
3.8 (17.7K)
64.1 MB
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Last update
12 months ago
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11.0 or later
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User Reviews for MovieStarPlanet

3.75 out of 5
17.7K Ratings
5 years ago, >ashybear<
Report and Block Buttons
Yeah, overall the game is fun but he people playing need a better type of “punishment” for their wrong doings to other players. For instance, if a user is harassing another user, that user being harassed can always block the harasser, but the harasser can always make a new account to continue to harass the victim. The block button is useless sometimes. Another thing is the report button. That one is useless as well because the user you are reporting still has full access to make another account and continue doing wrong to others. The perfect punishment would be a week locked from the game itself, not just your account. It isn’t fair that people have to quit the game because of other people, it’s just plain simply wrong. I got hacked once and reported the user who took my account, and I got a warning for it. THE REAL PROBLEM IS THE HACKER! GIVE HER A WARNING NOT ME! Like honestly, I didn’t get notified that she got her punishment. MSP is doing a lazy job with the block and report buttons. While they’re at it, they need to professionally upgrade this game so users are getting what they deserve. The main focus are the users who are inappropriate, mean and just doing things that people KNOW they shouldn’t be doing. And it’s that bad that I don’t think this review will get noticed. After writing this the game won’t get modified for my request.
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7 years ago, Ginger the elf
It’s an okay game...
So let’s talk about your game moviestarplanet many kids love playing it and spreading there activity and getting a chance to be someone they always wanted to be but The first problem is a limited number of friends for each and everyone of the levels there’s this girl I really want to friend cause she so funny and she’s a great friend. but I can’t I have a limited number of friends and you guys might say “Delete a friend” Well He He NO I love all my friends and I’m not unfriending one of them Nope! So the second problem is Scammers every time In a artbook you make a trade and when you go first the people scam you then block you! you just gave away something For nothing and when you report them! All you give is a warning. then if they get reported a couple times you lock them out well hmmm that’s not really enough because you don’t get your stuff back! Here is the 3rd problem similar to problem 2 but it’s hackers They hack into you accounts and you never get your account back it messed up So please fix this and don’t shut down the game cause it would be the waste of time for people who payed like 80 dollars for vip and people who worked so hard to get on a level like level 67 Or 83. And my last problem is that you should lower your prices for vip because people have better things to spend 80 dollars on because it’s to high it really is so please fix this because or this would have ben a complete waste of 5 minutes writing this
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6 months ago, versacediorr
Be mindful
I want to start off saying that I’ve been playing this games since 2015 yea a while I stopped playing 2 years and just came back to check up on my account one thing moviestarplanet corporate should do it at least let people play a small fee to get an account unlocked and be mindful that when moviestarplanet was on a regular website people would hack into peoples accounts and rob them for everything in that person account then when the account is locked it’s noway to retrieve it and That’s not fair especially if a person worked hard on that account I get corporate is trying to be cautious but it’s not fair losing an account that had valuable rares on it because someone hacked my account now it’s locked because of someone who hacked my account now it’s locked super frustrated TAHTS why I stopped playing the game you get l locked out and warning for the most crazy stuff and again for people who rare trade there people on account who will spam report your account for rares and get your account locked out on on purpose BE MINDFUL when playing this game honestly spending 70$-80$ for a year vip is wild to me for an vip outfit that comes with it in my opinion if someone had year vip in that term they have vip they should get each new month vip outfit for free instead of playing another 70$-80! For a new outfit agin a SUGGESTION MOVIESTARPLANET for you guys to help there should be a fee to get an account unlocked
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2 months ago, Kaysie~~
fix your game!!
dude i’ve played this game for YEARS and it seems like you guys put no effort anymore. the constant issues with NO FIX !!! mobile is barely playable a lot of the time, its very glitchy. the trade system glitches colors, you can’t change colors on lots of clothes/items on mobile, you don’t get near the amount of features as you do on pc. no backgrounds or at least guestbooks on mobile. guestbooks are a important part for trading it makes no sense why half the stuff on pc isn’t on mobile. also you guys don’t fully fix the problems. chats still don’t refresh at the top it’s been that way for MONTHS !!! half the items you search in shops don’t show up even if you’re searching its exact name. and the friend glitch going on right now still isn’t fixed. still don’t have all our friends and cant search for people. another thing is CLOTHES !! WE WANT NEW CLOTHES !!!!!!! stop reusing the same themes and the same items. we want new things, it’s not hard to find what’s trendy online clothes wise. you put so much into msp2 AND NO ONE PLAYS IT !!! i have tons and tons of msp friends i talk to outside of msp, none of which play msp2. IF U FIX MSP OG YOULL GET MORE MONEY !!! more people will play if it’s not so laggy and glitchy and you’ll get way more money, we give you a lot of money and get not a lot of effort in return. lots of players on msp1 post suggestions within the app, pls listen to them and your game will improve !!!
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6 years ago, I'm rating you haha
What's not fair
So I love the game it is awesome but I think something aren't fair well you see I have an well let's say a mobile so I can't buy new backgrounds for my movies and I can't make my movies longer there are some other things to like I can't change the sense in my movies either so I have to keep saying to be continued and that really makes me mad. Another thing is I want to do some task and I want a wish list to but since I'm on a mobile I can't so plz do some changing to that but over all I really love the game. One thing I don't get is the stupid amount of time people have to spend there money on VIP I mean like, when you buy VIP you should say VIP forever for how much that cost, like really. because I have to spend like $100 on VIP every week at least you can do is make VIP less expensive I mean like I swear every thing I really want is VIP so plz fix that. Another thing is the limited friend. People keep Asking me to be their friend but I can't because I have Waaay to many friends from where I was VIP. I don't wanna have to buy VIP just to accept some friend request. It's so dumb. I hate that u can give greets because then people constantly keep asking it gets annoying I mean I'm find with them but still. If you don't fix these because your mostly likely not reading any of these rates then I shall remove and star each time 😡
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7 years ago, Cath145
This is one of my favorite games but there are problems. My parents don’t want to spend money on a vip but I really want it!!!! Can you make us spend our game cash on it and make it like $1,000 cause then I might be able to have a vip without my mom saying “I’m not paying 70$ a month for a game” and that is so true cause it is crazy!!!! If you don’t do that then can you not have certain thing s that only vip’s can have because I have enough money to pay for it, just not enough to pay for a vip. Also, can you give the girls and boys better choices of clothing and hair when they first come into the game cause the stuff y’all picked is ugly. Stuff is CRAZY expensive too. You should make it more realistic price or at least some how make us able to earn more money cause we never get money!!!! You should let us give presents before level 6! I really need to give a present for o some one but I cannot cause I might be on level like 2 or something. What is with us only being able to go places if we are on a certain level? I’m sorry I’m not on level 12 because I just started!!! I hate the whole piggy bank thing cause like I said at the beginning, we can’t pay for vip, that is my money to keep that I earned!!!!!!! This took so long so please fix all of these problems by October or I will do a report of how horrible this game is and give it zero stars!!! I’m sorry I’m just so stressed out.
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6 years ago, PezzieMania
A active players view
I play MovieStarPlanet A LOT. So I love the game. Although, I do admit that there are things that can be fixed on mobile. 1) We should be able to change the colors of VIP packs & leveling up awards, it is super annoying when you can't change the colors to what you want when you buy (for example a year VIP) something and you cannot change the colors. 2) WHY IS THERE CHAT BAN. 3) As a teenager, a lot of the community is teenagers and soon to be adults. So I say that we should be able to have a 'uncensored' part of MovieStarPlanet where you can use any language because if you are trying to make a point to someone, it's hard when the whole things HashTags and you can't see what was wrong with the sentence. 4) Addition to number 3, we should be able to see what is going to be hashtagged before the message sends. For example it will let you view the message with the hashtags before sending, but if it doesn't hashtag just let it send. 5) I know this won't happen, but can we PLEASE take the year VIP prices down a bit? Like back to 70$ (aka the old prices from 2016) because they were still expensive but it is insane how pricy they are now. Thank you msp staff for making the game better and taking suggestions from the community. I appreciate your game and the effort you put into it. ~Pezzie (IE Server)
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6 years ago, Cyko Reviews
It’s ok, but there are some problems....
I absolutely LOVE this game. I play it all the time!! But now, I deleted it because of some problems..... (1: One is DEFINITELY gonna be fakers/hackers!! So, I met this girl and we became friends. But one day, she said something about sending her a gift! I said no, because the stuff I had were really cool. She went all crazy and started screaming at me! She then said her dad was a producer of MSP (which I highly doubt!) and that he was gonna shut down my account! She pretended to be him, then my account was gone! I had to make several accounts because I was getting hacked over and over again! (2: WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE HAVE LIMITED FRIENDS?!? Basically I met ANOTHER girl. She was so nice and kind so I wanted to friend her. BUT, OF COURSE, I HAD LIMITED FRIENDS!!! LIKE, WHY?! MSP plz fix this!! Can we NOT have limited friends?? Or at least make the limit higher?? (3: Why is the V.I.P price so high!? Why can’t u just lower it to at least $60? Or $50? And when you don’t have V.I.P, all the stuff is boring and not cool!! But like I said earlier on number 1, my stuff was cool. That was because I had V.I.P. (4: The last problem are about the beggars, (like the girl in number 1,) like when they beg you to buy their line, (clothing) or to give them gifts or to like their art books, clothing and movies. MSP plz fix these things! I know this is long, but PLEASE!! If u don’t then these last 15 minutes were a waste!
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6 years ago, kittycatkatkitkat
Good game but......
I’ve had trouble with scammers, so I think there should be A trade system on phones too. Then the clothing. There is some cool stuff in the shop but not all of it is actually “pretty” or “cute” as some people that play this game say. And also the people on there. I’ve been seeing people use things on their photos and art books that are inappropriate like in art books they are using the letters (not the ones that you type) to spell out swears and this game is rated like 4+ little kids should not be seeing that. And About VIP its way to expensive in my opinion, seriously about $80 for A year VIP that’s too expensive. And back to clothes. Most of the VIP stuff is cuter or prettier than the regular stuff also the diamond stuff so i think everyone should start out the game with like 20-30 diamonds so they can buy stuff that’s diamonds. Oh yes and movies, so on my phone they take forever to load and then they stop like 5 times in the middle and I’m just trying to get star coins not sit around forever and wait for A 30 second long movie to load. Well I hope the creators read this because there’s some improvements that I think should be added. If not I’ll be disappointed but I wasted ten minutes of my time writing this so I could’ve been doing something else and I regret it if you don’t read it.
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5 years ago, Aniyah anna marie smith.
Bad things and good thing.
Let’s start with bad things. I don’t like that there’s a limit on how many friends you have. I was hoping to friend some people, but I can’t now. I have to wait till next week to buy some more coins... Okay I get it y’all don’t want people to keep spending money on y’all game all the time. But that’s their choice to do what they want to do. And y’all limiting what they can do. That’s pretty upsetting for me, because I was trying to buy some more clothes and now I can’t. And y’all maybe doing that so it can be harder to get coins and not take the fun away and saying you have to work for it. But people make their decisions. Good things, I like how you can design your characters and chat even though sometimes people are rude in the servers. And I like the making your movie part, but I don’t really know how to do it. Y’all didn’t give good direction, like I don’t know how to stop my characters dancing. But this game is good for Age’s to 5-18. Some people ask you for your personal information. Which you don’t what your kids to tell them that. If your a parent and your kid is playing this check the text massages what people send them and what they are typing. (Sorry got the horrible grammar I’m only 12) -Aniyah
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1 year ago, ria⭐️
Not fun anymore, nothing new & so many bugs
This has been my favorite game for years so it saddens me to say this, but this game just isn’t that fun anymore. It feels like the people who run the game don’t care about it anymore and have gotten lazy with it and this is why the game is not nearly as popular as it once was. We want new fun activities, events, and clothes. Instead we have none of that and everything has been the same for years and the newer clothes are either recycled (have been in other themes before so technically not new) or just not worth buying. Please just look into what’s cute and popular these days so we can enjoy it again; i’ve seen so many users leave for this reason alone: nothing new is going on so it’s not worth staying. Not to mention the amount of lagging and bugs that have not been fixed. There is so many glitches to the point to where I cannot even play on PC i log in and I cannot do anything (I emailed about this multiple times last year and it has not been fixed) and none of the messages people send me show up in the inbox, I have to log into blockstarplanet to see them. The last message dates up to one year ago so I cannot see any new messages (I also emailed about this and i’m not surprised that it also was never fixed) I feel that this isn’t too much to ask just please put effort into your game again.
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5 years ago, WolfPlanet12
I love MSP so much it is one of my favorite games 3 changes I would change AB it is you can’t write names without them being marked red, us mobile users don’t have access to buy any backgrounds, and only VIP members can only have more than 6 characters. These all bother me very much. Of course these changes I would change are mainly for movies since I love making movies on MSP. I would change the words being marked red bc every time when I try to put a name for a casting roll it marks it red and then I can’t put the name. I really hate the fact that mobile users can’t have any backgrounds bc since I love making movies I would love if I could use the backgrounds other then the 6 we could use.( I’m currently making a new series and I would like it if all these changes were made). And last but not least ofc in my new series there are gonna be more then 6 ppl so I would love it if not only vips can have more. Personally I would change everything that is unfair, so it could be fair and every user will have the same thing mobile users or desktop users have. Thank you so much if u read and change this is u do decide to change it and more stuff I will be soooo thankful:)
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5 years ago, maizerbaby2000
Game not working correctly/scamming
So I’m writing this review to inform you of The game not working correctly. So anyways I decided to make a back up account and I was trying to get to level six so I could send gifts that’s another thing I think is kind of stupid that you have to be on level six or higher to send gifts but back to the point I was trying to get on level six and when I reached level five it took all my fame away and said I was on level four. I thought it might’ve been a glitch so I got out and re-join and it still said I was on level four so then I kept Play location then I reached level five again and it also said I was on level four and took my fame. And at that point I was done deleted the game and here I am ready to review. I’m also going to tell you some other things that I went through that I think you should prevent from happening the following is scamming glitches and much more. There’s people on the game Scamming my friend Monica recently went through a scam with this one girl and gave away a Valuable thing and got scammed the girl blocked her and she traded her for nothing. Really? People are losing their items of Scamming then when she goes to report her it doesn’t get solved or felt with it’s a real shame MSP it’s a good game it just needs a lot of fixes. Thank you
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3 years ago, Damaris Bantay
too many bugs, glitches, etc.
the game has changed a lot over time. it’s been years and they still haven’t even fixed minor issues. it’ll say people on my friends list aren’t my friends or that we’ve blocked one another, and because of the blocking glitch it doesn’t allow us to communicate anymore. we’ve tried fixing this so many times and tried unblocking one another when we’ve never even blocked one another to begin with. they also removed the game from browser, forcing us to download it. i know a lot of people, including myself, who’ve stopped playing due to this. i tried downloading it but the quality on a laptop is horrible, and i’m no longer able to log into my other accounts at the same time anymore. the game could be fixed, but over time it’s really taken a toll. there are tons of hackers as well. msp hasn’t really fixed any issues that have happened to avatars due to hacking. i used to love the game, but now it’s all just really difficult and stressful to play. i also think it’s incredibly overpriced to pay for vip on a broken game. the prices just a few days ago went from $20 (for both a diamond pack and year vip) to $130. that’s more than almost seven times the price. i know TONS of people who’ve been trying to speak up about these issues for years, including high-scorers, but the developers don’t hear anyone out. please fix the issues.
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5 years ago, Alyssa_3782
My Opinion
Hi I’ve been playing this game for like 5 years on and off. I love playing but there are a few flaws. Like how hard it is to get coins. There’s making movies or whatever but I feel like there’s only a few people who actually make coins off of that. There also making designs but that barley makes money too. It’s really hard to “be who ever you want to be” when you can’t even afford to buy a shirt on this game. Another thing is not being able to gift if ur under the level 6. There’s just no good explanation for that. It makes no sense. What’s the harm of someone on level 3 gifting. Another thing it that they should add trading on mobile to help people avoid from getting scammed. Those are my only complaints. I also thought of a few things that would be nice to have in msp. One thing is a chat room for trading. I really like trading, it’s exciting and fun to make deals with people. It’s hard to find people who actually want to trade though. So that’s why I think they should add a trading group chat. The second thing is that they should allow you to have more than 10 pets in a room. Considering that you spend your own coins on them. That’s all I have to say thank you for reading:😁
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6 years ago, Mrs_yoga_runner
I think it’s alright. If there’s anything I would fix, it’s make the vip prices lower. The only time MSP is fun, is when you’re vip, you can buy a lot of stuff, level up quickly, and do a lot of giveaways (to get fame). A few other things are to add more stuff to do. I used to play MSP like a year ago, and it was fun, then someone hacked me (which you should also fix MSP) so I deleted the app. I downloaded it about 2 months ago again, and I could barely do anything. I got vip which was fun. And now I’m not vip and it’s not fun anymore. You should add a lot more things non-vip users can do. For example, you could add a cool challenge. Maybe a shopping challenge. MSP gives you a limit for how many star coins you can use (no one uses their own star coins) and you shop for each other. You don’t get to keep the stuff, but it’s an idea for outfits to buy. You can put it in you private looks and maybe buy it later. Also, how to fix the hacking thing, if you log out or someone else is logging into your account, MSP could have security questions before logging in. If your already a user, if the update comes, MSP will ask you to choose 3 questions, and answer them. That way no one hacks anyone if people are smart enough not to share the security questions. Please fix this MSP.
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7 years ago, Perry edward
Fantastic Game and Amazing Updates!!
First of all let me just tell you that this has to be the BEST game I have ever played in my entire life! I have been a member of movie star planet since it pretty much came out in 2011 and have NEVER gotten tired of it!! And the updates for 2018 (like when you level up, you get better prizes or clothes) are just Amazing!!! They make the game so much better! But I do have a few ideas to maybe more updates in the feature. Now we all know we love to get makeovers but some of our favorite face cosmetics are for Vip only! To me that doesn’t really seem fair because I think we should all be able to like the beautiful smirky kind of cute smile (the vip ones) and the cute eyes that come with the vip part. I really only want the faces to be for Everyone! And I know people still want to buy vip and get EVERYTHING but some people really like some of the face cosmetics but some people can’t afford vip or can’t get it. So I think all the face cosmetics should be free for everyone or “unlocked” for everyone :) just an idea maybe update in the feature I hope 🤞 but overall this game is one of the best game I’ve ever played 😁 good job MSP.
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2 years ago, WTFSCAHHSHA
Overall rating
the game is so good and i’ve been playing since i was 10 or 11 and i’m now 15 almost 16! i love how it’s stayed basically the same all that time and how cool all the features are. and i love how everyone can be unique<3 but some things i would like to improve are for one, being able to reply to a specific persons comment on a post. and another thing is being able to have a bigger punishment and a better lookout for bullying. people have been EXTREMELY rude to me and my younger sister on this game and with me i can take it and i realize that these people get nothing out of being rude but my sister is only 9 and it hurts her feelings that she can’t be herself even online without someone saying something because she’s already bullied at school. there should be more things that are tagged out / a bigger limit of things you can and cannot say. for example if someone says something unnecessary on someone else’s post or something that’s rude even the word “ugly” talking about someone should not be said. (in my opinion) and you should be able to delete comments (if you already can’t) but otherwise the game is awesome:)
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4 years ago, adeboni1
Bad, very bad
This game is trash. The graphics are mediocre and personally I find the avatars ugly. The game itself is pretty boring, and no one talks in the chat rooms. The main things you can do are play like three free games and make “movies”. Besides that you just walk around and stare at other people. If you want to have pets and a nice house you need a membership, unless you want to spend months saving up coins. The game is very laggy on every device I play on, and others have said the same. The game doesn’t send out a great message because in one of the chat rooms it says “I luv boys” on the chalkboard. There’s nothing wrong with liking guys, I just feel like it reinforces the “girls are boy crazy” stereotype. It’s not very empowering for girls. A lot of people in the game are just looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend, although the game censors a lot of words that aren’t even bad, so really what’s the point of talking on there anyway? The things I type aren’t even bad. Lastly this game triggers me because it’s a bunch of ten year olds who are trying to roast each other and then failing miserably. If you want your kid to be influenced by rude kids then don’t get this game for them. If you don’t care about that and just want them to play, don’t get this for them either because the games are boring. And a lot of the guys especially are players who just want to have a new girlfriend every week.
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4 years ago, bellabellall
I’m a little upset
I love msp but all the hate in the game and how pixi and Zach gave out 1000 sc but barely any one got it and it was sent to people that the acc s were made before October 2017 and yea but the pros are that you can block and report that makes the place better also that you can have max friends and stuff on your wish list and how if you level 9 then you cant have as much friends as level 20 like i don’t know how made that up but I makes me feel like someone’s better than me also this is a kids game and kids can get really mad when people scam or hack them it’s so annoying another is the vip is so expensive like star vip is 70$ and yes the week is only I think 1.99 so maybe you guys could make a option so when they try to buy vip you have a little spot saying how long and then the prices will pop up!! I liked this game for a while then it got boring the same things over and over but one thing that really make me mad is how long you guys lock people out like I don’t thing 1 day is enough you should have it a least a good 4 days. All the clothes are crazy expensive like I wanted this hair I had 230 or something like that yet the hair was 600 bucks I was so annoyed thanks for ready please consider my complaints
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6 years ago, 27AJay27
It’s okay
so i’ve been playing this game for as long as i can remember, maybe like 5 or 6 years. I have vip and stuff and it’s great but, I think there should be some changes. First of all, there’s practically no way to earn star coins other than the daily wheel, the piggy bank if you’re vip, petting pets (however this takes a lot of time and patience if you’re room hopping), and playing classic msp games. and it doesn’t even give you that much. I’m not complaining too much because I have a pretty good amount right now, but that’s only because I used some of my real money for it and because I saved up for months on end. Also, it’s laggy sometimes. I play the quiz game on mobile a lot so it’ll let me spin the wheels for more coins than it would on pc, but it’ll randomly stop, CONSTANTLY. every time this happens I’m forced to close the app and restart it. Also, I personally think the VIP prices are way too high. 80$ for a years-worth seems kinda worth it especially for all the coins and diamonds, but the game gets boring easily, making it a pure waste of money. Although I am vip myself I highly doubt i’d spend my money on this game again. go for like a month of vip, maybe even a week. That’s basically all the issues I have with this game.
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3 years ago, sofylandia
Love it but…
Okay this game was my favorite as a child it was fun but not everyone has a computer they can play on. I used to use my old MacBook to play this but it broke down :( a few years later I noticed it was on mobile and downloaded it faster than flash could run to stop me!!! Except the mobile version was trash.. First you can put animations on your profile or whatever in computer in mobile I’m more straighter than my sexuality. Also the one year vip prices are too EXPENSIVE!!! Anyways this game is good but I don’t enjoy mobile mode I am very happy about rare week but there is one last problem in the mobile version. Let’s start with explaining what the problem is so basically when I pet pets for sc at one point it always glitches and I can’t pet anymore until I refresh its so annoying to refresh so I had to do a review abt this… Ever since I have updated this this has happened and nothing will load when I click after this “glitch” happens or “bug” please update this ASAP as soon as you read this.. Overall I love and enjoy this game it reminds me of my childhood!!!
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5 years ago, ItszPeacfulSerenity
I would give it a three but I love it!
So I LOVEEEE MSP! More and more I’m finding more nicer peoples and there are giving me gifts and stuff and I mean even if they didn’t they are nice but so many scammers can you make the trade system for mobile and make it easier to get star coins I am really poor rn also can you make a recommended posts or something so as soon as you post a artbook if you go to artbook it was show recommended And pls make it maybe once a month like say me for example actually no wait so like if I been on msp for a month I get a item like say I’ve been with msp for a year and we get a free drip or something like that and if you don’t read this I spent 30 minutes wasting time trying to make msp better Also THE HACKERS AND SCAMS! My friend Ava got scammed and she like left msp in real life she is gothic now... She was level 44 and she lost a lot of her stuff not from scammers but from hackers and can we get better faces if we don’t have v.i.p I want pretty lips but I can’t cause I’m buying heelys and spending my money on them I might be able to buy v.i.p or like the lowest amount tho just please READ THIS! Bye happy valentines
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7 years ago, 😄Ashley😄
It could REALLY improve...
I love Msp, I’ve been a user since 2014, And I have seen how much the game has improved! But I think that it’s getting really worse. You should try listening to what the users have to say, what we want, what we think, because we actually have pretty good ideas! Like for instance, you should be able to not have a friend limit, since Msp IS about Fame, Fortune, and FRIENDS. Next, you should be able to wear ANY type of clothing, even ones outside your gender, because Trans-Gender people might feel uncomfortable in the game. You should also lower the vip prices because these days, most families don’t have 80$. I think you should be able to get a special birthday gift when it’s your birthday! It would also be nice if new users could be a vip for a certain number of days, like 3 days? 4? Something like that. Finally, I think you should be able to change the colors of clothes after you have bought them, I have experienced a glitch where on a mobile I would turn off my phone and come back, and buy my new outfit thinking that it’s the same colors, to see that I just wasted my coins on something I would not even wear. Thank you for reading this and I hope you take my advice! :)
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6 years ago, Cardi287
Dear msp
This game is awesome and very fun! It’s the same girl who got logged out of her account but I made a new one and everything is fine because I have my password memorized but I still do wish there was a way to get my other account so if you are seeing this please help me the user is Cardi287 in the Canadian server. I play msp on mobile almost all the time and I always end up on gift limit now I am not the only person who hates gift limit and I think it should be removed and I also think that the game should be the same on both mobile and computer like it’s not fair that computer users can use the trade system and mobile users have to use the gift system and hope that they don’t get scammed which is also a big problem in msp. There should be a category for scamming or exploiting in the report section. And almost all the good msp clothes are either extremely expensive or vip and I feel like there should be better cheaper clothes in the shops and there should be faster and easier ways to get starcoins which will make the game more fun and more people will play the game.
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7 years ago, SWAG#; ) Girlll
It’s a good game...
Listen I’ve been on Moviestarplanet for a long time, but your game is so easy to hack and glitch. Listen...I also have a problem with the clothing system, I get’s separate for the boys and girls but I noticed some of the girls like the boy clothes. I think we should be able to pick whatever we want to wear boy or girl....counting the hair. Now let’s talk about hackers and scammers...yeah not all people scam and not all people hack but there are a fair amount of people on there...and when we report those people they get a warning, not a fair punishment. Safety chat...jeez...don’t get me started on that 😂, that triggers me so much tbh...and it makes people frustrated when others don’t know what you’re saying, then you have to make it “kid friendly”....yeah no. Also a lot of people are quitting I noticed...and it’s because you’re apparently shutting down...if you shut down it’s kind of a waste to those people that worked hard to where they were in the game...I mean for all the people that buy and buy vip and’s kind of wasteful to them... Anyways if you change those then maybe I’ll ease up and let this slide, thanks again.
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4 years ago, 🅕🅞🅝🅣🅢 🅛🅞🅥🅔🅡
More improvements:)
Most of all i love this game but its hard to do stuff because of the lagging.... Well every time i gift someone it forces me out of the game And I'm starting to realize that MovieStarPlanet is Making Non vip items into vip i bet when 2025 hits the whole shop is gonna be vip This is very unfair that how msp is making non vip items into vip Just like the fishnets so lucky i got them early because that is vip And i was really mad that has to happen and then this game is like you have to pay 3$ or 80$ just to Play the game because so many stuff in this game is Litterally vip and Mostly some 4+ games don't have in app purchases But yea and like its very hard to make starcoins when your on mobile Its like i get 10 starcoins a day of how hard this is you should add games where you play and win at least 100 or 50 starcoins thank you i hope you do some improvement and one more thing can you not Just update the game of “fIx bUgs” because it doesn’t work at all at least next update you can do at least one of the problems i said thank you :)
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6 years ago, Brooklyn;3
Amazing game, but there’s some things wrong..
This game is amazing, you try your best and it’s great. But there is some things I’d like to talk about. I am not complaining nor being rude but I feel like people complain about the VIP prices to much. It used to be 200$ so people need to chill and think, we should be thankful you guys even put it down! Next, hacking and scamming, yeah we all have done it once or twice but you can’t complain when you get hacked, you need to stay away from hackers and you need to not trust everyone with your password! No matter who it is! If you get scammed, then your fault. Use trade system, if they say no trade limit then don’t trade cause that’s such a old excuse. That’s all I must say and I’m defending this game there is no wrong things but some glitches and bugs, I’m not being rude what so ever I just think people need to stop before they complain. Also things you could add, highly requested, search bar (: next, photos in the design center! That’s all I think you should add, thank you for making this awesome game and I hope people read and think about this message! (:
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7 years ago, amsig
Great Game!
Msp is seriously one of the best games I play. But there is now a problem of false reporting. People have been spam reporting me for absolutely nothing (my user is Cyaenized) I have been playing this game for as long as I can remember it coming out. So many accounts of mine have been deleted, hacked or locked out, when there was no reason for it. Security on the game really really needs to be better. There are people on here 16+ (including myself) who get very frustrated with safe chat. Maybe you should do an update so that levels 12+ are free from safe chat? Or make an 16+ chatroom special for those of us whom are not young children. You should also allow users 18+ to boot lower leveled players out of a chatroom. In case of hackers, scammers, inappropriate words/names, or just being annoyingly rude. Another thing is that the app is very glitchy. I often find that gifts don’t send, messages don’t send, artbook tab glitches and crashes the game, chatroom lag, and movies glitch the game. These are just some of my ideas to help further the game to being better. Again, my user is Cyaenized. Thank you.
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2 years ago, Ellabacth20
Iffy Game.
To be honest, this game is nothing but dangers for young children. I understand there is a block and report button and all but still this game is very dangerous. This game is supposed to be for usually 13+ and right now, 13 and under are playing. It’s also dangerous because the game allows people to take photos of themselves therefore, this could be dangerous not only the fact that they are showing their identity, but so they are risking themselves and getting in tons of danger. Also I am aware that anything that a character says is inappropriate or could make someone uncomfortable it’s tags it out. But with some, if they spell it all the way out, they let the word to be said. That is not okay, so moviestarplanet should just not allow messaging as a feature on the game all together. This also shows, that if there are really dangerous people out there maybe, they can leak the address, witch means, if it’s a child, the child could be put in dangerous situations under the internet. So, please take part and help this game be a safer place for kids. Thank you to everyone! And always remember, this is supposed to be a safe fun world for children and not anything that will harm the children physically and emotionally! Thank you!
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5 years ago, samizzii
Good game..
I’m reading these views and it seems that most of them or positive which is good. I do agree with them and their opinions. MovieStarPlanet is a good way to talk and chat, and write status updates to your fellow viewers and friends. I understand that you make an account to be a movie star ... yet they don’t take movies into much consideration, and instead they involve chatting, though chatting is not a form of being a movie star. I think I have a right to say what I want. Freedom of discrimination. Who don’t know, everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth in the Declaration, without distinction or any kind, such as race, color, gender, language,religion, political, or other opinion, national or social organ, property, birth, or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self governing or under any other limitation sovereignty. MovieStarPlanet to me would seem like a game taking movies into mind. Like art books, looks, and other things. Byeee!
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3 years ago, st.Augistine
Alright this game is amazingly fun! But there is a problem. When you click ‘Movie Town’ and you click looks or art books, it shows the page BUT when you are on the page for over 20 minutes or so, and you go out by accident or on purpose and you come back, it doesnt show the screen only the top that says what you clicked. Its really weird it only shows the background. Also when you are trying to chat in a game it doesnt work so you cant comment back to someone accusing you of teaming with someone else. Also when you change your look it doesnt show it after you click the check button again. Even when you reload or delete the game from what you played that day, it still doesnt work. Also when you make a art book and you exit, when you come back wearing another outfit, it shows the outfit your wearing. I wish it would keep the outfit you made the art book with. Other then that this game is really fun! You can play you can trade and to so much more! These are just the main glitches! Also, whats up with MSP 2? Why did you guys make that? We dont want to play a knock off game! We want old MSP back!!!
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3 months ago, Itsmeryry111
Okay so I’ve alr written a review on this dumb game before maybe like 2-3 weeks ago and I had the review on a three star I believe but now im making a new review to change it to a 1 star and I’m deleting this trash game, it lags so freaking much to the point where I have to restart the game every 2-4 minutes. When the game is done restarting and it’s on the loading page it freaking freezes and gets stuck at 35% or 70% so I have to delete the whole game just so it can work again when the game finally loads and I can play it always says my WiFi is bad when I know for a fact my WiFi isn’t cause any other app or game works very fine and even if my WiFi is bad I turn it off and use my data it still doesn’t work. I made a new account for something and it keeps taking me to the screen where pixi star introduces you to msp but my character and pixi star doesn’t even show up so I can’t get out of that screen no matter how many times I restarted or delete the game. So now I REALLY can’t play the game and it’s impossible to play it too. I wish I could show y’all a screenshot of what I’m talking about but this game is literally terrible and the people on this game don’t make it any better. 🙄
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6 years ago, IceDragon❄️
Absolutely Annoyed
I have many reasons why I am annoyed at this app (1). The app won't connect to the internet right and my internet is fine! (2). The chatrooms are slow and it glitches me off the app. (3). We say things that are not even inappropriate sometimes and it gets safe chatted and turns into tags which is ANNOYING!! (4). People are getting hacked too much and you need to have a emergency security button or something that can help! (5). The VIP is sooo expensive and not worth it! Mostly all the cool stuff is VIP! We want cool stuff too! The makeup for VIP is amazing but we can't have it! (6). We can only get diamonds if we get VIP which some people don't have enough money for VIP! There should be a wheel you could spin for diamonds! (7). YOU DONT SUPPORT TRANS GENDER WHICH IS VERY RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL! (8). GLITCHY AS CRAP! (9). When I log off I always look at how many starcoins I have. When I logged on the next day...over 50 of my starcoins were gone! They just glitched it! It's really stupid! (10). We people on tablets and iPhones don't have access to backgrounds! So since I don't have good backgrounds my movies look like crap. That is it! Please get this fixed right away!
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4 years ago, Charli Adama
Tutorial added & Feminism?
Msp is a great app! But it can be very confusing at first. One my of friends downloaded it a few years ago so I got practice from her but for someone who has never played it would be hard. Like I said this app is amazing and great too make new friends and create your type of style! It’s just maybe they could add a tutorial and I know they already sort of have, one but I wish it could be more detail oriented. I enjoy playing this app I don’t have too many problems with it. But there is another problem I’ve ran into that I thought was plain disgusting and weird it’s not the creators fault at all it’s some of the people who play the app. Many people go way too far and OD (Online date) and they can do things very wrong and way they can be very scandalized meaning gossip which is plain wrong. I know there are report and block buttons but they don’t necessarily help... I love the app besides those two problems. I don’t blame anyone for these things, MVP is a great app overall and you should download it. But watch out for the scandalous people.
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4 years ago, ꧁Naomi꧂
Horrible Glitch
I used to play MSP all the time. I admit, I stopped for a few years and lost all interest, but now I’m back because I don’t wanna let my avatar go, ahah. I grew up on MSP so I don’t really know how to work MSP 2, and a bunch of us on MSP are like that. We prefer version 1 instead of the new 2. Sorry. Theres been some problems though. I don’t receive notifications from texts and friend request on the game anymore. Usually there’d be a way to see if someone texted you on the messages icon, but not anymore. Second, sometimes the app goes blank and doesn’t load icons or anything so I have to reload multiple times. The new clothes are nice though.. so that’s good. I’ve been trying to add people back but this glitch seems to let me add about three people at most and then becomes unresponsive. I reload. same thing. Reload. Same thing. And so on... Small things kinda, but the small things like this are just so aggravating.. sorry. Besides those, the game is pretty fun. No actual complaints about the actual game and all.
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4 years ago, >Mollybaby<
Overall amazing but a few issues :/
I love playing this game and it’s so addictive but there’s a few issues I have that can just ruin the game entirely. 1. Scammers, the only reason people get scammed out of in game items ( item for item, not cross trading) is the fact that mobile players can’t do TS, this forces people to send gifts first through GS which is STUPID. Mobile players deserve TS so they don’t get scammed!! 2. The security, the security is AWFUL at any moment some random person can guess your password, get onto your account, and forcefully change your email without needing your permission. Not to mention I was a target of one of these tools that just by knowing what email is on your account they can constantly hack into it which is scary, I hate buying vip knowing someone could just take my account and keep on taking it regardless of vip receipts and emails. 3. The people who make inappropriate artbooks or movies, artbooks and movies should go under review much like photos do, to prevent nasty and inappropriate things being put out for others to see. Other than those the game is amazing and I love the outfits you can make.
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6 years ago, hot stuff you cant forget
Love this game just needs some updates on app
I absolutely love this game and play it all the time to the point I even bought a years vip and have been playing it for 7 years. The things I feel that should be updated or added is that we should be able to change our passwords on tablet and phone not just computer also add wishlists. But also that on tablet and phone we should be able to buy backgrounds for art books and movies an also create looks for other movie stars. Also I don’t like how when I go to buy certain things such as clothes it won’t let me change the color but on computer it will. Something else that should be added is facial expression and pets In all chatrooms not just in the pets chatroom. I would also like to see that you add diamond ride on tablet and phone cause it’s not fair we don’t get to gain any star coins for them but the people with computers do. I highly recommend this game but it does need some improvements. Hope my review helped!!
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6 years ago, GirlWarrior06
Some problems
Moviestarplanet is a great game, but there are some issues. First of all, the VIP price is way too high! Not all families can afford 80 dollars for vip, and every not-vip wishes they could get vip (even though they can’t) because all the vip’s get better things than the rest of us. Most people have way better things to do than to spend 80 bucks on a game. I doubt you even read the reviews because a lot of other people agree with the whole way too expensive vip thing, and you guys have done nothing to fix it. Sometimes I contemplate on whether or not to delete this game because of scammers, vip prices, and the fact that you guys are doing NOTHING to fix the problems that this game has. Next, the clothes, and the clothing categories get really weird, and it makes me not want to buy your stuff, or even waste my time on this game. I also don’t like that people on mobile devices can’t get new backgrounds for movies and other stuff. Sorry if I’m being a little tough, but all the things I said were true. THIS STUFF NEEDS TO GET FIXED, SO PLEASE READ THIS!!! Here is a helpful note to people contemplating on whether or not to get this app... DO NOT GET THIS APP BECAUSE IT IS THE WORST APP EVER!!! I AM SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT DELETING IT!!!!!
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7 years ago, AmyHuerta
Good but..
I like this game but I think we need a few updates 1. It’s not fair that vip that you have to buy it some people want vip but can’t afford it not many people hav Wally of money so I think that msp should give you vip for at least a week every month. 2. A lot of people still can’t afford vip which comes with diamonds that’s the only way to get diamonds so I think you should be able to buy diamonds but with star coins for about 100 coins per 1 diamond.3. A lot of girls love boy clothes and some boys like the girl clothes I think you should be able to get any clothes beside your gender. 4. There should be a search when your texting at friend. 5. There should be a diamond wheel. 6.instead of the rates being a one time thing I think they should have the rates around all the time in theme in the shop so you don’t have to beg ppl for rates and wait for rates to come back again. 7. I think there should be a dating room for level 8 and higher cause there’s too many gross ppl who are players and date and ppl who don’t even dress up. And ya that’s it tysm my acc is USA and User is: Tomboy rebel2296
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3 months ago, Mymainrareacc
Bugs needing fixed
Y’all need to fix the bugs in the games, I’m so sick of trying to login and being told ( I play mobile ) I can’t login due to internet or problems with the game and I have full bars/full Wi-Fi it’s quite annoying as well as the game itself just glitching. I just updated the game and it still won’t let me even load the app smh please fix these problems it happens on a daily basis. Thank you, as well as y’all’s people who respond back on emails aren’t very helpful or respond fast so that needs to be fixed as well there manners could be better ect. And just responding in general could be better, otherwise the game is very fun and I have loved playing it for the past 4+ years I’m sad I lost my Main bc y’all gave me a refund and then emailed me a month later/locked my account and said after weeks and weeks of asking and emailing asking why I’m locked and saying finally it’s because I was refunded for a mistake y’all made but I understand I just won’t ever ask for a refund again or buy from the app/vip again. These bugs need fixed it would make so many more people happy!
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4 years ago, mariaashley
My options on the game
It’s a great game but there’s some things that it’ll like to see: 1. Scammers and hackers I think a way to get rid of this problem is if you let mobile users use some features that PC players use like the guestbook. 2.Friends limit I like how you can make friends but if you want to be friends with someone and there on friends limit. 3.I think there should be find interest button on mobile and PC where if you click it you can search up something and there’s people with the same interests as you and you can become friends. 4.Block button, If you block someone that’s being mean they can just make a new account and be mean again. 5. The clothing, The clothes are really good but there expensive If you go to a room and pet the person pets you’ll get 50 star coins max until 8 hours. If a item is 500 star coins you’ll have to go to 10 rooms. It’s gonna be hard if your not on PC. But besides all that I think it’s a great game even tho msp is gonna get cancelled bc it runs on adobe flash :(
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4 years ago, 𝗅𝖾𝗅𝖾123
To many issues :(
I used to adore this game (I still play) but there are to many faults in Movie Star Planet. One fault is when you open the app you can’t see how many text messages you get, I know it might not seem like a big deal but I go crazy because of it. Another fault is the friend request button under friends. The icon no longer works so now you have to go onto the profile of a person to accept or deny. When looking at art books or movies that’s under the tab ‘friends’ the app only shows work done by pixi star which extremely annoys me because sometimes you be shown by your fame magazine that you were in a movie but under friends it only shows pixi/the male equivalent. The app is for tweens but a lot of children use the app which I am fine with! I’m not okay with people being gross and posting explicit things and saying them without much consequences. All we have is a handful of words that get stared when sent which makes messaging friends so much harder! I know this probably doesn’t seem to bad but it makes me insane, thank you for reading MSP and when this all becomes fixed I’m obviously deleting this comment
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3 years ago, JoeMomaLove
Ok, MSP. one thing i don’t understand on mobile is why can’t you view forums or anything like that including MAKING OUTFITS FOR OTHERS. Also, i wish you guys would do your jobs correctly, my account got PERM banned for NOTHING! Also, I got an entire account stolen from me because we were supposed to trade. Yea! I understand, “don’t give your password out” but i don’t care, trade is trade when you swear your gonna do it. I’ve message MSP thousands of times, they never give back an absolute reply. Annoying. Also, ON MY ACCOUNT THAT GOT PERM LOCKED, I SPENT OVER 150+ DOLLARS ON THAT ACCOUNT. 1k+ diamonds, 220k+ star coins. Like CMON. i had to beg for that, lower your prices like Roblox, no wonder y’all tag “roblox” every time it’s said, jealousy. Also, get rid of friend limit, and also add more emojis, they would come in hand. I sometimes think locking accounts shouldn’t even be a thing because we’re the ones actually spending money on the game, anyways i guess punishment is punishment. FIX THESE THINGS.
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7 years ago, DiabeticSkittles💖✨🥀🌈
It's a great game! But...
Moviestarplanet is a great game and all, and I've bought over 200 dollars worth of stuff on this app. But it is absolutely ridiculous that there are so many hackers on this game. Examples: The Dolly, Anonymous Female, and Miss Outrage. Some hackers threaten to hack the whole game. You need more security and safety on this game, because this is more of a death wish than a fun game for tweens/teens. And also, I've gotten locked out of my accounts many times for absolutely NOTHING. I think that if a user was 15+ safe chat should be 100% disabled and we should be able to have the freedom of speech. I think then, more people would play this game. I'm just trying to look out for you guys because I know you all have families to provide for. For the most part, this is a fun game to play. Just one more thing though. Players on cellphones should be able to do the same things as what people on pc do. Example: Making a wishlist, doing diamond rides, giving greets, etc. This is all I have to say and please add what I've stated here or I will have wasted five minutes writing a meaningless review.
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6 years ago, Adslisse
Just please fix this
Something that isn’t fair is that you don’t get to do tasks on phones in msp or go to msp academy and that stinks! Kids who aren’t aloud to use computers are just looking at people do it and it isn’t fair! My second problem is to please ask the person their email when they change the password I got hacked on two accounts that had vip one was called pinkwolfwhite so please try to give the account back and make sure the phones and the computer both have the same things because it really isn’t fair to kids who wanna do it and lastly please put dress up on phones too because I’m look forward to playing and please make the VIP cheaper! Better things exist that cost 80 dollars and trust me I’m really mad 😡😡! But you should cancel vip and it’s annoying so please do!! I want less vip things because they are cooler! My last problem is why can’t we get free diamonds too! I’m gonna have to dislike the song shine bright like a diamond 💎
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6 years ago, i <3 dos
One suggestion
MSP is a great game but lately it’s been dying, people were quitting, such as Waterfallstream and YLN. You should add a new feature, not just a new feature but an entire new section of MSP such as shops or movietown, but it should have something to do with customizing. Custom hair, clothes (please update the design studio) and animations. Maybe even backgrounds. Another thing i want to suggest is being able to gift fame, starcoins, and diamonds. There are greets, but with all the accounts I’ve made over the years, I could probably get a drip top with the total of starcoins. But my main account barely has 1k starcoins, so I think it would be helpful if you could add a feature where you could gift starcoins up to 10k and up to 75 diamonds. And i think you should be at least level 3 to do that, because if i make an account on my computer and do quests, i can earn about 1.4k starcoins, even if I’m on level 4. Of course these are all suggestions, but it would be awesome if you added them into the game.
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5 years ago, Brebre2401
Issues bugs
Some bugs include: [first] Artbook glitch (thumbnail for Artbook doesn’t changed unless edited but actual players within the Artbook change outfits) [second] character glitch (characters body or face becomes morphed when saving an outfit. Very disturbing) [third] status glitch (parts of statuses disappear). Some issues include: [first] scammers and hackers. There should be an easier way to get someone who’s hacked or scammed in trouble with a moderator, warnings are simply not enough. [second] since trading has become such a big part of the game, there should be a player shop similar to Artbooks. [third] a teen only chatroom. [fourth] private chat among older players should include a slightly less safe chat option. [fifth] stop putting certain dpack items into the shop, it lessens their value completely. [sixth] more!! Categories!! Like within artbooks, items should be categorized and In dressing room, there should be the same shop categories. Etc.
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4 years ago, Em12333444434320928:898:82:
Super Laggy and wont chat (I fixed it)
It was lagging when i joined servers. It kept freezing. But great game please fix bugs,and lagging. I can still use the app,its just really laggy it also kept telling me i needed to update this server i made to chat, which i never even MADE a server. You cant even make servers,right? This girl wanted to chat but unfriended me since i wasnt chatting or moving. She thought i was leaving and had a problem,i fixed everything but it just needs an actual fix from the developer or whoever fixes it. I hope everyone has this problem because i dont want to be the only person having this problem,if you have a problem then just restart the device. My device always does this like 1 to 4 times a day. Its very stressing and confusing. Help me fix this problem and everyone who does. Hope you guys enjoy the game without any problems! I just put in the password again and restarted the whole game. Do the same thing i do IF you have this problem. Sorry im repeating myself!
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5 years ago, 🤬😱🙄😍❤️💀mkndhdhd
Ok let’s talk about the things about this game cons and pros the cons are First there are glitches and your screen freezes also so much catfisher of this game trying to be someone else to get a bf or gf and kids who are 8 would lie about there age saying they 16 or whatever it gets annoying and all then dirty stuff/dirty role play people would do on the game and the vip princes are to high I’m not gonna play 30 dollars for 3 months or 80 dollars for a year like that’s to much and you can get lock Out for no reason they won’t even check there system it gets annoying I got lock out 3 times for no reason last week I got my account band for no reason the pros are you meet new people dress up and plays GameS all of that something msp needs to add is body types why because msp body types are all perfect they should have a body type store because I hate having msp making there pixels perfect but in all this game gets a 2 stars due to the lack of a lot of stuff but a lot kids like this game so I would have parents watch there kids on this game but it’s a kinda cool game
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