Mage Gauntlet - GameClub

4.4 (623)
48.6 MB
Age rating
Current version
Last update
3 years ago
Version OS
11.0 or later
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User Reviews for Mage Gauntlet - GameClub

4.39 out of 5
623 Ratings
5 years ago, Rivalsan
Quite enjoyable, but new controller support needs work
This was the first Rocketcat game I’d ever bought, and it is a polished and fun RPG. However, the new Game Club controller support is NOT implemented well. I used it with my Xbox S controller, and while it technically works, it is quite limited (for instance, you can bring up menus, but not back out of them). I hope another round of updates will significantly improve the controller support, because right now it isn’t worth using. Still a good game!
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7 years ago, UncleSlam Temple
I love this game!!!!!
I've had this gem of a game permanently living on my iPod for a log time now, and considering how much I love it I figure it's high time for a little ol' review. While the gameplay aspects of the game are nowhere near the level of that of Wayward Souls, I would have to say that the story is probably better. While WS has an engaging story that's unraveled between 6 different characters with each one having their own story, I think the more classically linear story of Mage Gauntlet feels a bit more substantial. Mostly due to the fact that you really need to beat the entire game with all the characters in WS to get the full story, a heroic feat that I've yet to accomplish which may take many more years of practice, and while the story line in Wayward Souls is still incredibly good, it's the unrivaled gameplay that truly shines. That's not to say that Mage Gauntlet doesn't have great gameplay because indeed it does. I can lose hours and hours playing this game because it's just such an amazing joy to play!!! Wayward Souls is better though lol...LOVE 'EM BOTH!!!
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3 years ago, Inigo Monotya
Good game but locked behind a subscription
I played the 10 or so minutes free that is allowed to sample it. It felt and looked so fun I wanted more, however there is no way to buy the game one time or to play in some kind of ad mode. I’m ok paying for the game, but I don’t like paying monthly subscriptions. If they offer a way to buy the game I’ll be super eager to buy it and play it all the way through. P.s. I must thank game club for bringing this game back however, apparently the game became almost abandoned, I also really liked being able to try some of the game first before having to commit to a subscription, I just want some alternative way to purchase the game (even 4.99 to permanently have access to this game alone would probably be ok for me) but I know they’re running a business so you’ll need to figure for yourself if a subscription is worth it for you. For a subscription you get their whole library for the first month free then 4.99 after that for access to everything. Subscriptions just aren’t something I want to do right now.
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9 years ago, Needs a portal gun too!
An underrated gem.
This game is awesome. It's a blend of doom like exploration of levels, beat me up like segments and an rpg progression system. It ends in to be continued(if you beat master mode) and a sequel would be well appreciated. It's world is great and I like how the lore is distributed through diary entries. Some are well hidden requiring you to explore. There are also hidden things in certain levels such as giant vegetables in a garden or a photo of a pre-death vataneba. If I had to complain about something it's that hats come very rarely and sometimes you get hats you already have. And for once doc isn't blatantly ripped from a full game and charged separately. The doc is simply cosmetic or statistic changes as well as a buff or two. Overall a great game that unfortunately no one knows about and may never know about. Meaning this game might not have a sequel. Either way this game is a true masterpiece.
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10 years ago, Nincompoop101
Hello rocketcat games, I am here to inform you what you must have already heard at least a million times before, I would love multiplayer support, and this is the time to strike guys. This is the time when people have known about your game and love it (such as me). If you make a big content update now, this app will blow up again, to the point where it could become as popular as punch quest has. Just think about it rocketcat games, it would make the game finally complete. And make it easily one of the best apps on the App Store. I would go on to say how good this game is, but whoever is reading this review, you have to understand that this game is incredible, I have all the triple a titles and a million more, this is on my top 5 list, perhaps even top 3. THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES IT NOT NUMBER ONE ON MY LIST IS THAT I BEAT THE GAME, SO I HAVE NOTHING TO DO ANYMORE, MULTIPLAYER PLEASE.
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6 years ago, Whydoineedafrickinnickname?
To Beautiful To Go
Beautiful honestly. I love this style of art and love they storyline. It’s so well done! I’ve been looking the App Store for another one of these games and I’ve just been unsuccessful. It’s one of a kind and I have no complaints whatsoever. But I never finished the game. I stopped playing this for a while and was so disappointed to find that the recent software update had made this game unavailable. I want to finish the game so bad and now that I can’t play I realize how much I love and miss this game! I really wish it could be compatible with my iPad again and if it ever does, I with gladly play it again even if I have to start over. I will by the in app purchases again and replay the game this time from start to finish. I really hope RocketCat reads this and sees how much I love this game. Thank you.
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10 years ago, Pistolperk
Simply Amazing
This game is by far my favorite game other than SWTOR but that is a hard level to reach. Is it just me or is Gregor AWEOME lol. I love the storyline and the banter between the bosses and Lexi, specifically Gregor in his no-hurt armor which actually made me lol. Also the notes and journals left around for us to find were a nice touch. My favorite was probably the ashen cult journal about the guy after he started throwing fireballs at "impy" hahaha. Now for the actual game... Amazing... That's pretty much all I can say. I love the controls, the weapons, the armor, the trinkets, and the pets(my little slime follows me everywhere) this game is worth the money. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go finish master mode and find the extended story:) Oh! P.S. Everyone wants a part 2, just saying
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9 years ago, Radicool13
"Completely my favorite game on the App Store"
This is my favorite app/game. It's beautiful and detailed. The story is the best I've seen in almost any game ever. The characterization is amazing and Lexi is a funny interesting character. Rocketcat went with a bold choice to make the only character a girl but it worked out perfectly. The game is an amazing mix of funny, difficult, and serious. There seems to be an almost endless amount of content with all the hats and achievements. Im really excited for there to be more sequels to this game also, wayward souls is amazing also, I really don't know why you need to read this review when you can be playing a much better game!
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9 years ago, Owen 442
Best Game Ever!
This app is phenomenal! The graphics are perfect for this type of game and the controls are great. The levels are challenging and there is plenty of weapons, robes and accessories to collect. I just wish there was more levels! I finished the game in a about 4 days but I really enjoyed it. I am yet to play with master mode but I am sure it is great. Just more places and levels to explore would make this game the best it can be. I am also interested in Wayward Souls, but I am yet to buy it because it is $7. Would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants a cool RPG style game!
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9 years ago, Mm finds
Great! Except...
This game is flat out AMAZING! The controls are great, storyline is interesting, new monsters are presented every level, and when you die, it's your fault, not the games. The only problem I have with this game is a really annoying bug. Whenever I equip a sword, it disappears. My game registers that I have it and I can use it, but if I want to use another sword my equipped one is deleted.
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10 years ago, Shireeeeeebagginssssss
Two words to describe this game: Hell Yeah
I'm so happy with this game! It gives you the feel of the old Zelda games or star tropics almost BUT YOU'RE A GIRL AND THATS MY FAVORITE PART. This game is purely addicting and I can't stop playing. It's challenging and also kinda funny! One guy I spoke to was angry I "broke in" to his house and he accused me of breaking in to steal is tiny hat! :') Other than the silly perks of the dialogue, this game is adventurous and amazing. You can open different treasure chests and find clothes,rings,masks,etc and each have a certain magic to them and some are just odd but you can equip them or send them to wardrobe. This is definitely worth the money! I'm about to go buy the other game made by the same designers soon!
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2 years ago, Daddytang
Game club is evil
Game club has snuck in and collected a semi-large group of games and RUINED THEM. This is a really good game but I’m not paying a monthly fee for it. Apple Arcade gets the best of the best. It’s worth 5 dollars a month. I wouldn’t pay a dollar a month for this of games. Most of which are pushing 6-8 years old. I was lucky enough to buy hook worlds before game club. I played mage gauntlet back when jailbreaking your iPhone was still easy and fun. I guess that’s what I get for not buying it then. So sorry game club, you’re not for me. I’d rate it negative stars if I could. -25 stars..
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7 years ago, Longinux
Better than the rest
Rocket cat studio hit it out of the park with this one. I've replayed it 5 times since it came out. Here's a thought: if you're an action rpg fan of games like Zelda, get this game. Play it. And when the industry won't make a game like Link to the Past and Nintendo is too stupid to figure out how to copy square enix publishing old games, just REPLAY THIS!!!
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4 years ago, Tj942448
Glad to see it back up
When this game was lost to apples update I was super sad. Loved this game back then, lots of little Easter eggs to find and extremely fun and am super glad to see it back up. Since I already own the game I don’t really need to deal with the subscription service but whatever they charge it’s well worth it. Amazing game.
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6 years ago, sk8erdarkstar
iOS 11 Compatibility Woes
I’m rating this 5 stars but with a big old caveat and an even bigger plea; RocketCat I beg of you, please update this game to be compatible with iOS 11! I paid full price for this game 4 years ago and would pay full price again to have it iOS compatible. Please RocketCat; can you make my dreams of completing this game come true?
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10 years ago, #603826
Unmatched in terms of... Everything.
I forgot how much I paid for this app, but I would most likely pay 7, 8$ for it now. Combat system : Great. Controls : Great. Story : Spectacular. Just buy it. Oh, also, the dev. Team is 3 people working from their homes with little to no experience, and they made one of the best apps on the app store. Just, a big, fat, LOL.
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9 years ago, Les_Fleurs
Not bad
I honestly find this game fun, although there is one major problem. I bought this game because I thought I could use spells and defeat bosses. You have created wonderful bosses, although the magic content lacks. It is mostly Melee combat, not as much magic. I do recommend buying this game, though! The spells are cool and the controls are nice and swift.
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8 years ago, noctyrn3
Fun action game!
This game is a load of fun! It's really challenging. As you play, you'll learn enemy patterns and you get better based off your own personal skill, though there is a little bit of leveling mechanics too. The touch controls are surprisingly really good, but I still really wish there was game controller support.
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10 years ago, SanctusReal87
Great Game!
At first the game starts to get repetitive and too easy, but then the developers do a great job of differentiating enemy's and the way they attack! Also the different types of magic you get is great! They don't take the game too seriously so it makes it fun...especially with the different types of equipment and weapons.
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9 years ago, Kortex
Do not buy.
Where to start? If you are a true RPG fan, do not buy this game. I fell for the excellent reviews. If you like games like Diablo, don't buy this. It's extremely easy. I don't mind simple graphics. There are no skills to level up and nothing against which to gauge your strength. The loot is barely random and the weapons/hats/armor don't even have stats. Some affect abilities but there is no armor level. The game is linear but re-playing an area yields nothing (except maybe a new hat which does nothing). Waste of money.
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10 years ago, Bad lag
This game was such an amazing game! I recommend everyone to get this game. Good story mode and such a great game in general. Make part two!! Lexi coming back for revenge against whitebeard?!?! MAKE IT! You're an awesome game maker. I'm getting the Wayword soul game from you also looks very interesting and great! Can't wait to spend more of my money for you guys!
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5 years ago, Kurosaki214
Amazing game!
Updated review! Game is playable again!!!!!!!!! Will give that extra star when the game gets controller support. Due to a condition with my hands. It’s difficult to use touch screen controls.
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3 years ago, Sniper_1017
Good game, but...
Loved this game as a kid, absolutely loved it and I would play it for hours on end. I remembered it today and thought I might give it a try and I wasn’t even able to play for more than 10 minutes because of “game club” which I haven’t even heard of up until now, still a good game in my opinion but it’s upsetting I have to pay to play the rest of it.
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10 years ago, Evanfleak
Excellent Game!
I've never written an app review before but this game deserves it! Absolutely zero flaws and the story line and gameplay are wonderfully made. Yes, challenging, but what fun would it be without a little bit of failing and trying again? Well worth the $2.99!
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7 years ago, Dauchon
Finally got to it
I've had this game sitting so long in my games folder and to finally play it has been a joy. That last battle on Master was hell and I'm glad I got past it and can cross another game off my list that I ignored for too long.
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8 years ago, TylerRiggs
Quite boring.
This game does some things well, like the spells and story. But it's so repetitive I had to stop playing. Level designs were pretty much all the same. All you do is make your way through a maze like level with tons of annoyingly simple enemies. There is tons of breakables with no collectibles. No puzzles. It's like running around a poorly designed Zelda overworld with only enemies and elixer potions.
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10 years ago, Kjmathew
Yes, widescreen!!
Bought Wayward Souls too. Thank you so so much for adding wide screen to this game. I've been waiting with fingers crossed that this update would actually happen. I added the fifth star to my review just like I said.
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6 years ago, Dyhrsuyrdjrfuf
Plz update
Look I love this game I really do but it’s been so long sense I’ve been able to play it it was one of my favorite games but now I can’t play it because of IOS 11 but I really want to so please update for IOS 11
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7 years ago, Catastrophic haha
This game does have level up stats I don't know what those other reviewers are talking about. That's one thing I like. Another thing I like is this game is killer, the game is killer and oh I forgot to mention... this game is killer. Make a Mage Gauntlet 2 please
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9 years ago, Tacturn
Why Isn't This Better Known!?
This game is stellar. The characters (I love Lexi!), the art, the enemies, the gameplay... Everything in this game rocks. Get it and play it and love it, and check out other games by these guys because they're all so good.
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7 years ago, TitanCampus
When is new update?
Its not working at all with the recent OS update. Is there plans to update it?! I just got my phone back and would love to play it again. Wayward souls works fine. Not sure why this isnt...
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7 years ago, 🙂😁😄
iOS 11 update
So when I downloaded this game on my phone, I got so far then one day it broke and I thought oh okay I’ll be able to get it on my iPad so when I got my iPad for my 9th bday I was gonna go download it but THEN it said “the developer need to update it so it can work with iOs 11” so I was really upset, so if you can update it I’ll give a better review 😕 Thank you, 🙂
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3 years ago, Fantastix4700
Y e s
I absolutely loved this game! I had wanted to get it a few months back for it to say that it wasn’t available for my version of my phone, but I’m happy that it’s available to me!
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9 years ago, Drnheshxbf
Two words: Heck Yea!
This game os my favorite game on ios and I play it all the time. When I first got it, I played it for HOURS. It would also be cool if this game had a sequel. You should do that RocketCat Games! Also you play as a girl! Awesome!
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4 years ago, Xdrgbbn
I got this game years ago and was sad when I lost access to it. I’m so glad you brought it back and gave it to me for free because I bought it before. That was really cool of you guys.
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5 years ago, wasp604
This game used to be amazing, but got stuck behind a lack of a team willing to support its updates. Now, Gameclub has taken over, and it's back!
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2 years ago, Whovian_SD
I dislike how you only get 10 minutes before you have to start a trial in the club. I would have liked to have taken the game further. May have been willing to spend maybe 99 cents or something for the game but not willing to only have a trial only and then have to purchase a membership.
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6 years ago, User27391649
I used to play this game when I was younger and I loved it. I really want to play it again. Could the developers of this game please make it compatible with IOS 11?
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5 years ago, Family Plays on Macs
Loved this game
Hoping the developer will update this game to work on OS 11 because been wanting to replay and found out won’t work on my phone
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3 years ago, Lucky'87
Great game but I’m not paying for a subscription
Great game but I’m not paying a subscription to play yet especially when Apple probably has a lot better grouping of games with their subscription service for video game apps.
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7 years ago, XFlatpicker
great game
I have really enjoyed this game. I will be sad though if it does not get the 64 bit updates! Or maybe it has; correct me if I am wrong. Great work as always!
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9 years ago, Jack154737
Rocketcat forever!!!
I swear, you guys are the best mobile developers out there. Supercell and their stupid Clash of Clans trashpile have nothing on the masterpieces that you weave. This game is great, awesome, funny and spooky. Wayward Souls is downright magnificent. We need more dungeons in that game!
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3 years ago, I LoveMyBeard
Fun game
It’s 2021 and I’m still playing this game...every time I play it gives me nostalgic vibes and everything about this game is just awesome Thank you 😀
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7 years ago, Ambiiiiiii
I also fell for high reviews
Play the first level and you've played the whole game. Combat mechanics do not change. Armor/gear does nothing. The monsters end level are only slightly more difficult than first level. Replaying zones for max stars yield nothing except a hat (which does nothing except change avatar look). So what's the point? It's a very superficial game and I regret my purchase.
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8 years ago, Ozzie1993
Excellent game
Great great game. The makers behind this game should be applauded. The controls are excellent, the graphics are awesome, the combat the enemies the humor the challenges the bosses THE LORE! Everything is perfectly how it should be. Now onto wayward!!!
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5 years ago, natsu345
love this game
I really love this game I have been waiting for this game for a long time I had this game before but then the took it down
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5 years ago, Soma Kun.
can I get an update? i love this
takes all the pieces of an old school top down action rpg and puts them in small healthy doses. would love update
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6 years ago, druol
Please read this developers:
I just hope that you will update this title. Was a really good game but I never got enough chance to get deep enough into it!
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8 years ago, Teno96
5 Star Awesome
Please Get this game it's a good game for 3 bucks I would have tried to sell it for more it should be more like 10 or 12 dollars Get it and you will have fun!!!
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10 years ago, j_jim_j
Am I missing something here?
So after reading all of the crazy great reviews I decided to try it out for myself. Played for the last 2 days on and off and am completely underwhelmed. You smack a creature, you dash you cast a spell over and over and over again. No variation, item pick ups don't have any real impact on anything, story is linear. Wth!?
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