OurFamilyWizard Co-Parent App

4.5 (28K)
135.9 MB
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Current version
OurFamilyWizard, LLC
Last update
4 months ago
Version OS
15.2 or later
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User Reviews for OurFamilyWizard Co-Parent App

4.46 out of 5
28K Ratings
4 years ago, papa_tiburon-305
Almost amazing
I requested and insisted on this app in my family case. This idea behind this app and the courts intentions are great and I believe that this application helps people to have healthier communication. HOWEVER, the courts are to backed up. I know that I can not and do not care to pay my attorney to read all those petty and ongoing messages. The fact is that these can be pulled upon and used is enough. However that is just like an email or text. It would be on the individual to be pulling the data and setting it up for court. I can not expect our judge to have the available time to read these messages. Because of that I will not see justice. With that being said, I still give the app 4 stars as it is of no fault to the app. The ONLY major problem I have with the app is there needs to be a search bar as other message services have. Thus saving time for any court clerk, attorney or individual that has to compile complete and accurate data. PLEASE
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2 years ago, Ddwabbbbbbey
Buggy and doesn’t notify of messages on IOS
The application doesn’t work completely, you’re not able to add any information to be able to save between parties. I made a complaint about this and they told me to use the website but I paid $150 to use the app, not the website. Last week my ex-husband messaged me three times and I got no notifications about any of the messages. I happen to open it yesterday to find the messages and checked on my notifications in my settings and everything is turned on to blast my phone if he messages me. This can create discontent within your relationship and I would not recommend it until they really take these bugs seriously. I emailed them and told them they caused problems between my ex and I and their solution was to give me a refund and cancel my account, now my ex-husband has no one to talk to on the app and I have to re-order the account and pay the full amount because they will not prorate the parts that are not useful. When I emailed them and asked them what they were going to do about the bug issues and the things that I have reported, they refuse to answer my emails. Now, since my ex-husband has already paid for his subscription, I’m stuck paying for a second subscription even though these features don’t work and I’m going to have to monitor the application several times a day to see if he’s messaging me. This is the biggest rip off going because they know that you have no choice except to have the same application as your coparent.
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8 months ago, itsgownow
Not worth the cost
Unfortunately you’re locked in for a year whether you end up finding it useful or not. The functions are nice in theory but few work as seamlessly as they should for a paid app with little support available. (Long response times and calling during business hours just gets you a voicemail) Parenting schedule is unable to accommodate the common once/week evening visitation. Various functions require redundant steps in order to execute, such as events. Expenses are only able to be split 50/50 or 100% so if your court order is different than that it may require extra effort and explanation in each entry. Notifications are unspecific and unable to view detail so if you receive a notification an event has changed (ex: coparent changes pick up time on an event) you click the notification and it takes you to Home Screen so will not know what change was made. Face ID. Fails half the time for some reason and you can’t save login info and it requires you to login anytime you navigate out of the app so be prepared to spend a lot of extra effort just logging in, compared to other apps. I see the potential for this to be “the best coparenting app” it claims but actual use after 4 months proves more frustration than help. With how long they take to acknowledge issues and feedback I don’t have high hopes they’ll improve functionality anytime soon
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1 year ago, drhlh
Needs app updates/calendar improvements!
Just started using this after hearing it was the gold standard for co-parenting apps. The calendar could use some improvements. It’s frustrating to manually input calendar entries and then if you have to click “edit” for a simple change, it removes your dates and times and you basically start from scratch, and if you miss noticing it did that and click out then have to go back yet again, that is not editing! I waste more time editing than should be necessary to enter one small change. That is a glitch that should be fixable on the app end I would think. Also is it possible to sync with other calendars? Maybe I missed this somewhere, if not it is needed, to save time manually re-entering things already in other calendars. Lastly, please make the mobile app capabilities able to do the same things as the web version. I can’t always go to my computer and it seems there are a lot of things that the app can’t do. Also can’t figure out on mobile how to set up kids acts to message etc on it, unless that is done on computer only also. It would also be nice to have the mobile app calendar color coded by kid but I can’t find that feature either. Thanks for reading my feedback!
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1 year ago, anaknipedro
Needs to be modernized
First, the good: This app came highly recommended and I appreciate the features. Also, they have phone support! Even on weekends! You don’t find that very often. It also looks like they release regular updates but the update notes don’t detail much. Now the bad: Most if my time with the app is spent with messaging and the messaging is very outdated. It is setup like email and all of the messages in the inbox do not show in a single thread. The inbox only contains messages from the other party, not your responses. To view all the messages, you need to navigate to ‘all messages’. I’ve been using the app for 6 months before I learned this and I don’t see a way to change the default message box. My suggestion would be to overhaul the messaging section so it worked more like a modern messaging app; like a dumbed down Slack. Secondly, the calendar app isn’t very helpful either. It would be nice if you could begin with one of the parent time templates, then make changes from there. It would also appreciate the ability to set rules for holidays and summer time in addition to the basic parenting plan. Surely holidays and summertime are a part of every parenting plan so why are they not options in the app? Lastly, the app doesn’t support badge notifications on the app icon.
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3 years ago, 202202nicole
Good idea, bad execution
The app has several bugs - for example Face ID isn’t working anymore. Then there’s stuff that’s just not user friendly. You can’t tap on the day to see the transition times. Ours isn’t the same each week and now that it’s all entered in you can’t see the exact pick up time by double clicking on the day or anything. The only way I can see it is to go into the parenting schedule, then details, then scroll months to the correct day where it lists the time. It’s so cumbersome to use that it has actually makes me have to communicate more with my ex than less. Isn’t the whole point of the app to make this stuff easier? Also the message center is not intuitive. There are too many inbox type areas so it’s too easy to “not see” messages or action items. Again - defeats the purpose. The only reason this app is so popular is that courts require it. I was excited to use it, but it actually has complicated matters for us. It’s also sad to see they don’t appear to be updating it regularly. It needs some serious upgrades. If you aren’t required to use it- don’t. Find a better message/calendar system. Google calendar or Outlook works better and makes more sense than this one.
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2 years ago, Lacy.Youngblood
Be fully aware they do not refund money before purchasing
I purchased this product after I had my attorney send my co parent a request to use it because it was the only product I knew of at the time. My co parent initially agreed, then changed their mind and said they would not pay for it. Anyone that has dealt with attorneys knows it often takes a while to come to a full agreement and sometimes those things change. I paid $200 for my part and my coparent decided he couldn’t pay $200 and wouldn’t use it. So I was never able to use the product and they refused to give me a refund of any portion of what I paid. There are other app and companies that do not cost near as much and some are free. Do research before you purchase this product and make sure the other party is willing to pay the same $200 you have to pay otherwise you will be out $200 without the ability to even use the product you supposedly purchased. I’m sure this happens often, especially between parties that have to use a coparenting app. Great way to make money off people, but you should refund people that are not able to use your product. The man I spoke with didn’t seem to care at all that they provided me no service and took my money.
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1 year ago, Penfed member for 30 yrs
So much potential. So many bugs
I wish OFW would get it together. I have been using this software for the better part of four years and it is just so buggy. The face is login screen doesn't always work. The login screen in general on the app is super buggy. I got a notification that my credit card had expired (as credit cards do) and that I needed to update it in order to renew. I logged in and got a message saying I had two grace logins. Great - because I was logging in to renew but after the notification screen that I had two Grace logins, I was booted out of the system. I logged back in, got the message that I had one Grace login. OKay. But before I could do anything else, I was immediately booted out of the system and when I logged in again it said that my account has expired and that I need to call customer support. I did that and after 8 min on hold was told to leave a voicemail message. Who does business like this in 2023? Did you know that you can allow people to login and only give them access to the payments screen? Do you have UI designers? What in the world. Please get it together.
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3 days ago, Bjones'n
A Valuable App with Great Potential in Need Better Design
I appreciate the concept—this app is truly invaluable, especially when co-parenting with someone who can be challenging to communicate with. The knowledge base articles and blogs are helpful resources, and customer service responds more quickly than anticipated. However, the User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) appear to have been influenced by leadership, product managers, developers, or possibly designers who may not have the necessary expertise. I say this with the insight gained from 24 years of real-world experience in leading, creating, and designing products for some of the world's top corporations. While the leadership's vision is clear, the product managers have done their part, and the development is solid, the UX and UI require significant improvement. I strongly recommend bringing in an exceptional designer to elevate the product to the highest standards. Allow the design expert to take the lead, ensuring your app becomes the Rolls-Royce of co-parenting tools. If you already have a Design Director or Manager, I suggest starting there to implement this critical enhancement.
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5 months ago, Audiobible
Beware of extra costs!!
I’ve been using our family wizard as part of a court order for a few years. It has served it purpose for communicating, but beware if you have to upload receipts and or photos to messages for communication eventually you will run out of space and be forced into purchase more space, and it isn’t cheap, and you get stuck with it as an ongoing cost every year. There is no way to free up space for any items which are attached to a message or an expense— they cannot be archived or deleted, so they really stick it to you once you are a captive audience. I would highly recommend finding one of the many other platforms which work just as well but don’t limit you to something like this because they bend you over a barrel once you’ve become vested. There is no way to change the size of the files that are uploaded so you are just stuck. I would not start off using OFW again and their support solution is to just buy more space— they know they have a captive audience. Update they are adding features I don’t want and charging extra for it. I would find different software. Talking parents app is better.
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2 years ago, Emilyellyse
Payments are slow
Payments initiated take almost a full week to withdraw from one parent’s account and deposit to the other. I got this app because my ex literally can’t get it together and keeps having to tell me not to deposit checks due to insufficient funds and closed accounts and other unreliable nonsense, and now my best bet at receiving a payment from him is an app that’ll pay me a full week after I’m supposed to be paid. I’m unsure how slow payments will lead to positive coparenting outcomes if everything is late. Invest in better payment infrastructure. No one (especially not parents with full custody like myself) really wants to communicate with their ex. They use your service to cut down on communication and simply submit reimbursement requests with a service their attorney can pull from if needed. So make that experience great, because it’s annoying to have to continue to chase down payments from an app that is supposed to solve these headaches. My personal expectation would be that payments post in 1-2 business days tops for $200/year per parent. Ideally they’d post next business day.
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2 years ago, uselessforclients
Hands down.
Hands down one of the better coparenting apps, and I’ve played around with quite a few. One thing that really does irk my nerves that I wish the developers would consider is when you print out messages, it does not automatically include attachments nor does it give the option to do so. My coparent loves to screenshot and send things from google to fit their narrative. It would be useful to be able to include these screenshots directly in the messages when printing. Of course I can always add it in separately but it’s not authenticated in any way and will generally be out of order. Since we cant edit the specific pdf to include the attachments where they belong. If I want to print a string of messages, I’d like the see the picture show up specifically with the sent messages, not just the text stating there is an attachment.
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3 weeks ago, JessicaMay2024
Access to All Messages 👎
Developers, asking again: On the home there are two places that get you to Inbox and none that get you to All Messages. Please update this so you don’t have to click in three separate parts of the screen to get to the natural sequence of messages. This small change would make a huge difference in daily practical use. Please, please, please direct the Messages tab to All Messages -or- change the Unread Messages button to All Messages. It make no practical sense as it is now and it is a frustrating inconvenience. ——— Please change “Unread Messages” button to “All Messages” on home page!! Hey developers! It would be extremely helpful if you were able to access “All Messages” from the home page on this app. Currently you sign on and have a 3 step process to get to “All Messages” with three clicks in separate areas of your screen. The All Messages page is the most important place for me to go and it is currently inconvenient and frustrating to get there. Your consideration for an update on this is appreciated!
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6 months ago, Julieskid
No alerts on iPhone
The OFW app does not give badge notifications on iPhone, only banners on the home screen which is problematic for me because my ex doesn’t pay much attention to alerts on his phone. I still have to use regular texts to alert him that I’ve sent messages. Since I really need our communication documented in case of court disputes, and since this was the program suggested by the court, I feel like I’m stuck with it. I also feel like the messaging threads are confusing—you have to specifically change the view to see a list of all messages instead of only the latest ones sent. I feel like for the very expensive price (and since my ex won’t use it unless I pay for his too), it definitely could be more user friendly. That said, I’m going to continue using it for my own protection in order to have all important communication regarding our child in one place and easily accessible by the court.
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5 months ago, Dr. Serafino
Primitive, lacks intuitive organization
I have 2 rather large and justifiable user experience concerns. . 1. The user interface is a 3/10. The font is small and lacks contrast. The app willl not display in “dark mode.” The overall accessibility of buttons, menus, submenus etc is not intuitively organized. 2 The Message feature is extremely frustrating. The organization of messages is almost like email but the threads don’t stay together. The app should be organized like a chat - like SMS apps, any messenger app, even regular email…really ANYTHING that can be more easily organized and reviewable like an actual thread. The search feature is almost good enough to quickly locate relevant content from previous conversations. But the search terms must be EXACT to return necessary content. As a bonus feedback: why have a monthly time limit on calls? Native messaging apps don’t do that. Even Facebook or instagram or other apps have no time restriction since these are internet driven feature. And the video is grainy, choppy, and the audio is insensitive to the pitch of a child’s voice. I am forced to use this app and it is a point of extreme frustration. And the other “coparent” refuses to communicate using any other form of technology. The app is a really a good idea. It is very primitive, lacks intuitive organization, requires a ainstantiak iohrade to the display (text, colors, headings/sibheadings, etc.)
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3 years ago, sankylove
I mean… it’s ok I guess. But not for the price!
For an app who’s assumed intent is to hold co-parents accountable (and keep them organized) this app does not seem to be designed for co-parenting situations that are in no way equal. It seems to assume that everyone is doing it 50% / 50%. This my not be the case for many co-parents out there (including myself). If all the parenting and financial responsibilities fall on one parent, it would be nice if this apps design allowed you to track this with a log, allowed you to input the expenses for your day. Or allowed you to input the expense of whatever event / enrichment activities you were putting in the calendar and kept a running account of that as well. The design interface is also so clunky and not intuitive. It just feels like it’s still in beta and for how astronomically expensive it is (I had to pay for my co-patent’s account as well as mine to get him to agree to using something like this) its just too much fir not enough!
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7 months ago, Atul K Gupta
App missing basic features and high cost of storage
The app is missing dark mode. The app calendar does not show the meeting invitation title in full words instead, it shows you the first word of the meeting title, which is very annoying and unnecessary. Whatever feedback has been given to the app developers for the last 1 to 2 years has not been incorporated. The cost of storage in the application on the cloud is quite high about $120 per year which as compared to Apple or Microsoft or Google is about three or four times higher. The apps search functionality is also broken because when you search for different keywords repeatedly, then the search functionality starts showing all mail instead of only the mail that matches the search pattern. This causes undue burden on single moms and single dads, but the app developers continue to create a rip off by charging such a high cost for the application and the storage and in return, not making the necessary adjustments as per the feedback
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2 years ago, Carson235
Great concept, Glitchy App
The app is a good idea and consolidates the essential co-parenting concepts. I like the idea but it needs to be updated more often and the user interface needs some work. Also, it crashes quite frequently, adding frustration and significantly reducing its utility. For example, it crashes when populating essential information like adding teachers contact information, when adding general files, etc. Also, in the iOS application you cannot upload from standard could services like Google drive or Dropbox, only iCloud. I feel like this is a fairly simple database tool and these sorts of issues should not exist for such an expensive paid application. If it were free I would not have as high of expectations. Also, the interface for the calendar needs work. When you tap on a day to add an event for that day it defaults to “today”. Also, all-day events default to only being able to be a day long (so no multiple day trips if you have all-day selected) These are just a few issues and there are usually work arounds, but, again, I expect more. It is nice that you can also access the website in a regular computer, but the mobile experience needs significant upgrades.
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6 months ago, OutlawBrewCo
Glitchy, unreliable, annoying.
Last thing you need when going through a divorce is an unreliable app. There are cheaper options out there, too. I've had many problems logging in, and customer service has told me this happens very often. You are forced to use an unusual style of password, so whatever you have for Netflix, your bank and everything else in your phone won't work here. You can try to use a Strong Password set up with your Face ID but this app often doesn't save it or let you use it. I don't use this except to journal when there's a problem, so I'm extra annoyed when I have to reset my password because the Face ID won't work. And then I'm forced to click the button that says forgot password. I didn't forget it. You're worse than my ex spouse accusing me of stuff I didn't do. Seriously, people in our situation shouldn't have to deal with such an unreliable app and additional headaches. If there's any hope to work with your ex-spouse, try a different app.
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3 years ago, MattLitt
Overall pretty good
Overall, I’m happy with the app but I have a few main concerns & frustrations. 1. Notifications - The notifications with the app are terrible. The only way I can be notified is with banners so I have had to turn on “persistent” banners just so I don’t miss any. Otherwise, I have to go in and check the app on a regular basis. 2. Login - The app regularly (almost daily) forgets FaceID requiring me to have to re-login. 3. Messages - I would love to see more natural messages, much more like gmail or the sort. I love the tone meter but I wish I could “reply” to a sent message that has not yet been responded to by my ex if I need to add/correct something. Instead, I have to start a new message and the chain gets really messy. Also, I have not found a way to file messages in folders unique to myself. As far as I can tell, it appears that if I file messages in folders, my ex sees that same architecture. 4. The UI/UX is very dated. 5. Overall, I really like the calendar. However, it would be wonderful if I could add/change events in the past for accurate tracking. Also, I REALLY wish it could integrate with an external (phone) calendar. As a result, I’m now maintaining 3 separate calendars: work, personal, and OFW. I know you can export events but that is cumbersome and not at all worth it.
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6 months ago, Badicssoftware
Costs a lot and sort of works
The price is way way too high, Especially since it barely works. The calendar is nearly useless. It will give me a notification when the calendar has a change made, but no indication of when or where that change is. .could be tomorrow, could be next year…just check every day for forever to find out If my finger print/face doesn’t work to unlock the program, I have to type in a ridiculous long and complicated password (which is required) every time, even if just to receive the notification that the calendar has changed….although as I mentioned, that change always remains unknown I am extremely poor, and the court ordered use of this after my divorce - I really feel ripped off and angry ** they reached out and asked me to contact them directly, so I did. Then they just were sort of jerks via email and said the app works fine and they would not do anything for me as far as a refund
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9 months ago, KelliMich
Increased efficiency of calendar but missing features
Overall, this is a nice app that consolidates expenses, calendar, and requests in one place, minimizing the need for constant texts and other means of communicating, which is positive. Re: the calendar specifically, it does save significant time over google calendar because you tell it your schedule (eg 2-2-5-5), and it templates the entire thing for the year rather than requiring denovo entry. Then you just have to worry about exceptions. However, at this price point, I would expect more features such as being able to change the color of each parent on calendar entries. Google calendar is FREE and has this option. It may seem small, but my ex insists that I am pink, purple, sparkles, or something inside the feminine box he puts me in rather than BLUE as required. Likewise, you can change the exchange time for all remaining entries, but it’s only a single time, while it should have more nuance to that— AM exchange on school days to be 8am, while afternoon exchange at 4pm, or whatever. Overall good, and we will use it. But I expect it to be at LEAST as versatile as google calendar.
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4 years ago, Scott6277
Great Tool for Co-Parenting
OFW has a lot of potential for helping manage a more effective co-parenting situation. I love the feature that tracks when emails are sent, read, and replied to. It really helps limit those “I didn’t get that email” situations. I’m just starting to use it and there are many features that I’m just starting realize. I wish there was more flexibility on the parenting schedule. I have a very unique parenting schedule based on a 9 day rotation. I spoke with Customer Service and he was terrific and anxious to help (spent 30 minutes with me on the phone), but the only solution we were able to come up with was to manually enter the schedule. I believe if there was an option to repeat the pattern at 9 weeks or more it would allow me to input my schedule. Thanks!
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4 years ago, Danny00178
Courts order
I was give an order to communicate with the other parent of our child. I wanted to choose this app. The other parent doesn’t pay child support or support our child in any way. So I figured she wouldn’t have a problem with a paid app. Wrong! She wanted to use AppClose ( our family wizard is a superior app in many ways). The judge decided to allow it and I can’t use the family wizard ( because she refuses to and I was ordered not to by the court). This app is wonderful. The check in at drop off/ pick up. The messages, moments, the courts being able to see the accounts, etc. I could go on and on. If you are having communication problems with the other parent of your child, this is the way to go. I could not be more pleased with this app.
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4 years ago, Unhappy1234567890
Works well when respect is an issue
My ex and I use this app due to a lengthy history of disrespectful communication and emotional abuse. I needed a way for us to communicate about our children with the security of knowing that if things became volatile, he would need to refrain from name calling, threats, and bullying behavior, or risk more time in court. The app has definitely helped with that. I would like to have the calendar integrate with my iPhone calendar like other apps do, and would appreciate the ability to include family members that don’t use the app or need a paid version (like my parents) on the appointments. I would also like to be able to forward messages to people outside of my ex and I (attorney and other key people).
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1 year ago, Caffeinefueledmikedad
Pretty mediocre - remember to turn on text notifications
The app is buggy and slow and the website is better but defeats the purpose of having an app then. Also, push notifications do not work. You have to remember to turn on text or email notifications or you won’t know you have messages, as we both discovered - which is a problem if the parties are to be communicating through the app and not realize that immediately. And good luck with using the calendar. I hope you enjoy multiple click throughs to enter time or manually moving the hands on the clock with your mouse. It also doesn’t really accommodate alternating or varying pick-up and drop-offs. This would maybe be ok on a free app but not a paid one. It’s a pretty good scam to charge $12 a month for a product that is essentially mandatory in this situation and put no effort into its functionality.
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2 years ago, Nic Vann
If you prefer crica 2000’s GUI’s then this is the app for you.
This is a super basic app which makes you feel takin advantage of. If you are using this app it’s probably because a divorce decree says you need to use it. That doesn’t leave a whole lot of initiative for research and development I guess. There are a lot of things which render this app in-efficient. The largest one is the fact it won’t go into land scape mode. Most Americans use mobile devices. Many use tablets with Bluetooth keyboards. This renders the app useless in this case. Also, the entire interface “GUI” is straight out of the early 2000’s. It isn’t efficient to navigate, or search. The app doesn’t respond well to lower data areas. When you are in pinch is when it doesn’t work the most. I do like the fact that you can keep a journal. Tech support is really quick too. I do like that. All in all, thanks for nothing. If you have a choice during divorce hearings, find another app. Trust me.
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2 years ago, Concerned_Citizen83
Like when e-mail first came out, but worse
This app takes me back to digital bulletin boards and dialup days. There are no scheduled send features, no substring searching, or any other basic features you would want in an email provider today. Everything is an individual email, so if you can’t remember which chain the message was in and don’t recall an exact word you used good luck finding it again. The calendar app is a jumbled mess that requires visiting the website on a computer to get complete functionality. The fact that they only bill annually knowing people will stop using it after getting fed up with the jumbled mess of “features” this application boasts is telling in itself. I’ve also got serious privacy concerns with how the data they collect is used and how they ensure data integrity with it being subpoenable. It boggles my mind they have no security compliance (NIST, CMMC, etc.) proudly posted on their website with the personal data they collect and sit on. All I could find was a brief statement surrounding GDPR, which they can ignore for anyone outside of Europe. Save yourself the $100+ and use texting and set up a google calendar, which is free and has advanced features you won’t find here, and has more easily published and obtainable information on exactly how your data is used. I would rate this app 0 stars if I could.
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1 year ago, Thesaabdr
Costly email program
If divorce isn’t costly enough, just add a costly email program to it like OFW. $100 a year doesn’t provide you anything above what a Gmail account would do. In fact email of any type is better. Email is submissible in court, so don’t be fooled that a specialized app is required. This is just a money making gimmick for the developers. Edit: In our culture "safe" is a widely misused word. This app does not provide any sort of safety, seat belts provide safety. All email for more than 20 years has been encrypted making it very secure. No email can be edited. All of these arguments are incorrect and misleading. The courts are uneducated when it comes to technology and incorrectly think that this product is better. It provides nothing close to $100/yr in value, but does take $100 away from my family. The next time my ex wants something, my contingency will be to stop this app and go back to email, which worked fine.
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7 months ago, Your mom rasmu7
None of the processes area intuitive. I constantly fight to get the calendar right then a few day later it just changes itself. I can go back and edit last weeks days. I had the kids for a weekend. Now it says she had them. It’s happened 3-4 times in the last month. Why can’t I just click on a day to adjust it? Neither of us wants to use it but the court said we have to. We each had to pay $160 a year to have it. It isn’t worth $20 a year. We are definitely not using it after our year is up. The only thing that works kind of ok is listing the expenses but when I reimburse the expense I can’t upload proof of that. She doesn’t mark that I paid it so it just sits there saying I haven’t paid so I have to separately track all my receipts. Maybe I need to take a class on using the app but it should be much more user friendly. Money spent to value received for this app. Zero stars.
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2 years ago, hudsonh2
Not for schedules that change regularly
I wanted to love this app and was hoping this would help my ex and I communicate and figure out scheduling without having to constantly contact each other. The calendar is so cumbersome and difficult to change. I was hoping we would be able to go in and just easily change dates on who had custody. My ex has one overnight a week that he can pick based on his work schedule and we wanted to use this app so he could go in and put those dates in. I suppose this app would be good if you really have a set parenting schedule that fits a standard rotation. Otherwise it’s super difficult to easily make changes and a lot of times the calendar would show the wrong parent and there was no way to change it. Would’ve kept the app if it was easier to make adjustments as the main reason I wanted this app was to easily see who had the kids on which day etc.
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1 year ago, DocDoc1885
Good tracking of information, Buggy to Use
The information tracking is great, sending messages and tracking expenses is nice to have. The experience of using the app could use improvement. Just to name a few things - Sometimes it freezes, or loses information. The calendar can be confusing and hard to navigate. When I got a new phone, notifications wouldn’t come through until I reinstalled the app. Also it’s annoying that there’s no details in the notifications. The UI is just overall buggy and just not a huge fan of the navigation. Every time I leave the app and come back to it, I have to re-log in and and it takes me back to the main page so I lose where I was. For paying such a high annual fee, I would expect a more user friendly experience.
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2 years ago, DERMomTX98
Not user friendly
There is no option to resubmit expenses if they have been refused or to bulk mark items as paid. If you are dealing with someone who likes to mark items as refused for sport and let expenses stack up for a year before finally paying, you have to waste your time individually marking each one as paid. When printing or downloading the messages, the format is confusing. When you inquire to this company about how to use this platform, they simply tell you it doesn’t have tge features you are looking for. If I weren’t handcuffed to this app by court documents, I would find one that is more functional. That’s probably why it is the way it is, because they company knows we are stuck with it and has no reason to improve. If you have a choice about which to use, I’d keep searching before setting with this one.
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4 years ago, Nina Issa
Amazing App
This was the greatest thing that has happened to me and my son. Before using this app the violence and aggressions from my son’s father never stopped every time we exchange him and we tried communicating. Communicating thru this app has been the best thing that has happened to me and my son. Now our communication is strictly thru here and our communication has been so much better now, the violence and aggressions have decrease big time because court has access to all of these emails. The father of my son finally understood that he has a limitation, he can’t call me anytime he feels Like, he can no longer harass me because I don’t have to answer his calls or text messages. Definitely the solution to my problem after 5 years.
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5 months ago, Pmillio
Thumbs DOWN
This app is sorely missing some critical features - it serves to limit call time without any reason such as finite recording space…as there is no recording calls function. There is no way to pay/compensate an expense without approving the expense- this makes later legal battles difficult when a parent is ordered to pay for expenses but it’s being abused by the other parent. The consent-driven calls feature hinders communication rather than facilitate it. Which operates on the assumption that no emergencies ever occur. Which is silly at best. The notifications do not work for the app - there are no badges, so you have to get text message notifications involved…so you may as well just do texts instead of using the app. There is no convenient, searchable format for attorneys or judges or court personnel. There is no way to document events in the past by way of the calendar - so if a parent who was excluded from a doctor’s visit wishes to add it to the calendar to easier reference in the future, there is no opportunity. I have SEVERAL more complaints but in short, this app is clearly designed for people who don’t need it, designed with people already positively communicating and not for those struggling. I would avoid this app at all costs and if I were not ordered by the court to keep using it, I wouldn’t.
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2 years ago, GWGrad05
Terrible Updates, Downsamples Images
I am significantly disappointed in this app, which I unfortunately pay for. This is a primary form of communication, often demanded by state judges or counsel, as the primary means of communication regarding children. Search online and you’ll find model judicial orders to this effect requiring OFW. In the past several months, there have been at least two updates which rendered the tool effectively unusable for approximately 24 hours or more on my iPhone, including one in which a “test” version number appeared on the login. Further, there is significant downsampling of photos. So when one party wants to send another party medical related photos of a child, they are not crisp and clear. Finally, there is no hands free option. As this tool is used primarily to communicate regarding among other things pickup and dropoff of children, this lack of feature in 2022 is dreadful in my opinion.
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3 years ago, catalinatim
Great app except...
The app is great, but it doesn’t help when the other parent refuses to get it. The court orders require us to only communicate through this app, she won’t get the app. There is no officer of the court or anyone to report this to. My only recourse is to file another court case to charge her with contempt. If the court requires me to only use this app, which I have to pay for, then this app should at least find and offer a better solution then just telling me that I have to re-file for another court case. The court and this app should work together to help when one parent refuses to follow up with this specific court order. I don’t have the time or money to go back to court especially when I’m doing all I can to follow the court orders.
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2 months ago, Ab112445
Really glitchy and not well organized for how expensive it is
If I’m going to pay $300 for an app, I would expect it to be amazing and completely optimized. Half the time I open this, it is frozen and I need to re-open it. The home screen/landing page is useless, I am mainly there for messages and once you have it open there is no indicator about new messages like most chat apps would have. And the messages feature is clunky, it is annoying to not be able to see what you just wrote without going into the ‘sent’ folder. It would also be a lot more useful if photos/attachments could be included in the journal function for daily updates. I hope they change it or I will be requesting a refund. $300 is really crazy, I feel bad for those that are court-ordered to use an app that doesn't function well.
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6 months ago, Yazo0108
Not the most User Friendly Calendar
I have been using the app for a few months now and overall I like it. There are a few things that could really use some improvements. Adding the parenting schedule is not very user friendly if you don’t use one of the pre-set schedules. We have a week on week off schedule, so I have to manually add the dates… I think. still trying to figure it all out. My biggest complaint is that I like to use my iPad and the Bluetooth keyboard for most things and the app on the iPad does not allow for use in landscaped view. Can that please be updated??!? I will come back to update my review as I learn and use more features.
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3 years ago, Leifler
So frustrating
I have been using this app for 2 years now (not by choice 😁) and am constantly frustrated by its nonintuitive UI. It also offers features on the web app that aren’t in the phone app, so you really have to use both if you want to have accurate records. The notifications aren’t smart, so you get global notifications for everything , which is really invasive if your coparent happens to be a heavy handed person. I work as a User Experience designer, and have always been rather shocked that there is no way to offer feedback, either in the phone app or the web app, to offer feedback. Divorce is an incredibly tricky thing for some people to navigate, and if you’re going to offer an app that involves parents, health professionals, and law professionals, your platform should constantly be seeking feedback and marking improvements.
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4 months ago, Stewpot Stirfry
Like an email application from the 90s
So clunky. And it just crates thread after thread… apparently it’s easy to navigate for lawyers and co-parenting councilors… but on the parents’ end… it’s total trash! So hard to find messages… alerts everyone each time you log in… like let’s say you needed to grab a bit of information, what time a thing is, what date you agreed to whatever… you have now alerted your narcissistic ex that you have logged in but haven’t read their 5 messages about something insignificant. Now there’s 2 more messages because your “ignoring them” rather than just looking for something specific. And the message threads? If you reply to a messages within a thread it creates a new thread! What? Why? So let’s say they wrote two messages in the same thread… you replied to the first one… and the second one… your first and second reply are now in different threads. What in 1989 is this trash?! Seriously? I haven’t even bothered with the calendar because google calendar exists. But I can’t imagine an entire family let alone extended families and two house households trying to organize children’s activities over this archaic dumpster fire! I guess you got to use what you’re lawyer recommended to keep it all documented… but jeez… I wish it was functional!
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6 months ago, astroalyssa
Sensible Co- Parenting Tool
Helpful resource to use as a parent. Co- parenting advancing communication with very useful updates within messaging and video calling settings available. Giving this app a chance for using setting appointments for other parent to know or share moments or post events you would like to share with other parent are available with privacy of your choice and safety. I highly recommend giving app a chance. It does cost and does have an application available for low- income families. May be available for court monitoring and application available. Find out more downloading app or visit website for more information.
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4 years ago, Lbear0407
Great App for Co-parenting
I’ve been using this app for the last 2 years and must say that it is the only way my Ex will communicate. He will not communicate through normal texts, and most times does not even “read” my emails on “OFW” until days later. The good thing about that is it details when the other parent reads the email. Also, the app is great for documentation, for keeping track of our son’s medical/dental/therapy appointments etc. Also, ‘OFW’ has a great customer service and technical support team: even during the pandemic they have helped me navigate through issues and went above and beyond. If you are like me, and having to choose an App for ‘Co-parenting’ look no further: ‘OFW’ has you covered.
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2 months ago, crewtons1511
Not for blind users
I as a blind user have been extremely frustrated by this app. I don't have a choice in the matter, per our court order. The app does not have all their buttons "labeled" in order for screen reading software to read it to me. Oh yes, I have requested in writing that they change this many many many times but still nothing. I submit these requests and explain I'm a blind user and how I cannot use the app independently. My requests seemed to be ignored evidenced by not receiving a phone call or email from OFW in response to my request. The app is expensive especially given I can't use it without help. Also, some of the features do not seem to work as good as they could if you are collecting data for discovery. This was a nightmare when trying to collect calendar information, as the data query does not provide the expanded event title. I just hate it.
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3 years ago, Qdo312
Mobile Design at its worst
This is perhaps the most poorly designed application I have yet to use and believe me, I use a ton. From senseless, poorly labeled sections to a clunky and confusing interface and nonsensical workflows, to attachments that never actually seem to function, this is perhaps the epitome of bad gui and usability design. Besides providing yet another excuse for courts to force feed directives on people, it is the center of narcissistic legal professionals stoking the ego of clients while billing them more. Email is already public record. This is an unnecessary and remedially designed crutch for an already broken system that empowers egomaniacal spouses to control the conversation without ever having to be held accountable. A travesty in mobile capability. Astoundingly poor help and support, legendarily sub-par performance, zero accountability features. The makers of “Pong” could have designed a better application.
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1 year ago, vanessal417
Needs Work
1. I do not like the other user can see my last log in. It causes more problems than helps. Sometimes I want to look for information without engaging in a conversation and not reading unopened messages. I like the message read time stamp just not the login. Time stamp tracking could be seen as digital stalking. 2. Word Search or Date Search via mobile app for messages and journal entries 3. Data Reports for Messages with Replies over compile. They gather repetitive messages and it makes it too hard to read and understand. Messages without replies was 64 pages, with replies it was over 1,000. Needs to be cleaned up. 4. I use journal entries as a timeline of events. Very useful for evidence gathering. I wish I could customize a report for specific entries. Pick and choose which to use. Same goes for messages. 5. Data Report for Journal Entries makes a report based off “created date” so if I backdate an entry and print a report it’s not in chronological order. 6. Tabs to store court documents/orders/evidence 7. In a more advanced version legal dictionaries, links to helpful sites, resources, know your rights section, etc.
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2 years ago, Master_Scar
Love this tool and have been using it for almost a year now. It’s really great for recording expenses and making sure that communication while coparenting is documented. It’s also easier to share in case either party needs To refer back to decisions made. With this latest upgrade update which is very nice was upset to find out that my notifications were wiped out. So unfortunately I miss twoCritical notifications about pick up and drop off of our child. So to the developers of this app. That’s important to notify users to check their settings or inform them that they will need to reactivate them.
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4 years ago, Sanctified82
Great App for Co-parenting Communication!
After three years of harassment and emotional manipulation, I finally got the court to order the use of OFW to replace all mobile and social media messenger communications. It eliminated an enormous amount of drama for me and my fiancé. It’s also nice that you can use it for record keeping beyond just communications, such as for child support, travel, events, etc. Technical support for this app is really dependable and professional with any questions or concerns when you need help. The only gripe I have is with the payment tab. It requires the other parent to verify payment, even after uploading screenshots of the payment. It also is a pain to get the amount put in, as it prefers to default to a “standard” amount. Other than that though, it’s great with all its various features and I will certainly continue using it well into the future. Highly recommend investing in it. They also offer discounts and specials for military veterans, etc, so check it out and give it a try! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
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12 months ago, robslee
Not worth the expense
I was really excited about this to hold the father accountable and to keep him from being a bully but that’s not the case at all. It doesn’t block anything from being said. The custom calendar doesn’t work properly. And all the conversations get jumbled and you can’t keep track of any one conversation. He will answer on another conversation a certain way so it doesn’t look like he was being rude about the other conversation. It’s very easy to manipulate through the app. It’s almost to complicated. It’s needs to be more simplified and user friendly. And the calendar was the biggest let down. We both paid $150 and stopped using it after a month. It’s sad to say. Please do an update so we don’t complete lose $300 for nothing.
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6 months ago, Sagunarthy
App doesn’t auto rotate on iPad
This app has several features that are useful for parents, but the app doesn’t execute due to the bugs. First, if using on your apple iPad, it will not auto rotate if you are using an attached keyboard or apple cover. I have to remove the cover and manually rotate the screen. Second, the calendar doesn’t customize easily for different parenting schedules without manual input for every week. The calendar needs more options. Like others have said, the notifications are not accurate and can cause you to miss messages. I found Talking Parent to be less buggy of an app. This app has too many bugs for it to be useful or helpful to communication between parents. Customer service hasn’t been the most helpful; they eventually help but they are limited on what they can do.
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