5 years ago, FluffyKittyGamer
Good, with a few major (in my opinion) issues...
Hi, I just want to say thanks for reading this! So, probably like many people who use this app, make gacha videos. I was working on one, and got decently far in. I had edited the first part, shortened the pictures to the length I wanted and everything. And one of the things that really stood out to me and made me happy about this app, was that I didn’t have to resize every, single, picture! In iMovie, the pictures would move, starting in one corner, ending in the other. And I was so glad I didn’t have to deal with that anymore. Until, a couple of days ago when I was going back to work on my story, whenever I added pictures they’d move! I searched up how to stop that, and it showed me: go to settings, press edit, etc. Well, I did that and it doesn’t work.. I tried all the buttons, I looked at the other tabs, everything. And at least in iMovie there’s a limit to how far you can zoom out, which is as big as the picture will goes until it fits the page. But here, it’s so much harder. It’s like it’s on ice or something, continuing to zoom out even when I’m not touching anything. I don’t know if it’s my iPad, or a bug, but please take a look and try to fix?? I’m sorry that this is a small thing, but I am really disappointed about it. I’ve talked to my friends about it, and they say theirs works completely fine. I even checked it on my phone and everything was fine here too? Thank you!
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