Pet Rescue Saga

4.6 (29.7K)
504.2 MB
Age rating
Current version
Last update
2 months ago
Version OS
12.0.0 or later
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User Reviews for Pet Rescue Saga

4.59 out of 5
29.7K Ratings
2 years ago, ianburrito
Mixed Levels??? Colored level rings???
This game is COOL COOL COOL and I have had it since 2019. Ok it is super cool but it could be cooler. It would be a fun challenge to have mixed levels. Examples: Mix the 100% blocks with a pet rescue level. Or, include pets in a yellow level (not sure what they’re called exactly, but they are the same principle as Candy Crush’s orders levels, and Level 165 is one of those, or at least it was 2 years ago. They appear in some event levels.) You could add them to your next episode (except for that, the one who requested them would not find them for another 10 years because I’ve only completed 592 levels) or it would be super great if you could “nerf” some levels in the 600s or up (because they should be for more experienced players, no offense) so that I could enjoy them. I will be to 600 in a short time. LEVEL COLORATION: Maybe you could add colors to the rings of the Hard and Super Hard levels so you could see the type they are. (My sister calls them Poison levels and Burner levels respectively). So if you could add a metallic sheen of the level color to the rings of the levels (not the magenta base or stove, respectively) it would clear up a lot of confusion. PS. Level 165 is not a “yellow” level but Level 564 is.
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5 years ago, $@lowco
Pet rescue saga
This game is fun as well as challenging. It is also very cute ! Fun for all ages ! Try you'll see, oh ! It is also addictive ! Enjoy I know I am. I have one suggestion for the game, " when we win a level and have an activated booster it should be saved to our wheel of boosters " because it is already ours. Thanks for the years of fun ! As of 2019 (added in later) I really wish your computerized app support did not interfere with my game playing and game winning. Also we as players would like to be able to at the very least be able to beat all the extra mountain levels some of the challenges. I have been playing since 2009, and have beaten the mountain challenge " ONCE ". Yet I am addicted !// multiple reviews later - I still play daily. Yet I wish the computerized game interface would not interfere quite so much. Thank you.
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1 year ago, Joan from Aurora
Good game, but..,
I’ve been playing this game everyday for several years and, for the most part, enjoy it. What I DON’T enjoy is how it freezes up. Almost every time I get to higher levels all of a sudden it freezes up for many hours, sometimes days. There have times when it never unlocks…very frustrating to have to start all over. Right now during winter Petopia just as the rewards are going to be given, you guessed it, it’s locked up. I’m fed up and will be looking for another game. Too bad, but I’m done! Update now a couple years later…things went pretty good for the most part until lately. All of a sudden in the past week when I get to where I need a bonus more often than not I don’t get the bonus, I get nothing! The screen freezes and I lose all the progress I’ve made. VERY frustrating! I’m up to level 2649 and now I’ll have to remove the game and start over or better yet find another game. Hate too cause I’ve been playing this for several years.
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7 years ago, Shockingly Pleased
I’m currently on level 525 and am running into the same two or three glitches over and over. 1) Most frequent is when I attempt to complete a side challenge (The weather ones or whatever), I can only get about half way through the levels. I can complete the level successfully multiple times, but the next level never unlocks. Frustrating but I have learned to just ignore those side quests. 2) However, there is another glitch which is much more rare (thank god) where one of the pets will disappear. Literally just glitch right out of existence. Words cannot describe how frustrating a level becomes because the glitch never happens on a level where I get more pets to make up for the missing one. 3) And for some reason between last night and this morning, my firecrackers are more powerful because previously they wouldn’t explode timed balloons yet now they do. Not the end of the world but definitely ruined the round I was playing when I first found out. Oh well.
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5 years ago, Melanie P B
Pet Saga is Enjoyable but...
Overall, I enjoy the game, I always have more than one city open so I have options to play if I get stuff on a hard level. That way I don’t get frustrated when stuff and have other options for play. Because some levels are extremely hard and take several tries to complete. What is annoying is the piggy bank full of stars that I earned but which the game expects you to pay real money to release ! You win starts, fill the bank and then the bank pops up asking you to pay to release your stars and convert them into money. I wish this would just go away! Where are the options to earn gold bars ? I saw them when I first started playing and now they are gone. I don’t seem to be able to earn gold bars anymore. I can only buy gold bars with real money. So the game changed the rules, gets you used to earning gold bars and using them and now you can only buy them. Ugh !
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6 years ago, Inuyasha32891
Fun game but a rip off
Really fun game but every time you turn around it's trying to charge you for something. It gives you quest to complete and promises rewards but when you complete the quest, it expects you to pay to be able to collect the rewards. For example it has you collect stars to fill the piggy bank and each star you get you get a gold bar but yet when you get it filled up, it expects you to pay $2.99 in order to get the gold bars every time. It also hardly gives you any power ups and charges you so many coins in order to buy just one which takes forever to save enough up just for one and the rest must be bought with gold bars which are hardly ever given to you. So that means you have to spend forever on just one harder level. The current level I am on I have went through around 30 some lives already and still stuck on it. I'm fixing to delete the game and would not recommend it to anyone. I only gave it two stars because of the fact that it is a fun game, it is just a major rip off.
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6 years ago, YouLeftMe4Dead
5* but one improvement.
I’ve been playing this game for quite a few years. I’m always waiting for new levels because I can’t go any further. Love everything about this game but maybe one thing you could improve on is not counting your booster towards your move count. It’s a prize and should take away from the 3 moves I have left when I can do it in the 3 plus booster. I’m not saying this needs to be done if I choose to use a booster I’ve purchased but your booster you gain from getting enough points should not go towards your move count. Other games I play do this and it’s nice to beat a level when you know that’s all you need with your moves. Still a loyal fan but some food for thought.
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2 months ago, ayah44
Was better before
This game was a lot of fun, with various challenges mixed in along with the level by level progression, but I have reached a point where the levels are taking me weeks to complete. It is not fun, say, to try to gather the red blocks needed to release a puppy from his cage when you’re stuck on a level you can’t complete, so you never get credit for the blocks you have gathered. For a time, the game awarded increasing numbers of extra moves after so many failed attempts, which was great and made some of the ridiculously difficult levels possible, but that policy was changed. The worst is when there’s a Petopia event, and I spend the whole time the event is running stuck on one level, so I miss all the fun of adding pets to my city, building neighborhoods, etc. It is so frustrating, it takes the fun totally away from this game, which I had enjoyed for years.
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2 years ago, p1/2g
Game quit working
I have been playing this game everyday for years. This week there is an issue once the treasure chest fills to 35 it no longer empties the gifts and it won’t allow you to play. I’ve contacted customer support several times and they sent me the usual procedure email which I have already done. I saved my game and did the final fix to delete the app and reinstall. It emptied the treasure chest giving no gifts and also took away all my boosters over 150 of them and all my time stored. So today, I started playing to rebuild my time and once again the treasure chest filled to 35 and the game no longer plays. I don’t want to reinstall and lose everything again but am not getting any solutions. Why keep playing your game if it’s just going to delete everything and not get fixed. Sending me to the help center is not fixing it. I’ve asked for help and your game has a problem
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2 years ago, rosepaw 🌹🏵
It doesn’t look the same but still the same fun
I I actually remember playing this game on my grandma‘s phone as well as candy crush I remember playing almost all the kings games and back in those days I didn’t have a phone I just remember i had so much fun playing it but nowadays since I have a phone and I looked back on all the kings games Some of them are gone there was actually one game I remember playing called papa pear 🍐 where are you basically Pop a pear into the sky but I realize that pet rescue has a totally different design that don’t I remember The new look doesn’t give them much of us expression I just remember that the old version looked just like what look like on the logo but when you go onto the levels map it’s still pretty much the same even the farmer cat is still there but still pretty much fun
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5 years ago, OstinatoFreak
Difficulty is too contrived
Rather than having puzzles that are difficult because of random chance, the puzzles do too many things that make it seem like the game is just deciding if it wants the user to pass the level or not. The biggest example: you need X number of rescues to pass a level, but sometimes 4 or more turns in a row go by without an animal even appearing, so no matter how good you do, the game rigs it so you can’t pass unless you use special items. Those special items will run out, making the user consider spending money just to pass various levels (same idea as casinos that benefit from gambling addictions). Another example - the blocks that fall down are deliberately inconvenient colors, especially in the beginning of the level. I much prefer puzzle games that aren’t stacking the deck in order to achieve a level of challenge that can be achievable with better design.
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5 years ago, Kimberly169
earn more gold bars
I love this game!! It’s addictive. But, I think there needs to be more ways to earn gold bars.. the only way to earn them as you know is on weekends playing “Mystery Mountain” which I honestly look forward to... like a kid waiting on Christmas oh the small things that make us happy. And, not always do you win many gold bars on it.. I know you can buy them but I’m sure like me a lot of people now days can’t afford to. So it would be nice if there was another way to also earn bars.. weather alert you do t earn them.. that’s my only complaint. I’m on level 1357 and enjoy it so very much. Thank you. Kimberly Lee
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6 years ago, Aunt Lorrie
I love pet rescue! I have been playing it for years and it continues to get more challenging. It is a lot of fun. It has gone through a lot of changes, like not having to ask for lives to play, not having to spend money if you choose not to. My big question to the team now is if I am earning gold bars by winning these extra hard levels how does it make since to you that I should have to pay anything to empty my piggy bank? 2.99 or whatever? If i earned it, my gold bar should be free! Some of these levels are very hard and you should get more than a hammer. If I’m getting a gold bar I shouldn’t have to pay for it! Just saying...either I won it or you want me to buy it not both. It is one of my favorite games though!
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5 years ago, Digerati Ohm
How many hard levels in a row do you need?
The game gets to a point where it's not enough to have "hard" levels. Now you have to have "very hard" up to "ridiculously hard" levels. Wouldn't be bad if winning was based on skill, but this game, like all King games, is rigged. You may think it's random blocks that fall from the top, but you're fooling yourself. The game is designed to do one thing, make you spend money. So if you're not willing to spend money on power ups, be prepared to get increasingly frustrated until it's no longer fun to play. And another thing, it's called "Pet Rescue" so why are there more and more levels where you have to clear 100% of the blocks? Why? Because it's another way to frustrate you by setting up blocks that can not be cleared. Eventually you'll get a board that can cleared, but that's up to the game and not any skill set.
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7 months ago, Husker_23
They removed the weekend bonus levels
This used to be my favorite game! I absolutely loved it. However, they recently removed the weekend bonus levels that they have had, as long as I’ve been playing this game. They started by first, reducing the amount of rewards/boosters you would get when you beat the bonus levels. They did that a couple times. Now, they’ve done away with them all together. It was a great chance to score some boosters. I get that this is probably geared towards making you have to purchase these instead, which I also did on a regular basis. But now that this is the only option to get boosters, it’s kind of upsetting. Especially because the levels can be pretty hard to beat without the boosters. I know, they have to make them challenging, but this is pushing it. I only open the app to do the daily bonus level and that’s about it.
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3 years ago, ThatWordJr
Issues On Pet Rescue Saga
Hello. I'm a pretty long time user of King, and I've been noticing one or a few problems I'm having during the gameplay of this app. First of all, I missed the different variety of animals to rescue. Dogs and cats with funny clothing aren't enough for me. Secondly, I keep having the glitch where I can't access any free boosters, or quit a certain level. And whenever I restart the game during episode races, in hopes I come in first place, the race glitches, and I keep losing!! Could you please fix those errors for me? Also the latest update might also have a glitch before trying it out, since I have a higher compatibility than the IOS-9. Still a fun game all the same though.
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6 years ago, Pickles & Laila's mom
Love the game, BUT....
I am over level 1000 and truly love playing the game. However, when your gold bars are full or when you win the extra hard levels and you don’t cash them in they should be put in another bank to purchase later. The prices should be cheaper for purchase too. I don’t mind spending a little money to keep the game going, but after you buy four boosters you have sunk close to twenty bucks in the game. I play this daily, pleas lower your prices so I may continue to enjoy pet rescue. Lower your prices or increase incentives for the purchases. I don’t dropping 10 bucks a month buying boosters, but come on, developers are wanting you to drop fifty to a hundred bucks a month. That’s just too much for a game.
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7 years ago, punker doodle
Impossible levels
I was stuck on a level forever and had no power-ups. So I deleted the game and started all over again. I saved all my power-ups for that level and then was able to pass it. Now I am stuck on another level with no power-ups. This level is impossible because the pets end up in crates and you have to try to bring a boing thing down but if you run out of matches you have to use it and the bombs. Long story short, this game is designed so that the only way you can pass a level is by paying real money. I am not going to waste my money, are you kidding me? You should have an update to where you can skip a level every so often. Or the game will keep track of how much you play levels and if you play the same one like 20 times it will let you skip it for free. Come on son!
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4 years ago, leelucian
Fun game but it seems like a rip off you clear all the peta all the blocks and get one star sometimes two there’s nothing left to clear so why aren’t there three stars given then you earn stars that go into a piggy bank but then you must pay for them with your funds boosters cost too much to save your life cost too much in gold bars that’s the down side they need to check these complaints out because I’m not the only one complaining about the same thing if you care about your customers you would at least make some changes there’s no way all items are cleared and you still get one star they make a fun relaxing game annoying and it’s supposed to be fun and relaxing but a rip off otherwise I like this game so make some changes Mr King
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4 years ago, Tina turner39
Pet rescue saga
Pet rescue saga is one of the worst games. The level I was on was impossible to beat it wasn’t enough blocks to rescue the animals. You guys should make videos to show people how to beat the levels in your games. All your games are terrible I’ve played a lot of your games and none of them are any good. Play the game candy crush that was terrible. I have candy crush two and only gets like level 10 or 11 and you guys decided to make me play two additional levels on top of the one I already passed just to get to the next level. Your games are impossible to beat that’s why I give your game to stars. If you could just make videos to show people how to beat the levels on your games that would make it a lot easier for other people to play.
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3 months ago, BadAndy9
I hate the new version of it.
Great game, but I miss the old version of the game. Can you bring back the map that you always had in older versions and I don't like the whole feed your puppy thing and play with it once you win a level and they become even more and more challenging. It even got rid of my favorites like Mystery Mountain where you bring the baby octopus back to his mommy and gives you a reward for beating all 5 levels and I want the old pet designs back cuz the new ones are trash. I also miss the Critter Carnival game where it's there weekly and this game has gone downhill and I will stop playing this game until all old features come back and most of all, I want Weather Alert and Panda Party back please. Listen to us rather than being money hungry and all you care about is money, but WE are more important than money!
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6 years ago, piper2323
Con your money
I downloaded this game a few months ago. I love playing it verses candy crush because they make it impossible to pass certain levels without having to “buy” something. But I turned around and did the same with this game of course. After awhile I would only purchase a certain amount (actual money wise). Well needless to say I wasn’t paying attention to what they actually charged my bank account. If I would buy something for .99 they would charge my account 1.99. At first I thought it was a mistake until it happened again. Today I couldn’t pass a level so of course I bought something for .99 and they charged my account for 1.99, didn’t give me the bomb I purchased and then ended the level I was on. Atleast with candy crush I was never over charged, nor did they boot me out a level and con me of my money. Not even worth one star!
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2 years ago, RedstonewolfX
Game is great but loves being hard
This game is adorable. I loved the little pets immediately, and the event where you build a city full of them is great. The levels are good, even if sometimes iffy to beat. However, I just got the second Super Hard level in a row, and even with the boost from my nonexistent friend that I get, I might not be able to progress. I have 5 gold (everything in the game costs 9 gold for some reason, except power-ups for some other reason), 1,400 coins (powerups cost 9,000), and I’m not willing to spend money on it. As cute as the game may be, I might just have to install it immediately less than 24 hours after playing, simply because the game threw too steep of a difficulty curve at me.
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5 years ago, Wining 01
May I suggest.
Really like the game, but if you want to know how to improve it, please don’t let us wait for new levels to open. Sometimes I have to only complete one level a day so that I don’t finish the levels and have to wait 3 or 4 days to continue to the next set of levels. Also when the piggy bank is full and you don’t realize it, the coins should carry over to the next bank. Many times , the money won’t be releases from the piggy bank or a purchase go through. So I wait a day or so, and everything goes through , I just think it is your loss of income and money saved for me.
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4 years ago, Moms 1982
My favorite game to play!
My spine is severely damaged. I have spinal stenosis and degenerate disc disease. Both causing other even more painful problems. Like nerve damage, my hands shake. It is hard for me to hit a button just once. Playing Pet Rescue is like occupational therapy for me. It help me control my hands better. 👍🏼 i’m having problems with the game and losing games now it freezes up on me so I have to wait around losing games and waiting until the time is up so I can play again don’t know what this problem is my phone is working perfectly with everything else so got to be you not me. I do love the game though.
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5 years ago, Jeannie Soles
Earn an receive
I don’t agree that I have to pay cash for what I’ve earned in my piggy bank that is not right to do us like that we earn it it should be giving to us we earn money an put it in our bank accounts they don’t make us pay to get it out so why should we have to pay to get money out of our piggy bank any thing we earn we should not have to pay to get it after y’all fix them parts I’ll give you a 5 star till then you only get a 3 star cause I do like the pets y’all haven’t made it to where I can get my gold bars out my piggy bank yet still only getting 3 stars from me till you fix it don’t ask me to rate this again
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4 years ago, Kate in DE
Perfect distraction
I like that it’s a combination of reasoning and random chance. I also like that you run out of lives and have to wait to try again because it keeps me from getting completely sucked in for too long. Like a lot of games it tries to sell you stuff, but I have enjoyed it for free without any extras. I don’t like how many in-house pop-ups I have to close when I first open the app or sometimes between levels (inviting me to join a team, do a challenge, accept a friend, go to the store, etc), but I don’t have to watch lots of ads, unlike some other free games.
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5 years ago, Me68447895
Fun overall
I really enjoy this game, I downloaded it way back and as one does, stopped playing as I played other games. However, I always come back to this one. I like how there's always other completions or contests between players within the game, along side of the main game. I also like how I am able to "buy" the firework, balloon, etc., with the coins. Other game make you use the stars from each level, their coins can only be used towards lives or "tools" that have to be applied directly to the current level. All which often leaves me frustrated. This game does a good job in balancing, not requiring in app purchase with actual $$. 👍🏾
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5 years ago, Cookie Cookie Meme
Pay to play!
The game is fun and I play it a lot. However, like too many games, they want you to pay real money for game boosters. The game gives you gold coins that are collected in a bank. Once the bank is full you have to pay to break it open to use the coins. I did this once, thinking that now the bank would be open and I would be free to use the coins. That was not true. The bank starts all over again, it doesn’t get bigger, it doesn’t hold more coins, the price of opening it doesn’t go down, it just starts holding coins and asking you to pay to over the bank,etc,etc... I don’t want to pay repeatedly for a game.
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4 years ago, hdhdhfbbeb
Enjoyable distraction
I’ve played pet saga to relieve stress and have engaged off and on for several years. I like playing with a team and the races that pop up but lately I’ve been getting messages that I’m not connected to WiFi even if am. although my game seems to be saved I can’t see what my team members are doing or participate in races anymore. It doesn’t allow me to sign and seems to want me to link it to my Facebook account but I will never do that. This would be 5 stars if it could be fixed.
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6 years ago, Jaynkayford
Almost 5 stars but....
Love this game. Have been playing it since day 1. It’s a great way to pass the time and it actually challenging. Love the side challenges and extra bonus’ as well. Only issue I have is the stupid pop ups as soon as you enter the game. I’m exiting out of like 8 different in game pop ups before I can actually start playing. Also, gold bar bank. I don’t want it and don’t care for it and I’m tired of it popping up. You should just make the home screen something that slides over so all those pop up options are on a separate slide and give us that option to go to it for sending people lives, the bank, the store, etc.
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5 years ago, MLTDG
Great early on, dull later
Using a combination of skill, conserving power-ups, loophole exploitation, and luck, I was able to make it nearly to Level 800. And then, I realized something. I wasn't having much fun. I was doing the same thing over and over again, playing very similar levels and all the while having the illusion of fun. No new mechanics since the early levels, no real story to possibly keep my attention, and once I started inevitably exploiting a loophole in the game's programming to get an insanely long winning streak, there was no real challenge. Perhaps I ruined the game for myself. But that doesn't change how mediocre it got for me in the later levels, and an eventual uninstall seemed impossible to prevent.
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5 years ago, Juliet question
I love you
Do you feel good about this game because it is very fun to you and me it makes me calm and feel happy because it’s like I’m saving pets in the world and I wanted play the game right now so it’s like when I play it I feel like I’m saving pets and they are free all day long so if you like the game just let me know cause I’ll be there and I love how they have the different colors in the dog and pig in the panda they’re like so cute in the game I wish I was in the game so I could rescue them and it’s kind like I’m in their game so if you feel like liking the game I’ll be there
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6 years ago, firfur
Pet Rescue
I have been playing this game for years and have now gotten to point of deleting it because it has started to become extremely expensive and the rewards are few. It makes no sense to pay for bars that you have earned. I understand profit, but millions of players enjoy and aré addicted to this game. Why are there no more free gold bars. Why does Mystery Mountain give you mostly one level. At times in the past, a player could receive more goodies when you were playing at the 2-4-5 levels. I play on multiple devices and multiple times during the day. If the game gives more rewards, the benefit to you would be enormous. No one wants to just throw $s away.
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5 years ago, Loriglass
Developer is TOO greedy
I have been playing this game a LONG time and in the past 3 months, the developers have started gouging players. 100 gold bars used to cost $8.99 now 49 bars cost $9.99. Carnival used to be 3 bars. Now it is 6. Magic mountain used to give you 3 of two different boosters and 12 hours of play. Now you get 2 hours of play and 1 of two different boosters. I used to look forward to the weekend magic mountain, but no longer. Attempting to win 5 successively more difficult levels in a row (without any losses) for a reward of 1 hammer and 1 balloon and only 2 hours of play just isn’t worth it. Much of the fun has been taken from this game and I guess I should be grateful because now I don’t waste it nearly as much time with it.
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4 years ago, vicbubba
Pet rescue saga
One of my favorite games, The Golden Bear is the best booster, Would be nice after completing Weather Alert we could keep on playing like Mystery Mountain, And take away Critter Carnival, because after the 1st free play then if you don’t buy the tickets or use your tickets if you have any because you can’t get them out of the piggy bank not unless you buy them to break the piggy bank, Then we again have to wait, I think it should be an option that we all could play whatever game when we want to all the time.
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5 years ago, Annisia1123
Enjoy the game, but not the pop ups
I’ve been playing this game for a while now, and I do enjoy it. But the pops up when you open the game are extremely annoying. I can deal perhaps with once a day, but not every time I open the app during the day. Of all of the games that I play, this is the only one like that. As for the piggy banks, very annoying to have to pay to clear them out. If I earned the the rewards, I shouldn’t have to pay for them. So I don’t. I don’t pay for the gold bars either. I don’t mind losing the winning streak. Otherwise, it’s a fun game to keep me busy on my commute to work.
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3 years ago, JAZISAGI
Game is fun until you lose a lot of your levels
I enjoyed the game very much and reached a high level. Once I received my new phone, I tried multiple times to try to get the levels to match. I’ve searched on the internet and also tried to get help within the game support. Nothing. I am disappointed, as I probably spent too much time playing, and lost levels that I don’t want to have to repeat again. Had it of been 50 levels, I would have no problems re-playing, but I lost hundreds. On other King games, my levels transferred over. I am a little disappointed over this, otherwise I would of given the game 5 stars
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6 years ago, DarkMagicBK
Latest update is too large for iPhone 7
With the latest update, the interface is too large for the iPhone 7. The pliers and hammer boosters do not align with the blocks, and sometimes I can’t make the move I want to make or even finish the board because of this misalignment. In today’s Mystery Mountain, I had completed the level but when the game automatically finished removing the rest of the bricks and used the hammer as the last step, the hammer wasn’t aligned to a brick and it got stuck. I had to restart the game, which restarted where I was in Mystery Mountain AND I lost a play! On other boards, I needed to use the pliers but I can’t use them to cut wires or vines that are on the right-hand side of the screen. Finally, the bigger interface doesn’t give me a view of the map so I can see when gifts are on the board or when they expire. I can only see the board I’m on and the last one completed. You all will have to rethink deployment on both larger phones and smaller phones for this to work for all audiences.
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6 years ago, STARS..All for level -11-
💞~~STAR~~😉 "Never a dull moment...... ... !!!! .... .?... !...."
It's absolutely marvelous, a very good brain work out. I love it when I get 3 stars on the first time playing, even better when I'm #1... .. I also love the players along the way. There are excellent challenges that prevent you from having a dull moment. On occasion a puzzle might cheat to hold you back a while, like when the animals don't come down enough to win that round. And you only need to wait 5 minutes for a man to restore itself. And some friends send you a man "SWEET"....!!!!!..... ?..
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11 months ago, Unhappy reviewer 79
Makes phone battery HOT
I love this game I have had it for years. I paid a fee many years ago to go ad free which makes it even better. But in the past few months, I have had to reduce the time I play because this game makes my phone battery really hot. It isn’t worth ruining my phone to play a game. And if you’re wondering, yes, I’m running the most recent version of the app and I have all other apps closed while I am playing the game. I have all kinds of other games that I play that have even better graphics than this one and they don’t make my phone hot. I don’t understand why this keeps happening, but it has to have something to do with this game.
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4 months ago, Rahiseter
What are you all doing with petopia? I’m trying to select vegetables for weekly harvest and the game makes it almost impossible for me to do. It didn’t use to function that way. Also I’m tired of having 5 bars to put down but nothing else. You all keep giving several lakes, several bars, several noodle shops. Why do I have a car wash and no one is driving a car? Make it make sense. Why do you make me watch LOOOONNNNGGG ads to get two moves. I watch two videos for four moves then I only make two moves and the game tells me the game is over after only two of the four moves??? What is that? That has happened twice now. Make it make sense.
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2 years ago, WinterPlay7
Fun to play
Enjoyed playing this game for quite a while. It’s fun,cute and challenging. However, there is no way to report a problem except here. While playing level 4836, it just ended my game and ate the boosters which I had used during that game. Boosters cost money. I replayed the level and moved on to the next level. But I am still out the $ that the 5 lost boosters costed. This has happened a number of times before and I stopped playing the game for many months. There should be a way to get refunded. Keep your loyal players happy.
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7 years ago, lodifi
Best game out there
I finished all the levels and so I started over and I've discovered a glitch in level 241. Two of the countdown bombs cannot be destroyed and so we are always left with two pets that we cannot rescue. Please review this and update with fix. It is not possible to pass this level without a fix. This is the best game out there! Update: Revised my review because the update came through and fixed the problem. I love this game! I'm on level 1920 on my iPad. it's challenging and yet it doesn't frustrate you!
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2 years ago, KyloRen_1
Don’t Spend Your Money!!! Don’t Play, It’s a Waste of time!!!
If I could give this no stars, I would’ve. Playing this game and the schemes attached to purchases (bars, etc.) is atrocious!!! It isn’t what you would’ve expect!!! What you need to complete a particular level if you’re stuck doesn’t coincide to what’s in the purchase package! I purchased things to assist me, and thought I still was granted bars to “try again”. However, it didn’t allow it. This game and packages to proceed are very misleading. I completed a “report a problem” and was denied twice for refunds. I contacted and spoke to a Live Agent who read to me some scripted mess about ITunes’s /Apple’s policy blah, blah, blah! It’s a disgrace how Apple allows such travesty from these Developers!!!
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6 years ago, Wis7e
Interesting Pets!
A business game, all about making money as well as enticing the the players with challenges that’ll makes them want to play. It's too costly to play the game, but I liked its anyway. I likes the game and I find its both challenging and amusing. I’m not working, but have taken an interest to the game. Silly me, spending what I don’t have to play the game. However, I try to get the reward offers that is much cheaper. Overall I enjoyed the game for now, until I get bored, or if there is something else on the game that spike my interest so I will want to play some more.
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4 years ago, 007 all day
You don’t HAVE to make in app purchases
I see people complaining about the in app purchases, but I never made one until very recently. I’m on level 2257 and have been playing this game for years. It’s the only one I’ve kept on both of my devices. When I get stuck on a level I just take a break for a while and eventually I can pass it. Sometimes eventually is months later - literally! But for some reason I keep coming back. Maybe it IS the idea of rescuing pets! 🤣
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6 years ago, hawk6576
Charging too much
I really love pet saga it is a really great game to challenge but if you put a lot of money into it and I have put some money into this game we should be rewarded much more I know as of the people they said they’re spending their money just as well it’s not fair to us that we have to spend a whole lot of money for this game just for gold bars You guys need to do a little bit different for us people this out here and have this have to spend a lot of money but I do really love this game and I wanted to give it five stars but the charging is just too much
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6 years ago, Milliej06
Good but. . .
I’ve enjoyed many of the King brand games and have downloaded and uninstalled them many times for personal reasons and phone space. None of which has to do with functionality. But in recent times they have added this feature across their games (farm saga, pet saga, candy crush) where we gain gold bars for achieving the levels. What im not understanding is the golden piggy bank. why do we have to pay for the gold bars that we EARN? In som cases we have spent money already to win that particular level. Someone from King please explain this. Thanks.
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2 years ago, BahahaGoddessness
Glitchy, Errors, Game Malfunctions
None of the column blasters, line busters, block blasters or color pops remove accurately. There’s a glitch causing it to be off by a line or a row. There’s also no number of moves, no point counter, etc., at the top of the level I’m on so there’s no way to track progress or time/moves remaining. Additionally, the tracker at the bottom that gives a color pop once a certain amount of blocks have been removed is overlaying the bottom row of blocks so it’s impossible to see or remove anything within the middle of the bottom row. Also, stupidly paid for gold bars to continue in level for 5 additional moves that never register. What a lame game all of a sudden.
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