3 years ago, Star Wars Revenge
Updates, Updates, Updates…. WHY?!?!??!
This game, has been one of my favorites since I was much younger, I broke the iPad I had and finally now that I got a phone that allows the app, I come back to the franchise, to find that it had been insanely updated. I played it for a bit, and the little cut scenes are gone, the cars are slower, and my favorite skin was gone! The graphics are nearly the same, and if anything they’ve gone down in quality according to my memory. I was disappointed how I couldn’t do missions and other tasks while in normal arcade mode anymore, and that I couldn’t be what I called, “The Runaway Police Officer”. The game used to be fun, but now the format is weird and it’s become much to easy because there are ways to slowdown. Also, many glitches have shown up for me. I sometimes activate a “rag doll” version of my character so they are all over the screen, also, for me my character tends to have a sever leaning to the right problem so I am unable to go left as quickly as I may go right. The recent updates have caused the game to lower in fun, quality, and has gotten rid of all childhood memories of playing it. I hope you understand the frustrations of this. It’s why I support: BRING THE GAME BACK TO HOW IT WAS!
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