Legend of the Cryptids

2.6 (180)
44.8 MB
Age rating
Current version
Mynet Games Inc.
Last update
2 years ago
Version OS
9.0 or later
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User Reviews for Legend of the Cryptids

2.57 out of 5
180 Ratings
2 years ago, Pollyhess95
Too expensive
I love this game, don’t get me wrong, the events are fun the over all system is great, fantastic art, but it’s too expensive, Gems cost an arm and a legs, there is very little in the way of free gems, and almost no way to earn gems, and even when you have the gems, the card draw system cost too many gems for too small of a chance to even gain the best possible prize, it’s an unfair system that takes advantage of players needs to get better cards to continue to do well and enjoy the game, and the trade system needs to be better regulated, even that’s too expensive for most players, especially new players
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4 years ago, Aeon3D
Events crash, almost unplayable on iPad, bad draw percentages
I had been a player since near the beginning. It was a great game, spent tons of money though, and didn’t mind.. but then.. the game was overrun by cheaters and exploits to the in-game currency items that turned the game economy inside out. The bugs became more and unfixed especially for for iPad, dev changed and then game got even worse, draw percentages got laughably low and seem rigged like a low paying slot machine and programmed to keep you spending for the chance of the highest power cards that had become bound and untradeable until they’re made obsolete by newer stronger cards. Forget about events like BR with an iPad, will crash to no end. I ended up deleting the app after several years of play, last year and held up a big middle finger at the greed machine now running this game. Too bad... it used to be the only app I played for several years. Instead of fixing all the same bugs people complain about for years, they seem to focus on how to make more money from the dwindling players that still remain. Oh yeah, if you’re a free player, which I most definitely was not, you don’t stand a chance in any event if they ever work for you.
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5 years ago, Jimbob703
Could be far better.
Okay the pros: the game has fantastic art and a story you could potentially find entertaining. I didn’t, but you could. The cons: Constant load times and waste of data. Poor navigation (too many buttons with questionable meaning). No actual game play whatsoever. You think looking at it: “Oh it’s a card game! That could be fun collecting cards and battling others for more!” The game has you challenge other players for treasure, or aimlessly “battle” a bunch of mobs that provide 0 challenge. This amidst tons of loading. I played for less than 5 minutes and burned 70mb data. Yikes to say the least. Honestly with the impressive artwork, they should revamp and make this a clicker based game. Would be far more appealing, have good load times, play to their strengths and burn 0 needless data.
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1 year ago, Don't waste your time.
This game doesn’t allow free players the opportunities that they allow paid players. The game is Biased and will only support the top players or spenders in the game. Every event benefits the same players who always play on multiple devices. Crew Clash was changed to only allow the top 80 players the chance at winning and not the crews themselves who helped those players get there. Raid events, the same ten teams are the top ten teams every time. The battle Royal events, are the same way. The start times for some events are terrible for non-USA players. Hopefully you don’t have any issues with getting Gems, because they will not help and you will have to deal with the App Store for any corrections. New players are required to wait 3 weeks before you can trade or do anything in the game. Players Beware!
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3 years ago, Bbbbbaaaalllllllaaaaaa
Old return
I played this game almost a decade ago when it first came out, it’s definitely a lot more complicated since then. Noob friendly with the newcomers event but still trying to put together a deck of 35+ pwr cars is expensive. Used to play Galaxy Saga religiously till they just stopped caring about updating it. Maybe revamp GS so new people have a chance to compete.
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5 years ago, #1 zombiefun
Wish I could love it again
This game... what can I say. Started playing a few months after the game came out. I used to love this game. Now it is so frustrating most events the game is constantly crashing. They obviously need more servers to handle the load. As of today I and many other members haven’t been able to access the game for multiple hours. The frustrating part is if/when they fix the issue if they do acknowledge there even was one they give you “compensation” which is such a small amount it’s like a slap in the face to us loyal players. I just wish they would do better. They need more updates. Also I wish there was an in game live chat option. Many other games have this option and it makes gameplay much more interesting. Besides during a single event which is a waste because it takes time away from actual gameplay to use. The “cheer” option thy have is all well and good except it’s limit to amount of characters you can type and chat can get lost easily.
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2 years ago, Sickstar99999999
Needs to be updated more often!
I’ve been with this game since beta, almost 8 yrs or so, and it’s been interesting. Mainly my only gripe nowadays is that I haven’t even been able to log on for almost two months now because the don’t keep up with the updates! I’m on the most recent IOS and sadly LotC just hasn’t been updated to work on the latest IOS yet. So get on it LoC!!
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5 years ago, Haunted404
Legend of the Crashes
This game has beautiful artwork and had great potential, but beware! This game has a reputation in the community of being buggy, glitchy, and the game crashing is common. Recently, the developers have been banning innocent players who have been loyal customers for years... I, myself have been playing for 6 years and I fear that one day, I’ll log on to find my account disabled; what’s worse, they’ll ban without a reason and will refuse to show you proof. I used to enjoy this game a lot, but now it’s just become a dead husk of a game that they’re trying to keep alive (and not a very good job since they’ll loose all their loyal players if the bans continue.
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5 years ago, Jbeddings
Super frustrating
Look, I spent ALOT of time playing this game back in the day, and it’s been a while since I played it. It IS a pretty fun game to play. My main and really only problem is that they make it nearly impossible to find old accounts. There is NO reason I shouldn’t be able to click on something like. “Log into your account” with a password that’s already been added to an email address. But alas, if you lose your previous device good luck trying to get it. I really want to start playing again but I don’t have access to my old phone to do the password crap. Terrible design.
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4 years ago, Kingtyrrano
Good game, crap customer service and connection
The game is good. Has been for years. Lately tho there is never any kind of response from customer service regarding basic issues like account recovery. Ive sent emails to them everyday for a week trying to recover my old account and no response whatsoever. This was also the case when i tried recovering my account 6 months ago. Been forced to play on a new account and the game lags out alot. Loses connection even though im on wifi or my 5g connection. It really was a gold game but the service is terrible and the server is a joke.
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5 years ago, The Divine Phoenix
Unfair bans of players
This used to be a good and fun game, but with the game changing hands and poor tech service, the devs ban good long term players. I have seen this happen several times as I have been a player since Oct 4, 2012 (almost 6 and a half years), but that they have done this to one of the most respected players is atrocious. Until the current developers either repair or replace their current software, I can no longer recommend this game to anyone. If you chose to join, expect errors and higher likelihood of being banned although you have done nothing wrong.
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6 years ago, Natbricker13
I like the game. The music is super repetitive though and I wish there was an option to silence the music and use my own while I play. Maybe a setting added to switch music on and off and the app allowing other audio to be played. There are a ton of games that do this. I would play the game a lot more :)
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3 years ago, Gweedo72
Legend of the cryptically
Been playing since the start! Here it is 9yrs later game still going strong- The game play is simple And get in a good guild- Get line app- For communication-with guild- And trade rooms- It’s better than most people are even saying- If you love art! The collecting is awesome! The battles are easy fairly- Takes time to grow! You’re not gunna be strong off the bat- But with time! The game opens up to better rewards- And there’s log in bonuses- I’d say play for a year- Really try it out! I love it still! Looking forward to 9 more years +
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5 years ago, Bigballs420
I didn’t really understand the game when I played it
I played this probably 5 or so years ago and I didn’t like it and yet it somehow still exist and there’s a way better game like this called Hellfire: The Summoning which sadly doesn’t exist anymore which was also a card based game, I just want to play hellfire again I’m not saying this is a horrible game or anything I just didn’t really understand evolving your cards
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5 years ago, POW
Go find other games
This game contains: 1. One of the worst UI you can find in a mobile game. For a simplest thing you still need to tap and wait for the loading for hundred times. 2. Events that almost always crush. You won’t be able to finish any event without restarting the app hundred times. 3. Some of the greediest players you’ll ever encounter in a game. The way they try to trade their cards is just disgusting. Go find some other games, this one is so rotten now we should just let it die.
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4 years ago, saul zinca
Needs an update
This is a so what or by far best game close to lotd I’ve ever played please make an update so it can be less laggy and better button setup on game this game is so great and with much more potential
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2 years ago, Venomnick
Stuck on Terms and Service screen
It’s been ages since I’ve thought about this game and wanted a little bit of nostalgia, but can’t get past the ToS page. I assume once they patch this game for the new iso update it’ll work just fine.
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2 years ago, AnimeFanSage
Uncompromising support; whether you made a mistake in purchases or other errors, they won’t help you nor compensate you or refund you your gems or items in question. They maybe help you if it was a technical glitch. Now they gut this Delete Button in the present list that can delete all your “virtual cards” you accumulate and they won’t reverse if you mistakenly press it.
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4 years ago, Gamer958
Suspends you for no reason
They suspend people’s accounts for no reason and will not respond to request why Horrible customer service You can spend tons of money and they suspend dozens of accounts without justification and will not tell you why you got suspended Would not recommend unless you like constant freezes and glitches to your game and investing time and money only to have your account frozen
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6 years ago, Joseph Bonczyk
Change music
Since Christmas is upon us soon, I was wondering if you could change the music theme to its Christmas theme I was heard 5 years ago. It was splendid and superb to hear once again.
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3 years ago, Cold forge
Miss the game
Used to play with a bunch of church friends spent thousands of usd. Shame they never added a Facebook or Game Center login. Want to play again but can’t provide proof of purchase as I haven’t played in 5 or 6 years and iTunes does not show purchase from that long. Would love to play again for old times sake. And yeah we were a top 10 guild back in the day good times
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4 years ago, PoohbarTheWise
Stale an janky
This game isn't bad but it feels like a carbon copy of “Rage of Bahamut” if anyone remembers that before it was taken down. Thats not so much the problem as the UI most of the time there is no “back” button and instead you need to go to the home menu and start over from the beginning. Also poor game management, for instance on 1/18 i received a “draw ticket” that expired on 1/12.... The art is great but nothing new from rage of bahamut. RoB was a game from over 10 years ago and nothing has been upgraded or updated since. The game could have a simple charm if it wasnt so cluttered and difficult to navigate.
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5 years ago, kithri2
Game crashes and accessability issues
Like the game, cards can level and battle, special events. However game lags or won’t switch pages. Also needs accessability issues fixed. Blind people use voice over on iPhones that reads text aloud but most buttons don’t have. Add text to all links and buttons. The card packs are not useable so add some kind of (draw) text link to pick a random card and make it useable with tickets. I have lots of tickets but can’t get them to work to get cards.
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2 years ago, 有人吗?对牛弹琴!
iOS 15.4
When are you going to make it work for iOS 15.4? It’s been a long waiting time already 😢
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4 years ago, JNolan4916
I love this game- but please help
I love this game, however the system I had it on broke and I can’t transfer data since my password isn’t working. Please, please developers- I really want to play but can’t afford to start a new account
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5 years ago, Shado770
Games great, but one problem
Hello I am a blind user and I like the game, but for some reason every time I try to enhance a card it takes me to the shop, but other than that keep up the good work
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5 years ago, James Hoang Nguyen
Incredible Art, But App Looks Terrible
The unit art is really great, but the app looks like a random games you find as a flash game. Other games have way more professional looking menus to go through, but this is not one of those games.
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4 years ago, Polgara5678
Will not load even after restarting
I enjoy the game... when it actually works!!! The game glitches often, forcing me to restart over and over until something clicks and the “tap here” button works. If program does not improve, I’ll find another game to play that is not this developer.
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5 years ago, jordan_hjacinto
My review
Amazing artwork, just wish you could change the element.
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2 years ago, Underhandleft47
I don’t want to hate this game I used to love it
I physically cannot open the game without it crashing, cannot get past the first screen. I had some great items/cards and wanted to come back. There is no support that isn’t in Chinese. I wish it weren’t this way but it is and I’m vastly dissapointed.
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4 years ago, Katzy Bee
Waiting more then playing
Sure, the graphics are seriously cool, but trying to navigate and just play... this is where you will be waiting, and then simply waiting some more. There should also be a guest option when you start the game, instead of needing to create an account...
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2 years ago, Irish black hat
This is a real shame waiting five minutes for this game to load just to get to another spot and plus if it doesn’t work it tells me server is busy so I need to update this game and make it faster and more efficient because this game is actually good game
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4 years ago, Jimmy201
Finnworld please used my id finnworld
I would have recommended this game but now it loads horribly slow I would've recommended a five star now and give it a one wish they would fix the game to load correctly do not recommend it emergency maintenance Did not improve gameplay get your act together
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5 years ago, Bee19930
Isn’t working
I went through the whole tutorial before I closed the app. When I opened it again it made me reload the app multiple times and when it finally worked it asked me to make a new account. So for the time being, the game isn’t playable.
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4 years ago, Jax-31
Do not waste your time or money on this game it’s beyond frustrating trying to get the game to load much less play. Games are buggy and servers constantly crash their idea of compensation is a small amount of bound items. Game is nothing but a money pit and headache that you can do without.
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5 years ago, AlleyRose73
The game looks beautiful and I managed to get through the tutorial without problem. After that, the game locked up. Restarting didn’t help; stayed frozen on the start screen. Lovely game. Wish I could play it.
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5 years ago, hutsdhjjesfko
Kudos for the improvements to the raid and making the app more stable!!
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4 years ago, Mr.Mega Phone
Absolute trash
Graphics are garbage, the cards are nice but the battles are straight 70’s cartoons. The card draws are literally 30% chance for a 2 star out of 40 cards. And the loading time... I literally made a bowl of ramen and when I came back it was still loading. I’d avoid this game at all costs.
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4 years ago, Suikakyuju
I had been playing since the game came out, made it through all the hacking and event crashes, eventually saved up over a million pp, but its all useless now since the game wont even load. dont bother trying to play -david1978
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5 years ago, mOOky8D
Artwork is superb. Gameplay is nonexistent.
The art in this is fantastic but there is zero actual strategy gameplay. It amounts to simply tapping the screen to move to the next step. Utterly lame and disappointing. May as well just google the artwork.
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6 years ago, Tvh 30
Worst game for crashing and freezing up I’ve ever played!! It’s so bad you can’t even play the game the way it should be played!! They have these cool events to play in but the freezing and crashing and lagging make you not want to play this game ever again. Loc fix your game
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4 years ago, thediTT
8 year veteran. They don’t care
Been a loyal player for 8 years and paid a lot of money in the in app purchase store for gems etc. they banned my account for no reason. Don’t download or play this game. Shut down this horrible dev and game and warn everyone to stay away
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5 years ago, ouranos808
They need better servers 8 out of 10 times I gotta close and restart the game because of crashes wth with all the money people spend u think they could afford better servers
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4 years ago, Rico325111111111
Fix it now how we supposed to enjoy your game
Bro fix your servers
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4 years ago, Susumu13
It’s ok
The cards are really beautiful and you are able to get high level cards for free, however, the loading times take forever.
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5 years ago, CaptMericaM16
Horrible! Errors!!
Downloaded this game and couldn’t even get to my home page kept erroring out. I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone ever! Don’t waste the time to even try to get it.
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2 years ago, Veloceraptor
Game stuck at TOS page
I can not get past the terms of service page. Tried to uninstall and reinstall but no luck.
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6 years ago, Maid2Mac
Doesn’t work
I can’t get the game to open keep saying there are connection issues
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4 years ago, Kestrell33
Don’t bother, it’s not worth the agro
App crashes before you even get it open. And they push stupid hard for in game purchases. Ever since mynet acquired it, it’s been steady down hill.
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5 years ago, scarface25
Im very upset with this game I cant get my account and it forces me to create a new account after making it to a high level, this is the only game i have problems with 👎🏼
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