3.5 (11)
116.1 MB
Age rating
Current version
Keizu, LLC
Last update
3 years ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for JRNL

3.45 out of 5
11 Ratings
9 years ago, AlexandriaZam
Login Process Needs Work
I was really excited to work with this app, from the information given it seemed like something I would use as a writer. Unfortunately, every time I logged in, it said authentication error. I even tried logging via m computer and changing password. The login seems buggy.
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3 years ago, MommaV_times3
Loving the update!
The updates to the app are so much better! Loads a little bit slow, but overall I love it! I love the sharing component that’s been added and the ability to create an entire Shared Journal. It gives me the ability to create a safe space to share my thoughts with my friends and family without being afraid of judgement. So awesome.
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3 years ago, Co.Jones
A vast improvement
It seems like it has been years since JRNL was updated, but I have to admit it was worth the wait. I can create multiple journals, shared journals for family, I can upload all media types, and I can publish it all to a book for my kids. I’m grateful my commitment to the platform has paid off.
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3 years ago, Caique1031
App needs work but site is great!
Love the theory and website functionality and the app will be up to par soon I’m sure.
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5 months ago, drip2
Pricing is not clear
Random charges with no billing receipts or subscription details. Otherwise love the app
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2 years ago, NBCZMom
Not saving.
I try to save photos and written text but when I push save it all just goes away
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3 years ago, CBCF ALC Attendee
What happened
New update not working properly.
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7 years ago, zskags
Slow and laggy as you type... and no PIN or fingerprint to protect your Journals.
If you would even both to test your own app, you'd know that as you begin typing into a new journal entry things seems to going all fine and dandy. As you maybe get 5 or 6 lines down in a single paragraphs, things just start grinding to a halt, super lag, and typing shows up late, and sometimes letters get input out of order, and then trying to select with your finger the correct place of the cursor is super laggy. I've found that as soon as you double-enter, and create a new separate paragraph, speed is then restored. What the heck is this?!?! It's so inconvenient and dumb! Also, you have no way of securing the app. No fingerprint, no PIN. If i get up and walk away, there should be a timeout and a PIN or fingerprint lockout. And every time I open the app I should be greeted with this lock as well. My iPad is sometimes shared among individuals. I should be able to safely and comfortable hand my iPad over to someone, loan it to them, etc. and not worry about them opening my JRNL app and reading my Journal.
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5 years ago, Qselin30
Erases entries
While the concept and layout of the app is nice, there is a major flaw that should make anybody think twice before using this to record important and valuable information. If you don’t constantly save your entry while writing it, or stop and come back to finish it later, and even jump to a different screen within the app before you scroll all the way to the bottom and save wherever you’re at, you lose all of the content of the entry. Ive reached out to the developers and so had my wife with no response. It also is terrible when trying to type an entry from anything other than a desktop computer. The type in the screen lags considerably from what you’re typing after 10 or 15 minutes of use. I’ve checked other apps with the same hardware and the condition is not repeatable which tells me it’s is the app. I gave it two stars and not one because the layout and concept is really quite good. But that’s not worth much if it’s flawed functionally. Find a different solution for your digital journaling. Notability works great.
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7 years ago, dcbahr1
great site, app nearly inaccessible with voiceover
As a blind person who uses voiceover which is the screen reader for the iPhone, I really want to love this app.c however, all of the buttons are not labeled so I ended up having to click on each one to figure out what it does. There are a ton of other journaling apps out there but this one looks so promising. You are missing out on a huge market of blind journal users such as myself who love to test out apps for accessibility. Much like, I think, the visual improvements that need to be made in the app (according to the reviews) you would have a killer journal app if you just labeled buttons so that I knew what they were.
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5 years ago, 997755337799
The app crashes regularly when I upload pictures and slows down considerably every time I enter something longer than about 200 words. I really like using it on my computer but it is disappointing that we cannot access all of the entries in like a “blogspot” kind of way where you just scroll down and see them all (or you could compare that to a feed on Instagram or Facebook). With JRNL you can only see your entries month by month and it is very inconvenient. It makes re-reading my entries or searching for a specific one very difficult as I cannot do a CTRL + F search or such. Could this be changed please?
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6 years ago, CocoFleming
No auto save
I always liked the online LDSJournal and used it for years before it was acquired by JRNL. I was really excited they had an app but it has been a consistent disappointment. The features don’t work well, and the biggest issue is no auto save. I spent over an hour documenting a trip I had just taken, and I toggled to another app to check something and when I switched back everything was GONE. I hadn’t even closed out of the app! Too frustrating to lose all that effort and time. And this is not the first time I’ve had this problem. This occurrence just reminded me why I seldom use the app. I will be finding another journal app. Not going to make that mistake again.
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9 years ago, nicetrybee@tch
User experience great
I think the user interface is great, extremely fast when it comes to things loading such as past posts. The Dash is simple and easy to know where you want to go as a user. Nice to see an app/service that provides something useful for my personal history that actually works and functions easily. Maybe other people have bad phones, but my experience has been great. A big 👊🏻 to the people behind JRNL!
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8 years ago, trevorschoeny
Simple and easy
I really like this app because it's a very simple concept. They chose the best parts of a journal and made it that and only that. I also like the "all about me", so you can answer questions that you can look back on later. The only problem is that there are a couple tiny bugs, but they don't impede the use of the app. Overall my favorite journal app so far! (Also props for the logo).
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3 years ago, benttolman
Amazing Update!
I’ve been waiting for this day!! I’ve used the web version on my laptop for the past couple of years because the app was terrible. This new version is amazing. I haven’t explored everything but the simple fact that it auto saves a d doesn’t feet my entries is amazing.
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8 years ago, Lux2510
Easy to use, easy to keep track of memories
I love to journal, now I can journal on my phone and access it online. They also have reliable customer support that is really helpful and gets back to you quickly. I intend to use this for many years, since I can print books of my journals every year too--I love that feature.
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7 years ago, nariegirl
Account Activation E-mail Never Came....
Sooooo as much as I would love to leave a sparkling review for this app, I just can’t do it. Like, I literally cannot. Why? Well, it may be because I can’t even access my account. The activation email never arrived. I have only one email address that I would have used to signup for the service and I double checked all of my info before I hit the submit button.... so I’m pretty darn sure that it didn’t get sent somewhere else. I even tried resetting the password, but I haven’t gotten an email for that either! Any help would be appreciated!
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6 years ago, proxeria
No longer my favorite journal app..
I once had rated this app 5 stars. I was using this app for a little over 7 months, and I never really looked around at other journal apps. JRNL does what it’s supposed to, somewhat. The mobile and web version are both incredibly clunky and are not easy to use without something glitching up. I did enjoy JRNL for a while, and tried to work through it’s issues, but I eventually moved to Day One Journal. I hope that JRNL improves.
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5 years ago, njgustad
Needs updating
I’ve been using this journal off and on for awhile and I’ve enjoyed it overall just some needing of updates and things like auto save and a personal lock so no one can just open and lately it won’t even work at all. I go and type and it’s blank. I created a ticket and no one ever gets back to me. I liked it before cause it was overall simple to use so it makes me sad cause I can’t seem to use it anymore 😞
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6 years ago, augustajames
Loading pictures
I love this app! I’ve been using it for years. The conscience of being able to just add my pics or memories from my phone or my computer is great, I love being able to go back and put in entries I forgot, too. My only complaint is the tech issues with loading multiple pics.
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6 years ago, kyfoss4
Amazing app and journal service
I’ve been using JRNL for over 5 years now, mostly on my computer. I love how it all syncs and is so easy to add pictures. I also love the “about me” prompts to record a living history for our children and further descendants to read about us someday :)
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5 years ago, Colby75
Worst online journal ever!
I started using JRNL in 2017. My entries were sporadic, but I used it that year and in 2018. I always saw my earlier entries when I logged on. At the start of this year I made several entries and didn’t really think about what I written in the previous 2 years. More recently I wanted to “look back” and discovered that every single entry from the last 2 years is gone! I won’t bore you with the long story, but Customer Support has no answers. If you value what you write, DO NOT USE JRNL.
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9 years ago, Jan-HippyChick
Easy to use and always on me
I like that I can start an entry with quick thoughts and notes and finish the entry later online. I have my journal when I need it and I can access all of my journals easily. Looks like updates and upgrades are coming. Looking forward to seeing what's coming.
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8 years ago, Suzismini
Really Want to Like it
I really want to like this app. I want to use it to record my thoughts. But, it keeps crashing. If I upload pictures directly from the camera roll, I can't add tags or a title, so I have to go back and edit each post. I can't add captions to each picture; I have to create a new post for each one or each set of pictures. I hope it will continue to be improved so I can live it more.
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5 years ago, FlyingReds
I Really Want to Like It
This app is so out-of-date, it still doesn’t support the (no longer new) iPhone X screen size. I’ve messaged them a couple times in the past about bugs, and to their credit, they reply. But then they promise updates will be out soon...that was over a year ago. I think it’s time to move on to other, better ways of journaling.
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8 years ago, Klamars
Good website, sub-par app
This app is pretty rough. It has the feel of something quickly thrown together. Some buttons/text fields need to be clicked on multiple times before they respond. Worst of all, the screen won't rotate to landscape so that I can use my iPad keyboard. They have to change that.
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7 years ago, TheChildGrown
Grate app for when you don’t feel like actually being on a computer for the website. You can lay in bed or just be on the go and get your thoughts down. Works the same.
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6 years ago, User for 3 minutes
Lost important notes
This was my first time using JRNL. I was excited and it seemed pretty straightforward. I took notes for 2 hours on something very important and personal to me, and then closed the app and was looking at something else. Apparently my entire entry was not saved. There is no auto save?? And no prompting on my first use to save my entry? I just lost several pages of notes and wasted 2 hours using this app.
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7 years ago, Eg1029384756
Please add fingerprint or PW
I have recently discovered and downloaded this app. I love it, but will likely delete because of lack of security/privacy through the app. The website of course requires a PW, so why not the app? Or even better, a fingerprint scan option instead? Otherwise, its great.
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6 years ago, Anasburg
Two thumbs up
Love this app! Not sure what everyone is talking about with the crashing and the lagging— I’ve been lucky, I guess. Nothing like that for me. It makes journaling so easy and convenient.
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7 years ago, SummerLuver17
Will there be an Andriod version???
The computer version is excellent, and I love JRNL , but please please update the IOS version and create an Andriod app!
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5 years ago, LyleCairns
Best journal I have
I love that I can pick up a book, make a new journal and each time I read I can add an entry to that. It’s simple. It emails my entries in so they are time stamped. Still the best app and oldest app I have.
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7 years ago, KGo1998
Love It!!
Just the type of journaling app I have been looking for!! So easy to use and the books look amazing when printed! I tell anyone who will listen how much I love it!
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8 years ago, coffeeandtoast
So disappointing; so much potential.
I am a HUGE fan of JRNL -- it's the only online journaling website that promises to be integrated to paper publication and smartphone apps. Unfortunately, the entire suite is glitchy, including the website and the paper printing. The app is not functioning. It crashes constantly so that it is unusuable. I want to be loyal to JRNL but we need improvements quickly.
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5 years ago, Shaddwulf
Jrnl is my go-to app !
I love this App! I can do soo much journaling while I’m on the move . I will be having it all printed and bound in the future as a personal history !
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9 years ago, Priddyflacko
Great App
This app is so cool. Instead of writing down everything by hand I can just type out my thoughts as they come to me. So much more convenient.
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4 years ago, abigail812
Keeps crashing
This app was a good idea, and I’ve used it for several years. However I can’t use it anymore. I will be moving my journal to another app. It keeps crashing midway through an entry and I lose my whole entry. I don’t have time for this. Do not download.
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4 years ago, hi_d_monique
Desktop only??
The app is glitchy and doesn't respond well. Most of the time, when I use it, it won't record anything in the entry. It's very annoying. I live using this online journal, but would be grateful for some development on the app side.
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9 years ago, kingme3845
Very cool journal app
So i just started using jrnl, and it's a really simple and fun way to keep a journal. I've previously used a physical journal, but am now switching to this app.
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9 years ago, Steven96312466476
Nice easy to use
This app is very easy to use it is a bit big but I like that I can upload more then one pic pee entry
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9 years ago, o0iris0o
Cool app
This app is pretty cool I like the idea of making books for keepsakes! Great for Christmas ideas too! I will recommend this app
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8 years ago, N-Cline
Love it!
Straight forward and easy to use. I love the book printing feature of JRNL.
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9 years ago, mattfryeband
Keeps crashing
I was very excited to start using this app and get some writing started with a fresh app but unfortunately it keeps crashing every time I try to do something like edit information or input information.
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7 years ago, LawStudent808
Can't draft entries offline
The app doesn't auto save entries made offline if you disconnect (e.g. on the train). I had a few entries deleted when I returned to the app. There are some nice features but the lack of auto save or work offline feature is a deal breaker.
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3 years ago, Deaemrose
Was great until recently
I just get errors now even after deleting and reinstalling. I need an app that works on both my iPhone and iPad so I can record thoughts wherever I am. Don’t bother!
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5 years ago, Katieinlovewiththisapp:)
Won’t let me log in
When I try logging in I get a message which says “Login error unable to connect to host” I even tried deleting the app and re-downloading it and it didn’t do anything to help
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8 years ago, kiukiku
It doesnt work too well on ipad
The landscape orientation on ipad pro doesnt work. It is really frustrating.
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8 years ago, Gaschugger
Not working
The app crashes a few seconds after trying to login
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7 years ago, Cscott311
Not working
Constantly crashes. Can't add new entires or read old ones. The website is great though.
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9 years ago, DirtyTunes
Won't start
When I try to log in, it immediately crashes.
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