QWOP for iOS

4 (26)
30.5 MB
Age rating
Current version
Bennett Foddy
Last update
7 years ago
Version OS
8.0 or later
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User Reviews for QWOP for iOS

3.96 out of 5
26 Ratings
10 months ago, Josh19773
Beauty. Absolute beauty.
This game is perfect, down to ONE aspect. The only problem is that when I do the 100M sprint, and get past the finish, it says I failed. I've tried to get under 30 seconds to see if there's a time limit, and even that didn't work. But otherwise, this game is PERFECT.
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6 years ago, MCFrancovich
Stay Away
I'd honesty give it zero stars if it would let me... let me start with this is no QWOP. Instead of you pressing the buttons Q, W, O, and P you now have to rotate TWO joysticks each with four functions for the legs that the joysticks control... the only thing that this states with QWOP honestly is the title, the motivation, and the fact that your character is apparently named QWOP. If you had a hard time using four buttons then have fun with what essentially equates to 8 and half the time you legs are very much exaggerated and don't match what they should be based on where the joystick is moved.
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14 years ago, Mr. Peachfuzz
Fun, but just as ridiculous as the web-based original...
I haven't had any problems running this on my iPod Touch 4th gen. However, I have had problems actually running in-game :) One could say this game is an acquired taste, but it's stupid fun. I have only one suggestion: make a "reset" button in a corner of the screen or something, instead of just double-tapping anywhere. I end up resetting when I try and jump. Kinda disappointing.
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3 years ago, XxX-=SebIsAwesome=-XxX
Welcome to QWOP
This game works well, but I have been unable to pass the finish line and get a time for runs on the 100m run and 110m hurdles, other than that the long jump works fine.
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7 years ago, lordvum44
Use to love this game and now I love it again !!!!
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3 months ago, Mater1709
Worst mobile game I’ve ever played…
If only I could get my money back
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6 years ago, rustybanana729
I want my money back
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5 years ago, Josh28392
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14 years ago, dongle07
Humorous, intelligent, innovative game
Most games map complex actions to simple button presses. Press one button and jump; press another button and perform an acrobatic combination attack. QWOP's abstraction of running is hardly less complex (and certainly more difficult) than actual running. Players must use their thumbs to independently control the position and movement of the runner's legs. Initial attempts to take even a single step will quickly devolve into slapstick, off-balance comedy. Perspiration will develop the talent to approximate actual running. Fun and funny. After I managed to hobble a whole 100m, I gave the game to my father. He's been at the iPad for nearly an hour now. Entertainment for the whole family. Oh, all the crash bugs have been fixed in this new version. Highly recommended.
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12 years ago, QWOP Champion
If you enjoyed the computer version, you will be disappointed. The controls are not the same, he added a tilt feature (which makes it easier), and the "realistic person" is down right creepy. What happened to the challenge that was QWOP. You felt like a national hero when you ran on that track, the music fueling you desire to win the gold. The first time you encounter a hurdle, you charge into it head on without fear, for America. On this version, I don't even feel like my country chose me to represent them in the greatest race known to man. I don't feel like I belong with the prestigious group of those that completed the computer version, just a man that appeared afterward to bask in the glory of those national heroes. So please, if you feel the love your country gives you when you are racing for the gold on the real QWOP, don't pay for this app.
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11 years ago, Lunch_Money
Still good but glitchy
This version still has the challenge (if not more so than the computer version) and I really enjoy that. It is what I expected, so no complaints there. The one place I have issue is the double tap reset. I tap, double tap, tap tap tap tap and nothing happens. I have to keep clicking out for it to work again. After a while I get some serious lag too. Hope they fix this too. If they make those two fixes I would definitely recommend this game. Until they do, hold off because it just adds too much to the frustration the game already presents to you.
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11 years ago, ACDiecast
It's okay.
I thought the computer version was fun, but this lacks the controls. All you need is four buttons, not a couple of joystick-like contraptions for your thumbs. Also, I learned the controls after the first game, so why does it continue to show me them after EVERY time I restart? Getting real annoying.
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9 years ago, redmask38
So Funny!
I love QWOP. I always play it when I'm feeling down and seeing QWOP fall over at a weird angle always cheers me up! Though the controls are more difficult to use than the computer version, I find this a small setback for the hilarious falls that result. This game is not a serious "got to win" game if that's what you're looking for. This is a leisurely, humorous game that causes a bit of frustration with the controls, but the comical falls make up for it.
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11 years ago, Akendall3
My favorite iPhone game
Thank you for this awesome game. I have laughed more because of this game than any other game I have played in the past twenty years. That being said, I'm experiencing lag in the long jump mode. Nothing running in the background, and it happens every time I play that mode for more than a few minutes. I think there may be a memory leak.
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12 years ago, TheBeardedB
Controls aren't intuitive
With a game like qwop you wouldn't expect it to be easy, but the controls, especially the leaning, aren't at all what you would expect. Not a bad game just not a game that I would play often because the controls are so much more difficult than the computer version. I do like that there are many more styles of play on this version however with it being SO much more difficult to get QWOP to run it kind of counters the variety.
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14 years ago, AvatarIroh
All of Mr. Foddy's apps are must haves. QWOP is an easy to pick up and enjoy app that is truly addicting. On the computer it was the same way. After you unlock the hurdle run the next three game modes crash the app. Other than that I hope i can beat my running record of 104.1!!!! Must Buy. Worth ten dollars in my opinion!
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13 years ago, Fsrrjvgteeaadhvghjfd
Awesome!!!!! 
Great game. Love it. Easier than the computer version, but still very addicting. When people wine and rate this game one star just because it's "too hard" or something like that, it's suppose to be that way. It's suppose to be hard. So get over it.
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14 years ago, app critic 1000
I love the online version and now on the iPhone! Ok its great and all that but I have one complaint, the controls. I really like the keyboard controls but the iPhone controls are nothing special so until a update four stars. Anyway if you like the computer version you should like this.
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12 years ago, Treetrunks19
Almost great
This game is awesome I've aged the pic version and loved the challenge but this game is impossible due to the lag after playing for 2 mins I have to keep closing the app please fix. This game has 5 star potential
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12 years ago, RG1889
It's supposed to be hard!
This game isn't supposed to be some fun running game, it's a hilarious physics game that puts you completely in control of someone else's legs. Have fun trying to find ways to stay upright and hobble your way down the track. Laugh, cry, have fun!
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10 years ago, TZAYB
Won't let me win.
Epic game but whenever I cross the finish line… Nope! Seriously. This needs to be fixed. As a programmer, I know of one error it could be. In the if statement that ends the game, change it from if (your distance) = 100 to if (your distance) >= 100
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12 years ago, Dhjffdvvgdsghddccfgfyggfg
This game is soo funny because you get to watch the Olympic runner basically have a seizure and strike some hilariously funny poses... Until he falls down. Get it and you wont be able to stop cracking up (like me). Definitely 5 stars. Get it.
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10 years ago, Jojololopopodedo
Great game, but has some problems
It started showing that I went like 50 meters on the long jump when I can barely even go past 3 meters. And the drag is really unrealistic, as soon as one foot hits the ground it's like you're going through water, and when you are in the air it's like there is no drag.
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12 years ago, Asdfghaya
I can't tell if this is harder than the original or if I'm just used to the way it's played on a computer, but it's awesome. I look forward to spending so many of my hours playing this, cause qwop, y'all!
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12 years ago, Sli111211211
This game is hard and frustrating. It needs an option to change to the controls in the flash version. Please put it in the next update. And fast!!!
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10 years ago, RST Clerk
Hilarious! Love the newspaper.
Yes, I know Qwop is flat-out impossible (and it's hard to tell whether the developers meant it that way or not), but this game makes me laugh so hard. It's so ridiculous that it's actually good, lol--PLEASE make more headlines!
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12 years ago, Heart Weaver
Must be a comedy
Somewhat an app that can make you laugh every time you fail, although a bug needs to be fixed when crossing the finish line
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13 years ago, Farret23
Still crashing
Can not get it to open!! I've been waiting for a long time to get this! Can't wait for it to be fixes tho!!
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12 years ago, Nickelback^Girl(:
Loved it!
Very addicting and I didn't notice it lagging at all. Different controls (obviously) from the computer version, but just as fun. I thought it was a lil easier to control.
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12 years ago, IQpierce
Hilarious & Fun
Great game to pull out at parties! It's hilarious to watch how incompetent everyone is at the game, and it's tantalizing when you discover that yes, it IS possible to actually be "good" at it... Which is usually hilarious in a different way...!
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12 years ago, xxxblink182
I played the computer one which was really awesome but only had one mode but the iPhone QWOP is amazing it has a lot of modes and is challenging I really recommend it to anybody who likes a challenge.
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14 years ago, Foreman!!!!!
3.1.3 Fixed!!!! :D thanks qwop. 5 stars now. love this game.
This is my favorite game and i really appreciate it along with other users running 3.1.3 for getting it fixed immediately.
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13 years ago, Your moms anus
I really like the computer version. But this one is super hard. If there was a competition for running backwards I would win.
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12 years ago, bbbsgdvf
The original
It's not the original but why does everybody complain ??? If everything was original then there wouldn't be a iPhone 5 , js.
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12 years ago, NERDBOI
There is nothing wrong with this game. The only problem is there are not enough game modes. How about adding more, maybe triple jump or high jump? A Winter Olympics QWOP would also be awesome.
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11 years ago, bmccormick_32
Every time I beat the 100m it doesn't save my time. It just says I lost. Can you please fix that. But other than that it is very fun but would be more afflicting if it saved my high scores.
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12 years ago, Meatymeatmeat
Great game but....
Totally unfair! I finally got a steady run, crossed the finish line and it says I fell and won't record my time as my personal best. Other than that a fun and addictive game as good as the pc version. Please fix this bug somehow
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13 years ago, TheLaneFamily
Very Frustrating and FUN
This was very Frustrating, but fun from the beginning, I have now completed the 100m run in 39".05. It was very tough, but I have a strategy now.
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13 years ago, CastleOrange
I like the flash version more
I suppose this might be more advanced for people who are serious swop players (do those exist?) but I don't enjoy this version as much as the original. Still worth paying the buck because I did like the first one so much.
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13 years ago, Love's A Pony
To You
Who say the interface is too hard, or the controls are challenging, that's the point.
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11 years ago, Runningmakesmetired
Probably the worst game EVER....
Okay, let me begin by saying don't buy this stupid game. It is so pointless and extremely difficult to play. I can't even get the stupid guy to move!! All he does his fall over and break every bone in his body. I've had the app for awhile now and after countless times I can't get this dumb game to work. It is so beyond frustrating!!! Don't buy it!!
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11 years ago, Dj spooghetti xx
Worst Game Ever Created
This is the worst "game" ever created. It's as if it was created as a joke, just to frustrate people. It got popular because people like passing the frustration on to their friends and laughing at them. There is nothing good about this entry level programming project / social experiment. Save yourself the frustration and buy literally ANY other game on the app store, I promise it will be better than QWOP.
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13 years ago, Dillon Britt
Funny and well time consuming
I'm still waiting to get past 10
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12 years ago, TheGodOfRock
Great game except when I go to at the long jump my game always lags and its impossible to play with. Idk if this is because I'm on an iPhone 4 or its just the app itself but please fix.
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13 years ago, blaze1194
I really like it!!!! But I wish that the old controls were available, like on the computer, I think that would be awesome in addition too the controls on here
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12 years ago, Muggi me
Nice but...
I think it is a great game and I recommend it but when I finished the races mine says I failed and I don't know why. Please fix this or see if its only me and I need to try again
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12 years ago, Rayray44:)
Cool app
I thought this was a fun app my bro can't stop playing it lol but it would be cool if u made a QWOP that was like with swimming like jumping off the diving bord that would be sick
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12 years ago, StoicKiwi
Awesome game, awesome app!
This hopelessly addictive game stays true to the flash-based web original whilst adding new game modes and updated graphics. Best $.99 I've spent it a long while!
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13 years ago, Snackoftheshack
Get. This. Game.
I think I bought it for 2.99$ and now it's .99$. Totally worth every penny. I play it everyday and it never gets old. Get it get it get it
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11 years ago, TheBeatGoesOnAndOnAndOn
Give me some credit
I love this game, but no matter how many times I cross the finish line, it says try again. How about national hero?
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