Pull the Pin

4.4 (248.1K)
264.3 MB
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Current version
Popcore GmbH
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
12.5 or later
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User Reviews for Pull the Pin

4.37 out of 5
248.1K Ratings
2 years ago, Can't Get My Name To Go
Failed because ball bounces out?
I love the game, but it is the EXACT SAME puzzles over and over again. Plus, I don’t appreciate it when you have a pin that you pull and balls get stuck because the two “humps” are too close together. You can’t turn the phone and roll to dislodge them, the screen won’t scroll down until they are dropped, so you are stuck with no way to reset the game. You have to cancel and go to the next game. Also, when you get all of the balls to the bottom and then pull the last pin, you have NO control over how they drop down into the cup. And yet, when one bounces out, you are failed because you only get “99%” of the balls into the cup. Why should I fail the game just because YOU can’t make your balls go into the cup?? How they land has nothing to do with my skill, that’s on you and your computer programming. Loved the game in the beginning, but now it’s getting really boring and frustrating.
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2 years ago, JediMaster Daddy
Wish I could play the game.
I understand that games have to earn a profit and have to use ads but when the game design has you spend substantially more time watching ads than playing the game itself, it is what I would call a major design flaw! Yes you can pay to remove ads but when I cannot even tell if this is a game I am going to enjoy playing b/c it takes 10 mins to play 5 puzzles b/c of said ads, things are out of hand. I can’t get a feel for if the puzzles get better, harder etc or they just keep using cheap tricks like making the balls randomly bounce out without anyway to control b/c of so much time spent in ads. Then when you fail and retry… guess what? -another ad! If the developers of the game have so much cost overhead to where they have to continue to show an ad with each puzzle instead of every 4-5 like reasonable games do then the company has other issues and would t want to support a failing company! I do not think this is the case though and it’s just greed, them trying to extract every penny possible out of each user. Please change the amount of ads shown, I don’t need to see one for every puzzle or if I choose to restart it b/c of failing! Heck even just do it for the first 20-30 puzzles or so that way I can tell if I would like the game. I have a feeling I would like this a lot if there is proper pacing and difficulty ramp up, but I am not giving companies like this any money when I am watching more ads than playing!
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3 years ago, urlocalcorndogaddict
Too many ads
I really like this game but it has way too many ads to the point that I’m gonna delete this game. Every single time I’m done with a level, it shows a ad and it’s so annoying. Yes, the ads have a skip button but the first time that I click it the skip button when it shows, it has links behind it and it takes me to the App Store which is beyond annoying. The amount of time I have to close out the ad is about a minute because I click the skip button but then it makes me wait 10 seconds to actually exit the ad. It also shows the same game every single time. The thing is, I already downloaded one of those games (clash royal) but I deleted it because it had way too many ads. And the other thing is that when it shows a ad of a game, that’s not what even happens in the game, they are trying to make you download the game because of something. They make the level look so hard when literally you have to do one move it’s so annoying. We’re not dumb. That’s the problem with all of these games nowadays- they have WAY TOO MANY ADS. This is why no one wants to play these games! And no I’m not paying money to stop showing ads, I should be able to play the game with no ads whatsoever and be happy about it. I was on level30 in a matter of 10 minutes. Yes I like this game but it would be better if all you can do it get rid of the ads without us PAYING MONEY to basically PLAY A VIDEO GAME ! 🙄
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3 years ago, PitneyBlows
It’s a game made to make you watch ads
This is what some might call a “relaxing”, where as I might tend toward the word “mindless”. There is little to no challenge to the regular levels, like four to six pins in the puzzle and literally the only way to lose is to not pull any pins at all, or the other more insidious way, which I will come to in just a minute. The other type of levels are “challenge levels” that become available after about every 25 or so regular levels beaten, and you pay with coins earned to open these levels and then you get ONE chance to beat that level, if you don’t succeed, you are then forced to watch a full ad to try it again. Here the insidious part that I mentioned earlier, the physics can be broken so that sometimes a ball will just miss the goal and you have to watch another ad to play the level again and hope it doesn’t just miss again, but it gets even worse, during the challenge levels sometimes a ball will just phase through a solid wall and fall and you don’t even know that you lost for another 15 to 20 seconds because its still falling or something? And it becomes a far too common event the further you get into the game. It’s almost as if its purposeful and not a bug to make you watch more ads. So if you love watching ads, boy is this the game for you!
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4 years ago, Joe Ward 0921
It’s not worth it
I’ve been playing and playing everyday every chance I get when I’m bored and it’s all the same. I’m wondering, does the game get harder? Are there any challenges?? I’m on level 1287 & it’s been the same crap since level 20. It just repeats itself over and over and over but the levels just keep counting up. I’ve watched over 20 hours full of ads on the last few months from this stupid game in between playing and I’m no just waiting for it to go to the next level of difficulty. Does it ever or is it all the same? Did the creators make a great game but got lazy halfway through and just have it restart itself but keep the levels going higher as you play? Like this game says I win each level but I feel like a loser thinking that this just a stupid game that keeps me playing because the creator made an endless game because they were too lazy to add any challenges, difficult puzzles, increasing difficulties of even anything different that Could add an increased joy of playing to this game. Jesus you guys are terrible. Just label this game for kids and then add a cap at like 1000 so they can feel a level of accomplishment for beating this garbage off a game.
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2 years ago, Kaitlyn Fife
A glorified ad platform.
I liked this game for a while. It’s simple, but it’s a decent way to unwind for a few minutes. stopped playing for a while because I was navigating a cross-country move and buying my first house, and when I came back to playing it was completely different. I don’t remember a ton of ads when I first picked up the game, but now I can maybe get through two levels before another ad plays. On top of that, there are now “boss levels” that are genuinely more challenging, which is nice… when they work. But after the first few boss levels, it got to a point where even if I completed the level perfectly, at the very last moment one of the bricks would fall out of the basket and I’d have 99% completion. I replayed one boss level ten times before accepting that no matter which pins I pulled in what order, one brick was gonna fall out and I’d fail the level. What’s the point of even trying? And in order to replay the boss level, you have to watch AN AD. (That’s also the case if you want to replay most normal levels. I’ve only gotten the option to replay for free twice.) At this point I’m spending more time watching ads than playing the game, and it’s just not worth it anymore. Don’t waste your time. Two stars for nostalgia; it used to be good.
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2 years ago, NicoTima
I like the game, but it has problems that ruin it.
I have actually played the car parking game that the same developer makes and it has the same basic design and the same problems. You have a bunch of simple levels that get very boring and then you have boss levels. The boss levels should be the whole game, but in this game, there are certain levels that they have programmed in that cannot be won. They were created to be one move short of what you need and I've seen it on 3 boss levels; I played them over and over again and I do essentially the same moves every time I go through because there's nothing else to do. Also, there is the neighborhood building component where you have to build every building up to the max in order to get whatever bonuses you're getting from that, which are probably, if I remember, extra moves are one of the things you can get which apparently you need to complete certain boss levels. The problem is that if you max this thing out to the max, it's ugly. All the buildings of the same and it's this giant tin can looking thing. Who wants to do that? Good potential and really boring execution.
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3 years ago, PlotePalooza
Popcore games are all the same
The main levels of the game never really increase in challenge, but you have to play them to unlock the challenge levels which are more like the ads for the game you see elsewhere. There are always a ridiculous number of other things you’re “collecting” in this game, puzzle pieces, unlocking different backgrounds, etc and then you have this whole weird side hustle of building these beachfront coin-making investments? Those Max out and then you’re getting lots of coins and have nothing really to spend them on? It just seems like something to make you think this is part of the game but nothing comes of it. My #1 complaint of all popcore games is the RIDICULOUS amount of ads. Won a level that took 5 seconds? ad. Lost a level and want to retry? Retry by watching this ad. Choose not to? Still have to watch an ad. We gave you this prize for completing 5 levels! In order to claim it, you have to watch this ad. The levels take mere seconds to complete, you will spend 5x as much time per level just watching the ad to get to the next level. This is the third popcore game I’ve downloaded and they’re all the same, and it grows boring/old very quickly. I would skip.
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2 years ago, Krazy Kritter 12
Ads Still There!
I paid $2.99 to remove the ads. Yet they are still there when I want to retry the Challenges I failed the first time and when claiming most rewards. It is necessary to claim the rewards in order to advance in the game. Otherwise more Challenges and “Boss” levels cannot be played. The ads can take two minutes or more each! The “Boss” levels and Challenges were the only levels that I found interesting enough to keep playing. Since the game is built on progression, I am forced to play five very simplistic regular levels in order to get to the “Boss” levels and Challenges. At least I was able to eliminate those five ads between each of these levels by paying the $2.99. It has potential to be a great game. If the ads for retrying what to me is the real challenges could be taken out, I would consider paying an additional, abet reasonable cost. I know a company needs revenue to survive, but the abundance of lengthy ads damps my enthusiasm for playing. I have found others comments here both pro and con helpful as I am a fairly new player.
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3 years ago, Booaloo
Please fix challenge level 97
Okay, so there are a lot of comments about the ads in this game, and the lack of increasingly difficult levels. Yes, there are a lot of ads. Yes, the levels are pretty easy and start to repeat again. That being said, I have enjoyed this game for what it is. A simple fun easy game of pulling pins. I have played 3,090 levels. I have retrieved every puzzle piece. I’ve unlocked every ball, theme, stick, & trail. I’ve built every house to level 20, and upgraded every area to max. I’ve unlocked all 120 challenge levels and completed them all….except for one. I have one and only one complaint about this app. Challenge level 97 is impossible. You are given 5 moves to complete it, but it can’t be done in less than 6. This is very devastating for my ocd brain to be so close to completing this game in Its entirety, only to see one lone challenge in red with the word “Failed”. Thus the reason for my 3 star rating. Please fix challenge level 97 so that it can be beat, and so others like me won’t lose sleep at night thinking about the one challenge that got away. Thank you.
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4 years ago, Eebs99
I’m throwing in the towel
I liked this game for the first 1000 levels - it was neat to see how creative they designed the different levels, but after awhile, they begin to repeat. None is too hard, and that is nice for mindless playing, and admittedly there is something satisfying about watching these pieces drop into the beaker glass. At first I liked building the city and seeing what comes next. But when the (costliest end) buildings begin to cost 232,000 then 500,000, then 1,000,000 tokens to build a house and the rent earned only increases 100 tokens, it will take a month of playing just to earn enough to build another lineup of buildings (I have 12 buildings, and it currently is 2mil tokens to upgrade all, next it will be close to 4mil). It is no longer fun, but a chore. I’ll go to the cheapest end, max out the 20 building types, and call it good and delete the app. I’ve become numb to the ads, but it just means I’ve been game-psychologically conditioned because when they don’t show (claims of No Internet - never true), I get upset because I can’t get bonus points or the rents. That is the sign that it’s time to dump this.
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2 years ago, Bootstrap#1
I like the game. The smaller pin pulls are easy and the bigger challenges can be a little more thought provoking. It’s a fun way of relaxing and passing the time. My issue is that sometimes when the little balls fall into the cup they bounce out. I’ve tried different ways to prevent that but it still only fills up 98 to 99 percent. I’ve tried letting them go all at once by pulling the last two pins at the same time to let them race into the cup, and I’ve let them sit and settle for a few seconds, and still, they bounce out. I don’t feel that this is my fault because I have no control over how they drop! I’ve had to bag some of the challenges because of it. I can’t help feeling like there’s some nefarious reason behind it, forcing us to watch more ads. It’s stupid little things like this that annoy people and makes us want to delete the game! And WHY would I be willing to spend money on a game that annoys me?!
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5 years ago, vasiliysa
The game is fun, but the levels don’t get any harder and the rewards are superficial at best, only customizing the look of the pins. There’s an entire city building function you can spend coins on or whatever, but there are already so many city building games that it feels repetitive and unnecessary to have it in a game about pulling pins and funneling balls into cups. The city building section feels like it was randomly thrown in so there was some reason to keep the players playing (and to make us keep watching ads for more coins to spend on it) but I feel like that could have been achieved simply by having a level map and making the puzzles a little trickier with each level. And players could watch ads to get access to bonuses that make difficult levels easier, though difficult puzzles should still be conquerable without those bonuses. As it is, I was having fun in the beginning but now I’m getting bored of watching the same ads over and over again just to do the same puzzles over and over again.
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2 years ago, martipoo
Pretty good game
Update: problem with puzzle 803. Will not complete - stays at 91 % even though all balls dropped but not filling basket completely. As many have said, it doesn’t get harder as you move through the game. I’m in the 200s and still pretty c easy. I paid for ads to be removed, which makes it much more enjoyable. One frustrating thing - the FAIL message comes so quickly, it’s impossible to figure out what I’ve done wrong! The message takes over as it’s failing, not after it’s failed. I’m adding this now that I’m in the high 300s - this is soooo boring. I’ve only had one (yes, one) real challenge in the entire game. PLEASE add some challenging levels. And where are the ones you showed in your ads? They looked pretty good. I don’t want to play a mindless, boring game. I’ve been going through the levels with the hope that a challenge would come along.
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3 years ago, lilharoak
Fun but annoying
There are extra side games in which you can purchase to play and receive enough incentive in doing so (ie-your not breaking even, your actually winning a bit more than spending to to attempt the level…)however, if there aren’t enough moves in the challenge game you’ve already wasted your coins and will be wasting a lot of time solving an impossible puzzle as well as wasting more time being required to watch ads just to retry it! Super annoying! Ads in any game are annoying, but this one seems to be so flooded, I feel I’m watching them more than playing and it’s the same 5-10 ads. *extra challenge 19 IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH 4 MOVES! It requires 5….please fix this. The first pin that holds the 3 balls already makes for an extra move to be made even if you attempt to pull pins elsewhere before letting the balls loose. It’s called physics. If 2 balls are going to be caught in a “v” another pin is required to free them in order to complete the level.
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2 years ago, Lilith646
Please Improve
I actually really enjoy this game for how easy it is, I can just open it and beat a few mindless levels while I’m waiting for something. However, I hate the amount of ads. I paid for no ads and all it removed were the banners and pop ups. That’s honestly ridiculous. I bought the no ads option at least a year ago so I’m not sure if the wording has changed, but I did click ‘restore purchase’ just to see what it would say and it did clearly state ‘removes banners and interstitials’. I definitely don’t remember it saying that when I bought it or I don’t think I would have. If it says that on the menu to purchase it, I recommend you steer clear, it’s honestly a waste of money. I would really like to get what I paid for, which was an ad free experience. At the very least, make the first retry of a level free for those who purchased no ads. It’s still a rip off, but one retry is generally all that’s needed.
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3 years ago, J_fawkes_
A fairly relaxing game to play
As others have pointed, this game is very easy and doesn’t really seem to get harder. I’m currently on level 214 and it’s been a breeze so far. Even so, it’s a nice game to fire up if you’re just relaxing and want something chill and easy to play. My main issue with it is that there are times where, as the balls are all tumbling into the container, a ball or 2 will not make it for some reason and will fall into the void, which causes the game to think you did something wrong and fails the level. This should not be the case, as I have no control over how the balls tumble. A word to the wise for the devs: you should not program your game to blame the player for something out of their control. This is the reason why I cannot give it 5 stars. Other than that, I have no issues.
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2 years ago, Sivlne
It was fun….at least at the start.
When I first downloaded this game, I was like: ‘Hey! This game is pretty fun to kill time.’ And it was, until it started bull crapping me. First, we gotta talk about the ads. I do see people complaining that they get a lot of ads, but we basically have the same experience, and I usually get an ad every 3-5 minutes. Forcing you to watch an ad just to retry a certain level, a basic company tactic to earn money. As much as I don’t like it, they gotta make money someway too. Sure it might not be the wrong way, but it is what it is. Now I have to talk about the boss levels. There was times that I outsmarted the boss levels, because of that, I got a certain percentage that was part of most of the level, however, when this happened, the boss level froze, and then said I lost. I was confused because none of the balls were launched out of the level, the thing that contains the balls weren’t exploded, you name it. At first I thought this was a bug, but it happened more and more after, it got to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore, and got thoughts of deleting the game. Please fix this. TLDR The boss levels are unfair, as when I outsmarted the level that should’ve allowed me to keep going, it froze, then said I lost, so it’s basically unbeatable, at least for me. Please fix.
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2 years ago, Avmm729
Not happy
For one, in challenge 45 the screen won’t move or advance down to allow you finish; therefore it shows you failed and that’s after all the moves. And the background sometimes is the same color as the pins so you can’t see them. There definitely should be a way to see the full puzzles There’s something definitely wrong with the app itself, a game opens up and before you touch anything it says you’ve failed retry with just the game loading. Also on some of the rewards it tells you no ads available to check your internet when nothing’s wrong but the minute to hit continue, all of a sudden there’s loads of ads. Maybe I’m winning too much or going too fast, not sure but it makes me not want to play or recommend I was at well over level 1100 and challenge 90 something and because of the error telling me to try again you failed without me touching anything it made me delete the app and get it again. I’m so very disappointed and angry
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2 years ago, IAmAKat
Boring, and makes phone get suspiciously hot
The regular levels are way too easy. Everything is interrupted by ads. Then it puts you in a race with other players whether you want to be or not, and you fall behind because of the ads but it insists on showing you your position falling behind the other players and you can’t turn it off. Finally I get to a boss level that looks like an interesting challenge. By that point my phone has gotten so hot that the screen isn’t responding properly (is this app mining bitcoin in the background or what?), so it pulls a different pin than I intended to pull a few times. I’m offered a chance to replay the boss level if I watch yet another ad. Fine, I watch the ad. Then I put the app in the background a few minutes so my phone can cool off, come back, and the boss level is gone, the app reloads and sends me back to the regular boring levels. Don’t waste your time sitting through all the adds waiting for the app to get interesting and fun, it won’t.
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3 years ago, NinjaKitty152
Super Buggy Still
Now, I seem to be the only person having this issue, but I downloaded this out of pure curiosity and for something mindless to do when I wanna relax. However, half the time I’m playing the game it bugs out, freezes or completely slows down everything on my phone to the point I can’t close the app. It got so bad my phone refused to even turn on after turning it off. I’ve also encountered a bug where it’s not collecting puzzle pieces anymore, but giving me the same pieces over and over without registering it was already collected or showing that the pieces are collected in the puzzles area, and this is only happening with the art museum puzzle pieces as I’ve completed all the other puzzles. I would’ve given this at least 3 stars because of the glitches, but this puzzle bug is super annoying and frustrating simply because I want to complete everything I can and it is not allowing me to.
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5 years ago, earthstars
Ads make the game unplayable
If you have epilepsy or something that makes you sensitive to flashing lights, it’s better to stay completely on the safe side and not play this. There’s a few recurring ads at the bottom of the screen that flash “notifications” at you very quickly, which was enough to give me a severe headache, so I feel like that would be especially terrible for someone who actually is sensitive to lights like that. I had to keep the bottom of my screen covered the whole time I was playing, since there’s no way to change the ad for something that’s less grating on your eyes. If you tap on them, they don’t actually link you anywhere, so I really don’t get the point. There’s ads between about every level, and at most these levels take ten seconds, so it feels like a constant barrage of the same advertisements. The levels don’t challenge your brain even remotely, and the difficulty of them doesn’t change. I made it to about 70 before I finally gave up on this game. This game isn’t worth your time.
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4 years ago, Trl1024
Over all, it’s pretty good.
This app could use a few changes. My Dad has this app on his Tablet and I was playing on his tablet and he’s like give it back. I said no and I’m like let me play for a few minutes. He said that I should get it on my own tablet so he downloaded it on my tablet. The app is really cool, but honestly here’s the thing. The app told us that the game was really tricky. I tried it and the levels were extremely easy. My Dad is on level, like approximately 400. I played on his tablet and it seems like when I play, the levels are even easier. I love how there’s like 90 percent game and 10 percent ads. On other games it gets us how it is completely the other way around. If you developers out there are reading this review, please just change this game by making the levels harder. Thank you for reading! 😊
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3 years ago, Brett_Roby
Overwhelming, Sexually Suggestive Ads
The ads are so overwhelming in this game that they supersede the actual gameplay itself. Not only are there HUGE static ads taking up large portions of the screen between rounds, but the video ads play for far longer than a round takes to play. On top of that, the video ads are very difficult — if not impossible — to skip. Sometimes that means waiting forever for the “x” to appear so it can be closed, and other times it means having an “x” that is impossible to press. Other times, it’s endless sections of video ads where the ad goes on and on and on. Another gem is the ads show very inappropriate subject matter, with nearly nude women with cleavage bursting out of their tops. This is appropriate content for a player under 16 as selected when the game started? What kind of ads would we see if we selected the older option? It’s pretty sad that this passes for acceptable these days. It’s a shame because the game has so much potential.
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2 years ago, Dusty Diamond Dancer
Ads,ads and more ads
I have never played a game with more ads than this one. Once you get all the balls in the basket usually it goes directly to an ad. Sometimes it will actually let you play two rounds. The ads are long and sometimes even play twice. You actually spend more time sitting waiting for ads to end then you are playing the actual game. If it wasn’t for the ads the game would be fun. I don’t mind ads once in a while but this is ridiculous. It’s gotten that I rarely play this game anymore because it’s so frustrating. It might take you five seconds to get the balls in the basket but then you’re sitting another 30 seconds if not more for ads to end to start the game again. I’m thinking of looking for another game similar that maybe doesn’t have as many ads. I would definitely give this game five stars if it wasn’t for the ads. Just not worth playing it and if I see that night burning in fire one more time I’m going to scream.
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5 years ago, gaming junkie77777777
Fun game but...
I actually really enjoy playing this game. It’s not like the ads that lie to you about pulling pin puzzles, those kind of games would actually seem fun to me and I finally found one. I only have a few complaints, and they’re things that I found as soon as I started playing. 1. What’s with all the ads?? Seriously, after about two-three levels, there’s a 30 second unskippable ad, or if you fail a level, you have to watch a 30 second unskippable ad. This is absolutely ridiculous and it’s not a good way to support the outlook of your game. 2. Watching 30 second unskippable ads just for a skin that I earned? It takes you about 6 levels to get the first skin in the game (which is the broom) which means about 2-3 30 second ads, then I have to watch another 30 second ad. This is so stupid, it makes me want to break my phone in half or just delete the game
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2 years ago, Bany12
Needs more challenging levels. Glitches
Play this game all the time and the levels keep repeating. Would like new and more challenging levels. When building, all become the same building when finished. They should have different types of buildings. Could keep them part way finished to have different buildings but can build more if you do that. Also glitches, doing challenge levels and boss levels the game will glitch which causes you to pull the wrong pin and/or close out of the game. Has happened when trying to get a gift in the beginning and lost the chance to get a background. Gets annoying. Only really great part is you do not have to pay with your own money to play this game, that is a huge plus.
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3 years ago, GDNP
Too easy
I’ve played through about 400 levels in less than a week (most take just seconds) and have come to the conclusion they just aren’t going to get any harder. Only the challenge levels have any real difficulty. There are literally puzzles you can pull the pin in any other and still win at levels in the 300’s. 90% of them have only a single outlet at the bottom, so if you use the principle “pull the bottom pin last” you’re most of the way to winning. It’s kind of like Simon Says: conceptually easy, but if you’re not paying attention you may screw up occasionally. Kind of like avoiding the ads. (Pet peeve: even with sound turned off in the ap it still comes on in the ads, and half have no way to mute. So if you’re playing in public you need to mute your phone. A common, annoying issue.)
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3 years ago, idna sh
Good game but a lot of adds
I love this game is is so fun and challenging! It is just the right amount of tricky and hard! BUT THE ADDSSSSSS!!!!! There is a lot of adds like after every level add o another add like sometimes it feels like the whole games is just ads!!! But I love this game and it is really fun to do when you are bored! And maybe you can make the levels a lil harder! But not much! I think the only things that could make this games better is take out some of the ads and make it a lil more challenging! And I love that you have challenges and stuff but you should not have to pay to enter a challenge!!! And the different kinds of like balls should not be so much money!!! But I love this game and would give it a five out of five!
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3 years ago, Fishtacular1
Boring and packed full of ads.
This game requires no brain power at all, has no entertainment value unless you’re perhaps a cat and the falling little balls are exciting to you, and has so many many ads to interrupt the game play it makes it that much more unbearable. Boring! Why are the ads do long? I can tell if I’m interested in what’s being advertised in less than 5 seconds and this thing blocks you from leaving the ad for an eternity. These aren’t ads, they’re nuisances. I spend 7 seconds in the level and 30 seconds waiting for an ad. More ads than game. If the levels were interesting at all, maybe I’d keep playing. This is dull and tedious. I can’t believe people build games like this and get people like me to try them. This wouldn’t even entertain the five year old me. I won’t call this game a waste of time, because that’s what I’m trying to accomplish, but I like enjoying wasting my time and this is NOT enjoyable. Sooo dumb.
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5 years ago, Elmasc
Love this game, however.....
Ok, so first things first. This game is great. I love it. I do however have one major issue with this game and that is that the ads won’t load and you are left sitting thinking that maybe it will load and you will get your reward. Nope. It’s completely close the game down and restart it. Now, admittedly you have the option to watch the video again after completing the same level. Then, IF it loads you can get your rewards. I hope this is a “bug” that will soon be fixed. Also, add some new graphics or new skins or new wallpaper, something to add a splash like the ads for all these new games that “advertise” the pull pin style gameplay yet you know aren’t. Let’s fix the few bugs and add some cool features and this game will absolutely be unbeatable.
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3 years ago, Kharnellius
Pull the pin (on this “game”)
This is a wonderful ad delivery device that gives repetitive unchallenging puzzles designed to make your IQ lower by dozens of points while serving up softcore porn ads. … I really enjoy that this ad delivery device is also very buggy causing you to fail challenges that you actually succeeded at. At first you would think this would be fixed but this is ACTUALLY a FEATURE!!! You see, if you fail a challenge the only way to try again is to, you guessed it, watch another ad! If they “fixed” this buggy feature they couldn’t possibly serve up even more ads thus negating part of the entire business model of this fantastic ad delivery device. … If you prefer apps that respect your time and worth then I’m afraid you will just be very disappointed in this game. However, if you’re easily amused and have zero self esteem or intelligence this ad delivery device will meet AND EXCEED your every desire.
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3 years ago, Mel the Rando
Problematic Backgrounds and Excessive Ads
Firstly, let us address the common/less serious issue. There were too many ads for the game to really get a rhythm. I understand that apps need to make money but it’s hard to get into a good groove when playing when you’re constantly interrupted with ad after ad. Now, for the actually problematic part: the backgrounds. Most of the backgrounds are rather quaint, even if some of them weren’t your favorite tastes. The forest and space scenes I personally found enjoyable. But there are backgrounds that are straight up problematic, like the “Asian” background that was mostly just Chinese architecture and the “Indian” background that focused on teepees and deserts. I acknowledge that they may not do a lot of research and just rendered some popular themes, but at least the two that I mentioned are extremely reductive and strange. I’m deleting the game because of the aforementioned reasons. Thank you for reading.
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3 weeks ago, Kat Ohio
Too many ads
You would have gotten 5 stars but the ads are just to much! I play other games that have ads and none are as annoying as this game. Every two turns, there’s an ad. I put it on my tablet and the ads are every time!!! I get free games because they are free. If I have to pay to stop the ads, the game is no longer free. I have started this game over from level one twice! I got a new IPhone and you can’t sign into Facebook to keep your progress and then again because the game stalls! No ads available, check your WiFi. My WiFi is fine! But I love this game so I began again. Now I’m on level 833 and my biggest gripe is that the game is called pull the pin but all I can pull are SNAKES! It’s been snakes for 200 levels. I don’t like snakes. When does it change back to pins???
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2 years ago, Jimmybones!
Too many ads
Play a game…watch an ad. The ad is over a minute + long. Is a fun puzzle game. Was too easy. Any advanced developer could make this a great puzzle game and I’d easily pay for it. Instead it is just a money making opportunity for yet another greedy lazy developer. Apple is loaded with them. So surprising that Apple doesn’t regulate the quality of its user experience! This developer doesn’t respect your time. They don’t expect you to actually stay around playing. They want to get you to watch a few ads before you leave. This game isn’t to be taken seriously. Too bad that Apple czars won’t allow this review to be published. Allowing honesty like this may begin to turn their product around Game deleted!
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3 years ago, domweng
Just another ad farm
Game was kinda fun but just a copy and paste mindless repetitive ad farm where everywhere you click, anytime you want to do anything other than basic stuff, boom there is an ad. There are even parts where they put pins mere pixels away to bait you into tapping the wrong pin, thus making you lose the level and having to watch an ad to repeat. You go through about 10-12 levels to earn a reward and most of the time, big suprise, you have to watch an ad to open. Even on airplane mode (which I was playing on) they want you so badly to turn on the internet. The few times I did was only to repeat a lost challenge level, so I watch an ad, beat the level in 10 seconds, then again to nobody’s surprise, another ad for beating the level. These developers need to realize that nobody wants to pay $2.99 for their brainless game that has 50 copies with just a fresh coat of paint consisting of cosmetics and a basic passive income “upgrade” system. Then again kids on their crusty iPads are not gonna know any better. I’m sure I can write this same review for any other game like this but brainless stuff sells to undeveloped children. Just sad to see hopefully this kind of stuff can be cleared from the App Store sooner or later and people realize not everything needs to be a cash grab.
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3 years ago, Cshoppell
Here’s how to challenge yourself with this game
I, like many other commentators felt like these games scenarios were too easy. The hard challenges are under the icon that looks like a ribbon. Clicking this icon brings you to at least 100 levels of larger puzzles that challenge you to make decisions with many more options on how the balls will fall with only a limited view of the entire puzzle. The downside is that you have to watch 30 second ads to add points or redo lost levels to have access to these puzzles. So you have to either watch ads or play lots of basically simple puzzles to apply points to the more complex puzzles.
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2 years ago, disappointed, consumer
Great game bad updates
I downloaded this game more than a year ago. I have played it continuously and I’ve enjoyed my time playing this game. Unfortunately, the last few updates have broke this game and made the said game unplayable. When you play boss levels they don’t give you enough platforms to play through to finish. They don’t give you your tokens when you have finished a level it’s here and they’re not every time I’ve played this game almost 9000 levels and when it hit 8000 levels is when it started to go downhill now don’t get me wrong it’s a game that’s free understandable but when the game was playing, just fine for a better part of the year and then crashed there’s something really wrong with this and needs to be addressed.
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2 years ago, Unhappy w/this
Tic-Tac Toe is the Cognitive level
Take note of the reviews which say it is too easy. The developers hit U with a ton of commercials immediately. Assuming the game will strategically evolve in difficulty it is easy to pay the $2.99 to remove them, as a gift to yourself to continue w min distraction as the game looks as if takes a good deal of pattern recognition overtime. No Adds seems like the most logistical step to begin. The game never evolves into a mapping complexity. It remains as difficult as Mastering the simple game of Tic Tac Toe nothing more. Multiply $2.99 x any amount of purchasers who will soon realize they’re literally being scammed! Considering these strange times we are all living through All of us are just looking for abit of relaxing distractions from the chaos, this game adds to it. The developers should send the funds to help Ukraine. Do not download this game. I will delete it once this is posted. Bless Ukraine & all who care.
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5 years ago, Kitty lover 🐱❤️
Gets REALLY boring👎🏻
Well let’s see here………… It was about 3:45pm when I found this game in the App Store. I thought to myself, “wow, this looks really fun!!” I decided to get the game. I sat and played it until 4:00 and I absolutely LOVED it and thought it was super fun!💖💗💕 Then, I got off of my IPad and did some things until I got back onto my iPad at 7:45pm. Since I loved pull the pin SO much❤️, I got back onto it to play it. I stared at the game, not very interested in it anymore. It is just—— this game gets very boring. I think they need to create a game that gets more challenging and is not so BORING AND EASY. Doing the same thing over and over is so boring sometimes. Also, there IS WAY TOO MANY OF THESE GAMES WITH SO MANY ADDS. PLEASE QUIT THE ADDS!! I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!! Guys, this is just my opinion. You guys might love it!!💖💖💖 It is super fun in the beginning and this might be an awesome game for you!! Thanks for reading my opinion!💝
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2 years ago, AppleUser6986
Promising at first
I liked this game. I even considered purchasing the no ads option. That is until I realized the levels repeat themselves, don’t get more challenging, and the currency is worthless. What’s the gold even for?? Puzzle pieces? Why?? people complain that there’s too many ads but honestly you just have to say no to all the extra stuff at the end of each level and then the ads are cut down a lot. They still show some here and there but honestly you really don’t need the currency or the puzzle pieces. The problem is that the levels don’t increase in difficulty and just repeat over and over. It’s boring and stupid. At least it looks like the ad unlike many other Pull the Pin games like gardenscape or evony. But yea, uninstalled. But hey developers, at least you made me watch ads for the same stupid matching game over and over and got your five cents out of me.
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3 years ago, MsCWill
Glitches - 3 stars thinking about 2 1/2
How do you fail a level without even making a move? The level loads up, one or two pebbles spill over or through an opening and boom! Fail. How do you clear a level successfully but the games says you failed, then you make the exact same moves on the retry and voilà you passed? These are the two major glitches I have experienced. This game is awesome for passing time, however, the glitches can be quite frustrating. My rating may change in the future. My newest issue - I had to reset my phone and re download some apps. For this app my points and achievements are still intact, however, my level started all over again. I was almost at level 700 now I’m back to almost 300.
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2 years ago, Nep2nfly
Doesn't give you what you're looking for or pay for
The game itself is at least enjoyable, but it's riddled with ads - so you pay for the ad free - and it clearly says "ALL ads have been removed" afterward - but it's all a lie. After completing every level you will still have to watch a near minute long ad to get your level prize. It's ridiculous. It's not worth it for me, as the challenge levels don't really increase and at times are ridiculously easy the higher you go. The last note would be - you keep getting things like puzzle pieces or candy 94 gold - but when you get them it tells you absolutely nothing about what they are for or why you should care that you get them. It just needs some mega work. Mostly I'm salty I still have to watch ads when I paid not to watch them.
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5 years ago, snoogans122
Not bad but more of a ‘relaxing’ activity than a game
I was hoping the levels would get tougher as you go but they really don’t. I’m on level 100 something and haven’t had to redo a level or use a life or whatever. It’s not so much a challenging or brain teaser game as it should be, more of a relaxing thing to do for fun. Which isn’t a bad thing, but when you combine that with the fact there’s an ad every couple levels, it makes it seem like they made it easy on purpose so you beat more levels and ergo have to watch more ads. Sometimes I watch one cause I beat a level then I have to watch another when the I click to start the next level. If they made it more challenging and didn’t force me to watch 30 second ads every few mins, it would def be a 5/5 game.
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3 years ago, ebonieth
It’s fun for a little while
The game is satisfying to play/watch, but you’ll get bored with it quickly. It’s not difficult and it doesn’t get challenging. Sometimes you lose the game even though you pull the pins correctly because somehow the balls either go through the wall or just miss the bucket. I’ve repeated a few levels more than twice just to get to the next level. There are ads between every game. It has different backgrounds, pins, and shaped balls you can collect which is cool. It also has different trails that follow behind the balls. You have to collect those by finishing puzzles but when you get a puzzle piece it might be for a completely different puzzle so it’s hard to finish one puzzle.
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5 years ago, IamButtholio
It’s okay, but....
Every 20 seconds there is an ad (it only takes 10-20 seconds to complete a level). I understand the need to generate revenue, but can you please stop spamming me with ads? Always “watch an ad to get more coins,” “watch an ad to get this cool new thing that you have no idea why it would be needed,” “watch an ad to progress to the next level,” “watch an ad to build this building.” Ads! Ads everywhere! And honestly, what’s the point of spamming with ads if the difficulty never changes? A 4 year old could make the same progress I’ve made, in the same amount of time! You want to appeal to the adults that were tired of being scammed by other apps, but you do that by giving us a game for preschoolers. That’s kinda scammy too, when you think about it. Make a game that’s dirt easy, just so you can fill it with spammy ads 🤔
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3 years ago, kingbeepa
Not worth the time
I downloaded this app after seeing an ad. None of the featured attractive levels are available after more than 600 levels cleared. After about 400 levels, all extra items like styled pins, balls, puzzles and backgrounds are easily obtained. “Challenging” levels are available periodically, but are arguably what the routine levels should have been. Ads are there to motivate you to purchase the premium version, which is acceptable, but are also required to obtain other achievements that are not worthwhile. On the bright side, the few bugs are not a hindrance or a long-term deterrent. Do not download if you are looking for a puzzle challenge. If you want a way to play a zen mode game to pass the time, this game is for you. I’m still looking for a challenge, back to square one!
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2 years ago, Au'Marie
This game is sooo much fun. However, it keeps causing trouble to my Apple iPad. Yesterday, I downloaded this and it keeps freezing, goes blank, and even restarted my Apple. When I tried to watch an ad for extra puzzle pieces or gifts after winning, the App chocks up and I ended up with nothing on multiple occasions. I even won a first place in the race and had to forfeit my gift. This is highly disappointing. The ads work when I complete a couple of stages, but flip out when I actually need it to win an added bonus. My internet is strong, so Wi-Fi/Data is not the issue. Several times I have to close and reopen. Just more trouble than it’s worth…and I actually enjoy this game…when it works. Will likely uninstall and look for something less troublesome. …sad face 😞
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2 years ago, FunBean1
Fun concept and art, needs improvement
I think the game is cute and fun, but I expected the levels to get more challenging and they never did. Only the “boss” levels are truly interesting and those are very glitchy. You’ll lose through no fault of your own because a tiny bubble flew out of bounds. To replay a boss level, you have to watch a long ad, even if you paid to have ads removed. You have to watch an ad to get gifts and multipliers, too, even if you paid to remove ads. Another request I would have for developers is to not take the player out of the level every time they collect a special pin. Give them a satisfying effect and notification instead. As it is now, I get disappointed every time I see a special pin in a level.
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2 years ago, adkgirl79
Ads block visibility
Watching an ad after every level is annoying, but the ads across the bottom of the game while playing a level really sets me off. As it blocks visibility. I’d pay to get rid of the ads but I don’t see that option. There are some glitches, some levels say you pass/win even when it says 99% other levels it will shows 100% and it will say I failed. What gives. Museum puzzle pieces I win one, then the next time I’m awarded one the previous piece doesn’t show. I’ve won the same puzzle pieces at least 3-4 times and completed the same puzzle 3-4 times. But still shows an empty puzzle 😒 The “regular” levels are monotonous-I do enjoy the challenge levels but in order to open them up I must pay the regular levels.
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