Fox Business: Invested In You

3.1 (946)
80.9 MB
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Current version
Fox News Network, LLC
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
14.0 or later
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User Reviews for Fox Business: Invested In You

3.13 out of 5
946 Ratings
4 years ago, Pat_SD
Home Screen Lockup
I have used the Fox Business App for several years and it has worked without incident. I upgraded to an iPhone 11 Pro Max in May and upgraded to the latest version of IOS 14 in the last few weeks. Since doing the IOS 14 upgrade, the Fox Business App Home Screen locks up with an opaque smear and a spinning dial. I can get past this condition by selecting a news category at the bottom of the App screen and viewing an article. I can clear the Home Screen problem by powering down the iPhone and resetting, but the problem comes back eventually. This never used to happen with my old iPhone 6 Pro Max prior to May. Not sure if the problem lies with the iPhone 11, IOS 14.x or the Fox Business App. Is anyone else experiencing this problem with an iPhone ? Thanks.
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3 years ago, Tjorth
Bugs as Persistent as their News
Like the news, but the apps can be buggy. Two bugs I mention here. First, when they have a list of items in an article (E.g.—“ These five states...have the lowest worker-to-job ratios in the country:”), the list does not display. Never get to see which five states the article was about. Exceedingly irritating to not not be able to see the primary info an article was written about like that. Second, pictures. Once upon a time, you could click on a picture and zoom in on it to see more detail, like your photos. An update a long while back did away with that. Now, zooming is no longer possible. Why?!? It’s basic functionality for the Apple iOS system. Did they hire someone to program it out of existence? Small, but very irritating when I want to see a picture in more detail than the native screen real estate on my small phone will allow. Finally, click-bate title choices. (E.g.—“These five states have tightest labor shortage.” Or, “So-and-so said THIS...!”) Hate them with a passion. So sad to see Fox News stoop so low.
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3 years ago, Oneearedman
Add Radio Link
Every morning I listen to mornings with Maria on my phone, but as soon as she goes off air, or even before sometimes I’ll switch over to CNBC on my phone. I want to listen and be able to go to my other apps on my phone at same times i.e. TD Ameritrade and others. When watching Fox business you have to stay in the App. I can go in and out of various Apps on CNBC while listening. I’d rather listen to Fox business from your app I understand there’s probably ways I could listen to Fox business on a different app but it seems to be like a link to radio listening to Fox business would be very easy to add to the app just like CNBC has done. Thank you!
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2 years ago, Mr. Mytzelplix
Good for news but needs work!
Good for current news but ads are sneaky and mixed in with legitimate articles. When reading/expanding comments the page will jump all over the place. Recently, link out ads have been placed so you link out when trying to scroll down…very sneaky as well, guys! Fix that one fast! Comments about this app the same as Fox news app but for one request…could you please include more market analysis and ‘hot stocks’ that are worth looking at from market analysts you frequently have on TV?
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10 months ago, Cant see videos
Video never play
I have had 2 different iPhones and both freeze when videos start to load. I have checked/changed multiple settings to no avail. I cant give a higher rating until the issue is resolved I received an update stating to review it again. I did and no change. There is a video on the site call is the 60/40 portfolio back. That video will not load and it locks up. I only give this as a reference for you to investigate most all lock up. FOX news video mostly play without issue. It seem if I get a spinning circle the video don't load if i get the spinning stars the video will load and play I am currently using iphone 15 pro 17.1.1
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4 years ago, Error Reporting 2020
Smooth App, But Images Load Slowly
The app is generally smooth, but the images loading causes it to lag/buffer. Maybe try reducing the size of your images to speed up loading time, and reduce cellular data usage. This is with respect to the stories on the “Home” page. Thank you. Future Improvements: - Add a section where you can actually search for a stock, or company news; as this is lacking for a “Business App” - Add a cellular data saving mode; where images do not load, in order to save data - Ability to adjust font size - add some “small business news”; upcoming companies, new companies, new ideas in business/entrepreneurship; TAILOR YOUR APP TO ALL PEOPLE INTERESTED IN BUSINESS - MORE ANALYST MARKET PERSPECTIVES! Sit down with bankers, mortgage brokers, investors, CEOs of companies; ask them their opinion on the market, what they are looking at, trends, future, future investments to make; You are a news network correct? Please provide the news. That’s all for now. Thanks.
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5 years ago, 66443
I am so hooked on Fox Business. The information is always reported correctly and in a timely manner. I have been fascinated by the stock market for many years. You always report the news in interesting and entertaining ways. Every time I say I’m not going to spend so much time watching tv, I see Varney, Neil, Dagen, and Laura and I’m hooked again. Whenever I talk with family and friends who don’t watch Fox, they just hang on my every word and ask for more news! Great job!!!!
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11 months ago, CWag1635
Fox is the best!
No station gives you accurate information and coverage as the Fox broadcasting does. They have such wonderful, accurate coverage on each one of the different media networks. It’s the only station my husband & I watch. Our adult children feel the same way. Thank you to the Murdoch Family for everything you do to bring us such honest coverage through out your media company.
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4 years ago, A.Chupp
Ads loud and a few kinks
There weren’t always ads when streaming live tv. The app used to just go to a silent still shot during commercial breaks. The coming of advertisements isn’t bothersome, but the volume/amperage boost is and makes it impossible to use fox new or fox business as background noise whilst working. I switched away from the CNBC app because of the louder volume during breaks and will as well with the Fox offerings if it doesn’t change. That would be losing a viewer who watches Varney every morning and bounces between fox and fox business the rest of the day.
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3 years ago, afleetalexgirl27
Needs more work
The Fox News app has possibilities but as a long time investor the number one thing I need is a list of latest markets in a table form to quickly scan. Unfortunately CNBC does this correctly and I have to put up with their left leaning news trump hating headlines to access the great up to date markets in concise form Get with it fox! I would much prefer to use your app!
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3 years ago, Sandevt
Won’t let me watch live tv!
The app let me watch for 10 minutes then shut off and told me to log in with dish. Yes, I am logged in with dish. It doesn’t matter! It wants me to download the app, except I am trying to watch on the app so obviously I have it! I have watched Fox on my phone since it began but for several weeks I haven’t been able to. I’m just disgusted. Update: I did manage to relog in and for one evening was able to access Fox. Now if I try to watch live tv on Fox or Fox business a pop up window tells me I “am not authorized to view this and to contact my provider,” whom I am still logged into. Back to Newsmax.
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4 years ago, Connie1070
Do not Download both Fox News and Fox Business Apps
I mainly watch and read Fox News. I decided to download the Fox Business App because when I clicked on a Business related story, it would take me to the Fox Business website which took time to load. Now when I click on a Business related story on FN App, it opens the FB App. After reading the story and selecting the back arrow to return to FN, the FN App has crashed and now has to reload again. Very, very annoying when you consider this happens constantly. I use the FB & FN Apps which are the latest version on my iPad Air. FIX IT PLEASE !!!
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4 years ago, Possum Joe
Not working as expected
I expected to receive fair and balanced news and economic reporting and notifications. This app on several occasions pushed left leaning news notifications and I noticed this has gradually increased versus fair and balanced and conservative news as were their roots and reasons why I started watching in the first place. Therefore, the app was deleted. When you bash my president with no supporting evidence other than your own opinion, your app gets deleted. I previously deleted the Fox News app for the same reason and have stopped watching both channels on the TV and internet altogether. Goodbye Fox.
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3 years ago, Cackalacky211
Cross links and links to articles are bad
Anytime a story I read is cross linked to Fox Bus., it never pulls up the article. Now some of the articles on the main page feed will never allow you to “read more”. The links are bad. Overall, pretty bad app from a functional standpoint. Whoever is doing your coding should actually try the app out on their phone. These are not recent issues but have been going on for a long time.
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5 years ago, Morg13084
Overall, vast improvement to the app, and fantastic branding. However, everytime I scroll a page and touch a link, a new window opens. I don’t tap it, I’m scrolling and new windows open. Old app used to require a tap and release to open, not just the tap/scroll. Really obnoxious to have interruptions when viewing content on mobile.
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3 years ago, kilo411
Screen locking up
Yes I am also having this problem with the screen locking up and the wheel spinning constantly, you can also get out of this mode by double clicking the home button and deleting the page. I just loaded the app and the problem persisted immediately.
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1 year ago, LMilzSA
App User Experience
I use a lot of apps. This app is one of the most user friendly and intuitive. I follow markets and business closely and rely on Fox Business App with deep appreciation for the experience and information. It’s a critical tool for my strategic thinking as I lead our organization.
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2 years ago, weareRu?
Fox News on iOS
At least once week the app runs but I has no audio. This is true on any iOS device I try. Next day it all works! Very frustrating. The apps are logged in to my xfinity account to get authorization. My cable TV works and so does the xfinity stream app on the iOS device. Just not through your app. I’ve tried deleting the app restarting devices and reinstalling. All to no avail. Just wanted you to know. Probably happens to many others. Please investigate. Thank you.
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2 years ago, GlassMostlyEmpty
Can’t leave a comment below articles
I’m signed up, signed in. Anytime I try to leave a comment, or just try to thumbs up, the app takes me to my profile page. But my profile is completely filled out. Doesn’t matter if I’m on the FoxNews app and click into an FBN story from there, or if I’m directly on the FoxBusiness app. So, not sure what’s the problem. FoxNews app articles work great, just not FoxBusiness articles… iPhone 12 mini
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4 years ago, Doug B. PDX
I Was So Blind
This evening, my grandchildren came to visit. They had asked what I thought of all this BLM stuff, and I responded with what I thought was the normal public opinion. That they’re much too violent and are ONLY hurting their own people! However, my granddaughter took the time to show me other narratives, and even showed me some videos on why Fox News is unreliable. Gosh, when I tell you I was SHOCKED. I never knew how much propaganda I was being told! Please, other republicans, Fox News is a terrible source. I beg of you to find other alternatives like I did.
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4 years ago, toogte
Energy independence
While watching a segment they were talking about Wall Street being giddy about Biden.i don’t agree with it because with energy prices being so low people can afford to invest their saving in the stock market or spend that money on other things also cheaper to manufacture products thus keeping our economy humming
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11 months ago, MarSarasota
Fox Business stopped working on my IPad
I am now unable to watch Fox Business tv on my iPad. I can watch Fox News tv but not Fox Business. I see to have both but now I cannot even see the setting in the app or in my tv provider App. PLEASE FIX ASAP
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5 years ago, casacollins
Good app with some Fox News overlap
The good: a handy way to access business stories that might get buried on the Fox News app. Some cross-posting, which is OK. The bad: big data hog and waaaaay too much video content. If I want to watch TV, I will turn on the TV. The gnarly: some headlines with one word in ALL CAPS really cheapen the look and feel. Gives a tabloid vibe. Please fix.
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6 months ago, Scotty-MB
App is lame
There has never been a search feature and it always has difficulty remembering that I have already logged in. It forces me to login every time I comment and today won’t even recognize I am already logged in. Fox was once, perhaps, fair and balanced but not so much anymore. Often when I open the app there’s no articles at all, just videos from their live TV that are all opinions from their talking heads.
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3 years ago, GB3_Boomer
The Fox Business app must have reciprocity
The Fox Business app ignores users who get rerouted to it from the Fox News app, and requires valid Fox News users to log on again but using a different account. The Fox Business log on procedures seem incompatible between mobile and PC platforms. The mobile app does not allow users to log off or log on options. At least, it doesn't for iPhone 12 users on IOS version 15.1.1
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3 years ago, JBIMMPE
We now know that Fox is no better than Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other greedy tech or news companies. They constantly talk about needing to have choices and not being tracked by the likes of Facebook but Apple’s new policy just exposed them as well. I have loved Fox News for decades and now I feel I need to find a better alternative! You can pay for an app with generic ads so why the need to track all my activities?!
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4 years ago, hugetoelover4life
Don’t get this app
I got this app because Fox News is one of my favorite news sources. Well it was one of my favorites. I downloaded this app and everything was fine the first couple days I used it until it gave my phone a virus and it made my phone die faster. My phone would give me random ads which gave me more viruses. Then I just had to get a new phone because of it. Not only that I found out Fox News was very biased and was not a reliable news source.
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5 years ago, A Mad Chemist
Deleted because it won’t link properly to Fox News
The Fox News app has links embedded to articles in the Fox Business app. Clicking on one of those links opens the FBN app but almost never goes to the right article. Deleting the Fox Business app results in the correct page being opened in my browser. Problem solved. I can get business info with the apps from MarketWatch and Yahoo Finance instead.
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6 months ago, Huck Mansmann
Quick Switching App
When you are watching Fox Business Live with the app, it keeps switching without notice from the live show to reruns of other shows. Typically switches from Mornings With Maria or Varney to Cudlow. When taking commercial breaks, the app shows a splash screen telling us to download the app.
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10 months ago, 124572627;!
Apps videos do not work
Guys, you make a lot of money, fix the darn thing. I also cannot stand when I am on the Fox News app and I click on a story and launches the business app. The whole thing looks to be very low budget filled with band aids. Another thought, too much redundancy with fox news and fox business, I guess you can’t figure out what you want to be. Videos do not work in fox business, these are the basics.
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1 year ago, Kc jets
Stock quotes
You’re substandard app is useless when I try to use it to track the main indexes price. When the stock market opens it does not update right away, so the price it displays is not accurate. For example, today at the open, the app was showing the NASDAQ down 300 points so I checked another app to confirm and sure enough, it showed to be down approx. 35 points. Today is the last time I’ll use your app!!!!!
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5 years ago, Nahoosiers
Please adjust the sensitivity of your hyperlinks. As you scroll through the articles, any touching of a link immediately takes you to another page. All I want to do is read the article I’m on, not constantly close links that weren’t meant to be opened.
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5 years ago, Buzzyanne
Thanks to Fox Business for a better-than-average video news app. Have you considered offering live-streaming through monthly or annual subscriptions? Packages could be tiered for Fox Business and/or Fox News and/or radio. Those of us who have cut the cord are still willing to pay for premium content such as yours.
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3 years ago, Cdkas1
I would’ve given 5 stars as I think it’s a well performing and user friendly app, however I sometimes need to exit the screen and check an email, msg or something and it clears so I have to re load it each time.
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5 years ago, gt5938c
I don’t get it
Why remove futures? Also why change logo to make it look more like regular Fox News. Fox Business has it’s own personality and it is not productive to make it almost indistinguishable from FNC. While we are at it, TV screen now looks incredibly busy and you have to squint to see the market numbers. Too bad. Now I’ll be forced to download CNBC and withstand their liberal viewpoint on everything...
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2 years ago, j offs
A way to read responses to my posts
How bout a symbol at the top of the page I can hit that will take me to responses to my posts. Can’t find any presently Also When posting if I hit the … at the top of the page it says feedback….nothing to do with the app. This page should be there
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2 years ago, Pschwin
It would be nice if you would show the closing stock price until at least 7 PM eastern time before you start showing futures for the next trading session. It is very annoying at 4:01 PM that it only shows futures on the app and not the closing prices.
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4 years ago, Sean M. ATC
Garbage software
When the app works whether on my smartphone or on my TV, it’s great. BUT!, it doesn’t work. When you have to “sign in” 3 or more times one right after the other just to watch your program in addition to the app running slow, glitching, crashing, etc., the software used for this app (mostly for streaming on smart TVs) is just absolute garbage. Don’t waste your time, use a different platform to get your business news.
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5 years ago, DavEfromSpace
Frequently can’t stream live TV
Many times, usually late at night or early morning, I’ll get a “Server Error” message and I’m unable to watch Fox Business live. I usually have no problem streaming Fox News live. My iPad is only 2 years old and runs the latest iOS. When this happens, I have the same problem streaming Fox Business live on my desktop computer on all my browsers: Explorer, Firefox, Chrome. Also happens on my iPhone.
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2 years ago, JBrown904
Stock Quotes Would be Great
I enjoy the news and articles from Fox Business. However, I still need to maintain CNBC app on my phone despite my desire to NOT use it. Primarily for my stock watch list. Any chance Fox Biz will add that feature soon? Thank you!
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12 months ago, life_goes_on_
Needs major improvements
The ads & sponsored content is absolutely disgusting. I don’t want to see those nasty ads while I am scrolling through the app. Also a lot of information is either up-loaded to late or not soon enough for investors and traders to get a feel of the current market. Do better!! It’s 2023
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5 years ago, TexasT40
Latest update messed up app
I use an iPhone 6, if that makes a difference. A few months ago I started having trouble with the Fox News app. After the commercials ended, the news program had no audio. I discovered that using the Fox Business app to view the Fox News channel solved the problem. It’s been working great—until today. This app randomly switches away from Fox News to a clip from Fox Business. Fix it—PLEASE!!!
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4 years ago, A Serendipitous Find
Fox News app misdirects in the Fox Business app
When I see a news story in The Fox News app, then You are directed to the Fox Business site, BUT it doesn’t take you to the news story in the Fox Business app. Instead it takes you to a general index, and you have to scroll through it to find the story that you want to read. You would think that the apps in these sister companies would coordinate much better.
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4 years ago, peachyisbleachy
a nightmare
absolutely TERRIBLE. i was a big fan of fox news so i downloaded many of their apps. i regret ever downloading those apps, including this one. my battery was drained extremely fast, everything was so glitchy and when it isn’t glitching, it freezes. exiting the app was even hard. the amount of times i had to restart my phone is ridiculous. i don’t see why anyone would like this app. 0/10
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4 years ago, 1956caddy
I don’t know how to get this to you my fox app was removed from my Apple phone they left the business but they remove Fox News and I can’t get it back as an icon on my Apple phone
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2 months ago, Wordtrap
Love your show! I care about words and connotations. Could your program drop the label “working-class”. It connotes a lower category of people at the same time it affirms we are a class-stratified nation. Rhetorically, we are a classless society. What are the other classes ? The thinking-drinking class? The intellectual class? It’s a snobby label, time-worn and meaningless People who work are our nation’s human capital. We would be a failed nation without them. Ann Louise Hogan Retired
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5 years ago, Mac Jit
Content great but the interface is horrible
The quantity of links in the stories, that automatically are selected merely by scrolling, is infuriating. I love the content but I am being forced to dump the app due to their policy to try to get ad revenue via false clicks. Just make the UI legit. I’ll click on a link if I want to know more. Don’t play click bait games please. It damages your reputation.
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2 years ago, mecadvise
Problem with your app
I assume you guys realize that that your NASDAQ futures data has been incorrect for quite awhile now I’ve relied on this app for years but must must look elsewhere because every morning what you show for the NASDAQ futures is way off
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3 years ago, lleeds
Fox Business App
Awful. When I post a comment it says you have to be logged in. I am logged in. Then I try to log out. The log out will not let me log put on my ipad or iphone So I deleted the App and reinstalled. Same results. Now it says I am logged in but when I post a comment it comes up saying you must be logged in. OMG. Waste of time. So I deleted the App again. Terrible
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4 years ago, Not a fan of website
User of website
Recent changes make the ease of use much more difficult. When you click on a link for a particular story you do not go directly to that story but must sift through many other stories to locate the one you were interested in. I have tried to get use to it but I am giving up and will probably not continue to view your site.
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