Build your credit score, boost your paycheck, and get cash when you need it with Grid. No interest, credit checks, or late fees. Just a simple $10/month. BOOST YOUR PAYCHECK Take home more of your paycheck and get your tax refund early with Grid Tax. Sign up to get a part of your yearly tax refund on every paycheck, up to $250 per month. CASH ADVANCES Get an advance when you need extra cash between paychecks. Up to $200 per advance. No credit checks needed and always transparent pricing. BUILD CREDIT AS YOU SPEND We'll help you improve your credit score as you spend with your Grid card. The more you spend, the faster your score will improve. Track your progress and estimated future score easily though the app. PROTECT YOUR INCOME You insure your home and car, why not your income? Get $4,000 over two months if you're laid off. NO CREDIT CHECKS Sign up is fast and easy through the app. Need help? We're always here to help. Reach out to us at
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