Rocket League Sideswipe

4.3 (91.1K)
1287.1 MB
Age rating
Current version
Psyonix LLC
Last update
2 years ago
Version OS
12.0 or later
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User Reviews for Rocket League Sideswipe

4.33 out of 5
91.1K Ratings
2 years ago, Zheazyy
Great game, but would like to see some updates
Great game, but there are a few things I would like to see in the future. The first being the ability to customize an orange and a blue team car. It’s hard to make a load out I like because the skin, wheels, boost, and goal explosion can only match for one team. Secondly, I’ve noticed you can’t scrap multiples of original cars. You can scrap the color variations, but I literally have 2 plain octanes, 2 plain aftershocks, and 2 plain takumis that are just taking up space. Also I would love to be able to change the order of my customized cars. I have over 10 cars, and I have to scroll all the way to the end to get to my most recent cars, and again, I can’t scrap the multiple plain cars I don’t want. Lastly, I dislike that instead of being able to play the extra modes when I want they’re seasonal. You can’t give us a taste and then take it away completely, with no announcements of bringing it back. Cuz let’s be honest. 3v3s can never replace hoops or volleyball. They should all be available year round. Bonus: I was able to figure out how to make the color of the car black. Shortly after that it was taken away as well, and all my black cars were then red. Really wish I could use white and black in my car as I please. I can understand why black/white aren’t available for a primary color, but I’m not sure why those colors are not available for a secondary at least. But overall a great game and I will definitely continue playing👍🏾
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1 year ago, Migueldaw
Great game but some bugs
I play the game literally everyday, it’s an awesome game, simple yet hard, with practice anyone could become really good, but there are just some problems I’ve encountered, after the new update to the rocket pass it’s much harder to obtain items and boring to level up since there’s nothing new, at level 130 the creates given by leveling up glitched and didn’t let me open any until level 150 which took a while but then I was able to open 20 boxes all at once, but it created another issue, the badge border that I was trying to prestige glitched and took me back to Gold I was at Onyx XI and now back at Gold I and it won’t go up, kinda lame. A lot of items that I’m missing are only in the leveling up crates, I have all the items on the token crates and daily mystery item, now it’s much harder to obtain colored items or items I’m missing to complete the sets. Awesome game, just wish they would fix these bugs and make it more accessible to obtain items by playing the game, new items would be awesome, maybe tournaments by ranks, trade items with other players, they should make the tokens accesible to buy with real money so at least they get revenue to keep updating and making the game better. I will still play the game but it’s slowly losing popularity because new seasons just don’t bring any excitement to the game, just give you a title for the rank you reached and maybe a banner but that’s it, should bring new items PLEASE!
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2 years ago, Apipus
Great game but touch player issues
Sideswipe is a great 2D implementation of Rocket League, but there are some big flaws with the current implementation of touch control! 1: It is practically impossible to do flip reset chains with only thumbs because your right thumb must can only be in so many places at once. I’m required to use three fingers to play, which is very uncomfortable. A good solution may be allowing you to decide which side of the screen acts as a half flip button. That way, the right thumb isn’t stuck with so many controls. 2: The iPhone screen edges interfere with gameplay. It’s really easy to swipe down the notification panel given that I have to use my index finger in addition to my thumbs to play. There’s also the issue of the accidental swiping out of the game from the bottom, which I hope could be fixed with some kind of lock mechanism. Side note: The lag can be really bad sometimes and cause the car and/or ball to appear like it’s teleporting around the field. There should be a flag where if there is significant packet loss, the game is paused briefly with a countdown to resume or a goal is not counted. I typically play on incredibly strong wifi with ~13ms ping and over 1gb/s speeds, so to be having severe connection issues frequently in the first place is pretty shocking. Please improve servers!
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3 years ago, deltaDisneyfreak
Feels familiar, yet it’s refreshing and unique.
I’ve always loved Rocket League ever since my younger brother first showed it to me. But as the years passed after playing it so much, the community has sadly grown more toxic, the items and cosmetics system became too much of a cash cow and didn’t make the game fun anymore. Regardless I still play a match or two or twenty once in a while either with friends or just against bots. When I first heard the official news about a mobile version of Rocket League will be releasing I thought, “Oh great, just another mobile game as an excuse to have micro transactions and take more money from people.” At the same time the idea of being able to play Rocket League whenever I wanted excited me. I almost never play mobile games anymore, but after downloading this I became hooked almost immediately. The controls definitely take some getting used to so tutorials and free play training are recommended, as well as some matches against bots while raising the difficulty levels once you start getting the hang of it. I’ve only had this game for a few days and I’m already in silver rankings on 2v2’s and a tier level that I never thought I would reach in such short a time. I’m so glad that I’m this excited about Rocket League again and I can’t wait to play more!
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2 years ago, lojitiv
Good! With some downsides…
So sometimes when I am just playing rocket league i get like these weird spasms and I have one of them recorded. If you would like to see this recording psyonix, then just respond to this and tell me that you do. I feel like this game is really good but I have some ideas for it. I think you should be able to go into a free play with your friends and just mess around becuase the other day, we were both thinking that it could be really fun. Another thing, I think that instead of getting xp when you do season rewards, maybe half of those should give you cars, hats, boosts ect. I also feel like you should be able to demolish people (demo) like in the actual rocket league game. Though when you get demo’d after one second you spawn in your goal. Last but no least, i think there should be different maps by this I mean like that the layout of the mao is the same it is just that the background looks different sometimes. There should also be maps that have weird aspects to them for fun. These should be unranked becuase the map could mess people up sometimes. Thanks for your time Psyonix! -Juan Edit: I was about to go to champion, and I expected my opponent to be a champ or a diamond like me, but no, I go against a grand champion and I could not win he was also being extremely toxic for no reason. His name was Vydals V2 please do something to fix this
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2 weeks ago, AFG929
Good Game Absolutely Ruined
Great game, fun to play, minor issues in the game itself but overall well done. The ruin of this game is if you are playing like a normal touch mobile game, you will hit a ceiling. This is because people use controllers to play a mobile game. At a certain point, no matter what you do you cannot keep up with controller players, the mechanics are way faster and easier to do. If you’re good you can beat them here and there, but the margin for error is so small because you make one mistake and they can easily change position and do everything you can faster and easier. The worst is that you can tell most controller people aren’t that good, their decision making isn’t amazing, and they are normal players you should be able to compete with, but with a controller it’s like they are playing a different game. Situations that are impossible to come back from as a touch screen player are possible for controller players. Baffles me that people don’t just stick to regular rocket league with a controller, but no we have to deal with people who can’t treat a mobile game like a mobile game. Once you get to the point where you’re only playing against controller players, you have to be absolutely perfect, and the game loses its taste. I loved this game, but not being able to separate controller vs touch screen players ruins the competitive aspect of it.
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1 year ago, RedDevil330
Save your time. Save your money. Save your sanity.
After spending an abundant amount of time with this game, I can honestly say it is absolutely horrible. Matchmaking is slow and problematic. Ive experienced numerous times when the app just stops looking for a match after repeatedly pressing “play.” Ive also experienced numerous times where the app starts a game and then suddenly ends as if the match finished on its own. Once matched, you are generally paired with a teammate who only scores goals against you or someone who has no idea what they are doing. There are also times when you can tell your partner has left the match and their car runs on a bot-controlled autopilot. During matches, you’ll frequently experience extreme lag. You’ll line up a shot just for the game to glitch and see the ball already in your goal or on the opposite side of the screen giving the opposing team complete advantage over you. If I had to guess, I would say there is a high chance this game is pay to win. With all these issues compiled, you should be allowed to leave the match without penalty, but unfortunately this isnt an option. Completely aggravating, frustrating, and not worth your time. The ranking system is also aggravating. After playing 30 matches in a row and losing every one of them due to every issue mentioned above, I decided to write this review expressing my displeasure with the app. Save your time. Save your money.
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3 years ago, Sebi56765
Game is super fun but some concerns
This is one of my all time favorite mobile games, it’s free it has a lot of content and it’s enjoyable. However I have a few problems with it. Firstly and most importantly is that it kills battery. I play this game exclusively while charging my phone, otherwise I’d give it 20 minutes before it dies. If I play this game for more than 10 minutes my phone starts to heat up. I have a relatively new XR so I wouldn’t expect this, and I’m concerned it’s damaging my battery. Playing this game while charges will make the battery stay at around the same percent as long as I play it, my battery doesn’t recharge while playing. I love that the game is controller compatible, but I have times where the game will think I’m holding down a button and I won’t be touching it. I will use my boost, and after I let go I will keep boosting until I push the button again. I know this is not a controller problem as I use this controller with everything and never have problems with any other games. Additionally, the game does not let you menu with controller, which is a small quality of life change id love to see. This game is super fun and I would definitely recommend it, but overheating is a serious concern and I would love to see the controller issues fixed.
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3 years ago, ꇙ꒒꒤ꇙꁝꌦ꓄ꏂꋬ🌌🖤
Great game, just a few things.
So I play this game everyday, and more and more I play it the more I find a few dislike-able things about it. First thing, the lag. It gets a bit out of control to the point where I’d have to close out the game and get back in it. (Mind you I live in a place with decent internet.) the second thing about this game that made my 5 star go to 3, is the matchmaking ban. If you go inactive to many times they’ll start banning you for a long time, which I feel is going to extreme. I could be playing the game and have to go somewhere, or clean up, so I leave and when I come back I see I’m banned for 20 minutes. I feel that there should be a option if I wanna leave the game or not, and it automatically puts someone else in your spot if you do leave. I don’t know, the matchmaking ban just seems so unnecessary and extreme, I mean your stopping players from playing your game because they went inactive. Especially if I’m in a game with a teammate I don’t click with and wanna leave, but they don’t wanna forfeit I get match making banned for leaving. I feel that it’s dumb. If the devs do see this review I hope you can shorten the time or get rid of it all together? This game is fun but it’s not that important to me that I’d wait 20 minutes+ to play it.
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2 years ago, wefgekxjsnsu
lots of changes needed
this game is fun but i have a lot of complaints with it. there is no reason that we should have to wait 26 days for a new black market item in the shop on a MOBILE GAME. the shop updates need to be more frequent and have better items. also, the rocket pass needs some changes as well the pro presents need to be buffed. i have literally gotten uncommons out of a pro present so many times it’s ridiculous. also once you’re past level 50 it is very hard to get sp. your only options are to get money from the bronze presents for winning 10 games or weekly challenges. pro presents should garuntee at LEAST a rare or maybe higher and should include at least 500 sp or even more. you need 5000 xp for every pro present you get. say you get around 250 sp per game which is accurate, it will take you 20 games to get one pro present which you’re likely to get an uncommon out of which just makes me want to stop playing the game. i need new rewards and garunteed items to get excited to play this game. also the lag needs to be fixed. one game i will be perfectly fine and then in the next game it will lag straight off the kickoff and i won’t even be in the game i will just be in my own world while my opponent is scoring on my goal and there’s nothing i can do about it. makes me want to stop playing.
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2 years ago, TrashCuver
I just want a button to equip items to team 😭
This is a great game, and gameplay wise, almost perfect, except for an issue where sometimes the joystick would reset without me letting go, which resulted in an opponent goal once, but it’s pretty rare so I’m not that mad about it. However, there are a bunch of little things offline that I would love to have added. For one, mutators in free play! I would be ecstatic at the chance to freestyle with unlimited boost to do giant aerials across long field without worry about my boost meter, and experiment with ball size and gravity offline in an empty field. I also more advanced tutorial that can introduce things like the boosted jump button, air rolling and turning your car midair would only benefit the game. Another idea would be to more often reset the shop, as I don’t want to see the same items in shop for a whole week. The thing I would enjoy most, however, is the “equip to team” button in garage so we can equip our items to orange and blue team in game, and prevent having a blue car decked out in orange. (Vice versa too) please take some of these suggestions into account if you are reading this, epic/psyonix.
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3 years ago, Javier706
Fun but there's major problems
I've been playing this game since it's preseason and it's been tons of fun. However i find myself getting frustrated and closing the app more often than i do with other games i enjoy. Not because of losing streaks or toxicity (those are normal in any game) but because of the prolonged laggy freakouts i witness on my screen every few games. It'll appear that I've scored a goal directly off the kickoff but then the ball will bounce out of the enemies goal and glitch into my own goal. I have confidence that it has nothing to do with the quality of connection i have and I'm playing on a newer phone (iPhone 12 pro max). Apart from that the only other MAJOR issue i see is that in duel mode the goal is way too big to consider matches to be skill based. I see a majority of goals happening out of lucky bounces or buggy kickoffs. Also, a huge part of rocket league culture is the fun that lies within the unlockable items for your cars and as of right now the choices seem very slim but i guess that's just because the game is in its early stages. I just don't think it could've been that difficult to copy and paste a lot of the items from the original rocket league. I really hope psyonics looks into these issues because i enjoy their game i just think it is nowhere near living up to its potential.
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1 year ago, NeesonAltima
Dislike controller compatibility
Honestly, what’s the point of a mobile game if everyone is going to play on controller anyways? (Why not just play actual Rocket League then?) I only play when I’m on break at work or bored hanging with friends, and I play without controller. But I can always tell when I’m playing a controller user, the non stop car roll, and spamming of the jump button is a dead giveaway. No matter how hard I play with my fingers moving at rapid speed, I just can’t seem to keep up with a mechanically imputed player. Controllers put the people playing on fingers at a disadvantage. It’s not that fingers are hard to play, it’s that fingers are hard to play against controller players. I honestly believe playing on fingers is actually better, you have way better control of your boost and roll, and flip resets are super easy. I’ve also tried controller, and playing on controller against someone on controller is like fighting for your life… it’s not fun. So I’m leaving a semi weak rating. It’s a great game, but it’s not fun being crapped on due to mechanical ability versus natural raw input ability. I’m sure someone will get mad, so please admit it the controllers make you mobile gaming life easier straight and simple. Your not bad at fingers you just want an advantage to always win.
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2 years ago, k.c.616c
I love this game but I want to say a few things about some of the players on here. Some of you and you know who you are, you are making this game not so enjoyable for everyone else. By using all your sarcastic emoji’s saying “great pass” or “thanks” and then using an angry face and pointing at the other player and blaming them because you’re losing is ridiculous. It shows what kind of people you must be in the real world. A bunch of ignorant compulsive blamers is what you are. I’m sick of seeing this going on. People are on here trying to learn and on this game accidents do happen. What you need to remember is THIS IS A GAME!!!! It’s supposed to be fun. People play these games so they can forget about idiots like you that are in this world ruining everyone’s day not so they can be blamed and ridiculed even more. So for those of you just starting out, keep practicing and when someone starts doing this to you just start playing against your own team. That seems to shut them up I’ve noticed. Don’t let it discourage you from playing though. There are still a lot of decent people playing. Don’t let this idiots ruin it for you.
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3 years ago, WildestParsnip
It’s RL Mobile, Not a RL Mobile Gimmick
If you wanted to play RL on a phone, hey look, now you can. Having clocked hundreds of hours on Rocket League, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that though RL and RL Sideswipe aren’t the same game, they are the same game. Realistically speaking, RL on a mobile device would be god awful to play. They didn’t do that to us. They made us a whole new game. But it’s also the same game. Inexplicable. Incredible. It’s free, it’s fun, and it does drink battery percentage I’ll admit. Anyone who complains about that doesn’t understand programming/coding. These physics calculations take some power, but It’s worth it. I have an iPhone 12, haven’t had any issues with overheating, controls are clean and responsive (unless I’m losing, then I blame the perfectly functioning controls), and this phone DOES CHARGE while playing. If you’re not gaining battery while charging and playing, it’s not the game as much as the equipment. Pro-Tip: Stop using USB 2/3.0 to charge your phones. Use USB C charge cables, they charge much more quickly and the battery stays charged throughout the day. That’s all for my technical rant. Psyonix for President, 2024.
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3 years ago, qua-ni
Amazing!!!! (Suggestions and Bugs)
I find this game to be quite amazing!! It is a very easy game to learn and master, as I already hit GC. I think that the devs did a very good job at making this game. As you already know, this game is a real battery killer, and changing the settings don't help, but I'm not going to focus on that. I think that this game is very well done overall, but I have a suggestion. Can we have more customization features? It would be nice to customize my car with different paint finishes like in the other rocket league and use white and black secondary colors. It would also be good if we had an “equip to blue” and “equip to orange” button. I think that using painted decals, like the one that was in the item shop is a good step in the right direction. EDIT: I just found out a bug. I was in a 2s game, the ball was coming down from the air, and my teammate and my opponents and the ball all came crashing down on my head, and I glitched into the floor. I couldn't come back up. I was stuck there, I could see that my teammate was confused. He got scored on and I was back in the game. This has happened twice now!
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2 years ago, Annonymous12309
Balance the game! I’m a gold trying to get to platinum, and all the people I’m facing are diamond players! It’s not fair that high levels can go down and destroy peoples game because they can’t reach a rank without having to be playing for 2 years. Everybody is toxic, and I can’t deal with the game! The worst game I have ever played. No game is as toxic as this, and as skill based as this. All you face are people at levels you would never reach. Only face the rank against their rank! It’s not fair for the silvers to be facing platinums! Please listen to this feedback. Fix everything, like removing quick chat, and adding skill based matchmaking, so you face people your skill level. Not people that have been since the game has been out, against a trash silver player! This makes no sense at all! Why can’t I enjoy a good rated mobile game without quitting every 10 minutes because I go down 2 ranks everyday? This game is completely unfair, and should be reworked almost completely. I’m probably writing all this for nothing, because you do nothing about the text harassment reports, and don’t care of how many kids that get mad everyday at this game. You don’t care to change anything but the item shop every month! Why can’t we have a new item shop that has things change everyday, and every day, not every month!
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3 years ago, Iionccub365
Good, but
There are many things good with this game and I really enjoy the thought of mobile rocket league. There are things to fix and a bug that almost cost me the game. Let’s start with the fact that the graphics are a huge downgrade from rocket league. Not just the fact that it is 2D I mean that the menu and ranks could look way better than what they do. There is another thing where I have two bubbles. What do I use the duplicate for? Now the almost game costing bug. This is in hoops. Picture this, less than 10 seconds on the clock. Time ticking down and with five seconds I score! Or at least I should have. The basket did not count count with five seconds on the clock sending this game to OT. There was no reason it shouldn’t have not given a goal. Now into OT. I am mad that we did not win. One save and one goal later I won the game for the team. However, One save later was still big because if that was not saved, we would have wrongfully lost. I would recommend but please fix that one bug and try to update those squares to become something different in design and not just a one colored square with text that is actually a button.
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1 year ago, n00bslayer06
Fun game but deleting
Wow my review didn’t stay. I wrote so much. Like to help. Man Well I’m deleting the app based on my previous comment which was that unfortunately while I feel the game is the best phone game by a long shot it’s still a fair bits away from competitive as the 2 min is too long and stopping the clock after a shot makes the game last forever. I don’t wanna “win” and then have to spend a min thirty defending or scoring more extending the time even longer. A min would way suffice and make it a lot more competitive and more on the cusp of a “phone” game rather than a game you play on your phone as it feels (which is cool) but I’m on my phone if I wanted that I’d go on my computer but a beat of both worlds could potentially be just lowering the time length of each game or taking away that clock stoppage. Thanks. Deleting the game tho, I got basically to gold in a few days of never playing and while I can completely see the potential, like I said there’s just a few things this game lacks that are small and if implemented would extremely boost my want to and continue to play.
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3 years ago, YeetYeetBeet
Not being able to log in
This game is good, and much better than good because I don’t have anything that I can play the real rocket league in but, there’s a problem. Whenever I went into the game and tried logging in it never worked so I eventually just played offline, after some offline I decided to try again except I swiped up the page to refresh the game and when trying to login again it looked like it would work. When I tried logging in again through google it just kicked me out of the google login page and I was able to press the other log in options after that but they wouldn’t bring me to their own log in page. When I tried apple login and did what I needed, it once again kicked me out of the log in page, but this time the login options wouldn’t even sense the pressing. When I tried going through the Epic Games login I was able to go through all the steps and verification except after completing the verification, it just kicked me out once again. Other than that the game is really good in my opinion, so keep up the work!
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2 years ago, mysterios doggo
Great game but some fixes
I started playing the game a couple of months ago and I’ve been enjoying ever since. The game concept is great. I would’ve never thought of taking normal Rocket League to a 2d version. Overall the game is great but I have noticed some problems with the game while playing it. First issue is that you can’t scrap cars. I’m an octane main and I have all of these other cars that I never use. It would be great If there was a way to scrap cars. Another issue I found was that when loading into the game it will periodically kick me out of the game completely. It isn’t a major inconvenience but it would make the game more polished if you guys did something about this bug. Overall it is a great game that I plan on playing for as long as I can. Thank you for your time. REVISION: I have also noticed another bug. I made my octane white for both teams and sometimes when I load the game it completely erases my car colors and boost choice and all the the other items I have equipped. If you could please look into this I would be very thankful.
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2 years ago, Joeeph Romer19
Great game but….
It’s an awsome game alright, don’t get me wrong I love this game and play it at school, out of home and every were I go. There’s just some things that I don’t really like about this game. 1. The connections and lag problems aren’t always your friends, heck sometimes it completely logs you of the match only to be reentered by the game a few seconds later. But then again this is a mobile game so no pressure y’all are developing, making and operating a great game. 2. It bothers me that some people are calling themselves good and a pro which in my opinion not bad but to do it on a controller in a mobile game??? The whole reason why this game was created was that so you can play off console. And yet they call themselves good and above everybody and truly they are they can do some stuff that people who actually play the game by finger can’t do. So that really bothers me, I admit I did try out the controller to test it out if it was a me thing but it didn’t work for me so I preferred the regular controls. So yeah those are the things that bothers me most but over all great game.
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2 years ago, TimmothyRain
Well done
This game does a very good job of recreating rocket league in a 2 dimensional plane and they even put in new machanics! My only problem is that sometimes if you go back and forth for too long too fast then your car goes backwards or forwards forever, but that’s easily fixable by just not spamming the buttons lol. I also dislike that the “reactions” or “stickers” don’t really do a good job of informing certain people who are playing certain things. Like warning only your teammate that your going for the ball, or faking or telling them to pass the ball. Having a quick and easy way of telling your teammates and opponents certain things without talking on discord and destroying your batteries would be very difficult to do but I feel like it would be well worth it. That’s about it, I suggest you play the game even if you hated the PC or console versions, it’s different from those versions that makes it much more fun and brings more opportunities for the rocket league game and idea as a whole. Have fun everyone! -Timmothy “RuBrain/Rubedog” Rain
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2 years ago, | skrrrr
Do we as players want the game to be full of bugs, or have ads and no bugs? This is the question. If we want updates and improvements and bug fixes to the gameplay, the controls, or the new modes we need the game to be profitable to developers. Let’s be ok with ads so that the game can improve. (Old review entitled, “Touch control fixes.”) In my opinion this game is the best mobile game out there right now, and I am a touch player who has made it to champ 1. 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫, 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 (𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧). This would help fix the biggest problem with the game currently. One more issue is the camera movement. It can be jarring some times when multiple cars are slamming into the ball all at once and the camera kinda jitters. Fixing these two issues would make current the game so much better. Thanks in advance developers :)
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2 years ago, Corn Pick
Fix these and it’s an easy 5 star.
This is a great game- not much else to be said. However, I have two problems… One is that my phone just gets way too hot. No need to elaborate there. Two is that the item shop feels so limited. There’s no reason why any item should be up for 25 days. That’s literally crazy. We’re just SP hoarders at this point. What’s the point in even having currency if you can only choose between like 5 items every 2 weeks? No disrespect but seriously. I think you guys should make it kind of like Clash Royale where new items come up every 24 hours so that way we can all have cool cars haha. OR you could also just put all of the items out on display for us and make it kind of like actual rocket league, and each item certain price tag so that way it’s completely up to us. These are just ideas but I’m sure everyone would like to have some more variety for their cars and also have more banners/emotes too. All around it would just feel like a more complete game. Please listen developers cause I know a lot of people feel the same way!
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2 years ago, GoRokZ
This is a great game! A few problems though.
I love this game, the car customization, fun gameplay, and good physics. The extra game modes are a lot of fun and how they rotate makes them not grow stale. A few problems that I’ve had though is the matchmaking, the majority of the time it is pretty fair but sometimes it feels like the coding doesn’t want you to rank up anymore. I’m currently in diamond and the majority of the time I get people who are my rank but sometimes I have to play against people who have been champ for multiple seasons in the past. This wouldn’t be and issue but I rarely ever get this kind of player on my team. One way to fix this would be to do a MMR system like in Rocket league. Also, one issue that I have encountered on Apple is that the game tends to dim my screen making it harder to focus on the game. Even right after I got my phone, it was doing this. It’s not like my phone is old or anything. This is a great game but if these things were fixed, then there would be very few things to complain about.
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1 year ago, NotYourMother73
Not a fan of season 7
The Rocket Pass up until season 6 was great. Maybe I am the only one that feels this way. If so, please ignore me. The old Rocket Pass was fine. I was sure that I was getting this thing when I reached this level. The new rocket pass has zero guaranteed rewards. How can someone be motivated to play the game if that person isn’t even sure about what they will get? The Rocket Pass in season 7 also has items from previous d mixed in. For people that have been playing longer, this means getting almost nothing new. The Rocket Pass does not effectively motivate the player if it doesn’t have rewards that are both guaranteed and brand new. I understand that trading is very hard to add, especially since the game is not making any money. Newer players need access to older items. I get it. Y’all already added tokens. Just make those easier to get. The special presents aren’t a bad idea either. They could be good as rewards for challenges. All that said I do very much appreciate Psyonix putting in the effort to give the Rocket Pass a full overhaul. That can’t have been easy. You people are legends.
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3 years ago, Shea Kendrick
Just another rage inducer
Thought the real game was awful with its glitches or bugs, and no idea how the actual laws of physics work. This takes it to a new level. Awesome glitch where you double jump instead of flipping even when your holding down a direction. Times where the ball is going towards the net and hits the inside roof of the net and somehow bounces out of the net is a real creative way to get people to just quit the game, cause why would this be a rare occurrence? No it’s an every game occurrence. I wouldn’t write this if it just happened to me but it’s everyone I’ve played with or against. Forget goaltending, if the ball is coming fast enough it’s like that scene in Mighty Ducks where the kid slap shots the puck so hard it just carries the goalie in the net and he scores. Or if it’s sitting half way in the goal then forget it, cause there’s a ramp in front of the goal and the net is too small to fly your car in behind the ball and hit it out, even if ya did fly in the net the other team would’ve already pounded that sucker in the net. Maybe fix the main game before you start just throwing out a half done mobile game. You know your game isn’t ready when luck beats skill every time.
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3 years ago, r/revenge
Trash game
Let’s start with the gameplay because there is a lot to unpack here. Very basic easy to learn, however kinda hard to play when the game just goes on without you because it won’t stop lagging, and then you get banned from match making for inactivity although the whole time you were lagged out of the game you were driving. You know you’re lagging because the clock messes up and you cannot jump. If you are unfortunate enough to lag and end up down 2 points might as well forfeit because this game is virtually impossible to recover the lead especially in one on one duels. Now let’s talk about these god awful loot crates because it’s a mobile game where would the fun be if they didn’t try to milk every penny out of some dumb kid? You’d think linking your accounts would give you access to all your cars and skins you have in the real game but you’d be wrong. You get access to the most basic boring cars the game has ever made, with boring paint jobs, nothing creative in the slightest. It tries to allow you to customize your car by unlocking loot crates, however regardless of the rareness of your loot crates I promise you, you will get a rare wings decal… I have unboxed at least 5 rare wing decals. I’m over it.
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3 years ago, BigZeus202020
My current favorite game.
This is by far the greatest mobile game I have played in years. There is no denying the fact that this game runs incredibly for being a phone remake, and for good reason too. I play on my iPhone 8 and it runs almost perfectly on Medium-High settings, which doesn’t surprise me considering how much effort was put into this game and all of Epic Games’ other games for that matter as well. The fact that there are absolutely no in-app purchases is one of the most game changing aspects to it as well for me, even though I don’t expect that to last forever they will definitely be getting my money when it’s needed for the battle pass. I’m glad to see that despite everything going on between Epic, Apple, and Google right now with the lawsuits isn’t affecting their ability to make an incredible mobile game and you truly deserve the 5 star rating I’m leaving. Hope everyone has fun playing and thank you Epic Games for countless hours of gameplay over the years.
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3 years ago, MrSirPotato
Controller problems
I know it’s kinda iffy/kinda unfair to be using a controller for a mobile game but either way, when using a controller there’ll often be times pretty much every match where my boost wont refill when on the ground, or my boost will be locked to constantly boost and it wont stop until i spam another button to stop it. There’s also been one time where my air roll got locked and my car was just constantly air rolling when I wasn’t pressing the air roll button (similar to how there were times where i wouldn’t press the boost button but car dont care and boost anyways) other than that, I’ve just been having a lot of fun. I do wish that there was an easier way to transition between jumping on boosting without a controller though that way it wouldn’t really be so necessary to use one. Like if i could just slide my finger from the boost onto the jump/flip button and that automatically triggers it and visa versa then i think that’d definitely help a lot.
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3 months ago, Drift0924
I see the vision…not quite there
The game has a lot of similarities to its console counterparts, but it does lack quality in the gameplay. In this version of rocket league, I’m hardstuck Gold. I can’t seem to get past Rank Gold 2. Call me trash, say it’s a skill issue, but the skill gap from a 1 rank difference (Silver 5 to Gold 1) is a gap that’s so immense it’s laughable. In Silver 4 lobbies and under, the game sets the goal posts so low you can cough and the air from where you exhale will push the ball into a goal. In Silver 5, the goal post is slightly taller, but the same ease can help the player score goals. Once you get to Gold, the stadium becomes far bigger and the goal post is so high up. Now I know it’s easy to just point and laugh and say “we’ll just get good at the game”, but there’s skill based matchmaking so even though I know I possess the skills to score on my opponent, it’s like battling a reflection of myself. The game really throws you to the wolves and hopes you just get over it. This review isn’t entirely negative though. Playing solo is a nightmare, but playing with friends is so much fun. This game becomes bearable when you can play with friends in a 2v2 or 3v3.
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3 years ago, Nuffins.
Great! Aside from a lag and latency.
I started playing the game about as soon as it came out originally through links, and at the time, it was really fun. There were few players, but the game played and worked well, leaving me enjoying myself while playing it longer than I really should. However, once it was released to the App Store fully, I noticed that the connection and lag during matches was almost so unbearable I couldn’t play. I deranked and it was quite annoying dealing with a flashing screen and constant slideshows. However, after a recently update that I hoped would contain a patch the game has been even worse, and now the effects I deal with are even more so unplayable than before. (To add to this, my internet is bad by no means and is very strong in the regular game as well as other games) Obviously tho, this game is very fun when not experiencing these issues, and as I feel this issue could be fixed and result in a better experience, I still rate the game a 4 out of 5 stars.
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2 months ago, Avrggamr
Since devs don’t care il settle the recent reviews
I’ve been playing this game for about a year maybe 15 minutes a day most of the reviews have been complaining about slow matchmaking bad matchmaking or lag and I’m here to settle them. The lag won’t be fixed unless your internet is insanely good. I’ve been dealing with lag about 1-2 games out of 5 and I don’t care because rank doesn’t matter if your below champ. The bad matchmaking is fine because you can mess around in free play while waiting. If you are complaining about people in bronze 1v1 having plat title don’t play 1v1 instead play 2v2 until your plat rank so it’s more fair. I also would recommend using 30 fps in free play and 60 fps in games for a smoother experience and makes you play better in games. The devs/psyonix/epicgames never said anything about future updates so pretty much nothing is going to be fixed. If you are annoyed by all these things either don’t play or deal with them.
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3 years ago, FireflyVC
Fun if you’re a masochist
Between the regularly-occurring physics-breaking glitchy random bounces to the lag spikes allowing balls to go straight through your car to the ridiculous matchmaking this game feels like it’s far more about luck than skill. The matchmaking in particular infuriates me; in doubles you end up playing against obviously-partied coordinated teams running controllers while your teammate own-goals three times per match and can’t make a productive touch to save his life. The controllers are also an obvious issue. It’s easy to tell when someone’s using one because they pretty much never miss a shot on the goal. The goals are huge (designed for the mobile controls) and suddenly plugging in a controller gives you access to very fine adjustments more akin to actual Rocket League. With all these things combined, you end up going on massive losing streaks all the time (I’m averaging 6 losses per every 1 win) and the game is just not fun to play after the first week. It’s not fun to constantly lose against people you know you either shouldn’t be matched against because they’re a sweaty controller player or shouldn’t have lost to because they won off random bounces and your teammate’s own-goals.
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2 years ago, HandsomeDan58
Needs fixing
I have been hoping this game would turn around after 3 seasons but it hasn’t. Don’t get me wrong I like the game but there are things that need fixing and they are very obvious. First you need to figure how some players are getting infinite boost and others aren’t second I don’t know how many times I have had the ball in the back of the goal and the goal doesn’t count or it counts for the other team third I have driven my car through the ball multiple times and then the other players scores fourth not getting credit for shots or saves when it pretty clear that that’s what they were and lastly with the new season you usually get rewards for how you did but I didn’t get any especially since I was gold in duels and got dropped all the way down to silver 1 with the new season kinda dumb. But this things need to be fixed. Also in the settings there is now way to pose a question to the help with out going through the internet browser this is dumb and you need to make to communicate and email concerns ideas and so forth within the app.
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2 years ago, quarterest
Music Playlist
Can y’all add multiple playlists of music? idk how many times i gotta listen to the same six songs lol also there should be a way to win all of the cars at anytime instead of making them seasonal. for example i need cars like the dominus, breakout, scarab etc. to use certain decals but it’s past those seasons. also can y’all make the decals universal so we can use them on any car? it’s annoying having so many specific decals & wanting to have full control over customizing your vehicles but not being able to. i feel like the seasonal biz is gettin on everyone’s nerves tbh. also what if y’all thought about a way to let a party practice together? i be wanting to practice with my friends but we have to start a private match + the longest you can set a match to is 5 minutes. & what if y’all made it possible to add bots to private matches? for example if i was playin with a friend & we played against two bots in a 2v2? that would be fire fr
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2 years ago, Michigan84
Fun but fix matchmaking plz
Fun adaptation of Rocket League, maybe even better in some respects (way easier to play in the air compared to the console game). But my biggest complaint is matchmaking. Many times I keep getting put on the same team with the same player(s) I just played with. This is especially annoying after we have lost the previous game and don’t want to be teammates anymore. This seems to happen a lot and I just hate it. Just now I had to play three straight games with the same toxic teammate in ranked and it was terrible. Why not ensure that people who just played together get put on different teams in the next game? Seems like it would be easy enough, since it is already putting them in the same game. If I wanted to play with the same person, I would “party up” with them. If I’m not in a party, I want new teammates. I understand we are the same rank, but why not put us on opposite teams so we can see who really was the reason we lost, instead of just keep losing because we hate playing together? Please consider fixing this! Thanks.
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9 months ago, Rizzurection
Suggestions for RL
Amazing game, but there are a few things I would like y’all to add and or fix. First, there needs to be be more options in the item shop. For example, since I’ve been playing there was always on 1 or no goal explosions in the item shop. And I get the daily and random rewards in the item shop, but I just want more way more things at a time in the item shop that u can pick without random draws. Maybe add categories that you can buy from. For example, a boost category were you can choose the item you think is cool and then maybe go to the decal category and buy what you want from there. I don’t mind that only one car can have an item equipped to it, but Psyonix if you decide to change that it would make my day. Over all though, it’s my most frequently played game on my phone so thank you so much for making a Mobil version in the first place and I hope you take these things into consideration👍🏾
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2 years ago, REDWOOD482
Not for slow Wifi (under 20mbps)
This game is very fun, don’t get me wrong. However, if you’re someone like me that has a slower internet connection (below 20mbps) this game is impossible to play. I never have any issue with other games, including games on my pc. Granted I don’t have the greatest ping but other games are at least playable. This game isn’t. I understand that they have to send both players inputs to servers, then back to your device but if other multiplayer games (pubg mobile, call of duty mobile, etc) work fine with these types of internet speeds then why can’t this game. Long story short if you have internet slower then 20mbps it’s not worth it. I’m lucky enough to have faster wifi elsewhere where I can play. Despite all this, this game is very fun and I honestly prefer it to normal RL. The ranking system is a little difficult starting you always at the lowest rank, then you have to make you’re way up. This makes for a difficult game during the first month or so after the season starts as your playing with platinums when you’re a silver.
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1 year ago, ThinGenie
Great game but….
I really love playing this game. I love the mechanics being different than traditional rocket league but you can clearly tell that it is still very much a rocket league game. I will say though I love the chat mechanic with the emotes instead of actually typing it out. I will say that I do wish there was a report button because this season especially in ranked matches there are a whole lot of “bots” in this season and I don’t know if this is only for me but it’s really taking a hit on my rank and it would help a lot if they added a simple report system to help with all that. And also I’ll say I do also would like you guys to add a quick sell or sell all option or be able to select everything you want to get rid of and sell it all at once. That would make the garage life WAYYY easier. I don’t know if it’s only me but it does impact my experience. This would easily be a 5 star except for these things. I really hope you guys can see this. And I hope it’s helpful. Thank you.
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2 years ago, amustycow fan
Awesome but could use some improvement…
Ok, I love RL Sideswipe. It’s an amazing game that just keeps you coming back for more and is like Rocket League when I’m away from my Xbox. But even though it’s great I think it has a few in conveniences. For example if you have 20+ cars (like me) and there are those 10 or so items that you love to use, but you alternate cars very frequently, it’s slightly irritating when you equip and item to one car, and it takes that item away that you had equipped on your previous car. In this sense, it’s different than the actual game, where in Rocket League you can have the same item equipped in multiple presets. That’s probably the most major flaw, but there are some more minor ones that some other people have brought up. Overall I love this game and even if some of this stuff is never fixed, RL Sideswipe will still be a great game. Thank you so much for reading and considering this. - Happy customer
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3 years ago, Aquadorfian
Its great
To be honest I see so many people complaining on how bad the graphics are on their decal when they get back from a game and how there controller not working is their fault and also not being able to long in is one thing but it rarely happens too and it’s only a couple minutes also I feel people still don’t trust epic games for their games and updates but to be honest I don’t think so look at rocket league they give you almost everything the community has wanted so far I think this is a great game and they should keep going on the updates now don’t get me wrong I don’t think it’s wrong to write a review saying somethings broken but some people are just writing reviews about controllers although I do agree saying you can’t sign in is right I don’t think saying your controller is broken is a good review all I’m trying to say is don’t hesitate on getting this game especially if you like rocket league you’ll love this a lot.
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3 years ago, annoyingnicknametaken
More luck than strategy
There is a lot of fun to offer in this game, including the party invites and a lot of other things. But the glaring issue with this game is the incentive to add rank and only rank to a game that is mostly on chance. The game doesn't have a casual system, so you're combined with players that will find any way to lean towards their side of a win which will include their own unorthodox strategies. Combine that with players who only want to play the game casually doesn't fit well with the community, as there are different people who want different things from this game. Its frustrating to invite new players or friends who find the logic and idea of the game fun, but have to force the other party members rank to be placed in question just to add the other player in to have fun. As you move up in the rank which is the only way to play, you begin to face players who have some more aggressive "try hard" techniques that make you question of the only way to play the game is to lose enough games to casual play. Please do not make this game as serious for rank play only, because the fun of the physics and teamwork are there, but it is ultimately ruined the more you win.
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2 years ago, thebirdman7
Frustrating matchmaking, reward system, needs work
It takes forever to get rewards. Yes, one free daily, but the odds of getting anything good are incredibly low. I finally got a new car body after months of playing. No rewards for practice seems a shame especially if you play against the better AI. My biggest complaint is that the game is very hard to play as a beginner. I won’t play any live matches because you see too many gold and platinum players in silver marches and it just isn’t fun when the opponents are overweighted why can’t you fix this? The reason is that the odds are stacked against you too heavily in the ranked matches, for whatever reason. I seem to always play against people who are able to score every time they touch the ball - maybe they are using controllers or have some other advantage. Or maybe they just play this game for hours a day. The leagues are not a reasonable indication of getting a close match so they are pointless in my opinion.
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1 year ago, MJLink10
What mobile games should look up to
I love this game as a whole. Even though it has less content than the original game on console, I feel like every person making a mobile should be like this one. A lot of ads you see show really good gameplay and yet the game itself is awful which makes you want to burn it to the ground. All the ads today are pretty much the same. Just shows a mini game or some pull the pin thing and that’s it. Plus, they are infested with ads. Rocket League isn’t like that. No, no, they take what the original game did, strip it down so it can run on phones and tablets, remove in-app purchases and add zero ads. This is a game I feel every big company should look as an example. Now I don’t they should do the same concept of the game, what I’m saying is do what made the original game popular, strip it down so it can run, and have no ads or in-app purchases. Just pure uninterrupted gameplay.
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2 years ago, pizza pizza chu
Great!!! But I have a few things
I really like this game because I play the normal version of rocket league which is really good to but on my phone when I play it takes up sooooo much battery so I have to stop playing to charge or my phone will heat up. I really liked that you guys added the black and white cars to the game. I have a few more things, one being the match placements . Ok so I play a game then mabey sometimes if I play another right after i usually have the same opponent or the same teammate I had the previous game. Something I like about this game is that you can play with controller. It is much faster then the phone controler but I do tend to use them sometimes. I have a suggestion for co trailer though. So when I am in a match you can use the co teller but when it is over u can use it to go back to the menu or skip through your like your levels and things like that. But overall I will recommend this game and I will continue to play this Thank you
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3 years ago, i just wrote a review!
It’s almost perfect
I think this game is awesome. They basically took rocket league, and made it 2d. You just go back and forth, and up and down. After the update, they supposedly fixed a problem where it would log you out every time you closed the game, and a bug that made it incredibly laggy. I was super happy and logged in right away thinking that the game was now going to be 10x better. It seems like they’ve fixed logging in, but it’s still very very laggy and I’m the two games I played, it might be worse😂. The other person started driving straight into the wall, and if you get a goal nothing happens the ball just bounces out. Sometimes the other person scores on u as this is happening but you can’t do anything about it. Other than this, the game is AWESOME! It’s very new so it makes sense there’re bugs, and once they’ve fixed the main problems, this game will probably be one of the best games on the App Store. I definitely recommend this game.
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2 years ago, xAwesomeKidx
Good game, awful matchmaking
The game itself is genuinely fun to play and I do end up playing it a lot when I’m bored or waiting on something. Usually I get tired of games after about 5 minutes however I’ve been steady playing this for a few months. With that being said there’s something I’ve noticed that needs to be addressed. I’m around silver-gold rank and I’ll constantly go from playing with people who are bronze and absolutely destroying them to getting destroyed by diamonds and plats. The matchmaking needs a major fix. You should play with people around the same bracket rank as you are ie silver v silver and gold v gold. It makes it a lot less fun when it’s either too easy to even play or literally impossible to beat someone because they’re such a higher rank. I love the game and I feel as if they’re a step in the right direction after every update however they need a skill based matchmaking. That’s the only reason I’m giving 4 stars instead of 5.
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2 years ago, OtisTheBear2442
Great game, and a few suggestions/ideas
I absolutely love Sideswipe, a lot because of the cool ideas to have chromatic items, the new token system, and the collections tab. I also want to suggest a few things that will hopefully be seen and (maybe) implemented. 1. Add tournaments. They are so fun to play in normal RL, and it is also a way to add more seasonal content to the game. 2. A way to convert SP into tokens and vice versa. To gain a lot of both currencies, you have to be almost constantly playing. It would be so much easier to have an option in the rocket pass or item shop where you can decide to get tokens of SP from the rewards. 3. Be able to search in the inventory. It would be so much easier to find a specific item without scrolling forever, especially for the players with a large amount of items. Hopefully someone reads this. Thank you for making this game, it is my main mobile game now.
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