Relevant Radio & Daily Prayers

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User Reviews for Relevant Radio & Daily Prayers

4.92 out of 5
44.7K Ratings
2 years ago, DDVanO
The “Good News” Alternative to the Relentless Secular “bad news”
So grateful for a media outlet that helps to uplift and educate in TRUTH. If you are tired of the “bad news” that secular media continually pushes, take a break … listen to the Patrick Madrid Show to grow in faith. He is an expert at explaining Catholic teaching in a way that will help you UNDERSTAND and LIVE the Catholic faith in these times. Listen to “Inner Life” for guidance to help strengthen your soul. Then you’ve got Cale Clarke and Father Simon who will expand the Gospel for your mind and soul. The Drew Mariani Show unites us (the body of Christ) throughout the world in prayer with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and then discusses current event topics through a Catholic Christian scope. The Cale Clarke Show and Trending with Timmery continue this theme in the afternoon, discussing how God fits into the lives we live as followers of Christ. Father Rocky leads our Relevant Radio family, of all ages, in the beautiful and powerful prayer of the Rosary. And finally, twice daily, you can listen to the celebration of Holy Mass … the most Sacred thing that happens on the planet! Turn off the “bad news” and be filled with hope listening to the “Good News” on Relevant Radio where your soul will be uplifted in Faith, Hope and Charitable Love.
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7 years ago, IOP, MD
Literally Life Saving!
This radio station has helped me find the peace and happiness I've been looking for. I started listening after my husband had an affair after 30 years of marriage; he ended up leaving me and our 4 children. I was in so much pain that I was suicidal. Listening to the different guests on this station let me know that I wasn't alone, and that everyone will be given a cross to bear. I was taught how a greater good can come from my suffering. I was also taught how to depend completely on God's providence. I was able to open my eyes to see the goodness of the Lord, experienced through the love of people who cared about me. Take that leap of faith; jump in and watch what happens! You can be at peace despite the chaos in this world. I am a physician, so I know how "intellectuals" protest belief in God as a sign of ignorance. They are ignoring the fact that humans need to develop mind, body AND spirit. Also, just explore the literature and research on near death experiences. It will give you a glimpse of the afterlife.
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3 years ago, Pino-P.R.
Reborn with Relevant Radio
I have been a listen since the begging of this great radio station. It’s many thing than just a radio station. It’s a daily teaching to know the Truth. This word is much overused but in this case it’s the teal deal. I’m a cradle Catholic & attended Catholic schools but religion didn’t stick with me. The change happened when this magnificent radio station can on the air. It’s being a real froth for me. It’s relearning in a very simple way “What is Catholicism”. I started to change. Now I’m looking for the opportunity to bring in a conversation our Only True Faith that Jesus established. I have had many occasions to warm up people that were lukewarm to a higher degrees. The return to me has been very fulfilling to walk someone a bit misguided or confused to open their eyes & see what’s really around them. I have been blessed to look for that lost lamb & bring it back to the sheep-pen. God bless Relevant Radio & all the listeners that form a radio family. Amen.
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2 years ago, Math of Khan
My favorite app
I absolutely love the Relevant Radio app! No matter where I am, at home or traveling, I can get excellent Catholic radio. I learn so much about my faith from various show hosts like Patrick Madrid and Cale Clark, plus I learn about current events and about Divine Mercy with Drew Mariani. Relevant Radio got me through COVID with my sanity intact and as a stronger Catholic. Two of my favorite times each day are praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet with Drew and praying the Rosary with Fr. Rocky on the Rosary Across America evening program. It’s wonderful to pray with thousands of others, and to hear about the answered prayers and miracles that are happening. Jesus is alive and well speaking and working through Relevant Radio! Download and use this app. You won’t regret it. You’ll only wish that you’d known about it sooner. I donate to Relevant Radio because I love it and believe in it that much. If you miss a live program, they’re posted shortly after airing, so you can go in the app and listen. If you want to learn prayers, they’re on the app. If you need to find a Mass time near you, it’s on the app. You can download the mysteries of the Rosary and other prayers like the Divine Mercy Chaplet and pray them while working in your house or your garden, while walking, while getting ready for or driving to work. I do all if these and the possibilities are endless. Your life will be blessed by downloading and using this app. God bless you and Relevant Radio.
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2 years ago, Gospa's child- KBD
Happy Wife and Mother !
Family Rosary Across America is AWESOME!! Fr Rocky is a holy priest & gifted teacher for young & old alike. He’s humble, and his love for family and little ones is as clear as the light of day. He always teaches the doctrine, many times in small bite size pieces, and presents the truth of our faith in a thousand different ways, with certainty, love , and a sense of humor! One of the best parts of this daily Rosary across America , is that it’s live , and people send in intentions, or call in from all over the country. We can hear the phone calls & intentions as they come in, and many times these same people call back to thank Our Lord for answered prayers and sometimes even miracles! This is a tremendous faith builder, and powerful witness to the truth: “When all else fails, prayer prevails”. When we pray the Rosary Our Lady “magnifies” our intentions, and always gets us the help we need. Also , I love how he unites and encourages us. As we listen to the needs of others, we can begin to see we’re not the only ones who have trials & tribulations, and Our Lord is truly with us every second of every day. God answers prayers left & right, and as Father reminds us : “everything can change in an instant”. Thank you, ALL of you at Relevant Radio for all the sacrifices you make to bring us this gift every single day!! May Our Lord Jesus continue to bless us all. Kathy Dibrino Avondale, PA.
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5 years ago, OmaFaith
Learned what being Catholic means
Raised a Catholic, I left the Church in my early 20s. After I was married and had children, I made a choice to come back to the Church to have my children receive the sacraments. My husband became a Catholic about the same time. About 10 years after that, I discovered Relevant Radio. Since then I have learned so much and have grown so much stronger in my faith! I realize I never really knew my faith before. I was born Catholic but not until I was an educated adult in the faith, did I choose to be a fully practicing Catholic. I listen to you everyday and pass on the things I learn to my family and friends all the time. I encourage everyone I can to listen to Relevant Radio! I am so grateful that there is a radio station like this that helps us to grow closer to God, teaches the truth in faith, offers encouragement in an often discouraging world, provides news not found in mainstream media, and in giving hope brightens our day. I am grateful, THANK YOU!
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4 years ago, Jojo java
Great great resource for authentic Catholic teaching!
I have always been impressed with the level of quality and doctrine presented in the various radio programs they offer ( Patrick Madrid, Sheila Lagmines, the daily holy rosary, Fr Rocky’s teaching minutes) as well as the authentic continuity of catholic teaching weaving its way all through them. Proof of effectiveness? The number of conversions an uplifting stories I hear every day and the message of hope and faith that they spread , ie, that things will turn out all right for Christ has conquered the world. This is one of the Catholic causes I give my money to, even if it means using my credit card. And my family and I have been blessed many times. Looking for a safe harbor during this pandemic? Tune in any day, any time and you will see what I mean. But don’t take my word for it, experience it for yourself. All that is asked is you keep an open mind and let Christ and His Mother affect your life for the better.
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6 years ago, forpeatssake
Too many adds!
I used to listen and donate to a Christian radio station in Minnesota. It was run totally on donations and NO commercials!!! It is very disturbing the increasing number of commercials Relevant radio now has!!! A very interesting speaker or phone caller is constantly cut off for a long commercial break and the topic is usually not resumed. I have started to return to the Christian radio station I used to donate to just to get away from the commercials! I was enjoying Relevant radio programming more after the merger with Immaculate Heart radio and have been very disappointed especially that Mother Miriam was dropped. I guess the only way listeners have a say is to stop donating, but I have increased my donations because people need to learn more about their Catholic Faith and non Catholics can also benefit. My local station KYES constantly cuts off speakers to go to a local commercial which adds to the commercial dissatisfaction.
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5 years ago, Vic_Sapien
God’s love for us has no limit!
This radio station has helped me to continue to find God’s love in all things as I walk in my days granted to me by His grace. “Little by little I understand it isn’t worth to walk just for the sake of a walk, but it is better to walk for the sake of growing.” (Pokito a Poko - Chamboa). In addition, this radio station allows me to stay connected to the Holy Catholic Church, stay in communion with the saints, in prayer with my brothers & sisters AND continue to be fed spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically (I’m doing chores and such as I listen) while listening to various informative shows. If we pay close attention, I feel the interaction between hosts & guests and then listeners, we can hear who we are and who we are not just in the human interaction. ‘Through Christ, may God continue to bless each one of us who participate in this ministry, Relevant Radio. - Amen’
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5 years ago, RyegateWill
+RR+ most listened to
All I listen to is Catholic media. +Relevant Radio+ is my most listened to on weekdays, and I always use the app (I also use EWTN, Ave Maria, and Virgin Most Powerful apps). I started listening to the former Immaculate Heart Radio, and have kept with +RR+ since the merger. I deeply appreciate the Faithful and enjoyable personalities and the over-all Devotional approach of the programming and sponsorships. Fr. Rocky & staff have imbued a culture of True Catholicism into the whole of +RR+, while ensuring that the individual personalities & charisms of each host characterize each program’s presentation. I love the diversity of the programs, hosts, guests, callers, and topics, as well as the Devotions of Divine Mercy and Rosary, and Memorare for the ending of abortion, prayed on-air. For. Rocky both cracks me up & helps me put on The Mind of Christ with his “I am a priest and I approve of this message” quips. “..... and convenient parking”! Please God, keep “Relevant Radio rolling”!
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6 years ago, Love RR
Where can I get the signal in Virginia?
I used to listen to Immaculate Heart Radio every morning and sometimes throughout the day, while living in Albuquerque, NM. My favorite host was, by far, Patrick Madrid. I wouldn’t always agree with everything he said but I must admit I have learned a lot from him and his wise words. In April of last year I moved to Charlottesville, VA, and I can’t get IHR here, which is really unfortunate. My new job is very demanding (I work at a hospital) and I don’t have the time to listen to the podcasts. I leave my house around 7:30 am and I don’t get back until around 5:45 pm. I wish I could get a signal here, even if it was just to listen while I drive to work and then back home. I also liked the Drew Mariano show a lot. May The Lord bless you abundantly for all the good you do and the peace you bring to many hearts that so need it!
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7 years ago, Busia D
Great app!
This app is wonderful! I love being connected to my Catholic faith, but before the app I could not always get a good radio signal and would lose the programming . Relevant Radio offers a Catholic perspective in a world that seems to have lost it's bearing. The programs cover a variety of topics: current events, science, medicine, education, (just to name a few) and of course Catholic faith. The hosts treat everyone with dignity and respect, even when they disagree with the point a caller or show guest is making (so refreshing!) The Chaplet of Devine Mercy is said at 3PM (central time) giving listeners an opportunity to pray for personal needs as well as the needs of others. The app is more than the radio program, it also contains prayers, audio rosary (every mystery has 3 version choices), daily readings, show pod casts, catholic news, etc. This app is definitely my favorite!
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6 years ago, Raymonda Dagher
Can a radio station change a life?
Yes! My life has improved since I started listening at first to immaculate heart radio and stayed through the merger and love it even more. I am sad that it took me most of my young life not having the right answers ready at hand for most of my friends were Muslim and they wanted to know more about my faith. I am a cradle catholic born and raised in Lebanon, immigrant to the USA since I was 16. Because of this radio station I am much more prepared to give a reason for my faith and the hope within me but most of all it literally changed my life. My husband and I had our marriage blessed in the Catholic Church and I am a daily communicant and my radio app is always on at home and the station in my car while driving around since I am a realtor. Thank you for putting so many lives on the right path.
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5 years ago, cruzita56
I look forward every day to listen to the programs on Relevant Radio. Patrick Madrid is my favorite along with others. As a convert to the Catholic Church for 40 years from the Baptist Church I’ve realized how much more I needed to learn about my beautiful faith. I used to listen to Christian radio stations in Miami because there was no Catholic radio stations broadcasted there. I live in Port St Lucie, FL now and I’m elated that I can listen to you live everyday and/or select recorded podcasts to listen to at my convenience. It’s so refreshing to hear about your own Catholic Church on the radio. I thank God every day for Relevant Radio and I pray for the staff there and for all the people that help the program by donating to it. I’m on a recurring donation to help keep it on the air. God bless and keep you on the air until our Lord’s return! 🙏🏼
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6 years ago, Jesush91
Fantastic app for catholics!
Sometimes radio signal isn’t the best, so this allows me to listen to relevant radio without any static whatsoever! Win! Also, the app has a mass locator built in to find the nearest church with mass or confession on any given day in case you want/need to go! I also love reading the mass readings of the day on the app as well as praying the rosary daily along with the audio recordings. In any case that i want access to a certain prayer i can access that too! Also, any show that airs during the day or time i wanted to hear on the radio, but couldn’t get to due to being busy is pre recorded for me to access later! Seriously too many good things and more than I could ask for all in one app! As a Catholic trying to learn more about his faith, im more than grateful for this free app!!
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2 years ago, catholicnana
Relevant Radio
Hi my Relevant Radio new ‘family’! The name is so Spirir- filled. You are relevant to our daily lives-the every day of our journey to heaven and you are an immense help in getting us all there. I look forward to the Chaplet daily and it is so RELEVANT because we pray for personal intentions-we can all relate. The family rosary , the beyond brilliant and ever so calm and patient Patrick Madrid, the Godly man Drew Mariani and everyone - everyone who hosts the show and your staff who make it happen. You have enlightened me , educated me and more importantly- inspired me to be a better person for ALMIGHTY GOD . This 72 year old cradle catholic who has always loved and cherished her catholic faith, has helped me to be a better one! I have encouraged my adult kids and grandkids to tune in! Thank you, Mary Ann Stypa- VOSS. Alabama
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5 years ago, MMA mommy
It’s like the air I breathe.... I need Relevant Radio everyday
Ever since I started listening to Relevant Radio over five years ago it’s like the air I breathe. I need it everyday. I started listening to relevant radio when I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I had just separated from my husband, now ex husband at the time and starting the beginning stages of a divorce. It was the most difficult time after being betrayed and going through and very acrimonious divorce. Relevant Radio truly truly helped me through it. It’s locked on my radio dial and it’s on from the time I wake up til I go to bed. I use it to say my daily rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, preparation for confession etc. Even my young son listens to it and through God’s grace, he is learning his faith. Thank you for this amazing app Relevant Radio.
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2 years ago, A Grateful Sinner
Never a Dull Moment
In the midst of all the foreboding news on the airwaves, there is an oasis for those who seek spiritual peace. Relevant Radio offers a cup of solace for the weary traveler. My own favorite is Fr. Simon (“Father Simon Says”). He is knowledgeable in ancient linguistics, and has a knack for bringing the twists and turns of Biblical linguistics into straight, understandable language; often with startling insights. All programs are “on demand” so you can fit them into your schedule. And for those like me who have trouble focusing on prayer, it’s helpful to play the Rosary while I’m doing chores, my way of weaving it into my routine. There are also plentiful discussions on the heavy matters that impinge on our peace these days. It’s a blessing to hear a wholesome Catholic perspective. Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam—For the Greater Glory of God. Amen.
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6 years ago, relevant bound
Wonderful app
My mother became ill and she was dying. Knowing that her faith was so strong, I made a promise to her. I had fallen away from the church for many years. I have had abortions and was divorced. She had offered to pay for an annulment but I refused. Something happened to me maybe 5 years ago when I started to feel guilty about the abortions and I wanted to find forgiveness. I went online and did some internet searches. Everything that I read was a wake up call for me. On the day before she passed, I promised her I would seek forgiveness and get back to the church. On the way home I accidentally found relevant radio and there was a re-broadcast of a show about abortion. I was so touched . It confirmed my promise to my mom. She passed the next day after suffering for days.
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6 years ago, Ibby Cain
Such a treasure!
Relevant Radio has outstanding hosts and programs which challenge Christians and deepen them spiritually and intellectually. I sometimes want to pinch myself when I realize that I am hearing such profound teachings though EWTN and Relevant Radio! My life was far less than it is today because of being fed from the Catholic Bible teachings. It has given me hope and increased my awareness of virtues and the fruits of the Spirit. I hardly knew the 10 commandments before. I only wish I had discovered Relevant Radio many years ago, but I am thankful every day to God for allowing me to know about it now. I cannot recommend it highly enough for all Christians who yearn for the Truth. Thank you, Relevant Radio, and wonderful show hosts! May God bless you even more than you bless us listeners!
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4 years ago, Basil the Great(in training)
Where’s Joe Sikorra? Yo
The app is cleverly made, I noticed that it requires your full time and attention, I am a multitasker & I’ll just say in a way this app teaches me to focus on one thing at a time as much as I disliked doing that. I started listening ooh roughly around 2013 when it was Immaculate Heart Radio, when I was debating whether I should become Catholic, I miss the old hosts like Joe Sikorra who could talk about difficult subjects and make it fun; hey what happened to him anyway? I miss Mother Miriam she was so unbelievably loving imo, I loved when she first introduced herself, she put a grin on me in my most difficult time. She went too soon; & What happened to the Divine Mercy hymn that epic lady sang at 3 O’clock just before Catholic Answers Live?-Well I guess that’s the cost of taking on the name Relevant.
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3 years ago, LPantig
Beautiful prayers and Messages from God
I’ve been looking for works of our Lord, Jesus Christ and this is the perfect radio station or network that holds all the messages that I’ve been looking for. I’ve left the Catholic Church almost a decade ago, but have continued my daily prayers and bible reading. After many years of tension between my family and finally forgiving all that was said and making things work, I have been wanting to come back. I want to have Jesus back in my life. Small intercessions from the Lord kept popping up, I knew He was calling me and this time I was listening. These shows have given me knew meaning and wherever I have my phone, I can listen. Thank you for spreading His Word.
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11 months ago, NAMI Family To Family
Rosary in 17 Minutes
A friend knew that there was an extra rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet on the Relevant Radio application, in addition to Fr. Rocky’s Family Rosary Across America. Praise God for Fr. Rocky, who along with Fr. John Paul Erickson from Transfiguration in Oakdale, MN, carried the weight of the church and all of the people’s prayer requests on his shoulders since 2020! Fr. Rocky continues with Family Rosary Across America each night at 7:00 p.m. cst, even long after the world got sick and shut down! I love that there are other prayers on the Relevant Radio application,too, including Angelus & Memorare, so that the laity can continue to infuse holiness into their lives in whatever crevices of time that they can squeeze into tight schedules! God bless Fr. Rocky, staff & volunteers for their hard work!
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7 years ago, RockerLol
My Constant Companion
I used to listen to Relevant Radio whenever I was in my car - to and from work, running errands, traveling anywhere and everywhere - but I was only able to listen to the program that was being aired. If I missed even part of a program (because I was dropping off or picking up my grandchildren) I was so disappointed. When I retired, I purchased an AM/FM radio and moved it around my home as I went from room to room cleaning - but the reception was so poor. I felt always adjusting the station setting dial and missing so much. For my birthday my children purchased a cell phone for me and put me on a family plan. They asked me what features I wanted on my phone - so I asked them to download the Relevant Radio App that I heard so much about! Now Relevant Radio goes EVERYWHERE with me - even in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, I can say the rosary; when I'm cooking, I listen to Conversation with God; I say the Chaplet of Mercy several times a day. There is no project to small or too big that doesn't bring me closer to God with the Relevant Radio App. God bless Relevant Radio and every person who is part of the family.
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2 years ago, wifedoingexpenses
Relevant Radio/God’s favorite station
I listen to Relevant Radio everyday! The shows are ALL so informing and relate to our everyday lives. I am informed on the current events in the world at the same time I am being educated in our Catholic Faith like I never was before. Cradle Catholic went to Catholic schools as a child and always believed but never knew why… I feel like a new person being introduced to our faith and it is beautiful and now everything makes sense to me. Wish it didn’t have to take this long to know how truly blessed we are but so glad to be able to share it to anyone who wants to know. Thank you Relevant Radio and everyone who started this beautiful work of God!!!!
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1 year ago, Caveizal
True magisterium
I used to listen all the time, I thought it was wonderful! But I feel right now that the station is too worried about being taxed exempt instead of telling Catholics how it really should be. The true magisterium of the church is what’s important, we must be faithful to it, we cannot bent the rules, as to not hurt feelings or include! and we the people must be told the truth by the priests and the hierarchy! We are just conforming like all the other religions and maybe even doing less to let people known what is really happening around the world! I miss this radio station but it seems like you are too worried about your tax exempt status and losing it or the station altogether ! Maybe worried the evil that has penetrated the Vatican will cancel you ! I do love it for the rosary, the divine mercy and the prayer part
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2 years ago, Bill T. of Lemont, Illinois
Father Simon’s program
The most fun and informative Catechism class ever. Father Simon explains the beauty of the Faith along with our Jewish roots. -As a public high school teacher I drive an hour to work - I listen and re-play each podcast episode over and over, laughing, crying and soaking in the richness of our Roman Catholic Faith. -As a lifelong Catholic, daily communicant and I spend an hour and a half in front of the tabernacle at my Parish church every day after work - I have been thoroughly enthralled and reinvigorated by Father Simon’s message of hope and love of Jesus Christ. -When the angel met with the 3 children of Fatima; 1 year before the Blessed Mother Mary’s intersession with them - the angel taught the children how to pray. ‘Pray on your knees and profess, I believe in you Lord Jesus, I adore you, I hope in you and I love you, and I ask your pardon for those who do not believe in you and do not adore you and do not hope in you and do not love you.’ Powerful - wonderful example of how to start our prayers at home in our prayer rooms. -Father Simon has inspired me to passionately pursue the Truth and Beauty of our Faith.
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6 years ago, eupvxh
Excessive and ever increasing # of commercials Everything from investment, insurance.............................................even the shady pillow guy who never happens to mention the Cost All the while irrelevant radio which was Great and addictive for a WondererCatholic Trying to return to the Church now coming across very greedy with Drew Mariani and Patrick Madrid.... getting in on the commercial scene adding significantly to their and their families ability to travel the world, life the high life Then shamelessly pleading for $ from the public to “ make ends meet” ‘Thanks for the 2.3 million’ we need to stay on the air Then right back to as many if not more commercials than any other station continuing the embarrassing claim that to be “listener supported”radio Causing many of us out here to be hanging on for dear life And constantly now switching over to WFIL which is so much more serious about the faith and not trying to be a general talk show No big shock irrelevant radio in only about 11 states Most all call ins very noticeably from the Wisconsin or Chicago Sad really Vs. What Mother Angelica was able to do with EWTN tv A Serious Catholic Station Without the constant pledge drives including continual pledge of your future generations of family THATS GREED AT ITS MOST OBVIOUS Much more could say but nausea setting in with the disappointment
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6 years ago, cja256
Thank you
I’ve been listening through the app mostly and I have gained so much from listening to “In Conversations with God “ I have the books but having it here makes it readily available no matter where I am. Also listen to Patrick in the car on my way to and from daily mass. I don’t always agree with him but I am impressed with how he handles the callers in a respectful manner. My children aren’t practicing Catholics anymore and I suggested his books and show to a daughter who thinks she might be ready to come back to the church. Praise God!! Keep up the great work. I’m a sustaining member but at a small amount, wish I could do more. I pray for the success of Revelant Radio. Keep up the good work!!!Thank you, Connie Aagard Mesa AZ
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5 years ago, Sunshine and me
A Gift.
My cousin/friend told me about Relevant Radio. I would never have know this venue existed. Thank you Cathy for the gift. In my day (LoL) the teachings in our Catholic schools in CA was punitive. I never was told Jesus loves me until attending a silent retreat at the Jesuit Center in Louisiana. I never left the church but now FEEL & participate Soulfully. I consider myself a Born Again Catholic. Relevant Radio provides current honest issues our church is facing. No hiding the truth. Real life questions/conversations are addressed without judgement, reminding us that God loves us. Many options are available to listeners of Relevant. I could have had a V-8. Thank you for keeping us current to the teachings of our Church as well as sharing today’s issues we all encounter.
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4 years ago, 11-13-30 and blessed
Increasing my faith
Thank you to relevant radio for teaching me to teach my kids and others because I am reinforcing what I know and yet learning more about my faith. I’m able to pass onto my kids, husband and others and it leads me to wanting to know more about my faith because of the beautiful love of God is present in our Catholic faith I love how it is not pushy and so respectful to everyone who calls in with questions of all faiths I live my app and I love that I can pray a rosary daily with the audio and follow the mysteries 🙏😊❤️👍God out relevant radio in my path to feel inspired and the burning yearn to want to hear the word 24/7 no excuse it’s on my phone, car radio and laptop
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7 years ago, Moonylovesmoney
Simply the best!
This radio station has been an answer to my prayers! food for my starving faith,education, inspiration --everything good pure & beautiful! the quality of the content, the radio hosts with their wonderful personalities, everything ---even the way they do their pledge drives without interrupting the programming --they get their message and the need across. I've donated in the past but because of financial troubles I can no longer do so. however, I have bumper sticker on my car, flyers in my hand, and their name on my lips, ready to tell everyone and anyone about them and I do have them in my prayers and I thank God for sending us this wonderful gift, simply the best! I recommend it with all my heart! 💜
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5 years ago, Relevant Radio Listener
Best of the best guaranteed!!!!
Relevant Radio is the BEST station in the world and it can give you all you need to know in one place. Listen on the app or radio station(s) for great talk and great questions and answers. Every soul on earth should listen to Relevant Radio for at least 2 weeks to 30 days to get the real story of being a Catholic. Then people (Catholic or not) will be able to better understand the reason for being Catholic, others will either come back or join a Catholic Church. Even if they don’t join, at least they know what they are against and not listening to wrong information about it. Everyone can call in and ask questions about anything Catholic!
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2 years ago, EnormousMe
Precious time
Im been listening to Relevant radio for a while now, which I found unintentionally while driving my niece borrowed car. I remember that day so clearly because even that I was going to rough patch -nothing big-; through the day it give me such a sense of peace and clarity in unexplainable ways that everything its was going to be ok. That our Lord was/is walking with me at all times. I just must have Faith, pray, believe, to be patient, to listen. To be a child of God. Ok. Anyway, since then and till today I listen Relevant radio through the app on my phone, also in my car. RR it is “the coffee” that keeps me going. :) God bless you all. 🙏❤️
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6 years ago, Towy99
I believe that Drew Mariani is a very intellectual and educated man. I don’t believe that he has the right to judge a person for their political beliefs. Nothing is just black and white, I am pro life, but I’m not going to vote for a president who also believes in war, guns( guns kill as as abortions do too, a life is a life), racism and downgrades certain genders, to build walls instead of working on better immigration laws. That most criminals or drugs come through the ports of entry, not through the river. I don’t believe God will spare me going to hell if I’m only saving certain lives or people, but to save as many people as possible. To bring as many people to him. I believe God wants me To be loving, forgiven, to be kind to ALL human kind. Drew needs to put himself in peoples shoes before he throws wilt trips to vote for a politicians just for being pro life.
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6 years ago, SB in Austin, TX
Awesome Catholic programming!
From Daybreak with Paul in early morning to evening a Family Rosary!! People in all spiritual growth and use every program! The Divine Mercy Chaplet w/Drew is beautiful as never know who will call in with need for prayers. While my heart breaks with folks needs at times desperate, faith grows as peace in knowing thousands & perhaps millions are praying as one body of Christ! I’ve gained knowledge in bible study with Fr. Richard Simon, & Listening to Monsignor Stewart Sweatland answering various scripture questions! I’ve grown to love ever more the Liturgy of the Hours in learning what it means and why it is prayed in song in various time of the year. God bless each person who is responsible for Relevant Radio to air each day— truly a life changing experience!
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7 years ago, Gibbber
One stop App
I spend hours daily on this app. I listen to the podcasts when I'm in bed. I use it for novenas and daily prayers. Daily Mass readings are easily accessible and a Conversations with God, a devotional that pairs with the Mass readings is fantastic. This app has it all. It has news programs, Q&A with priests, Mass, light-hearted interviews as well as more serious ones with experts in the field. It really has something for everyone. My 13 year old daughter uses it daily too. I just love it. Oh, and the podcasts and audio prayers will play in the background while you have other apps active (like when I'm surfing the web looking stuff up). God Bless and thank you to all at Relevant Radio!
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1 year ago, Truth ❤️
I want to be a saint
Thanks to Relevant radio, I now understand what I was created for. I have found true friends on these shows. I am certain my life would have been much better if I had been among other Catholics in my younger years, through this show I feel I'm among good friends. Tuning in gives me the strength to survive in this upside down world , where we are constantly being told right is wrong and wrong is right. I feel blessed when I listen to this station, it provides so much knowledge and strengthens me. Something I learned is " I want to be a saint, what else is there?". I LOVE this station❤️. Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏
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4 years ago, gratefulmother
Life Changing
I started listening to Relevant Radio 10 years ago when it was referred to me by a co parishioner. I was the time when my marriage and family is on the rock and I was inconsolable. Everyday is a struggle to go on. Relevant radio made me closer to God, and my faith just keeps on growing everyday. My children and I were excited getting up when we get ready for school making sure not to miss ‘Glen Story Corner”. We have alarms at 3pm for Divine Mercy prayer with Drew. Where everyone stops to pray. We made it a tradition. And with all the prayers from Relevant radio spiritual family our family is together. God bless you all for making our place a better world. We love you all.
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5 years ago, Motormouthljj
Best Radio Station out there
I downloaded the Relevant Radio app and will probably go deaf someday because I am constantly listening to Relevant Radio on my iPhone. I really have only good to say about this radio station. So I’m going to be the person that encourages everyone to download the Relevant Radio app and start listening to this most amazing station. When I am burdened by our liberal newspapers and media and how Black is now white and white is black, I only need to turn on this radio station and know that I am living this life the way Jesus taught us to live. Thank you relevant radio and all of you have made this possible. I do not know what I would do without you all!!
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5 years ago, Maria Loudes
God’s Work
Our Lord finds ways of communicating to us in so many ways; through random people we meet, a timely message on a billboard, etc., To the many of us whose life has been changed by this amazing station, it most probably happened by “accidentally” finding the radio dial as you were desperately searching for something to listen to that would silence the pain in your thoughts. The thing is, I’m not one to believe in accidents - I KNOW this is just another way my GOD uses to remind us of this great love for us and to let us know that we are never alone. GOD bless Patrick Madrid and all of Christ’s soldiers who constantly educate us and guide us through God’s word. AMEN.
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5 years ago, Name Not Avilable
So grateful for the Relevant Radip App!
I love listening to Relevant Radio. I learn things that help me in my day to day life everyday. I learned so much about the truths of our faith and I am very grateful to be able to pray with the Relevant Radio family. Unfortunately the signal for the affiliate station in my area is not very clear in my part of town- so I am so happy I can tune in on the app. I also love that I can use the prayer tab to help keep me focused on praying my devotions. Relevant Radio is a great tool in our Lord’s “toolbox” and a great source of encouragement. Having Relevant Rado to accompany me on my pilgrims journey has brought a great gift of peace to my life. I am so grateful for the gift of Relevant Radio!
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6 years ago, ca 91789
Best App
Thank you for your wonderful app. It is very easy to use and helps us with our Catholic faith every day! It is used to pray along with the audio prayers, including the daily rosary, the chaplet, and stations of the cross - to name a few. We never have to miss our favorite radio programs, because we can go to the Podcasts and select our favorites, including: The Drew Mariani Show, Saint Joseph‘s workshop with Father Matthew Spencer, and In conversation with God. It is so convenient to listen on the iPhone earbuds, while walking, exercising, or even doing house cleaning chores. We are grateful to God for the Relevant Radio app as well as these outstanding radio hosts. We are better informed Catholics.
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5 years ago, one hail mary at a time
I couldn’t live without RR! I was away from the church for years. I had never truly known or felt my faith and was looking around to fill the void. I started attending monthly healing masses which started my journey back. As I was being led back to the Catholic Church I discovered RR and it seemed to answer so many questions right when I needed to know! The Holy Spirit was truly at work! I’ve relearned things I had forgotten and learned things I had never known. Most importantly I learned that I am loved and I felt this love for the first time in my life. Thank you RR as I continue to grow in my faith. I use the RR app all the time! God bless everyone in this ministry. Our God is an awesome God!
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6 years ago, UsBlessed
I found immaculate heart radio on the web while searching to increase my knowledge of my catholic faith. I needed something different to listen to while driving and have gained an immense amount of knowledge listening to the hosts: Patrick Madrid, Joe Sikorra, Mother Miriam and the Sunday morning mass sermons. Listening now everyday to relevant radio is truly a blessing and I am thankful. I have introduced many family and friends and will continue to support relevant radio financially. On their behalf, we would like to say a great big thank you! May God continue to bless each and everyone of you that make this relevant radio a place of peace and knowledge to feed our souls.
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6 years ago, Utah Sailor
Saved Me
Three years ago I filed for a divorce from my wife, I was deeply depressed and trying to find my way back on the “narrow road,” when a God moment happen. I found Relevant Radio. Not only has the radio station and app helped me daily, it saved me. That is, I attend Mass daily now, have learned so much more about the scriptures, but now I am closer to God. I have petitioned my Diocese for an annulment, and realized remaining in a state of celibacy is not difficult. I know God will bring me to the right lady and I’ll once again enjoy companionship with her. I listen daily to the Rosary and Chaplet, as well as the programs. I have never felt this kind of peace before. Thank you, Todd Roe Roy, UT
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7 months ago, Faithful Chicago Listener
Fabulous Radio Station and APP!
I have so many favorite programs on Relevant Radio! I enjoy listening to the Mass at noon (950 AM in Chicago) and repeated in the evening. Father Looney is a great homilist and writer. When he is on, I am riveted and won’t get out of my car until the Mass is over. I also enjoy praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet with Drew Mariani at noon and the Rosary with Father Rocky in the evening. It is a great way to pray together with others in our great nation. I have learned so much about the scripture with Cale Clarke, especially, and also Fr. Simon. To learn and know our faith Patrick Madrid is very knowledgeable. He is measured and patient with listeners and naysayers alike. Get this APP!!
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6 months ago, Ex-Monster User
Please fix playback issues
I LOVE Relevant Radio! I listen throughout the day to live programming or a podcast. Ever since you launched the new app, the podcasts quit when my phone is automatically locked. This continues to happen even though I’ve installed the most recent updates. After 5 unsuccessful attempts to listen to one of Patrick’s playbacks this evening, I had to give up! Overall, I preferred the layout of the previous Relevant Radio app. I found it much easier to navigate, and even to find everything from the Home Screen. I hate to leave a less than stellar review but we need you to know about this playback issue. May God bless everyone who works at Relevant Radio!
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6 years ago, Rychwalski
Thought provoking
I absolutely love listening to Relevant Radio. Many of the topics are very thought-provoking. They give you lots of information to grow and improve your life along with helpful parenting tips. Many years ago relevant radio was the way that I got through the long days with raising young children. Dr. Ray helped me to keep my sanity. There’s no better radio station on the air that brings you practical advice, heartwarming stories, and advice on how to improve your spiritual life your physical life your mental and emotional life and grow closer to God . I don’t know what I would do without relevant radio. There is no other radio station like it!
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6 years ago, Amy Texan in AZ
The Truth can be found HERE!
I started listening to Relevant Radio about a year ago. I was Baptized Catholic but raised Southern Baptist. I was tuning through different radio stations one day while driving to work feeling just soo depressed. I heard this Priest talking and just the way he sounded made me want to listen to him more. Well, thank you Father Spencer for being so real in tell people about the love of Jesus Christ! I am now enrolled in RCIA classes and have become obsessed with listening to Joe Skirorra, Father Simon, the late Bishop Sheen, and everyone of the fabulous talk hosts there are! I love you all very much and so glad you guys are in the air! PS When is Joe S going to be back on?!?!
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