app for well over two years by now, I write everything on this app, all my story’s, lists, and more. I’ve well exceeded past the 50 notebooks limit and it would take me awhile to even delete enough to make a new one. If you’re willing to pay money for a notes app then it’s for you, but I sadly have to go with the phones built in notes app now. It also has a problem of not saving what I write sometimes, once including an entire story ideas I had wrote in a bout of inspiration (and boredom during a roadtrip). I close the app and suddenly everything I wrote, well over 5k words, gone. And i had to pay to get access to previous versions of that particular note, which means that it had kept all those words I’d have written but deleted them when I closed the app. If I didn’t have to pay to use it now, It would be a 9/10, or 5 stars here. Now I’d say it’s a 3 out of ten. Especially with all the ads trying to get me to buy a subscription to it. It’s too buggy to be paid for, especially over $10 a month? For an app? Loved the layout and everything while I was here.
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2 years ago, Tippertantrum5678
They are “increasing prices” without saying how much.
I just got an email today saying my subscription price will “change next month.” I’ve been with Evernote since 2011. I get the subscription prices go up, seems like every single app or subscription has been doing this lately. But don’t send emails where you say it will “change” but don’t bother to indicate how much so I can decide before my next billing period if I want to keep the subscription or downgrade etc. All you say iTunes will provide more info but come on, it makes no difference matter how I’m subscribed. You know what you’re going to be charging. Honestly I feel like I should just unsubscribe before you bill me some unknown amount that is probably really high as you fail to disclose it . It does zero help to just tell me it’s changing. The email states you are letting us know “before he next billing date.” But.. this vague notice is not helpful in the least. There are quite a few issues with this app as stated in many poor reviews after updated. I’ve overlooked because I still wanted to stay with Evernote. You’ve left me no reasonable option here except to cancel my paid subscription after 11 years.
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