4.5 (777)
367.3 MB
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Last update
6 years ago
Version OS
7.0 or later
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User Reviews for FRAMED

4.52 out of 5
777 Ratings
7 years ago, Rawrmyun
Short, but sweet. 9/10
One of the most innovative games I've played. It's clear a TON of effort went into this, and the animation/music/details are simply amazing. Puzzles start off easy but quickly ramp up in difficulty, with twists added in like being able to rotate frames (which then triggers an entirely different animation!), or readjust frames in real time. Yet, for anyone experienced with puzzles, the game will only last you around two hours, and there's virtually no replay value after you're done. However, due to the sheer innovation and beautiful execution of this novel game, I still gave it 5 stars nonetheless. Besides, considering that each individual frame requires a distinct animation, and considering that animation can change based on the frames sequence as well as whether it's been rotated or not, I can't blame an indie team for not having more stages lol. Can't wait for the sequel coming out tmw! 👍
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7 years ago, Kioyre
Interesting! Kinda love it
It takes a lot for me to truly like a game but Framed, I believe, is different. Though a lot more tweaks could be issued to heighten the placing experiences (settings, more logical gameplay, a story...). I would love this game even more if there were maybe some cut scenes that explain why we have a guy running away? Who is the guy? Who is the old guy? Who do they work for? (Well, I haven't finished the game but I'd love to know!) Adding these little features would go a long way and make this game worth its price. I may have gotten t for free this week, but I'd definitely spend a few bucks if I had the chance. All in all, love his game so far!
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7 years ago, Paxton709
Minor but persistent problems
This game is by far one of my favorites. I enjoy how much effort has been put into this game. There are so many minimal aspects that just adds that special touch. To the ties of the policemen swaying and the coat of the male spy flapping as he moves. It is all truly wonderful. But there are some problems that I hope can be fixed. When the male spy jumps from the top of the building into the truck, when the panels are moved the game lags then crashes. But normalizes upon the restart of the game. Another point is when the police chief (or the man in white gloves) is standing at the phone booth and the female spy is standing in the dark. As soon as the game loads that part of the level the game crashes several times. This is even after I restart the game and device. The last point in which the game crashes is when the female spy drugs the male spy and leaves the building, only to spot a taxi carrying the 'police chief'. When the time comes to rearrange those two panels, the game crashes, but normalizes upon the game being restarted. The last few things are really small. Sometimes the square panels that can rotate can glitch out and rapidly switch between their two states but in no way does it impede gameplay. Thank you for taking the time to read this, (if you do anyway) and hope that it can be fixed
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7 years ago, onedillionmollars
Heavy trial-and-error but fun gameplay
I don't know if I'd call this a puzzle game. Puzzle games are bound by logic, whereas Framed attempts to stay consistent but sometimes gets lost in its lack of restrictions. Nowhere is this more relevant than in scenes with multiple exits, such as a 3-way intersection. The character will enter from one of the directions, obviously, but then has two possible exits... which one will it choose? You'll just have to press play to find out. And that results in scenes you aren't likely to get out of on your first try except through dumb luck. Even if there is a primordial direction in which the character is supposed to be heading which is magically unaffected by rotation, the game doesn't explain it. Ultimately, however, I've chosen to rate this game four stars on artistic merit, as it still remains an innovative if illogical experience. Whether it's worth playing to you will depend on how you feel about trial-and-error gameplay, and if that phrase conjures up negative thoughts in your mind, then it comes down to whether or not the game's unique style can quell that sensation within you.
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7 years ago, Zipper man140
If you are thinking about getting this app, stop right now and just do it already. Delete something if you need the space. This game is worth every byte. The core mechanic is beautifully implemented. The story is great and plays off the aforementioned mechanic in a clever way. I wish the animation was a bit less corny but it is hard to create silhouette animations for tiny characters that are clear and concise in their purpose. So the corniness is probably a unavoidable evil. Great game can't wait for the sequel. This idea is worth more than its current price of free. Thanks for creating a great experience.
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7 years ago, KeelWeed420
This game is awesome! Props to the devs! It's very engaging and really makes you think. Although very challenging at certain points, it really hooks you in. Message to the devs: This game is really short. But amazing! I know it just came out but you should really add on to it. Also, one thing I found kinda annoying was when it takes FOREVER to watch the scene play. If you could add a fast motion button, it would make the game a thousand times better!!!! Thank you for considering my comments!!! Good luck!!!
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7 years ago, JAJAJADE192928
I loved that it was free?
I got this app for the free app of the week. I really enjoyed messing around with it when I had the time. It was fun and challenging yet not impossible to solve. However I would not have payed for this app considering how short it was. I finished it in about three days and throughout those days I only played for about 20 minutes. The game lasted about and hour. I was happy to see the next day framed 2 was released, but it costs $5!!! Not gonna get framed 2 and I wish they made it and ad on to framed 1 not a separate and excited expensive app.
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7 years ago, I has problems
Oh dear lord
Man, do I love these puzzle mechanics, it's similar to The Pedestrian in terms of mechanics but oh man does the jazz and comic book art style make it for me I love the tone of the music and how the music itself doesn't distract you as much so you can focus on solving the puzzles and that the fact is that these puzzles are 100% fair (except the phone booth one) All-in-all really great game for anyone that likes puzzles and problem solving. Some might be unexpected but that just makes the game oh so much better
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7 years ago, Huisfibueveviubfv
Great Game
I usually never write reviews for games, but this was absolutely amazing. The graphics were stunning, the music was beautifully composed and was very appropriate for the game. The way the spy took out the cops was very creative and was very fun to watch. I would love to get the second one, but almost five dollars is a little much. I only got this because it was the free app of the week. I hope that Framed 2 appears in the free app of the week because the first one was so great!
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7 years ago, Kayla simmers
A different kind of game
I downloaded this game because I needed something to do. I am so glad I chose this game because it was probably the best game I've ever played. I love these kinds of games where you have to move different outcomes around to make it the best one! This game was confusing as hell for me but I LOVE this game and I am sad to see that the sequel is not free but I'm sure it's worth the money. Totally recommended this game to everyone!
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7 years ago, BLundC
Good but glitches
This game is so much fun for me and my friend to play! I think all the little details make it extra special. However there is one very persistent detail. My friend's game always crashes when she is done with a level, and then she has to restart because it doesn't save. I'm not sure why it only happens to her, and not me. It could possibly be because she has a 6s and I have a 5s. Please, please fix this. We both really love the game, but it is impossible to ignore this problem.
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7 years ago, MikeHatesEverything
Don't believe the hype
Nice, consistent graphics style & immersive soundtrack. Novel idea (pardon the pun). Certainly different from the average game, but has its share of shortcomings. People who talk about the great "story" are imagining things that aren't really there. It's a guy with a briefcase running from incompetent police officers. End of "story." The emperor has no clothes, folks. Not much gameplay, zero replay value. These are its 2 biggest problems. A number of the "puzzles" are switching the only 2 movable panels on the screen. Others defy logic, such as those where the same panel must be used twice — moving it during the animation. The few that do make sense are fun to figure out. Not worth the original price, considering the short amount of play time, but worth checking out for free or maybe even $1.
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7 years ago, Call me whatever you want to
I don't usually write reviews on apps, but this one deserves it! Everything from the music to the design of the game itself was perfect. The story wasn't long but it took me some time to solve the puzzles, because of the 'out of the box' thinking some of them required. Over all one of the best games I have ever played, and I do hope to download more apps from the developers in the future!
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7 years ago, Monybags42
Had to write a review because this game is awesome!
I picked this up free about a week ago and was hesitant playing it, glad I did it's incredible. The game can't be understood just with single shot images and really needs to be played or demoed to know just how good it is. An intuitive puzzle solving game with great, but simple animations. Tempted to buy the second one now just because of this. A must try for any puzzle enthusiast.
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7 years ago, Suzabeth
Beautifully designed, a mix of easy and challenging puzzles, and music I actually wanted to listen to as I played. The only problem was it wasn't long enough at all, but it was the best iPhone game I've ever played (partially because there are no micro transactions you have to pay to have a decent game!) and I will gladly pay full price for the sequel even if it's just as short.
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4 years ago, BOOMOLOGIST
Unparalleled Puzzler
I cannot fully express how great the Framed franchise is. This is purely Grade-A across the board. Dev’s... wow. Such a brilliant concept & a beautiful execution. This is leaps-and-bounds above any other games in the puzzler genre on ALL platforms. Sure the game is rather short & people dock a star off their rating due to it, but from the standpoint of an Animator, can we all take a moment to appreciate how every single frame & animation wherein are works of art in themselves? To all of the Devs involved. THANK YOU
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7 years ago, Gnidder
Original, Fun, and challenging
I play games occasionally and have not seen this style of game play before. It was fun trying to figure out the right sequence of events to achieve the goal. I liked the music, animation, and art. I don't willingly review many games without a prize from the game for reviewing it, but this one made me appreciate the developers so much that I had to so them some love. Great job!
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7 years ago, Pixelsplitter
Quality Game!
FRAMED plays just like it looks on the store page. You switch around panels of a comic, to change the outcome. It's got great music, amazing visuals, and a fair amount of difficulty. Nothing too hard, however-not the most difficult game I've played. It does have a sort of story, although it doesn't have any dialogue and it kind of lost me. Don't expect much there.
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7 years ago, nanosk8
I loved the whole came. The whole "Change the order, change the outcome." was a smart idea. I loved how there's a short alternative ending at the end. I really want to continue the game after I finished it. Keep up the amazing work. I almost never review games, but I couldn't resist for this game. Words can't describe how amazing this game is. I'd play it over and over.
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7 years ago, $tümøñëÿ
There is one flaw...
I love this game and it is very fun, but not when you can't rotate the rotatable panel the right way. On one level I have to rotate the panel so that a wall is horizontal and I can get through but the thing is it won't stop when it's horizontal it will just flip right back to being vertical, and therefore it is impossible to beat that level.
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7 years ago, DS_Gwyndolin
Very good, at first.
The game was so intuitive and smart at the beginning, keeping wall colors in mind to know which direction he would come, easily being able to tell which panel came next, and a lot of fun. Then they added rotating, and long panels. The rotating was fine, but it's when the panels got so complicated I could never tell which panel was gonna come next at a glance. It just got frustrating, and I couldn't finish it, but you may like it.
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7 years ago, Blaz165
Quick To Judge
Honestly, I closed the app after 15 minutes of gameplay just to write this, and that's because that was the best first 15 minutes I got from an iPhone game in a while. The puzzles, animation, and music are all amazing as it's clear a lot of effort was put into making this game. I have almost no complaints to this game.
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7 years ago, buh_bee
Super fun!
I'm not one to write a review for an app, but this game was so fun and interactive i had to let others know this is definitely worth it! It takes a little problem solving to try and get the character to go through the next level, but this awesome. It's different than the regular puzzles and mind exercises. Great game, great graphics.
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7 years ago, GGoose73
Everything about this game is just amazing. The art style, animation, storyline, and game mechanics are all fantastic. Framed is a really unique game that feels almost like watching a movie. Don't expect to get all of the levels right on the first try. I can't describe how much I love this game. Once I started playing, I couldn't put it down. Oh, and it's got great music!
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7 years ago, Batman2287
Love it, but.......
I love this game! I really enjoyed trying to figure out the correct sequence of events. Very unique game and it was addictive. Until.................... IT ENDED! It was too short and I just wanted to play more. I look forward to another one if the developer makes it. Other than its short story line, this was fun to play and I recommend it!
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7 years ago, WeareIM
Not worth it
I finished the game in less than a few hours and it just starts over again. Some of the levels only have two pieces that take 0 mental effort and it would be better to just watch a video at that point. There's only a few levels that take awhile to solve and even then it's not worth the money I paid. Keep your money and get Blackbox or something that's cheaper and worth it.
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7 years ago, MsStarSword
Phenomenal!!!! Love it!
Ok, I love the art style and how you get more and more ways to do things along the way! Just add a speed up button and it'd be virtually perfect in my eyes! I love the music! I love almost everything in this game! One of the coolest games I've found that is this short and sweet! Can't wait till the next one! 10/10 <3
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7 years ago, PinterestPeeved
Love it! Don't quite get it.
So let me just say Rawrmyun's review from 06/13 hits the nail right on the head. This is by far one of the best puzzle games I've played even if it is pretty short and I won't play it twice. It's just incredibly executed. But the story aspect of it left me a little unsatisfied. Maybe It's just me but I don't understand the ending at all. Someone wanna explain it to me? Lol. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED either way.
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7 years ago, Puppy23144
I just finished playing the game it is amazing! The story is a little confusing to me but the gameplay and art was amazing! I'm so glad it was free because I would have never been able to play it! After playing this I cannot wait for framed 2 to come out! I recommend this game to everyone it's amazing!
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7 years ago, Ih8tnknames
Short but sweet
I'll just echo what others have said. The game is short, taking only a few hours at most and once you complete it there's not much replay value. However it is so well done in design, music, and original game play that you owe it to yourself to check out this title.
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7 years ago, Mommy1325
Great New Fun!
After having a smart phone for many years and continuously downloading new game apps I have to say that this is a fresh take on games. The people who programmed it had to take great care in making every scenario play out regardless of your decisions. I loved it can't wait for more levels.
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7 years ago, SlowassSlothCharlie
Super Entertaining
I'm not usually that impressed with App games but this one surprised me. It was short and wasn't always the most challenging but you can tell the developers worked hard and made an enjoyable game. The story is interesting and the puzzle concept is intriguing. I also really love the music.
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7 years ago, M0jzi
Fantastic game
This game is extremely entertaining, after you complete it you will want to get the second one. My only problem is the lack of a menu setting option in order to lower the music (even though the music wasn't too bad).
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7 years ago, LuzHA
Beautiful and challenging
I don't usually leave reviews but I wanted to for this app. The game kept me interested, it was challenging and fun. I absolutely love the Noir comic book illustrations and the music is really great. The game is short but you can tell a lot of work went into making it and I'm hoping for more very soon!
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7 years ago, girlwithLion
Brilliant and intriguing concept!
It's not just a guessing game; you have to pay attention to how each tile plays out so you can logic which order they should be in. The entire mechanism is very different from any game I've ever experienced and I highly recommend this app! It's unique and clever.
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7 years ago, TokenGirl55
Enjoyed this Free game
This is probably one of my favorite free app deals that has been put out. Great fun, with plenty of challenges to keep you interested in playing. My only criticism is that you can't speed up the animation, I work through a lot of trial and error so having no way to speed up the animation kinda slows down game play. Otherwise, great game!
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7 years ago, Hi66174
Beautifully crafted but too short
I loved playing Framed, it was different and at points really made you think. The graphics and animation was beautifully done as well. I just wished I could get more without waiting for Framed2. I finished the game within a matter of hours, and although I loved it all, really wish there was more.
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7 years ago, happyfoodie🍟
One of the Best
I enjoyed this game a lot! It challenged me on how to figure out different outcomes in order for the story to continue, and it was a pleasure to watch how it all plays out. Whoever came up with this concept is very smart and creative; I admire that! All the little details make a big difference! 👌🏼🕵🏻‍♀️✨
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7 years ago, boobyrt
Interesing and unique
It was much different than i expected, i was hooked as soon as i started to understand the game, a great and unique puzzle game where you change the entire story with the different pieces that are given. Top notch unique game, there better be a second one as said.
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7 years ago, Wildflowergirls
Awesome but short
I loved this game! It was very creative and was a fun experience. I only wish that the game was longer... I didn't want to stop playing! The ending was a little confusing though. The ending was interpretive though, so it wasn't a big deal. Overall, a great game to exercise your mind!
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7 years ago, Jstroud15001
Framed 2
Omg this game is so addicting. I just started playing it and I think I finished the game already. But I cant tell if it just replayed the whole game for me or not or if there are just more levels but if it is over can u guys please make a framed 2,3, 4 or just make it really really long plz I love this gam
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7 years ago, Nuntendo
Well done in some respects, but severely lacking.
This game is not worth the price you pay. Is it nice to look at? At times, sure. But that does not compensate for the ease of the levels or the shockingly short game duration. You can blow through this in roughly an hour, and once you do, it has about as much value as a crumpled up newspaper. Severely lacking in content, leaving you dissatisfied and empty handed.
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7 years ago, FredsterHere
Brilliant game.
I wish I heard of this game before. It's so fun, relaxing, and exciting at the same time. I see there is a a part 2 to the game that can be purchased, sounds really worth it. The creativity and thought and artwork really is amazing. Great work. No crashes and super smooth on iPhone 5.
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7 years ago, Won't work omg
Great game
This game is great. I love games that have a story to them, but the problem is that i didnt get the story. Especially the ending. But i love that it's challenging but not too much. I also liked seeing all the different ways it could go. I dont think the game is to short, i think it's a pretty good length. (Unless its because im really bad at it.)
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7 years ago, QueenDee83
Wow! I love puzzles game that can be a challenge and this game is a challenge. I have been looking for a new game to play and saw this was free. It's fun! I haven't seen a game like this before. I don't think the story matters if that matters to you then this isn't your game. I like the artwork and the music. This game is fun!
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7 years ago, Plips558
Innovative approach, practically no story depth
The idea of using movable comic book panels is great, but it leads you to expect an actual story behind the game. There isn't one, and no real climax at the end. This isn't a narrative with great puzzles, it's a puzzler with a very superficial and slightly confusing narrative. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, but just know what you're downloading.
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7 years ago, Finite.Galaxy
Challenging and fun
FRAMED is a fun game that both challenges the brain while telling an interesting story. I personally think that it is a bit short, but the actual game makes up for that. I would recommend this game for anyone who likes a good mystery and puzzling games.
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6 years ago, Boomerboy2009
Deceptively starts easy, but
Fantastic game. Buy it. But late in the game, I can only do a couple of pages at a time. The game forces us to think hard what is happening, and to make logical decisions. I play two pages and my brain is weary. But the game will last for extended fun. Love this game.
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7 years ago, ItsDip
Great Game
I don't download many games but this one is definitely worth it. It's like a moving puzzle (think that's an accurate description). It kept me occupied trying to figure it out. I just wish it was longer.
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7 years ago, Micaylaburatty
This is a really fun game! There is so much detail and stuff that had to go into making it. The only problem is that ever since Framed 2 came out I can't get on the first one. I never got to finish it. I don't know if there was an announcement saying that that I didn't get. But now I'm disappointed.
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