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Microsoft Corporation
Last update
3 months ago
Version OS
12.3 or later
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User Reviews for OneDrive

0 out of 5
0 Ratings
3 years ago, MaxTheTechGuy
Could Be Better
I am a student and OneDrive is both incredibly helpful and incredibly aggrevating. I love that there is an app for OneDrive on the Mac App store. However, two things are clear. Firstly, It's not optimized for Apple Silicon. Rosetta 2 makes it work 98% of the time but it seems like updating and signing out and back into my Microsoft Account breaks OneDrive in ways that I feel like relate to the fact it hasn't been properly recomplied. A company as big as Microsoft should be able to put a team on that for a week and make it compatible for Apple Silicon. Additionally, it hasn't been updated for Monterey at the time of this writing. When I updated to Monterey and opened OneDrive, some very important files of mine were telling me they were corrupted and I had a small panic attack trying to make copies of them and upload them again. I think everything has been saved but how can teams of 3 developers make their apps prepped for Monterey weeks before Microsoft can? Look, when OneDrive works, it works really well and I actually enjoy using it. When it doesn't work however, it's anxiety provoking and makes me want to tear my hair out.
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1 year ago, Unwrittn
Will corrupt your files!
I've been a huge fan of OneDrive for a long time now, we're talking YEARS. I liked the way my files would instantly sync to the cloud and could be available on any device at any time. For someone that uses multiple devices for work and travels a lot, this is critical. However, over the past year I've noticed several files becoming corrupted. I searched for a reason and/or solution, only to discover that it has been a known OneDrive issue for a very long time. There are numerous complaints dating back several years all over the internet. Microsoft is aware of the issue, and apparently has no intention of prioritizing a fix for it. I was recently on a work trip for over a week, and - as usual - I was alternating between devices. I would create files - images and Word documents - on my laptop, and then switch to accessing them on my tablet in the field. Every single one of them became corrupted between the time they were created and the time I tried to access them on the tablet. I cannot risk having a program this hazardous interfering with my work, let alone allow it to rampantly destroy my personal files, such as videos and photos. If you care at all about your files, you'll avoid this program like the plague! It may seem to work fine for you at first, but give it time, it will eventually turn on you.
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7 years ago, JayInAz
"Works" but compared to other solutions it's a very poor experience.
The user experience with this application is so 'blah' it's not even funny. The first few iterations of OneDrive were barely passable as a sync tool for SharePoint. With all the rave reviews on this application I'm really curious what horrible software people live with that makes this look good. The user experience of other applications like DropBox is very good and well integrated with the OS. As an example a simple right-click and you have a link to email off to someone as a one-time access or direct link if it is shared. OneDrive has no concept of a file repository with a local synced copy. It is simply a basic file sync tool for the fledgeling SharePoint experience. I'm sure if you don't use SharePoint in a corporate environment and use OneDrive to sync your local Micro$soft application documents it's a beautiful thing. However, in the corporate setting where we are basically forced to use SharePoint this tool does nothing more than get a local copy on your computer without any other interaction which is pitiful. Add to the list is the "processing" message that doesn't go away after you open the app along with no "pause" button. It's really the simple things that matter with user experience and I know M$ doesn't make any money licensing OneDrive so it will undoutably remain pitifully featuerd behind its peers.
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6 years ago, BadCloud2
Updates are locking me out
I am disappointed and frustrated by the last two updates. OneDrive had been working well for me for 6 months in syncing work files between my work computer and my home computer. Recently, after updating the OneDrive app at home, the update prompted me to sign into my organization again, but it couldn’t “locate” a place to sync my files. Basically, it couldn’t detect that I already had OneDrive installed and was trying to create a OneDrive folder again. It wouldn’t sync my existing folders, and instead gave me a repeated error message (“Your OneDrive folder can’t be created in the location you selected: Try a different location. Make sure that the location isn't on a removable drive, or on a disk that has a case-sensitive format”). The first time that this happened, I managed to work around it by force-quitting OneDrive, uninstalling it, wiping the existing local OneDrive folder on my home computer, and then reinstalling OneDrive as though setting it up on a new computer. That may have been a fluke because a few months later, I encountered the same problem with a new update. I’ve been going through the same process—and it’s not working. In short, I’m unable to use OneDrive on my home Mac. It’s currently useless to me, and my only recourse now is to migrate content to another cloud service. I reported this to Support the first time. I’m going to report it again. One star.
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5 years ago, jason.tiess
Mediocre and unnecessarily complex
The second star is for the massive amount of storage I get from my organization's 365 subscription. If you're a MS shop, you get a lot of storage, it seems. You are able to sync, to keep some folders unsynced, and that's good. I frequently get messages telling me that the app can't find my local folder, usually after updates. Initially, if you have folders already set up at the server (say if you're working with an org), it will not ask you for preferences first and simply download everything - after which it froze on me. Then, when I resumed with some folders set to remain on the server, it gave me errors about the unsynced folders having the same name as the ones on the server. Then, when I renamed the folders, it went ahead and synced these new folders, so I had to trash them twice. Frequent sync errors are the norm here (beware any file that has symbols) and frankly it's really a lot more annoying than iCloud and Dropbox. But it's what my work uses, and I am happy to have so much space to send work files. I just spend *so much* time managing and correcting the sync process compared to other programs.
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4 years ago, MarcusAurelius24
Don’t update this without local backup
I had used OneDrive for many years but over time moved onto a different service. I turned off syncing, but I kept the local folder and put things in it from time to time. I was avoiding updating the app, but one day the notification to update came up and I clicked in the wrong spot and I couldn’t stop the installation. Even though I never opened the app nor did I see it run, it did start running after the update in the background. My folder dates changed to that day’s date even though they were years old, and many are now empty. These were not folders that had synced. I wish I had never clicked that Update button accidentally. Microsoft’s support has not been able to help me at all. I don’t think they understand the issue when I try describing it. They only have chat support, and they admitted that for better support you need a business plan to talk to someone on the phone. I do pay for Office 365. The whole point of this app is to save data, but it ended up losing me data. The online interface is not great either and doesn’t let you search within RTF files for some reason. You also can’t download all your data at once but rather have to go one by one.
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5 years ago, McLovitt
Works well, when it works. I have lost hours of my life to syncing issues that I know arent my fault
My wife and I have lost so many hours of our lives to issues with files syncing on OneDrive. I am very familiar with how the program works and sometimes OneDrive just does not do what it is suppossed ot do. Sometimes it automatically signs us out for no reason. None of the syncing apps like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. are perfect, and OneDrive is definitely far from perfect. We use it because we use Office 365 and basically have to use OneDrive. Overall, I am going to stick with the app, but Microsoft really needs to figure out how to make this app work correctly. I want to be able to install, setup folders I want synced and never worry about that part again. Instead I am always resolving issues with files that don't sync correctly or trying to merge two versions of a file that OneDrive says have differences when I know they don't. My blood pressure is going up thinking about how much time I have spent resolving issues on OneDrive.
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3 years ago, Colonel Clay
Do not update
The new update instituted "Files On Demand" without asking or giving an option to undo. Took ALL of the files in my OneDrive folder off my computer and made them cloud-only. After frantic searching I learned that there's no option not to do this -- you have to select each file one by one and choose to keep it on your hard drive, at which point you then have to click an option *beyond* that to redownload your own files. And if you add a new file you have to do it each time or it'll automatically make it cloud-only! I used OneDrive for the files I use all the time, because I've found it to be a little faster than Dropbox, and this basically screwed my whole afternoon while I figured out what was happening and finally redownloaded everything. I ended up just turning off the app and switching everything over to Dropbox, which lets you choose whether to be cloud-only or not in settings. Terrible policy, terrible implementation, terrible support. Truly a terrible experience. If you like OneDrive *do not* update to the latest version. (22, I guess?) Or if you do make sure to back everything up to your computer separately first, or just switch to Dropbox.
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4 years ago, The WP Guru
I LOVE OneDrive!
As a long time Dropbox user, I needed a reliable app that didn't cost the world. When Dropbox limited the attached devices to three on free accounts, I had to look elsewhere. Although I liked it, I did NOT like having to pay $100 per year. Had they offered a lower price plan (like iCloud and OneDrive), I would have stayed. Adobe Creative Cloud was next on my list of options, because it comes free as part of my plan Creative Cloud subscrption. Sadly it’s unusable: constant sync issues, using 99% CPU power at all times for doing literaly nothing, and the Adobe support well… let’s just not go there. Then I thought of OneDrive. Built into Windows, it worked very reliable without any noticable overhead on macOS and iOS. I liked it! The big win for me with OneDrive is that for $1.99 per month, I get 100GB of space - and thats’ plenty for what I need in the cloud right now. Shoudl I need more, OneDrive have me covered. I love options! I’ve been using this app on macOS, iOS and Windows for a year and never had any issues. Thank you, Microsoft!
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3 years ago, eleuthero
Update glitchy and requires cloud 24/7
I like OneDrive and I love its integration with Office. At the same time, the new update defaults to only storing in the cloud rather than locally... and there's no alternative. I can't check a box saying I want it to always keep files locally and in the cloud by default. Given the glitch that actually deleted all my local files with the last update, I'm quite nervous about continuing to use it as is. At least with other services (even if they don't integrate with office), I can choose what is only in the cloud and what is synced locally and in the cloud. Having to manually choose to keep each individual file I want to save locally... AFTER I have it saved is a pain and shouldn't be the only option. Finally, with the latest update, I had to completely uninstall Onedrive (including hunting down settings files and caches hiding in multiple spots in ~/Library in order to use the app again after restarting and reinstalling. Thankfully the project I've been working on was accessible on the onedrive website or there would have been a headache with my team (instead, it was just a headache for me).
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3 years ago, Ananzalim
Latest update ruined it
The latest update to OneDrive doesn't give the option to keep files locally. You can't turn off the "Files on-demand" feature. Although I am someone that uses this feature, nothing is the same as before. Any file that is locally created has to be uploaded to OneDrive to be used again locally which may not need to be redownloaded again but it sure requires some sort of validation. Here is the problem with that; I am compiling codes and this creates object files which will be used to run the problem later. I can't compile and run the program right after. Now I have to give sometime to upload and then I can run which renders the whole OneDrive service useless for me. I know people probably are not using OneDrive this way but this was a really good feature to me that I could just use it as local files and then it gets synched all the time, so I don't have to think about backing stuff up manually. Not just that; this update causes a lot of new problems related to this new weird choice by Microsoft. I alredy wrote too much so I am skipping those but it looks like I have to start for new solutions for a cloud service as this one is completely ruined for me.
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3 years ago, Randall King
Too slow to be really useful
This client does sync files accurately, but not quickly. As an example, if everything is in sync and updated, and I add one file to my OneDrive folder, I have to sit and wait while it says "OneDrive is updating files" for 10 or 15 minutes before it even *starts* syncing. It doesn't matter how large the file is; it does this every time. I made a handful of changes today to files that range from 56 KB to 210 KB, and I have spent all day trying to get the changes to sync. I have removed the OneDrive app, reinstalled from the App Store, remove again and installed the version from Microsoft's website, used the reset feature that is nested inside the app package, and so forth. It still just eats up my Mac's resources and gives me the spinning beach ball when I try to use the OneDrive app. It says that it's processing changes, but it's been doing that all day. My Windows PC in the same office syncs almost immediately. This Mac app is garbage. Aside from this, it syncs files reliably and accurately. But I don't have time to sit around and wait to get one file from Computer A to Computer B. It's much faster to email it to myself or use some sort of SMB file sharing method.
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5 years ago, Blastipher
the worst support & doesn’t work well with mac users
Not only have I had continuous problems with onedrive since I purchased it along with a subscription several years ago, to add insult, the program has had the absolute worst costumer support network you could hope for. I hate having an issue with onedrive because I know that when I do, it will take hours of me googling and looking through various forums to try to figure it out—and sometimes just won't. Microsoft’s support for onedrive consists of basic “how to” videos for beginners, different robots that you can chat with, and real people that are their last line of defense and extremely difficult to access. None of the videos or robots address any substantial issues that a real user would have. It’s like microsoft’s technicians are sitting under their rock, blissfully unaware that this program is uterlly disfunctional. The only reason why I keep using this program is because Word is the industry standard and I have no way of using Word on my iPad without a subscription to 360. And I’d rather not be paying for 360 and another cloud just because 360 is terrible, although I may end up doing just that and paying double in the future just not to use onedrive.
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4 years ago, FeuerStar
Keeps Freezing and Signing Out
I've been using this service for a long time. Now as a Business user, I mainly use it as a common file station for macOS and Windows 10. The Windows 10 version works without problems. I can barely feel its existance. However, for the macOS, the app itself is a complete trash. Not to mention it stucks almost everytime I click that icon on the status bar and the pointer over it becomes a lolipop, it recently frequently signing me out for no reasons. Each signing in is a arduous process since whatever the server or the app just feels so clumsy. Everytime it told me the folder couldn't be found and asked me to set it up like a new one. Everytime in this process I am scared of losing important offline files or downloading a bunch of on-demand files from the cloud server. Even worse, I now scared to make any changes to the files from the macOS side because I don't know if the changes will be made to the server since the app freezes and signs out so often. I really appreciate the service I am recieving. But since this is an App Store review, I will give it 1 star for this terrible client. Hope the engineers can figure out the essence of the problem and get it fixed ASAP. Thanks.
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1 year ago, Ukeduke98
It's a Mess
I enjoy using OneDrive on the web, but it is a total nightmare on my Mac. This app is buggy, hard to use, for some reason is only usable as a menu bar icon, and is constantly hitting errors. Every tiem I try to use it again, I am reminded why I never use it consistently. I unfortunately have to use this for work - but I would rather use any other storage solution. As is - it is buggy, my app constatnly crashes, and I've had to log in once per day due to the sheer number of crashes happening. It is a mess, and I don't understand how MICROSOFT of all companies can't figure this out when all of my apps currently run by Ukranian developers (a country currently in the middle of a war) have my apps running smoothly with regular updates. I want to love this app. I really do. I want to not also pay for iCloud and Google Drive just to make my required work solution more bearable. Please fix this app. I don't know if it's the new MacOS, Apple Silicon, or if this app has always just been this bad. This is the hub of the whole "Office" idea. How can I possibly get work done with your tools, if I can't even find it in all of the apps because my OneDrive won't sync?
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5 years ago, prasantvarghese
Great - When it works
As a ODB user, the platform works well. The UX could use some work to educate people between the OneDrive Folder and the Shared Libraries Folder, but that's relatively minor. The biggest issue that seems to occur is that when ODB randomly logs you out, and you sign in again, it forces an entire re-synch process. Furthermore, it only does a re-synch process of your OneDrive Folder. If you're actively synching Sharepoint Libraries or Shared Files / Folders from other people in your O365 - it doesn't realize that you've already synched them and so you have to go to each Library on the ODB web portal to resynch. This is cumbersome at best if you're synching 10 libraries, and can be a nightmare if you've selectively synched some items in a shared Library, because that means you have to uncheck items all over again (let alone worry about Files On Demand potentially taking local files off your computer, only to have the synch process put them right back on again. Hoping MSFT takes this feedback and figures out a way to more intelligently use document metadata to avoid the cumbersome synch/unsynch issue when you're account gets disconnected
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3 years ago, MauiJoe27
Now worse than useless
The app previously worked great. The best thing I can say for it is that I was never aware of it - the app kept everything synced, saved, and up-to-date all on its own. It was exactly you would hope from a cloud files mananger. This newest update, though, means that things no longer actually sync. Autosave is now useless. And if I want the changes I make to sync, I have to manually re-upload the file to the cloud everytime I open it. The app isn't even good enough to be called useless anymore. It's actively harmful because changes I've always taken for granted as being synced aren't. I was so baffled by this I completely unintsalled the app from my computer, deleted all the local files, and reinstalled everything I was sure it was just a bug. I never could have DREAMED that this would be some sort of delibrate change Microsoft made. I'm not sure how I'm going to proceed now. I've come to rely on OneDrive in my workflow, but this update means that is simply no longer possible. I guess I'm going to have to look for alternatives elsewhere, unless an update to fix this ridiculous issue comes through quickly.
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6 years ago, chet k 105
Often incredibly, unusably slow
Really, this is a complaint about the whole cloud-focused ecosystem of Office 2018, but OneDrive is at the heart and center of that and it could be so much better. My computer isn't shiny and new, but it runs a whole lot more smoothly when OneDrive isn't running. I use this for work at a small company and all my synced files total to less than 100GB, but this application still manages to slow all the other process on my imac to a crawl. I have to manually throttle CPU usage because using the terminal because OneDrive will try to gobble up 102%. The sync client is consistently slow and confused. It will be "processing" hundreds of changes for hours until I quit and restart. Random Office documents will take over a minute to open because they need to download a template that I already have synced locally. Or they will just get hung up on a useless "Processing..." dialog. Another glaring issue is that this is nowhere near parity with the Windows implementation. Choosing which files to download from within Finder would make the whole thing much more bearable, but apparently that's a Windows-only feature. You can do better, Microsoft!
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3 years ago, SagaciousT
Latest update broke sync in two ways
I have multiple accounts that need to remain in sync. On Mac this has always looked like multiple instances of OneDrive app running, instead of multiple accounts under one app. I.e. there are 4 cloud icons on my top menu bar. Latest update has casue an issue where only one of my two most similar accounts to be able to be signed in. When I try to add another account, it tells me I'm already signed in (which I'm not). Second issue is that "always keep on this device" seems broken on Mac. I want these files on my computer all the time, to be instantly accessible, and to be searchable via Spotlight...currently, despite having turned on "always keep on this device", and clicking the download icon, the files never download. VERY frustrating and upsetting.
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6 years ago, Dah doob
Blown away.
[Update 30MAY2018] Usually works amazinly. But when it decides to stop syncing, there is nothing I can do to get it to sync agian. I’ve tried killing the process and restarting it and nothing. All I can do is reboot the machine. =/ Works flawlessly on iOS, Windows and the browser though [First Review] I work from both a mac and a windows desktop. I also work from a computer given to me by work that I can’t download apps on. I find it amazing that I can sync all my files accross a web browser, my phone and computers. That’s just mind blowing. I keep all my files in the cloud and they’re with me everywhere I go. I also get 1TB of storage. WHAT with all of Microsoft Office Suite for 10 bucks a month. That’s chump change for the value you’re getting. I work a lot with excel and word and having those applications on all my stations is a blessing. Thank you OneDrive team for listening to your audience and continuing to change your image for the better.
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3 years ago, nkklz
It works…as long you constantly check that it is working
I use this between both my work and personal MacBook pros and sure, it functions as online cloud based webstorage that my team and I can share files between, but it is so unnecessarily stupid most of the time. It seems with each update, passing month, or change of weather, I need to re-initiate all my syncs manually from the webpage. It just randomly stops syncing all the time. Typically, I become aware of the situation because I’m waiting to grab a file a coworker created and then I pester them saying, “where’s the file, I desperately need it” and they’re like, “dude, it’s been on Sharepoint since Monday.” I am constantly going back and forth to the webpage to see if my finder folders are actually up to date. Half the time when I find out they aren’t, OneDrive is convinced that is current and will fail to continue on with a new sync. At that point, the only convinence that is being provided is that if it is properly synced, then I do not need to download the files every time. Its so ridiculous. Never had this issue when my employeer used Dropbox.
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7 years ago, BradPDX
Still just so-so
OneDrive on macOS has improved a good deal over the past two or so years, and it now supports several of the features that have made Dropbox such a pleasure to use. It’s still not as reliable as Dropbox, and occasionally I have to restart the Finder to restore status badges for files inside OneDrive. The biggest issue remains the lack of coherency between OneDrive and the suite Office applications - Word, Excel, PowerPoint. When a synced file is opened from OneDrive, these applications continue to treat the file as if it is local, ignoring the sharing functionality that is available when files are opened directly from OneDrive cloud storage. This makes the product feel incomplete, at least on macOS. If one is not a heavy user of Office365, there is really no reason to choose OneDrive over other services like Dropbox and Google Drive. I may discontinue this service soon, as the only reason I have for keeping Office365 is sharing these old file types with non-tech-savvy Windows users. I have far better tools for the work I do.
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7 years ago, Nlitnme
After 2 years of trying . . .
I am forced to use OneDrive through work, and we have a second as part of our family account to have the Office apps on our family computers. 1. To sync with OneDrive, I had to change thousands of file names. Microsoft is very particular what you can and cannot put in a file name. 2. Be prepared to always be troubleshooting a message that reads, “Can’t upload files. A file is blocking all uploads.” Please note: it will NOT tell you which file is causing the problem. 3. Several of your files will read, “An item could not be uploaded to ‘OneDrive.’” It will not tell you why, just that it can’t be uploaded. After using it, and trying to troubleshoot it, for 2 years, I still have more than 2,000 files that will not sync with my work account, and more than 500 in my family account. One of my son's became a programmer. When I asked for his help, he said, “OneDrive is full of syncing problems and ‘you' can’t fix them.” Perhaps someday, Microsoft will. Until then, puruse other options, unless a corporate contract doesn’t allow you to do so.
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6 years ago, HeresyInArms
Its a great app but I have one problem….
Onedrive is a great alternative to the countless other cloud storage apps but, only if you pay for the office 365. Working in Word docs and Excel in your browser is a fantastic way to make quick edits. The only reason I'm not giving this review a 5 star is for the simple fact that the application keeps trying to get me to download the iOS app from the pull down icon. It is annoying to spend money on a service and use all their apps only to have it consistently tell you how great said apps are and how you should download it…..every….single… And just as it is, everyday I have to close 3 diffrent “ads” just to get the pull down to not show it and I can continue to work as normal. There is absolutely no option to stop it from constantly bothering you about it. I could completly understand if I was just using the free version of the app but I pay for the office suit. When you rely on onedrive as much as I do, its bothersome to have to keep doing this day in and day out.
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3 years ago, Mike S and family
Power consumption is horrendous!
I appreciate the synchronization across my devices and ability to access msft files in the cloud using the mostly featured cloud apps. Been great for work and education in that sense. Two issues that need to be addressed. 1. Better management of multiple accounts. This is across the Msft products. I currently am active in a personal account and a school account. I need the ability for both to sync smoothly and for the apps (word, etc) to use the appropriate account based on the location of the document. 2. As the title of this review indicates, the power consumption is horrendous. After starting to use onedrive, the battery life on my macbook air (2018) dropped from 6-8 hours to about 3. Interestingly, if I’m plugged into power, or using it on my imac, there does not seem to be as much power draw. Evident on my MBA by the lack of fan noise. Please improve these issues, especially the power draw on battery.
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7 years ago, FallbrookMac
Works Well
I used DropBox and Apple’s iCloud before ultimately switching to OneDrive. Why? DropBox works well but didnt need it since OneDrive came with my Office subscription so decision made on cost basis. Apple iCloud just seemed buggy in syncing and made accessing the files and directory a pain - especially on iOS devices. Ultimately, OneDrive ended up was best in keeping the promise of current information across several devices. Support team roll out continued upgrades and solicit feedback from users. My only gripe is that it complains about files with punctuation in the titles which stops sync and forces renaming of offending files. I wish it were more tolerant or allowed users to automatically authorize character substitutions to address file naming issues. Apart from that…very well done. From a long time Microsoft skeptic, I’m impressed.
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8 months ago, Meeladrg
Persistent Issues with OneDrive on MacBook
I've experienced significant data loss due to ongoing issues with the OneDrive app on my MacBook. Despite multiple attempts to contact Microsoft for support, their response has been lackluster. This situation is particularly frustrating as my university relies heavily on OneDrive, making it essential for my work with students. We frequently encounter problems with file syncing, often leading to further complications. A recurring issue involves the app crashing on my MacBook. Each time I attempt a reinstallation, I'm met with the error message "OneDrive: Account Already Connected." This necessitates a repetitive cycle of closing and reinstalling the app. It's disheartening to face these challenges continuously, and I urge Microsoft to acknowledge and address these problems promptly. As customers, especially in an academic setting, we rely on the functionality and reliability of these tools. It's crucial for Microsoft to demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction by resolving these persistent issues.
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6 years ago, jaa55901
Works well with Office 365
I have Office 365 for personal use, and OneDrive works really well for this. My employer also gave us OneDrive for business. At first, I was able to access both OneDrive accounts and it would sync them pretty seamlessly. However, our Information Security decided that they could not tell whether a Mac was actually on the Active Directory domain, so they just disabled the Mac client. Since I had plenty of room, I just do everything using the personal account and it actually works better since I now don’t have to choose acounts on my iOS devices (when saving files). With my work account (when it did work), it seemed like it would prompt me for a password every time I changed networks (from home to work and back), which was a bit inconvenient. There are no such interruptions with the Office 365 account.
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2 years ago, Tofer the Goodest
Don't expect it to work
My company recently moved everyone to a Microsoft 365 total solution, including OneDrive storage. I've been tasked to move all of my department's files from Dropbox to OneDrive. It's been over a month; this is a nightmare. The OneDrive app for Mac is GARBAGE. The method it uses to keep everything is sync is TRASH. Sometimes it won't even work reporting all files are synced when they clearly are not. If you're trying to move a large block of files in bulk and a few have incompatible file names, prepare to uninstall the entire app and start over because your sync is busted. You're better off dragging your files to the OneDrive website interface. Dropbox was able to keep up, allowing me to work within it's sync folders as it kept a constant back up... with version control! The Mac OneDrive app barely functions as an intermittent manual back up. Pathetic and frustrating!
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5 years ago, HarmsGadgets
Works reliably. Needs modernization of visuals with the rest of Office Mac.
OneDrive is my primary file sync/share service for both personal content and at work. We're an Office 365 shop and I am a frequent user of both Windows and Mac devices, so this is the "universal bridge between my worlds. While OneDrive syncs reliably and with good stability in both personal and OneDrive for Business scenarios, I wish they'd update the app itself to get with the new Office UI standards (Windows has already done this) and fix the app and folder icons to support things like Dark Mode in Mojave properly. The tray icons work great in both modes but folders remain "Light" in Dark Mode and it makes everything messy to the point where I dont want to use Dark mode for this sole reason. Also the new "Fluent 2.0" Office icons need to be shown now - Everyone else is there.
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4 years ago, Brittanica2.0
Does it work for Sharepoint?
I have a 365 account through work, and I use my OneDrive all the time to hop between my laptop and desktop computers. It's really great for that. However, I also use Sharepoint with my team to collaborate on files, and I have yet to figure out how to access that outside of a web browser or the Teams app. Is there another Sharepoint app that's in the works / hasn't been released yet? Or is there a way that I can access my Sharepoint files through the OneDrive app? I would really like to be able to open a new document and Save As to a Sharepoint folder, instead of having to save it to my desktop and then upload a copy to Sharepoint. I would also really like to be able to access my Sharepoint files from Finder, rather than having to go to the Sharepoint site in a web browser.
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5 years ago, Zak Lance
Tame the local storage beast!
I've been using OneDrive heavily since starting grad school since I can easily sync my data between 4 computers (school PC, iMacPro Mac&Bootcamp, and my Air). The choosing folders to sync/store locally on the mac side was not always perfect, but it worked and I could control the amount of relevant data stored locally. When I'm in Illustrator or Rhino, OneDrive starts automatically downloading every file it can see. Even when it's not near the folder I'm browsing and can't be opened by the application. WHY? On the PC, it only downloads it when you select to open the file, which may take time, but it meant that I only downloaded what I need. This perceived excess in demanded files makes me want the choice to not automatically to download files at all—which is what it was previously. Please constrict apps trying to use OneDrive files (which may be trying to preview them), so they don't download my entire cloud. Lastly, this new update is confusing with the perception of used space. When I look at my hard drive space (Apple/About This Mac/Storage), it says I have XXXgb used in documents when XXX is 3 times that of my harddrive. Maybe this is an apple thing, but I hate it. Please tame the local storage beast that has taken control of my data management.
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7 years ago, Mousesci
Great app except for syncing issues
I love One Drive and the ease with which I am able to access important documents on any device. The issue i have had of late is that I may save a file on one drive then try to access from another device and then don't have the latest version in the new location. When I go back to my iMac or macbook Pro where I made my last changes I can see the one drive cloud icon stuck on updating. It never finishes updating unless I restart my computer. This is enormously inconvenient. I am a professor making last minute updates to my powerpoints and then get to my classroom to noitice that my lates changes weren't synced. Or sometimes I do notice that one drive is updating but is stuck. So I have to restart my computer before I head over to the classroom. Again this takes time that I usually don’t have.
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3 years ago, sonaarly
Broken by last week's update.
OneDrive is a great perk of Office 365 - unless Files on Demand breaks and suddenly your computer is downloading hundreds of gb of files you don't have the pace for. This is the 2nd time in a year that Files on Demand has done this - the only way to make it stop I've found is to: 1) erase overdrive & reinsall it 2) unselect all the folders you were using for files on demand so they no longer sync 3) disconnect from wifi for the hour(s) it takes for overdrive to register the updates for each file. 4) then you can erase all the files it puts in your trash and get back to work, but you still don't have access to all your data unless you use the web interface. So yeah, really terrible experience. I can be patient with microsoft being so slow to release m1 support for overdrive, but Microsoft, can you AT LEAST enable downloads for older versions of the software for those of us who actually use it?
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2 years ago, ButterflyyyBabyyy
Very frustrated
I have OneDrive for a very important, specific purpose. I need to be able to save proof of my bf's behavior quickly and efficiently... for whatever reason: when I open the OneDrive icon it takes me to it's " finder folder" and I don't have access to my personal vault, which is the main reason I use onedrive. if this is because of something i did incorrectly, i appologize for the rash assumption-but please help me so i'm able to open the actual application and not just the file finder. so i'm able to quickly and efficiently move files i need to-as fast as possible to my Personal Vault, locking it on my way out-so they're not accessed at a later date and deleted. thank you fo any help you're able to give me.
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6 years ago, CraftyOldDude
Not Ready For Prime Time
I use OneDrive at work out of necessity, but it is the poorest quality of all of the cloud applications I have encountered. OneDrive uses file naming conventions from the 70's - and it will halt synching if the file path is too long, or the name contains a symbol it doesn't like and so forth - making it much more useful for WIndows users - who simply accept these arcane and arbitrary naming conventions - as opposed to MacOS and Linux users who are free to name their files any way they see fit. Sometimes OneDrive will see a file naming problem that simply doesn't exist - and therefore cannot be fixed. Unless this file is moved out of OneDrive or deleted, the synching will shut down. There is no ability to ignore a file and synch the rest. I have installed north of 100 "updates" with improvement in stability - but none in functionality. Box, Dropbox, SpiderOak and many other cloud solutions are both cheaper and better than OneDrive.
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7 years ago, cantthinkofaname
App Won’t Reinstall, locked to work account
OneDrive is confused. It is stuck trying to connect to a defunct work account. There doesn’t seem to be any intuitive way to wipeout it’s memory and start over with a personal drive. I deleted the app with the hope of reinstalling but nope, the AppStore on my Mac think’s OneDrive is installed and won’t download it. I go to the MSFT site and they redirect me back to the AppStore. Of course, the incredibly rich Apple buries their support contacts and if I dare try to speak with someone I know I’m locked in to 20 minutes of password battles and web searching to find the contacts, then another 30 minutes or more reaching someone who can’t solve a problem. Meanwhile the simple work I want to do with the OneDrive app has taken me down a sinkhole of wasted time. What I really want is a ‘drop’ icon where I can drag files to that will automatically copy to OneDrive, which is quite different than a sync folder or drive location in my Finder window.
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7 years ago, Alek_77
Active Updates & Responsive Developers
Onedrive for OS X, when compared to Dropbox and iCloud, has become a superb contender in the cloud stroage market. Over the past two years, the service has become fast enough that I have no qualms about its speed globally. Previous bugs have been worked out quickly by responsive team of developers. Public link feature is weaker when compared to Dropbox’s, but I can live with that since Onedrive’s price proposition is more attractive than that of Dropbox’s. For developers: a big props to the team for continually rolling out updates. I am impressed that you guys continue to roll out updates— and I can really feel that it’s getting better. File updates are more responsive, and it places less load on the computer than before.
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4 years ago, MichaelThwaite
Can’t sync shared folders, doesn’t work on all macOS with case-sensitive file system
Update October 2020: Still fails to sync on case-sensitive file names and doesn't really handle large 50,000 sharepoint folders. The update descriptions are very silly, not really the work of a professional company, feels like a startup. Update March 7th, 2018: Still broken in a couple of key ways: - Doesn’t allow Office365 account users to sync shared folders, only access personal folders. - Doesn’t support case senstitive file system. They’re probably assuming that because Windows doesn’t understand case, that no one else does (Spoiler: everyone else does) This is a fairly pervasive misunderstanding in Microsoft as they recently broke Visual Studio for Mac by muddling up the names of files with differnt cases. If like me, you work on enterprise systems and set up your mac to support case-sensitivity files for compatibility and speed, this app will not install. With APFS on High Sierra you can work around it by creating a new disk (Call it OneDrive maybe) within the container that holds your system volume and format that as case-insensitive. These limitations throw us back to the competitors which all sopport these basic requirements. Props for deploying it on the App Store though, good to see security first!
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1 year ago, this68285920
TERRIBLE - have to manually download or transfer files
I switched from Google Drive to OneDrive because of work, but this has been a TERRIBLE experience. There are so many flaws that this cloud platform shouldn't exist. I'm in the processing of wanting to back up my files in OneDrive onto a hard disc to take with me once I leave, but even when I select to have all files saved to my computer there are random files it just won't download. And there's THOUSANDS of them. If I try clicking the little cloud button to download the file it works and I can back that file up. But I can't spend the time manually downloading and transferring files when there's literally thousands of them. I've tried troubleshooting, downloading from the online OneDrive client, etc., but this just seems like the way it is. I will literally never use OneDrive again after this experience.
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6 years ago, kbajura
Works Well, but Can be Improved
I like OneDrive over Apple's iCloud drive mostly because the storage is bigger and I trust Microsoft more than Apple when it comes to reliability. But what would really make OneDrive better would be that we didn’t have to pick and chose which folders to sync if you wanted to maximize storage space on your computer. Isn’t there an option for PC where all of your content is available but it’s not really synced to you computer until you need it. I like the option of seeing what I have in OneDrive, but not actually have it taking up space on my computer. Of course, you could force certain folders to always be avialable. But in my case, I mostly use cloud stoage as backup and archival storage.
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6 years ago, MohamedElian
Just bad. Compared to almost every other is so bad. This is Microsoft. I can’t fathom how bad they are when it comes to Mac apps. A very simple question, why can’t I choose which folders I want to sync before the app starts syncing them? The moment you open the app after you donwload it, it starts to sync. By this time, it is very late to go in the preference menu to choose which folders you want to sync and which ones you don’t want to sync. The problem is you can’t deselect the folders after the app has already started syncing them. In other words, you have to let the app sync your entire folder (mine is 1TB) then go inside the app and deselect the folders you don’t want to have on your device. This is backwards. A simple and easy solution, the app should give you the option to select which folders you want to sync on your device before it actually starts syncing.
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7 years ago, 2thecorps
Works well for seamless access to OneDrive
I work for a software company that utilizes OneDrive extensively both to share content internally and externally with customers. Most of our team has Windows computers but I have a Mac (gotta love that hardware) and run Windows on a VM while simultaneously working in other software on the Mac. OneDrive has made working with and sharing documents between OS’s and team members seamless. I don’t have to be on the same network anymore and I know that if I work on a document in one OS, I can access it in the other quite easily - and so can anyone else with whom I’ve shared it. The latest updates that now include sharing a link from the Mac OS have made collaboration even easier.
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4 years ago, Afjkdrukjxcbmmgf
Incredibly worse than Windows version
I used OneDrive both in a Windows laptop and Mac. The Windows version will sync up the file within seconds after the file is modified, and while OneDrive tracks 14GBs of data, the computer is not noticeably slowed at all in all scenarios (e.g. during the deletion or addition of large folders). In Mac, there are so many small and large issues. 1) school login page doesn't allow cookie, and I have to have two-step authentification a few times EVERY DAY. There's no online resources on how to fix this (the ones I found don't work). 2) The syncing folder needs to be only 1GBs. Otherwise the computer becomes unbearably slow or freeze when OneDrive tries to constantly scan through files. 3) The command to open or close OneDrive will take minutes to execute. Overall, I suggest OneDrive put more efforts in the Mac version because it's far from its Windows version.
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6 years ago, deberney
MICROSOFT has really got the cloud thing working much more effeciently than Apple has with iCloud. I’m a MAC person, iphones, ipad, macbook air, macbook pro, all my electronics are MAC. However, using iCloud has been a huge mess for me. I been trying to replace my Apple Software; Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, Garageband, because of all the Apple problems and updates and hardware issues of late. OneDrive has made my life so much easier transfering files back and forth between iphone, Windows 10, ipad and iMac. I can always get to anything on my OneDrive, easy and fast. My files are always there and accessable. In iCloud I never can get to anything other then some pictures. When I’m lucky.
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3 years ago, tburger93
Horrible and still broken after all these years
Onedrive for Mac is all but unusable. It routinely gets stuck into what appears to be endless processing of changes (where there were no changes) and ultimately crushes your battery. When it is running "normal" it takes forever for a simple file update. The integration with Finder is horrible, the quick-look feature does not work, so you can't just do a quick check of a file to see if it has what you want. The search feature in Finder also does not work, so you will never find a file stored on OneDrive unless it happens to be on your local filesystem and hasn't been dehydrated. Microsoft should just stop offering this software because it is literally worse than not having an option at all for Mac. Oh, and it's been like this for at least 5 years that I personally know of.
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5 years ago, MSSReader
Doesn't work like it's supposed to
When I'm in an office document, a gold bar appears above the box that tells me that it's not syncing because my credentials expired; I'm not signed in. I click the sign-in button and nothing happens. Sure enough, the document doesn't get updated in the cloud, so when I sign in on another computer, the document's either not there, or I don't have the latest version. Sure enough, the same gold bar appears at that computer. That's the big drawback. Another one, more a nuissance, OneDrive also doesn't let my sync files that don't follow an old naming convention from the 90s. I once left a job and tried to back up two years of client work to OneDrive. After 20 minutes of renaming files, I said BLEEP this and put it all in iCloud. Which by the way, also does a better job of syncing work between desktops.
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6 years ago, Matters.Little
Every update breaks this product
Every time this software updates, it will forget your OneDrive directory on restart. You can tell it which folder to use, but it will reject it, every single time. Then, you’ll say “Okay, I’ll just make a new folder for OneDrive. Then, it “syncs” your computer’s OneDrive directory with your online storage, and since your local directory is empty, “syncing” means erasing everything on your online drive. The good thing is that you can undo this through the web application, but it shouldn’t even be possible to get this bad. Before erasing everything on your remote directory, it should probably say something like “This action will delete 20,000 items, and when you turn on another computer that’s connected to your OneDrive account, it will also delete the local copies on that machine, creating an almost perfect destructive tsunami that nobody would ever deliberately initiate."
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2 years ago, travelingmonk
Demonstrably dangerous today
This piece of junk of utterly UNRELIABLE... and apple is complicit of microsoft by censuring the feedback I am trying to leave to WARN others. I have 36GB on onedrive and for the last 6 DAYS I have not been able to download them to my new machine.... OneDrive keeps crashing (I have all the crash logs to prove this statement), giving feedback that 'there was a problem with onedrive ... Reset OneDrive' ... This thing is an absolute desaster and Microsoft has been silent about the issues since they started back in January 2022. Additionally, a direct message to the WorldWide marketing manager for OneDrive also remainded without response. This thing is dangerous because it keep telling the files have all been transfered even when Finder or PathFinder get blocked trying to enumerate the files inside given folders.... there is ABSOLUTELY NO RELIABLE WAY TO KNOW WHERE YOUR FILES ARE...
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4 years ago, elsuzerain
Love/Hate relationship
I've been using Office 365 for about 4 years to provide my businesses with the tools they need to function in today's business world. One of the components of 365 is OneDrive. We call it "OneDive." When OneDrive works, I like it. I never love it. When OneDrive takes one of it's once-a-quarter (or more) turds, it can take days to untangle. The folks over at Microsoft wish to be helpful, and they are undoubtedly polite, but 25% of the time they lead you to the Can of Worms oaisis, 25% of the time they can't help you, and 50% of the time they clean it up. The best solution is almost always to completely remove every little OneDrive component, which is harder to do than evicting a vampiric octopus from your inner ear without the use of your hands, and then reinstall the program. I'm going to buy a good deinstaller program and hope that helps.
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