4 years ago, PineappleLlama2
I gave this game a review back in November, and I’m not sure if anyone saw it, so I’ve updated it. I’ve had this game on and off since 2013, and it’s made a lot of changes for the better, and for the worse. Some of the events are really fun, but some I absolutely hate. The ones with the sapphires and tokens to get outfits always take soooo long to actually get a prize and I hate them so much!!!! Plz take those ones away. Also, I like that some of the ponies have speech when you tap on them, but since the series has finished, game loft can probably add a lot more speech effects. Another thing is to add more quests. Like, more after you defeat nightmare moon. Also, plz make some of the ponies with object to collect to buy them easier to get. I’ve been trying to get Countess Coloratura FOR LITERALLY THREE YEARS!!!!!! It would also be really fun to add more mini games, like a baking game, friendship quests with the map, stuff like that. And plz open up the rest of equestria, like Manehattan, Appaloosa, the Changeling kingdom, Yakyakistan, Las Pegasus, Cloudsdale, The dragon lands, Seaquestria, Griffonstone, etc. Aside from some constructive criticism, this game is very accurate to the series and to the comics. The horseshoe hotel is a really fun addition, and kludgetown and the crystal empire are really fun with their quests as well. I hope people read this and take these things into consideration.
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