Sefaria: Jewish Texts Library

4.5 (545)
24.5 MB
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Current version
Last update
1 year ago
Version OS
13.0 or later
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User Reviews for Sefaria: Jewish Texts Library

4.48 out of 5
545 Ratings
1 year ago, LionDog963
Wonderful app with one complaint
I don’t want to sound ungrateful, because I am grateful for the wonderful app; but could you please add English translation to the entirety of texts outside the Tanakh. It’s really disappointing when you read the first few chapters only to discover that the rest of a text isn’t translated. I wish my Hebrew were better, and I’m working on it, but I don’t think I’ll be able to read Hebrew that well anytime soon… Et me know if I’m wrong and need to reinstall the app.
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1 year ago, Λάκων
This app is a pure, no-foolin’ miracle: a treasure, a wonder, a beautiful thing done by beautiful, beautiful people. The bona-fide lamed-vavniks involved in the making of it have my deepest respect and admiration for making free, to even the most clueless of us gentiles, the wisdom of the ancients. Ready access, for example, to the Onkelos targum is a source of great help, especially where the more difficult passages of the Torah (e.g. Gen 4:7) are concerned. My only suggestion (and in my eagerness to write this I haven’t spent much time with the settings, so perhaps I’m just a fool) is that one be able to read side-by-side, e.g., the Hebrew and Aramaic (that is, the Torah on one side, targum on other). Thanks again to the developers, programmers, linguists, compilers, and all the rest! יהי שׁם יהוה מברך
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6 years ago, Touchedbybluefierylight
A Chest of Treasures
This app is absolutely wonderful. I find that it is helping to greatly increase my knowledge and understanding of many aspects of the Way. Spanning the earliest scriptural and liturgical writings through the Rabbinical Commentaries and thoughts, through the mystical texts, to current and contemporaneous scholarly works. May the Lord God Almighty, King of the Universe, Yehovah, Bless and Protect the memory of the Man to whom this Sefaria is dedicated; his loving and righteous family; the Children of Israel, Levy, and Cohen; all those who love and fear and adore Yehovah; Righteous of the Nations who are with Israel and the Hebrew People. May Yehovah Bless and Protect all those who read and study this great work, the Sefaria. May Yehovah Bless and protect and protect the State of Israel, its leadership, and the Israelis; and the United States of America, friend of Israel; the President and leadership of the United States, and the righteous of the American people. Amen. Shema Israel: Yehovah Eloheynu, Yehovah Echad. Amen אלוהים, מלך היקום, יהוה, יברך ויגן על זכרו של האדם שאליו מוקדש ספר זה. ואלוהים יברך את משפחתו האוהבת והצודקת. יהוה יברך את ישראל, לוי וכהן. יברך את כל מי שאוהב את יהוה. יהוה יברך את כל מי שקורא ומלמד את היצירה הגדולה של הספרייה. יהוה יברך ויגן על מדינת ישראל, על הנהגתה ועל קדושת ישראל. יהוה יברך את ארצות הברית של אמריקה, ידידת ישראל הגדולה ביותר, את נשיא ארצות הברית ואת מנהיגיה ואת העם האמריקני. שמע ישראל, ה 'אלוהינו הוא יהוה אחד. אָמֵן
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5 years ago, Boomsky7
One of the most wonderful Torah resources available
I personally recommend this app to anyone who will listen. The size of the library is tremendous and is constantly growing. Combining that with the fact that it’s completely free makes this one of the most wonderful Torah resources I’ve ever seen. I think it is the very tool K’lal Yisroel needs in the digital age and it’s executed beautifully. Everything from the development infrastructure (I’ve looked at the GitHub repo multiple times and as a developer I’m very impressed) to the design, is of outstanding & modern quality. I would like to personally say thank you to everyone at Sefaria.
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4 years ago, LookLearnLove
Game changer!!
First of all, you should know that I never write reviews for apps but decided to make an exception because of how much I love it. I have a bookcase filled with real books on the Bible but I rarely use it anymore because it’s all available on my phone!! I literally use it every day for my daily Talmud class, to study the Torah portion, or to source commentaries or new ideas. Anytime, anywhere. Thank you Sefaria for making the Torah so accessible and intuitive to use, and for bringing God’s word including ancient Jewish wisdom to a modern, technological world. God bless you!!
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7 years ago, Mikmeister
Excellent resource!
And totally free! The interface is beautiful and the text in English and Hebrew is clear and legible. They could improve the search feature. It finds whatever term ask but here's the problem: when you tap on the selection it opens in a page where there is a ton of Hebrew and then you scroll and scroll and scroll. When you get to the translation your search term is not highlighted anywhere. You basically have to look for it. Like a needle in a haystack....but it's in there somewhere.
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8 months ago, agingerwithasoul
This is an excellent app that contains many of the texts a person would want to read and learn. One of the best tools is the highlight and define feature. HOWEVER, it does not always work. A Vav (and) could throw off the reading and no definition will be provided. It would be helpful if when we highlight and there is no definition, we could edit it to remove the vav or any prefix etc. so that the system would be able to define the word.
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1 year ago, gaycrepes
My Sefaria App Hasn’t Worked In A Month
My Sefaria app hasn’t worked in about a month and it’s making me very unhappy. This is one of my main sources of Torah when on the go and it hasn’t been working in a long while. It just shows the blue Sefaria opening screen and never anything else. It’s been stuck like that for a while now and I really need it to come back as I am chronically ill and mentally ill and Torah is one of the only thing that helps. Of course I have a paper version (JPS Tanakh) but I admittedly don’t bring it everywhere with me so I would be extremely grateful if this could be resolved. I have updated it countless times, restarted my phone, pretty much everything. Please help.
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7 years ago, Meir Bargeron
Fanatastic Resource, Please Fix iOS 11 Bug
As a rabbinical student, I use Sefaria just about every day. It is a fantastic resource that just keeps getting better. Since the rollout of iOS 11, the iPad app has a new bug. After using the app for a few minutes, the screen will often “flicker” when I return to the app from another app. The only to stop this flicker effect is to quit the app and start again....and then it happens again. This is definitely a hit to my productivity. PLEASE INVESTIGATE THIS BUG AND FIX IT! Thanks for offering us a wonderful service.
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12 months ago, play_box456
Very good app, just need something
Don’t get me wrong this is a good app, it is helping me start my conversion and helping me get started on living a life of reading the Torah, and knowing all the daily prayers in the siddur, I wish though that there was transliterated words for everything as I am interested in it, I just don’t know how to read Hebrew yet. So if maybe those can be added in, it will help not only me but those to come looking for ways to immerse yourself in the religious aspect of Judaism.
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6 years ago, Micshot
This app is amazing!
This app is very well thought out and very inclusive and deep. I love the translations, as my Hebrew level is still very low, but the access to materials in English, and for free, is amazing! Pro User Request: I do a lot of note taking and app switching and iOS 11 has had the ability for over a year that it can split screen and even have an app in the tinier window attached to the side of the screen, having these features in the app would be so helpful.
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2 years ago, cheesecakelvrrr
Simply the best
I cannot overstate how much I love having the Sefaria app on my phone. I used to always just use the website but I’m glad I finally took the plunge and got it on my phone too - I had no idea how handy it would be! I can look things up so easily. Plus having all the texts available without cell service or internet is a game-changer. Highly recommend for anyone interested in Jewish texts.
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4 years ago, yapishkahilt
Almost perfect
A great resource to be sure, but it doesn’t appear to have any way for a reader to add notes for one’s own use. (If there is, it’s certainly not accessible in a usable way.) This is the only critical feedback I have, although it’s actually a usability deal breaker for me.
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4 years ago, BluesQueen
Love this app; iPhone reads its text in Japanese
No matter if my app setting is English or Bilingual, the built-in up to date iOS iPhone 7 page reader speaks it to me in Japanese. That is not, nor ever has been a setting on my iPhone, and I have ‘read’ hundreds of books/articles/pages in the English voiceover. Any idea why? I have checked my system Accessibility settings, even changed from male to female English voice. No change. Thank you for any help.
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5 years ago, ikilimnik
Amazing performance and UX!
Baruch HaShem for your guys monumental work on all the Jewish scriptures translation and digitizing. I am a daily user of Sefaria app. Big thanks for the William Davidson Talmud. (I am Koren’s Talmud admirer). Sefaria app is a VERY serious ArtScroll’s competition. In many aspects Sefaria app delivers better features and higher quality of design and performance. It is unbelievable what you guys did and continuing to do! Beazrat HaShem you will never stop! The app is simply great! Super fast indexing and search and a wonderful UX. A feature request: is there is anyway to have a setting for the G-d name. Many people may prefer to see HaShem instead of the Lord. I understand it is the Open Source text, nevertheless do you have it anywhere on the road map? :) Thank you once again and keep it coming Sefaria Team!
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2 years ago, blakebrownie35
The UI is such an incredible upgrade from when this app first started out!!! Of course, there’s so much more room for modernizing and improving the user interface further; however, I want to commend the Sefaria team on their advancements of the app as a whole and of course their tremendous array of texts that are provided to anyone and everyone for FREE! G-d bless you.
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1 year ago, Yø-c
Multiple tabs
Still can’t believe this app is free… unbelievable resource! Just a request - it would be super convenient if there would be an option for keeping multiple tabs open in different sefarim, for those who have multiple limudim and want to switch between them easily.
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1 year ago, MarquisDeParadox
Incredible resource
I am so grateful for the depth and breadth of this library, and the ease of use and access to so many sources through the app. It has helped increase the level of meaning in my life. My only concern is I am unable to open the app since upgrading to an iPhone 14 pro with iOS 16.5.1. Unfortunately it crashes before opening.
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5 years ago, bavansm
Can we please get all books in audio form?!
Can I say, this is a person and friend best friend, it continues with all text from Torah and informs on every aspect on the way. Unfortunately there’s some bugs and errors but in time it’ll be #1. Unfortunately there’s no audio and would be a good idea to install, especially if you would like too read along.
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2 years ago, SoldinSeattle
Didn’t open…solved
The app didn’t open on my iPhone ; after posting my original review, the developer reached out and suggested that I delete and reinstall it, which I did, solving the problem. 5 stars for both the amazing resources through this app as well as the responsiveness and helpfulness of the developer!
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2 years ago, Shoe Lacious
Bad update
Love the app and website, and recommend it often. But the new (March 2023) mobile UI is *awful*. What was once clean & clear is now a wall of text with a ton of scrolling and no visual markers for where you are. Please bring the old look back! I didn’t even mind all the typos (in the Fox chumash) and display problems (cutting off end of Talmud paragraphs in portrait view) as long as it was easy to navigate. | Edit: Also, the “See all” link under Learning Schedules crashes the mobile app (tested on iPad and iPhone). Please fix soon!
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4 years ago, Joseph0566
Love the app but more English translations would be nice
I’ve been using this app for about a week or so and I will say this is amazing, I never would’ve thought I could have the Jewish canon on my phone for free! My only issue is that there needs to be more English translations, especially in the Kabbalah and in the Mishneh Torah and the Shulchan Arukh. That would be my only little gripe.
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2 years ago, jawnvaljawn
constantly loading (ETA: FIXED)
ETA: this problem was resolved per developer response (uninstalling and reinstalling the app). thank you! I’m on an iphone 13 pro max and I can’t use this app. I just have a perpetual loading screen. app support doesn’t work either, since it’s in the app. please fix this
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6 years ago, Catscats55555
great app
i enjoy using this app very much, i love the ability to read talmud and commentary as you read through tanakh. i understand why many texts aren’t available in english, as i can only imagine how hard it is to translate so many texts. however, i think a feature that prioritized english texts when clicking on a verse would be useful. i find myself sometimes s rolling through many hebrew passages looking for an english one to supplement. a feature that prioritized hebrew or english would be helpful for searching and reading after clicking a verse for more information.
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5 years ago, jwkskkwkkmsme
The best you can use it is free and it has everything on it with English translation and it’s organized very properly and when ever you click on a sentence it will show the rashi’s and every person that comments on it and a lot more stuff it just such an amazing app to use.
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2 years ago, Sonotahunter
The most important innovation to Jewish learning
The importance of this app cannot be questioned. Never before have people had such access to Jewish wisdom. I do not know what I would do without it. It is unparalleled in its offerings and simply the most incredible resource.
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3 years ago, Happy Clientel
Update deleted features
I’ve had this app for almost a year and there were key features to this app I really adored such as being able to zoom into the text by pinching the screen and highlighting individual words that provided a drop down list to see the word in the apps Lexicon, with other notes tied to it. This definitely wasn’t a progressive update for researchers.
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4 years ago, K. Ruth
A Perfect 10, but...
I love this app and depend on it immensely in my research. It has everything one could ask for. I would give it a perfect 10, but for some reason the app keeps freezing up on me and sometimes will only load a half a page.
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2 years ago, SwiaFam
Great for being Maver Sedrah
This is the best Jewish app out there. It’s is perfect for Shnayim mikra because it has a clear font and adjustable setting settings for everyone. It has Chumash, Gemara, mishnayis and everything one might need. If you’re looking for a pocket Sefer, this is the app for you
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5 years ago, Mouse07410av
Great app - provides so many good books!
An excellent app, offering free access to many key books of Jewish tradition, spanning all the areas from the Torah itself to Sifrei Kabbalah. For many of these books both the original Hebrew and it's English translation are available. Great job - Chazak uBarukh!
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2 years ago, itsYahboyhere
Absolutely essential
This is indeed the most valuable app/resource available on the Hebrew Scriptures. It’s pure manna from heaven. Thank you all for the hard work that it took/takes to keep this available to everyone. Baruch HaShem
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2 months ago, Simple Theory
Fabulous Resource
Tanahk, Torah, and a vast library more of Jewish texts and commentary with translations. All this literature compacted into digital format with cross reference. Whatever your interest level, from casual to scholar, this is an amazing resource. Furthermore, completely free and continuingly evolving.
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1 year ago, Rebteaneck
A pleasure to use and a wealth of information
I’ve been using sefaria for many years as a valuable source and resource and it is truly a wealth of information at your fingertips
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1 year ago, lacoqui
Not opening
Not sure why the app doesn’t open. It was a great product. Will give it a higher rating star once it gets fixed.
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3 years ago, sarahalmanrode
App won’t load
Love the app! Super sad that for the last few weeks the app appears to be broken, it won’t load, just get a spinning grey wheel. Hoping it gets fixed soon.
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4 years ago, binde22j
Amazing! Wish there was a Dark Mode
Incredible app! I highly recommend. I really wish there was a Dark Mode option. I have a lot of light sensitivity and a Dark Mode option would make this app MUCH more accessible.
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2 years ago, ShoshiDoPDX
Great for both Torah study and improving biblical Hebrew
This is an incredibly well-made app. So user-friendly and portable, I read it on an iPad mini and it’s really just perfect. Thank you to the generous donors who sponsored this project!
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3 years ago, Shmuelik
Good BUT..
while I appreciate the effort to put all of this together and creating such a huge library of Torah, the navigation makes me not want to learn. i.e. I select from the main menu Tanakh/Rashi/Rashi on Samuel. now if I want to go back one step I can’t. There is no back button. I can X out but then I’m back on the main page and have to find everything again. I also want that the app remembers where I left off, or shows me my recent texts I learned. If it’s already built in then the UX is really not on par. Thank you for reading this and hope you can implement this into an app that could be world class. Shmuel
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4 months ago, WEshelman
Amazing and indispensable. Especially for any non-specialist, or whatever “stripe” — whether Christian or Jew or even one who is simply curious about ancient texts. True “One Stop Shopping” for a wide number of essential texts.
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2 years ago, Fedya Dolokhov
Very helpful up until it stopped loading
I used this app for a while until after some time the app stopped opening. I’m not sure if it is just my internet connection or if this is a problem with the app itself.
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6 years ago, Melexh
Changed the World
This app has changed world. A simple concept but utterly unprecedented and well executed. I’m already starting to find it amazing that there was Jewish learning before Sefaria. I use the app everyday—always with joy.
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2 years ago, SupertimFLA
The best app for these resources
No other app gives the volume of writings in English and Hebrew anywhere. My learning has increased dramatically! All the blessings to those who make this possible!
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4 years ago, Originator 88
Very impressive
So far this is a very impressive app. Lots of content in a very clean interface and it’s easy to navigate. It makes it simple to read commentary and references to each passage made in other texts. Really nice.
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6 months ago, aerolover4ever
Absolutely love this app! I was using the desktop version exclusively, especially for my academic studies, and then I found out about the app version. It is awesome and I’m so thankful for it! 💙
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6 years ago, AryehM
👍. Future, Source sheets??
Great resource, beautifully designed, user interface is clean - all around great. Any chance the “resources” section on the website will ever be available on the app as well (source sheets, #topics, visualizations, etc.)?
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2 years ago, sunshinechristina
A true treasure chest of Torah knowledge
I am grateful for the time and effort that has led to such an extensive and free (donations welcome) resource of Hebrew understanding of the Scriptures. This has allowed me to discern a much clearer understanding of the history of the world and Hashems words and the mitzvahs.
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3 years ago, Whatchmysix
5 year review
I have been using this app at least five years, no other apps in this genre compared by me come close to matching it!!
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4 years ago, Bhguhffghjh
This app is insane
The amount of content is mind blowing, because they’ve already connected everything for you. I don’t know of any better resource.
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1 year ago, And It Was...
Awesome App!
My Bar Mitzvah is in a couple years, and being able to study my parsha without having to flip through a Chumash is a game changer!
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1 year ago, globeshuffler
Great, but stopped working
The app now freezes at the blue dedication screen, and eventually quits. I tried deleting and re-installing, no luck. [iPhone 13, up to date OS]
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