Knights & Dragons - RPG

4.7 (7.1K)
114.4 MB
Age rating
Current version
Funzio, Inc
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
9.0 or later
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User Reviews for Knights & Dragons - RPG

4.69 out of 5
7.1K Ratings
5 years ago, Gage_Sabin
I love this game, it’s been my favorite game since the iPod 2 came out. I’m still addicted to it from the start, the game never has you waiting like all the others these days. Like when you’re waiting for a building to be built, you can go fight monsters or compete with others in an arena. Most games are all “pay to play” kind of deal but this game is very friendly to everyone where no matter what, you always get something. This game is being watched like a hawk, it takes experts to hack from all the fine tuned programming in it so you know that the best are the best. If KND people are reading this, I’d like to say that I love your game more than any other and that I think that you guys should add more levels to do while we wait for armor to craft and stuff and maybe add more spots for buildings and maybe more upgrades for them that you can buy with gold so that we have more to work for?
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1 year ago, CalebT420
Honest Review.
It’s a very good game. Although I will say the PVP Arena is definitely setup for you not to go on any win streak. They pair you up with people way stronger than you to where you don’t have any chance at winning even with armor stuns or special attacks. Same goes with guild wars. You have to place top tiers to even complete special event things, otherwise you will just not be able to complete those armors or whatever the event is for. But even with all of that, I will have to give it 3 stars because it’s still a decent game with good mechanics and things to do. But just know it is more on the side of paid to win or be in top guilds to even get anything which is a developer issue. They do not care about the regular players. I’ve spent so much money towards this game and never got close to becoming one of the top people or even top guilds so they definitely should fix some of that. It may bring some of the old community back and also catch attention to new people. Don’t believe this if you don’t want to but I’ve literally played since they shut down criminal legacy servers and sold to other developers and this is just my honest review. They could do more for their community!
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1 year ago, Jovan79466
Simple fun game but…
Recently I got this game again after years and the first chest I opened was a shadow forged I was super happy as it is the highest rank armor in the game I thought I was super lucky only to find out it’s harder to get the lower rank armor now then it is to get the highest in a week I had a collection of shadow forge armor without paying anything and that takes away from the fun and also makes fighting bosses and other activities useless since you even get shadow forge or dragon forge armors from events even if you rank low making the main thing of the game collecting awesome armors less fun when they just give it to do without doing much pulling a shadow forge from the chest is no longer a nice feeling it’s more like oh nice another one makes it seem like the game is soon to shut down so they give players everything I hope that’s not the case but I hope they fix this problem since even in pvp in the lowest rank everyone has shadow forge that’s not how it used to be getting a legendary back in the day was a great feeling and that’s two ranks below shadow force before they even released dragon forge and shadow forge
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6 years ago, Humble manblobyyyyyyy
For all those saying Pay to Win...
This game really isn’t pay to win. Chests are such a small part of this game that it can’t be pay to win. If you watch ads and build up gems, you can go on pushes that get you armors that are better than the ones in the chests! Just don’t buy chests lol. For all those whose ads don’t work, there are things like resetting advertisement tracking in your device settings, or uninstalling/reinstalling etc. but for those players who can get gems, just save, and it’s no longer pay to win at all. You have to figure out how to play the game right, and how to actually get good armors before it becomes fun. It’s a great game that deserves more time than you instant gratification hogs.
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2 years ago, Omg its zircon01
Best mobile game I’ve ever touched.
Played this game with all of my best friends growing up and many have sent me screenshots of them playing to show me the nostalgi, after looking through the App Store for days ( haven’t been playing mobile games past few years) I’ve decided nothing amounts to the love I have for this game, only a few others have come half close fo how much I’ve played this game, been in a top ten guild in guild wars, lots of accomplishments and armors I look back to when playing this game. Lots of fair and hope that this game continues to grow and stay apart of the gaming community. Miss the old videos and community this game had!
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8 months ago, Andrew9630
Addicting let down
So it’s very easy to get good gear in this game but the down side to getting the ultimate armors. Which require 6 seasons of getting the exclusive in a row and if you’re missing one you’re out of luck. The arena will match you with these armors repeatedly so even getting 3 wins in a row is difficult. When doing guild wars I’ve been paired against the same people back to back with these ultimate armors. Not to mention you have to have thousands of gems to get the ring and amulet set in guild war for exclusive armors. Game lacks really any guide. Chest are a waste of gems. The game is very addictive for the gotcha theme but unless you have money to spend. You’ll never be on par with the people it puts you against repeatedly unless you’re a new play of course and it’s all easy
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6 years ago, sp0oked
Great game but it needs fixes
This game is great but it has so much things that have to be fixed such as, gem offers. Many times when I do gem offers it glitches out and says that an error has occurred. It says that somethings wrong with my connection and I have to retry it, but my connection is fine. It does this almost every time and the 2 only way to fix it is waiting for the message to pop up (takes a pretty long time) or restarting knights and dragons. This is super frustrating because it’s so annoying to keep restarting knd and all I want to do is to save up gems for pushes. Please respond and fix this. If this is fixed I will give this game a 5 star.
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1 year ago, evolone68
Knights and dragons 2
Hi Dev Team. This game I’ve had played off and on and very other different accounts over the years I’ve played this game in the very early first 2-3 years of release and it’s just very outdated I still have a love for this game it just needs constant updates and up to date but a KAD2 would be very awesome and maybe a fresh new start just like the original when it made its own first appearance I would love a response from the Dev Team you guys stay busy maybe so if y’all are working on other games or better stuff I’d love the response but a 2nd KADs would be awesome
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6 years ago, AreosGames135
Good Game, Horrible Optimization
I have been playing this game for two years. The gameplay is really fun and amazing. However, I can’t say the same for the optimization. For example, I watch ads for gems, since I don’t want to buy in app purchases. Okay, but when I watch them, some ads don’t even give you your gems. Even after waiting a whole week. Also, I once watched like 30 ads to get gems and guess how much I get. None. The game crashed at the last video I was watching and converted none of the gems. Fix your game Gree. Just because you bought this company, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least try to fix tiny problems like gems because tiny problems like that are enormous problems to players who unfortunately can’t buy in app purchases...
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2 years ago, tshapedbone
Players are not important
With this game, it's all about money! The gold coins you will need to upgrade or fuse armors, this game gives very limited coins "gems as well" and will want or ask you to buy them "real money" the time it takes to wait for coins is just plain crap because it takes too much time for not many gold As well as everything else armor, rings ect..... if you want to waste space on your phone, then download this game "time" on every aspect of the game is just plain stupid Personally the game is fun but the waiting time on everything is just annoying If you "the company " want to make this game fun DROP DOWN THE TIME ON WAITING FOR THINGS TO FINISH AND GIVE MORE GOLD COINS AND GEMS!!! This game gets 1 star this game is all about money and not about players Just thought I would warn you all before you waste your time
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5 years ago, §Space§
Good game but one good thing to add
I wish we could combined new month t 20 armors with old ones and get at least half the tiers back from the old one and put them in the new ones I have at least 12 t 20 armors I don’t use because they are no longer useful and getting tickets in a pain, and no shatter pets have been in for awhile also not good but can’t wait for the next deca event those are always fun keep up the work guys game keeps getting better! And for everyone else good luck I’ll see you out in the knd world:)
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7 years ago, Garr32
I love this game but here's an idea that would most likely help with the armor exp system
Ok say that you just got some really great 5 star armor or whatever and the armor you have is say like lv68 or something and you decide to use that Lv 68 armor to Lv up your 5 star armor and the armor goes up to at least lv15 and then you realize hey that was a waste of the lv68 armor. So what I'm saying is that of experience you put to that Lv 68 armor you should at least get Lv 25 depending on the star rank and the Lv 68. I really think my idea would help player like me who can't afford to pay for the bought currency and it would probably save people some money and give them a better opinion of the game
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12 months ago, Jrove-x
Old game but strong community.
This game is absolutely amazing, however, the only issue is that there isn’t any new content since heroic mode and pet events (for those starting new this is like clash of clans it takes time and effort to become good if you do not want to spend real life currency.) please DECA add more content because older players like myself keep coming back to the game because we enjoy it. I started playing back in 2014~2015 and besides adding epic, dragonforged and shadowforged armors nothing else has been added. Please make this game greater which we all know it can be!
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4 years ago, CoNHellCatBoa
I love this game but I have a issue
I’ve been playing this game for a while now and haven’t experienced anything like this but every time I try to play the game, the screen is dark and the loading bar is stuck I can see the loading screen and everything it just won’t load. I’ve tried to let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and still nothing the loading bar didn’t even move an inch. I’ve assumed it’s a bug from the update that not many people have experienced because I’ve tried to look up a video about it but nothing.
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7 years ago, Ann Marie_13
Good, but has its issues
There is an issue with the "Epic Boss" feature in the game. I'm not sure if this was an intended change or not, but when fighting the Epic Boss, the Boss's hit points reset to "full" if you don't beat it on the first attempt. I liked it better when you could make more than one attempt in the 2-hr time period without the hit points resetting. It makes it harder for people to get the armor ingredients unless they have super-strong armor for their knights! Speaking of armor, the "Legendary" armors players can create by beating the Epic Bosses have become significantly weaker when compared to several months ago. What happened?
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5 years ago, Sealvl
This game lacks compensation. There’s a lot of crashes and errors in the game that effects everyone and they don’t give out a sorry for the issue reward. Every other game I’ve played gives compensation on issues that happen with updates and just errors in general but this game after years I’ve never seen them once give compensation. Aside from that the games pretty good but there’s too many crashes and issues for them to not give out compensation.
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6 years ago, RoNniEB1014
I have been dumb enough to spend on a game week after week to obtain digital armors using digital currency and for what? A company who cannot run events smoothly, cancels and rearranges our schedules last minute, and the last and final straw removes gems from our accounts after their event is glitched. I received 307 gems but 680 were removed from my account. I received energy but also bought energy prior to the raid equaling 120 energy, when my energy was reset I was set to 40. The company essentially ontop of removing their issues which is fine stole $100 USD from me not factoring sale prices. What about those who used the gems to obtain the fusion armors? Or those who burned through 400 energy using speed lineups, they keep the rewards. Great job DECA on screwing your player base!
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7 years ago, Ice victor
Stay away from this game
Although this game is inviting and can be fun to play, play with this in mind. The game maker Gree has little to no Custamer support . I played the game for two years it was great not one problem. Now they are adding in un tested new material causing game crashes and lose of items bought in game. You try and contact Gree to get back in the game and your items lost returned and they do not replay . I am currently locked out of the game now for 7 days . So after two years and untold amount of real money invested I am left with nothing. So play at your own risk. Even if I do get my game to work again I will not play or spend any more money in this game until the game maker can fix the multitude of glitches and crashes that are in game now.
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4 years ago, obaetheasians
So much potential...
I’ve been playing this game since 2014 and I always come back to check if they’ve updated that game. It’s been 3 years since the newest iPhone came out and it still is rendered for a iPod like come on. The amount of money I would pay for gems and chest would be insane. My old Knights and Dragons account is linked to my Facebook and they still haven’t even updated it so I can log in with Facebook. This game has so much potential and could profit so much money if they tried and listen to the reviews. Just hate to see such a great game go to waste.
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6 years ago, DarkLight19
Seriously bad bugs
I do love this game, I’ve been playing on and off for years now. However, when I try and load my save from the cloud onto my new phone, the game won’t load. It gets to a certain point when booting up the game and never goes past that. I’ve left my phone on for hours at a time and the bar never movies. It’s extremely annoying because I have a level 80+ save that I really want to get back to but can’t, and I don’t want to start a new game. I can’t contact support because the link is broken. Please fix your game developers!
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3 years ago, Jydie
Lost my scrolls from heroic zones 13, 14, and 16!!
This latest update has a huge bug!! I lost all the heroic scrolls I had earned in zones 13, 14 and 16. The scrolls don’t show up in those zone anymore, so now I can’t even earn them back. As for the game... well, the really good armor is impossible to earn... you have to spend a lot of money to get them... and even then, it is still up to chance. If I spend money, I want it to be a for sure thing. No gambling and throwing my money away on this game. If you want to play without spending much money, understand that you will NEVER be very competitive. It is fun as long as you accept that before playing.
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5 years ago, KEKILLAH
Login event doesn’t match actual calendar, or it it just me?
I’m an avid player, as in I play every day, but when it comes to the login event prizes I kinda wanna lose it. It’s March 7th already and I’m only getting the day 3 prize today. Not sure why the February login event had 31 days but I would like it if the login event corresponded with the actual calendar. I would love to get all my login event prizes as I do play EVERYDAY and there’s always good stuff to receive. Other than that love the game so please fix. Thank you.
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4 years ago, Zerolack
New rarity
I love this game and I’ve been playing it for years, on multiple accounts since the other ones got lost. But I’ve been thinking that there should be a new rarity called Bloodforged. Shadowforged is cool and all and it looks nice, but just think of what you could make with Bloodforged. I think it would just be a cool addiction to armor since I feel like Shadowforged is getting tapped out now.
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4 years ago, jaf7284
Terrible customer support
I’ve been playing this game for awhile now and took a little break. I got a new phone and forgot to transfer my account and I sent a message to the support team and after sending the support person everything they needed to get it back they just stopped responding to me. I sent another ticket and got someone different and after sending them even more information that they asked for, they never responded and closed my ticket. So this account that I’ve spent around $500 is gone for now because the customer support that told me they could get it back and then just stop trying to help.
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6 years ago, Wildsaver
Ambitious? Than stay away!
I’ve played this game for around 4 years! My problem is that this game is impossible! I’ve spent around 4 years of my life playing this game and it’s problems are obvious. Not so long ago I spent 900 gems for an event, the chest had 25% of getting the armor, but that’s a lie. This happened before several chests and nothing, it’s the worst! I wish I’d get my gems back, the percentage is misinforming, it’s more like 5% change not 25% chance! The odds in everything is against you, their greedy ideas are so noticeable that blind people can see it! Tricking you to spend gems with no award!
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1 year ago, VeiwoCan
The game was fun for new incoming players as there is more room for exploration in the game like story mode and collecting cool armors and chest opening, but the game never focuses on anything new beside the power system and new armor season. It becomes more of a chore and repetitive watching videos and and opening chest and collecting there set pieces. The game is a great rpg but certain things they slept on is the villiage building, material usage, Story mode, pvp style. All they do is make new armor that’s stronger and keep you playing so you can watch ads to get these new armor. If you like Grindy games go for it.
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6 years ago, Phucoffsnap
Offers for gems don't work
I've been playing this game for a dew years now, and I really enjoy it, its probably the longest I've played a game but there is a problem with the free gem offers. I know this is something that most games here have problems with, I can complete the offer whether its a free trial on some app, or completing to a certain point in a game for the reward, and I do't ever get the rewards. I've done about 200 gems worth of offers, but I still haven't recieved any of them. Still an amazing game otherwise.
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4 years ago, Thibtown
Part 2??
As much as I had fun with this game the last few decades, they need a part 2. A hard reset on all the armors to make the game back to how it was intended to be. You can tell they still have all their graphic designers with all the new armor bosses and pets, yet the adventure has been the same since launch? It’s hard for people to spend money on a game that only gives you 5 minutes of gameplay every 2-3 hours. I was talking to my friends the other day who play about how much the company would make with a sequel that actually put more to do.
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6 years ago, JCEISME
Fun game but every single time I go to try and get gems by watching ads it times out. I came here infuriated after spending 15 minutes trying to watch one video. I doubt the creators would want this. I also do not understand the mechanics of the chests as I have opened much more of those then normal people my level, yet have not gotten one of the good prizes. That’s less infuriating, but please just fix the problem with the ads as it made me want to rip my brain out of my skull.
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2 years ago, Somebodydjdjshdhshdb
Please optimize for iPhone 10 and newer!!!
I played this game YEARS ago and loved it. I took a break and want to come back but since I’ve had newer devices (iPhone XS and 12) I’ve realized that the game isn’t optimized for them and leaves a ton of dead pixels. I check back every few months to see if they’ve done it but sadly at this point I doubt it’ll happen. If developers see this PLEASE try to optimize it; many players would really appreciate it I’m sure!
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6 years ago, Doazic
Great Game and Community
I’ve been playing Knights and Dragons for almost 1year now. Once you figure out the basics of the game -I believe it’s essential to download Line App and join a guild, that’s where the heart of the community is and you learn a lot more about the game. You can eventually go on pushes which means if you score high enough points with your guild you can get good armor for your knights. Give this game enough time you won’t be disappointed.
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5 years ago, TheoRexTwist
I love the game
Some how I lost my old account please make it easer for me or in general please thank you . But we need more stages new levels and a few more mini games for boost because people are op now make it to ware if your smart and put a few hours in you get right not alllll day and still nothing no shinny armor or nothing all day of grinding but we try to have fun please give more ty much love and long live the game if you help the player
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7 years ago, caverykincaid
I’m stuck
I was fighting the boss guy and my character had lost but instead of going back to the castle I just sat there dead and looked at the boss I tried closing the app and reloading it but I kept bringing me back to the boss with my dead body then I deleted the app and re download it and it still took me to the boss screen I really like this game I play it all the time I just need a little help so I can keep playing
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6 years ago, Master modz
3 star only for boss battle glitch
I honestly love this game a lot, it’s a really good time passer and to play when bored. I would give it a 5 star but recently I’ve encountered the rare glitch that happens with a certain pet and I’m stuck in a boss battle that I can’t escape from, nothing I do works I even looked up help to try and fix it but it still didn’t work and it’s frustrating I had some really good armor and now I lost it all because of this and I can’t even make a new account, when will this glitch be fixed?
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5 years ago, Cryosteel
Amazing game but one problem
The new updates consist of various armor with relatively low stats like 2 attack and defense and armors called “epic boss upgrades” , the game does not say what to do with these armors but they seem genuinely useful . Besides that , it is by far one of the best RPG games I’ve ever played , and I want to say thank you to the developers that made this and that they have done an amazing job besides complicating it a little.
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7 years ago, xdrexdre
IOS to Playstore compatibility
I absolutely adore this game. Been playing for a week nonstop and have gotten in the top two thousand in the arena without paying a dollar. My only complaint is that there’s no way to play with friends of mine that have androids. I feel like doing this would give the game a boost in who plays it, because combining the two would make it all more competitive and you’d be able to play with friends you can’t right now
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4 years ago, DragonJMK08421
This is one of the few games that I’ve kept coming back to over the years. It is one of my favorite games. The graphics, the music, the character and armor design, everything is amazing. The only thing I have to complain about is how hard it is to earn gems and how after a certain point there are no more levels to beat.
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6 years ago, HiredGun14
I been playing this game for about three years. I had my Game Center hooked up. But when I logged into the game on my new device and same Game Center. It didn’t come up. The period between my old device and new one was 4 weeks. I kept emailing them and trying to recover it. The told me they found one account that matched my description and name. But can’t get into it. Thinking about just deleting the game because I’m not going to put the amount of time and effort for a new character and story line. If you can’t logged into your old account, forget about it and delete the game. They won’t help you.
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6 years ago, Ryan Tarapchak
Great game but gem videos don’t work
Every time I try to watch a video offer to receive a single free gem. It crashes and says offer unavailable. I will have to log out and in a couple of times to actually get it to start working again but in just a few more videos it does it again. Also, when I try to watch the Don’t vape video it doesn’t play and just shows a black screen. Please fix this.
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5 years ago, M. Silv
I’ve played this game since I was little and it’s still very fun. I’m able to play with family and friends in a guild. I was off the game for a while and when I came back, a daily reward armor could have been very powerful back then. I understand though because the game moves on. I suggest giving less powerful items without earning them. 👍🏼
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5 years ago, yakfishattack
Dope as Hell
I love this game! Ever since I was 6 or 7, (i don’t remember), i have loved this game since i got my iPod in first grade!!! I’m 13 now, and still love this game to The North Star Polaris and back! (Approx. 52 LY/6,743,652,987,537,736,100 miles) pls don’t try to read out that whole number, it will hurt your brain, but anyways i absolutely luv this game, 5,000,000,000 out of 5 stars, i hope anyone who gets it will love it as much as i do as well, bye!
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7 years ago, Scar scar 112
Milestone problem
I love this game so much. However during the recent Undead Leviathan raid I have not been receiving my milestone rewards and I have just reached the milestone with the dragon coin and that’s the last one I need before I am able to craft some dragon coin SF armors. It’s only the one with the raid and I haven't received any of the rewards. If that could be fixed it would be great. Sincerely, A dedicated player
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6 years ago, Baby yot
Not as bad as people think
I have been playing this game for a few months, and I gotta tell u guys: it’s really not that bad. I used to play this when I was younger and I found it again and started playing.... well, my childhood game. This thing might not be the ideal thing for modern day teens or pre teens, but it’s overall a great game and it feels good to have found it again. :)
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4 years ago, 9+10=19
iPhone 11 Pro Problems
I love the game ever since I got it 4 years ago, everything worked perfectly on my iPhone 6 and iPhone 8, I recently got the iPhone 11 Pro and the games screen has 2 black edges both around .5 inches on each side and whenever I try to start a mission the game crashes. I uninstalled, deactivated my account then reactivated it on this device and a lot of other methods and it still continues. Please help.
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5 years ago, Jakcnc
Stuck on startup screen
I started playing this game a long time ago (when epic armors were just introduced into the game) and have spent a lot of time and a decent amount of money on it. One day without warning my game stopped loading. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling, restarting my phone, etc. but the game always gets stuck at the 33% mark when i try to connect to my account (loads in perfectly on a new account). There are no error messages or anything of the sorts. The game itself is amazing and i would love to be able to play again. If you’re reading this please help me gree
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5 years ago, skennarocks5
What the heck
I’m mostly doing this because I got 30 gems for connecting to Facebook and when I transferred my account to my tablet the gems were gone. I checked back on my phone and they were gone off of there too. Those gems I had, they are mine and I would like them back. Other than that the game is amazing I’ve been playing this game for years and you always are learning new things. A little tip is you want to join a guild that knows what it’s doing.
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2 years ago, Hdlnun
Love the game but…
been playing for a long time and recently started playing again. Only thing that I don’t like is that i can’t get rid of shadowforged armors that aren’t needed. Combining them really just gives me the same armors over and over.. It’d be cool if we could smelt armors for gold or materials. Would help a lot.
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6 years ago, jdwilson819
Great game, terrible support
I overall love this game, I’ve been playing for about 4 months and am in t50 guild. This game has terrible customer support, they rarely answer the support and when they do it’s weeks later. Also, i have an X and it’s been out almost a year now and this game is still not optimized for it. It’s annoying cause the game takes time to actually progress in and when you have issues, you expect to be answered in a few days.
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6 years ago, puce_00
Run while you still can
This game has gone down hill past the point of no return. Developers have issues running simple weekend events and their answer is to log into each players account and remove bought gems with no rhyme or reason. A player that hadn’t even opened his account all weekend had over 200 gems taken. I had items that went missing from my account that took over 2 months and 25 email messages to get back, so that tells you how bad their customer service team is. Like I said in my title, run while you still can.
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7 years ago, Nattertot
Recently KND was taken over by a different company. Since the take over, they have improved the game but have had a lot of major issues with the functionality of the game. Currently you can access game, but if you are a high level player there is nothing for you to do and the blame has been placed on a third party data system. For a game that has made its fair share of money of of players, you think that they would have s back up plan for a major issue that effects daily game play. Improvements need to be made for this game to fulfill its potential.
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