Eyes Horror & Coop Multiplayer

4.6 (12.1K)
231.2 MB
Age rating
Current version
Paulina Pabis
Last update
5 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Eyes Horror & Coop Multiplayer

4.62 out of 5
12.1K Ratings
6 years ago, fatpotatoe8942
This game is okay but I still LOVE IT
I love horror games and this is one of my favs it’s just that I don’t like the fact that the ghost can sometimes glitch threw things and get you! Also when I used to play this on my iPad I had unlocked the hospital map just whenever I went to use the hospital map it wouldn’t let me it would just glitch me out of the whole dang game!! So then I had to start all over on my phone to get the hospital map!! The things I like about this game is that there is a newbie mode along with a nightmare mode! Also they had added the new create a ghost and I LOVE IT I use it all the time and I put a really ugly picture of my sisters face on Krause and then do a ugly voice it’s pretty funny!! I’ve been playing eyes since the original ghost was out before krasue and let me tell u that was a pretty big update for eyes fans when they replaced that ghost with the body less krasue!! So yeah this game will hopefully add a multiplayer mod where someone’s the monster and then someone else is the robber! So then you could connect to someone else’s device so u could play together!!Also PLEASE add more maps and monsters I’m working on getting good boy but hopefully there will be even more monsters to choose from later!! ONE LAST THING this game has SOOO many adds it makes the game less scary please just quit the adds cause if your gonna make us buy a thing that will remove the adds that’s just bull
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6 years ago, DaddyKrabs
Best horror game on mobile, I have some suggestions
I would like to say that this game is such a great horror game for mobile. From all of the different ways you can interact with things in the levels and all of the different game modes you can play too. I love that you added sandbox so I can get to know the maps better without something trying to kill me. There is so much variety in this game and it is amazing. I can't wait for new maps to play in which would only make the game better. I also really like the new menu in this update. A lot better than the old one. Even though this is a horror game I can always have a good laugh when creating my own monster. One thing that would be nice to squeeze in with everything else in the game is a multiplayer mode. You know, one person is the monster and let's say a maximum of five people are trying to get all of the bags. You would need to make bigger maps for that of course. Maybe on some of the new maps you can go outside. I think that would be pretty cool. Like a map that is a big backyard with a maze in it. Maybe a few new monsters with some unique abilities could be added in the game too. You might not see this, but please take these suggestions into consideration, thank you for this game.
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2 years ago, hiimbobtheplunger
Ok, I know this probably won’t reach you but I have a request that may be a little selfish because this game brings a lot of nostalgia to me and I wish there was a way to play the old modes. Overall I give this game a 10/10 though this is just a suggestion from me. Basically the mode is called nostalgia mode and basically it consists of the game back in like 2016 when you spawned in the room with the tv and went from there and the only lighting was a flashlight that you carried and you actually had to pick up the moneybags and I know this really doesn’t fit the game very well but I wish there was a way to still play the old mode whether there is an option for or a whole new mode, and I’m not saying I dislike the updated version I love it but nostalgia can really be a pain sometimes. But anyway idk if this will even get to you, and I’m just a 14 year old kid so yeah. Anyways i hope you are having a blessed life and I hope this makes sense this is just a suggestion for people like me who really feel nostalgia for this game. Goodbye.
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5 years ago, Pretzel~
Great game, though adpocalyptic~
Update: Disregard the comments regarding the stuttering issue, the newest update has alleviated that problem for the time being. Easily the best Horror game in the App Store, but so many faults that I felt this review was necessary. Constant stuttering in-game, often times telling me that an internet connection is required, even if I’m sitting a foot away from my router. This same issue often prevents me from collecting my daily rewards. The amount of ads is overwhelming; booting up the game? Ad. Starting a level? Ad. Want to continue? Ad. Don’t want to continue? Ad. Why give me the option to watch an ad to continue if you’re going to make me watch one regardless? I’ve never used the continue because I worry it’s going to make me watch two ads back to back. And you want $5 for no ads? It feels like you’re bullying people into spending the money for the ad-less experience. At least make it so you don’t get an ad if you choose not to continue. As for the stuttering, I did just see that there’s an update for the game, so if it fixes the stuttering I’ll fix my review, but this game has its own little internal adpocalypse and it really hurts the experience.
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6 years ago, Taylor1431
Great game, but I have some suggestions
Me and my friends love this game. We like how we can make our own ghost with custom sound, and the different game modes, but I feel like that there could be more in this game than just that. I have some suggestions that could spice this game up a little more. I want the ghosts to be able to open doors, but Charlie shouldn’t be able to teleport into rooms directly. Ghosts could be able to chase you into a room if you enter the a room while the ghost has a line of sight on you. Another thing I feel this game could have is online multiplayer, where one player could be the ghost, the the other is the normal human. This could be good so people can play together with their friends. An AI improvement I would like to see is hearing things. If you have play the piano in the room to the left of the starting room, the ghost can hear it and come to the main floor and check. I feel if you add these features, the game will be even more entertaining and enjoyable than it already is.
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6 years ago, Jakob Dane
PLEASE READ (Some concerns)
I’ve been playing this game for years and I still can’t get over how good it is and always has been! But you need to add a huge game changer. Something that will make this game more popular than it has ever been! I think local or online multiplayer would add some spice too it. Maybe a few new maps could do well. I’ve really been wanting a new way to play and if you could make a new game mode I would play this way more than I already do! Also can you update the pc version lol. EDIT: Okay, the ads that were in the game were not bad at all. But now they kinda feel intrusive and impossible to get away from.I get it, your a developer and you wanna make money. but the ads pop up every time I die even if I didn’t wanna watch an add to be revived. I feel like you need to at least scale down the ads just a bit and it would feel way better to play. And all the suggestions I put before I’m keeping cuz I really wanna see them in the game. Keep up the good work!
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The best game ever created.
This game is amazing. How could I not love it to death. The graphics: amazing. The monsters: amazing. The maps: amazing. The modes: amazing. The concept: amazing. I just can't get over how cool the idea of looking through the monsters eyes is. It offers tons of fun. For the people reading this review, I have one thing to say: "GET THIS GAME." You won't regret it. It stands as the best game I've ever played period. The only nitpick I have is that double trouble on nightmare difficulty in the mansion is impossible. I beat all other nightmare modes that the game could offer, including: Krause, Charlie, and good boy in both the mansion and hospital, and even double trouble in the hospital. I played for 3 days trying to beat this mode. I got all 30 bags and died going up from the basement 5 times. And then I got to the door and Charlie came down to the middle floor and killed me. Needless to say I was traumatized for life. Unless you want to have your heart brutally ripped out of your chest, DON'T PLAY THIS MODE!
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1 year ago, GerkinKing
Overall great game
It’s a really good horror game that isn’t to scary at all. I like all the options there are for levels and making your own character. I haven’t run into any bugs or glitches that I can think of, so that’s good 👍. I’ve been playing this game for around a year and a half and I’ve gotten a lot of use out of it. I think that you should make a mode on multiplayer where one person is the monster and the other isn’t, that would be great!! I do kind of wish there wouldnt just be bags that you have to collect to be able to escape the level. That’s just me being picky about it, but it would be a little more interesting. I wish I could buy the app so that I don’t have to deal with ads. I can watch ads to get a fair amount of money though, because otherwise getting coins is a little hard. So overall great game Paulina Pabis. I think that Eyes deserves a five star rating.
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6 years ago, so cool read it
K so 😎 cool
I love it but still can't find the stupid exit I'm like 😡 where I'm going then see them and be like omg ahhhhh save me PLZ 😡 but I do like it I like the idea of buying chatters and not actually using real life money but if u want so I really like it👍🏻 the thing it's essay to find the money 💰 but the exit is hard core..... k in all great 👍🏻 game A+ and I really like it and I like also going and learn spelling 👩🏻‍🏫 I give it 10 ✨ but I can't 😢 so i give it 5 ✨ good job 👏 keep up the great good u should do eyes part to add more scary characters and all like in a forest and a a school too u know school scary haha yes it is.k the characters can be a doll,a doctor and a nurse 😱 I hate doctors and nurses .... so that's my idea u can do a better one I mean you made the best game ever u can do a better idea or just add more characters and maps that will be the best k so it was great I 😍 so much I'm addicted k so bye 👋 i really like it but seriously How do u exit the house tell ME!!
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5 years ago, Challenge gamers
I love this game
This game is amazing and definitely one of the best horror games on mobile. The only thing I hate is the constant ads. It ruins the experience for the player. And then there’s the problem of when I turn off my WiFi to get away from the ads you throw a pop-up telling me to turn on WiFi. Is this a joke? I really like this game but I can’t play it if I’m constantly getting bombarded with either and ad or a box in the middle of the screen telling me to turn on WiFi just so I can watch more ads. I don’t care if you leave the ads in, I can just turn off my WiFi for those, just remove the thing that tells me to turn on my WiFi or at least make it happen once at the start of the level only. I’m a YouTuber and this was one of my favorite games to record but in all honesty it was better a couple years ago when there was just one ghost and no ads. Thank you for reading my suggestion (if you even are reading it) and I hope you take into consideration the one thing that almost everyone is saying
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5 years ago, jordan80p
Great game 😍😍
Okay so I really do consider downloading this game it is amazing! It is really challenging though I’ve been having some troubles because the monster can hear every step I take and then it comes and gets me so I need eyes to know where it is and when it’s coming but the problem is I can’t get the eyes because the monster gets me every time. I like how you can make your own monster (I secretly took a picture of my brother and put it on the monsters face) For anyone new before u start u should probably know that u are free to roam in the first floor as long as u don’t collect any eyes or touch the stairs! Also can you please make an update on the game where when the monster catches you, you will wake up in a weird room but then u can exit the room and continue playing, and this only has to go on for about 5 times after that the game is over.
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7 years ago, Poo emoji lover💩❤️
First off, i LOVE this game! i play it all the time! But, i would love it if the game started everyone off with one eye for every level. it’d be great if you could watch a video at the end, when you win, of you on one side of the screen, and who ever the monster you chose was on the other side, videos of everywhere both of you went in the house, when it said run, when the person collects eyes and money. Everything that shows up on your screen, and all that the monster sees. It would be really cool if people could play against their friends. Ever since i got this game, I’ve wanted to play against friends that also have the app. One of us could be the monster, and the other could be the person. If the person playing as the monster finds the person playing as the person, the monster gets coins But if the person wins, it’s what would always happen, the person gets coins and all of that.
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9 months ago, ulksbdid
This game is really fun! (Please read)
This game is a really good game, and it helps that u can collect eyes to see were the monster is, if u just got the game I recommend the u start on newbie so u get the idea in a fun and simple way, make sure u do NOT play this game under 12, because it’s pretty scary but when h get used to it it’s really not that bad at all. But other than that this game is really fun and has no glitches and it has adds but really not that may sometimes they will even calm u if ur scared lol, but u really don’t want to play this game alone, the jump scares are pretty scary, and what I think is really cool about this game is that they have multiplayer, and different chapters so ur not playing the same thing over and over and over again. I really recommend getting this game if u like scary game or scary movies or any scary stuff!:)
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4 years ago, D'o Da Gamer(yt)
Add a nostalgia mode
Hello Developers, I am one of your many fans and I was hoping you could add a nostalgic mode to the game. How will it work? Well it can be selected from the Options menu and when it is activated, the old menu music plays and it won’t allow you to run from good boy or Ursula because they were added later in the game. The old texts that happened between you and another person could show up instead of the story of Mr. Miles. Speaking of which, you could also remove the journal button when this mode is active because back then there was no story. That’s all the ideas I had for this new mode. The rest of the ideas is up to you guys and gals. Thank you for this amazing horror game and I hope to see this mode in the future. From your fan, D’o
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4 years ago, I liked it at first..:
The Best Mobile Horror Game
You never find good horror games on a phone, but this is AMAZING. The graphics are amazing, the sounds and music are so good, and it’s TERRIFYING. As a person who’s played Granny, Slenderina, and The Nun, this one is the best. Hands down. I can barely look at the screen, because you never know when it’s going to pop up. I think the scariest thing about it is when I look through an Eye and see the ghost/ monster in the same hallway as me. Especially since it jump scares you, that’s what makes it hard for me to keep my eyes on it. The monsters are actually, legitimately scary. In other mobile games the monster’s graphics are bad, and make me laugh because they are meant to be scary, but aren’t. But these ones...actually are. I’m a person who really enjoys scary games, so thank you for this!
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3 years ago, Grace0270
Desperately Needs Fixing.
This game has a lot of potential. I just have a few issues with it. The biggest issue is that when I die, and watch the ad to revive, the game keeps going while the ad is still playing. So the ghost kept killing me while the ad was still playing. By the time the ad ended, I was already dead again and had to rewatch a new ad just to revive again. This kept happening over and over till I finally just deleted the game after having to watch the 5th ad in a row without being able to continue the game. Another issue I have is that not enough objects are clickable. The only items that you can click are the ones that flash. I would like to be able to interact with more items to make the game more interactive. My last issue is that I wish the interactive objects didn’t flash. I would like to be given the option to find the hidden items on my own. Other than that, it was enjoyable... for the short time I was able to actually play it.
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3 years ago, StrategyPeach
First let me say this is NOT a negative review. This game is probably one of the only decent looking and genuinely scary mobile (free) horror games on the entire AppStore (along with Emily Wants To Play 1 & 2). The monsters are genuinely creepy and I LOVE how you can unlock different monsters in different locations. I also love how you can see where the monster is at, how it tells you that the monster is nearby (I.e noises, items shaking, lights flickering, and that adrenaline inducing “RUN!”). Most likely one of if not FAVORITE horror games on the AppStore. HOWEVER, there IS problem. On the upper left hand corner of the game, there is a button where if you click it, you get 50 free coins by watching an ad. This worked perfectly fine for me at first, but now whenever I click it and watch the ad, it doesn’t give me the coins. Other than that, it’s an AMAZING game worth downloading!
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5 years ago, cupcakeuni8corns
So juicy!!💝🥰
I love it it is best horror game I always love when I get juicy story lines added to my journal I love that u can make your own ghost I make it funny and add my lil sis so I can play with the ghost and it won’t be too scary and too warm up BUT wait hold up I don’t even need to do that cause in sandbox mode u can explore without Krause or other ghosts and escape get familiar with the map and u still get a reward and u can double the coins I love all the modes and characters so get today! Soo chilling and fun the sounds and graphics amaze me I also think it’s funny that to get to a certain place u have to go under the ladder which means bad luck this has been mentioned in utube videos and I relate lol the way things shake when the ghost is near is awesome the chapters and clues it amazing!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 so plz download today and join in on the juicy scary fun...if u DARE 😈
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4 years ago, cvend92
Great scary game.
This is one of my favorite scary games I ever played. But I don’t like it when Good Boy glitches through the walls and/or doors. The bell doesn’t ring and yet he still gets me. Other than that I love how you can play with multiple monsters and not just the same one over and over. Most horror games have only one killer or two you have to play against but this game has many monsters which makes it even better. Even the way the monsters sound is scary. And the way they look is creepy. Another one of my favorite thing about this game is that it’s kinda like a maze. I lose the exit at times which makes the game harder for me and I sometimes die. When the lights flicker on and off and when things start to shake is a great way to show that the monster is on the same floor as you. If it weren’t for that I would die a lot more oftentimes. Then you can switch ur brightness. You can set it to very bright or pretty dark which is better for me when I’m in a dark area or bright area. I can easily set it so that the setting is bright it dark. This is a great game for you to play if you like horror games. I’m wondering if maybe they can add more monsters. You don’t have to if u don’t wanna. Either way this game is awesome.
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5 years ago, 121GameReviews121
Better than Granny
Okay, so I don’t normally write reviews, but I felt the need to. This game is so simple it’s refreshing. There are different types of monsters and different items in different levels, but you can still go into the game knowing your goal so you don’t get lost. The music change was nice on the home page, the new music giving it more atmosphere. The fact that can make my own ghost and ghost sounds is entertaining. I’ve been playing this game since before it was an app and seeing it grow has been a pleasure. I also like the option of earning coins by watching videos and earning coins by playing. I like the different difficulties you can choose too. The simple graphics are nice too. Overall, the game is better than other horror games like Granny (Sorry not sorry).
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7 years ago, BruhTupp
A Must Play!
I remember playing the original, and marveling at how good the game was at making you feel as uncomfortable as possible. Seeing this update, I was even more surprised. It seems the game has gotten a complete remaster, also featuring a new map, character, and game mode! The only thing is, getting coins is a very long and boring process. Seeing how little coins you receive (ex. 20 coins for normal mode), and how much one of the shop items costs (500 coins), it really discourages me from trying to earn coins, knowing I have to beat the same map over and over about 30 times (on average) just for a single item in the shop. Please lower the prices for the shop items. Other than that, I would recommend this to anyone looking for an iOS horror that is actually good! :)
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4 years ago, Davis Cubias
This game is scary and fun but there’s a huge issue
This game is fun but the big issue you guys obviously now about is when you just finished the first level to go to the other one we the player either have to watch a lot of ads or have to pay to them and that just annoying having to watch a lot of ads just to play another level for the people that can’t afford to buy it and for the people that can buy it it’s a wast of money for the people that just want to play because for another level they have to pay for it it agin so please make it where it’s much more enjoyable have less ads and make the levels free and if you even read this and not do anything about Its obvious you guys just care about the money and not about the players
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4 years ago, Heeeeeellllllooooo
My little brother loves this game... BUT he dislikes something he wants to play sandbox mode and where is it? True story... he said he once was alone in a room then he thought some one touched him the touch was cold ... and the he saw a face then it disappeared “ so he rushed to me and I was so scared that I fell down was he serious? (Ps sandbox means like their are no ghost or danger ) Pleeesssssss add the sandbox mode if you do then I shall give your game 5 stars ⭐️or is the first try sandbox?? I should figure that out I’m just tooo scared I’m a scaredy-cat why can’t you make your own ghost? That should make me feel better Never mind forget about what I said before this game is perfect!!!!! I would give it 6 stars!
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4 years ago, TheAncient_One
More Ideas
Starting off, I love this game. 10/10 amazing. A great recommendation is multiplayer. Multiplayer would make this game 100% better. 4 players are the robbers while 1 is the monster. One map is a maze and you and other players must collect 30 money bags. If the player is Krasue, Charlie, or Good Boy they can collect eye runes but they are blue and when they are used they last 30 seconds and in those seconds any players that use an eye rune to locate the monster it gives them a false location. Another power up for the monsters is a rune with a shadow man. When the person who is the monster uses it objects will not shake when you are near a player and should last for 20 seconds. Another map suggestion is a campsite and also this game going on console will be amazing.
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3 years ago, Moonwatcher WOF
Good but needs a lot of improvement
First, when I went on language, Hawaiian did not appear, so please add Hawaiian as a language. Next please add a online mode to play with people, 2 players are monsters and 2 others are survivors, that one was optional but would be cool, also add more menu features like Forever power ups you can enable in game (not for online mode) ♾. That’s really all, but please add Hawaiian and more languages. ʻO ka mea mua, i koʻu wā i hele ai i ka ʻōlelo, ʻaʻole i hiki mai ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, no laila e ʻoluʻolu e hoʻohui i ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi ma ke ʻano he ʻōlelo. Ma hope e ʻoluʻolu e hoʻohui i kahi ʻano pūnaewele e pāʻani me nā poʻe, 2 mau mea pāʻani he monster a ʻo 2 mau mea i pakele, he koho kekahi akā maikaʻi ʻole, e hoʻohui pū i nā hiʻohiʻona papa inoa e like me nā mana ʻo Forever mana hiki iā ʻoe ke hoʻohana i ka pāʻani (ʻaʻole no ka pūnaewele pūnaewele) . ʻO ia wale nō nā mea āpau, akā e ʻoluʻolu e hoʻohui i ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi a me nā ʻōlelo hou aʻe
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6 years ago, CaityCatLuva
Okay so I was looking for a horror game and I think this was the right choice. I really like how it says “RUN!” In big red letters when it’s close. It seems to be around the exit a lot and I have one small complaint. My complaint is that it’s pretty hard to find those eye rune things. They blend in with the walls, and I think they should be a bright green or yellow, so you don’t just walk by something that could save you. I don’t like how it is around the stairwell. And HELL mode?!?!? Sheesh hell mode should be noobie! I went on hell mode first thing I got the game and the monster didn’t find me once! I was using noobie mode and I had to run five or six times! But otherwise it’s a great game, and I recommend it if you like a bone-chilling jump-scare game!!! It gets deserves four stars!!! -Caity K.
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3 years ago, JayMwah<3
Me and my best friend hate scary games but we love this one, the levels and modes are fun but with her old phone she had a glitch that didn’t allow her to get eyes with ads, we collected everything and all the maps but good boy is the scariest out of everyone else, we still can’t play that mode without throwing our phones, also in the mode that you can mix monsters and maps there’s a glitch with good boy, if he’s chasing you he can glitch threw your legs when you look down. Overall it’s a really fun game tho, it’s good for starting out it games because you can see where the monsters are at! <3
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7 years ago, violet_intent
Amazing horror game.
Its very good. the fact that every time you play it, you have to adapt to the amount of eyes and the ghosts patterns. The game is new and exciting each time i play it. Though i wish it would give a little bit more of a guide for new people. as when i first played i had no idea what to do. Its also really fun to get a new map from the shop. Im really looking forward to this game getting more updates. Maybe add a shop section for tools? like you can choose between a flashlight or a lantern or the default. Great game. Just buy the remove ads. Its a really good game by a good developer and they need to be supported.
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3 years ago, Itsbay
Cursed Game
I used to play this game all the time maybe about 7-8 years ago in Junior High. I loved it, I loved playing it with my friends with the lights off in a school locker room, I have even beat the game a few times. But when this game was downloaded on my phone, my phone would crash many times, and it would freeze. This also happened to my friends phones as well, when we deleted the game it stopped. I would love to play this game again, but I can’t. I got sleep paralysis one time in my life and the monster from the game was the demon trying to kill me, so PTSD.
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6 years ago, taco_stell_33
Eyes is an awesome game. I love the thrill of when the screen says run. The only thing I don’t like is that there isn’t more maps. I think there should be places like a school or just a small area where you can’t hide. That would be make the game even better. Another thing I add would be where you could play with your friends that have the game. One of you would be the monster and the other person would be the person hiding. If the mister found you It would get coins. If the person got the amount of money bags they would win. You should also be able to talk to your friend. Over all, I would recommend this game to anyone. It is SO much fun
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2 years ago, fazgator
Great game
It’s a great game. I like the ideas and mechanics but there are a few problems I have with the game. First off, I feel as if there’s so many ads in it, though I understand for profit on the game. Second, I feel like it’s unfair how to enemy can still kill you if you’re watching an ad to revive. Maybe give us a few seconds to hide? Finally, the mansion feels so closed off and hard to really get anywhere without the ghost on you at all times. Hopefully those problems get fixed some day cause I feel like the game has a lot of effort and potential in it
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5 years ago, 8&6%1020
Some suggestions from a veteran player
I’ve been with this game since the ghost was a full translucent figure and the initial scare sounded like a hoover vacuum, and it’s grown into something amazing, immersive and horrifying. Although this game is sheer brilliance, it has its quirks. For instance, the bags of money. It isn’t exactly realistic to see an over-sized bag of cash inside an abandoned house, or even a mansion. So I was thinking, maybe the bags could be converted into stacks of cash or small boxes, and maybe change where they spawn: inside things, on things(occasionally), in drawers, cabinets, shelves, maybe a secret vault—anything is possible as a developer.
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3 years ago, Daniel Zabelin
Amazing but I want to have some changes
This game is my favorite horror game ver but I would like to have less ads to no ads… I would also like to have an option to change the maps to the older versions and the enemy jumps are screams to the older ones because I find these new ones to be a bit obnoxious and too similar to each other… I would really really like to have multiplayer so we can play with others and also that will make this game very popular… I wish I was one of the creators of this game
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4 years ago, gfcgrcjiofdfvxtgxjyxc
Incredible game just one thing I would like.
This game is awesome. I love the horror to it and all of the different ways that you can play it. But like most games there’s just something more that I would like. And lucky for me I figured out what that was. I propose that you add a mode harder than nightmare and all of the monsters are able to go follow you through doors and check in the rooms. This is the only thing that I want in this game, besides that this game is perfect. Update: For some reason whenever I go on the third floor in the mansion I fall through the map. Pls fix
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9 months ago, Dominic J Andrillo
I’ve been playing this game for a while now on both pc and mobile. There is something about the mobile version that isn’t as scary as the pc version. I think it is because the gameplay is still too light and it isn’t hard to see at all. The pc version is very dark with a flashlight and that makes it makes it more scary. So I recommend making the game have a darker gameplay and add back the flashlight like in the pc version to make it more scary.
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6 years ago, KybearJean
Good game but needs improvements...
When I got the game I was so excited! It was a really good game. Then I started to play more and realize that if there was a sprint or run control would be way easier. The game is really scary. I like how it’s set up. I like the house and hospital. I like the way all the rooms are set up. One thing that did happen to me though confused me. I played on “Newbie” mode. I had to collect 8 bags. I got some coins from it and then decided to play “Normal” mode (because newbie was just too easy”. In normal mode you collect more bags than newbie, but got less coins. I collected more bags and I got less coins than newbie. I don’t know if something happened, it was just confusing.
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5 months ago, Yaminah Abdelhaq
Hello! I have been playing this game for 3 years and it’s fun! It just needs a little fixing. When I first downloaded this game whenever I was in a room and the door opened she wasn’t able to go in the room. Now, whenever I open the door in front of the ghost, she can come in. That is why I only gave it 4 stars. Could you please if you can, please change this, because if there is no safe spot then the game is just plain. Every horror game has a safe spot! So please change this, because I like old versions! Just this one tiny detail. Please and thank you!!
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6 years ago, BIRD BRO101
Great game but...
The game itself is awesome. On this review I just want to give some suggestions, 1. I think there should be multiplayer where one person is the monster and the other person is the one that collects the bags. Or 2 or more are searching together to complete the game, 2. I really wish you can make the prices cheaper because it takes me forever to get 500 coins, 3. Can you please make more monsters like a shadow or something like that to give a more scary effect. Other that it’s a really good game 😁and I hope you add these suggestions
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5 years ago, Lucky Lulu 1234
I have been playing Eyes for many years and it never gets old! The thrill of the game is just perfect and the whole game is just awesome! I love it sooooo much! I love the option where you can put your own face and audio to the Eyes ghost! This makes the game so much fun! I would go on and on and on about everything I like, but that would take wayyyyyy to long! I also love how there is now a story behind the house and the residents in it! This game just keeps surprising and surprising (in a really good way!) I think that this game is perfect! Thank you for the great game!
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2 years ago, hello my name starts with h
It’s scary
So I love this game and I have been playing since I was small but when it says run at the top it scares me cause I think I’m gonna get caught 😂 but it’s fun I like the tele-porter at the top if you get through the door because when it takes you to the bottom it makes it easier I hate going to the bottom floor through the stairs if I’m on the the top floor because you would have to go when she is also up there or wait on the middle because she is there but I love the game
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5 years ago, kenziebirlem99
This game is amazing!
Me,my big sister and brother LOVE to play this game! We love to put random faces into krasue and even our dog and to scare my family with! We also just do random things with the game like how me and my brother lay down in our pillow and then add the iPad under our pillow to hear the creepy noise and we giggle all the time! I LOVE this game! This horror game is the best more than others. We love to play twenty-four seven and we love the game so much! And also make weird sounds for our custom Krasue, it was so funny! I really enjoy the game so much!
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4 years ago, Lydia Andersen
revival fail
I love this game but i recently unlocked the double monster map an idk if its a glitch or what but whenever it catches me an i die i watch a add to continue an when i come back the monsters are jus sitting there waiting to kill me again, there is no time for me to get away or survive at all it is ridiculous i get to the point where i have all the money bags i need an just need to get to the exit but i end up having to completely restart this needs to be fixed its so stupid whats the point of having a revive option if the monsters arent gonna leave you alone so you can actually be revived
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3 years ago, I am the fnaf fan
Will this game be fun?
See, I haven’t played the game yet.....BUT, I did see some reviews, and they are great! My story: I was looking for a new game to play.....sometimes I just look at reviews of knock-off games like something dumb like escape house of neighbor 3D or something like that...but then I saw THIS.... I’ve watched FGTeeV and DenisDaily play this game...and it was pretty good! So I decided to look at the reviews....and they were great! And there were LOTS of great ideas! Also, I heard about this “create your own monster” thing....and, it’s probably great! So the reason I’m giving it a five-star rating is because, well, it’s PROBABLY a great! The guy that is probably going to Love this game, FNaF lover. (I’m not giving my real name to people browsing these reviews!)
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2 years ago, burglecut1000
New mode ideas(I hope you read this)
This game is great! You should add new modes and I have ideas that you should put in the game. FLASHLIGHT MODE: Everywhere in all the maps are pitch black and a flashlight is your only source of light. You can turn it on or off and that is so the monsters won’t be able to see you that easily and could pass right by you. DOUBLE-MIXED MODE: This is so you can customize what monsters and how many there will be in the map. Instead of Krause and Charlie just being the only two. You can customize it to be Krause and Good-Boy, Charlie and Good-Boy, or all three at once! Also you should add the menu soundtracks in the settings so you can change between the new and old soundtracks. Well that’s what I have to say and I really hope you read this. I love this game!
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6 years ago, Piercewolf
Needs sprint or run
They used to have a sprint control in the old version and in the super old computer version and quite frankly it needed it... nightmare and hard mode are near impossible to beat since the monster can clear an entire floor in the time it takes you to switch from one room to another. The game is great and still would be plenty hard if there was an ability to sprint. Yes I am aware that there is a potion in the hospital to make you go faster but that could be something that makes all your movements faster. And the mansion needs a fast moving element kinda like the speed potion.
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3 years ago, K1R00
A rewiew
This game is so much fun!!! Although its kinds scary hehe. Its still fun if you’d want to freak yourself out i like the little noises it makes its pretty cool not going to lie hehe. I give this game a five start because its fun , a little bit of scary , and it gives you 3 eyes to only watch one video!? Amazing try this game for yourself your going to be spooked but trust me its fun but people have their own opinion but i love this game im so glad i came across this game have a good night/good morning. <3
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4 years ago, rachel.grace
I LOVE this game!!
gosh, it is so much fun to play! i recently tested positive for covid so i isolated myself from my family in hopes that they wouldn’t get sick, meaning i was locked in my room lol. I downloaded this game to keep me occupied and it sure has!! I love the sandbox version so i can explore the settings without the ghost, i love the customizable ghost—i made it so it was my little sister saying “i’m coming” and it was the cutest thing haha. I also love how there’s easy versions and harder. this game is so creative. thanks so much for the scares!!
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1 year ago, futxfucig igcohv
Pls fix
FIX!!!!!!!!! I don’t know if this is intentional but I don’t have to run, I can literally walk and escape everyone on all modes on nightmare I can walk and she can’t catch up. TOO EASY!? Also she stops chasing when walk away just sits there due to this she lags sometimes and is stuck plz fix you can even walk around her/juke and she can’t kill you. She can’t follow you into rooms either cause she’s so slow. NEVERMIND GAMES GREAT AS I WROTE THIS I SEE THE GAME HAD AN UPDATE AND THESE PROBLEMS WERE FIXED THANKS!!!!😂
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4 years ago, gymnasyics is my life +puppys
Pretty god game
I am a child ok and I am nine I know I gotta be twelve but my mom approved this game is very fun except that Kasure can go through walls a and get you . If you see a eye rune those are good you can look through the ghost or where she is my dad played this and was not scared at all if you are younger then twelve ask before downloading this game there are some bugs but it is very helpful if you look in the journal also you need to collect twenty money bags to beat the level ps there are many jump scares
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3 years ago, Mehdhi12345
Best horror game, but I have some requests
I Love it!! I enjoy playing this game, this is the most horrible and creepy game I have ever seen and it's a really interesting game. Thank you for adding a new monster. I've been waiting for a new character to appear in this game. Keep on making new characters and make new locations. The new monster (Ursula) you added, is if I use an Eye Rune, her vision's is the same as Krasue’s, she needs to have her own vision's color. Can you add a journal for the witch. And it'll be great if it allows me save my gaming progress with Apple, Facebook, or Google. Thank you.
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