KeyBank Mobile Banking

4.6 (81.9K)
128.1 MB
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Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13 or later
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User Reviews for KeyBank Mobile Banking

4.58 out of 5
81.9K Ratings
1 year ago, Bad luck month
One star
There is ALWAYS something pending. For days! I never really know how much I have in my account. It's really frustrating and I opened my account and now my direct deposit still hasn't come through. I almost lost my car insurance or four years and my newly opened storage unit housing My entire life belongings. Leaving wells Fargo because of overdraft fee's seems very pety to me now. Can someone please help me with my account already? I'm sorry to be so harsh but I'm going through a terrible breakup and forced my child and I to move in to a tent in my own parents back yard because of how bad everything had gotten. I thought the nice gentleman fixed it for me but now (and the last three days) it says I have money in my account that I know is not correct. My whole life is out of Wack and I am deaf so how do I advocate for myself, I'm not saying I didn't do anything wrong I know I made a mistake but I don't know where and I've been trying to correct it and my account for the last two weeks. I'll call again tomorrow. Nevermind, Wednesday - they are closed for the fourth. 😩🥺🥹😢😭 and the closest working AM is located on the other side of town, South Salem. I'm on Lancaster.
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8 months ago, Lloyd on the low
Key Bank
Key Bank is the best bank for the most affordable rate. I am always impressed with their upgrades. One major thing they could add would be more transaction protection for being overcharged like Chase Bank. Besides that I would rank Key Bank up with banks like Chase which is a trendsetting bank in the industry. The wait for in person service is faster than Chase though. Usually anywhere you an find a Chase or Bank of America you will find an awesome Key Bank location. Also Key Bank refunds ATM charges so they have their own way of being the best bank in the nation go their size. They repeatedly avoid becoming the typical banking method of becoming so large that they forget their customer service like so many banks that grow. They have the most local bank feel for a bank go their size across the Industry. Any time I’m having trouble with my Chase Bank account I know I can use my Key Bank checking account.
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6 years ago, LawrencePB
App update
Like many others using this app, I too had all the same lack of device recognition and inability to access my accounts. A very efficient Key phone rep recommended that I delete the app and then re-download from the App Store. That solves the problem (the new app version includes a bug fix that resolved the issue). When asked if there was anything else she could do, I asked if there were a way I could combine my business accounts to the same login, so I was transferred to another adept rep who talked me through and now all my business as well as personal accounts are on the same app !! GREAT HELP ! ( PS the Business Accounts Rep had been getting calls all week with the ‘unrecognized device’ issue but he had not yet been appraised by Key Technology on the method to fix the problem !! Key IT needs to give all their reps the tools to do their work properly. They are our only link to fixing our problems and they do a good job at it... Evidently, however, a feature I really like with the app seems to be disabled once I added the business accounts to my profile. I no longer have facial recognition even though the feature is turned on in my System controls. I hope the is something that can be resolved.
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5 years ago, e-fanta
App is useless to match the bank’s customer service
Be very careful when you make your payments. Unfortunately I have a car loan with Key Bank. The app constantly freezes or acts very unclear if the payment was taken out or not. It will not show you any pending payments at any point. You can not set up recurring payments. Next thing you know 2/3 payments are being taken out of you account. If that happens- good luck dealing with Key Bank customer service. The bank made the whole refund process extremely difficult and it takes so long that it almost does not to make sense to spend all this time on the phone trying to get it. By default they apply these extra payments to your principal which means your next payment will be due as usual next month.. and if you do want the extra payment to be processed as a payment for the next month, you will still have to call, spend a long time on the phone to have this done. If you want a refund- in case of a car loan and if you do not have a checking acct with Key bank - it will take you number of calls, 1-2 h on the phone, then you will realize that the money will not be transferred to your account just as it was taken out, you will be receiving a check! So good luck with this worthless app and the bank.
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3 years ago, Zac on deck
What’s wrong with your app
This is my second complaint about whatever you’ve done to this app in regards to updates or whatever. As I’ve mentioned previously, any time I made a purchase in the past - my balance would immediately update with my new balance so I could be aware of what was available in my account. But NOW; it takes DAYS for a purchase to show up in my transactions as well as for my balance to update. I’ve uninstalled the app, reinstalled it, checked for updates and it’s STILL doing this crap. I am now in the negative due to this app not updating my balance after a transaction. I have the app to make keeping up with my balance easier. If I wanted to have to write down and record my purchases and deduct it from my balance manually why even have the app? Isn’t the app SUPPOSED to make banking easy and simple? For the last two months ive dealt with late balance/transaction updates and because of it I spent money I didn’t have. At this point if something isn’t fixed I will definitely be uninstalling it FOR GOOD and possibly even just take my banking business elsewhere. This has NEVER been an issue for me so I’m not understanding why it is now or why there’s isn’t being anything done to fix the bugs
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3 years ago, Undefinediamond97!
The Truth
Account Breached and Money Missing via Unauthorized Charges and charges are put back into my account SUPPOSEDLY, it only shows the charge in my pending transactions but doesn’t reflect in my balance. When I asked about this issue yesterday while speaking with a bank representative He just kept saying that once a charge posts in geeen to my account that means it’s been accredited. But if my balance isn’t affected by it then technically it wasn’t accredited. Then the even strangest thing is, a few weeks ago my card declined for NO APPARENT REASON and when I called the bank customer service line they told me MY ACCOUNT WASS CLOSED OUT and that there were NO ACCOUNTS in my name. When I informed Him I needed to speak with a Supervisor because I had a balance and DID NOT AUTHORIZE for my account to be closed out, He hurried up and hung up on me. A few minutes later I received a Fraud Alert asking me to verify my last transaction. I am definitely about to find out what’s going on with my Bank Accounts because I’m the only one who opened both accounts and no one should have privileged access to it except me. And if the bank is accessing my account without my consent then that must mean someone is monitoring my account a little too much.
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3 years ago, StukaboyK9-6
Key Bank doesn’t care about customer service.
I deposited almost $3,000 by mobile deposit into my account. It stated funds would be available the next day. Key Bank then withheld the checks from my account and began charging me overdrafts and refused to clear the funds. I met with them and showed the funds had left the other accounts and that they were causing me problems with my business by unnecessarily holding the funds. They simply did not care at all. They put me into a really bad situation with my business and I had to go open a line of credit somewhere to cover the checks not being released. Key Bank did not care and continued charging me overdrafts and claiming nothing could be done. I was assured the checks would be released by the 14th, and they STILL have not been released. I have 100% proof the checks cleared their original accounts almost a week ago. Key Bank didn’t care at all the problems they caused me. They actually told me that by depositing the checks by the mobile app, it triggered a fraud alert algorithm. So yeah, use their app the way they ask you to, but make sure you can access thousands of dollars of credit to run your business when they hold your money for no reason. 🙄
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2 years ago, JBaby517
Great app but….
I have a Pnc Account also, and my notifications are A1 on the account. Anytime the card is used, I get an alert of when, where, and how much. Anytime there’s money added/subtracted/declined or anything I’m instantly getting a notification. i get daily account balance notifications. Overdraft notifications. If my account is under my “Safety level” that I set I am notified. I love it cause my account is not something I check everyday…..guilty lol. With this account I have it all set up to notify me and it doesn’t. It doesn’t tell me when deposits have been made like my direct deposit paychecks. It doesn’t tell me when and where I just used my card or my card has been used. It does tell me when my funds are low in the “Safe Level”, but it doesn’t notify me if my funds are above the safe level. I don’t get a daily account balance notifications or text message. Maybe It’s something I’m doing but I have all the buttons pressed to “send me alerts when…” but I’m never alerted.
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3 years ago, Jvito007
Watch App
I was so glad that KeyBank had an app for the Apple Watch, it made it so convenient to open and look at your account. It also was a great tool to help track how much I’d be spending, then they did an update. I like updates, i feel they are important, but when you don’t let your customers know that the update is going to delete the app from the watch is upsetting. No explanation at all for why? Then you call and all anyone can say is I thought it was still functional on the watch, you tell them no and they say oh they might be working on it. “Might Be or might not be”. My guess is they haven’t and won’t be. I have been a customer for a long time and that is in my opinion what put you on top of the other banking apps. So is it ever going to be a thing? Because looking at it on the phone is kinda of a pain. Are we ever going to see the watch app ever again?
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2 years ago, MadNardagan
Back on my feet
A past manager Bill helped me tremendously and I now have a 740+ credit rating. Current manager is helping me with my rental business I just started and getting off the ground. I’m currently own 6 properties and second one will be rented out in a month. One of your tellers needs a place and I put her at the top of my list she can walk to work. Anyway I need to learn how to use equity if that’s correct, to get each one up and running. I bought fixer uppers but in the current housing market I really did well getting them cheap. All with 3 to 5 bedrooms, the lot is empty just a brand new shed but has water and sewer hook up? Thx keep up the good work. Also I’d like to be informed if Key Bank sells out but keeps the name. I’ve been banking in that building since my first savings account lol
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5 years ago, Designguycanhelp
Slow and not reactive but very functional
3.5 if I could... The app feels like and “obvious” hybrid and not that native. The scrolls and touch points and not natural making the interactivity feel clunky. This makes the experience feel painfully slow, even if it is not. Suggestions would be to introduce a more natural swipe and scrolling behaviors with a little easing in and out from an interaction perspective. During the flows in the app, I love that you are giving status with the green bar at the top, but from a usability perspective, you are covering up important information throughout the flow and forcing me to click a tiny “x” in the corner. This repeats every step throughout the flow causing friction and cognitive load. Suggestions would be to animate the screen and slide the notification in and push the information downward. This keeps everything in context if executed correctly. For the most part, you are heading in the right direction and the app accomplishes the tasks I need done 95% percent of the time. Keep improving and staying on top of it!
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2 years ago, D8abyte
Update turns perfectly working app to garbage!
Worked great for as long as I can remember and now Face ID doesn’t work and I can’t access my account. Tells me my user id and password are incorrect yet I have no issues logging in online with the same credentials. Call the bank and get zero support because they’re also clueless just like the developers of this app. Seriously, get it together. Update to the developers. The app has been uninstalled and reinstalled 6 times. My password has been reset 3 times and my account has been unlocked once. I have followed all recommendations regarding the Face ID fix and the app still does not work. These work arounds are nothing but a bandaid to an app that needs serious attention. I continue getting told my credentials are incorrect on the app, but I am able to login on the website just fine, so tell me again there isn’t a problem with your app. And don’t worry I uninstalled it again after your response. Only this time for good. Maybe you should try rolling back 3 versions to when the app worked. For me at least.
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2 years ago, Jfrizzell
Horrible bank
My wife and I keep a small amount in this account and the rest of our fortune is with other banks. This bank was my wife’s bank before we married and she decided to stick with it. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve gone through the process of adding myself to her account and giving me all the same permissions as my wife and yet every time we have a bank problem, I call and they can’t discuss the account with me cause they have to speak with my wife. I loathe this bank entirely as people can’t seem to rub 2 brain cells together. My wife works in a hospital setting and doesn’t have time to discuss bank issues so she designed me. Yet, even though I’m listed on her account now key bank still won’t discuss anything. My wife has to stop what’s she’s doing, call the bank in an upset manner, authorize me to speak and then leaves. Simply, the 3 other banks and financial institutions we go through have never given as much grief as this bank does. So glad we don’t actually keep the majority of our wealth with this bank. Idiots!
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4 years ago, Msd42276
Made difficult to leave negative feedback
My actual complaint was going to be simply given in feedback in app. however considering the app crashed four times when I tried to get negative feedback that will now be my new main complaint. When I went in to give feedback, every time I selected poor feedback the app would crash. My workaround was selecting positive feedback then entering in all the negative information and then changing it to poor feedback before clicking submit. The complaint I was trying to submit in Feedback is not listed below. So they implemented a new system to where if the amount detected on the check doesn’t match what you entered it will not be accepted. That sounds like a good plan until you realize that handwriting is different everywhere. It’s very inaccurate. The workaround for this at ATMs if they allow you to manually change it if it detects the wrong amount. However the app will not allow you to. It just continually gives the message ‘unable to deposit because amount entered does not match amount detected’
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2 years ago, lukebell14
For absolutely no reason, my Face ID unlock disappeared out of thin air and I wasn’t even able to attempt unlocking my account with my face, so I was forced to put my password in every single time. This alone was extremely annoying, but what was even more annoying was that my password would not work. I already have my password written down, I know exactly what it is and I know exactly where to capitalize letters, etc. and I have put it in successfully before so I know that it is correct, but for whatever reason it would not work. I was about to lose my mind with this app, but I decided to just let bygones be bygones and forget about the careless mistakes made by the KeyBank organization and just reset my password, when, to who’s surprise, the password reset feature would not work because the servers were “clogged”. There are so many other phenomenal banking apps out there that work much faster, more efficiently, and offer much better benefits, so do not, I repeat DO NOT waste your time with this GARBAGE application.
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3 years ago, mike slc
Excellent Bank
I’ve been with Key Bank for about 6 years and I would highly recommend them for all of your banking needs. I’ve been with a few different banks and they all lacked in one area or another. At Key they’re top notch all around! When you need customer service you can actually get a person on the phone. In person, they are always very kind and courteous. Plus they will go the extra mile to make sure my questions are answered and my issues were resolved. I have everything other than my 401K and my mortgage through Key and I would like to have them as my mortgage lender too. Just haven’t done it due to covid!! I’d like to thank Key Bank and their employees especially my home branch in Orem, UT. They always make sure all of my needs are taken care of!!!
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4 years ago, Jef Robertson
No mobile deposit for business accounts
I’ve been with Key bank since I opened our business over 10 years ago, and I’ve had their app since it was released. However, it is still not possible to make mobile deposits with a business account. Mobile deposits are only permitted for personal accounts, which makes the app essentially useless for anything other than checking balances as we have all of our billing setup with automatic payment. I have other business accounts with Chase and Umpqua, both of which have apps that provide mobile deposits for business accounts. So, I’m not sure why Key Bank won’t allow it. When I have inquired about this in the past I was told it wasn’t available “yet”. That’s been a number of years ago. I’ve been rather happy with KeyBank otherwise, but not having the ability to deposit checks with the app has been rather inconvenient when compared to other options. Perhaps it’s time to move my account to another bank.
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3 years ago, Dee's Goldcard
The Key Bank app great to use for checking your checking account.
Looking forward for the app for Key Banks personal checking to become even faster for when debt card is used and money is withdrawn from checking account and being able to trace and account from where when and what time money was taken out deposited and used. Looking forward to future improvements and faster results and Security. Thank you D. Tomczak April 2021, I would like to find ways to pay bills faster on my checking account? I would like a way to have money withdrawn from my checking faster when I write out checks? If there’s a way to resolve my dilemma please let me know Damian Tomczak
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4 years ago, TooMuchTom
Decent, with optimization issues.
Over all, the app does what it’s supposed to do. However, it is increasingly difficult to navigate with iPhone X/s/Max, Xr, 11, and 11 Pro/max models (anything without a home button). Certain places where you need to tap to navigate the app over-lap with system features, particularly in the top left/right corners of the screen, near the FaceID notch. For example, after viewing a statement, you have to tap an “X” in the top left to close out and go back to view your accounts. This tends to overlap with the “Go back to previous app” feature of iOS. The app worked great on my i8, but has not been optimized for a “Home-button-less” display. This is not meant to bash the app or KeyBank, but mainly as a suggestion to the developers. The app on these phones just feels kind of clunky and in some cases I need to force quit and restart to get back to my account view or find some other back end way of getting there.
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1 year ago, Jmac_Iroc
They Ruined It
I had been using this app along with my bank account for over 7 years without any major issues. However they’ve recently redesigned the bill pay interface to make it totally unuserfriendly. While before I could pay a bill in a few simple clicks, I now have to navigate a horribly designed “pay and transfer” page. The drop down menus are so hard to use, especially if you have a long list of payees. The calendar doesn’t show when your payment will be received like it used to. Even adding the amount takes an additional two clicks instead of a simple box to input a number. It is infinitely frustrating and if you don’t complete every single step your payment won’t process. It caused me to miss a payment for the first time in my life and I’m actively looking for a new bank with a better app just because of it. They send surveys every month but apparently never listen to them because it hasn’t improved!
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2 years ago, Goatspirit
Good but..,
I love everything about my KeyBank app, except for one function. I live in a rural area, and although I can make check deposits to other banks and credit unions from their phone apps, I cannot do the same with the KeyBank app. I mention the other banks, because if they can do it, I don’t understand why key bank’s app can’t do it. I’ve talked to bank tellers, to bank managers, to Tech Support. No one knows what to do except to blame my lousy Internet, which is fair but again, other bank’s apps work, so why doesn’t KeyBank have one that’s good enough to take check deposits? Consequently, I have to drive for an hour and a half to deposit my checks, and it really slows down my business functionality. If it wasn’t so much work, I would change banks, even though I really like KeyBank.
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2 months ago, wemily19
Worst bank ever!
This is probably the worst bank I have ever dealt with. With all the experiences I have heard from people, I don’t understand how this bank is still in business. They steal, lie and are extremely unprofessional. The app always “conveniently” glitches while I am talking to customer support regarding yet another issue I am having, so then I get absolutely no where with my problem! Can’t talk to anyone on the phone as they outsourced their customer service to somewhere other than America, so good luck getting anyone who speaks English and can actually help you. They refuse to let you speak to managers when you are having a problem that they won’t help you with. I have been fighting with this bank FOREVER and still have yet to get anywhere with them. I know it won’t be but a couple more years before the one and only KeyBank within a 2+ hr drive from me is closed down just like the rest of them. It will happen eventually and I will laugh!
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2 years ago, Denny Nicks
Worst Bank ever
I’ve been using this bank for a long time but they hold my checks for five days and say because I had an overdraft two months ago well I’ve already been punished for that when I paid the $49 overdraft fee and then you hold my checks for five days but not all the time just periodically I’ll cash 20 checks and not have a problem and then all of a sudden you want to hold my check for five days when my bills are due and screw me over I’ve already been punished for that I should be punished over and over and over and over and over and over again and then you tell me you’re gonna hold my check for five days but it clears in two or three and you hold my money instead of putting it in my account like you should you continue to hold it for five days when you shouldn’t even have held it at all I’m taking my business to a different bank where they don’t try to screw me over
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2 months ago, Dr. Wolffenstein
Very Pleased!
My experience with signing up with Keybank savings and checking along with a credit card has been very hassle free. I was a walk in looking for a new bank and met with Carl in Oak Grove and he has been a huge help. He made signing up easy. Was very knowledgeable on the entire process in n outs and was quick to answer all my questions. Not only that but he checked in with me afterwards and continues to do so. Which I’m grateful for when you think of questions after the fact that you should have asked. So far the entire experience has been great and what I ask for in a bank and would highly recommend banking with them! Thank you Carl!
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4 years ago, Robert10509
Fix the Zelle add contract feature please
Zelle feature keeps throwing errors when trying to add a contact to send money. Also, if you ask for notification of any purchase over an X$ amount, you get it hours if not a day later. Also, the notification has no context of the purchase. This is the worst bank in so many ways and this app is an extension of their terrible customer service. I’ve tried may times to have them update my phone number when a suspicious purchase happens, yet they continue to try a number that hasn’t been in use for 8 years. Stay away from this bank!
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11 months ago, Get out of Key Bank now
Terrible Service on Loan Application
The Branch Manager in Brattleboro was the worse communicated as I was attempting to get either a Home Equity line of credit or just a home equity loan. She tried to lock me into a high interest HE Line of Credit. When I asked her to quote a lower rate HE Loan, she never followed through with the quote, then asked me to come into office two weeks later to continue the HE line of Credit loan. Key Bank lost this loan opportunity as a result. Now I opened another account with a local credit union where I got my Home Equity Loan in exactly 7 business days. Then I tried to set up transfer accounts to send money between these two banks, and Key won’t allow them. I’ve been with Key over tens years. Now they are losing all of my business and I’m loving to a local credit union. Key Bank, this branch manager just lost you a $60k loan opportunity and a customer. Congratulations!
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3 years ago, Mama_Bear_3
Needs lots of work
The bill pay on the app would be convenient once you save your accounts but does not always work. It also takes 3-5 days for the payments to actually go through. It takes them forever to update the running balance of your checking account so you have to balance the our own check book. Pending transactions don’t always show up on my account for some reason to and it makes keeping track of a balance a pain. You can't edit repeating withdrawals in the app. The app really isn't functional or user friendly at all. I also have commercial loans and a commercial LOC with Key. You can only pay those accounts 7am to 7 pm. If you try out of their hours you will get error messages. I work crazy hours and can't get to it during those times so it's frustrating. I work with other mobile banking apps that are extremely better.
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2 years ago, Iffyddjjxdhmbv
Overall a convenient app with a few flaws
With a few exceptions, I almost exclusively use this app for all my basic banking needs. However, I’ve noticed lately that it is incredibly slow to update my account balance, ranging from hours to days, literal DAYS. I needed to call customer support to confirm my amount the other day because the math didn’t match the account balance. I have rarely had this problem in the past but now it’s almost a weekly occurrence. Bill payments take forever to show up on the statements, and I currently have transaction statuses that have been showing up as pending for 2-3 days. I am very aware of my finances and if I need to start writing everything down then I don’t see the point of having an app that takes three days to update accounts. Huge, unnecessary overdraft risk.
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5 years ago, AppleConsultant
KeyBank With Norton Secure VPN
KeyBank app is not working when running Norton Secure VPN with Norton security even after disabling Block Ad Tracker is turned off Touch ID screen does not come up when logging in and my other banking apps from Wells Fargo capital one and other financial institutions work just fine. Could you guys please do some beta testing with Norton secure VPN and get the KeyBank app working as it should with a VPN. Also the ad in the general ledger is annoying it would be nice if you guys remove that feature I prefer not to see an ad when I’m reviewing my general ledger. Please get the KeyBank app working so that Norton Secure VPN app and Norton security app can be running when logging in. Login issue exists with touch ID on iPhone 6 Plus and 6s IOS 12.3.1 running Norton secure VPN on US servers And for some reason I’m able to login just fine with Norton VPN with all options running through Israel ? Thanks guys please do some beta testing with Norton VPN on an iPhone logging into KeyBank app over both WiFi with Xfinity and on AT&T Cellular data network. There are many times where the background image does not come in on the open screen and touch ID does not pop up when Norton Secure VPN is running And will not work at all if Norton VPN with ad blocker is turned on. Please up date this app. Thanks.
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2 years ago, M. Ro
I’ve been with KeyBank for many years and the past 3 years have been such an awful experience. The app is always slow or broken altogether. The customer service reps need training in all areas. I currently live in a state/city where KeyBank is not available as I’ve moved from Ohio with the plan to move back there next year, so I wanted to keep my bank account — but I will be closing my account as soon as I am able to. This bank has just gone downhill and fast. Just this month, I was unable to transfer funds nor was I able to log into my account portal (phone or desktop). I was told the iOS wasn’t compatible with the iPhone. Fine. But this took 3 weeks to fix as my money was being held hostage. When I called to inquire I was met with a rep that was completely unprofessional in their response to helping me. I hate this bank. Would never recommend
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2 years ago, dubuqueiarodney
When I need it
It’s there. They do maintenance every so often like all banks, however it’s not every day like some banks. I don’t like the people inside and have had a few very not so good conversations with the Denver employees at 3 of the locations. So I do all my banking online. They use a 3rd party customer service, I would recommend email if you have the time. Otherwise, if you call, set aside some time and patience and remember that their English is better than your ability to talk to them and I think it’s great that people are trying to learn the language. However, they have no power and if it’s a complex issue…be ready to retell your tale multiple times. Since it’s usually a blind transfer. Yet, even the language and the transfers; still better than in person. The white managers tend to talk down to tellers and customers who are non-white. In three locations I realized it was not me who was crazy. There are usually only 2 people running the counter and the drive and one is a manager, so basically just one person who alway seems so rushed that it boarders heavy on rudeness.
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6 years ago, Koalalyn
Deposit issues
When doing a mobile deposit I get a window pop up apologizing the transaction can’t be processed at the time call......... (paraphrased). I called that number for mobile banking and she couldn’t help me. Didn’t understand why it did that. I actually screen shot it. Took it to the bank and showed them. I had to make an inconvenient trip to the bank to deposit the check. They didn’t know anything about it. This happens constantly. My last deposit, Sunday, took 8 tries over a period of 3 hrs. It may take 15 x or multiple tries on multiple days to get it to go through. A few times I got that error message the deposit actually went through! I really don’t have time for this.
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2 years ago, dougiebaby
Latest Update...big mistake
November 2022 Update: with the latest re-design, you are no longer able to search for payees in bill pay. This is a huge flaw and now you must remember exactly how you have a payee entered, in order to make a payment. Original Review: Very disappointed in the latest update. Can no longer review pending payments. Must go to desktop via internet to see what's pending. Also, Touch ID has been eliminated. Why? Contacted bank via email when I first discovered pending payments. Was emailed an acknowledgement, but have heard nothing further.
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4 years ago, akmoosegal
Decent enough
I just saw the new update and my goodness, is it awful to try to navigate. I liked the app a lot before. It was easy to go look at my accounts and see nice visuals of how much went in, how much went out, with the totals with each transaction, and being able to scroll down quite a ways and have things be color coded. Now it’s a step (or three) back, and I hate looking at the accounts. The interface isn’t intuitive anymore, everything is just black or white when you’re looking at an account’s history, and it’s just overall not good. I’ll still use it because it’s convenient to have the app on my phone and check my balance, but it won’t be as often and I won’t do as much through the app because it’s just awful now.
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6 months ago, Mary Bronner
Can’t pay Key Bank bill online
My Key Bank mortgage is paid monthly via their autopay and drawing from my outside Chase bank checking account. This is set up and works well. HOWEVER, Key Bank will not permit me to use their online banking system to make additional payments outside of the autopay. It involves the exact same accounts as autopay, but Key bank won’t allow it. Key bank instead tells me I can only make additional payments from a Key Band checking account. Well, I have a Chase Bank checking account which works just fine with Key Bank's autopay and I will not be forced into switching it just so I can pay down my Key Bank mortgage, certainly not with all of the time and paperwirk this will no doubt entail. This has all been disrespectful to me and has caused me much frustration and has wasted much of my time.
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1 year ago, Onesimo's friend
Mobile deposit took 67 try’s.
My iPhone works really good for everything but KeyBank mobile deposit. When they first tried mobile deposit, it would take me 10 to 20 tries to submit a check for deposit. Then, it worked for a year or two, but now it’s worse than ever. And my iphone 10 works very well for everything but KeyBank mobile deposit. They said to reinstall the app. I will try that. So I rebooted my phone and reinstalled the KeyBank app. It might be a little better, in my last three tries to make a mobile deposit it took me eight times, three times, and now 45 times. But I can do more attempts in a minute. It only took maybe five minutes to do the last deposit, it used to take up to 15 minutes so that’s an improvement.
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4 years ago, Fischer Family
Mobile app that feels like full desktop site
This app was so easy and user friendly to use as well as quick for on the go transactions. It now has way to many steps to transfer money. You can’t just click-enter amount and confirm, you have to stop, scroll to account, then stop again to enter amount, then confirm and then review and then submit and then you go back to the balance page rather than being able to anger another transfer ... very slow and tedious to do on an app. It also is to sensitive to scroll thru any of the transaction as it opens each one when trying to move up or down thru them, when I don’t want to see the full details just the date & dollar amount. A good app is one you can move quickly & complete your transaction easily ... just as the previous versions!! I would NOT recommend this app
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5 years ago, JonnaDean
KeyBank +/-
I use to live in OHIO and always used Key Banks(Bucyrus,Toledo area,Powell). Unfortunately when I moved to Gettysburg PA there were NO Key Banks anywhere close by. I have chosen to keep my Key Accounts because as a Retired OH Educator my Monthly Retiremt payment is automatically deposited in my Key Account. I have been able to continue with Key due to Key’s great Online Banking Service. My only complaint is that when I have to use a different/local bank’s ATM to get $ from MY KEY ACCOUNTS I GET CHARGED because KEY DOES NOT have a location near by; I Get Charged for Something that is Not My Fault. I think Key should ReEmburse Me for that charge... Otherwise Key has been Great!
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2 years ago, bambina027
Needing customer communication
The app has been down for weeks. Majority of us know this. It’s incredibly frustrating, especially when you need to deposit checks and can’t get to a bank easily. It’s crazy how reliant we’ve become at having everything at our fingertips, but it’s reality. (Yes, I’ve deleted my app several times and rebooted my phone) It would be really cool of Key to own it and tell their customers - yes- we’re having technical difficulties on our app and we don’t know when it is going to be resolved. Instead, everything looks like nothing is wrong from the main webpage, etc. Please- just send out an email, even an alert on the main webpage letting us know that you’re aware of the situation and are working on it.
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2 years ago, Coop-$hinne
The worst bank ever
Let me put it in this way, I have never ever had such a terrible experience at any banks beside KeyBank. First, the always error stupid APP. Literally 5 out of 7 days the APP is fixing some silly problems. I have never seen Chase or BOA fix their app all the time. Second, the never be able to transfer issue and unhelpful customer service. Frankly speaking, those agents know nothing about what they do and how bank works. They always blame problems on YOU! Saying YOU doing things wrong not theirs! Lastly, the poor customer service hours. Tbh, I would highly suggest you get a 24 hours customer service bank. These lazy guys get off work even before their official work hours. Called at 4:51PM waited several mins then I got hanged up. Then no one ever picked up my call. Great, I wish the bank last forever.
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2 years ago, ~PoppStar~
New Update
I don’t know what happened with the new update, or if it’s an issue only I’m having, but the transaction history is nowhere to be found. I’ve gone through every option and it is impossible to find! A big disappointment from an app that was previously pretty easy to use. Viewing transaction history quickly (instead if waiting for my statement) is an essential part of maintaining my checkings account. The new update makes it absolutely impossible, and because it’s mandatory to update in order to continue using the app there’s no way out of it. This is a feature that needs to be fixed immediately, no other bank has taken it off their app, and I honestly can’t imagine why Key Bank would have.
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3 years ago, Momhight
The Gift
I was called to ask where my husband was. He’s at home I answer them. Well are you sure he’s not Wichita Kansas? Yes I am he’s right here would you like to speak to him? Come to find out someone had gotten my debit card number and had already withdrawn $1500 from my checking account. They were doing it in 300 and 315 dollar increment’s. My card was closed and withdrawls stopped immediately. Thanks to an on the ball KeyBank watcher we were saved from having a huge amount of money withdrawn in our name. Thank you Key Bank you are greatly appreciated.
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5 years ago, Meekie12
Closes out to quickly
I love the app and use it all the time on my phone, iPad and watch, very convenient. My biggest problem with it though is that it kicks me out of the site to quickly and I have to log back in several time while trying to use it. I wish that while you were in it and using it that it would not automatically sign you out. I have even tried moving the page I’m on up and down so it was not idol and I still logged out automatically. Not sure if I’m the only one that has this issue but I would love being able to login one time do everything I need to do then get out. Please take a look at this!
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3 years ago, Dirtydiesel6.5
Horrible app
Okay so in all fairness how this app is supposed to work is an awesome concept and if it actually worked at all it would be amazing… having said that, the app does not work at all, ESPECIALLY the “transfer a payment from an external account” that does not work at all. I entered my account information AT LEAST 50 times today and every time it says “not a valid account” and makes me start again. It is in fact a valid account because that same account works just fine on their automated phone system. Also on top of that the app seems to think my email address is “invalid” and makes me enter it twice every time I open this awful app. This thing needs some SERIOUS work, I don’t recommend wasting your time trying to use this poor excuse of an app
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7 years ago, zhansen06
Here’s the real deal. This app has greatly improved since it was first released. Touch ID is integrated nicely, and works as expected. The layout is clean and unobstructed. It shows me what I need to know, except for 1 important key feature. When you rotate the phone, it would be great if the app showed you your daily running balance. Currently if you want that, you have to login to the website on a computer to get it. When I get that feature added, I will update my review to 5 stars. Seriously this app used to be horrible. The developers have done a great job of fixing it up and making it worthwhile to have. Keep up the good work fellas!
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2 years ago, ptotheatsign
Pathetic app for a bank
Terrible app — probably the worse I’ve ever used on a frequent basis. I’ve run into a plethora of constant problems: login errors, Touch ID randomly turning off (and unable to reenable without an error message), various system error messages when trying to do routine tasks, the app telling me my login credentials are invalid when I know they are not, instructing me to change my password but giving an error message when I’m done so I don’t know if it’s been changed or not. The length of this list is crazy. The browser-based login usually works — but it has problems with Safari, so they haven’t got that right either. This horribly buggy app and overall tech experience is going to persuade me to cancel my Key Bank account and use someone else.
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2 years ago, !BFS !
Key Bank Does Respect My privacy
Key Bank is a good bank and has treated me well when I engage them at their physical bank. I am aware of other financial institutions that don’t respect privacy and pull tricks like copying what you have on your cut and paste clipboard , that hijack your contact book and Sale it to data brokers and use it drum up new sales . Its like having a friend visit you who goes through your underwear drawer and medicine cabinet as soon as you leave them alone. Key Bank hasn’t sold us down the River for a quick buck. I hope. They never do
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3 months ago, Annieoganie
I’ve never been a member of a bank that is so outdated. Transferring money is incredibly slow. When paying the mortgage, HELOC, or any other accounts, the money that is ALREADY IN THE ACCOUNT, takes up to a week to be transferred. The most frustrating part is if you have a account where a payment is due, you can only pay the INTEREST part of the payment and nothing towards the principal. If you want to pay a portion of the principal to get the balance down, you physically have to go into a location, or call and wait on hold for their terrific customer service to attempt to help you. Literally the worst establishment I’ve ever banked with. Absolutely terrible. Bank anywhere else! This place is the absolute WORST. Currently in the process of dumping this establishment.
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6 years ago, ChiRho112
Good but missing one thing, maybe two...
I use this app every day. Literally. I don’t have the time, patience, or attention span to keep a register for my checking account. So this app helps in giving me up to the minute info on my balance, transfers, and payments. However, I think you should be able to get your full account numbers and routing numbers from the app as there are many possible applications for this data. I also think that the bill pay interface should allow you to see the delivery date of payments not just the send dates.
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2 months ago, yo butter
Memo line appears only sometimes
App works, but we transfer money between accounts frequently. Sometimes I can write a memo associated with the transfer (say my kid mows the lawn and I send him some money I can record what it was for). Unfortunately many times the Memo or “Note” line isn’t even an option so I can’t record what the transfer was for. There is no rhyme or reason as to when the Note line shows up as an option and when it’s not even there. Every one of my printed checks has a memo line (they didn’t print it on just a random number of the checks), so I’m not sure why the Note line doesn’t always show up. Please fix!
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