Fashion Fantasy: Glam Stylist

4.6 (24.6K)
2048 MB
Age rating
Current version
Libii Girls Game
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Fashion Fantasy: Glam Stylist

4.64 out of 5
24.6K Ratings
5 years ago, fashion Lover 2019
Great but .....
This game is amazing! But You guys need to do more chapters because I finish them all and now I’m starting to get bored. Not a Big deal but please try and get it done soon other than that this game is really great I would recommend this game to anyone who likes fashion games or dress up games you can do more than just one type for example most games have one setting like a wedding but this one has multiple different ones I love it!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 And extra thought I have is that for holidays like Christmas, Easter, Mother’s, Day Father’s Day, fourth of July, and all the big important holidays you should give out gems because they’re really hard to save up a lot of them and also for the love book give out more hearts because they’re really hard to save up and the dresses are starting to come out are getting really expensive in the look book, this is me being picky but other than that this game is really great! But sometimes when I try and update it doesn’t work and it delete the app and then get it back no biggie but try and fix it other than that I I love the game I am trying to be picky so that you guys can make the game better for everyone but most of these things are very minor.
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4 years ago, Cconlen
Love the game buut
I love this game, it’s really fun, but the events need to last longer. Oh and there’s a lot of things in the text that need to be fixed... sorry to criticize but spelling errors... those are just minor problems, but I really want these events to last longer than a week. ☹️ Another thing, the levels. The ones who have suggestions and you have no choice to follow them (the crafting recipes or ones you have to buy from the store that are super expensive), it’s really hard getting trophies. I really would love to be able to get trophies easier and a bigger amount. I’m stuck on a master level and it takes sooo long to get the recipe for the outfit because you need all the different things to craft them and they’re really tough to get in the trophy shop (especially when you don’t have diamonds to buy more chances in the place where you need to get stuff because you’re trying to complete an event that you really want the outfit for or when you don’t have enough trophies). Overall, this game is amazing and I love to play it. I just wish events were much easier especially when you really can’t spend money on the game for a recharge.
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3 years ago, ----------456;
Fun! Be patient
This game is really complex, fun, and full of design choices. It’s sort of a hidden gem. The only real ads are with daily spins of the wheel and you get small prizes for those. I suggest buying the gem fountain for $5.99 and not pouring a whole lot more money into it before you get carried away. Also, be patient! Learning the format takes time, as well as rising to new levels. It’s so addictive though! I’m not really into the story telling aspect so I skip through. For anyone who’s played Love Nikki, it’s pretty much the American version of the Japanese game (although that one is really fun too). There are some more modern styles and less emphasis on lolita/fantasy/princess type fashion and which appeals to me (but Fashion Fantasy still has plenty of that also!). I will say one note to developers is please come up with a way to not block competitor’s styles with other player’s decorations when voting. We can’t see their designs!
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6 years ago, fashenista
They accused us of illegally taking coins!
So first of all just so y’all know there was this gift thing for sharing the game with other friends so I shared with my friends and I got the gift but I found out later that the more u press on it the more you collect coins so me and my friends just thought it was a generous thing from the game creators to give us so many coins including the fact it’s the Christmas season which most games do stuff like that but than two days later they sent me and my friends a notice that that said stuff basically accusing us of taking coins illegally which is definitely not true because as I said we thought it was something generous of them including the fact that we are new to the game so we didn’t know this was a bug. And now I have zero coins and they took it all from me and my friends! They did give us 100 gems but that doesn’t cover up on the fact that they accused us of “taking coins illegally”. A message to the game creators: yall need to stop accusing people for what u think happened and actually know the reason for what happened yes maybe some people new it was a bug but other people didn’t know that so instead of taking everything and accusing us and explain what actually happened!! I am very disappointed in the game tbh.
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4 years ago, APSGN
Good game but..
Dear developers, I'm not gonna drag this out so let’s hop to the point, the game and art is truly amazing but, I would Like to see a few updates like being able to trade people and message your friends. For example I just bought the Pharaoh's curse pack. (I had bought a 20 dollar thingy that included 2500 diamonds and so) And then I bought the map so I could get the quicksand dance. They are really nice outfits, But then the “beautiful world” event came out. By then all my diamonds were now gone after using them up on other things. So I was thinking why not be able to trade people. Maybe you would to unlock trading at a certain level or buy some sort of vip package to unlock immediately. Good levels to unlock trading at would be 20, 30, 40, or 50. Same for messaging your friends. You could possibly unlock messaging at 20. Or it would unlock once you unlock trading (because you need to know what you guys are gonna trade and stuff). I think it will also encourage people to buy lots more new packages so they can trade it for older packages. Of course there will be scammers so there will have to be safety regulations. But other than that this game is amazing. Thanks for reading this looooooong message.
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6 years ago, leogal87
Better and worse at the same time
I’ve played this game for months now, and I cannot help but compare it to its counterpart Love Nikki. They are too similar not to compare honestly. The major draw to this game over that one is events are not nearly as stressful, you can take it or leave it, and competitions are more reward heavy. However, the actual gameplay IS more stressful, and that’s a major drawback. It’s more stressful because items you need to create new pieces of clothing can be almost impossible to come by. I’ve played through an episode over ten times in some cases only to never get a single drop, even when my score is three full stars and the item I need doesn’t require that. The drop rate is just atrocious. Which makes the game itself less fun. There are also no associations to join so no real sense of community. You can only have like 50 friends, which you can only interact with through sending energy. This game has so much potential but needs a lot more development. On the other hand unlike Love Nikki, all makeup comes without a skin so it can go with any of the three skin tones they provide. If they add more skin tones in the future that’s already a major plus. Overall it’s got a long way to go though.
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5 years ago, Tiki-Tembo333
Pretty good, suggestions
I like the game a lot so far. However, I am not too far in. The storyline is silly, but I don’t mind it. That being said, the exchanging of energy for friends could be streamlined (allow for returning energy to friends even if you have already given it to them earlier), and it’s a little annoying that your clothes will be completely consumed in order to make another type of clothing. I like that you can get rid of older clothes, and it would be nice to have a place where you can recycle original pieces of clothing, and not just extras, but I don’t think that should be part of the design gameplay. Also, an easier way to buy multiple of one clothing in the store would be nice, it’s a bit clunky right now. I also still don’t understand the purpose of flowers, or why it is beneficial to give someone flowers in the lookbook, aside from immediately beneficial to the player sending the flower. Also, it might be nice to have your energy replenished when you level up, or have some energy restored at least. Thank you for the game so far! It is delightful.
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2 years ago, AMANDA7987
Worst game ever
So I have been playing this game for almost 2 years & it really is the worst First this game isn’t fun at all it is all about spending money you have to spend at least 300$ per a month to get to get everything you want. And of course not mentioning all the cheating and harassment happening in the game , it isn’t a safe place for anyone specially kids. Cyber bullying, is something so normal in the game. If you are getting bullied in the game (which has been happening to most of the players) and you reported it to the game creators they don’t do anything about it. Also players can easily get hacked their security system is very bad and they are only on from Monday till Wednesday, so you can easily get hacked on Thursday and they won’t do anything about it till Monday, that is if they managed to get your account back from the hacker and find out who is the hacker, I’m saying what has happened in the game for the past few years. One last thing the game is racist, they were trying to SELL A DARK SKIN TONE for actual money, I mean just think about it, absolutely disgusting and disappointing, not to mention the amount of unstable people playing the game, please stay away from this game, it’s very dangerous
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5 years ago, Islandgurl16
Good but...
I honestly love this app! I spend quite a lot of time doing Events, Challenges, Competitions, Levels, Etc. I love how the game has a fairly clear storyline. But here’s what I’m not a fan of. I remember doing lots of events where you need to get this amount of gems or spend this amount of gems. And one of the events I’m currently in is the Buring-Sprit one. And with claiming the hot flames are impossible! I spent so many gems for the yellow flower and didn’t get a single one! I was pretty upset. And the fact that they have such high standards is so hard for most of the FF players to keep up with! I’ve had glitches where I can’t play the game on perfect WiFi and everything. I’ve missed out on events because of that. So I really hope y’all lower the standards for the Events! Thanks! -Your Fashion Fantasy player.
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4 years ago, Adrienne_Ana
Really lovely game, suggestions
I have been playing Fashion Fantasy for so long and I really like the way it is designed but I have a few(a lot of) suggestions that might make it a little better. I loved when the extra bonuses came from the flowers but it’s pretty hard to get them. It is easier to get coins and buy the red flowers but they only give you one heart each. While the gold ones give you 15 which I think is perfect for how much they’re worth. but I think the red ones should be at least worth two hearts. Since you only get them every 8 hours. Their prices should stay the same though. I do not join the competitions as much anymore because I spend all my time getting the tickets. I really think there needs to be a way to get the tickets besides with gems. Considering how hard it is to get the gems. I also would like to exchange my coins for gems. I was thinking 5,000 coins plus any item of clothing equals 10 gems. Or just either the coins or the clothes. But I definitely think that there needs to be some way to exchange coins or other items into gems. There could also be a place to exchange different items of clothing into other items of clothing. Like the really expensive ones or from events. All in all, I love your game and all the updates that you do! So thanks for your time and efforts trying to make it very enjoyable! (This essay has ended...) :) 5 stars❤️
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6 years ago, katronika639286373
PLEASE hire an editor!
Overall this game is pretty fun to play. As many have said, it can be frustrating to have to spend so much time waiting to collect all the trophies and materials to make one design, especially when passing a level can sometimes require you to make three or four designs first. And many of the clothing items are way too expensive, so you have to take days or even weeks to save enough diamonds or crowns to buy something you need. But by far the worst part of playing this game is how ATROCIOUS the English is! Spelling and grammar errors are EVERYWHERE, and in the latest update, the language in the dialogue has become downright offensive, using “Jesus” as an exclamation — which is extremely offensive to Christians who see that name as holy — and using the word “retards” to insult people with whom the character is annoyed — which should be offensive to any reasonable person. The company desperately needs to hire someone to edit/revise their English language components before publishing any future updates. It is the most unprofessional, offensive language I’ve seen in any app yet.
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4 years ago, mokettabee
I have been playing this game for awhile now and for the most part I’ve liked it enough to sink way more money into it then I should have but with the recent update for chapter 12 normal you actually have to pay to play. Usually each chapter has its sets of clothing related to the challenge be they coin gem or crafted you usually have a choice. But one of the pieces that is a requirement to pass the level is Gaudi building, has only one option gem nothing else and not only that the item costs almost 300 gems. Um? Huh? Now I know with the introduction of the macro rewards that are more cumulative then the daily and is pretty generous with gem rewards, maybe that is why you want to get away with forcing our hands to pay. I don’t know but for me this is usually when I say goodbye to a game no matter how much I like it because the decision to spend my real money should be mine. I hope that this is an over sight.
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6 years ago, PastyKyKy29
Anyone who reads this, please download this game. I play it daily! It’s one of the best fashion games I have ever downloaded. There are many levels with challenges that I love! The clothes could be cute, modest, mature, warm, and etc! I love the different clothes, hair, and accessories to choose from! Some of the clothes I don’t like, some of the clothes is okay, and some of the clothes is OUT OF THIS WORLD! But the reason I gave it 4 stars, is because, I don’t like in the story line, when you put on a makeup, it makes you have on the standard face. Please change that. And you also have to update it more often! This is an amazing game, but it needs more updates. You should give the thumbnail of the app, an Easter look, since Easter is coming up. You should also add Easter things. And also make more world. Make an even more challenging stage. Spice the game up a bit! But still, this is my favorite game. Thank you so much, for creating this!! :D
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2 years ago, myb:)
It’s okay but it could be better
First of all I think you should be able to view what other people are wearing during competitions because people are often wearing clothes I really like but I don’t know how to get them. Second, it should be easier to get trophies. Most levels after the first 3 maps require specific outfits that you usually have to design, but it takes a really long time when you’re waiting on trophies. Also I don’t think you should label the hair that is clearly supposed to be African American style as “wild.” Also one more thing is to make it easier to get crowns! You can only get them from the lottery so it takes FOREVER to save up and the crown shop has some really cool clothes. But other than that I really like it! The look book idea is clever and I like how it rewards you for completing daily tasks. I also like the boxes but I think Carmen’s box could be given a bit more frequently.
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5 years ago, mexcian man
Ok so I’ve been playing this forever and now I can’t even get in my app so here’s how it happened it says checking for updates and then once it’s finished checking for that goes to installing the updates after it’s done with the installing updates it says update failed so I press retry then it Takes forever but anyways it’s a great app and you should definitely get it I think this is just a problem with me but yeah so it’s a great app I think you should get it it’s a perfect act up for girls that want to have fun and so just enjoy it I will give it about review because of that one thing it’s windy day and I am going to try and see if it works better now! 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 Edit: so this is happening to a lot of people and it’s not ok Another edit: Oh my gosh THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR FIXING THE UPDATE I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH I STILL LOVE THIS GAME
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2 years ago, pickeman
Would Recommend!
I have been playing FF for years, about 5 on my current account, and I absolutely love the game, which I play daily! It offers a wide variety of clothing styles, ranging from modern to fantasy to gothic and so on! My only qualm with the game is that it has become very expensive, as most outfits cost many gems (in game currency) to purchase, but that issue can be fixed with patience, as gems are not too difficult to collect over a few weeks! There are a lot of outfits and the like that one can only purchase with real world money, but I’ve never spent a dollar on the game and that hasn’t impeded my play experience at all! I would definitely suggest downloading Fashion Fantasy if you enjoy anything in the realm of fashion!
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5 years ago, Sunshine12496
Highly recommend
This game is my favorite of all the apps I have ever played since the invention of the iPad and the internet. You can compete against yourself or with your friends you make along the way. Story line is cute and entertaining. Updates are the only thing that I wish were sooner. Yet I do understand progress takes time. The game is ea money hound if you have the cash to spend, but if you don’t your creativity is your nearest companion. Originally goes along way. There is just so many ways to play. You can enter all areas open to you are do the game your own way. You just have to see it for yourself. The colorization of this app. Is a mood booster . That alone is worth the investment of your time and money. In my humble opinion #1 across the board. Such brilliant creators! Bravo!!!
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6 years ago, CocoChannel224
Best Fashion App EVER!!!
I’ve played quite a few fashion apps but Fashion Fantasy is by far one of the best apps. I would have given a 5 star review but there’s a few things I wish the developers could change. #1 If they could find some other way to collect items needed to design your pieces; other then using your energy through story line activities. At times it will take a few tries (use of energy, you more energy you have to pay real currency) before the item drops and it becomes frustrating especially if there’s pieces needed for special event items. #2 Update for iOS user is SLOW and never show or see “Update” button through the App Store. I would have to delete and reinstall in order to update. This process is very daunting because I play on two devices. But other that I truly love this game and believe in time it will improve.
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4 years ago, Cowboyngirl
Great game to play
I love this game for the most part. I purchase items regularly with no problems. I recently purchased the weekly flower package for 4.99 I did not get them. I got a message that says they will be restored for free it’s been 2 weeks now. I have gotten absolutely no response from support. I have sent at least 5 to 10 messages to them getting no response. I have not received my money back or the flowers that were purchased. I don’t know why no one will get back to me. I have great internet and have purchased other items since this happened no problems with the items. Now it’s locked up and and can’t purchase Amy flowers from there. Very frustrating. I have reloaded I tried repairing nothing works. I would at least like some kind of respose. Disappointed
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4 years ago, Minako Yuki k
Hmph. This game really need improvements.
1. I love this game. I used to play it all the time, but...BUT I hate how the packages are SOOO expensive. I hate how they say it’s like 2,100 gems or 1,200 gems. I hate how this game is so EXPENSIVE. I think that it’s unfair for people because most people have to pay a lot just to get at least one package. Do you think Joelle has all those stuff from saving. NO! She has to pay for diamond every time because of how expensive this game is. I understand it’s ok to have in app purchases and all. But stop making the packages so expensive. It makes me think the company cares more about the money than the customers. 2. I wish fashion fantasy was more like Love Nikki. They actually care for their customers because rare items I see in the shop are like 23,000 coins. Not EVER have I seen Love Nikki’s packages cost even a thousand gems. 3. They accused us of illegally taking gems and coins. Which was kind of harsh. They can’t blame us on that. We thought it as a gift. It’s not like we were spamming FF. Please do not accuse people for the actions they didn’t even do I hope you can make this an awesome game to play FF. Cause so far me and my sis were loving it. But when we found out how it really was. My sister deleted the game. Then so did I. Please try to approve this game. Until this doesn’t happen I will continue playing Love Nikki. And sky children of the light.
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5 years ago, viewerdistraction
I was a big fan of this game (still is) just bummed out that I have to start over due to my phone being broken and I made it sooooo far and my crazy self 🤦🏾‍♀️never linked my account to the game so I don’t know 🤷🏾‍♀️my ID number so all the clothes I’ve designed.. and all the levels that took me months to save up to pass.. all the events i joined ..I all the friends I made are all in the past 😩 !! So folks don’t be me if you took this game as serious as I did please link your account 🤓 .. I’m just opening another account i didn’t won’t to but this is one of my top favorites so here I am on level 3-1 😒😞 ... woosahhhh .. but it’s a good game overall I’ve been playing before the updates and new looks I’ve been playing this game since 2017
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3 years ago, Bellaboo1219
It USED to be great
If you want a game that is free, fun and with great tech support then is not the game for you. What you will get with this game is new updates with bugs, customer service that doesn’t listen, and bonus.... sometimes rude. Every event to earn more items is costing money. At first it wasn’t bad, but now it is quite expensive and everything requires for you to pay to play. They talk about how they don’t want cheaters, but do nothing when players bring proof of cheating to them. However, if they are wronged by a glitch they created, or someone tries to cheat them they are quick to act in their favor. The designs are lacking. The same events are constantly used. You will hate yourself if you start to play this game. The only thing left of this game is their Facebook group because of the other players. Oh but don’t ask for help or tips there, because once they find out how we try to get ahead they change the game to take it away.
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4 years ago, Zoexox:)
Great Game, But...
I overall applaud the creators for all they’ve done with this game, and even though it is a truly wonderful game, there are still a number of problems. 1 - After you get through a few of the chapters, it starts to get difficult and time-consuming to pass more. And I’ve noticed that people are aggravated by this because that might be creators’ strategy to get money off the game. It’s totally fine to do that, but there IS an extent. 2 - I’m not discriminating against whatever is the creators’ first language, but I can say that the majority of us english people recognize many mistakes in the storyline’s writing. It doesn’t bother me, personally, but I have read many reviews about this problem and how it affects them. 3 - I know there are many games like this, but it does seem like the creators are basing the whole game off of one in particular—Love Nikki. Love Nikki was the OG chapter/dress up game, before this one came out. In future updates, it would be smart to try to climb away from that before more and more people realize it and crawl their way from Fashion Fantasy over to Love Nikki. Honestly, some of the things I mentioned aren’t a really big deal, but if the creators fixed them, this would definitely be a 5-star game.
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5 years ago, katheerineb
i literally downloaded this game a day ago and i’ve been playing no stop since. very addictive but it has a lotttt or cool features so you’re not just doing one activity . there’s multiple. it’s super easy to get extra coins and things like that . i think i the game is very fun ! update : i’m addicted to this game. i play it during my free time all the time. i love it . i wish some packages of clothing were a little cheaper. because it takes a minute to save up gems without purchasing any with real money. But overall the game is super fun and amazing. !!!! and the packages are also very worth it ! so if you do pay out of pocket you won’t regret it !
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6 years ago, corinne2665
Good but still needs some editing/glitch fixing
Overall, I do like this game. However, people spend crazy amounts of money on FF and it still has tons of glitches! Emojis don’t work, the text all over the game isn’t edited so the spelling and grammar is off, some ads don’t give you the reward after watching them, chats glitch (messages disappear) and have a funny format, some quests don’t reward you, and there are NO VOICES even when I turn them on! Also, I wish there was a way to see when your friends last played the game. As soon as you add someone, the little “Last played” section disappears. Why can’t that stay? What if we could use photos from our camera roll as backgrounds also? And how about more dye colors for clothing? There is just so much that needs to be done/fixed, and I hope some changes are made soon.
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3 years ago, Rchris_ness
The new update has ruined the game.
I’ve played this game a long time. It has been one of my favorite, and hands down the best fashion game I’ve played. It was an easy no pressure game. You could hit goals and if you were patient enough play without feeling the need to spend money. I do spend money on the game because I felt the packages were worth it. Now with the update just to do the daily checklist you will have to spend real money. You will no longer be able to keep up with the dailies and the events without spending money. There were plenty of ways for the developers to earn money with the game that let players play without spending, but now they’ve ruined it. I’m saddened and disappointed. This update even made the rewards less than what you would normally get all the while trying to make us believe it was going to be better reward system.
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6 years ago, SarahMalef
Great game, except for..
I really enjoy this game, especially the beginning. It’s not impossible to earn diamonds and cash, unlike most other fashion games. There are plenty of choices so it never gets boring. There is one major problem that I have with this game, however: As you progress, it becomes obvious that you cannot pass a level without certain items. These items become more and more expensive, making it harder to always be able to afford them. I also really dislike this because it takes away from the whole point of the game: creativity. If I can only pass the level with the dress/items that Rosie suggests, then it really starts to take the fun out of it all, and it becomes frustrating. If the developers work on this, they will have a pretty great app!
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6 years ago, Suga.X
Love it... but
I love playing this game every night before I go to sleep. Great story line and definitely the best dress up game I’ve ever played, but I wish you got more Gems and energy when you watch those videos and it would be great if you can play a story more then 3 times a day and not wait for so many hours to play it again (especially if you need to creat an outfit that requires 7 of an item that only that story offers). Please find a different way to give us more Crown faster My wish.. what I think would definitely make it better is if you can actually talk to your ‘friends’ and get an opinion live from them before entering a contest.. and maybe borrowing clothes from them for a cost of coins (for a limited time)
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5 years ago, kittykatiejo
Has some issues but overall it’s a great game!
Honestly, this game is addicting, it’s fun and it’s art style is pretty good! I play this game alone with love Nikki because they seem to be the same in what you can do. There has been problems some time ago like the diamond fountain not working when we bought it and swapping issues but overall this game was worth it! You get diamonds rarely which makes it a treat when you do get some! Has a great but weird storyline of possessed and dead, but overall I appreciate it! I feel like some people will write reviews of bad things just to get diamonds back , but this is an honest review and I love this game! ❤️ I recommend this game if you’re looking for a fun community with a love for fashion! 😊
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4 years ago, LILY10384484747
Dear developer,
Hi. First of all I would like to say this game is awesome. The chic styles and personalities are what give this game it’s pizzazz. But there are a few problems. First of all, the good items are all super expensive and I can never find the things I need to finish a level. I think that players should be to pay for the coins not gems because the gems are way more important and the players often have like, zero of them. This is a problem that I could write a novel about but who has that time with all of the things you have to do on fashion fantasy. It is fun to have a lot of features but this app is overwhelming. Please take into consideration change to this game to make it easier to play. - upset player
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6 years ago, Bananaaaaaaaa42
Fashion Fantasy
Normally, I’ll rate a game and just give it five stars to get whatever reward is being offered in exchange for my opinion. This game, however, is actually pretty fun. The outfits are super cute(but not always cheap), the storyline is interesting, and the rewards are plenty... but, where there are pros, there’s also cons. Don’t get me wrong, this game is really fun and I play it everyday. One thing I specifically dislike about the game is repeating so many of the past completed levels just to earn one set of materials and/or pieces of clothing needed to design items in the “design” tab. Like I said, I enjoy the game very much and will continue to play it for some time.
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5 years ago, WhatUpB82
My Favorite Game Ever!
I’m super obsessed with this game and have been playing it for a couple of years. 🤩🤩🤩 The only negative thingsI can say is that...🤔 I have noticed that the packages and special events aren’t as frequent and aren’t kept on a consistent basis. 🕚🕤🕗🕒 (It would be nice to have them consistently throughout the days of the week because it’s always something to look forward to. And please, recirculate the packages more frequently, there’s some I’m still waiting to buy. 😩) Special Event gem packages aren’t worth the value lately. 👎🏻💎🙅🏻‍♀️ I wish updates and items were more frequent for all the shops too. 🛍🛍🛍 The creativity isn’t as exciting as it once was. 😒 The Lottery can use HUGE improvements (because it’s a total rip off, like all lotteries *eye roll*) and Clothing Swap can take your items then provides nothing in return. 💪🏼🤬👊🏻 It would be cool if we could use as many items as we want in competitions, Look Books, whenever/wherever. 🥼👙👗🥾👑🐶🌂👓☃️ More ideas to come... 💡 💭 💭
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3 years ago, Naysa0
Just things to keep on mind
This game is one of the best games I’ve came across, but they are money hungry. You can’t really get good outfits without gems, don’t get me wrong there is ways to get gems but it will take you a while. Other than the amount of real money you would have to spend to at least get a good amount of gems then the game is great. Also the limited time outfits will take all your gems, I wasted about 1700 on a limited time outfit or more, and yes it’s limited time but why make it that difficult to get the outfit when it’s already hard to get gems. If you could get gems easier then the game would be great. But yes I would still recommend 100% just some things to keep in mind.
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5 years ago, kittykitti00
This is (in my opinion) the BEST fashion game app available! Before I found Fashion Fantasy, my go-to fashion game was Jojo’s World Tour. Both Jojo’s and Fashion Fantasy are basically equal in my book, the ONLY thing that Jojo’s World Tour has that Fashion Fantasy doesn’t have is the option to customize/design your own fashions for each style category. While FF does allow you to dye certain clothing items different colors, it would be absolutely amazing/perfect if FF would offer something similar to JJWT design/customization (but preferably exactly the same 😁😁😁) The only REAL problems I’ve ever had with this app is that: 1.) Some items cost a WHOLE lot of gems/diamonds(frankly more than what I think they should cost) 2.) While I understand that certain items are “limited edition”, it would be nice if they’d occasionally/eventually bring back/offer those packages again for those of us who missed the opportunity to purchase the packages (due to reasons OTHER than not having enough gems)
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5 years ago, teegray79
Prompt response to log in issue
Update: After contacting the developers through the app I received a response within 2 business days. I have full access to the account. It’s still a fun game to play and I’m happy to spend my time on it again. I loved this game then an update was suggested in game on Friday. I updated the game through the App Store but it said “update failed.” I decided to delete the game and download it again. Although I linked the game to my email there is no way to get access to my account. I sent a message through a Facebook but received no answer. Hopefully a developer will see this and respond. I am level 70 so I am not willing to start from scratch.
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5 years ago, starlight&darkness
Hey so... I really enjoyed this game until now (except when beautiful outfit items costed too many gems) but what I came here to say was I haven’t been able to open this game for at least two days. I emailed FF but they haven’t responded yet:( So please fix this game and stop it from crashing! As soon as it is about to open to the home page, it crashes. UPDATE: I emailed FF and I was informed to delete the app and reinstall it. However, this deleted my account which hadn’t been linked to Facebook or email. Thankfully, FF was able to restore my account! I’m grateful that they were able to and will give another star. (Also I wish another chapter would come out soon)
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4 years ago, hgjkijll
I love this game. It’s SUPER fun. But like, I went to open the app didn’t load. I thought it was just my connection but- I realized it wasn’t that it was just not loading! It was frozen. It would load until one point and then it would just freeze and stop. I thought maybe it wouldn’t last long. But now every time I wanna play it doesn’t load and it freezes....I don’t know what’s happening but I can’t play now- I don’t wanna delete the game bc then I’ll loose my progress. Anyone else experience this? How do I fix it. I wanna continue playing this game :(
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2 years ago, one direction is per-fecr
Great game! i’m addicted!
i had this game a long time ago and i loved it, but it had stopped working. now i got it back and i can’t stop playing it! i love the different outfits, challenges, characters, and competitions! one thing i wish was different is the fact that you are required to do the master levels. to craft certain things for normal levels, you need prizes you get from completing master levels, which are way harder, and cost more coins and gems. if we weren’t required to do the master levels, then this would have a perfect 5 stars from me. but overall, this game is great, and it cures boredom! keep it up! 👏
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3 years ago, silver is my favourite colour
This is getting outta hand
ok so first, I can’t open the game after the maintaince and it’s been like this for 2 hours like this and other players are facing this issue too! I’ve downloaded and reinstall the game but it never worked! The adms never reply to us and packs are too expensive, I would rate this game 0 stars if I could! I’ve been playin since October 2020 and the game was better 9 months ago... And yes the chapters are too expensive and the recent updates are horrible and change the weekly and daily tasks back! My internet is good and I can’t play the game while I use use other apps! Fix this FF team! Also make packs cheaper and stop cheaters from LB! I’ve blocked loads of cheaters and it’s getting super annoying! Just fix all the bugs, after a single update, there are tons of bugs
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4 years ago, Kit-kat love
Love this app but...
I love this app it’s so much fun and there’s so many options but... it’s was wondering could diamonds and hearts be a little easier to save up because as you progress, more and more items are purchased with diamonds rather then with coins. I’m also having trouble with another thing. So I first got this app on my kindle and my account is linked to me email, but when I try to log into my account from my iPhone, it doesn’t work. I don’t know what to do and this is extremely frustrating. Other than that I love this game so much just please please please fix the account thing.
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3 years ago, reviewer#34
Love it every day!!
I go on this everyday for the daily bonuses and i have never been disappointed with them. The chapters are so fun to complete and they are always coming up with new outfits. Its like the paper doll of the digital age!!! A must try I love the events you keep adding and the login bonuses you get for checking in everyday. At first I wasn’t a big fan of the change in the interface but now that I’m used to everything again it’s really convenient. Great job with the app keep working on it because its really fun to play thank you 🙂
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2 years ago, Emme bear
Too Many Issues
Really enjoyed playing this game until today. I logged in this morning and everything was fine but when I just went to log in again 5 minutes ago EVERYTHING had changed! I’m on the wrong level now, I am supposed to be level 87 but it put me back to level 67, you took away all of my recent purchases including the Gem fountain that I just purchased yesterday, the outfit boxes that I was working on and almost completed were reset to zero, My chapter levels are wrong because I had completed them all and was patiently waiting for new ones to arrive, my energy, coin and gem totals are COMPLETELY OFF and the list goes on! YOU NEED TO FIX THIS PROBLEM NOW! Way too many glitches for a game that charges you to do anything. It used to be fun but now it’s crap.
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5 years ago, GlamGirl😘
Bug fix
Ok so the bug that wouldn’t let you earn your rewards for the current event, it said in your mail that you can log out to fix it. So I did yet I forgot my password. Now, NORMAL apps have something that says “forgot your password” or something then it sends you and email tat lets you fix it. Well fashion fantasy DOSENT. I had so much progress. I had over 50,000 coins over 100 gems and over 100 hearts. I was on like level 40 something and had just gotten a BUNCH of new items. But guess what?? It’s allllll gone?? Oh! And also guess what?? Today was my 13TH BIRTHDAY. Good job. PLEASE FIX THIS!! And I bet you if people read this they will delete the app. I’m really mad. All you have to do is add a few words and send us an email to fix it. But if there wasn’t a bug, this would’ve NEVER HAPPENED.
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5 years ago, chloe.adams.utah
Server response cannot be parsed
I love this game and everything about it!! It the best fashion game out there!!! The only thing I have a problem with is that you can’t really get gems a lot I know you can get h for the lookbook thing. That’s where I get like all of my gems. I also play this game like everyday it’s sooo bad!!! But today when I went to go play it said “Server response cannot be parsed “ I did everything I could to Mel it work. Went on a different WiFi, turned off my iPod completely, closed all of the windows and opened and reopened it again and again!!! Please help me and fix this.
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2 years ago, BluDarkwynd
Fashion…Without The Fantasy
I seriously would have given this game 5 stars if it wasn’t for the witchery, magic, and other fantasy characters. I loved this fashion game because the outfits are spectacular. The shoes are fabulous, sleek and well designed (considering that some fashion games feature this big, clunky, Herman the monster shoes which aren’t attractive for la femmes). The makeup, accessories, etc. are graphically beautiful as well. My only wish is that the developers of this game design another game just like this one with fabulous clothes without the Fantasy characters. Beautiful fashions and accessories other than that❤️
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3 years ago, Love profusion
Dressing Up An Avatar
If You Are Looking For A Game To Dress Up An Avatar And Play Quick Tasking Chapters & Spend A Lot Of Your Own Money! This Game Is For You! The Only Thing That Is Keepijg This Game Going Is The Actual Players Make Events And We Have to Put Up Our Own Money To Make Flowers, Gems & Coin Events! The Game Puts Put New Events Every 9-10 Days Which Doesn't Give You Enough time to finish Previous Event If You Don't Put in your own real money to finish it! I Would Say it will cost you at least $25-&45 an event depending on what they throw out there! So you are looking to spend over 100 dollars a month or more especially if you are buying extra flower packages etc. (you get my drift) So you are better off playing a real game then spending money here on dressing up a fake person lol! Hope this helps!
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2 years ago, cssmssg
Umm where do I start
The game overall is great. It is very pricey though and I get stuck on chapters a lot. I do not like how they don’t let you unlock the next level unless u do this or that. Besides that the game is actually really fun and I really enjoy playing it. I was not joking about what I said though. All the errors are not letting me enjoy the game anymore. I would really appreciate if u considered nocking the prices down a bit. Thanks for making this game though. It is so inspirational and I love it. I love the look book and the community too.
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4 years ago, Dazzled_By_Edward82
Used to be Fun to play- now nothing but cheating and lagging
Lags constantly and the drop rates are horrible. This game takes all your gems for ridiculously expensive items and then during “challenges” it drops the same items over and over and you can never collect all of the items in a section. It’s set up for users to fail and for the makers to profit! Will probably be deleting soon! Oh and the “help” they give you is to basically claim it’s all chance and you’re just having bad luck. Yeah, really mature to blame the customer for how YOU set up the game for you to make profit and his players lose money/gems/ etc About sick of the cheating game!! If I could give it no stars right now I would!
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5 years ago, Fataztaz
Must Have Fashion Game...
I love this game so much ! Hands down the best fashion game you can have! The clothes are everything, and the earnings are very easy. You always have a chance to earn both diamonds and coins. The competitions are so fun and stylish! You can get inspiration from other players and have fun with your style. I don’t really have any complaints regarding the game except maybe more opportunities to test your style and earn more rewards, or I really love the tasks that earn outfits and earnings! Keep those up, but this game is absolutely entertaining and organized.
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5 years ago, Turtle's Music
Love this game but stuck
I love this game but I have been stuck on Level 9 (Normal) & Level 8 (Master). I have already sent this message and all that I was told was that the new levels will be opening soon, it this have been this way for the past two months. May 12, 2019 *update) I was told that the new levels would be open in May. Well, this is May 12th and there is now new levels and I am still where I was several months ago. The first rating that I ga e was 3 out of 5 stars and I was asked if I could change my ratings well I have changed it from 3 stars to 2 stars because after months of complaining (from me) and promises (from them) NOTHING HAS CHANGED, I AM STILL STUCK ON LEVEL 9 (NORMAL) & LEVEL 8 (MASTERS) and nothing have changed!!!
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