
4.1 (10.1K)
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Raya App Inc
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3 months ago
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15.0 or later
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User Reviews for Raya

4.11 out of 5
10.1K Ratings
3 years ago, LAEMF
Not the best for matching
Guys will reach out to me on Instagram and say they liked my profile but I didn’t see their’s come up on Raya. Or I will like a guy but won’t match with him on Raya but will instantly match with him on another app. I’m not sure how Raya’s matching algorithm works but it doesn’t seem to work that great or maybe it has changed and it’s less efficient. Idk. A lot of matches don’t even write you and it’s the case with most people I’ve talked to. Like we’re just matching and too cool to message. It’s weird. Now the Instagram function isn’t working for me. An error pops up if you want to click through and see their Instagram profile.
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5 years ago, Some1withAcomputer
What happened?
I go off and on with online dating, giving it a shot here and there. I have stints of giving relationships a shot and then come back to it, all the while keeping the subscription active. I’ve been on Raya for a while, I’d say almost 2 years. it’s not without the same issues as all online dating platforms, people ghost, they match and don’t start conversations, etc. I’ve accepted those as now normal behavior on dating apps. But I do think Raya has more attractive and interesting people, so I don’t mind paying for it with the prospect of finding myself a beautiful and creative person. In the beginning I match pretty regularly, but it seems I haven’t matched with anyone in months on Raya, despite the tons of new users I’m seeing and liking. I’m wondering if it’s because I’ve been on there for so long they’ve simply stopped showing me? It certainly feels that way. I know they claim to be selective and sensitive to the community, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve deemed me undatable or something because of how long I’ve had the app. Def get in and get out with this app. Paying for it longer than a year seemingly puts you on their matching blacklist and becomes just a frustrating waste of money. I started up a different dating app recently and the matches are coming in hot. So, not to sound cocky, but I don’t think it’s me. Will not be renewing the next round.
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1 year ago, Il_Meduse
Why all the suits?
Anyone dating and (actually) working in the creative industry know how hard it can be to find people that match with your schedule. Though to a lot of people, Raya was seen as a space for the “famous” I always felt it served a great purpose in allowing others in film, TV, music and media to find others in the field that understood the intense lifestyle, extreme hours, and constant travel it demanded. However lately I’ve feel like I’ve seen an influx of “suits” people with know actual creative output, resting on their wealth and attractiveness to exist on the app. Just like soho house started as a refuge for professional artists (notice the word artist not content creator) and became a club for the pseudo artistic tech and finance bros that continue to profit off the back of creative work. Raya has had an influx of people who’s only worthwhile quality is their ability to vacation in Santorini. It be nice if artists could still have a space, one where we can meet other people who actually understand our field, who actually work in the industries we say we do. Cause I’m getting a bit annoyed by the onsets of suits. If your looking for your “hustle” partner please just go to The League and leave the artists alone.
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7 months ago, Cfulmer920
Been on “Waitlist” for 3+ Years and NO SUPPORT
I downloaded the app and applied for membership during 2020, and got immediately put on a waitlist. Which is no big deal, but kept checking back for a few months and stayed on the “Waitlist” however had friends (women) that downloaded, applied and got an account within a day or two. I’m an actor, musician and creative person that’s single and dating in a complex dating world of being in this industry, which is the purpose of the app however can’t get a membership, while I know people that are not in the industry that are on the app and they keep asking me “dude, you should be on Raya!” I can’t get a reply to repeated emails to Raya and can’t reapply because it’s tied to your phone number. There’s zero support, and zero help available. Edit: finally got ahold of support to restart my account application and try again in 2023. So applied again, and same thing. Been on the waitlist for a year now. It’s pointless even trying when I see other people on the app, loving it, saying it was easy to apply and they arnt even really creatives. But a creative here trying multiple times and getting left on read basically. Thanks Raya
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5 years ago, Onantiad
Traditional dating apps don’t work for me. I kept running into people that felt either threatened by my success or were aggressively trying to take advantage of it. I feel safe in this space. I also find with my crazy hours/touring schedule, I could really only end up with someone who is equally busy and career driven. This app filters out the static. To me, it doesn’t matter if they only show people in my city because myself and (I’m assuming) most other people on the app travel so often that it doesn’t really matter. It’s fun and I’m having great conversations. It was frustrating being waitlisted for 4-5 days when all my friends were on it but it was worth it in my opinion. I don’t really want it to be accessible because then it doesn’t serve the same purpose. Honestly, being a “celebrity” completely takes away your ability to get in on the dating app fun and this has been so fun for my REALLY famous friends to do what everyone else is doing. Great app concept. Yes it’s kind of elitist but isn’t that *sort of* the point?
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2 years ago, zedlyfe
Don’t recommend
Took only a couple weeks to get my application accepted, which seems better than most people I’ve heard. However, now that I have access to the service it’s clearly not worth paying for. The UI encourages people to swipe solely for pictures. There’s very little opportunity to share about yourself in text or with badges (like how Bumble let’s you pick religion, politics, drinker, etc…). You can write a “bio” but it seems like less than 10% of users do it. The “slideshow” functionality of showing you the photos of user is a terrible user experience. It’s difficult to navigate through the photos and also difficult to get back to looking at the profile. All of this for an app that requires a $20/month fee. Pretty absurd. After a week on it I’m still at zero matches (M28 NYC). I have a friend who’s been on it for a month and has only had two matches (F28 LA). Just doesn’t feel like it’s a service worth paying for. Edit: after one month I have had 2 matches, neither of which sent a single message.
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1 year ago, 8654441874
I Want My Money Back
I cannot possibly say enough bad things about this app. It’s just awful. I will not be surprised if Raya faces huge lawsuits in the future or gets removed from the App Store for scamming users. I paid for a Premium membership ($50/month), so I’m guessing these issues are even worse for the general subscription (which is still $20/month). Probably my biggest complaint is that it doesn’t allow you to filter suggested users by location. In other words, if you only want to see people who live near you, you’re out of luck. I live in Texas... why would I want to match with people from South Dakota? Either the algorithm is completely off, or the quality of individuals is not nearly what Raya claims it is (or both). I have swiped through at least 200 men and I have found less than 5 that I liked. The app is not user-friendly at all. I consider myself very good with technology, and I keep having to google “how to _____ on Raya.” The app has countless bugs. I’ve tried to add new interests at least a dozen times, and it hasn’t worked once. As the icing on the cake, the app won’t let me email Raya Support for help fixing these issues. When I click “Help,” it tells me that there’s no email address associated with my account, which is hilarious, because right above the help button, it lists my email address. Plus, I have received multiple emails from them, so they clearly have my address. Biggest waste of money ever. Don’t even bother.
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4 years ago, cyrus2020*
After being approached by an employee or “ambassador” of the app to join - she asked for my info and some recommendations on any friends of mine who also might be interested in joining. From there she had her boyfriend follow up via text message (weird right??) claiming that he would be here to assist me and answer any questions I might have. Keep in mind this girl was directed to me from a high profile friend of mine...so I trusted it. Shortly after responding to this guy, he told me to keep an eye out for a text that would get me right onto the app, no wait line etc. After a week or two of hearing nothing and I followed up with the two “ambassadors” who to this day have not sent a single response back. I don’t care for dating apps and I could care less to be involved with this one. They hire small influencers to run around on Instagram taking info from high profile people with zero follow up or regard for privacy - an app such as this can only work if people like myself trust it. I have zero trust in this app or their staff. This is a very bad look and a sketchy system.
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3 years ago, brightrose
Quality people but doesn’t work!
Raya has higher quality people on it (attractive people doing interesting things in the world) but somehow it’s impossible to actually connect with anyone through this app. Their algorithm must be crap or something because it doesn’t work. I have several friends on there and I’ve asked them and they’re having the same experience. And, I see in the reviews that others are finding the same issue. So, Raya, you better find a way to make your algorithm work and actually manage to have people match and communicate with each other, or you’re not going to last much longer. Also seems like a pretty small dating pool, because they keep suggesting guys they’ve suggested to me before, and they limit how many people you can see in a day so it’s not like I’m going crazy on there, swiping through a ton of guys… they’re just recycling them 🤷🏻‍♀️
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3 years ago, Brody675
A waste of time…
What a waste of time. After hearing the hoopla for years, I decided to check it out. As an artist, this exclusivity with other creatives appealed to me. I heard about the infamous Wait List and their crazy criteria based on Instagram followers, etc. Well, I was immediately accepted as I took it as I have about 20K followers. Immediately there were the fees so I opted for the 1 month bit. Needless to say, I cancelled about 3 weeks in. Every single person on there barely had even 1K social media following (where was this 100K urban myth?!), most were just a bunch a kids interning or assisting in fashion or were hilarious wannabe social climbers. Where were the high profile roster of artists? The exclusive members who needed to meet their selective criteria? It was such a joke. I’m assuming at launch years ago it was the Soho House of the dating apps (which is what I was expecting). It’s basically a BYOB dance club in the Bronx. Raya. Um, nope.
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1 year ago, Dang disks
It’s basically just The League now
I used to really enjoy Raya. You’d see some really interesting and creative people. The conversations were always fun and everyone seemed on the same page. Recently there is an influx of finance bros and basically just people that don’t put effort into crafting a cool profile that Raya is typically known for. It feels dumb if you’re paying for an app that claims to offer a place for creatives and the artsy types but instead you get an app like all the rest and bordering on being the league. If I wanted suits I’d be on the league. Also the diversity of the app has really plummeted with the influx of suits. I used to see so many people from all over and all different from the other and now I’m seeing the same chad over and over. I’ve cancelled my subscription because I don’t see a worth in this app anymore.
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1 year ago, cytheguy2
Poorly designed (from a technical perspective)
I am not commenting on actually usage and dating and quality of matches. I am commenting from a purely technical perspective only (for reference, I am a software developer). The app prompts you to allow it to run in the background in order to track your location and better pair you with matches who visit similar places. After a week of using the app, I wondered why my battery has been dying so quickly. I navigated to the battery pane, and see that although I had used Raya for 4 minutes, it has been running for 18 hours in the last 24 hours in the background. This app alone consumed 33% of my batter. To me, this says it is poorly designed. I have downloaded and used other background location tracking apps in the past, and they have not used nearly as much batter.
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5 months ago, WolvishVisage
Get ready to pay…
Unless you live in a thriving major city like LA or NYC, this app isn’t great. I’m currently living in Phoenix, AZ. First of all - you have to be approved for membership which you’d think would give the membership pool some kind of advantage - “better” people? Not really - just a lot of them who are up their own a**es… for example a Brady who spells his name Braedey? 🤣 Secondly - you have to pay for a BASIC membership after you’re even approved for the app. Finally - if you want to send someone a message to express your interest - you ALSO have to pay for this too. You don’t get matched with anyone or even know who’s interested in you - unless they also match with you too. It’s just a huge waste of time and a lot to spend - for literally nothing IMO. Avoid the false thrill. Approve of YOURSELF and go out in the real world. This ain’t it.
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4 weeks ago, 50ish, dope & young looking
The functionality of the app is nice, but there are slim pickings when it comes to profiles. The app trends super young, mostly for 22 - 35 year olds. There has been so much ado about being approved to get on Raya as a public figure or extraordinarily successful person, but that’s not the case. I’ve been surprised to see medical assistants, nurses and just random entry level careers. If you want a wider selection, there’s an upcharge. I paid for an upgraded membership which did show me more than the basic in terms of options, but it didn’t make much of a difference in finding a good match. After a year, I had little to no interest in any of my matches and never went out on a single date. I would also see the same profiles over and over and over again. The selection has been extremely limited. I believe the app’s biggest pitfall is the lack of people of color. There are some absolutely stunning, modelesque people on Raya if you’re not seeking a person of color and if this is your preference, this will be the app for you. No shade at all. I would definitely recommend it in that case. I just don’t think it’s worth all of the hoopla. I could had a V8.
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3 years ago, Bklyn_Jones
This app fell off
The quality went down and the price went up. This app used to be $7.99. There were some pretty interesting people on here and you could swipe through a lot of them. Now the app is $9.99 I only saw about 10 people before the app told me I have to pay $4.99 to see more people. That’s ridiculous! That’s the kind of behavior you expect from a free app. And even a free app lets you see about 100 people before they cut you off. They claim they want you to form “meaningful relationships” but they don’t let you see enough people to find someone you want to get to know. This app is a ripoff and I’m definitely disappointed. I will stay for this month but I’m canceling after that. The nerve charging me $10 per month and not letting me swipe through more than 10 people! I thought when you pay you get all the features. 🙄🙄🙄 stop taking advantage of people!!!!!
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4 years ago, A1111986
Waitlisted for 5 years...
I applied to Raya in 2017 and never heard anything from them. Fast forward to 2021 , I thought I’d try again. Well when I downloaded the app it says I’m still on the waitlist. I can’t change my application, or even view it! I honestly don’t remember what I put in my initial application 5 years ago and a lot has changed since then. I would like to be able to update my information- I’ve moved, changed jobs, changed my appearance- all factors I assume are important and after 5 years obviously they aren’t planning on letting me in but with my updated information maybe they would. There is no way to contact customer service through the app, or view my application. I’m an actor and model and have been recognized on apps like Hinge or Tinder and would prefer something more exclusive which is why 5 years later I’m still interested in trying the app. Come on Raya! What’s going on?!
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2 years ago, Gallery Hopping NYC
Zero stars
The hype around the app was the best thing because once you get in it’s all downhill from here. The engagement is terrible, the interface is bad, people don’t put a lot in a bio so all you do is swipe based on slideshow pics and IG handle. There is no real way to connect with people. If you 💜 an account that’s it….It doesn’t tell you anything else, but a few weeks later the same account gets suggested to you again. There are repeat suggestions… and a number of them are world wide. There is with no geographical option to narrow your radius unless you go into your city and with so few people on the app you see the same 7 people. I’m cancelling about 10months on here. I tried to give it a real shot but honestly you have a better chance of connecting with the cat at the bodega than anyone here. Save your money, go tap to the cat.
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3 years ago, Concernedlilg
My experience
This app sounds great in theory but doesn’t actually work. A friend sent me a pass and after 6 months I decided to apply. I was weary that this app wouldn’t get me and sadly my instincts were correct. Covid and wanting some social interaction was my motivation. It’s great to be discerning and to want to cultivate an interesting group of people. Unfortunately to Raya that equates with tons of followers on social media or being well known. The really interesting people of the world are not addicted to their smart phones and posting endless selfies. I am very under the radar, have a private social media and don’t like to obnoxiously name drop the famous people I know /have slept with. But because none of their people know who I am or care to beyond a superficial assessment of what I have to offer according to the internet they decided to waitlist me ( with a friend pass). Grateful I’m not on this platform.
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7 months ago, novianovia
Horrible Service
Raya charges the most money but has the absolute worst dating service. They don’t even let you filter people who don’t live in your area. They have no filtering on dating interest and even if you pay them $50 they won’t tell you who likes you. They tell you you can look for people by location but the search is limited and they only show you like 5 people and it never refreshes. Also the people they show you don’t even meet the minima filtering you put in your settings. I’ve emailed them about it and they told me they would escalate the feedback but nothing has changed. Yeah don’t waste your money. You’d be much better off spending the money on Hinge or Bumble. I know this app seems cool for the clout, but once you get in, don’t pay them a cent. Just get it so you can tell people you’re on it :)
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5 years ago, Anonymous_User_1234567890
Discriminatory Against Black Women
Racist and discriminatory selection process against black women. If you look at the screenshots provided by the app, no black female user (or model) is presented, at the time of this review. The one black guy used works for the company -apparently he fills the quota. I have multiple black female friends with noteworthy accomplishments in the entertainment industry who weren’t accepted on Raya, yet I know of multiple non-black women who literally have done nothing professionally, and have hundreds of thousands less followers on Instagram. Raya mentions it determines the applicants’ worthiness by the quality of the applicants’ followers. The black female friends I speak of have numerous verified accounts following them. For those who question if Raya’s algorithm can account for race, be reminded Instagram is owned by Facebook. I have created ads on both Facebook and Instagram in which I was able to select my audience’s demographics including race, income, education level, etc. When you allow an app or website access to your Instagram, they’re able to see all of the information listed above. Black women and Asian men are the least sought after groups on dating apps, and discriminatory behavior by apps only worsen the problem. Zero excuses for Raya’s racist and discriminatory behavior.
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1 year ago, Florelle R
Almost a 10.
I love Raya, even the mysterious way it works. There is definitely an elevated selection of people and potential matches on the app and it’s exciting to see how much quality is out there. But I do wish more men initiated conversations or messaged at all. A match doesn’t do any good if you don’t chat. And yes we are all from out of town, like, isn’t that the point? Hopefully more people take initiative in the future!
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3 months ago, audrraaa
tried it for a month, had no luck
I used this app kind of passively for a month and I literally got 1 match who never replied. I’m a 25 yr old bikini model and photographer from south florida, and I just feel like if I didn’t have any luck on here meeting people than I don't even know lol. I was excited to use this app at first, because my hometown is extremely small, and dating apps don’t generally “work.” I was interested about the prospect of meeting people on here from all parts of the US. There’s also not really many “creative” type people, I saw a lot of finance bros and other rich kid types. yawn. the app functions properly and I think the concept is cool in theory, but in practice it didn’t work for me.
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5 years ago, HelloCrystalG
A Joke
I was interested in this app to connect with likeminded, creative souls but when they say it’s for “artists” they mean “influencers” & elitist socialites. It’s hilarious to me that you must have an Instagram account to even sign up, yet when you go to their Instagram account there’s not even 1 post. Not all artists, creatives, entertainers or writers dedicate their lives to the overrated life of swipes, likes and follows. If an app is going to waitlist people, then maybe ask for an actual resume or proof that the person meets that criteria instead of basing it off of looks, followers & the ability to master a plethora of filters. From the other reviews you can see the app is Glitch City, white washed, shallow & a tiny pool of the same people over and over again. I’ll stick to art festivals, LA trips, book shops & real life where people can’t wear their filters or have a follower boosted ego.
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4 days ago, Mshello
Never been in love
I never been in love my daughter wanted me to get on this app so I gave it a try. I don’t know how it worked. Today’s my first day I never my life been in love. I don’t even know what love is I just know to be friends with people and don’t give up my goodies until I know that that person is for me and sometimes it never happened so I never give up it. Gotta be at least six months to a year. Some people don’t like waiting that long so they move on that’s why I don’t believe in lovein friendship so I hope this one works if not, oh well back to the drawing board
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2 years ago, CherylBur
If anyone wants to start a class action….
This is the most elite, chauvinistic, demeaning, judgmental app I have ever seen! Why should people over a certain income level or celebrity status be allowed to exclude based solely on income or looks?! This is discrimination at its finest! Still pushing to make the rich elite and in control of the lowely “people that actually have to work to make very little money”, and it’s disgusting! Anyone using this app should be ashamed and are obviously total narcissists! I’m sick and tired of the “rich” running the show and doing whatever they want because they have money to buy people off! It’s disgusting, it’s just like Adolff Hitler thought, and it’s going to be the end of the world as we know it. You rich people forget that without US…. You would be or have nothing!! Better remember that!
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6 years ago, callitwhatitis
This seat’s taken.
If you want to remember what it’s like to feel the shallow rejection of high school wondering why you didn’t make it into the group of mean girls, then you should “apply.” Only to find that if you do actually get in, the only thing measuring creativity and professionalism is the ability to appear cooler than your craft, unless your craft is spending your daddy’s money in Bali while managing to angle your subtle bikini body and fresh cut French bangs while pursuing a moderate influencer modeling career. The fact that it measures “creativity” based on another app’s social count in ratio with hotness or celebrity association without even asking for a website or profession is telling that this is basically a “hot or not” instafame app that reflects all the feelings of classism for those wondering on the waitlist. It is an excuse for perpetuating elitism culture and selection without substance.
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9 months ago, Rockaholic80
Raya is good at marketing a mediocre product
I’ll start off by praising the marketing team - simply brilliant. The issue is that the app itself is clunky and outdated. Do they even have a full-time development team? It feels like an early version of Bumble to me. Raya has attractive members, but I think everyone is just less engaged on this app. I certainly feel less engaged and there’s a weird sense of being in limbo, like we’re trapped somewhere between LinkedIn and Instagram. At least Bumble and Hinge are investing in tech to keep their apps interesting. I’m personally willing to pay for an app that facilitates the matching of serious, high-quality members through innovative tech. Here’s hoping Raya starts taking development seriously!
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1 year ago, mister6000
So many bugs
I’ve been on this app for 7 years (also that should say the quality of people wanting relationships here) but now there are SO many bugs. The app freezes non-stop, matches and messages won’t load for days, and when you do see a match or a message it’s already 6 days old and then people won’t respond because you didn’t respond for 6 days. Or more than likely the app will just freeze and crash while you try to send a message. I’ve reached out several times to several different people and they always tell me to uninstall/reinstall, sign out/sign in, update. Yup. And when I tell them I’ve tried all that I get ghosted. Being ghosted by dating all members - expected. Being ghosted by the APP ITSELF? didn’t expect that! Save your money.
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3 weeks ago, JoeDC202
Don’t waste your time or money.
The most frustrating aspect of Raya is the severely limited number of swipes allowed—just a few, twice a day. Once you’ve used up your swipes, the app disables the feature, claiming it’s to encourage users to engage with their current matches. This approach is flawed for two key reasons: 1) It assumes that users have active matches to converse with, and 2) it presumes those matches are actually responsive. Additionally, the app doesn’t prioritize showing you users who have already swiped right on you. This means you could have numerous potential matches waiting in the wings, but it might take days or even weeks to discover them, if at all. This inefficiency makes the entire experience feel more frustrating than it needs to be
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5 years ago, IG:parkour_mango
SMH “Tone down you harsh comments it’s a safe space”
I read a review that said something like this and I was confused because this sounds like it comes from someone who is already in the app. This app is discriminatory plain and simple. I understand it’s to create a safe space for people but what deems someone “worthy” of the app? All I wanted was to get away from the tinder BS and try to find something real but I can’t do that bc I’m not worthy of this app apparently. Y’all should be ashamed. When you really break it down the app is pretty messed up. You apply like a job, you wait for a response and more likely than not you’ll get turned away for one reason or another. It’s contribution so discrimination and it’s just not right. Like I’m sure their turning more people away than accepting. Unless I’m an outlier but doubtful
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1 year ago, Seanraad
Good but a few complaints
Not sure where the ‘slide through photos while music auto played’ feature went, but I felt that it was cool and different from other apps. The ‘tap through and hold-to-hide UI for each photo, while zero music plays’, feature is annoying. Another annoying aspect is that since they updated it to where no music auto plays on profiles, you still aren’t able to play music from your music app which makes the experience sometimes stale. At least give the option to auto play profile’s music, or allow our own background music to play. Otherwise, cool app
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4 years ago, Sitaraisme
Honestly I like Raya. I love that you only see a few people per day, so it’s not just a numbers game. Have met a couple of hot, interesting, successful guys and dated both for a while. Have connected with other interesting men but haven’t met up due to travel schedules. I like pro athletes and it’s full of them which keeps it fun; and there then are other, unique and classy guys that pop up too. I travel so it’s great seeing high quality guys on there when I head go to a new city. I check it out around 2x a week and still have had great success with infrequent use. :)
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11 months ago, Maxaroni87
Gatekeepy nonsense
This app is so lame. They say the goal of the app is to connect “exciting people”. What they mean is people who have a lot of Instagram followers. Unsurprisingly that means the douche level is high (tech bros etc). I’ve met multiple women on other apps who said they couldn’t stand the guys they were seeing on Raya so go to other apps to find “normal guys.” I’ve been referred by multiple women in the app and still haven’t been granted an account, I assume just because I’m not super active on social media. I’d be very curious to see what kind of people are sitting at a desk somewhere l getting off on deciding who is “exciting” enough…
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2 years ago, BlahBlahMeatball
Please fix update battery burn
Decent service with a so-so/survivable app, but recently I’ve noticed that updating Raya doesn’t complete and burns massive amounts of battery while attempting to do so. I have (reluctantly) allowed location to be set to Always, so I suppose some component of the app is running at the time of the update. But other apps to which I’ve granted “Always” for the location setting update without this issue. I’ve now twice noticed that my phone got hot, Raya was stuck updating (indefinite progress spinner in App Store’s Updates view) and the Settings > Battery screen shows a gigantic amount of battery having been drained by Raya recently.
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1 year ago, BrookeJasmyn
All Hype - Little Delivered
For Raya to be this elevated dating app - they give you access to little more than pretty photos a location and a name on which to base a meaningful connection. They only roll out a few profiles at a time (mostly White) under the guise of forcing you to spend more time on existing connections. Raya lacks cultural diversity. There needs to be a greater set of filters to choose profiles based on more than just location. After 2 months I’m underwhelmed … Raya is hype at best. Like the club you couldn’t get into bc the bouncer was a jerk and now you finally got in and the club is trash truck juice. Take your chances meeting people in real life before you spend money on this trash app
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2 years ago, Clo slo mo
Superficial with invites
I’ve been waitlisted for over a year. Mind you I’m a Celebrity Stylist, have Diplomatic ties, and my ex who is a model is on it. While my good friend was accepted in less than 24 hours, she has like 3k followers and is a regular psych student. The only thing I can think of as to why I haven’t been accepted yet is because of my looks. Which I am beautiful but not the “standard” western or even eastern beauty if you are following. It’s so hard to find people in the same industry as me on the same level, financially and status wise on regular dating apps. I’ve already put her down as my referral and she’s accepted but nothing. And I don’t want people I work with seeing me trying to get in. Anyways yea a bust bla
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2 years ago, AguasCalientes
Dispensable, no added value
I’m in the top 5% of income earners in the U.S. with a creative/entertainment industry background, fit, get compliments in person, and people I know try to set me up… but I have zero social media presence, and no friends who use Raya (they’re in relationships). Apparently, that won’t cut it for Raya, so after being waitlisted for 4 months, I deleted it. I don’t have an ego, but I figure if someone as decent as I am gets waitlisted, that’s true for other people, so for sure I’m missing out some other decent people if I’m holding out for Raya. I have met great people on other apps, and don’t feel like I’m missing anything without Raya in my life. It seems completely dispensable.
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2 years ago, AshBiller
Horrible UI and they don’t respond to help requests
For the amount of money you’re paying the user interface should be amazing. The way all the photos zoom in is horrible but the worst part to me is that people I’ve already passed on keep showing back up in my recommendations and so have people I’ve unmatched with. Don’t even bother putting in a feedback request about any questions or issues because they won’t respond. Also an annoying aspect, to no fault of the app, is that people will match but never reach out, a lot of people are just looking for more IG followers. For such an elite app it’s already seeming like a waste of money.
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6 years ago, StarvinMarvin3.0
Disappointing and lame
Really confusing and not a whole lot of return on investment. Lots of issues with it. — I’ve updated my profile, but a pic I deleted is still there and won’t go away. —I can’t customize my search, so I’m seeing guys who don’t live in my city. —I can’t use location services unless I allow the app to track my location all the time. Then, even when I gave that a go, it didn’t allow me to look at more profiles, rather, it just showed me active users in different areas of the city —how do you actually match with people? If I heart a guy, is there a chance we will match like the other dating apps, or is it just going into the ether? —what exactly am I paying for? I can only see about 20 guys (MAX) a day, and a bunch of them don’t even live in my city. I can’t customize my search by profession, music, height, location, language—anything. If I want to reach out to someone I have to pay extra, and there’s no way to look at photos without going through their cheesy slideshow. Will NOT be renewing my subscription.
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4 years ago, franzmaximilian
Pretty useless
First of all here are eight people that don't even live in the same state. Okay now wait twenty hours before you can see anyone else. Oh, you live in NYC? Here's six people from Nashville, LA and Spain. What do you think? Pretty cool huh? This app is mostly just for people to promote their instagrams at this point. Used to get tons of matches and now nothing, the algorithm is off to say the least. As an experiment I liked my friend's profile to see when I would pop up in her feed, and she has been swiping for months waiting to find me and still hasn't lol. Additionally I screen shot MY OWN PROFILE because I no longer had one of the photos and it flagged me. So sick. Sick app. 🤘🏻
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6 months ago, sdtrojan
Glad I paid money to match with someone in France. This app tries to gain a secret reputation through exclusivity, but it is actually the worst dating app there is. You only match with someone in bizarre far off places of which they all have fake Instagram accounts with 35,000 followers and 20 likes on their posts, you will not find a relationship on this app, guaranteed it’s all a scam with zero engagement. Their people will not respond to you via customer support whatsoever. don’t waste your money here. You will scroll past a few attractive people, but nothing will ever come from the app. It’s all a façade.
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2 years ago, kat_bight
Had a typo in my email and didn’t notice until it was too late to edit🤣. I knew I wouldn’t get accepted since I don’t have any sort of following, but I didn’t think I’d sabotage myself like that😅. If you see this review, please message my insta: kat_bight I’m looking for interesting conversations (especially about space or philosophy) and fun ideas to add to my bucket list! Meme traders welcome to DM as well👌🏻
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3 years ago, DrChugClamato
Very slow support, buggy and got kicked off in error
Really great people but the social interaction is very, very sparse. Interactions are quite rare. Rich when you get the right person. But the interaction design seems a bit imperfect. I did encounter some stressful errors Be careful: if you you change countries or iPhone stores, the app may not let you renew. That happened to me and I was locked out, and had to reapply. In general, if mishaps happen the support is very threadbare and slow.
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3 months ago, Raya Question
I’ve had a number of referrals and still haven’t gotten accepted. I know people who have had zero referrals but have gotten accepted. Just curious if there is anything else I can do as I’d love to see what this app is all about! The referrals I have are also of people who have a great following and are verified on IG, so just wasn’t sure if there was something else I could do?
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9 months ago, Dan Moser
The right app for a specific type of person
This is the app for those who are have high EQ/IQ and looking for someone to connect with. Professionally or dating. However you'll only be accepted if you have both of those plus attractive, popular. So far it's been nothing but conversations with people who have high standards for their lives. Great app!
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4 years ago, :$&$&{*{£~€
Things have changed
Raya when it first debuted used to be a tight knit community. Over the years, they seemed to “Tier” people based on their celeb status. If feels like there’s 3 levels. Normal people, b/c listers, and A listers. I know this first hand as I’ve seen and used my friends raya who’s an “A lister” in some respects. His matches and browsing is wildly different from mine. Bottom line, I don’t think this is fair, or legal. We’re all paying for the same service, but something eerie is going on behind the scenes on who the system works, which might be cause for legal action, and months and months of refunds.
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2 years ago, Btrfan09
Can’t update information while on waitlist for 2 yrs
I applied to try Raya out 2 years ago! Since then I have just been floating in limbo on a waitlist. Unfortunately, like another complaint similar to mine, I can’t remember what I said about me? what pictures I used or anything when I initially signed up! A lot has changed in two years and I would like the option to update my profile. I just deleted the app, it’s very frustrating to not get an opportunity to see for myself it’s worth waiting for to get on and when if I ever do, all my information would be outdated
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7 months ago, Jonathanc0711
Most Ineffective Dating App EVER
I’ve been on Raya for months, and I can say, with confidence, that it is by far the worst dating app I’ve ever used. I appreciate that it tries to be “gender-less” in some ways by showing you people of the same sex, but it drastically reduces your chances of connecting with someone you might be romantically interested in. also, it does a very poor job at actually showing you people that are nearby. considering that the standard membership limits the amount of people you’re showed in a day, this makes it even more difficult to find a good match.
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4 months ago, anonymous_fox
Objectively the worst app for dating lol
Ok this is objectively the worst app for dating (but maybe good for hookups if that’s what you’re looking for), for several reasons: 1) the vast majority of people on here are very good looking, but give off intense narcissism vibes 2) very limited number of profiles to review each day 3) liking someone does not seem to put you in their queue, or perhaps I was just shown tons of inactive profiles and ended up in dead queues. Either way, matches are very few and far in between 4) Like others have said, there’s virtually no engagement post match and no one messages Granted, I’m female and not a model or influencer (which most females seem to be on here) so my results may differ from others’. But for reference, I usually get 10+ likes on Hinge a day and easily go on a date a week from there with decent people. This app was fun for a week but I will not be continuing to pay $50/month.
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1 year ago, Lumen238
The WORST dating app
Can we really called is a dating app??? Never mind that most of the people on the app are just there for clout… it’s almost impossible to match with anyone. Once you do finally match with a handful of people forget ever getting an actual message from them. I’ve use this app for months and have yet to get a date from it. I think people just are on it to say that they got on it, save yourself the trouble and the exorbitant fee that they charge you to be on the app, and just do hinge or better yet walk outside and start conversations with people in real life
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