Games for Cats!

3.1 (3.9K)
48.1 MB
Age rating
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Matas Cuplinskas
Last update
11 months ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Games for Cats!

3.15 out of 5
3.9K Ratings
2 years ago, shy kind
I have a female cat that’s three years old and we’ll name her for this Fluffy. So I saw fluffy next to me and thought “Well what if I downloaded this for her?” So, surprisingly it downloaded in a second literally a second. And I played it for my furry friend. She played and was interested but her score would not work for her, only human hands. The rest of the games are money so you have a kinda green sene with an laser that is if you want this game and don’t spend money on it. Depends if cats like this because unlike the reviews my cat was interested. But to unlock anything else it’s money which is frustrating. Since my cat liked it I gave it a three cuz I was about to give it a two. Do I recommend? Not really it’s better just to play with your cat then get them a game. Now the title itself “Depends…” If you put this all together it make somewhat of a great game for Fluffy and other mammals. (cats) There’s probably many other better ones then this. Get it if you want as your cats would possibly love it I recommend for cats who like things that move and cats that like to hunt. Bye have a great day I hope this helped you and your furry friend finding a game. ✨
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12 months ago, AngelicHoney
It’s ok
It looks like a really good game at first but the actual gameplay is just okay. There’s only one free game, all the others you would have to pay for. You can’t go do something else while your cat is playing the game because there is this red timer that will turn off the game after a while. I introduced this game to two of my cats. The first one seemed to like it, and got a few of the targets with his nose although whenever he hit the target with his paw it would count like 70 points or none at all. It also really helped him not be bored and it controlled his aggression towards my other cats. The second cat didn’t really care about it, like he just watched the game and only looked at it whenever it made a sound. He decided the game was boring and went over to my window to watch birds outside. I’m giving it a 3 because it helped my first cat control his anger issues for a bit. (although my two cats got into a fight after playing this game, maybe they were fighting about it??)
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3 years ago, Dimagi
This is a cute idea. The free sample was a very simple imitation of a laser light, and I expected little more, unless I chose to buy this. So for what if is, a free sample, it’s pretty much what it says it is. (Though it should mention all the others are for the bought version). Some cats seem to pay more attention to the TV and screens more than others. My older cat could care less about this little game, but my kitten, who constantly watches TV and my computer screen had a blast with this. So much so, he forgot himself, and bounced back, and rolled off the bed while playing. Thanks for the laugh! I got some cute photos of him playing.
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3 years ago, Apostle Aurelian
Game is weirdly expensive
My cat wasn’t interested but I didn’t really think she would be since she’s never reacted much to things on screens. Downloaded it just to see if she’d poke the screen but she actually started closing her eyes while she watched the dot. Like I said, she knows not to bop screens so I’m not blaming the game for that. The main issue is this game has a lot of ads that pop up randomly and because most touch screens pick up paw pads your cat might accidentally click an ad. The game devs obviously know that cat pads work on touchscreen devices and the placement of the ads seems pretty weird to me. Added to that is how you have to pay money for different skins. One costed five bucks USD I think and another cost three. This seems pretty weird for a very simple game programming wise. All the game does is move an object around the screen in a random pattern and give points when it is clicked. Normally I don’t mind “greedy” games. A dev’s gotta eat and I don’t mind a couple ads and optional shop stuff but this seems excessive.
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2 years ago, Necrite12
Didn’t work
I got this game because my cats seemed bored, and I don’t think you should have to purchase the games that aren’t the laser game. My cats were not interested at all with the laser game, and I wanted to show them the others, then realized you had to buy them. Also, when a purchase thing comes up, it makes a meowing noise, which made all six of my cats either hiss and go away or just run away. Two of my cats were strays, and would much rather chase real animals, and my kittens are growing up outside, so they rather chase bugs or birds. Then my oldest cat just wasn’t interested and hissed when the purchase screen came up because it made the meowing noise. There are also way too many ads, and of course I was watching my cats each play it, and when the ads came up they walked away. In other words, this game doesn’t really work, it’s much better for cats to be playing with real toys or outside than on a game.
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6 months ago, HorsesandUnicornsForever
Didn’t Really Work
I don’t know if this is just with my cat, but it didn’t really work. Let me explain, I downloaded the app (on an IPad so it was big enough for my cat to reach), after I saw it in an ad. I was like, why not try this with my cat? My cat had never been one to chase things, but she seemed to like the app, so I left her alone with it for a bit. However, ignoring the amount of ads the game has, it never counted when she put her paw on the screen. I tapped with my finger, to make sure it was working, and it worked just fine. However when my cat pressed down it didn’t register. I even helped her place her paw down on the laser and it didn’t work. Maybe she was just pressing lightly, but it didn’t work for her and she soon lost interest. Wish it had worked, seems like a pretty neat app!
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4 years ago, atomamber
Horrible AVOID Potential misleading and theft
I’d give 0 stars if I could. The “free” version is a nothing game that lasts like 10 seconds before an ad pops up. So unless you’re there ready to swipe it away, it’s useless as a continuous game to keep your cat busy. Also, I feel like there’s potential theft or something going on here. There was a selection about a free upgrade and I thought sure, maybe this will make it more playable for my new kitten. Imagine my surprise when I get a receipt for a 3.99 purchase I didn’t make...24 hours after I decided to remove the game from my iPad...and it’s not like my cat accidentally bought it because I have Face ID for purchases. The only thing I can think is that I got charged when I hit the thing for the free upgrade. Still not sure why the receipt showed up a day later. It’s 4 bucks. It’s whatever. I just feel like there’s some shady behavior going on with his game.
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3 years ago, Mak the Ripper
Did not work at all for my cat read before you buy the game
I know the game really looks like it would work for cats but still really didn’t work why can’t all I did was look at it and stare. 100% do not recommend it. But I have no idea how it’s working for other peoples cats and why they’re doing it a thumbs up and saying it was a really fun game I mean sometimes I literally just play it by myself because my cat won’t pay that off I’ve only tried it one last time but I still didn’t work so I feel 100% do not recommend it. I bet my cat was like the others maybe not but I just think the stuff has to move faster. And almost forgot there are tons of adds. Totally misleading. Definitely would give it zero stars if I could. I deleted it right after
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2 years ago, Hands0fBlue
About 15 seconds worth of “free” play before a full-screen ad pops up, and then you only have access to one type of level. Additionally, the game launches immediately with no start/options screen and repeatedly takes you straight to trying to start a purchase when you touch anything besides the laser target. Thank goodness for purchase confirmation double-checks or I’d be out $4 for a really bad app. As far as the game function itself, the laser target did not have enough contrast to keep my pet’s attention at all (she loves hunting bugs and watches screens so it’s not a hunting drive or vision issue) and as far as I could tell there was no noise or other type of feedback when she successfully caught the point. Pet immediately lost interest.
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3 years ago, WorkdayGecko
Save your money, this app is one of the worst functioning apps I have ever experienced. My cat loves phone games and really loves this game too. However, getting this game to actually run is a hassle. As soon as I paid to have the adds removed, the game stopped working. The bug I am experiencing seems to overlay the main menu and game level at the same time making the game unplayable. When you start a level and tap the screen the “please wait” screen appears and what the game does next is random. I have reinstalled countless times with no success. I can usually get the app to run after 5-6 times of closing and restarting. I am at the point where I am just done trying to manipulate this poor excuse for an app to work. I WANT MY MONEY BACK
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4 years ago, єитιту_313
The game at first looks amazing and I thought my cat would love it. But when I decided to purchase it it appears I have to buy the mouse and fish level??? This is stupid. It’s a cat game. And the laser pointer my cat has no interest in. I showed it to him, he looked away from it. I know my cat was a stray and must’ve loved hunting mice and birds, so that’s why I downloaded this. And the ads just make it worse. It’s a cat playing it there not gonna just see an ad and be all like oh I think I’m gonna buy that. Cuz it’s not gonna be a person playing this game, it’s made for cats. But if you take away purchasing the levels and the ads I think it would be an awesome game and that my cat would love it.
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4 years ago, N.PRRT
not great 😕
I was sure my cat would like it, he always catches mice and things. HOWEVER, if you are considering getting this for your cat, it doesn’t really work, and knowing my cat likes stuff like this and didn’t play with it is not great. Also, to get all the games, you have to pay 6 dollars! At first you can only do lasers. And the pace is really slow and glitchy! I think this is a really good idea, and hey, maybe it works for some people, but if you want your cat to really have fun, this might not be the app for you. 🐱
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3 years ago, 85lisa85
TOO MANY ADDS!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬
when I was thinking a game for my cat named lily or Leo and I found this game so I look at the review I saw less stars but I download it anyways to see what it’s looks like I was tapping the lasers to show my cat to tap it and she liked it but then too many ads every 30 seconds!so I rated this 1 star cuz some reason my cat keep tapping ads. But there no other games for cats in this app only the laser game...and I want more games for my cat! SO THIS IS RATED 1 STAR RIGHT NOW ! It’s be better if the owner put more games smh 🤦‍♀️ pls don’t play this game it’s the worst! So if u did boom! Ur going to hated it so bad cuz with too many ads ur cats doing and most of the times the ads pop out after 10seconds it’s so stressful 😅😔😟😕🙁☹️😣😖😫😩😤😠😡😠😤😭😭😭😭😭 from-Isabella 9yr
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3 years ago, Kalvin_Jupiter
Good idea but TOOO MANY ADS!
I’ll give it two starts because it is a cat app. My kitten loved playing it but having to watch an ad every minute for them to play is not it sis. There are other apps that I can watch one ad and have continuous play until I close it. That was at least better. Half of the time I’ll watch an ad to unlock it and then it’ll send me straight to a page to pay to unlock the mice and freeze or try to force the purchase and I’ll have to reset the app and watch another ad. Honestly I won’t ever pay for a “cat” app when I can get the same functionality with a laser pen from the dollar store. Good luck developers!
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1 year ago, losereerawn
Good but can be better with a simple addition
My cat enjoys playing with this game. Although the points don't work that well it doesn't matter bc he still has fun. I do wish it had a time limit for when they're alone and switches to different ones by itself. For example its 30 min on laser then switches to mouse, then to birds and so on. It would be good for when im not there to switch it for him or for when he is alone so he wont get bored. Other than that he does enjoy it and its a fun game for him.
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5 years ago, kiana is awsome
It’s fine...
So really don’t spend your money on this game is deserves two stars. When you are on the animals kind then they just go to the bottom which makes your cat not busy. They probably walk away when that happens. I recommend you don’t download the games that do this. I recommend you make or buy a toy for your cat. I’m not saying that you can’t or shouldn’t, it’s your choice. I’m just saying that i didn’t like it much and my cats didn’t really care. They are playful and like moving things but they don’t go after it cuz when that happens then they just walk away. P.S. I’d say you shouldn’t or if I saw this comment then I wouldnt ‘-‘ You can do better 😡
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4 years ago, Nickname.Com/012
Very Good Read First
I Got So Many Games For My Cat, This One Is The Best! Even The Laser Dot Makes Him Happy! I Got The 5 Dollar Purchase, ( For No Adds And Unlocking Everything.) It Was AWSOME My Cat Now Has A App For Him! I Would Give My Cat A Toy, But When Your Not Home, Your Cat(s) Can Have A Ball! The Only Reason I Rate It 2 Stars Is Because It Has Adds. I Think That Is Incomvinent FoR A Cat App. Though I Totally Understand. Company, You Can Sell A Cat Game For $5 And Make Money Like That. You Know? If You Want This, Please Note That It Has Adds, And Only One Game To Play. But The App Itself Is Gonna Be $5. Thank You For Reading!
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8 months ago, the minecraft fam
Pay to play
I do not recommend this app. I have 3 cats, 2 of which are playful and I downloaded this app for fun. I went through the survey and it told me to pay for this app? Keep in mind I haven't even earned my debit card yet, so yes, I'm a minor. I just looked at it to see if there was any free option but nope, couldn't find any, I deleted this app. 4.00$ for like a few days? I could buy a bunch of cat toys with 4.00$ Why would I spend it on this? I looked for other cat apps and found one that seemed better. It was by the way, even though most of my cats don't play with it, at least it doesn't make you pay.
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3 years ago, takethisworldgivemejesus
Cat likes, but has issues
So, my kitten loves this. He was batting away at the little laser thing. Then, ads started coming in. And then, it wanted me to unlock unlimited time and all the different “skins”, plus go ad free for $6. Not really worth all that. Also not sure what the point of the scoring is. My phone doesn’t respond to kitty paws. He was trying to nip at my phone and bat his paws at the other side of the phone, which was hilarious. But all in all, I’d rather just give him regular cat toys.
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4 years ago, NineFelinus
Only one complaint creator please read this
It’s a good game my cats enjoyed it and the adds were GREAT you don’t have to watch the whole thing, but my complaint is that you only get one game and my cats liked it but still it’s only one and if the creator see’s this then please make more free games because from other reviews I don’t want to buy the rest if i did I wouldn’t know if it’s worth it before and reviews were not good so please fix this
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8 months ago, treiqo
Literally theft
I downloaded this game for my cat. The free version game only lets you play one very low quality game with loads of ads. I saw they had a free trial, so I thought why not try it out to see if the other games are better. A day later I see that I got charged 5$ when the thing literally said free trial for a couple days. Extremely shady and definitely NOT worth being literally scammed 5$. The app is extremely bad, there are no sound affects when the things are tapped, no visual indicators that they were pressed. They literally just disappear and the phone vibrates.
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3 years ago, Nuncciaroni
Not very well designed
It’s cool, my cat played with it for a while. I don’t see a point for score, since my cat isn’t catching the laser to get points. The screen could be locked, since my cat kept touching it even during the adds, which made the app store pop up and I had to get back to the game a few times. My cat actually almost made a purchase and could have changed some settings if I hadn’t been watching him playing the entire time. Uninstalled. Maybe there’s something else available with a better design and more level options.
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3 years ago, SirSilastheWyrd
Avoid This
My cat seemed mildly interested in my iPad, so I tried downloading a game for him. Thinking one was as good as another, I got this because it was easy to find. I set it in front of him, and within seconds, an ad popped up as a I tried to put his paws on the screen. Lo and behold, it tried to get me to make in app purchases quite accidentally. In no way should in app purchases be possible for my cat to make on my iPad. I narrowly averted that purchase being made, but you can get the same sorts of games that don’t try to get your cat to buy stuff, so go with one of those.
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7 months ago, Hhhrjenx be hexkjtdjxifiajchd
Money hungry
I have a cat called Luna about 4 months old I started scrolling on the App Store to find something for her since she would get bored fast I came across this and downloaded it I got in the app and pressed the laser she didn’t show much interest. So I decided to try another game in the app the rest of the games were for money so there was only one option the only thing my cat would do was sit there and stare at it no matter how much I tried to get her to play with it she wouldn’t
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3 years ago, triple app
Not really a great app for cats
My cat interacted with the app but any time he would tap the screen he accidentally might have clicked on the home button or the button that advertises removing apps so every few seconds I would have to fix and it’s got adds which I don’t understand if it’s made for cats and some of them are pop up adds so my cat kind of get distracted and just walks away and you have to buy the mouse and fish levels which just isn’t the best for a pretty bad overall app
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6 years ago, Iratherfly
It says cat and mouse game but the free version only has a laser pointer game. The game is not a game but just a red dot moving across the screen in random. Finger or paw on the screen does absolutely nothing. Moreover, my cat finally approached it and then it popped up ads at him. Do you expect ad conversion from a cat? Also -the screen darkens when the cat doesn’t touch it for a minute based on the regular phone screen darkening schedule. Giving it two stars only because my cat actually was compelled by the graphic. It has potential but it’s no game for cats.
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5 years ago, Magickitten101
Had a lot of fun
I download this app so my new kitten would have something to do. I played it myself and it seemed fun, so I went to find my cat. At first she didn't like it so I took it back. A little while later I tried it again and she really liked it! Four stars because it was hard for her and and when she tried it she somewhat lost interest. But she liked it! And I'm glad I found a game she likes.
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2 months ago, Gass Jeff
Five-star praise, it is really practical, really good!
Judging from the breadth and depth of the content, the development team behind it has definitely put in a lot of effort and hard work. I hope this software will get better and better, and I will continue to support you.
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3 years ago, IHaveRabies13
It’s ok I guess, but…
It’s a ok game I got this for my kitten and he likes it. The only problem is that it only lets you play the laser game and not the other ones. This might just be me but it doesn’t tell you what the price is to unlock the other 3 games. So that seems weird to me. I don’t recommend this you can probably get a better game.
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5 years ago, Clonsheefior
Ads ads ads
My original one star review, said there was no free game to try out with your cat., however the developer pointed out that the laser game is always free. The laser game is on for 2 to 3 seconds when you first open the app, and immediatel changes to an ad, hence my confusion. Then the game comes back on for approximately 15 seconds—I’m not exaggerating, I did the old one/one thousand, two/one thousand count—and another ad pops up accompanied by noisy music. Rinse repeat. Exactly what you need when you’re trying to interest your cat in a game. Being so miserly with game time is not going to help sales. I changed to a two-star rating because as ephemeral as it may be, at least there is a free game. More or less. I would delete my former review, but App Store won’t let me. Normally just writing a new review deletes the old one.
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2 years ago, Hussle Russell
Game doesn’t work, glitchy and buggy.
My cats actually really really liked this game. Which was great. They were very intrigued. But the free version of this game has so many ads they couldn’t have fun. So we bought the full version. At which point they enjoyed about two minutes of the game functioning as intended before every time they’d touch the laser pointer it’d switch to a mouse then the whole game would began spacing and freaking out. Unfortunately my cats could no longer play and they lost interest
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2 months ago, blais_steviez
I hate software with all kinds of boring ads, this one is pretty good
If you like it, you might as well download it and try it out. I have been using the application all the time. It is quite good to browse around and use something practical.
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2 years ago, ⓚⓘⓣⓣⓨⓛⓨⓝⓝ
Don’t get this app unless you wanna spend $5.99. Now I’m not saying this app is bad but why pay for the rest of the games? It’s kinda stupid my cat doesn’t even like the laser and never will. And my cat loves fish so maybe not have them locked?! I don’t recommend this app at all. Some stuff may be free? Who would pay money for this?? You can get stuff at the dollar store for your cats I get that but maybe we don’t have enough money? So this is why I think some “apps” shouldn’t cost money
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5 years ago, FalconMarks
Misleading, awful!
This game is misleading in price, first of all. I downloaded the “free” part and it gave you nothing to do so I bought the $2.99 version and it had very little so I pressed on $3.99 to upgrade thinking adding the little bit extra wasn’t that much but it cost BOTH $2.99 & $3.99 for nothing different!. Even if anything were different it is basically boring and the sound isn’t consistent and the movement is strange. I have FOUR cats and it cannot keep ANY of their attention. What a waste of money, complete overcharge for garbage.
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2 years ago, JayLou84
Do not buy - SCAM
This is the worst game and waste of money. The ads are ridiculous and come on every minute. I accidentally purchased one of the the other games (you only get one game and the rest are for purchase - What a scam!) and even after spending $3.99 (by mistake) you still get ads every minute! Also… This is a game for cats to be entertained…so 1. Ads don’t work on cat!!! 2. W the ads coming on every minute I have to monitor the stupid game to close them out. What a waste!
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4 years ago, acrisis
No longer useful ... actually a design fail.
May have used this once or twice, forgot this was on my ipad, noticed it needed to be updated, instant push to pay for umlimited, I let the cat sitting in my lap look at one free banner ad supported game where the red dot moves on screen, 10 secs, I show her how to tap the screen, BAAAM, full screen video advert?! What is my cat supposed to do with that? Hit the little (x) to close the ad and play another round? So poorly thought out, to present a free app for pets this way, it completely boggles the mind.
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5 years ago, da tposes
Cool but needs some work
I’m playing with one of my cats and I think he likes this game but I think you should make it to where you have options. He is following the red dot but not playing with it so I wish you could put more little figures for our cats. Please hear me out. Thanks! :3
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3 years ago, cat fan 99
Needs improvement
I thought my cat would love this game but when I got it I realized that you have to buy all the levels except the laser pointer level and my cat doesn’t even take interest in laser pointers! And that’s not even the worst part…even when my cat paws at it a little an ad comes on! This is a game for cats! What if my cat accidentally bought something?! Anyway, sorry to freak out about it but I just hope you can improve it. Bye for now- cat fan 99
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4 years ago, NiceGuyPete
We have a new kitten, so I thought it might be fun to download the app. Good news, the kitten thinks it is awesome.. the bad news is the buttons and ads on the screen to the game. You see “Myste” likes to click the by it now feature to remove ads. Why she doesn’t like the free version with ads, I’ll never know. Fortunately I was watching close enough to “not validate” the purchase.. but there might be some real update to make the app “kitty purchase proof”
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5 years ago, Ian Sane - BHM
Paid for ad removal - nope. Read before you purchase!
Rating this app one star for a few reasons. One I paid for the ad removal and to unlock the other games ($4.99) and the next thing I know my kitties were on a page to purchase a $300 sheet set! So, I played with the app myself and would you look at that - an ad pops up and when I clicked on it. It brings me to the same page to order the $300 dollar sheet set. Sneaky - smart but sneaky! Secondly, once the other games unlock the moving objects after moving around the full screen a few times will eventually just stop at the same area and stay there. The kitties lost interest in it. Also, the last unlocked game with a heart - well, that just doesn’t open at all... no love I guess. Will continue with a free game by a cat food company.
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4 years ago, AL48395
Original Version Was Ok
The first time my cat played this he LOVED it, and I had extra money so I decided to buy the upgraded version. Terrible decision. The game doesn’t even work, and if you tap it, a please wait screen pops up so he can’t even play it anymore. It got 2 stars because in the beginning he liked it, but you would assume that if you spent money on it, the game would be better not worse.
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6 years ago, Emma and Kaya
I’m not sure why there are so many negative reviews.. my cat LOVED this game! It kept her entertained and the ads weren’t bad either - the whole 30 minutes of gameplay she had only had 5 ads! I definitely recommend this game for kittens who are very active!
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4 years ago, BirdieBlueEyes
I downloaded this game specifically for 2 of my cats that always seem interested in my iPad. This was the first one I saw and looked like a winner. I’m aware apps need ads but to put ads on a cat game that interrupts the game is pointless. We had 2 ads in less than the first minute of the app open. Both my cats were not interested at that point. If the ads had been running above like header and or footer area and left game running they might’ve played but who knows.
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6 years ago, Bantamhen
Games for cats: laserbeam males fish and cat sounds no activity at all
I want my money back this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen on the apps. 299 for floating flies in mountain mice one mouse one fish the cats were so bored with it the original free games entertain them for hours that’s when they looked at it’s swat it and moved away from it. First angered but maybe there something in the settings there is nothing to something keeps flying across the sky the screen I’m very very disappointed especially for paying 299 sorry
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4 years ago, hdjdghfhfgjudit
One game really
So when I got the game I thought there would be five games unlocked and only one game was I put my cat front of my phone and she hated it and she love laser pointers so she just looked at me and walked away and I tried it on my other cats but they did the same thing so all I ask is to add more games it’s not bad it’s just unlock only the mice or something funner then the laser pointer and the quality is really good just that one bug you gotta fix creator thank you have a good Halloween 🎃
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1 year ago, Brittanykolb
Poor design
My cat seemed interested, but the game is designed so that your cat will constantly click ads or accidentally make a purchase. The base game is a laser that moves around the screen but ads will pop up while your cat is playing, or they may click the button to unlock the no ad version which immediately makes the payment screen pop up. Don’t recommend at all.
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4 years ago, kittncat1116
6 cats 🐱
This game is bad and no cat liked it. My playful kittens had no interest in it. It makes you pay to play when the game is the same. I tried it with 6 cats, and the cat didn’t like it. The sound of the game make my cats look everywhere. The meowing of the game makes my cats look everywhere to see what that strange meowing is coming from. The cats would rather play with something else. Don’t be lazy and get toys for your cat. They aren’t that much money plus, the cats like it better then a IPad.
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5 years ago, Girly Girl 2000166
I have the Ipad prod 12.9 and it’s flat, so my cat keeps thinking that the laser is gonna pop out of my IPad. He won’t leave me alone. He just keeps starting at the edge of my iPad ever since we’ve played this game. I feel sorry for him. Oh annnd wth is with all these ads?! A cat is not going to be interested by skincare products. The mouse stuff has to be unlocked with money too. I mean do you guys really want cats to have fun? Or do you just want money?
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8 months ago, GL1TCH1NG_Y0UR_M1ND
She loves it!
I have a cat name FiFi, and she absolutely loves this game! I had to get the full version so she could play unlimited time. The only thing that I don’t like, is that there’s too many ads. But overall, a great game!
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4 years ago, horsegirl0818
I’d Like a Refund, if Possible
Within moments of opening after downloading from the Apple store, this app put up an Apple Pay request to upgrade to premium with a “double click to approve” option. This is the same exact format (though slightly different look) than the Apple Store’s download approval pop-up. I accidentally paid $3.99 for a premium version. My fault, but it seems sneaky as I can’t find an easy way to request a refund.
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