Are you the fastest typist in the entire world? Think your texting skills are the best of your friends? It's time to find out! Using Game Center you can see who the fastest typist is and compare your typing scores with friends and family. It's time for the world to be put to the test and one thing is for sure--This is going to be an interesting experiment! "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is an English-language pangram, which is a phrase that contains all of the letters of the alphabet. It has been used to test typewriters and computer keyboards, and is given as our test in Fast Typer. The test begins when you strike the first key and each mistake is counted against you. FEATURES - Quick typing test provides you with how fast you can type in words per minute (wpm). - High Scores with Game Center allow you to compare your scores with the entire world or your friends and family. - Retina Display Graphics so it looks great on the latest devices. - Typewriter animations and sounds make it feel like a real test. - Tap Info and Share to e-mail your friends a download link with your best score. As always your positive reviews and feedback keep the free apps coming! Fan us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at Contact us at our Forums at